GIANT (75+) BOOK UNHAUL | these books have got to go, y'all

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hail are you ready for the unhaul video that i've been talking about for uh three months now because it's here okay hi this video is like a jigsaw of a video so uh yes my hair is shorter now because i did this months ago i just you know what i never hauled the will to edit this or film the intro or anything like that but before we get into all of it real quick gotta thank the sponsor of today's video and that is anna louisa so if you do not know anything about ana louisa sit back let me tell you about them because this is a company that i absolutely adore so like i mentioned anna louisa has really been a favorite of mine for quite some time now they really specialize in creating sustainable and purposeful jewelry they do this through using recycled metals which is fantastic because it's incredibly good for the environment and it is a big step away from the typical actions of the jewelry industry which i really like and i love to be able to support so anna louisa while being incredibly sustainable they're also super affordable with their pricing which is another thing that i love because you get that high quality and amazing beautiful look but you don't have to pay a price that is way above your budget it is very affordable they are a company that i bought for paid for myself before they ever reached out to me to a partner with me and so i can truly say that i really do love this company i really do support them and i have so many pieces from them as you can see there's a lot going on i wear them in my instagram posts my stories my videos it's all over the place because i absolutely love them and i just have so much from them i've gifted some to my mom i'm gonna give some more this christmas i'm very excited and they are such an amazing company for all of the things that i've mentioned but also on a very like light note i love stacking my jewelry and i feel like they are the only company where all of their rings you can pretty much combine and put together and make them just look super adorable as a set and they do have some rings that come as a set but the other ones they just pair so nicely like i have some really dainty chains that go really nice with like a big chunky ring that i love i just adore everything that i have from them especially the rings the rings are probably my favorite thing although i know y'all can see i got quite a collection of necklaces going i love those too but the rings are gonna have to be my top favorite they're they definitely are so i obviously absolutely recommend checking out anna louisa if you are interested in anything that i showed you here anything that i mentioned but also they are currently running their biggest sale of the year which already affordable but there's also a sale they know the way to my heart they really do so you can buy one and get one 60 off so definitely make sure you grab my link down below go run don't walk but run to that sale grab everything that your heart desires which i mean i already have a few i haven't said a few eyes i have two not a few i have two but both of them are on a few pieces that i think that my mom would really like and i'm gonna get her for christmas i'm not gonna say it here just in case she is watching you nosy nelly but i already have it in mind and you know with the sale going on might as well do it now right might as well so if you plan on grabbing anything please let me know tag me on instagram dm me what you bought i am so excited to see it maybe we'll be twins we can stack our rings together i don't even know but i just i just adore it and i get so excited when you guys will comment like what you got if you grabbed anything so let me know if you did thank you once again so much to anna louisa for sponsoring this video and now y'all let's get into this unhaul because it was a lot and am i already ready because i took so long to put it up am i already ready to do another one yes the answer is yes and um that'll be coming at a date that i will not specify because i have learned my lesson thank you very much thank you very much but uh yeah enjoy enjoy the chaos hello so i'm gonna assume intro me said something ridiculous along the lines of now we're gonna go back to past me so it's past me hi um do you like how these turned out because i freaking do is also it's probably gonna be a little echoey maybe not that bad actually but it is gonna be more than like when i film in my book room or in the bedroom just because we're in the open layout of the literal rest of my house it's offices bedroom and then the rest i think that's just how my house is i don't know why but hello hi i'm loving how this is looking on frame and then this like honestly let's like move this up just so that you can see the leaves yes much better much better so i did rearrange all of these let me take this down so you can really see what i did but i decided that this entire bookcase is just going to be book of the month books so i started like all my red orange yellow and it's in the way that a rainbow is in my heart not the way that probably a rainbow technically is i didn't go to art school okay i just didn't but i already have a pumpkin on here because i'm me and why wouldn't i but that's my whole goal this is my whole goal i want the shelves to look nice and neat not stacked and over the top like they do in my office so that's going to be a lot of unhauling in there but also i want to be able to put like decorations on it too the ac turned on ah it should be turning off soon okay so i did not unhaul like a ridiculous amount here but they're over on this side so let's just like get into them these are all going into my classroom i do have good morning hello i do have a box of book of the month books that i have either already read or are not my taste typically non-fiction memoir or historical fiction that i am giving to the library slash half price um just because i'm not gonna read them and i feel like i have a lot i feel like i already have quite a bit and i want this to be like a shelf of either ones i