Bonk Wizard being Hilariously OP for 98 Minutes (Zero to Highroller) - Dark and Darker

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hey there guys today we're going to be doing a new Zero to Hero this time we're back on the wizard um they've recently done some new changes to the wizard so I want to check them out also I haven't played wizard in a while so the new base kit interestingly enough you have Quarter Staff there's also a new perk which we're going to be using today called staff Mastery when using the staff type weapon you gain five weapon uh Five magic weapon damage sorry aside from that we're going to be running Arcane Mastery reactive Shield ice Shield staff Mastery and Arcane Shield we're going to be playing a bit of a melee wizard build today to try and see how uh staff Mastery feels uh for our spells we're going to be running Fireball magic missiles ignite haste and invisibility the I would like to take zap but the thing is with taking ignite is it's really hard to fit them in um because we're not taking the knowledge perk and also the cast speed perk I think it's not really worth running zap because of that but I'm not too sure we'll have to see how it goes I think you can also drop haste and maybe take zap instead but we'll see uh let actually quickly do into a ruins right now solo rotation is on ruins so we have only 2 minutes left so I'm just going to go in and continue talking whilst we're inside uh but first of all let's just do a damage check so this I don't think works as intended because this makes it sound like five magic weapon damage it sounds like that shouldn't scale with the magical damage from your staff however it does so let's see with an ignite head shot we're adding 29 extra damage to each hit on a head shot plus also a burn as well but like a body shot we're also adding another uh 19 so I honestly think the damage from this is actually pretty solid and it'll definitely be interesting to try it out especially if we get a higher to your staff let's actually quickly check out the Quarter Staff as well damage okay so we're adding an extra like 16ish on head shots it's okay but I guess we are doing a lot more physical so if we get a bunch of strength maybe we should use the Quarter Staff instead but honestly I think the traditional kind of magic damage scaling will scaling magical power with the magic stuff will probably do a lot better anyway I'll see you guys in the actual game okay hey there guys welcome uh to the first High Roller let's see how it goes uh after this it's probably only going to be Goblin caves unfortunately with the new way the system works uh straight away let's use an ignite honestly to try and help us kill out these wolves these wolves are a bit painful sometimes to deal with as like um Wizard and stuff uh we need to remember as well we're actually running like every tanky perk I actually should have used our Shield there uh okay some decent boots right off the bat or at least the cus boots are a very nice base that's what we do want to be using I guess we could actually take the throwing knives they're actually kind of useful when we can use ignite to get a little bit more damage on them uh still of course not going to be hurting anywhere near as much as like uh Franciscus or anything but it'll help a little bit so the thing to not is the magic staff actually is doing okay melee damage now with the staff Mastery perk even when we're not igniting it um I checked and on head shot I think it was like 17 or something when you're not igniting it so that's honestly quite a lot of extra damage that you not normally getting on Wizard let's actually remember to use an Arcane Shield um even if they don't hit us it's not really that big of a waste it's pretty local down I believe uh I haven't actually I don't think I've used this in I honestly don't even know how long it's been a long time yeah 25 second cool down plus of course whatever duration it has uh 12 seconds it's not the shortest ever but it's not too bad now we're not really going to be playing for AP here we're probably just going to be playing for uh to get a better kit and also to test this out a little bit as well let's just be patient okay well I was trying to be patient but um we should be noticeably tankier than a lot of other Wizards would be in this point just due to our perk selection and as long as we actually utilize our um Shield ability which is quite easy to utilize 12 seconds is quite a long time in this game and it's like surprisingly not that tiny like a 20 damage Shield is actually pretty solid like that's like uh is that like a green blue pot or a blue blue pot a blue quality blue potion I'm not sure it's something around there anyway so that's a decent little find I believe it also Stacks with blue potions as well so you can really stack it up right we found some decent Fizz power gear unfortunately stuff that we can't use though um so we did go orc this time as well just for a little bit extra health and also a little bit extra physical power might help us a bit more than one movement speed usually on Wizard I go for the one movement speed ooh just heard an arrow where was that not too sure but we don't have to worry about it anyway I don't believe it was at us uh to quickly change my inventory right so I don't think we'll be using the Quarter Staff much I think the Quarter Staff uh being added to the base kit for the wizard is a pretty nice change however it's probably only really useful if you're running a more traditional wizard build and not running this kind of melee staff Mastery thing cuz at that point you need the um well you don't need but you really appreciate the extra magical damage okay so a crossbow is actually pretty interesting that's actually something we can use as a wizard and we can actually ignite that and then probably do some decent shots off with it although we do need bolts I do believe some of the uh enemies here that we killed had some bolts on them or maybe one of the chests or something so let's go take take a look see if we can find those bolts um I think it was early on so it's probably like over here somewhere assuming I'm not misremembering it would be really nice to find those bolts I losing my mind I swear we found some bolts there okay perfect spawns with one it one in it as well uh we're probably not going to be able to reload that because our dexterity actually our dexterity is insanely high at the moment uh These Boots give five the wizard hat is giving us an extra one so honestly we're probably going to be able to reuse the crossbow more than um fighter which is actually kind of nice cuz it gives us a decent is ranged option it's still not going to do as much damage as it will for the fighter even if it's ignited I do believe let's pop the shield we might as well how many head shot okay I had a feeling it was going to die from that so we're are we are really doing pretty solid melee damage for a base kit with Wizard or I guess we're not quite Base Kit anymore but we don't really have anything to scale our damage too much we mainly just have dexterity at the moment do have a little magical power oh this hat yeah yeah right I think I just heard someone up there to the north so let's go ahead and use one magic missiles here just to speed this up uh I do definitely hear someone triggering a zombie into the North d oh my God we just sent that guy into the shadow room with that hit now there is someone still close to us so we do need to be careful still that guy wanted the smoke in qu melee range but he did not realize what he was in for we hit him with a few splashes uh hopefully that guy has meds for us cuz we are not looking very right now uh gloves okay uh better legs for us sure campfire perfect this guy had meds for us beautiful uh let's honestly just drop this potion this potion is so low tier I don't really care for it that much uh we kind of do need to go though which is a bit annoying um we have to go far as well by the look of it so let's use a few potions uh or sorry one potion two bandages probably and then make our way to the north however let's probably head over to this direction a little bit um hopefully there's a few less mobs this way we do of course have magic missiles that we can use to clear out the um areas we also probably do want a campfire when we get back in um just to get some of our spells back now the only thing is you probably notice how long it takes us to buff not having any real knowledge or cast speed or anything makes it take quite a while for us to buff up and the problem is with the magic staff is it's quite low range of course honestly probably shouldn't even waste my time fighting this guy but let's get some more meds ticking uh we're probably unfortunately going to have to use like basically all of these meds right let's put this away let's just get moving hopefully there's no cockatrice or anything in here okay it looks like we're okay for now the next Zone's already coming in raide gloves those might be better for us magical damage bonus okay for now let's just keep these I would like to take a a red so we can definitely look to take the static red let's campire here I don't think we're going to take Zone damage from here and we should hopefully be a bit sheltered from people seeing us of course the campfire will give out some light but hopefully it's not enough for um or hopefully yeah it's not enough to be detected and let's just try and listen out for audio right okay so we've made it up we're full HP now let's go ahead and sort this inventry out a little bit cuz this is a little bit all over the place for now um knowledge resourcefulness honestly let's keep the