Bones Hyland | Playing For Denver, Clippers Trade, Trash Talk | EP 39 | KG Certified

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when you're authentic to who you are everything else will fall in place [Applause] [Music] I was watching everything I do I want it to be as original as it can be somebody did it like this I'm gonna do it this much pillar who comes back and rescues himself this is our moment to let people know how we felt as a team we've revolutionized this game with our influence thank you I appreciate this you want you on these I'm good kg you went to a ginger shot I'm good man I'm good I need some positivity today I'm trying to cover this spread and your Vibe is off sheet what's wrong with my vibe you got to get you one of these G get yourself some of this positivity in your life you see that spray is covered thank you Mama in a minute G hey man y'all know what it is man it's kg certified today we with the great bones pleasure to be here hey look man welcome to certified yeah I got to ask you bones what do you get your nickname from man I got it from a childhood friend um she go by the name uh chicken okay and uh so I was new coming around to the city I was originally born in North Carolina I came to Wilmington Delaware and um I was a new kid in town and um I went to this uh to the to the gym it was a bunch of kids you know I'm just starting to get used to everybody in um you know a couple days pass by I ain't have a nickname everybody else had a nickname and they like um they seen how skinny I was the girl says her name chicken she like uh you know I'm gonna call you bones and she's like cause you're skinny I'm like man that can't fit me for real yeah and ever since then I just been this was like I was like eight nine ten and ever since then I just been my name I ain't able to go about my government name and this bonus has been my name ever since oh wow so so in the sense of you've been playing ball since like eight or nine then yeah really like AI before that for real I had the bottom line I was two oh wow yeah I just love basketball ever since who in your family with the connection of basketball mom dad anybody or July just picked it up and just went from there my brother used to play basketball he played all the way up into high school you know he showed me the ropes and stuff like that ever since then I just you know going around city this city you know tournaments and tournaments and just playing and just you know I got better working on my craft and you know now I'm here oh that's dope man you come from a big family yeah a big family but um you know it's very it's a small City but like it's family in different uh States but we all really ain't that like locked in like that certain States yeah but like not everybody but like us not really a big family but it's a big family you know I got you I got you I got you moving parts to it too yeah um now is it true uh growing up you were a huge hot sauce fan yes yeah everybody always asked me like um you know who my favorite player growing up everybody think is you know uh NBA player you know and I just be like you know I'm gonna make people laugh about this but it was hot sauce and it's a funny story I always like I always talk about this I come home from school and um like I eat a bowl of cereal and I put hot sauce up while I'm watching it while I'm eating uh like Fruity Peppers or something I put hot sauce up on my on my little phone or whatever and then after I'm done eating I go in the mirror with the ball and I just start doing all his moves and then after that I go to the gym and I just start like working on all his moves and just from there like I just been the guy who just showed me how to you know to just be creative with the basketball you know he showed me how to you know uh do all the tricks do the Crossovers between the legs and just get the crowd into the game you know and ever since then I always shout out uh hot sauce was different that was crazy and you know it's crazy bones his name went with his moves yeah all these moves felt like hot sauce man so he was a huge fan of the whole animal movement no animal movement Professor all of them all of them like I used to watch literally them every single day I never really watched an NBA plays I was watching just dumb the professor actually lives out here Phil he lives out here uh uh actually we're going to do something with him um uh I'm a huge fan of the professor I used to be with anyone yeah and uh yeah right when uh are you familiar with the and one mixtape and all that yes yes for sure I gotta catch up on the documentary that's his job because I don't know that's dope no doubt they gave you a bunch of insight to what was going on with it man that's still to hit man um now I got to ask you now who was your NBA kind of influence if hot sauce was kind of your street who's your NBA kind of player you went to that kind of like you know you're saying yeah I love this game for like you know I always love watching AI but I didn't never watch him live on the television like I was always watching highlights and stuff like that but um and like I ain't gonna lie like it like through high school all of that I always always just big on just hot sauce bro I'm not even gonna lie kg and then as time go on like when I was in college I had to study different players then I started getting you know into Jamal crawfords and stuff like that you know guys