haven't read yet or ones that i did read and i enjoyed so that's the goal here but there's not that many that i unhauled which is nice the ones i did there are a box over here i'm not going to show them because i don't know anything about them i don't have a reason to unhaul them other than i'm just like probably not so let's let's see one way that i'm choosing to unhaul is that i if i can find it on scribd or my library as an audiobook then i'm getting rid of it because i want my book collection to more reflect what i like to read and so if there are books like on here that there are some thrillers and whatnot that i do want to read soon so i'm not going to just get rid of them yet because i know i'll be reading them soon but other than that like with all of these ya fantasy books i have because when i got into booktube i went crazy i just i i bought everything because i was like i need the pretty shelves behind me oh my god so i just kept going on things like book outlet and thrift books and buying a bunch of books and i had i did intend to read them but then there it comes a point you just buy somebody that you don't read them anymore and i just oversaturated myself i totally bought into the consumers inside of booktube and so now i'm trying to redo that or uh not undo it but just stop it and so a lot of these are going to go into my classroom a lot of them are going to go to half price some of them if they're older yeah like high school level books i'm going to be keeping them because i don't know if i'll ever teach high school but i have a ton of bookshelf space behind my desk so if i have high school students that come down to borrow books which they still do i'll keep them there and those are like the shelves they can shop but then also it's just like good storage space because i don't want to keep them here because i'm not going to read them but i do want to be able to have them have access to them you know because it's it's going to be more up to date than our library is able to be just because of all of the hoops they have to jump through i don't have to jump through any hoops i just got to walk through the of noble door so that's my thought process there but the first set of books is a trilogy that i'm gonna be getting rid of and the first one is the jewel and then i have the white rose and then i have the black key and these ones i did read the jewel and i read half of the white rose i really enjoyed the jewel but i bought this because it looked just like the selection by kiara cass which i loved that series when i first started reading y.a in high school i think so i assumed because it looks like that it would be like that it wasn't it just wasn't that great it's kind of dystopiany but also a drama i just think the amount of drama and whatnot i do think students would enjoy but i think that it's just i'm too old at this point i'm 26. i don't think that i would enjoy this book the same way i did in my teens so it's gonna go to the classroom then i have flame in the midst by renee audie i have read this one i liked it okay it's just another way fantasy that i think my kids would like so i'm gonna put it in a library for them to try out i also have this arc of the obsession um usually with arcs i will either donate them to like free libraries that are around the place or i take them up to my classroom because i'm like i don't know what else to do with arts they're kind of hard to get rid of um i have not read this one but it's a thriller and i have a bunch of kids that come back from previous years that like to read mysteries and thrillers and i figure i'll stick this on like the older shelves for them if they want to read something and then this one i have read which is the bone witch but i have like two copies of it somehow i don't really know how that happened but i am going to put it into my classroom because i really enjoyed this first book and i am going to continue on with the series however i listened to the audio i did not read it physically so i'm just going to keep going with the audiobooks which are all on scribd and so i don't really need it in my library and then this will free it up for some of my student stories and then next up i have ever the hunted same thing i read it i enjoyed it it was a good time um it is not like groundbreaking y fantasy but i think it's like a good little intro and i'm gonna stick it again in my classroom for that then this one i tried to read i could not get into it i'm gonna put it on the older books shelf but it's three dark crowns i loved the premise i just dnf'd it because like i don't even know what is happening but it's also available on scribd and everywhere else in my library so i'm like if i ever want to pick it up again i can just do it that way because i was holding on to it because like one day i'll read it and i'll like it but then i was like and that one day will be on audio because it's not staying in my room this one is a 12 dancing princesses retelling i think it's entwined i really enjoyed this one thought it was super fun i read it when i first got into hawaii again around my like selection hush hush era high school was fun and i just want to put it into my classroom so the kids can read it because i really enjoyed it and i was a little older than them but it's a it's i don't think it's anything that they couldn't read and a lot of them like classical tales and so i can really get them interested in books if they're retellings so that's why this one's going and then these two are both arcs i did not read and i don't know anything about them but i got sent them and they're going to go into my library that's a storm crow and blood leaf both why a fantasy i believe oh see i like arcs though because they tell you the ages it's for so it says for ages 12 and up perfect for my kids 14 and up again perfect love it okay so as far as the books on these shelves go i think i've unhauled as many as i'm going to for right now i'm pretty happy with where we're at now we're gonna go to the the book room because y'all i did an unhaul when we first moved in here i just haven't brought the books up to the classroom