strength and physical power for now versus this neck true physical damage magical damage bonus versus all attributes resourcefulness damage reduction let's stick with that for now as well right let's go ahead into the Zone okay so the static red is now open someone has been through here I can hear someone actually yeah send that gamer to the shadow realm as well let's get another let's get some pots going so hopefully you can see the potential with this uh these guys have probably relatively low gear to be honest but you know so are we we're almost Base Kit we have a few decent pieces but our staff which is of course one of the most important parts is not even gray it's the one that you start with so it's even worse than gray uh this guy was pretty good huh right um well let's take that uh we actually can't even use that so let take the fck back we're going to have to go soon unfortunately let's grab whatever we can and then run to that static uh looks good I don't think we need to Med however right now anyway let's just run here we should have put the surgical kits way as well that makes us run a little bit faster let's just go ahead and pop the surgical kit right now uh meant to equip the frock we would have been able to take more loot there that's my bad okay hey there guys um yeah unfortunate that we didn't equip the frock in time we would have had space for a few more pieces that that guy had we already had some pretty decent gear on us um hly our boots probably better than that so let's just stick with what we got for now let's hly drop these raw hides they are decent but honestly I think we appreciate the strength having some extra Health we're 94 Health actually on a wizard is pretty decent oh my God the Cape is three strength two magic damage three move speed that's a r wait a minute uh this is a bit sketchy all right let's go let's actually just use an invisibility uh this is rough actually all right what we're going to do is we pull this guy here and then we just run around behind it and we shut the door this room has a lot of range mobs in here so we need to be a little bit careful oh God this cast speed I'm not used to this at all right no but God okay we're going to do a trade run I feel like cuz I want to try this with a decent staff so after this we'll go and buy a a decent magic staff and take a look at how strong it is I did actually fight against one as a um a melee wizard as a uh on my fighter I've been grinding to demigod a little bit recently oh God all right let's be careful let's just get some meds popping there's no reason to risk anything unnecessarily just wait for our ability yeah there we go wait for a shot in case it's a double shot okay honestly thought this guy was dead now [Applause] no I magic Missile one of these guys okay not sure either way uh let's actually check that Reco again uh Broken Skull I need that for a quest but honestly I'm probably not too worried at this point about progressing quests so let's just leave on the ground uh that Rec's not very good so let's not worry about it right let's get some meds popping as well uh let's use some of these like single stack potions was this Lin set always here I feel like I haven't seen this here in a while ooh my God knowledge strength and movement speed those are insane legs for what we're trying to do here uh decent windless but no one cares about the windless particularly so let's not worry about that bones need those for quests as well but at this point I'm assuming the wipe is probably going to come oh wow what is this okay let's drop the strength let's take the raw hides will'll be a little bit squishier but two additional magical power knowledge is cast speed resourcefulness interact speed and additional physical damage yeah as soon soon as we get like a a decent staff now we are going to be doing pretty solid damage I think let's have a quick look at our okay so we're at minus two physical power bonus but we do have some added flat damage I didn't even look at a either mod exterity we're currently a 26 dexterity wizard all right that's not something you see every day uh let's try and sort this inventory out a little bit um I like having my consumables on the left side generally makes it a little bit easier for me to manage right so we have quite a bit of space left still um pretty damn good run so far honestly I was not expecting the run to go this well ault's boots are probably the kind of Base that we do would like but right now uh we'll just use what we have is I don't know the dexterity honestly how much action speed do we have 8.2% like we're swinging decently fast and the thing is I'm not sure if the B with this is the magic staff it might be because of the staff Mastery perk but previously or you know with Ignite it adds flat damage so you want something that attacks fast right you want like a Rundle dagger or something but of course uh we can't utilize staff Mastery so that might have actually changed the like TI list of weapons for mow wizard but that's definitely something interesting to take note of anyway so I think we're killing these in four head shot yeah four head shots we're attacking pretty fast as well like this is pretty solid this is a very lucky s though some of this gear we've got um yeah it's decent but we've got already got this wizard hat so this is probably going to be better for us it is kind of weird stat line though I'm not going to lie armor pen physical par and Magic Pen the armor pen and Magic P don't really do anything but the physical power will help a tiny bit um I actually have never looted these like rooms here heavy or night chests are pretty decent so let's take a look see if we get anything from here it's an okay cloak but I don't think we'll bother right let's drop this Shadow mask honestly the shadow mask isn't that good it's okay uh let's take the road Cal I guess we're playing for play for a little bit of AP but I'm not too worried about it I'm not going to be pushing to demigod or anything on the wizard and that's really the only reason I worry about AP now um currently almost uh well I got rawed back I was playing quite a lot yesterday which was basically the only day that they rolled back so unfortunately I lost a decent amount of progress on my fighter I guess I should have just not played that day I also got some crazy good kits I found two uh Rogues that traded with each other and they were like geared to the teeth they were like full gold and like Ruby Silver gear and stuff legendaries uniques it was insane they must have died to each other's like rupture or poisoned weapon or something but unfortunately that's all gone um we'll probably just honestly look for a relatively quick extraction we'll just like fill up our inventry and probably head out I think we're the only player left so I don't think there's going to be any more PVP down here and I just want to get a um nicer magic staff oh wow that's a good uh oh that's another good ring for us but honestly we're going to let's just keep that that's more like a traditional wizard ring we kind of need some tankiness from the Vigor and stuff and the max health so is this a nightmare no let's just go ahead and magic Missile this guy so we'll definitely appreciate any big or anything we can can get um PDR is nice as well however we're not really going to be able to get too much PDR I think what we do is we reset we look for a better staff we look for a better frock prior on the staff probably although definitely a better chest piece would be appreciated as well what's interesting is the frock actually gives uh if you're unaware the higher frocks actually give dexterity as well so we could actually look for a higher tier FR cuz most people don't really care for dexterity that much especially on you know wizard so we could maybe get a high tier one for cheap uh I'm hoping the marketplace is working right now I haven't actually checked today uh since the most recent patch it didn't work as well as it should have basically the entire time it's also so weird to me how things patches in this game take like two patches to even work like how did they try and add the Quarter Staff to the wizard base kit and it just didn't get it like how how does that happen I don't know but whatever the nice thing as well now of course is they actually increase the amount of ignites you get so you actually can just use this pretty or quite a lot without having to worry about it ignite lasts so long as well like I feel like our damage output is actually really solid right now Chuck a better staff on our kit and my God we will probably be doing really big damage try and get like an epic staff or something uh I imagine we can probably get an epic staff pretty cheap it's you know it's a bit off matter the only build that really uses it I think is like blow of corruption warlock although maybe right now this is kind of matter I haven't seen many I've seen like I think I've seen two people doing it and I fought one and the guy unfortunately just got crossb to death so he was Wizard gaming he was trying to poke me at range uh I didn't realize that he was going to be a melee um wizard until he got too close and he ignited his weapon and I just shot him with a crossbow three times and he died to a trap unfortunate at least he got his gear back though I'm definitely glad that that they're adding Styles like this cuz I really appreciate one of my favorite archetypes is like buffing up your weapons your melee weapons so with like you know magical or Elemental things so I really like this I'm really glad that they've added this as a play style I know of course ignite wizard already was a bit of a play style but it kind of