with similar type of game that I have so you know it really wasn't like oh I was a die-hard fan I was little and now like damn I'm in the league I'm planning to get some stuff like that it wasn't like that but like you know guys like of course we all watch like LeBron and you know Kobe MJ but like they wasn't like my favorite players you know I feel like they didn't like uh have what I had like the the flares I feel like Jamal it was more similar games do you like the street ball you'd like the Streetball style what do you like the yeah the bones one of one of my favorite parts of your game bro is the creativity yeah I'm thinking you're about to take the layoff how you know look [ __ ] in the corner how you come down bro and tell me how do you emulate street ball yeah and actually put into the professional game without the coach ripping your ass you know what I'm saying I know exactly what you're saying um for me like it's honestly it comes from plan you know in the hub you know playing you know outside and just working and just playing and not uh like overdoing certain moves and stuff like that and just learning how to you know keep certain moves simple but also keeping that flare and that swag which you know and uh you know guys like AI had it um Jamal stuff like that and um I just took stuff from different people's game and try to put it in my own Flair and it just came you know how it is now but you know sometimes in the game I just don't want to you know get a little Saucy and no look pads or something like that you know so I know how to get the crowd into it but at the same time not doing too much you know you know who I I like to bring up when you talk about this I don't know if you know uh the great Skip to My Lou you know Rayford awesome yes for sure so so skip got a rep right it took skip a minute to get into the league yeah after he went to college he had this crazy ass Street rep yeah so when he got in the game we was all like hey [ __ ] hit him with the [ __ ] look as long as he'd be like this you know he'd be like this no no I can't really get it off you know what I'm saying and every now and then like at the end again you know how garbage time you got like a minute left yeah come down here and he played for a guy named George Carr George Carby like look I'm gonna put you in the game [ __ ] and and so ready for the being here he'll pass the ball and we'd be like hey [ __ ] when you gonna bring out the schedule y'all I can't really get this yeah man and girlfriend okay I feel like at certain moments when you can do it you know like you know when he jumping air he skipped I feel like you can do that in transition here and there but like I feel like if you're coming down to set play you can't do that though he's gonna look crazy exactly the coach's gonna pull you like just be yourself you know that's how you grew up playing you can't change that for you know you can't change who you are that's what that's what got you here you know so you never let somebody change who you are I'm saying this because all you kids out here are pulling out your your moves at the wrong time in the game if you're coming down and it's tied up and you want to do this Skip to My Lou roll over this shitload this time there's times where you can you can't pull that [ __ ] out yeah first two quarters you pull it out third fourth quarter that's winning time now Michelle I agree man for the playoffs you can hit the court with a special offer courtesy of kg certified and better MGM the king of sports book plays a one-game parlay with four legs or more and get back a bonus bet up to 25 if you miss one leg man nothing beats a w at better GM uh let me ask you man why VCU man I play VCU because it was one of the first teams that really recruited me and um I mean first uh colleges that recruited me and also like uh I was going through a tragedy where I experienced a house fire and um they was when like coaches who you know just there for me you know through it all and I felt like I just had that connection with them and I had all the schools in the country at the Michigan Kansas you know stuff like that but I felt like I had a real like close bond with them and for me it's always bigger than basketball for me I'm big on loyalty and family and just and just you know having that type that type Bond because everything always goes bigger than basketball and uh having somebody you can go talk to and just have a real one-on-one conversation you know not not speaking about any basketball you're speaking about real life situations and for me I never had a father figure you know in my life so going to the coaches and talking to them about real life stuff that's all I needed you know like I'm away from my mom you know she four hours back in Wilmington Delaware away from her and uh I just needed somebody who it was like a a father figure who can you know talk about like the stuff because I never had that so that was big for me man that's that's really one of the reasons why I committed there and um ever since then like I'm still locked in and tapped in with them and uh it's been just I feel like I never made the wrong decision going there that's what's up man what was um what was playing that like good atmosphere good basketball school yeah so my first year my rookie year uh my freshman year I had um it was really fun the fans was there one of the like the best fans in the country but the second year