Gary Payton | Kobe & MJ Stories, Shawn Kemp, Today's NBA | EP 32 KG Certified | Showtime Basketball

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[Music] we are charged to protect these kids I'm a police officer for North Minneapolis and coach for the North High High School these kids don't trust cops it's definitely a difficult time right now weird but I'm building bonds with police the violence is non-stop you can hear the gunshots or when them lights flicker at seven o'clock you ain't hear none of that five minutes fellas five minutes I appreciate it man okay you're getting that bed in before the boom huh yeah yeah la all the way what oh come on man you know it's Boston baby kg I understand why you saying but it's L.A are you serious you know what it's La why are you standing up cause it's L.A you know what you ain't scaring me let me tell you something Boston Boston it's L.A foreign [Music] [Music] thank you for coming man been trying to book you for a minute man you know a lot of stuff I always tell people man people think I'm actually uh it like in uh putting a lot on it when I speak of you but a lot of people don't know that I mean you probably won the more natural leaders I've ever met man the first thing I want to ask you man where you get that from man where you get your your natural Alpha leader I guess yeah leader skills from because every time I see you're in the same mode wherever you're doing kg growing up in Oakland California with my father my father was my coach until I got into the 10th grade and my father always taught me the same thing I had to be a leader if you be a follower you're nothing you know I'm saying I can't follow nobody I got to be a leader I got to make my own decisions growing up on the streets of Oakland all my friends were dope dealers mostly all of them was don't do this now if I wanted to go their way and do what they do and get in trouble then that mean I'm a follower so I had to be strong and say yo look y'all go ahead and do what y'all got to do I'm gonna go home and go to bed y'all handle your business and when I get them to respect me that way or maybe like okay GP like that Gary like that he going to the crib you know what I'm saying he ain't gonna sit back here and do that so I had to be strong that way because I don't want to follow nobody I don't want nobody to tell me what to do how to do nothing because if I make a decision to mess myself up kg let me mess myself up on my decision that I made not because I'm thinking about what he said or oh man you're going to be you're gonna be a pun for that or you're gonna you're gonna be less than that well I might have to be less than that you know what I'm saying because you're not gonna tell me what to do and that's just something that I've always installed in me as a young kid and that's why I'll always be like that uh you think growing up in uh Oakland gave you a certain DNA or a certain tone about yourself I do I I think growing up on them streets and going to different uh neighborhoods going to going to jump over people's Gates and go to their neighborhoods and try to take over their basketball court and say I'm coming from 4-1 this is where we at and they say that's Peyton's crew you know that's young Peyton Crew He got His foe but they gonna rock with us and we're gonna see who win and they take over the block yeah I think that that's what I got and I grew up that way and when I got on the basketball court and when we played in the pros that's why I was always talking crazy to people because I wasn't afraid of nobody I went wasn't backing down a nobody because that's the way I grew up and to back down and I always say this kg you got skills I got skills so what we both in the pros we there for a reason you gotta pick number one I gotta pick number two it's a reason for us to get picked so high because they thought we was that guy and we got to prove that way so I'm not backing down to nobody if my skills can match your skills I can get out with you coming up earlier I've always heard the infamous stories after Jason Kidd Jay kid coached us uh Paul and I in Brooklyn heard that story over and over about how you made him better who is your Jason Kidd who made you better who got on your [ __ ] I know we all got that one Nemesis and that one person that nobody in here knows who is that one person growing up gave you problems that you can remember it was good you probably heard him a Demetrius Hook Mitchell oh [ __ ] he had a legend the legend always gave me problems man but we got so close because I couldn't party because he was real he's 5'10 he was stalky he can get off the floor and you can get it I used to hate playing against him in high school yeah he's 510 and get it man and he was the one that I really hated to play all the time I hated to play all the time but we got so close that me and him start kicking it together and then I stopped playing against him and then he started playing with my father so we started playing together what people don't understand is he was in so much problems and doing so much things in the streets my father took him in in our senior year and he lived what I said I see in a year and he was at my house every day and we became real close but to be honest kg the person who really I hated the most that talked about me all the time and I really really didn't I I always wanted to get at his helmet was my father because he always told me that I wasn't nothing even if I had 40 points he would like you could have 60. you ain't doing nothing man don't bunch of business I'm about to bounce and then he'll drop me off at the crib and