Boom! Ann Coulter WIPES THE FLOOR With Joy Behar in Heated Debate!

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to the showing thank you good to be here is there anything you like about Obama yes oh wow like what he he was totally playing the daily cause kids for fools on national securities basically continued Bush's terrorism policies Guantanamo is not getting shut down we're not pulling out of Iraq he's increasing the war in Iraq he's continuing the renditions I think either either he knew this all along or he got Ian's got the national security briefings and said I can't let the New York Times run national security that's too dangerous so I had high hopes for him the first few weeks though see doing what's billed sort of - so you would like them to continue torturing peoples that would you tell we don't if they're really bad I know it's a really bad we torture them I was going to say they start showing them old issues old views did you feel we ganged up on you last time oh I was a lot of fun it was like The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants yeah I'm expecting cards and letters from Allah listen you sold a lot of books that day the view sells a lot of books so what are you carefully ganged up by now I didn't say you ganged up on you you did well you sort of acted like we did no I said it was a beautiful occasion people felt that you were pissed when you left I'm just saying okay so um what do you think about this stimulus bill do you think that I think it's a disaster you think it's as disastrous the reward failure Act of 2009 I mean it's not that I like the title and so did most Americans support for it went from about 80% when people only knew the title to about 37% as people would find out more and more about its stimulative big huge government programs it rewards failure and who's going to be left holding the bag the middle class of America yeah but you know your party has done nothing in the past eight years to fix any of this they ran up the devil it only started last fall I don't know what you're talking about I mean the the whole economic crisis started last fall I promise you McCain would have been our nominee nobody was talking about this until the fall of last year the economy was to have any foresight at all no everybody knew it was exactly like the dot-com boom well then why didn't they because they were making something they were in tell everybody why wasn't everyone doing something people knew it was coming the same way people knew that you know 10 years earlier wasn't worth more than GM and GE and IBM combined people knew that that these internet stocks weren't worth as much as people were paying for them people knew that these subprime mortgages weren't the housing couldn't keep going up forever but sometimes you're making money it continues it happens with all sorts of but the Republican Party has now basically turned its back on this except for three people Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins and alum inspector right so those are the only three Republicans who say okay we're gonna we're gonna try and do something what have the Republicans come up with that they have no plan okay first of all there's no clear evidence but those three columns no inspector are Republicans or I would demand that Michael Steele cut them out are you just saying that because they don't agree with you no no no look I mean when you get every Republican in the House plus fourteen and then nine Democrats voting against this bill that's where the bipartisanship is against the creeping it's not creeping socialism it's galloping socialism it's it's theft it's immoral this it's it's shameless bill I'm not exaggerating and the only hope is that Republicans will come zooming back in two years and it won't go into effect geez this is a disaster and by the way people people who think that just because their taxes aren't going up right now okay you know maybe I won't benefit from the stimulus bill but I won't be hurt you will be hurt you would you do everything you've made until now all right would you rather that it fail so that the Republicans can be back in power in 2010 rather than try to do something for the American oh it has nothing to do with the question No I've answered would you would you like nothing to do say it does really power what if it does because massive socialism has never worked I mean Argentina tried Japan tried it they have higher IQs than we do you can't borrow a trillion dollars we don't have a trillion dollars you know what that means joy that means you either are in hock to China and definitely massive inflation because you start printing money that means any dollar you have today will be worth 50 cents but who are we indebted to for the Iraq war for example where we spent at that look and his people brought the deficit up incredibly so what were we in debt to for that yeah the deficits very bad and Republicans have been the ones talking about it for years I think I never heard old who said let him let him run on the deficit we've been running on it for 30 years Americans don't care each president because of the spending of the government each president has a bigger deficit than the last one you know the big breath the entire deficit under George Bush that you're so worried about it's four hundred billion dollars this stimulus bill is nearly a trillion well that's not true first of all we both everybody knows and when I'm not a political person exactly but everybody knows at this point that George Bush got a great surplus when he came into office and he squandered it everyone knows there was a surplus on paper oh I say okay now are you frightened or gleeful that Rush Limbaugh seems to be the head of your party these days oh I think it's fantastic yeah I'd rather have somebody I mean I would hope well actually we do have a lot not that I'd rather have some but I would like more Republicans running for office who can talk like Rush Limbaugh instead of Rush Limbaugh a Republican I consider him extreme right winger I don't consider him a Republican an extreme right-wing is like 