got nerfed so hard um that it wasn't really that good for a long while now is this good so far it feels pretty good however it's probably mainly due to the presumably unintended interaction between um okay uh drop that between the staff magical damage and the staff Mastery weapon damage magical weapon damage scaling so whether that will get nerfed or removed we'll see so let's just take the blue 1,20 AP we're only at wander so it's pretty low uh fee and stuff anyway we got 416 from our Treasures I don't think we're really going to be able to sell either of these things so these things are just going to get vended for another 80 gold but I do think these light foots will probably sell for a little bit seeing as the two via and they've also got an additional movement speed bonus on them and we're selling these light foots for 300 gold could maybe sell them for a bit longer but we're just into selling them so we can continue with the video so I believe that gives us about I think it was about 800 gold to work with we'll go a little bit under um but honestly we'd probably be able to get pretty insane gear if we're spending like 400 gold on on a frock and a magic staff each so let's go and take a look and see what we can get let's actually try out the new Marketplace it looks like the magic staves are actually a lot more expensive than I was expecting so well let's buy this rare one for about 300 gold let's also remember we do have this ring we could sell if we wanted to but let's not worry about that for now let's also go ahead and buy this uh Mystic vestment one Vigor one strength four wheeel as well for about another 300 gold aside from that let's just fill up our bandage stocks uh let's buy just another five and then we should be okay with this amount keep one of the coin purses we've got let's just have a quick check of our stats so without our staff out which is only 20 movement seed penalty by the way this thing is quite a low movement speed penalty we're running 301 move speed with 14 strength 26 dexterity 25 will um 25% PDR actually which is kind of surprisingly High um 41% magic bonus uh 0% physical power bonus so we're actually even which is quite high for a wizard well not high but higher than you should really be having to be honest uh we're going to be heading into some Goblin caves now of course can't choose the map I want to choose anymore unfortunately due to the new uh system this works this is another thing that I mean the rotation I'm pretty sure this doesn't work as intended either right like surely one of these Maps should be trios one should be solos one should be Duos and instead it's just one map that rotates between Jewish Tres and solos I don't know it's so weird they'll probably fix that again hopefully but anyway let's go ahead and head into a high roller Goblin caves oh my God look at this damage check we're doing like 100 damage head shots or something that's insane and of course like half of that or is Magic damage so that's going to be penetrating all physical damage reduction sure magic resist might still help a little bit is this a this is a fighter with a long sword okay interesting ah someone else is trying something similar but they're using rondle dagger instead interesting okay hey there guys welcome to the goblin caves it'll be interesting to try this in a low range map or like a a lower area map I suppose where like we're more likely to get jumped on by Rose and stuff I feel like we're also a bit more um vulnerable to Rogues than other people typically of course uh as I'm just constantly yapping uh it's a lot harder for me to hear Rogues which is usually how you you know can tell where they're going to be coming from wow okay so we're actually three shot headshotting those now uh that's even without ignite of course it's just normal hits so that's feeling really good our PVE clear is going to be really good I guess magic missiles for any scary things and otherwise just staff Bonks and ignites I guess for um tankier things perhaps like centipedes and stuff I honestly want to fight a centipede and see how many hits it actually takes us to kill it or how long it takes us to kill it but we are surprisingly tanky for a wizard you know now like with the um adaptive shields and along with Arcane Shield as well we have like a bunch of extra artificial Health tag on so that's 15 that's an extra 20 so that's an extra 35 and of course we do actually have this like slow as well this thing is really short duration so I don't know if it really will be doing too much work for us but it does of course also um give us flat arm rating as well so it's not like it's just the benefit of the slow we're sitting also at around 25% PDR so that's okay we'll probably have this will be interesting to see I am a bit worried about Rogues cuz if they jump on us before we're buffed with at least ignite we probably won't be able to kill them faster than they will be able to burst us down but we'll see um there I don't think there was actually from what I saw there was only one Rogue and he actually wasn't even running hide so hopefully we'll be okay but that's probably the matchup that I'm most worried about at the moment uh I guess Barbarian also could be bit of a problem but I think Barbarian honestly will be okay as long as we utilize Fireball and get some magic missiles off possibly before we actually engage in melee okay okay okay so we just double bonked that guy the other wizard that is yeah um this guy had decent gear but I felt like we were just going to have much higher DPS output than this guy was going to have especially seeing as we actually use um Shield I don't know what this guy had but H A lot of these pieces are pretty lackluster oh wow those are insane actually we might go for those instead how much movement speed does that give us 291 this gives us 10 extra movement speed okay that's actually crazy good let's check his gloves as well oh wait that actually might be yeah we're probably going to swap over to that as well um how much health do we lose 96 94 H but we do gain a little bit of extra damage as well so I guess that's fine uh the Clo's pretty whatever the amulet is also kind of whatever oh my God the gloves as well uh fiz damage fiz power Vigor oh my God the Vigor is going to be huge 101 Health yeah that's really good uh let's take another green pot let's take a few more health potions we don't need that many that'll do let's just leave the rest of it on the ground there yeah but this damage out but he's feeling insane I'm not going to lie like this feels really crazy good is this broken possibly honestly possibly I'm just wondering what matchups are going to actually be bad for us cuz like a lot of our traditionally bad matchups I don't feel like we'll be that bad at all like sure fighter probably won't be as good as it is uh against like the normal traditional wizard build but we're still we still have Wizarding capabilities right we're still going to um we still can magic missiles we still can poke with Fireball and if we get the um first hit off with like a a staff head shot with Ignite up byebye to a fighter you know Barbarian might be rough but again as long as we kite them get like maybe one or two spells off before we engage in melee we're probably going to be fine okay how many head here too yeah two head shot no okay this actually feels insane I'll probably this might sound like one of my most clickbaity titles when I'm titling this video but this actually feels ridiculously good like this feels overtuned I absolutely want melee wizard to be viable but I don't really want it to be you know overpowered I don't really want anything to be overpowered but I mean I'll probably have some fun with this for a while anyway I really enjoy um playing like non-traditional stars like this but this honestly might be meta like this is insane the damage output is crazy what will probably happen is I imagine they will fix the presumably unintended interaction between the Magic Magical damage from your staff plus the staff Mastery I should have actually checked on a um dummy without ignite just to see but I suppose we'd still be doing like 70ish damage head [Music] shots although I suppose maybe the reason why this feels so good is also due to the just the additional like Health pull that you get from the um shielding skills from Wizard which of course you can't really utilize that well a lot of the time it feels like in the more traditional wizard build especially like arcade and shield like you kind of need to play the 10 spell or meditate right but especially 10 spell I feel like 10 spell is a lot better than meditate meditate is just for like your first run when you don't really have enough knowledge to run 10 spell and even then you can still kind of Run 10 spell it's not 10 spells though it would be more like eight or something but either way that's still fine I did buy this for like 300 gold so I don't really want to drop that I guess we can actually just campfire to save ourselves at little bit of um space how many spells are we lacking we're not really lacking many spells at all so this is a bit of a waste but let's just go ahead and get all of our spells back strength and action speed I honestly wonder if running this ring would be worth it instead of one of these I mean that ring is really nice I guess dexterity isn't that great but it's a pretty good one I also just prefer Vigor honestly but the action speed as well uh I don't know it's hard to say action speed has dropped quite a bit um for some reason all right because we lost five dexterity from there those are very solid boots as well we'll take a bit of an AP hit from uh keeping these