then I always just go to the house and think like you know what I'm gonna get at this dude helmet man cause the next game I'm gonna have 56 or 60 on these dudes then I'm gonna go to Hellman and then I'm gonna see what he say and then when he say when he say something else I'm gonna be like okay now you're gonna get somebody else torture you know what I'm saying and that was the dude who really put this really in me he really installed that in me because he used always downgrade me how much of um how much would you own with your own kids I know we copy and rinse a lot of things to our parents did for us and a lot of things I know I've copied and rinsed 50 things my mom did you know I'm saying how much of things you copy and rent from your father that you instill in your own Sons to this day you know what kg none none because the the the the the error is different I think where we made our mistake at is because of the way my father treated me growing up I wanted not to treat my kids the same way yeah they love it and I had to go and become somebody and become rich and give them too much I think that was our fault because we gave him a silver spoon now they don't know how to work hard they don't know how we did when we went to the playgrounds and played on playground now what they got to do is they can get 15 pair of tennis shoes going to AAU circuit get out on every floor I didn't have that I didn't have an AAU I only went into Summers and only played about 10 15 games and try to do that and try to get out and now when you talk to him it's all about man I know what's going on man you know why I always got to be hearing that because you a father and now they talking about you don't bother me so long now I gotta listen to you on basketball so now I let my kids beat themselves upside the head and then you're gonna come back and talk to me and then all of a sudden they're gonna be like okay then I tell you and I tell you I'm gonna humble you from that way I want him to beat upside their head so they don't listen right now and I let them beat themselves upside the head that's why I took my son a little time for six years to get where he at now because he has to understand the humble itself and go through the on the status uh you know all the sacrifices and that thing to get where he at yeah and I'm glad he got over it but it's still another Harmony experience because it gave him a lot of money now and I'm gonna see what he does now he's trying to kill a shout out to Lil G man he's doing his thing man that's my dog man he good people he's always the same get a great off for Courtesy of kg certified embed him Jim the king of sports books sign up using bonus code kg1000 and your first bet is risk free up to one thousand dollars the bedroom Gene parlay specials daily odds boost fan friendly promos make it the best place to bet on all your favorite sports for real download the better MGM app today or go to and enter bonus code kg1000 and place your first bet risk-free up to one thousand dollars yes I said it one thousand dollars nothing beats a w at bet MGM following a statement because you know Cal right here you got Stanford down the street you got all this finagleness here I've always wondered damn man why the [ __ ] Jesus stay home man why'd you go to go to Oregon State kg was like this and then I wanted to recruit it is what it was so you were they didn't want to recruit me at all and then all the schools that was around when I went to the BCI which was almost like to add you during my time in the summer in Arizona at Arizona State I wouldn't start killing a lot of the New York kids and a lot of the Chicago kids a lot of the Philadelphia kids all the East Coast kids I was killing them in these tournaments St John's jumped on me Saint John's jumped on me tough and I wanted to be in the Big East because I used to watch it on TV I wanted to play with Walter Berry I wanted to play with Chris Mullins I wanted to play with Willie Glass uh uh uh Weddington all them type of guys I wanted to play with so I committed to St John say a word I committed there and next you know I was about to sign we was in the immense great Foster Greg Foster was going to UCLA and I was going to go to St John's and kind of kind of second call a little kind of second he calls he called two 10 minutes before saying that he made he can't do it because he don't want a message recruiting up in the east coast he's going to have to take the little kid broadnecks from the East Coast because they never recruited passing Mississippi and I said okay oh wow and that's what I did I said okay and the coach were Rutledge who was assistant coach would recruit me he was like Gary coach making a big mistake it hurt it hurt bad and you know what what I did kg as I I cried about it as a kid went home and I sat down on the couch with my mama and I said you know what I don't think I'm doing the right thing at the age of 16 17 years old won't you just pick the school you said it to your mom told my mom and my mom picked my school yeah it went to responsibility I didn't want the responsibility anymore I just said it's too emotional right it was just too much and then if it would have happened again kg that would have broke me down to not go to the school I wanted to go to and then after everybody understood that St John did what they did a lot of schools came back because they were starting to go to their second choice to get right because I was gone already and then a lot of the schools came back and my mom liked Ralph Miller a lot because she reminded me of her because she was really disciplined he was always