because you know the panorama happened and now i'm like i've got like eight boxes of books to bring up there it's crazy i don't know what i have done let's go look at it okay hi so we are in the room of doom i have started to reorganize some but i really i need to do a big a big clean out of these books so that is what we're going to do i don't really know how i'm going to do it i already have a ton that i've pulled but i feel i just feel like there's still more that could go so that's we're gonna do sorry for the not great lighting because it's literally i can't put my camera where it usually goes because there's so many books here but uh i'm gonna start with the books that i'm going to be putting into my classroom because it's two giant piles and they do need to go into boxes but i just haven't done that yet so let's get into it so the first series i'm gonna be putting in there is actually gonna be the shadow and bone trilogy um i read shadow and bone i read siege and storm and then i decided to love myself enough not to force myself through ruin and rising i read this in a reading vlog where i collabed with katie and it was just it was a time technically the reading vlog was a good time the books not so much so i do think that this is a good why a fantasy starter series so that's why it's going to go into the classroom because i do think some of my students would really enjoy it and because it's a netflix show i know that they're going to be coming back and wanting to read it because i always get requests for the books that are netflix adoptions so i already have it on hand why not throw it in there you know then i have this book miraculum it was on a huge list of books that if you like carnival books you should read this i had just watched the greatest showman i was going through a moment so i bought it never again to be picked up i do think one day i'll read it but audiobooks right then i decided that i have too many editions of city of bones so i'm going to put some in my classroom and so i'm unhauling this hardcover to stick in my classroom i try to stick with hardcovers in my class because i can put plastic over them and protect them if it's not it's really hard to deal with um then i wanted to put is this a true manga where you read it no it's i guess this is more of a graphic novel than it's well i don't know whatever it's the infernal devices clockwork angel i'm gonna put that in there because some students do request a lot of manga and stuff but i just never know which ones to buy for them so that one already had and i figured that's a good series so maybe some of them would get into it through that i then have this book called the call i tried to read it it just wasn't meshing with me i have war cross by marie lu i have not read that yet but i do have the audio book already downloaded on libro so i'm gonna just transfer that same case with lifelike i could not get into this physically so if i want to try it again audio it will go defy the stars i read this one i really enjoyed it wasn't a favorite of all time so i'm gonna let someone else enjoy it as well let's pull all these over so then i have starflight i bought this because uh i read this series by melissa landers which is alienated invaded and then united this is one of the first books i ever read where i was so excited for the ending of the trilogy to come out and it sucked but i really liked the idea it's like this alien comes down to earth and falls in love with a human you know you know how that is and so i wanted to keep on to it but i really don't need to and it's like perfect age for middle school so i think that they would like it then i have empress of a thousand skies never read it the hate u give absolutely loved it i have the special edition the one with the gold spine and i don't have a copy of my classroom yet so now i do and i had a couple of kids that were wanting to read it last year but they only had one copy from the library so now i will have one on the back burner if um you know they ever want to do they were trying to do a buddy read it was so sweet so now i have an extra copy in case i try to do that again then i have so i already have this series in the beautiful fairyloot editions and i really liked the first book that's why i bought it so i'm gonna put this into the classroom for the older shelves and that is an ember in the ashes a torch against the night ginger and then a reaper in a reaper at the gates ginger come here why do you have to make everything about you and then again for the older shelves i have our dark duet i liked this savage song i can't find my copy but i figure i'll listen to that audiobook if i want to read the second one at some point but i haven't picked it up since i bought it so it's probably not going to happen anytime soon i then have an arc of star darter and because i have a finished copy of that i'm just like let me just put that into the classroom and then here is another series that i did read the first book of it's the girl at midnight then i have the shadow hour and the savage dawn this is a trilogy that basically like listen i really liked this because it had very it had writing that i it's not like great writing but i really enjoy writing that is super descriptive of food taste smells and sounds and stuff like that and that definitely had it in here however the book wasn't great honestly it kind of felt like it was just a retelling of daughter smoke and bone which i did say when i first read it when i was like a blogger so i read this a while ago but it's much more readable than daughter of smoke and bone would be for my class so i'm gonna put that in there and then if they happen to like it i'll recommend laini taylor because our library actually does have lady taylor which is so random but they have strange the dreamer i don't know why uh then i have another fantasy i'm just i don't know if you can tell i'm really trying to build up my classroom fantasy shelves but i have empress of all seasons i have reign of the fallen most of these i have doubles of because honestly i do get unsolicited copies from publishers and i want to disclose that i