though we got hit with the kovid and we had no fans so we just hooping with no fans but with me like I ain't Mader than me we open baby like it's open gym now okay do you hear everybody's over there one of my best years and I was just you know by guy you know I was just granted you know be drafted after my second year why what was it like being drafted bro yeah that was like biggest moment of my life man like just from everything that you know like really like the whole process I was coming out like the 66 pick like in a 66 uh Prospect coming out for the draft but you know I went through and I just bet it on myself you know and I everybody was asking me am I you know two feet in my one feet in I always tell everybody like you gotta be two feet in if you believe in yourself you can't be one for them and one foot out like if you believe in yourself go do it and prove everybody wrong you know and uh I went through every workout I'm going down busting everybody like I'm letting people know like yo I'm here to stay like I remember me first round let's do it you know and ever since then like I always just had that confidence like you know ain't nobody gonna stop me from you know achieving my dreams and that moment you know being hearing my name call on that night I just hug my mom in and cried because just everything that we've been through man like it just you know that was just one of the best moments of my life you know as soon as I heard my name called we just dropped to the floor like everything that we just been through like damn like you know we made it you know now you can you know I can let my live out my dreams my young guy really worried no more and uh ever since then like it's just been nothing but happiness and just blessings man now I gotta ask you now it snows in Delaware right yeah yeah yeah so when you got the dimmer you weren't really shocked that snowing [ __ ] no no but for when I first landed it was hot as hell out everybody think it's always so cold yeah yeah it's so like it feels good out there and ever since uh you know I got drafted there there's snow like for a couple weeks you know a couple times but after that like it's like it's like Sunny for like 300 days or something like that out of the year so Denver gets more Sun than any city in the United States yeah I'm huge on Uber Facts I gotta ask you bro you play you play with the Nuggets actually I loved you on there yeah I love that team with you on it right yeah tell me plant tell me what it's like playing with big fella man what's the Joker like bro because he's very quiet he don't really give a lot yeah he comes off very serious he didn't look like he was yeah with all these yeah he really you know it's crazy it's a couple funny stories because uh like my rookie year yeah man but when I'm you know going off at certain games he had like you know tapped me in the middle of the moment you know stay home stay humble you know because I'm the type I'm excited I'm a excitement player I want to get the crowd into it I talk trash you know that's how I always been but I'm a very humble kid but Yoko always reminds you you know stay humble stay humble you know and uh that's something you know has words you just always need to hear from you know a guy who's you know first battle Hall of Fame already in his career so you know but playing with him I mean you don't gotta worry about you know nothing you know you're gonna get the ball he don't care if he got you know 10 10 and 10 or 40 10 and 10 he don't really care he didn't want to win you know he don't want to talk about no accolades in the locker room you know he's a great guy to go talk to you can talk to him about anything like he just keep it real with you you know and that's he's a guy like you you would want to you know look look up after and uh following his footsteps just from how he presents himself how he carries himself and how you know dedicated he is into his work and um you know for me first coming into my rookie year I didn't have a routine and I'm like damn man like The Season's feeling so long you know and and I'm just looking at him like he just every single game you know whether if it's a bad game for him it's a good game he following the same routine um that's his greatness you know you gotta you gotta have a routine and I'm like man I gotta I gotta figure out my own routine but obviously you're not gonna have the same as him but you gotta figure out something and I'm like damn like you know I mean let me get on the routine ever since then like I started my game Elevate you know much higher and higher so you know props a joke man it was a blessing playing with him man I had fun playing with him but you know before any basketball he's like like a great human being man that's what's up so overall great experience Endeavor yeah yeah yeah great experience man they took a kill and with open arms you know kid from where I come from that's just a dream come true to you know be be able to get drafted to NBA team my rookie year and um you know it was an amazing moment for me I had fun there phones I gotta ask man what was their [ __ ] elevation like bro bro it's real it's true you know they do before games just to [ __ ] with your mental welcome to Denver you start feeling safe it's because you are above yeah yeah yeah and you're like in the lay of mine like yo did you hear that [ __ ] no hold on did the [ __ ] just take me two thousand oh yeah