going to be on somebody and then the school was in nothing but like a little farm oh yeah there's always nowhere and she wanted me to get out the city but it was the right decision she made I'm glad that she made that decision going to Oregon State and stand for four years was a great thing for me you get to Seattle and you and um Sean Kim get together right away you knew that y'all had chemistry like right away because that's the first thing that stands out when I see when I see any highlights with you two you see the chemistry right away my favorite is when you somewhere and you just and you and it's it's times Gary they got you just not even turned around dog like like talk about talk about the chemistry between y'all to one of my favorite Duos of all NBA history is Gary Payton and Sean Kemp kg that was it was it was it was it was first thing first sight man dude he came and and seen me playing in college because uh he's older who's older I am you're over here okay so Bernie bigger staff was recruiting this remember he was a head coach and he was always he was recruiting me since I was a junior J.B bicker staff's father guys for everybody who's listening okay just for you all right so he was the one recruiting to recruiting me he used to come to all my games and when I used to get out to the games he would sit out there and he'd do me like this and I was like okay whatever you know how y'all gonna get me y'all win it I'm gonna be in the top three or two three picks right you know what I'm saying so how y'all gonna get me so all of a sudden they fooled around and did it oh wow and Sean he brought Sean to a game because we played Washington University because we was in the pac-10 so they played Washington they win a lot of them came over and seen it and they were really impressed with what I was doing and Sean as soon as I got there and Sean just embraced me made him start hanging out all the time and we was together all the time and then in practice I always you tell him I said oh you got to do is just say one word and I know it and then I told him why don't you say whoa I know you're gonna be there but if you see me still in the ball then start sprinting because I'm going to get most of the 50 50 balls don't worry about it I'ma rip whoever and I'm gonna get most of them balls and once I take off you need to take off two and all I'm gonna do is throw it up and he said if you throw it up I'm gonna get it G and I said okay is he the highest jumpering individuals you've ever played with ever what was Sean kills if we had to guesstimate his vertical what would you think his vertical would be oh there's some real [ __ ] y'all this ain't no sauce this is real [ __ ] you know what a 60 kg probably up there man you know who I really don't I really can't I say I mean me and you play Winnie in the Olympics dude I think them the two dudes that we already played for they probably up in that era where they can where they can go get it like that and they'll just do some stupid stuff that was one of the two best Jewels I ever played and jump high and when we was on that that video when he went up and dumped on that dude with me and you were sitting up there and we looking at that man you both had our eyes wide open on that picture that boy went up and up like Superman I said it kept going up and he I said dunk it out then man you remember so them two right there they gotta be up there they gotta be up there trying to kill Mary well to me probably won the most underrated fours in our league man we we we forget his package and what he's done for the league talk about um growing with him because y'all was the very few Duos that was growing together you know Steph and I we was we was we was looking at you we was looking at you know I was just talking to Malone just looking at some of the Duos right right but Char Duo was kind of like our Duo you know two can know each other and yeah man it was yeah just just talk about the growth of that because you know what's growing as y'all growing a team right they come y'all get uh uh Hershey y'all get y'all y'all when y'all start building all that Irvin Johnson all these pieces yeah yeah then y'all become this thing right but just talk about the early growth of you and Sean and then how how y'all was growing Seattle right so Casey that was a big deal for Seattle because the simple fact is is that they had two superstars and it was like me and Sean and they had to build around us so what they did was they started getting the pieces to build around it but we had to be the two that be the one to show the veterans who are older than us that we can lead this basketball team and we would start leading that basketball team and start getting easy then the veterans started like deadlift he started yo G come on here you got to come on you got to be with us Nate started talking about you got to be with me you got to do the things that you have to do but we had to show it and grow up and once they start putting that on us and then we had a coach in George Carl yeah he believed who said yo this is our this is our two that's going to take us to where we got to do and our promised land and start saying I'm not gonna say nothing to y'all but y'all better do something on the floor for me and that's where I looked at it I said don't call place don't do none of that because I'm Gonna Be Like You on the floor I'm gonna run the right sets when we need to and he gave me that opportunity and he gave me that love and then I started performing and me and Sean start performing that way one of my favorite stories of you is in the [ __ ] playoffs and I told the