get that that's why my hauls are typically bigger than they used to be because i do get those copies and then also this unhaul is bigger because i first of all never done it on haul second of all i have so many copies they sent me without emailing me that i'm just like hello um then i also have two copies of this book because it was in two book boxes and that is fable yet to read it i do want to read it so i am gonna keep the fairyloot one i have the shadow glass to go with the bone witch i have traders kiss i did read this one and i did enjoy it it's a pretty fast-paced fantasy so i think that they would like it and then i have descendant of the crane the glass spare i don't know what that means but i got them then i also am going to be putting the hunger games trilogy and the ballad of songbirds and snakes into my class because i have only one set of that book and i have so many i i teach the first two books in my honors class but i wanted to have more available for anyone else that wants to read or if they want to continue on with the series i had a couple of kids that were interested in this book and our library didn't get it and so i wanted to bring my copy because my partner has one so i'll just read that one if i ever want to finally pick it up that happens i don't know if that's gonna happen but it's in the household i have scavenged the stars i have given which one of y'all gifted me i believe to put in my classroom because it was i tried to label on my wish list if books are for my classroom or are for me to read usually they overlap but that one when i read it i was like i have a student that's gonna like this and they're one of the ones that comes back oh so hopefully they will read that one this coming year oh my god school starts soon then i have the crowns game and the crown's fate not read this one but i have read this one i read it audibly really liked it that way so that's how i'm gonna go for this one um it's it's your run-of-the-mill y-a fantasy it wasn't anything fantastic but it was it was enjoyable so i figure can't go wrong with having more books in the class um i have the sun is also a star haven't read it but it is a movie now and so i know that they are going to want to read it i have reawakened and recreated and i have the third somewhere i just don't know where but this is about egyptian a mummy wakes up or something i read it forever ago i have alex and eliza which i did not like i thought it was kind of creepy when i really thought about the fact that it's basically fanfiction about real people i have a lot of kids that liked hamilton so it's you know i'm into the dim sparks of light i have not read the sequel yet but i have read this one the problem for me with this series is it is so similar to oh what is it called where is it i literally just saw it oh the last magician it's very similar to that trilogy well i don't think it's a trilogy it might be bigger than that now but yeah it's just so similar that i don't think i would want to read this one now i may i may at some point i i would have to reread it's been so long but yeah i was really into a uh time travel kick i don't know if you can tell any of these as well i enjoyed them just fine i think that i will never read them again though and then another one i had a bunch of students reading this trilogy which this trilogy is very good um but i had some that couldn't get a hold of the book because our library definitely didn't have that and um they were really sad so i was like let me bring these up to the class because i'm never going to read them again i'll just put protective stuff over them and it'll be fine it's never fine almost all my books get ruined in some way but that's because i keep them honestly unrealistically pristine so i'm having to learn to let go of that here's another box so this is still all going into the classroom i have the language of thorns i bought it simply because it was leigh bardugo i'm learning to not do that anymore oh here's one of the ones i bought to fill my shelves the coldest girl in cold town i don't know anything about that i got hocus pocus the all new sequel don't buy into nostalgia kids it only fails you i have the entirety speaking of nostalgia failing you the entirety of the hush hush series i will never reread these again because i do not want them ruined for me that's honestly it um i am working on getting the entirety of the city of ghost by victoria schwab into my class so far i did have a second copy of the bridge of souls i ordered specifically for my classroom so that's going in there i got the graceling series sent to me from penguin teen i am going to put it in my classroom though because they seem like staple yeah fantasy and i would probably pick up the audiobook before i pick up the physical book honestly because i just have so much i want to read at this point then i also have this series that my friend lexi was really talking about or was it my partner i think it was both well it's middle grade that's why i can't remember if it's lex or not everything middle grade i just assume lexi knows but uh it's magic and flight just wanted to put some more middle grade into my classroom here's what really happened so a lot of the time i bring these books up to school and then they come back home because i'm like oh wait i do want to read that so you'll probably see that in vlogs at some point then i have another middle grade thing that i bought for the classroom specifically oh i bought these for my class which is some nancy drew had some students that really wanted to read mystery and i was like listen you got to start here and then then i'll buy you whatever ones you find that you want on goodreads but you got to start at nancy drew because we're og's green glass house other green glass house book um i read this middle grade i enjoyed it i thought it was fun and cute and very atmospheric and i think that my mystery lovers will enjoy then i have for my older shelves incendiary i got this from a book box i don't need multiple copies also from a book box among the beasts and briers this is a really pretty wine color on the spray edges that's