Bookish Things I Hate! (Bookish Pet Peeves!)

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hi guys it's regan and welcome back to another video today's video topic i think is a fun one and that's because i'm gonna be airing out some personal grievances that's right i'm gonna be chatting through my own personal bookish pet peeves this is truly just a list of small things that honestly just get on my nerves as a reader i personally love these videos i honestly just think it's a lot of fun to watch i'm also really excited to see your bookish pet peeve so please let me know down in the comments obviously this video is made just for fun i'm not really trying to say anything too controversial here but without further ado let's go ahead and dive right in the first two pet peeves have to do with the physical nature of the book itself kind of a design choice if you will the first one unfortunately i feel like is getting more and more popular and it has been driving me bananas especially when i'm shopping in person at a bookstore and that is instead of putting a description of what the book is about on the back or inside of the dust jacket it is just quotes about how good the book is from lots of well-known authors don't get me wrong i love a good quote i especially love when i see one of my favorite authors telling me how great this book is but at the end of the day if i don't know what the book is about it's very unlikely that i'm going to buy it i feel like this is especially top of mind for me because the blade itself is a book that immediately comes to mind that has this particular issue it's just quotes i couldn't tell you until i picked up the book myself what the names of the main characters are what the book is generally about and it was so frustrating obviously we can look it up on our phones but i feel like there should be some real estate dedicated to a paperback or a hardback actually taking the time to give us a synopsis of the book you know what i mean especially because quotes tend to be pretty vague it's just like wow this book is amazing this book kept me on the edge of my seat but you know i need a little more than that especially when i'm trying to decide if i want to buy this book or not i hate it i hate it there should always be a synopsis next up i feel like is a very popular grievance i feel like we can all relate to this in terms of us despising it which really confuses me why it continues to happen on a regular basis and that is permanent stickers you know what i mean like what the heck guys why are we printing that on a book cover nobody likes it nobody wants it in fact i'm pretty sure there could be an entire protest put together of all of us angrily yelling at publishing companies telling them to please stop putting permanent stickers on books i don't want it i don't want it at all so uh please take this as my formal declaration of please stop doing it publishing companies thank you very much the next one i'm not sure if anyone else is really bothered by this and anything i don't mind a mid series cover change that much i understand things need to be updated and sometimes that just requires a new cover but what drives me wild is a mid series texture change let me elaborate there are two series that come to mind two of my favorite series out there that has this particular problem the first one is a matte dust jacket very very nice beautiful design and the second one while matching has a soft dust jacket why are we changing textures in the midst of this series guys i mean i love a soft cover i find it stains a little easier i actually prefer a paper one but uh what's the deal they don't match i also feel like this is very noticeable on a bookshelf because the light hits it differently i don't know i really dislike it another series i love that has also done this is jade city jade war what the heck look how shiny this is this one's matte why didn't we stay consistent on the dust jackets here guys i appreciate the consistency in the design but what about the texture what about the texture next pet peeve of mine is actually a stiff paperback i actually love reading paperbacks i find paperbacks to be my preferred reading vehicle there is a key decision here i like my paperbacks to be like this i appreciate that it's easy to read and move around you don't have to worry about messing up the spine they also are a lot more lightweight than a hardback but these guys these stiff paperbacks are the worst and this is particularly annoying for me because it tends to be the uk editions that have this particular design feature and usually i prefer the uk covers to the us one i collect all of robin hobb's books in this particular edition and they're all like this which actually makes them impossible to read it's so hard not to crack the spine you're like being so delicate it annoys me so much that i often read the ebook of these books um so i don't have to worry about damaging my copies i don't understand why they don't allow them to have a bit more give you're just asking to destroy this book i hate it then my last physical book bookish pet peeve is when you order a book online and you're so excited and then it arrives and the dust jacket is crooked or off centered like it's been folded wrong along the book this actually bothers me more than like a slightly ripped hard cover or like even a slightly stained hardcover because i feel like it just is so noticeable again on the bookshelf like this spine being aligned is very important to me i really cannot stand when it's slightly off i know you can refold it and i do always try to refold it but i feel like in production those seams are like so strong it's very hard to overcome a slightly off-centered spine and it's also one of those things that's so nitpicky i feel weird returning a book because the spine is slightly off-centered you know what i mean it's like not enough that i'll return it or try to exchange it after buying it online but it also is something i hate so much that i notice it every single time i pass the book on my bookshelf one example of this that i own personally is the witch's heart i have tried to refold this so many times you can just tell that it's off there's like a design here but there's a design here and the words aren't perfectly centered i hate it i hate it so much i just want people to fold things with a little more exactness please i'll do it myself just send me the dust jacket unfolded i will gladly make those creases myself so i'm just saying my next grievance has to do more with bookish marketing i feel like sometimes uh comparisons to really popular series are overused in a way that is incorrect don't get me wrong i have absolutely no issue if a marketer or a publishing house compares two books that do have similar plot elements obviously they can be very unique on their own but maybe they're both dealing with greek mythology and they have lyrical writing and you want to compare that book for fans of another popular series to me that is very very fair what i do not like is when people make these connections when the connection is so tenuous it is absolutely not present at all or it's utilizing like a plot device that like everyone uses an example that comes to mind is i feel like it's super popular to compare things to game of thrones particularly in the fantasy space often used within y it's like the y a game of thrones wow really