story of all the smoke and people thought I was actually joking if you go back and look at it you get to play from George right Steve jabby said something you take the play Hey get him in here telling George to shove somebody as he's saying that Steve said something you go hey you see the hand on the hip call it [ __ ] you're standing right there hey follow up twist come down you're getting free throw line I'm up here I'm looking at you as I'm guarding then come up going up and shut the [ __ ] up cause somebody yell something at you cussed out dude flip like flip calling the playoff photo twisty coming up there I ain't coming out I've been back his ass there and I'm sitting like yo this nigga's talking to yo look at this [ __ ] this nigga's talking to his coach he took the play he talking to Steve Jack my coach said something [ __ ] behind the business how long will you get that from where you get that from you know what being on that playground okay just say a word and you know it's a gift because coach Carl used to always tell the other coaches right why Gary's sitting over there on the on the um scores table and he not in a huddle and George would like leave him alone he hear everything I'm saying and then I walk out and say why y'all worried about the [ __ ] I'm saying what the [ __ ] I'm doing over here I bet I played right call the right play so leave it alone then somebody else to say over there and I said yeah I called him a [ __ ] that's right and I'll do from there to there to there and then I'll go to the ref Javi man why the hell you didn't call that call man you see he got his hand on my hip why the hell you doing it why you let me do it you know what I'm saying and then I started then I'll walk over when we're about to take the ball out of bounds and it'll be like yeah your ass over here talking to the stands like getting your ass too you know what I'm saying so I'll do it all in one you know what I'm saying so everybody and like what I coach now kg no way no [ __ ] way no way no I had the university I coach that now so all my all my coaches do this they was like gonna go back to the next plane when they uh practice that they just did and then they'll bet they bet on them stop it and I'll go back three plays and be like what the [ __ ] did y'all just do this time I told y'all how to do this now first of all we started it was when you messed up over here then the play came over here then the plane went over here and then they and then all the coaches be like told y'all give me my money I knew he was gonna remember that and that's just the way it is it's just a gift to remember and see everything around because that's where the trash talking get if you can get into everybody's head and they pay attention to me kg then what they're gonna do they're gonna focus on me and don't focus on nothing else then it makes me be in control of everybody right because I'm gonna play more and more better I'm gonna get better and better you not you're gonna be focused on me then all of a sudden I get you a foul trouble ah you sub out of here then I'm talking to them to the to the referee he's starting to get on my side to give me calls and then all of a sudden it stands they over there they feeling like trash cause I'm killing a team so I'm I'm winning it's a win-win-win-win I watch this I watched this whole thing happen as he just displayed that so y'all don't think I'm crazy y'all heard it who gave you the glove man who gave you that nickname my cousin my cousin where'd you get that from 1993 kg we were playing the Phoenix Suns in the Western Conference Finals at that time Kevin Johnson was a premier point guard remember he was averaging 27 he had just got first team all lead he was doing his thing he averaging like 10 assists 93 you said 93 okay this one Chuck it's Chuck Chuck it's Chuck you know what I'm saying we playing against him right he just won the MVP so I'm killing Casey Uh Kevin Johnson right now I'm holding him to like 14 12 points so we go and win game six and force a game seven that's when Chuck went crazy yeah chuck with crazy owners in a game seven he shot about 63 throws right you know what I'm saying but my cousin called me after the game I had like 24 10 and about five five rebounds or whatever okay Kevin Johnson had about 12 six and and four or something like that and I'm eating up and and the TV talking about it and my cousin called me on like man what the heck is this man and hung up the phone he called me right back he's like because oh man it's your cousin playing I said man what's up why you calling me the glove glove he was like man me and my frat brothers sitting over here and they say man you got Kevin Johnson like a baseball in the glove so tight around him that he can't even move I said man that's all my D is really though cause I do get on people helmet like that and ever since then it ran with it we started putting out gear we start doing this and McMillan came up with this and then all of a sudden we started selling everything in the NBA and then the NBA took off with the nickname one of my y'all can look this up yeah Indiana fur Fleming and you are chirping they yapping I don't know what's being said Vern Fleming takes the ball out two three I think I think you you let him get some Ray you bloop you pick him you land up y'all still chirping he gets it back you know very flim from New York you know you take pride got handled old school cats but he can get enough I think you pluck him again back to back G and you land up and the first thing you do I never forget that you was like gloves [ __ ] yeah yeah that's what I used to do