you start having a panic attack I think I think I feel it now that's really real though I'm not gonna lie it's really real like if you're not playing there and you like we feel it when we like come and leave and come back we leave you because we feel that elevation like damn bro we feel like we out of shape or something but you know if you're there for a couple home strikes you will see the other team we it's definitely an advantage over there for sure so it's a real Home Advantage to that yeah it's a real home event it's definitely real it's no faking how long does it take you when y'all go on two week trips we you know you leave a week yeah right yeah we all go for two and a half weeks two weeks when you come back how long does it take you to acclimate you know your ears start popping when you get back stuff like that you know but I feel like you know two days is good but um you know you just got to get a workout in you know get that you see how it feels in your chest and stuff like that you get that workout in again and uh you know you'll be good though by game time though because you you already in your mind like I'm used to it from me ain't really nothing crazy I had a teammate throw up in Denver for real man we came through the first time out you know first time out about what seven minutes so yeah man yeah man nah that's it really realized appreciation tell me about La man you enjoying LA so far so good yeah I love La kg I feel like this was always a place for me to you know be um you know even when I was first like uh going through the drafting process the pre-draft process um I had a workout out here you know for the Clippers I had to film they were gonna take me they they felt good about it I felt good about it and um you know what and like a couple days before and it seems like it was like it was a high chance they were taking me like it was no discussion about it and um you know when I I and honestly I didn't really work out for Denver like I did the uh the Clippers work out in the Lakers workout I had Denver next I'm like man I'm not going that late you know I'm just gonna go back to the crib and just you know try to get ready for the draft and stuff like that and uh you know that night when I got my name caught by Denver like oh [ __ ] it's crazy yeah and then you know that year go by my rookie season and I do half a year you know in Denver and then uh I guess it was like almost a full circle for me you know being traded to the Clippers I'm like damn like I you know I felt like I belonged here when I first came here it's crazy how you know God work in mysterious ways and I'm like damn this you know place that I you know wanted to be you know so it's been nothing but a blessing for me man you know happy over here and I'm just you know thankful that I'm here in a place that you know I feel like took me on Open Arms favorite thing about La I would say man just a good Breeze um the vibe Good Vibes out here just like genuine people man like I feel like is a genuine Souls genuine energy just guys that just have the energy that you know almost into that guy you know I feel like it's it's a great um compared like almost a great it just feels like it's like Immaculate Vibe it is and then you know you're playing with my my dog T Lou man yeah he gonna let you hoop man yeah for sure you talk about y'all's connection early on [ __ ] with Tulu man I like tilu man real people too yes real real dude man keep it like real you know down to earth dude he's gonna tell you you know what you don't want to have what you want to hear and what you need to hear you know so you're a great dude man great coach let you get Boogie let you rock and um his type of coach that like you can go to just have real conversations with and you know like he got a genuine soul and genuine vibe to him and also he played he was a player so he know like you know you're gonna add more you know you killing don't keep killing you know like he knows you know so man he's a great Coach man I love tea little man shout out to T Lou man [Laughter] in your game dog what do you want to actually put in your game that you don't think that you have in your game because I love I I love your vision yeah I love your three ball I think a lot of times now watch me man I'm watching people go under you like what the [ __ ] yeah you know what I give you that versus you turn yeah that's what that's what they they got to pick their poison absolutely and I love how you get your feet set you lock yeah boom what's one thing you got a nice floater yeah that's a lot of [ __ ] you got Lord that I don't really yeah yeah just to get stronger right definitely and what do you see in your game that you want to actually you know bring to fruition or you want to bring the light you know really hit on the nail like she's getting stronger and just uh trying to take my game to the next level I feel like you know my offensive game I'm so gifted you know but I can always make it better but um you know I want to work on a you know my body and you know the defensive side and I got a long wingspan I'm quick you know I want to use my my gifted abilities on the office and turn into the defense and you know get better at you know uh using my quickness until my events on defensive inside too so that's something I've been working at and I'm definitely gonna get better at but the biggest thing for me I think is you know the strength part and that'll