probably going to go on the older shelves simply because i don't want my kids to ruin them um within the first couple days of them being there then i have oh god twilight books that have been requested so first of all i don't want them in my library anymore second of all if they request the books i do try to fulfill those requests because i want i want my kids to read you know uh then i have i think i'm just missing the fourth book in the percy jackson series i bought the covers from fox and is it fox i don't remember i bought the recovers of that series so i want to buy the hardcovers of that for my collection so i'm going to do that eventually probably with my birthday money um yeah so i want to put those paperbacks into my classroom i already have a set of percy jackson books but they love those books so much i had kids who flew through the entire rick riordan universe at one point i could not buy the books fast enough for them to read i tell you um i have ramona blue by julie murphy never read it romancing the throne never read it i see london i see france i know i don't know what else it sees but didn't read it uh holding up the universe read it enjoyed it american royals was a good time majesty not too much this is going to go on my older shelf i know i'm going to have kids who are like ah miss why are there tabs in your book don't worry about it johnny it's called annotating we went over it unit one the nature of witches this was sent to me unsolicited don't know a thing about it other words for home this was actually bought for my classroom i just put it on my middle grade shelf and totally blanked on bringing it up there but uh that is from caroline at miss b overseas so thank you for sending this it is finally making its way to its official home so that is the first box of books trust and believe that there are more there are more ah what have i done so now these are ones that are going to go to half price because they are all either adults or i don't know if my students would like them or their duologies that i only have the second book in specifically i'm talking about children of virtue and vengeance i was fully planning to read this until i saw people reviewing it and i was like i love a standalone book so that's what children of blood and bone is now in my mind i also have this copy of truly madly guilty because i read big little lies and i thought let me buy every book she's ever written i don't know why i do that i then have where the crawdads sing i have tried three times listen to this audiobook it's not clicking i don't know what's wrong i have eight perfect murders this is an arc i hope that they'll just take it from me because i don't want it anymore i have the beloveds this is a thriller that i got off of book outlet because it was two dollars gotta stop doing that um i have this book called the night olivia fell saw that the audio was better realized i'm not gonna pick this up so away it goes the perfect stranger by megan miranda was two freaking dollars and that is not a good enough reason to buy it so is the winter sister again shouldn't have done that what am i doing i don't know i have the couple next door which i think i've read it but i don't remember if i have and honestly that's sad so uh i'll probably read it at some point or read it for the first time i'll never know um it'll be audio though because i prefer my thrillers on audio then i have what lies between us i bought this because gabby likes john mars i think this is the author that was weird on katie's post so don't love that got the housekeeper again cheap not a reason i have the suicide house which was a patreon book club pick didn't realize it was like the second or third in a series of this detective series it was fine but it wasn't you know brilliant so next i have this thriller called the tenet goodbye tennis i have this giant floppy but really bad smelling copy of the great hunt i ordered it on thriftbooks didn't know it was gonna smell this bad like it it just it doesn't smell good and i don't want it so that one i might just throw away then these are the books that my partner thinks are so hilariously titled i just i just don't need physical copies of these honestly i want more space on my shelves so i have royally screwed i enjoyed it although i did not enjoy the fact that the lady's name was olivia royally matched again i actually really liked that book a lot and then royally in doubt i did not read that one um yet but i don't need these i just i don't need them okay speaking of i liked these but i don't need them physically that's paper princess broken prince twisted palace and fallen air if you want questionable at best characters and love interest this series is for you it is a mess um but it was a fun mess when i read it next up we have the night swim reddit i enjoyed it just wasn't groundbreaking oh speaking of i'm thinking of ending things i didn't enjoy this at all i thought it was awful um i have a gossip girl i did not like it the show is where i'm gonna stay then i have the missing years i have that on audible so i do not need a physical copy of it uh i have wild girls which i dnf'd because it sucks and no one can change my mind on that i have queen of the conquered i enjoyed this however i have the audiobook and i think that's how i'm gonna listen to the second book if it turns out to be like a favorite series of all time i can just rebuy it but i don't have a lot of room on my adult fantasy shelves and i just didn't absolutely love that book i also have this one which i just i just bought it y'all i just did and then here's another copy of the stormcrow i guess i could also put this in my classroom but i think it's better to just put the ark in there because it's it's it's gonna have a time in there i then have gathering of shadows i'm just getting rid of multiple copies because this series is not that good i have slayer which i bought simply because i met kristen white at a uh book signing i didn't actually have any interest in the book i don't know why i did that then i have the darkest star i do like jennifer l armentrout's books but i don't need them