to them though cases that was in the good days man you know me and you we had a good ERA the 90s was the thing man because we had teams where everybody had good players on the team even your team y'all had four and three and four Dudes who can make the All-Star team we did the Lakers Indiana Houston everybody was was pretty good man and that's why I used to like our era because we could talk [ __ ] and everybody have fun with it I gotta ask you this man you're such a you're such the big brother to everybody uh I ain't know you and Cole was that tight till we all we all uh was that um uh Oakland for the All-Star Game and we had a dope ass practice I never forget this and um usually after practice you know guys got to go do something we got to do community stuff but you gotta go do interviews but you're going like this and for like maybe five minutes man you you you you took me well I just sat there and watched but you took Kobe and you went through like a like a two three minute like tutorial on some on some denial [ __ ] you went denial and then you went post and but y'all was at the top of the key and you was what made you go through that what made you knowing that I got to guard this kid one day and what I'm giving him can actually turn around and you know bite you in the ass and I was so I mean I'm being honest with you I would I would feel like um certain matchups I couldn't I couldn't I couldn't get I couldn't give the whole slate you know I'm saying young guys that was coming up that just as eager I couldn't give him the whole slate of a b and c right right for that notion right there what major what made you do that knowing that you can turn around this kid you saw code was going to be something different early but what made you do that knowing that this can possibly turn around and I could be the victim of what I'm telling him kg Kobe was already different he was a different kid you know what I'm saying it was I was in about 10 years I was in 10 years more and plus in the NBA at the time and that's when we were in the 2000s it was like my 10th or my 11th year in the league and Kobe didn't have a fear of nothing to ask nobody to get better folks so he came by me and he was like big bro man you be doing this and that and that I really want to learn this man I really want to learn it because of you and when he said that that took something out of me and took something in my heart that a kid with his ability and knowing where he was going wants to really learn and he doesn't have an ego right he doesn't have an ego and I don't mind that I don't care about him knowing how to do it and stop it because if he knows it it makes me better too okay G because I got to learn how to stop him because I gave him the game so I got to learn how to be somewhere else to him just showing something else and it didn't really bother me and me and him got so tight how about Saturday after that y'all got closer [ __ ] yeah tight we got really really tight and then especially with me going to the Lakers and mentoring him where what he was going through during the time we got like this I talked to Kobe two weeks before he passed and uh we were talking about the Hall of Fame that was and what was going to happen and and when we're going to be there and stuff like that and he was very excited you know he was very excited and that's how close we were you know what I'm saying and then he got off the phone and he said man I'm about to call my I'm about to call my nephew man he'd been calling me about tennis shoes and then he got on the phone with Gary and and see things and stuff and you know that was my guy you know what I'm saying and it still hurts me to the day that he's not here on this Earth and it's just something that I had to do for him because I felt it in my heart all right you know I got close after that at the time man I know I knew him personally I know being didn't trust a lot of people you know he was very weary of people I know he was super um I'm gonna say shy because he can be assertive when he wants you but you know we saw a different code and we saw code grow up too right and I just thought that uh not only did he have the balls but I felt like he uh because you can see him kind of building it up I can see y'all off to the side talking and then when you went into it I was just looking at like damn Joe that's crazy then obviously we're sitting there listening to you and I was just sitting here thinking like man because you did the same thing in the Olympics when we was in the Olympics she was teaching guys and going through stuff and I was just sitting here thinking does this I mean now we're before throttle we speed through this and you're a coach well kg bro your dad was everybody's dad right your dad was everybody's coach and that's how you coming off you're coming off like like I said man you're a big brother there everybody died it ain't never been a time I couldn't call you talk about anything and have some solid advice my question is has do you think all of this has prepared you to where you were today the coaching position yes you know because he being around you guys as when y'all were younger and we were on the Olympic team and we did this type of stuff me knowing that I was older than all you guys I was the oldest one on our Olympic team and I had to take responsibility for a lot of that stuff that was going on there we were going through you know what I'm saying but as we think about it as my father raised me as a coach I got that from him you know I'm saying I got that from him I I got a big brother thing because I had big brothers that did the