things but it's okay honestly we could probably just drop these throwing knives as well we're probably not going to utilize them up range okay I thought I heard some footsteps for a second up range of course we're probably primarily going to be fireballing mid to low ranges will be magic missil and then we'll probably just be buffing up going into melee so I feel like the throwing knives don't really have much of a usage however I suppose we could use them for um for kiting a little bit more cuz we are very fast right so like the only things that are really going to be faster than us are potentially barbarians with a rage up and maybe Rogues or uh Rangers so that's not many things you know maybe like Slayer fighter but Slayer fighter has not really played much but I suppose we're not really at high ranks on this oh my God I'm still surprised that we're just two hit these things like our gear is good but is it that good not really although I'm surprised that we got all of this gear from like one run I guess you know we did trade but I felt like for a while the marketplace um everything on the marketplace felt surprisingly cheap but right now it actually didn't feel that much cheap uh it didn't actually feel that cheap it actually kind of felt more expensive honestly than um just through normal trading uh that's a decent ring as well spell cast speed and will um but honestly we don't really have much inventry space anyway so let's not worry about it too much let's actually just drop like one bandage uh we don't need this many health potions either let's go ahead and drop like two more sort the inry out a little bit green Treasures we will take yeah let's drop that for a surgical kit uh goblet what come we drop that's like what are these physical power additional physical damage man physical power is really not doing that much for us but the additional physical damage will help as well so I guess let's just stick with it for now uh I would like to try and find one of the training dummies but I forget where they actually are on this map uh I know roughly but not exactly but let's try and see if we can get into any more PVP way cuz honestly I want to try this out more but now I'm worried to try and play on my like main fighter cuz how do I beat this as a fighter crossbow gaming but I have it in this like they a melee wizard is going to significantly out DPS me significantly when I get one Fon hit off they probably are going to hit me with like two staff hits and I'm probably just dead from that not that Fighter's weak or anything it's just versus this wizard was always like you know a counter to um fighter but Ah that's annoying that skill always feels so hard to dodge or skill that attack wow did we just two hit this guy and I guess um H yeah I mean as I was saying wizard is always a bad match up for fighter or at least for PDR fighter maybe not so much for Slayer fighter but was how few people really play Slayer fighter I feel like it's not really worth talking about that much although I guess it is like one of the sanctioned likeit hang on I think that's trying to like attack us from under from below I wasn't sure if it was like attacking someone else well our imry is already pretty full so like honestly probably shouldn't waste too much time looting uh let's pop another potion make sure there's no reason to not be top up okay so I think there actually is a training dummy in this room so let's go ahead and take a peek in here yeah there are perfect careful for the double hit how many hits do these take one there two as well okay right so like 60 physical damage and like 33 magic damage so that's almost a 90 damage headshot if we had a bit more dexterity there we actually wouldn't have taken damage there oh he actually lived I did it live maybe I didn't headshot it in one of the hits okay here we go right well that at least freeze our inventry up from a little bit a little bit more because of the med usage no let's not use a bandage we have enough health potions to just use another potion honestly let's check this heavy orate chest and then I'm not really sure where we can possibly find more players um sure let's take both of those as well looks good smash these anything blue in here nope all right well I would like to fight at least one more other player ideally in here if we can before we have to leave I guess like 10 ignites is really a lot especially when you're doing this much damage with the I can Perfect The Flaming staff looks pretty cool I never really appreciated the staff cuz I always wanted to play the um you know well I didn't always want to I guess i' I've always enjoyed melee Wizard and stuff and things like Enhancement Shaman from Wow uh oh my God how are we alive let's pop the surgical kit and we just need to leave so we're just going to go ahead and take this Blue Portal Jesus I was so worried there and now this rang is going to die to the Zone this guy honestly I I saw a ranger in the lobby so I thought it was going to be that guy but no this guy was a lot more geared the other guy was in base kit or maybe this guy wasn't maybe this is the same guy he just found uh yeah looted yeah looks like he actually just found a bunch of decent pieces strength strength strength strength fiz power God damn this guy actually picked up some insane gear for one run but unfortunately he got too greedy for the kill luckily we managed to live there I don't know how that was some kind of Miracle I'm not going to lie anyway uh let's just store some of this gear for now actually got my first gold key as well ever we uh was playing with a friend and we killed uh well actually as I was explaining how you can get a golden key very very rarely from a skeleton Champion we got one on our like first kill together it was like a newish player so that was something anyway let's go ahead 324 gold from that of course whatever we um could sell the gear for as well but we're not going to bother selling this for now let's just go ahead and do a few more runs hopefully we can play not only Goblin caves but if we have to play only Goblin caves I guess so be it let's just definitely make sure we stock up on meds though cuz we're running pretty low on them now but hopefully that showed you like just how much more survivable we are compared to a standard wizard cuz my God a standard wizard would have died there let's go ahead and bring in a potion of luck as well we had enough goal to justify that uh see what the map rotation is no okay let's go ahead let's head into another Goblin caves and see what we can get up to okay hey there guys welcome back to Goblin caves so pretty decent class split in the uh Lobby that I saw uh there is a rogue who's playing uh oh wow that's some C we actually Max rolled our luck potion so maybe that's why we're getting so lucky there but there is a rogue who's playing land mine so we'll have to definitely be careful about that I'll try and listen out in times where I think we possibly could be getting jumped on uh someone said in the comments that they buff barrels to be as good as boxes uh that definitely doesn't seem like it to me um after playing quite a bit recently I have basically got nothing of value from barrels mean more boxes still seem pretty crazy uh we probably could have two hit this guy there probably could have just committed yeah thought so right um I still haven't really played much of the new Goblin caves good news though I should have mentioned this in the first run however they did actually buff the oh sorry not buff fix the servers basically there's nowhere near as much lag now on Goblin caves there is still a tiny bit occasionally but it's nowhere near as bad as it was so if that was putting you off uh Goblin caves there's still issues for Goblin caves I think I think there should be like another portal or maybe two cuz it this map still feels like the most difficult to extract from by far but I've found success recently just playing around the static extracts and just not really leaving or not really going too far away from them and that seems pretty consistent however not always uh but portals it just doesn't feel like there's that many portals what the the hell just happened there I had a feeling that was going to die um I think white gems are actually like okay compared to most other white things uh two magical healing might go for like a few hundred Gold Plus agility as well lot of casters are going to appreciate that although of course they did recently Nerf uh warlocks torch Mastery scaling again it went from like 25% to 15% I believe so yeah not sure how many works are playing torture Mastery honestly don't ow don't think it's even worth playing torture Mastery anymore that's interesting that our Shield actually blocks the damage from the poison I didn't think it would do that I thought it would only block um damage from like if we got hit again but unfortunate that we use a bunch of meds right off the bat maybe I should have bought a few more meds honestly didn't think we'd really be getting hit but maybe that was a mistake it's generally worth bringing more meds than you're probably going to need like through Stacks is a pretty safe [Music] bet okay okay man this guy's a sniper are we doing less damage now for some reason I thought they guy was going to die from the second hit but then he took an extra one all right well there goes not taking so much damage I guess immediately took quite a lot kind of wasted a few meds here and there as well but let's not worry about it too much we do have two campfires so if we get a bit desperate we okay wellon surgical kit as well will help us as well it does take a long time to use surgical kits on the