physically uh daughter of the burning city i can't tell you how many times i've tried to read this since it came out because i like i really like circus books but i just can't get into it so i have about three copies of this book which none of them i have read yet i do want to read them though it's just i got sent some and then i bought some and it's just a mess but it's the european travels for the monstrous gentlewoman so i just i don't need four copies of it dear lord i then have i liked these but i am probably not going to continue on rose petal graves and rowan wood legends um i just don't uh need them part of me wants to keep them though because my parents bought them for me and so there's sentimental value but they're also like not very good so i don't know yet with those actually then i have another arc and then i have the entirety of the lux series by jennifer l armentrout this is like my little alien boys i will probably continue on with this series i'm on like book three or four i just i don't need it i don't need it physically it is a-okay for me to just have them uh on my kindle so that's the round i'm gonna go all right we still have i think about five more bucks this is why i'm having to do this in segments because i literally i can't even imagine i can't even imagine doing all of this at one time i really can't oh hey okay so we're in the last round of unhauls um as far as boxes that i already have set up to go so i have two bigger moving boxes and then one or two sets of um nope one set two boxes sounds like looks like just like amazon boxes so we're gonna get into all of these now some of these are fun because some of you guys actually sent these to me either to my well actually it was just my p.o box from your collections because some of these are arcs that you said my classroom might like so now my classroom will have which i do like pudding i know some people who collect them are going to be like oh and i do collect arcs for my favorites like i have caraval i have the crow prince i have some sarah j maas if i had cassandra clark could you imagine um if i had brandon sanderson if i had the diviners oh but like it's just for series i really like basically so these ones that aren't for that they're kind of perfect because they're super floppy and for some reason the kids don't mess these up as much as they mess up like actual published paper bags i i don't know but i have scavenged the stars which is a book that i myself would like to read i believe i have two copies i think my other one is a hardcover from a book box i'm keeping but i'm not 100 sure i might have unhauled that and editing me is gonna be like girl how embarrassing for you then i have beyond the black door a lot of these actually probably all of these are going to be y a i don't think there's middle grade in this section um i have multiple copies of the never tilting world so one of them will be going into the classroom i have out of order i don't know where the other two are so i have winter then i have scarlet this was one of the actually i think this was the first sci-fi series i ever read because of bookstagram um and i love it i don't remember if it's actually good but it was really good to me at the time it's basically sci-fi retellings and so this is the first one cinder so this is cinderella scarlet is red riding hood winter is snow white and then the middle one is cress and that's rapunzel but i don't know where she's residing is she literally right here in front of my eyes oh she is cress and thorn are my favorites uh i just think they're the cutest couple so that's cress so that series will be going in there that i have when the sky fell in splendor i've wanted to read this because i have read emily henry's otherwise books and i liked them but i haven't yet so i'm like okay let me put it in the classroom and then if it ever comes up i can get it on scribd audio or i can literally borrow it from myself i have a copy of truly devious i'm going to be putting on the high school shelves i have the hazel wood which is a really pretty cover again wanted to read it literally never got around to it and i was like girl you need to make room so i do need to get a copy of the cruel prince um i do not have a copy for the girlfriends in my classroom yet but i have the wicked king i'll be putting that in there i have heartless by marissa meyer which is a queen of hearts retelling i also have the betrothed by kyra cass good lord there's so much dust in here i need a coffee break i made iced coffee with cold foam don't get cold foam from the grocery store now and i wanted to try it because you know sometimes they try to do things and it's just like you could have just not well i tried it and um you're welcome lab right here uh it's good you should get it basically i don't think starbucks is as good as me anyways i have the traders ruined with just it goes with the trader's curse so i have yet to box what that is good because now i have the two box to get or a lot of these are going to be on the high school shelves i think just because i have read them but i can't remember if they're appropriate for middle school sorry i'm gonna leave them there just just in case um i also have the crowns game so i have two copies of that i liked that book a lot actually the more i think about the more i'm like me and i kind of want to re-read it and finish that second book i also have legendary so i do need to get a copy of caraval i have oop hello maggie see waters call down the hawk so i need to get a copy of the raven cycle so i'll be doing that i have the dreadful tale of prosper redding i bought this because it was alexandra bracken and i still have yet to read it honestly i liked that i liked that guy and it was middle grade so i thought it'd be cute i may actually put this i'm going to put this back on the middle grade shelf then i have all the crooked saints my maggie stiefvater remember reading it it's appropriate i just don't remember i didn't i don't think i loved it or anything and then i have this copy of daisy jones and the six i am unhauling that that obviously is not going into my classroom because