20 million listeners well you know that doesn't mean anything to me well that he has $20 well that doesn't mean that 20 million the people are agreeing with them you know listen mister listen to Russian you're saying that his twenty million listeners hate him and all but not everybody agrees with you're describing someone is extreme I think it can't be someone who is massively popular with with the American people now I mean that's that's dead down the senator okay all right let me ask you something else now you then what do you listen to Rush by the way I used to work with him I was no well okay how can you even just for the drive is extreme we could interview one of the 20 million people who listen to every second and to somebody who filibusters like that I like it because I've worked with him for three years and I know what it does why you start with in the early 90s I had a radio show on WABC radio from 20 years ago you have decided you know that he is an extremist I see him all the twenty million listeners routine I know his we're gonna anyone on TV more than Oprah do you think everybody watching Oprah hates her you're watching it out of schadenfreude Oprah okay you know people hate you do they hate you I'd like to ask you know do you think that you know not when I 57 New York Times bestsellers no I'm I'm very popular but you know you can't have everybody love you not everybody loves you in people could you say because you sell books that makes you people that makes you think that people love you to me that they do not hate me which was the question joy has ever dated a liberal to find out if you stay with us have you we'll find out later don't tell me now purity number with which to claim the tax credit as long as their child has won the house version is stricter and does important things but nonetheless it is still a tax credit requiring the taxpayer though to provide their own social security number in order to be able to claim the refundable portion of the credit joining me tonight political commentator best-selling author syndicated columnist descend legendary icon you know it's absolutely true you have been fighting the left in this country for quite a long time now and with an immeasurable success obviously President Trump helped a bit in 2016 yes he did can you could you have possibly imagined that the president would have achieved what he has in terms of the economy markets and rolling back regulation setting a whole new tone for this country what I didn't realize was how how real the swamp is I mean he is really being opposed by all of official Washington DC which is why it's unfortunate that so many of his appointees are part of the swamp because they're fighting him and the media I hated before why do I hate them now until they are utterly destroyed look into the camera because watching you right now I'm tons of Americans who see it exactly that way the left-wing media is driving the support of this president I think in large measure oh I totally agree he is standing up despite as you say being attacked assailed every day from every quarter I'm sorry viciously with lies lies lies I mean he's absolutely right on the fake news I mean the funny thing I'm obviously a little testy with them because we don't have our wall yet but then in the media attacks um and they bring me back to defending him right you know I'm like a sitting duck you can get me to attack them I'm mad that we don't have a wall but now every day it's some outrageously unfair attack and they bring me back in well you have to be and by the way I want the wall I want the wall now I wanted it actually six months ago though that may not be realistic but having the wall next year is definitely realistic and secondly you have to credit the Trump administration for having the lowest image about say immigration rate crossover rate of that order in recent memory right I mean what what concerns me about that is I mean this is why I supported him I think it's that he's still living off the rhetoric of the campaign and that was an important okay I mean they're not concrete highly specific achievements and I just enumerated just some of them the fact that fewer illegal immigrants are trying to cross in has that as a result of his rhetoric it is not because we have a wall on he is he is allowing ice to do their job but all of the things that that we like that's happening it goes away like that with the next president only a wall is forever that's alright that's what people were chanted I just hear you hold him not only accountable for his campaign promises the American people but for the next three or four presidents say as well Oh for the next millennium yeah well I think he's making a pretty good run at it because he has reversed the course under you may remember Barack Obama we were looking into the abyss man's leadership no I think that's part of the reason for the hysteria from the left from the media from the deep state from the swamp yeah they were just about to tip the country they almost had it that's why do more years of illegal immigrants and legal immigrants and the entire country would be the state of California they could taste it they were so close Republicans would be gone gone gone so we really need Trump I mean if he wants food I'm glad to hear you moving at least in this direction because what direction the direction of recognizing that there is no possibility whatsoever that we could have survived now another well a Hillary Clinton but the same feat Hillary Clinton with anyone not Trump that's absurd no and that's absolutely true no I no regret far by the way did you notice these god-awful fillers growing about you know okay I want to talk to you about that you better stop bragging about that cuz the stock market is gonna crash you know we're not gonna be his fault the stock market is going to what
Channel: Daily Truth
Views: 192,734
Rating: 4.793499 out of 5
Keywords: Ann Coulter, Daily Truth, Immigration, Joy behar, Leftist, Republican, Democrat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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