wizard if you saw in the previous game now I would like to push out and try and engage in some PVP so we're probably going to try and look for that however it's still a bit sketchy cuz we could be walking into a land mine and if we're buffed up when we walk into a land mine we'll probably be okay unless the GU is insanely geared but if he catches us out when we're not buffed up I do not like our odds we're probably going to die there's also a very geared PDR fighter somewhere which I'd like to fight if we can I feel like we'd be have a pretty good time cutting them out and also honestly we'd probably be okay even in melee like as long as we don't like Miss too many hits well the magic staff does have a pretty low range which is always really my issue about it like um that's why I don't think it's truly that good in PvP or PVE but it it's only really good I feel like with blow of corruption where you know like if you hit them in the head they are probably going going to die from like full HP almost that's why I feel like the blow of corrup from walll build works with the magic staff just cuz if you do hit them they almost certainly will die or if it did like you know half the damage it probably wouldn't be viable even if it works on like two hits or something like that but I don't know um I don't feel like we could get too many upgrades very easily anymore now this down here generally has quite a lot of PVP going on I'm not even seeing any mobs alive or anything let's go take a peek okay now the mobs definitely are still alive in here well let's not worry about this for now then hopefully we can come back there later and encounter some people uh the centipede could be a pretty good idea to kill as well well I would really like to find another player I kind of wish my um wizard was one of my higher ranks at the moment to be honest cuz I'm having lots of fun on this although to be honest if we died to that Ranger it probably would have been a bit of a different story I probably would have been a little bit upset about that one I'm not going to lie uh although it was partially it was definitely partially me cuz I underestimated the guy's gear as there I saw that there was only one Ranger in the lobby so like and he was Base Kit so he couldn't be that gear right so I tried to just run at him he did also hit a nice shot though hitting us whilst we were running at him invisible that was definitely a nice play by that guy although I guess it was pretty predictable I should have walked in a bit of a different manner I guess however my plans got a little bit changed when um I tried to rush him and I canceled my Enis cuz I like hit the wall with my staff that's of course always an annoying thing that you have to be careful of when you're playing with the staff uh there is also another wizard trying it uh trying melee wizard this run they are however not running the staff variant they're running a Crystal Sword variant which possibly could be better but I feel like it's probably not just because of the staff Mastery perk right now once that's presumably is nerfed like I assume it's going to be it probably will be better however I can't say for for sure maybe this is intended but if it is intended it needs to be nerfed I think I don't know I don't feel like I've played a class that has DPS output this High where is everyone it's been such a quiet run I've been like running around quite a bit um I guess we'll take that as well sure now this could definitely be our extract if we keep an eye out for um or we can probably stay around this oh gu not dead probably stay around this area and use this static honestly the staff like Bonk is quite satisfying as well like Smite clar was decent with the magic stff right but this feels so much better cuz I think it is like I think this is straight up doing like an extra like third of the damage a door Northwest somewhere possibly yep definitely someone in here H not really sure where then they may have gone the other way and be heading around I'm hearing footsteps but I'm really trying to tell where they are yeah they're definitely towards that room [Music] okay we just one top that guy yeah this is not bced okay that's a pretty good amulet uh let's take whatever highest tier Treasures we can get let's drop a campfire we don't need another campfire uh take all the gold any of this gear any good not really not really not really let take that gold chalice as well yeah I mean I don't know is that balanced guys we just one tap that guy granted it's a low gear Rogue so like yeah he's squishy but we still one tapped him as a wizard in melee maybe it is time to push the wizard to demigod let's just be careful here let's just magic Missile the Mage as long as he hopefully he doesn't move okay well he moved we can waste the magic missiles honestly we're probably not going to be using these too much in PvP so it's not really that much of a waste these are mainly there just to help us out in PVE I feel like or like I say for for barbarians and stuff things with the magic St as well is the awkward attack pattern it's not really ideal I feel like on Wizard though what you do have to do every now and then is just take a moment and just listen do you hear anything do you hear any footsteps that could be sneaking up on you cuz of course Rogues you got to be careful of Ranger traps as well those are your your big two things that kill you as a ranger sorry as a the wizard right still remember we have the crossbow as well but don't really feel like we have maybe it's not worth running it honestly maybe you just run like a spell book as well so you can cast your Buffs easier I'm not sure we could actually try the centipede in here and see how many hits this actually takes I think we will try and avoid the poisons of course we don't really want to be taking unnecessary damage kill all a bunch of the spiders anyway there's so many spiders here we'll have to ignite again but it's [Applause] okay right we have so many ignites actually I didn't think having the extra ignites would really change it that much but I suppose this means you can run it in base kit wizard uh possibly without meditate just to clear PVE and then your spells for PVP like we've casted quite a few and we still have another six or five now ah took an unnecessary hit there feel like this is got to be close to death yeah Jesus like this DPS is crazy let's actually not worry about using that right now no usually I would so no one else can use it but we're probably going to be the only ones hanging around here for a while oh those are actually some pretty decent jewelry pieces uh let's go ahead and drop a gold I don't know I don't know which one of these is worth more probably a bow right two true magic damage three fist power eh honestly that's not that amazing but there is also another static like just inside the zone so let's go ahead and keep heading forward oh God that action speed you see that Jesus pop a few more meds and let's go ahead and get moving honestly I feel like we should probably just like prematurely pop a a blue pot just in case we have another one so this also just makes that inventry a little bit neater as well so if we waste it it's not a big deal someone has been through here here a portal opening up to the side somewhere there's a PO right there of course they removed the viip trick if you are unaware so you can no longer see if people are close to you easily We have basically like a number of extracts that we can be taking I think we're probably the final player left at this point did I just hear a footstep H I don't think so yeah but as you can see someone's definitely been through here and looted everything so I think like oh did I cancel that no just couldn't see it uh let's go take one more Peak N I think we're good there's not really anything to gain so let's just go ahead and get out so I guess we should be using ignite first cuz it lasts the longest and then we should haste and then invis and then we can go ahead and go in although I suppose it should be ignite then arcan Shield then haste then invis just so we actually make sure that we utilize that as well yeah it looks like we were the last person alive in here we probably got some pretty solid gold we got some very high tier Treasures in this run so uh let's go ahead and take a look yeah almost 500 gold for my treasures oh wait actually yep 489 gold from my treasures so that it's a very solid run we also got six heart candies some decent jewelry pieces along with uh I think a gold purse was also fed up before that as well so yeah we've get some very very nice things from these runs so far actually run out of gold purses damn um I might have to save up for the uh third stash space cuz yeah unfortunate about these gingerbreads I guess I probably could still sell them but I don't really know if we want to spend any gold upgrading anything like I guess we could get like a better neck or something or maybe a better head let's look for a better head let's actually go ahead and buy this wizard hat for 150 gold it gives us two Vigor two will of course five magical power pretty solid run or sorry pretty solid item it's only a little bit of an upgrade it's more of like a side grade than anything but we'll take it a little bit extra tankiness and a little bit more damage as well right let's get into it we'll do one more Goblin caves and then if the rotation is on a solo map that isn't Goblin caves we'll go for that but can't really control that guys unfortunately so we'll see how it goes I'll see you guys in game okay hey there guys we're into our final run I forgot to buy a lock potion unfortunately so we're not quite probably going