could you even imagine then i have another book i got sent unsolicited i don't even know what that's about so i'm gonna we're just gonna keep pushing i have muse of nightmares the very uh choice decision of the us cover don't love it i also of course have strange the dreamer to go with that our library has stranger dreamer doesn't have the sequel so just in case any of the kids read the sequel and they want it i have girls of storm and shadow i am going to put that in there too i need to get a copy of well i have a copy of girls of paper and fire but i don't have a matching copy for my fairy loot girls of storm and shadow so i need to i mean no one's gonna give that up but i'm gonna keep the placeholder one until i find zats and then i have pet cemetery and 11 22 63 just to really get the kids into just kidding that is going straight to half price please i have woven in moonlight and the beholder both going to the classroom oh god bless america i have two copies of dark shores what the heck well this is gonna go oh that was kind of spooky strange i think there's just so much dust from these books that it is um freaking out the camera but yeah thanks for calling me out i do need to dust these they've been in here for a moment but um also dark shores this will be going to the high school one river of royal blood because i want my children to have tastes then again same reason nocturna because our classroom has taste and then these are some why thrillers that i have not read so they will be going on to the high school shelves because of that reason but if i ever read them then i will know where to place them the truth about keeping secrets and the burning both going see you later um bell revolts this is an ark hello i have a um finished copy that i ordered so i don't need zats then i have bone criers moon again expanding is a fantasy moment and then i have a copy of chain of gold that i spray the edges and it looks awful and it's just gonna go in the classroom because i'm not gonna sell that to half price because please but also um if my kids try to roast me which they will i don't care oh here's another box so we have another copy of flame in the mist so this will be going to the classroom oh and now we have the shatter me series we have shot to me we have unraveled me i didn't read these can you tell and then we have ignite me and they have a nice little curve to them i think it gives them character for sure winter wood which i enjoyed it was a fun little thing um the love that split the world this is the emily henry i have read and i have the season because my kids wanted more drama based books is literally what they told me and i was like debutants debauchery and disaster is on the title page so sounds like that tell me three things thought this was cute romance this time will be different i don't know anything about this um if you think it's appropriate for middle school let me know because i'm gonna stick it on my high school shelves until this video goes up and if it's all good or if i read it then i will move it i just don't want to accidentally put a bunch of like books dropping the f on every other page for a bunch of 12 year olds you know even though they dropped the f-bomb every other page i um i don't want it in the books because i could get in trouble then i have i believe in a thing called love i really liked this it's just a cute way then we have one of the middle grades that i read recently and i really liked my friend ami loves this series is keeper of the lost cities so i have the first book to go then i have truthwitch because like i said my kids were gonna have taste in this house i also have a windwitch when they do like it would not if because it's great crown of feathers edition edition copy those aren't synonymous and then i have the lost hero because they ate up percy jackson last year and i did not have the rest of the series i i got a talking to from some of my kids about that they were like you need to be prepared and i was like you know the irony of this considering you haven't turned in your work for six weeks but okay i'll get the books whatever um high school shelves again pretty little liars i have all of vampire academy because i mean at my at this age i was reading twilight and i wanted to read more vampire books so might as well have those ready because i'll tell you it's really funny being a 8th grade teacher um the emo phase is universal and it is always 8th grade i don't really know why it hasn't and it's always the same bands they listen to all time low never shout never 303 like none of the bands have changed ginger there's just more songs or some of them not great and we don't talk about those bands anymore but i just think it's funny and the twilight vampire phase also it sticks so yeah that'll be one i have these two of the spin-off series for the vampire academy this one i want to put in there because it has good anxiety representation and being a middle schooler sucks so i have finding audrey i really enjoyed that book when i first joined booktube i have summer days and summer nights this one i want to put in because some of my kids do not like long novels and so i want to find some short story compilations so that they feel like they're still reading but it's not as long term like we'll build up to that or maybe they just like short stories overall and that's cool too because i also have a christmas edition which will be good because christmas is going to come soon when the school year starts then i have what light i don't know anything about this book i didn't even know i owned it to be quite honest with you the problem with forever high school shelf i really liked that book though oh wicked as you wish yes don't know anything about it oh okay so these two are gonna have to go to half price um i tried to read these they just weren't for me unfortunately but that is fortuna sworn and restless slumber they are not going on high school shelves or my middle school shelves because neither of those would be appropriate oh wait uh now that i've found you will be another contemporary for the high school um i also have a mammoth book