The OP Fighter Build Nobody Uses? - Dark and Darker

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first off this is not a meme build or a joke this guy thought it was and look at him now strip down to the adventurers tunic first off daggers do more damage than a Falon it's weird but that's the truth so look at these totals and add just a little bit of physical damage and plus two weapon damage per knife and your numbers start getting really crazy really fast and that's being conservative good gear is a whole another story you even have even have as much move speed as a rogue when sprinting nobody expects a plate fighter to close the distance this fast especially since you don't need to run with your weapon out since daggers pull out instantly this combined with the fact that some people don't even know what class you're playing what the hell am I looking at what the why you die here it's like giving people a confusion debuff and they're just clueless on how to fight you like this warlock who whiffed every spell and then just uh fell over and and died and to think that this was one of the few times I was fine with being friendly anyway I already know what some of you're thinking what about doing Slayer fighter with the daggers it'll add another five Dam damage each hit great idea and you'd also think that the extra move speed is a benefit but not really since the plate version's already at 106% as a starting place for your move speed you really don't need more than that so for the extra five damage you're giving up about half your damage reduction with throwables bows and barbarians everywhere that's just not a good trade-off so no Slayer but slayer's still fun and after testing out Slayer I learned that my rotted brain was craving that fast-paced dexterity which my original build didn't have much of I swapped out the pants for cloth boots to Venture and got some dexterity on my other gear so here's the build and there's so many ways to play it but the best part is the outplay potential it gives you your brain can finally be put to use after all that wkey Barbarian gameplay not by a lot the combat system's not that deep but you'll see I know there's a barbarian around here so I'm going to try and take like no damage this fight which is the beauty of this build you're Nimble you can dodge this dude Smite you can get him with his little oh I was going to say you get him with his book out this basically how every cleric fight goes oh oh it just couldn't be more picture perfect I mean that's just every cleric right there and there's the Barbarian right on Q oh I don't have arrows oh I don't have Sprint I don't have Sprint okay maybe my pl's falling apart now oh my Sprint save me okay I got to think of a new plan now uh have no throw BS my bows out of arrows uh I just got to I got to play the corners yeah now you heard me pull out my knives there that's the only way I'm going to win though is if I get cheap hits like that especially if he keeps doing that come on okay I yeah I just got to fight him the longer I wait the more he's going to hit me with those all right come on no way I'm I lived what a beautiful showcase right there the cleric pulling out his book a foot away from me cuz he doesn't expect the speed and finally hitting the Barbarian with the instant pull out of the daggers oh and that's big money on that pendant I'm getting out of here no nope I got a Slayer chasing me this is that good I think I'm actually faster though oh he's slow yep that's a job for the Stiletto right there it's crazy but both these daggers actually serve different purposes the Stiletto does more burst damage and the Rondell does more damage the longer you stab for so if you think you're going to kill someone in three hits then use the Stiletto any more than that and use the Rondell and since you do have daggers you could become this weird Rogue final boss for all of you who are lose uh who who play Rogue I made a video on Rogue but instead of being like a tiny fly Rogue that gets squashed by every other class you're fighter with 130 HP and 50% damage reduction so you basically can't lose when you have the jump on someone I hope this guy doesn't do like half my HP with that Smite staff he's dead there's just nothing he can do and he killed someone too yeah I think sitting in the darkness is definitely not a strategy I want more people doing okay I'm sitting in the storm waiting for this guy I think this peak degeneracy yeah I think that's enough of the stupid play style yeah let's get back to the good stuff which is obviously barbarians throwing a bunch of axes at me he's got an inventory full if he really does I mean I could kind of use that to my advantage oh that was a nice shot yeah if this guy just keeps throwing I just catch him real close when he's uh in the middle of throwing one of his stacks and I'll be able to get like three hits in or two before he even pulls out his weapon you know what sounds like a plan oh maybe a little too close okay just got to bait him into a little ax throwing competition I knew it oh oh oh oh oh I could have died there cuz my whiff the plan worked out great though I mean I mean that's the thing when people throw one axe that usually means they're about to throw another one cuz people usually throw them in pairs okay I'm not at the best spot I do not want to be in a corner we trying to hit him with the Dodge yep dodging a war Mall's still sick nope this is not good I'm in a big open room against a warlock and my aim sucks yeah I just have to get in melee range before he before he gets out of this form okay pulled those out way too early I can't see anything yeah I could have gotten so many more hits in if I actually pulled him out at the right time wait he's running away wait now now he can't hit me but I can hit him there we go finally some PVP on this baren Wasteland next time I'll be experienc in that will probably be in about seven more ice cave runs by the way use whatever bow you want I just like the survival bow cuz it's like a dagger and bow form but recurve is good too long Bow's a little slow but you could probably make it work you know then you fighter perks out and it actually fits perfectly with this build so I thought why not replace the dagger for Raper and see if it's better than daggers what I found out was that the build's not actually that bad like three hits on a Slayer who looks homeless but has some nice gear that's not bad however that and the extra range you get are the only upsides after the first three hits the Rondell dagger does more damage has less move speed penalty and pulls out way faster so for plate I'm sticking with the daggers but if you're a Slayer player then definitely try it out that brings me to something I haven't mentioned yet about this build and it could very well be the most OP part remember how I talked about stacking the true physical damage cuz you hit people so many times get your friend on Wizard to give you ignite for an extra five magic damage oh and and ditch this dagger for a crystal ball that's another six magic damage while keeping the two weapon damage and how about some Templar Armor if you're feeling it that's 42 damage per swing one less than a Falon but over two times faster you got that now just let the fire do its job the whiff is really apparent with the fire noises huh I don't really have a Duo that plays the game a lot so uh that's all the clips I have and tell me if you know of another stupid strategy that works pretty well I just love using weird stuff it's just so much fun and keeps the game fresh and if you see a plate dagger fighter that's probably me or someone that watched this video I haven't seen a single person doing this
Channel: twoSparky
Views: 36,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark and Darker, gameplay, early access, OP, Fighter, Best Build, Guide, meta, pvp
Id: pjQEh81fvPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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