same thing to me okay and Katie I'm really going to be serious about this is I think I'm more popular now with all you guys and a lot of other people than I was when I was basketball because the simple factors I get to spend time with a lot of you guys like doing things like this with us is things like this because we get to know each other it's a better know than I think God put me on the earth to be what I'm doing now because I Mentor now you know saying basketball started it but my life is really about helping younger kids and do the things I do I coach the same way that I play I'm very hard I cuss a lot straight I get on them and I make them become men I care less about basketball because you're going to play basketball but can you become a man are you going to be a man after we get off this basketball court and do something because basketball won't quit it's going to be over probably in your 30s what are you going to do for the rest of your life because what if you become 70 and 80 that's 50 more years from now so what are you going to do am I going to teach you a lesson on how to do that and then we play basketball and be fine but I think the leadership and the coaching is basically just because what God gave to me and my father and I'm glad he gave me a dad like that because my dad put that in me and that's what I wanted I wanted to do that and with you guys when I see all y'all you Paul everybody I see we always good because y'all know I'm a I got a good energy I'm never I'm never with a bad energy I always get a good energy because I gotta have y'all a good energy because the simple fact is is that y'all look up to me as much as I look up to you you know what I'm saying and it's something that we both got to keep each other humble about and when we go other places other kids who want to be are married want to be looking up to us you have to understand how to do the same thing to them and that's just all it is and that's why we stay so tight and so close is because we are humble and we are better that way I noticed um in Atlanta if you notice all the rappers they all they all work together they all own each other stuff the the beat makers Jay Tolman Metro Boomin they always were little they all do this right Oakland to me is just like that talk about how man I mean everybody in the Bay from short from you to Little D to E40 to everybody how how at least from the outside looking in Oakland looks like they deal with each other talk about the continuity of Oakland we deal with each other as you mentioned Little D um shout out to Little D Man yep my guy and you know you know me and him grew up together in in high school uh when he went when he went to when he went to jail and you know I looked out for him a lot because I knew that was the thing to do because we all were together now that he just got out of jail we just did a Christmas drive just the other day you know back in the hood he gives back to a lot of a lot of needy kids we look at Dame Lillard his dad was uh was being in our in our Oakland Community too you know I'm saying and then we go to short he just got a street you know the street yeah we had a big day out yeah we had a big day out for him the other day E-40 who was from Vallejo right down the street he does things like that you know what I'm saying you know people don't really understand Bill Russell went to high school and we grew up in Oakland California you know that so Paul Silas a lot of people Jason Kidd Brian Shaw Antonio Davis you know what I'm saying all right J.R Ryder a lot of us we grew up in that in that town Cliff Robinson you know what I'm saying we all grew up in Oakland California and we also still closed it's tight you know Lester Connors he from there you know so you know Leon Woods who was is a referee man right Leon Pope Leon Pope Leon Paul you know what I'm saying so we all come from that thing it wasn't me he was born in Oakland California so you know he from the town so we all stay close because we're in that family we are net Family Man and we should stay that way ain't no Eagles around our our way we all did the same thing we all came up but we all went a different path you know what I'm saying in the house it's all in any house we got a lot of people that come from man we got a lot you know and it's real real cool to have them type of people that we can look up to Jason territoris tells me a story of this is off this is more [ __ ] of how a bunch of Oakland cats came to Seattle and flip Seattle yeah and use the same town use same language same whatever they're like mirror cities yeah and you know what all them all Jason Terry uh Jamal Crawford Isaiah Thomas yeah all them dudes grew up under me going to my camps and when I used to bring all the open dudes there we used to I used to have a big benefit every summer every summer we used to have boat ride the the game like like George used to do yeah yeah Jordan imagine game yeah you have a game up there she came in there in Seattle yeah actually everybody and all the youngsters I used to let them come and work it and then they usually get to kick it and then go to my go to my benefit and my dinner and get working in the Caps you know what I'm saying so all of them got a field of all open so they was around the open thing and then they all just became big big deals to me and you know JT and Jamal I raised them personally both yeah wow you know what I'm saying so it's one of the things where they just got a lot of that Oakland Oakland in them that Oakland Street game you know are you watching the game man and if so who you liking today's game man it's a lot of young