of cover-ups that'll just be going to half price i have another copy of the hazelwood i have the companion this was a fun ya thriller i do recommend it and it is pretty kid-friendly then i have the gilded wolves like i said we're having taste in this classroom someone told me not to read this book so i'm torn and that's why i'm putting in my classroom for the high school not completely getting rid of it because i have seen so many people love it but i've also seen a lot of people think it's bad um but that is one of us is lying and the main reason i want to read this is because i want to read all of the other books that are still coming out for it so let me know down below if you have any thoughts on that because what i have learned is when people have thoughts on it they have thoughts on it then i have the angel fall trilogy i have yet to finish that trilogy i've not read end of days but i was obsessed with it when it first came out i was like oh man if you were on booktube during that you remember those good old days then i have turtles all the way down by john green i have frankly in love for the high school i didn't frankly love that book but um they might so we're gonna keep it anyways then i have the project this will not be going into either that'll be going to half price or a donation whoever will take it to be honest with you then i have prince charming by rachel hawkins i liked that one i have they wish they were us which i was looking for this copy for forever but i forgot that it had like not the final cover on it i thought i had a finished copy so i got the kindle book but it was a kindle deal for two dollars so not a loss it's a loss of two dollars but whatever then i have cool for the summer i haven't read the art yet i have the good girls the perfectionist this is a duology by the same lady who wrote pretty little liars i really enjoyed it and then um i just have every single pretty little liars book in this box just trust me okay just trust me because i don't want to get them all out and then we have one more i just ripped that box in half brilliant these are some that were sent to me by one of y'all to put in my classroom not this one this one i did um another copy of magic it's just a paperback version but then i have so i need to get life like jesus so much dust i should not have put this on the ground near jacob um i have deviate so i don't have the first one yet i have smoke in the sun i miss renee audier who i just adore then i have unearthed and undying i haven't heard of these but i have seen these covers before they look very familiar then i have writers and seeker i have oh another copy of city of ghost but i kind of like this coffee like i like this coffee a lot it's so cute and just like so easy for them to tear it up we'll have to see how she does in the classroom then i have our dark vaults is that the dark vault which is victoria schwab's two books unlock and the archive i've not read either of those i have the conspiracy of us and map of fates so that is it that is all those are the books that i'm going to unhaul oh i should have put like some bay leaves in this okay so now what's gonna happen is i'm gonna put all these into boxes get them labeled because like i said my dad and i aren't gonna bring all of this up to the school on saturday so i need to have that ready so that he can just pull that car up and we can just put the boxes in it's a lot of freaking boxes to be fair so i'm gonna go do that and then when i'm done with that i will check back in and we're going to go through each shelf and see what we can get rid of what i'm actually going to read i think i'm going to try to be really ruthless with it because i mean listen at this point if i haven't read them what am i doing some of the ones that i'm going to be more chill about are going to end up being y a fantasy only because i do want to read them so that i know if i can put them in my classroom so some of these are like for work which makes it sound fun and not stressful let me not fool you i am still a teacher and i have yet to uh even open my plan book for lesson plan so i'm doing this instead let's let's keep doing this and not think about that okay okay so the unhaul is done it has happened yay for us um yeah i hope that that was even a understandable video uh the next one will go better i really didn't know how i wanted to set it up it's just up now at this point so i think that was the goal and uh oh let me check yeah it's been met so congrats to all of us mainly you that made it through it how you feeling you did good champ so once again thank you so much to annalisa for sponsoring this video make sure you check them out down below i have my link i got my code i got everything there for you remember they are doing that buy one get one 60 sale right now so wanna skedaddle it's down there just yeah yeah yeah you just click that yeah yeah right there right there there you go and the emoji for today i'm thinking like a moving box because we're moving this out of here the video the footage the books all out get out right now it's the end of you and me you know what i'm saying let's go jojo and uh yeah that's it that's all i got for you hope it was a fine time i hope it was a great time but let me put the bar a little lower because this video was a mess so fine we'll stick with the fine time thank you so much for watching i hope you're having a wonderful morning afternoon or night wherever you are i will catch you in my video nope i'll catch you in the comments down below and in my next video bye [Music] you
Channel: oliviareadsalatte
Views: 41,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: book haul, books, haul, booktube, booktuber, young adult, ya, book of the month, daily videos, daily, vlog, bookstore, bookoutlet, manga, graphic novels, fantasy, recommendation, unboxing, owlcrate, fairyloot, thrillers, book unhaul, unhaul, organization, declutter, decluttering, cleaning, organizing
Id: 6OrbhMT7lNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 2sec (3242 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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