help me on that side too two things and I'm gonna give you some free games just how you love hot sauce and how you kind of emulate those moves into the offensive side for sure find you a defense of someone that you love yeah and watch some of what what you love about him yeah for sure she was probably one of my favorite to watch defensive watch just like Elijah Gary Payton and uh okay because you know I wasn't always tall so you know you know growing up everybody's the same size for sure GP to me used to always use his hands put his hands on you and Elijah wants timing used to be impeccable so those are kind of my two examples find you somebody that you love to watch yeah and take little pieces off of their games for sure was you always like um you know gifted coming in on the defensive side my timing like um I think my characteristics is that I'm able to catch um sequence and I'm able to catch um pattern yeah so I would come down and I would catch a [ __ ] pattern he would too dribble cross it over to us left yeah so you're getting you're catching this Rhythm for real yeah and then I would get up and another thing is Bones I learned I start I start I would talk to myself and then the talking would actually come out of me were like you know what [ __ ] and the next thing I know I'm like talking you out and using the left I was like damn that's what I found talk to me yeah definitely I did a couple of clips though you're talking [ __ ] getting out of here hell no you're doing a one step step back [ __ ] ain't in your hell no you gotta grow doubt I learned how to go down I learned how to grow doubt and I learned that if a guy has a little bit of doubt in his game he can grow that exactly so that's why like you'll put that [ __ ] in your left hand I'm gonna take that yeah come back I [ __ ] around did that with MJ one time dog and picked that [ __ ] boob give me this [ __ ] [ __ ] I told you about and then exhausting Yo No [ __ ] it's a real story the next time down him caught the same play bones this is real life I was in front of the [ __ ] I was right here in front of him I blink dog we're not blinking my eyes opened the [ __ ] was that the color let me let me leave this [ __ ] alone y'all I got it I called he was one two joules coming up left and he was trying to he was trying to um he was trying to what you call it when you uh when you um when you don't take the pic he tried to reject Baseline I knew that I knew both I knew both bass lines he liked the reject so I played the middle and he went two dribbles came back left he was talking two dribbles came I said man if he do this [ __ ] again as soon as I pick him right first off if anybody's playing against Michael Jordan if you ever picked a [ __ ] [ __ ] it's like he goes to like 30. yeah he matters he matters he matters everything so and then I was like [ __ ] give me this [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] out of here man I told you and I shot it kind of soft steam the next time dog I blink and he was at the cut like me hope so talk to Ashley yes for sure is it is it trash talking in the game you know I talk trash is it is trash talking in the game today no I don't feel like it is I feel like a lot of players just you know just who but I feel like a lot of players just fake trash talk like you know that ain't you you know he ain't got the trash talk you're just feeling good feeling good you know this ain't this ain't really good but you could tell when certain players got the got that got that energy in them and then just bring that trash talk about like if you watch me you know I'm talking [ __ ] like it ain't backing up nobody okay how big I am you know how skinny I am you're gonna hear me right I'm talking I'm talking hard trash all games especially if I'm killing you know even when I'm not killing nothing you know what it is like and I feel like a lot of players like even you know they respect that like kid coming in 22 years old sophomore sees even my even my rookie season like they like damn like kid ain't fearful like they going right at us [ __ ] know like I'm here to stay like I ain't back enough for nobody I don't care I mean you know All-Star you got on your belt I respect your game but like you you don't have to respect my game too like I'm coming like that's that's how I be feeling one player in the game that talks trash that we don't know that toss trash damn that's that's kind of hard uh or even if you talk to Ashley we know who matter of fact [ __ ] that question who talks the most trash in the league the two witness I I probably gotta go away uh I probably go with Draymond Trey monster smack a lot yeah I feel like James want to talk a lot but he gotta he can't talk a life I mean he got full range for me he can talk he got um like if he talked to I feel like he owns he don't talk trash to me though cause he feel that he feel that energy you know I'm gonna come back at him you know that if I [ __ ] respect me though like every time you play against him he always like you know he got that respect level for me so but I I feel like Draymond he talked tries a lot though but I [ __ ] with it though I do I [ __ ] with it for sure who do you love to play against who's your favorite player you're playing against you're gonna get some sleeping I like playing against everybody for her don't smoke but like you know for me I feel like I always got my best game against like the Warriors the