guards out here it's only one I like really really tough in this job I like him a lot I think he's got a lot of dog like me I think he he doesn't back down on nobody and he gets it he get it he get the game I like what he just was saying just now he's not scared of nobody in the West and he gonna get a Golden State helmet on Christmas you know what I'm saying I like when he say stuff like that he gonna get it they held me too and I think he's gonna give him 50. you know what I'm saying so I I really really think that it is and there's only one defensive dude that I really think that that models me and that's smart um like Marcus a lot I think he got a lot of dog in him too on that end where he makes Havoc he calls a lot of Havoc he caused a lot of problems you know what I'm saying so you know them two young kids man I really like a lot when you and G are watching other games together or is the dialogue are you sharing still still sharing information is it still calling you to get tips is y'all still have that Dynamic well you know what kg to be honest I think I leave my son alone a lot oh wow because I want him to understand that he doesn't have to be in my shadow oh let's start you know what I'm saying I told my son just this recently I said you're named after me that's it I said you got to do something different so now they like to go by Dwayne it goes by the middle name so he doesn't have to be Gary you know what I'm saying that you know they want to put Young Love on a glove and I think he's tired of that I think he's tired of being under my Shadows oh wow so always tell him this he just got his number retired in in junior college at his at his at his college and I think Morgan State is going to do the same thing oh wow and I I totally Miss I said let me tell you something don't think about being Gary Payton because there's only one Gary Payton and that's me I created you you know what I'm saying so now what happens is is that you see that picture up there that's me get another picture on the next on on the side of me and be right inside of me don't never think about being Gary Payton just be yourself don't never try to think that you're gonna do the same thing I do because I don't think you're gonna do that it's only one person and that's me so I just named you after me that's it that's all that happened now you just put your picture up beside of me and then you can say man I'm right next to my daddy I did the same thing and that's it I'm gonna watch film and I you know I stopped film you know we watch film like if you watch film with any NBA guy he's going to stop the film that's what it is easy when I watch him play not only is he as spread as you but Lord he he looks a little more he's like yeah yeah g is a lot more he chisels yeah but he's agile he's moved with it it hasn't like stagnated him uh I'm I'm in my head a little bit I'm going 50 miles an hour here because when I see a g he used some of the same tools he ripped through the through the cavity he get in your [ __ ] he slide with you is that him watching you or is part of like is it part of a combination of you know what and I watch so much of my dad and I noticed a lot of my feet he never wrong in foot position no he never wrong and you know and I like to stop it and check how he coming through he gets through he gets the Shoulder Through kg I think you know I think he got that from is because with him he had never admit to that he he watches me he won't admit that at all but he does he won't ever he will never miss he if he puts you if you put him on his show and you actually yeah he get that from me and he'll say some silly stuff like that but what he does is is he watches a lot of of me I was gonna say do you see yourself in him that's what he wants a lot of me and he he he grew up around me so much he has to bugs but the difference between me and him uh kg he's more athletic than I am and he doesn't I want him to have more that offensive minded like that but that's not his game he's not as gay his game is cutting he's dunking on and defense yeah he creates everything on defense and now he's starting to knock that jumper down in the corner he's starting to feel it he's starting to see it and he's getting better and better at it and I think that's where he get it his arms are way longer than mine he can beat you up he has a good knack for the game he understands the game he understands the feel of the game and he knows when to go beat up on something he knows when a block is shot he knows when to take a a chance and he'll get that steal or he'll get that block because that's what he does you think his journey because he's he's really earned it yes ain't nothing been given to G right he's earned it you think his journey has a lot to do with his makeup on how he plays bro absolutely the dude kg me and you went through something different we were coming we we were highly touted coming out of high school when this and that in college and stuff and we get drafted high but when a kid like that don't get drafted he goes to a journey through in high school go through a journey through junior college and then go through a journey through college has two great years at Oregon State and then comes in the pros and and struggles for six years of being in the G League not standing on the team and then all of a sudden you get an opportunity with a good team in Golden State and a coach like see Kirk gives him an opportunity and he does it his journey is different because he didn't know from every year where he was going to be he didn't know that he just thought okay am I going to be playing overseas or