to be getting as good loot as we did last run however um I did see a bunch of Rangers in this run so if there's any run that's going to be dangerous I feel like it's going to be this one oh God damn this guy's a nightmare that guy is fast um yeah so this could be probably the most dangerous one we've had I I think I saw like three or four Rangers for some reason you don't normally see that many Rangers playing solo especially in Goblin caves maybe in Ruins but it's risky um but I feel like that's probably going to be our hardest matchup there is also a barbarian but maybe now after The Barbarians got nerfed a lot it won't be as bad I might be coping I'm not sure we'll try and see but yeah no if you guys wanted to play melee wizard definitely give this a go this is a lot of fun and probably very overtuned oh okay I didn't wasn't sure if we would make it through here you have to crouch here cuz there's two traps you get quite chunked if you don't Crouch underneath there looks like we have zone so hopefully we can get some other people pushing into us that looked like a no never mind I thought that was purple one but I'm not going to lie it feels so good just killing PVE so fast with no spells base kit wizard is probably so much better in solers now now the thing is they did buff meditate but I feel like meditate is never re oh wow that's a good ring as well uh does this just give us 3% okay I feel like one magic damage honestly might be like more valuable let's go ahead and pop the Arcane Shield there's not really much Point yeah I should dodged that you see how much damage that still did through our bloody Shield that's quite a lot but anyway I actually brought more meds this time so we shouldn't be um we should be fine there's some decent chests here I honestly I don't really know if this place is worth going for cuz the um fireplaces uh or like the things that shoot fire out kind of keep you stuck here sometimes quite for quite a long time so I also forgot how insane our boots are so we're so fast we're getting uh 16 movement speed from these along with actually some damage reduction and some actual damage bonus as well very very nice boots come on but yeah I definitely think you definitely need some like Vigor and strength for this build you definitely need to be able to survive a few hits which is why I've been trying to actually build a lot more Vigor and strength than I normally would um 17 Vigor 13 strength is pretty decent 104 base Health Plus of course we have 25% PDR which is you know some it's not a huge oh well we'll be all right but yeah like I say I feel like Rangers are still going to be our most difficult matchup hopefully we can fight the Barbarian this run I didn't check how geared he was I didn't really have much time I just kind of scanned what glasses were actually in the lobby which is very strong by the way like if you guys don't do that you definitely should just to look for like your bad matchups to see how many there are and then that can help you determine how you should play whether you should play a bit more uh safer or more aggressive it's one of like The Scouting is just so strong it's so weird cuz if someone if it's a counter even if they're low geared they might not be that much of a counter so that definitely changes how you play right well probably should if it even if it doesn't okay perfect right so we do actually have some lockpicks so let's go ahead and check in this golden chest see if we can get anything good from here gold goblets blue pot and a bunch of ltia stuff honestly I feel like golden chest are pretty underwhelming quite often to me they feel worse than the average L's head which is so weird see as they're always locked and rarer higher tier chests maybe they're not higher tier but definitely feels like they should be anyway now from here we do have the static so if I was trying to not engage in PvP I would probably just loot everything around here and try and look to play for the static and extract from there however I'm pretty confident in our ability with this set and this build so I think let's go ahead and no I don't think any players going likely to be there I think they're likely to be more to the south of us so let's go ahead and start clearing through this the sa I don't know why now we're like not too hitting mobs or maybe it's is it just the Axeman that we're two hitting ah well that was a shoulder hit so maybe if that was a head shot we would have okay yeah so it is just the Axeman oh and bising is probably that we're too hitting rather than the archers cuz I think for some reason the archers are tankier than the Axeman which is a bit weird uh yeah some trases underneath that as well but like just look at our stats how well balanced is that for a wizard like 13 strength 17 Viger 20 agility 21 dexterity 28 W 30 knowledge 18 resourcefulness as well like our interaction speeds actually aren't so low I guess this is just part of we honestly should probably look for a better neck like that's an okay neck but we could probably get something like a a will base possibly or maybe a Vigor base something like that which would help us out how are our legs oh yeah our legs are actually pretty good pretty huge movement speed from those and additional strength H we'll take rugged boots in high roller now for if you're playing for AP I think the trick is or like the the stats are that purple treasure uh sorry purple items gear pieces are about green Treasures so like you should drop them for blue Treasures I believe how is it so quiet honestly I'm really shocked at how quiet it is what about in here yeah even that's it's not cleared I don't know I don't really know the spawns particularly well so I can't exactly like rush for PVP that effectively in um gold caves ever since they made it so we can play other maps of solos I haven't played much Goblin caves to be honest but I definitely appreciate this map a bit more now that what's that audio H I thought I heard someone but I actually don't think I do I thought I heard like a a ranger but now that I'm thinking about it I'm pretty sure it's actually not a player yeah no it's definitely not okay well for a second I thought we're actually going to the reason why I'm being so like nitpicky about the audio as well is it's for Rogues like I keep saying if if we walk into a rogue unbuffed we're dead if we walk in buffed there's a chance ideally of course um we can try and get the drop on them like we did with that previous Rogue however that guy um I don't really know what that guy did like maybe he was a bit noer player or something cuz that guy heard should have heard me buffing up and then he like instead of trying to hide I thought I'd have to try and like smack the air and try and knock him out of it but no he just didn't even hide maybe he wasn't running hide or possibly um it was on co9 or something I don't really know I guess we are kind of pushing away from the zone so possibly that's why we're not encountering many players to busy yapping right um let's go in here there's some decent loot in here this is also usually a decent place to find players sometimes maybe not but being able to kill things this efficiently on Wizard without using any resources is really really nice and like I say yeah probably broken but we'll see I mean barbarian was broken for a long time and that didn't that only just got changed right finally so maybe this will last longer than I expected to however it is Wizard that of course has a history of just getting nerfed if uh if it's even slightly too strong it will just get nerfed even when most wizard players were suffering cuz it was just harder to play this class at like lower gear levels but of course at high gear levels Wizard's definitely one of the best scaling classes did we come through and clear this this is honestly such a dead run I'm considering just leaving I don't know why it's such a dead run though I don't want to leave yet I would like to fight another player we haven't even really done much loot or anything I don't like lockpicking the bronze on eight chests I haven't really uh lockpick them much but those chests don't feel that amazing when they're not locked so I don't really feel like it's worth wasting a lockpick on them I could be wrong maybe they're really good if they're locked and it's like a different loot pool or something but let's go ahead and clear out these spiders clear out this thing and then go ahead and take out the centipede as as well didn't think I was actually going to be able to dodge that there because of the um we were slightly raised let's go ahead pop another ignite I think we'll probably kill it with this ignite I two hitting those it's crazy just be careful about that you can dodge it by um side strifing but I feel like sometimes you get hit doing that oh wow that's a good neck as well physical healing will physical damage bonus we'll take it just cuz we have nothing right now that's a pretty nice neck TR F damage strength move speed sparting speed is not really going to help at all oh this this room is actually unlooted this room is a pretty good loot place um quite a lot of treasures on the walls you can usually get some greens or blues or something something from here oh you hear that there's to the north there's um a goblin attacking and someone just shut a door however the centipede is still alive right there so we're probably going to have to find a different way through however let's go ahead and loot this first ring green treasure uh is this ring any good will move speed F damage reduction it's pretty good but the numbers just a bit low for it to really be that good gold water pot is one of like the