Suns um I feel like the Knicks um and before I was on the Clippers it was the Clippers is it the cities that you like coming in playing like it just it's his own no I just tap into another busy like I'm just right at him for real like you know you know me I'm mad at everybody but I feel like I always have my best games against them like I always do yeah yeah for sure so I got an idea tell me if you're feeling this idea yeah Adam Silver if you're listening right I know you listen shout out to Silver shout out to you about Big Dog right so this is my idea Uber fact this for everybody in here in today's game it's over 40 MCs in the league you hear what I'm saying to you 40 MC's and Lee I'm talking about music I ain't talking about no b-ball I'm talking about rhyming rhymers [ __ ] that can rhyme that y'all didn't even notice in our league I think it's over 20 rap labels in our league owned by players that you wouldn't even know I am right you wouldn't even notice y'all can go look all this up too right I'm telling Adam Silver on the Friday night Thursday everybody gets it to the right Friday night right after um after right after the the rookie game yep million dollar purse you're gonna take 10 rappers they're gonna sign up themselves you're gonna do four rounds and you're gonna boom boom boom two at the and then two at the end yeah and then one win the million yep we're gonna get one to Progressive or one of the betting better G on the spots of the joint they gonna give away the million right and then we're gonna get the top 10 MCS yeah and we're gonna turn the stadium into a booth we're gonna bring Big Tigger out we're gonna have uh DJ Clue on the ones and twos and the drama gonna come out cause he's got to bring DJ Drama yeah we got to bring our clue and we got to bring Tigger back we're gonna do the basement we're gonna do the basement at nine o'clock you hear what I'm saying after the rookie game top 10 NC MC's in the league they'll come off as I heard you rhyme bro but when somebody told me that you're a real MC yes or you just love music I love music okay cool yeah I love music but uh you know it's always been like um always had a voice man for for you know music always you know I love like hooks to songs I Love The Melodies of songs and um I always could like sing a little bit and uh when I went through the tragedy um you know I was just in the crib with my friends and my boys and we just like they can rap a little bit I would just make all the hooks and uh we would just go to the studio and put that together and just make a song we just see how how it sound whenever since then this was like 2018. ever since then I'm like man like we can do something with this like it and it's been like therapeutic for me man I go to the studio make songs ever since then I just fell in love with it man just been another outlet for me where I can just you know talk you know to the mic and you know if I don't got nobody talk to talk to the mic and just make it make a song like that man ever since then I just found a little music so you got a catalog you got songs you know I made yeah I got hella songs like you know I had tapes albums I got singles like I got everything man you put them out they don't have they everywhere Spotify what are you on Spotify your name busy busy busy that's your real name it's my rap name you know I was you know back in 2018 I was in high school um you know I was in the Crave I was watching March Madness with me and my boy we was on FaceTime uh I was I had a phone propped up on the computer we just talking and um I just you know I just got like a listen a little weird smell and you know and honestly growing up in HUD you would think it's a barbecue and um you know that's what it smelled like at first but I get this smell got more intense and as I'm you know watching March Madness on my phone we just talking busted up me and my boy and uh I just look outside the window I see the smoke like five plaster Windows black smoke and now my two minutes go past I just started seeing it get more intense intense intense and I'm like damn like hold on like what's that like what's going on I look out the window you know and I'm like damn like uh you know it's it's like starting to get more intense intense I'm like okay you know I gotta you know I gotta see what the hell going on and um you know I get up off my bed and um you know I open the door and um I see all these Flames soon as I open the door I'm like oh [ __ ] I closed and I closed the door immediately I'm like damn what the [ __ ] going on and I'm in my head I'm like damn I thought it was a barbecue just from the smell and [ __ ] I'm like damn this attention getting at the smell is getting even more intense and once I closed the door I had a 10 uh I had to like run to the you know to the window to see how I'm like going right see what I'm gonna do you know but I lived in the old house and the windows don't never open and uh I'm like damn like I feel like it's over with like I don't know what the [ __ ] to do I never opened my window at all like I don't know what the hell going on what I'm gonna do so I've you know I dropped to my knees I get to praying to God I'm like damn like I feel like you know I'm the type of kid that always did Good by people you know I always you know make sure you know I show love to people I always make sure you know I if I'm you know coming across somebody who just need a you know