the only similarity between that book and game of thrones is that it's multi-pov like pretty much every fantasy book on the planet is multi-pov like you've gotta have a bit more than that i mean is it a fantasy story inspired by the war of the roses is there a slow reawakening of magic with the inclusion of dragons is there a bloody battle taking place between different political houses across the land spanning over many decades of time no well i'm not sure if you want to compare it to game of thrones because again there's probably another book with multifubi that you might want to compare it to that is more accurate i'm just saying like not everything is the new hunger games not everything is a new game of thrones not everything is trying to be and again it's totally fair to compare things to books that are similar i think that's a smart marketing ploy if you like this check this book out but when you're just like saying something is like something and it has nothing similar at all i'm not a fan it also i feel like is a negative marketing thing to do just like thinking about as a reader picking a book up expecting it to have similar plot devices or setting as a book that is advertised be similar to and then you read it and it's nothing at all like what you were expecting that might impact your reading experience negatively it's not smart and it's also annoying all right my next bookish pet peeve is patrick rothfuss i really don't feel like i have to elaborate on this too much i read the first two books in the kingkiller chronicles many years ago i really loved them but at this point i wish i haven't read them because i'm sad because i don't know when this series is going to be wrapped up at all so i love patrick ralphus but he's also a bookish pet peeve of mine what's up with that man come on we're waiting next is also a call out against myself i am one of my own bookish pet peeves because i hate when i run out of bookshelf space which is definitely on me despite getting more bookshelves i'm still running out of space unfortunately i haven't been able to curb my book buying problem so while i hate running out of bookshelf space i still love book shopping it's just a catch-22 that i will always find myself in but i have to call myself out i am my own bookish pet peeve the next two pet peeves of mine are my own personal quirks um and i feel like some people might really disagree with me which is entirely fine the first one is i generally don't love when authors read their own audiobooks this i do feel like obviously has many exceptions to the rule there are some authors that can read their books fantastically but i have also run into many audiobooks where there's just not good enough enunciation or characterization that it's really hard to like follow along to the audio itself i'm really saying this too is a lover of audiobooks i have really grown to love and appreciate audiobooks more and more this year they're just such a great thing to put on and i also feel like if the narrator is great i honestly feel like it can elevate the experience really provide a different layer that you might not really be able to find when just reading the book directly to yourself character voices or just having a voice that really draws you in i personally have found to really elevate some books that i might not have liked as much if i just read straight out thinking like daisy jones and the six and honestly i have been loving listening to the golden compass on audio as well but on the flip side of that if the narrator is not great it can really pull you out of the story and i do find sometimes or often times when authors read it themselves which is honestly understandable they're authors not voice actors or professional narrators it tends to just be an experience i don't like as much next up i really appreciate the idea of special editions but i often find that they're only made for the first book to a series so while i love them and i want to buy them and add them to my shelf it frustrates me as a reader that likes consistency in my series because they don't match the rest of the books and there are so many beautiful special editions that i just honestly refuse to buy because they just won't match thinking leviathan wakes i mean those pink pages absolutely stunning the eye of the world special edition is really cool and very beautiful there are a few special editions that are at least going to be the entire first series for example the farseer trilogy is getting re-released with new special covers as well as illustrations and they are at least doing the first three books within her larger bookish collection which i am collecting and is something i appreciate i don't know i just feel like special editions are tricky because they're beautiful and i want them but i also want a matching set i feel like illumicrate is especially good at making limited edition entire series re-released in a special edition and they're just so beautiful they sell out crazy fast but they are beautiful and i love that they release all of the books you can have the entire series on your shelf love it and the very last bookish pet peeve i'm gonna mention i feel like might be something all of you guys can relate to this particular sentence drives me bonkers and it's also something i feel like i experienced all the time working in kind of an office environment and that is a sentence of when they find out that you love to read and they go wow i'd love to get into reading but i just don't have time for that granted don't get me wrong there are many examples of people not having time to do something there are people who are so busy i'm thinking like students all of these things where it can make reading very hard to schedule into your time but i also think we have all been in a social situation where people kind of like almost like look down on you because you somehow are able to make time for reading but at the end of the day it's all about prioritizing your free time like obviously you might not have enough time to read if you're prioritizing different hobbies or different activities in your life more which is completely fine and justifiable that also doesn't mean you technically could not make time for it if you wanted to you know what i mean and i think that is what's so frustrating it's like such a go-to sentence that is so often said to readers like oh i'd love to do that i just don't have time don't know how you have all that time though hmm like come on guys i'm just prioritizing my time a little differently than you i love books i want to read books you know and if you wanted to read i'm sure you could schedule it into your morning or evening slowly you could probably get back into reading like it's not some magical spell that i'm casting on myself to be able to find more time than you to be able to read more books you know already guys those are my bookish pet peeves please let me know down below your bookish pet peeves as i would love to know i hope you guys enjoyed this video it was all in good fun i definitely am not taking any of these too too seriously i hope you know that but anyway i hope you guys enjoyed this video and i will see you soon with another one soon bye
Channel: PeruseProject
Views: 28,768
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Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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