worst Treasures I think it's actually the worst Force slot uh I guess we'll take another surgical kit for now I going make sure we use the um higher tier one first over here as the Zone starts to close in here we're probably going to meet some players here so yeah there's definitely someone like above us somewhere yeah someone's already cleared all these things should have grabbed the shrine of PDR let's grab the shrine of power at least we should be relatively safe here however now we probably want to start looking for like um well basically we have that other static that we can go back to if we want to but I want to find a player although they are probably Rangers that we're likely to find which of course as I've said are probably the harder probably the hardest definitely one of the harder matchups for us as I say the ones I'm worried about are rogue Ranger and Barbarian which are just historically the counters to wizard I'm going to cast an ignite but no other buff okay well luckily we got the drop on that guy we also did manage to actually Dodge some of his shots which was pretty good okay let's try and loot this guy from whatever we can get uh oh wow that tunic is insane uh that's pretty insane as well that's not that good that's good uh Vigor fist power okay we don't have much time let's go ahead and open this as well uh let's check his Longbow pretty decent Longbow but let's not worry about it uh let's drop that let's grab green Treasures I guess uh drop that grab that let's grab whatever potions okay yeah let's just head out of here okay well when you catch Rangers off guard like that you're going to be fine but when if that guy fought us in a better area for him of course right there there's not many angles where he can actually um get the distance on us the distance is what's going to kill us against Rangers or traps look we actually made it to Pathfinder on um the wizard wasn't planning on that but I guess if it happens it happens let's quickly sell all these Treasures store all this jewelry we've got we've actually been picking up so much jewelry honestly we should maybe be a little bit stricter in the gear that uh the jewelry that we picking up I guess that a lot of it is there's a lot of centipedes on the new Goblin caves so a lot of people are probably killing those um some of these gear pieces will be worth a huge amount like I think this padded tunic is very very good this will probably sell for multiple ingots uh those are okay they're not that amazing those are okay those are just things that we picked up for AP um so yeah let's not worry about selling all this stuff for now it's going to take a while for probably to sell these things although I probably should just put these things up and then um we can see them later if they sell but for now I want to do one more run possibly if the map is not Goblin caves okay hey there guys I've waited about half an hour and it's finally gone back to solos on ruins I would have taken taking Ice Caves as well we're just going to be heading straight back in um actually I think we'll grab one more stack of health potions just in case we probably won't need them but better be safe than sorry it's only 18 gold all right I'll see you guys in game I'm in check of about 95 and then let's do one head shot with that yeah and that's going to be about another 20 we're doing about over 100 damage per head shot which is just crazy plus we got the burn tick as well so that's going to be even more added on as well now of course we are down one ignite now you don't get it back if you use it during the pregame lobby but it's fine we still got nine um I just want to say guys if you've been enjoying the video so far I'd appreciate likes a lot uh let me know what your thoughts in the comments how are you going in dark and darker right now are you enjoying the game are you going to wait until the newest um or until the season ends where they're presumably going to do a reset it's not um confirmed or anything yet but I imagine they probably will or maybe soon after and then then uh if you want to see more like this I appreciate subscriptions a lot as well so thank you for that as well anyway let's get into it um I think to the South they Pro did that shoot at us I'm not sure if that shot at us or at someone else there is a spawn pretty close to the South so we'll probably head down to that or actually no no no let's not do that let's head over to the cemetery over here try and loot the Royal coffin oh I actually forgot that there's the um boss here now as well how do you open this let's just avoid that for now I say boss it's I believe a mini boss but either way it's going to take us a while to kill didn't mean to fall off but not everything in knif is planned I guess going take us a little bit longer to get up there than I would have liked to I would have liked to have gotten up there a bit early got it it feels so good though just hitting mobs and like killing them in three head shots whilst using zero resources there is someone there obviously I don't know what they were that explosion was the um skeletal mage okay well let's just go and chill all we're going to do is we're just going to kite a little bit get some potions sticking and then go ahead and fight the sky [Music] no okay okay what happened there if you didn't see was our ignite actually went off or ran out so we didn't actually want up that guy there or like to hit him took three head head shot instead so definitely not as fast as we could have killed him but actually don't know how you kill this thing I've never fought this thing before except uh just by cheesing it uh I'm just going to hope it resets and then we can go back and lot our kill after I didn't play that ideally uh that guy was further away than I thought he was however cleric for us is basically just food like they don't really stand a chance we we can either kill them at range or at uh in melee so this is why I stopped playing cleric solo so much cuz it's just so bad I'm not going to lie I enjoy cleric but being so slow you can't choose the engagements that you engage in and people are just going to run away unless they it's a good matchup or they have the advantage somehow uh let go some pretty decent stuff three mat healing book is crazy that's pretty good all this isn't amazing we'll take a a spare campfire cuz we're probably going to go and use one right now we'll take his lock picks as well some pretty decent gear on that that's actually looted so let's go ahead and take those there's a handled yeah let's not worry about them how many spells are we missing yeah we're missing quite a few so let's go ahead and campfire in here H where let's go ahead and campfire in here honestly I feel like this might be like some of the safer one of the safest spots to do this in cuz obviously people can't see us and hopefully we can hear people coming I forgot we have the crossbow as well I honestly don't think like we're actually going to use that very much now we definitely can use it it's probably good to use it however just from remembering that we have it and utilizing it I'm not sure I do think it is probably part of the like B kit for melee wizard it's just um you know you need to remember that you actually can utilize that like when that guy was dodging Fireballs I probably should have just sent uh some crossbow shots at them instead of trying to rely on the uh Fireballs it's quite easy to dodge Fireballs right it's not so easy to dodge um crossbow shots but yeah I mean that shows the power I think well I guess not it's a cleric right it's already a good matchup but even though our ignite had worn off we still three shot that guy to the head like that is pretty crazy damage some of these pieces are actually pretty good it's a shame we're not really going to be able to take too many of these things um we definitely can drop some of this gear oh my God finding so much good loot the cemetery always or graveyard generally has pretty good loot but loot this good is not that common I feel like this would be nice uh this would be a nice little Zero to Hero um Cemetery quite good gear from oh my God look at that as well Vigor magical power occultist boots our boots are so good though because of the move speed like we're just so fast we're just going to have such an advantage on most people oh hey there's someone else here oh my God there's loads of boys I haven't seen much teaming in this um game since they did the change but I suppose that's cuz I've mainly been playing Goblin cave Goblin caves is just a worse map to team on uh because you you just run out of portals speaking of portals there actually a blue portal down there um right so I am down to try and fight people two on one however we need to do it correctly we can't just run in there like an idiot and stat check them well honestly maybe we're so overtune that we can but we shouldn't we should try and play to our strengths because we're going to be probably fighting a group let's go ahead and rest up and get all of our spells back just to make sure we are fully topped off it's not too bad anymore just resting for your spells it does still take a little while but it's a lot better than it used to be before they buffed the um meditating rates or sorry not medit just resting rates by like they buffed it by like three times or something so while Fireball does still take a while looks we've got four Fireballs back now all right so what we'll probably do is let's open this cuz we're probably the only person who has seen this and let's go ahead and go back so I saw a rogue I saw a fighter the Rogue scary but let's go ahead and see who's in here I hear someone I think they're