a Heir just for somebody to listen to I always I always was there for them I just felt like you know I just did you know good in life I'm they got these you know I was like damn everything did I do when I just dropped somebody to get to pray I'm just like damn like you know I feel like it's over for me so you know go to the window I remind you everything is starting to get blurry not from the smoke not the smoke trying to you know it's coming in now you know the walls are getting hot I feel the walls you know creeping into me you know I feel everything's just getting hot you know my vision getting blurry now not a smoke coming in and mind you I gotta think to myself the door over there is you know that [ __ ] about to burn down so I gotta think fast and you know in movies you can just it they feel like it seems like it's just you could just think so fast and [ __ ] all the time in the world you know stuff like that and um as it smells I get more intense I try to go to the window mines I can't see so I'm starting to touch everything now this [ __ ] getting hot the window's getting hot sometimes touch it's getting hot so I gotta back up so now now I really can't see so I'm just walking around in in my bedroom trying to you know touch Windows Touch windows so you know the first one I try to open up is hot as [ __ ] but you know I I got to do something so I'm trying to open it up you know and it don't open so you know the second window I try to open up it don't it don't open so now you know it's on my window but I'm like man that [ __ ] ain't gonna open you know so I I just go to my knees I get to cry and I borrowing my eyes off I'm like damn like it's over with for me like I feel like this [ __ ] done man so you know I just I just dropped to my knees and then you know the third window you know I just heard something just tell me don't just get up and I know it's God man like you know just get up I got you and I went to the window I opened the door I opened I'm open the window I mean and um you know I just hear somebody you know just saying like you know we need you come on busy we need you and I'm telling like I can't jump the [ __ ] too high I can't jump out can you guys come save me and they just like we need you we need you we need you the only the last hope you know we need you we need you to make it I'm like I can't do it I can't do it this [ __ ] is too high so I go back in my room I you know I just ball you know I just ball down I just get to crying even more I'm like man this [ __ ] oh wait man it's done and I just hear a voice in my head just like just get up you can do it just get up and I just go over there and I just said [ __ ] it man I jumped head out head first and uh they cut me from waist up I hit my knees and everything on the bricks you know I try to crawl to the to the car that's how I called my mom and she wasn't she wasn't uh answering fast but I forgot her number two at first but then when I called her she wasn't answering then she answered like Mama house on fire she like 30 minutes away she rushed down the highway what the hell is going on what the hell is going on like my house on fire house on fire and my grandma my baby cousin and I'm they in the other room and now this was a uh this is one of the days where I you know we don't really like it's like a Saturday it's like a chill day you know we we nap a lot [ __ ] like that and um it's all I could think about is them in the other room like how the [ __ ] get my grandma with my two baby cousins and I told the ambulance I'm like yo they're in there can you go save them can you go save them and I try to run back in there they didn't let me and uh you know it was just it was just a crazy moment for me man and once you know that all happened my mom came back I'm just like damn like you know how the [ __ ] did this you know happen to me and I never experienced something like that in my life you know I never went through some [ __ ] like that where I lose a family member so close you know to me that lives in a household with us and uh it's one of those moments I feel like it just you know it's just crazy man I couldn't think I was out you know for six seven months you know with a tour Patel attendant but um it's one of those men like you're just like damn like how could this happen to you but you know you're never question God you just you know just be thankful for that you're still here and I know my grandma my baby brother's in a better place but this is definitely one of the hardest moments of my life you know they still Hit me hard to the day but I'm just thankful that you know I'm here and I get to you know tell this story to millions and millions and uh hopefully they get inspired by it and just know that you know it's always bigger than you know yourself and just be thankful that God you know keep you here and just be grateful for the things that you have in life you know you never know how quickly something can be taken away from me you know if you're not thankful for it and um that's something that I took with me from this experience you know it's something I live with to this day things like that gonna make you stronger so definitely true growth Michelle for sure I'm saying you here for a reason exactly yeah for sure and I definitely felt that ever since y'all you know years went on and on yeah definitely kg am I gonna be with you forever too bro yeah for sure I gotta ask you about the YouTube