am I going to have a job you know I'm gonna do something and that's where his journey became and made him understand how to be a hustle and how to be harder and work harder and that's where his journey came from foreign to get back on the court man talk about um 96 man your first time to the finals it's against Mike could you talk about that experience kg that was a great experience because you got to understand 96 I won the defensive player of the year and then Michael Jordan was a MVP we put it on on Sports Illustrated Mission Impossible and they had me on there where they'd send me guarding him I got hurt and then I couldn't guard him I couldn't guard him in the first couple of games my calf yeah I remember that and then George wouldn't let me guard him and then we got down 3-0 and then I guarded him and then all of a sudden it changed the game around uh his his numbers dropped from 33 to 24. and I just made it hard for him to get the basketball always chose against you gardening first Power trouble because he didn't want me to hurt my leg and then he won the offense out of me he didn't want me to Tire myself out and try to you know do the things because he knew how hard I was going to work against Mike and that's what I did I just worked hard and tried to convince tried to prevent him from getting the basketball you make it hard for somebody because you know a player he's only going to play for like eight seconds and after eight seconds he's gonna be like forget it you know what I'm saying he didn't give me the ball I ain't working no more you know what I'm saying so that's what I did you know you know kg you never get strong for nobody no it's nobody a great basketball player you can't stop it all you got to do is try to contain and I think if we would have came in it not to lose but to win we're to change that series a little bit different because we got down 3-0 and then we blew them out two games in a row and then we went to Father's Day in in Chicago and lost a tough one we lost my five or something and it was tough it was tough for us to go in there and try to beat him twice and I think if we would have came in there with a different mentality it would have been different because we would have stole a game in the beginning and then we'd have made the game a little even you know but it was a great experience I got to catch a guy when they were doing this you know what I'm saying and I wish we would have been different I wish Seattle would have kept a team because we'd have played them again and then I think the next time we would have been knowing how to figure them out um talk about uh I know you got a collaboration with uh cookies and you got probably one of the better strings out here called the Gary Payton strain shout out to cookies congratulations on that man talk about that whole process and how that came about kg is just like what we were talking about earlier uh me being a big brother berners from Oakland uh from from the Bay Area got the burner man doing this thing and burning them they were they were growing a strand and it came out 2020. and what had happened was he said man that's the OG we're gonna honor the OG oh that's what's up so Danny put it together he called me we met he let me do the packaging you know that that picture on the packages Seattle to Seattle and you know okay G that was just all about luck um it was just about luck it was about luck of people liking me people in the hood in the streets liking me loving you and then all of a sudden they buy a strand and then the Strand blows up bro and what happened is now the glove just came out two weeks ago get the [ __ ] out of here you got to go do [ __ ] get the [ __ ] up I got the glove I should have dropped the shoes with that [ __ ] yeah I know we trying to get Nike to get out with you I seen that I said did I see did I see that right to get out with us to drop it down the glove just came out two weeks ago it's a dope package you gotta check it out it's good it's in cookies man hey you know what kg this stuff is taking off everywhere you know Paul didn't tell you men I went and got him we went to Boston you know we we do our pre-rolls in Boston yeah they told you mine is called Peyton's plays and his is called the truth same word you got a taxable body yeah we be out there a lot yes you know what we need to do we need to plan something either go to a game chill something like that let's do it you know it's always good you know it's love I get all that stuff to you man we'll go out here to go to cookies and run up in the store and just tear their head office you know what I'm saying that's what we do man you know 35 man we out of here with the gloves yes sir Michael I am offering you a chance to atone for what you have done what exactly are you asking me to do tread very carefully if we do this correctly every single person will get what they've served [Music]
Views: 403,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: showtime basketball, showtime, basketball, shosports, showtime sports, sports, showsports, NBA, All the smoke podcast, Stephen Jackson, NBA Playoffs, Celtics, kevin garnett highlights, kevin garnett trash talk, kevin garnett michael jordan, kobe bryant, kobe bryant highlights, Kobe, michael jordan highlights, Michael jordan, MJ, gary payton highlights, Shawn Kemp, seattle supersonics, Lakers, Heat, best nba player, gary glove payton, kg certified, betmgm, all the smoke
Id: MHMLUYi_rfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 32sec (2852 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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