below yeah they are right well let's try and let's try and take the fight this Barbarian fighter oh my God how many people is there there's three there no R there okay that's one dead someone down there okay let's go ahead and run okay that's one dead we're probably not going to be able to loot that guy there's someone here we're using a lot of resources unfortunately now let's just get slightly in the zone and campire uh that's not what I meant to do let's actually campire so that's one down there's a barbarian there's a fighter I think there's a rogue somewhere as well we need to try and pick them off one at a time we definitely can't engage like 1 V3 let's just make sure we have all of our spells cuz we're going to need them unfortunately we use all of our blue potions we have no blue potions left uh we've got all of our spells let's go ahead and pop this I think we're going to have to go all the way around we can probably take the static bread yeah the thing is now we probably can't fight them cuz there's going to be so many portals as I open probably this guy's going to take this yeah knew it right yeah see everyone's just taking portals um we'll take the red as well I want to fight this at least I want to fight the um fighter a shame we couldn't loot that kill I hope someone looted that at least whether it was us or not okay welcome to ruines uh yeah we didn't really gain much from killing that guy but right well let's sort ourry out a little bit this is a bit of a mess uh we're running kind of on meds unfortunately no blue potion sucks uh let's use an ignite here just try and speed this up a bit otherwise it's going to take us a while to clear this room oh look at our DPS output it's just insane um let's not worry about looting any of those zombies or anything we already have pretty good stuff on us I honestly just want to try and hunt the other player so maybe what we'll try and do is just try and okay we'll take the purple arming sword actually okay as well weapon damage for his damage bonus not too bad I want to try and hunt this other player o blue potion perfect there was a few too many people there working against us unfortunately to try and uh get anything done super quickly let's just honestly pop IGN kns like we have so many okay almost gave that guy a head shot oh he died to two hits from the burn wow crazy insane damage close to the burn yeah wow r r good now this has been a pretty high octane game though there any traps here no okay that's just all I was worried about let's try and bait in case it's a double shot two hits or three two okay oh blue treasure perfect I mean our inventory is pretty full yeah H I'm kind of going the wrong way if I want to try and look for players so let's go ahead and go the right way I guess we we'll head south and then we'll try and run to the um High uh uh traffic areas possibly we can find that guy but I don't know he looked like he did want to fight as well although I guess he was trying to team but we have killed so many players this game like if you enjoy PVP gameplay uh give us a like we don't often do too much PVP on this channel just due to the nature of zero to Heroes I feel like it's wisest not really to do much PV PVP but I definitely enjoy PVP although I've been doing a surprising amount on my demigod climb as well on uh my fighter solo however when you die in there God damn it sucks you have to buy a whole another kit uh you lose your entrance fee of course you lose whatever you progress you'd made in there lose whatever loot You' grabbed it kind of sucks but hey it's fun and now maybe with the marketplace it shouldn't take as long to um grab a new kit or make a new [Applause] kit being a bit lazy with my PVE here did I no oh I did grab the heal Shrine damn it I shouldn't have done that should have cleared out the mobs first uh sure let's go ahead and lock pick this I feel like heavy orate chests are fine to Lockpick blue blue wow not bad honestly that might be better than what we have yeah let's go ahead and take that uh we'll lose a tiny bit of vigor and stuff unfortunately but should be a pretty big damage increase physical damage bonus action speed will tiny bit of magic resist which probably won't really make much of a difference uh let's go ahead and pop this health potion let's pop a bandage we have enough bandages really so we don't have to worry too much about them it's just health potions we need to be a bit more more conservative with probably right let's head to the South here to a more Central position why we like three out of four on those let's try and bait the um overhead ah unfortunate the overhead is so much easier to dodge oh I heard a zombie take damage however I feel like it's it just walked into the traps which is probably why yeah it definitely just walked back into the traps right well there's a bunch of boxes here that we can loot then we'll continue heading south uh let's make sure we actually equip those blue potions as well I think there's probably only that fighter in here somewhere and honestly if we don't find him soon he'll probably just have extracted unless he's going to hell let's just make sure we pop another potion don't want to be missing health for any reason however we will be able to easily kite out a fighter so the only thing we really need to worry about is committing into melee too early and also him getting the drop on us with a crossbow shot or something like that could be scary as well I actually don't want to head this way let's Head West and then head south uh let's just pop another ignite I guess this is a nice thing about having eight ignite or 10 ignites you can kind of just use them whenever you feel like and get a little bit of a clear speed bonus unfortunate that I buy couldn't hit that guy so spawned in another gas cloud as well but whatever it's not a big deal oh my God that made me jump out of my skin I'm not going to lie I went to take my hand off my keyboard and I accidentally tried to put it down really quick and pressed uh X put my weapon away white magic staff we'll salute this chest then we'll sit for a moment just to top our health back up get our spells back real quick and then make our way further hopefully towards the player we don't need to worry about our ignites four magic missiles will be fine let's just make sure we've got full Buffs full health yep okay we're good uh was this one that I opened yeah yeah that was where I came from okay good to know right down this way the nice thing as well is the movement speed I guess your movement speed wouldn't be that good if you're not running like five additional move speed legs and these goddamn 16 movement speed boots as well but I guess it shows the potential that we can actually use like stats uh for movement speed and not have to worry too much about damage uh there that okay well there's the Barbarian actually as well H is this cleared this is not cleared okay we don't really want to go through there then What's blocking me there I'm down to try and fight this guy I want to chest the um potential against the Barbarian that was good okay I mean that guy misplayed really heavily so it wasn't so much wasn't so much a hit or anything it this guy kind of just misplayed it pretty terribly um let's go ahead and drop some of these things uh let's go ahead and just grab jewelry stock upon meds uh let's drop that as well let's make sure we've just got enough meds to survive let's pop some meds now actually real quick I hope poort is obviously quite small so we're not really playing for AP here uh let's drop like green goblets green Treasures let's take anything that we can that's blue or better oh my God I just dropped one uh [Music] whatever very good Treasures on this guy very very nice Treasures right well we can get some more from that guy but let's not worry about it I think we're okay for now let's go ahead and open this let's pop a med and then I think honestly let's just go in here and huh I don't know where if the other fighter is in here somewhere I guess if he is anywhere he'll be in here we're going to take a little bit damage here no unless well someone has been in here and cleared through some of this so he could possibly be in here somewhere however I think we're just going to be leaving now we're just going to clear out these mobs and leave unless the guy's taking a red or something yeah yeah we're out of here it's pretty good runs guys we got a hell of a lot of kills in this run uh let's see if we were the final one alive or if if we did go to hell yeah we were the final person in here so another 640 AP we got some pretty good gear again some things are some of these things are going to sell we unfortunately did misplay our looting a little bit we should have dropped some of these meds and stuff um we have two of course open slots but generally I think we made it out there pretty well we also should have dropped these crossbow bolts and stuff uh had green things up here but yeah anyway guys melee wizard feels insane this feels overpowered will it get nerfed probably let's see thank you very much for watching if you made it this for I appreciate you a lot if you like the video I'd appreciate it likes a lot if you want to see more like this subscriptions will help you out with that and they'll also help me out almost getting to 2K so I'd appreciate that a lot thank you guys I'll see you in the next one bye-bye good luck in your games
Channel: Esomn
Views: 7,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VnsrXlB0Trs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 39sec (5919 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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