page yeah yeah it could be you baby um where'd you start you where'd you start that I started this series probably this this year this last year last year 2022 I thought of this this Series last year we made you start that man I felt like you know a lot of like a lot of my life wasn't documented and I felt like a lot of people they just love watching me and just love my energy you know you know do my positivity you know how I you know get people to smile and just I feel like they wouldn't they I feel like I can allow them tap into my everyday lifestyle just what I do and um just stuff like that and I feel like I get that connection with my fans people around the world so that's something I had to do I I couldn't you know not do it and never like it was it was to the point in time we were dropping like every single week you know it slowed down but you know a lot of people like damn we need that could be you serious we need the next we need the next one but you know I'm definitely gonna drop it but you know tap into that could be you it's amazing documented amazing episodes you know you'll love it but you know it's definitely been dope though so you do day to day week to week or you just do sporadic whatever comes on ideas it's really like you know whatever it comes to mind and when also like uh whenever I'm free too to like you know do something because usually we plan on you know maybe it's a day in the life or maybe it's a uh you know a game day or something like that maybe it's a um a dog meat you know something like that just something you know just to keep fans interacting and stuff like that so usually be trying to plan it out but sometimes I may be on a road so maybe it can be week to week it got to be you know we dropping a month or something so yeah it's definitely been good though let me know next time y'all in the studio I'm gonna pull up and we're gonna shoot a uh I want to hit the bars man yeah what's the uh what's the Spotify again tell the people what's your Spotify my name busy on the Spotify uh oh yeah y'all hear something yeah let's get it man go ahead and give me some balls man need a beat no right um back up on my gun I know that [ __ ] gorilla actually check the check to check and now I'm counting figures I know my mama she get worried cause I miss my [ __ ] you know my love is like I got a bigger if we should you know we don't like and this is one when I had to go call your big bro your big bro with money we might realize I grew around the murderers attracting indoor dealers we're talking about you riding through the hood with four wheelers bring them bikes out or be keeping you had them lights out you ever seen a Wiggy around in front of you know that [ __ ] was wild yeah yeah and it's a homicide [ __ ] look like beef and then you broke [ __ ] I wonder why I seen the [ __ ] buy Chinese bottle doing real time that's it that's my main man's Gonna Change on for them dollar signs and I don't even want to talk [ __ ] I'm in my zone I hit the climb yeah cause it's my lifestyle coming from the transition in my life Wow praying for my brother the other licky moving slow now has some bad habits at the Lego on my old wow [Laughter] I came from poverty I seen it all from [ __ ] dancing robberies I know sometimes sometimes give up but you gotta learn to achieve when you're from woman ten to stack of stuff you gotta believe yeah it's all I wanted from signing deals and cashing checks it just begunning yeah and I ain't running ain't duck ain't no like no [ __ ] you know we come in and close that back darling man cause I ain't running yeah [Laughter] man man cut the check man cut the check right on the spot right yeah guys oh my God yo man that's what it is Holland in here man [Applause] you know you coming up it was a pleasure to watch you and your energy just everything how you know what you bought to the game you know how you you know bring that energy to the game that trash talk and uh you know a lot of players like myself to you know just be comfortable chair with yourself man God damn just rock out man you know definitely watch you growing up and uh just your energy and everything it's always been a pleasure to watch you know Hall of Famer Superstar you know everything man you you know you're definitely a blessing to the game and I just want to say thank you first honor just being here I'm really appreciative of that okay when you're authentic to who you are everything else will fall in place my love they're gonna hate but you never know who's watching everything I do I want it to be as original as it can be This is Our Moment to let people know how we felt as a team we've revolutionized this game with our influence foreign [Music]
Channel: SHOWTIME Basketball
Views: 88,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: showtime basketball, shosports, showtime sports, showsports, NBA, All The SMoke, all the smoke podcast, All The Smoke Full Episode, Matt Barnes, Stephen Jackson, Kobe, KG Cetified, Kevin Garnett, KG, state of the nba, Bones Hyland, bones hyland highlights, bones hyland nuggets drama, bones hyland nuggets beef, Denver Nuggets, nikola jokic, aaron gordon, jamal murray, kawhi leonard, Paul george, russell westbrook clippers, Russell Westbrook, Clippers
Id: r10UqqvPTu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 56sec (2336 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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