The Professor | Street Ball Influence In NBA, All-Time Starting 5, Kyrie | EP 44 | KG Certified

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how is this guy that's classified the fate of the world depends on you they're going rogue they always go bro Mission Impossible dead reckoning ready pt-13 I think I appreciate this you want one of these I'm good kg you want your Ginger shot I'm good man I'm good I need some positivity today I'm trying to cover this spread and your Bob is off sheet what's wrong with my vibe you got to get you one of these G get to sip of some of this positive in your life here you see that spray is covered thank you Mama in a minute G man what is all this right man oh [ __ ] what's up y'all yeah y'all know what it is today the channel to Professor yeah the professor the one and only yeah y'all know what it is refer to go see what's up with him you go chime Us in tap in with him let's go get it welcome [Music] yo this is fly as [ __ ] it's the man what's good bro thanks so much for being here bro man look at this damn let's go man we're trying to make it work man look what Streetball got you yeah humbling yeah gotta have a vision right humbling absolutely gotta have a vision man this is the palace our home court Global Hooper layer 12. wow where this where did this come from so over the years doing YouTube you know I mean you're always having like rent a gym or you know somebody want to do a collab next day it's like where do we go to space and then for me you know like you said things been good but going to La fit you know what I'm saying I can't go to the gym like it's an appearance you know so right so I needed just to work out you know this is just the lab to work out but then also collabs offices over here you know the whole business right here bro yeah trying to work seriously you doing it you're doing it hey man humble bro coming from you shoot man listen bro listen you know you know everything starts seeing it yeah and every time I talk to you you always on it you know one of my one of my my one of the questions I got for you today is how you always stand tapping in how you always evolving man every time I see you bro you know I went from you know the kid that was playing in high school to community college coach come watch you then you get the N1 tour then you come off the tour you go to YouTube you professional we're in the same way bro I'm riding the same wave I'm riding it with you you feel me I always want to know like how you how you stay tapped how you stay tapped yeah you wanna talk about here now yeah yeah for me yeah man just uh really just being motivated I feel like this is my my god-given purpose you know I'm saying to inspire to give to entertain to give everything I can through the god-given gift of entertaining through basketball I feel like that's what that's my purpose so as far as being tapped in logistically hanging around the right people you know saying I'll introduce you to my team over here they're dope but um hang around the Young Dudes too though you know what I'm saying yeah because like you know they division they're the future man it's crazy Interstate world real [ __ ] like real talk like young boy's world yeah like you know you talk to 20 year olds it's like a new way to edit every few months you know what I'm saying but you gotta like pivot you gotta be able to Pivot quick so hang around the Young Dudes a big part of it you know what I'm saying and then just like I think like you said I like what you said man innovate you know what I'm saying I try to like I try to come with things that are different because in the basketball world we already got we got the goats you know what I'm saying we got the league you got College you know what I'm saying so I try to like like what can we do over here that makes it where you gotta watches something that's only happening over here right you know what I mean right you were talking about some of the hospital you check out some of my like comments Lord listen listen everybody out there who's creative you've got to have a [ __ ] Picasso someone you can follow but you're the only to me you have to overtime and all the [ __ ] who outside playing street ball but to me man you you're the Godfather of this [ __ ] bro you the only person I see that's putting out outdoor basketball speaking to playground basketball going into your bag do tricks keeping the art the art form of basketball to me is the point guard he support he's not only the leader in it but he's division he already coming down he already understands matchups so when I when I when I'm when I'm watching you when I'm talking to you one of the one of the dope things and while we're here today is like your vision and how you see it where you going that's important for printing scripts to everybody out here who trying to be inspired that's why we're here today bro I already know bro [ __ ] that you grinding dope you're making this [ __ ] reality you hear me bro yeah man show me around the small forward yeah yeah we all here this is hard bro LED video wall facts we had your videos something crashed over here we had your videos up here man I know that's kg top 50 was supposed to be spam right now stop top 50 career moments you know what I mean stop it so now you got a outlet to where you can actually bring video content in the wave of what you're doing why you shoot right yeah you probably turn the lights in here it's [ __ ] like what a raid party in this [ __ ] whatever y'all right no but yes it was like I was trying to make something that was just like the most visually stimulated you know I mean it's like Studio slash yeah where are we working out see what I'm saying offices over here we partner partner with this church next I go to this church over here Fearless La okay and uh we're Partners on the Sundays you know the kids coming here but that's how we get it you know these things ain't cheap over here Staples right here it's California you downtown I see what you're doing yeah so is this like a is this like a robin big slap it's just like it's like one it was funny though that was actually came to mind too because I I you know that Fantasy Factory was crazy they killed that he killed it yeah that was that actually I'm not gonna lie I was a little bit a part of the inspiration but also yeah just having our own thing you know I mean like for me I mean one day we want to regret we want to make it as big as the fantasy factor I think that was like 50 000 square feet was it I I didn't know the detail though yeah but it was big yeah he skater he's skated so he needed places to you I'm saying yeah we do too though you know what I'm saying we try to upgrade that you know what I'm saying this is just a good little like uh starter for us but you know also like I said I use it to give so like other other creators Amazon rented it for a documentary uh you know music videos sometimes just the homies hey I gotta work out work out a play come through you know I mean so event space is what this is everything yeah it's everything it's really a studio but uh but a hoop studio so how much content are you pumping out of a place like this out here you know most of our videos actually off-site though you know what I mean because you need the story right yep uh but but you know like we had Jay will came here oh did an interview here uh Dr J actually came get the [ __ ] out of here we only had to join a few months the doctor they shot that ADA documentary then they asked me to be in it and I was like cool and then they were like yeah you know Dr J and so I'm like all right cool so I was supposed to come up for like a little drop or a couple a cameo or something like that and then they were like you're actually gonna be talking to Dr J right here so right where we're standing we had Dr Jay's uh career thing spanning we were just talking street ball talking history talking the ABA all that stuff no he he really kicked off street ball and like the 67. yeah you played at The Rocker Man it was crazy it's not as much not enough footage man I see like the the pictures I wish I could see that they didn't have uh you know I don't think nobody Up In Harlem had the the right yeah right I don't even know when that start trying to figure out like what's the oldest record it was almost like if you was nice yeah you had to go to Rucker to actually a lot of the ABA style was coming from the Rucker style that's what they said he was coming off the pump catching it going right into like Dr J got all that from from Uptown yeah hell yeah hell yeah and then you know the league didn't even sanctioned Outdoors it's just God's going out there just getting it in just because it was you know pulling up just hooping but Dr J it's like the Godfather of Streetball like he and a bunch of cats I can go through a name sweet peas and and just uh the goat and all of them man yeah yeah you were talking about a little yeah all right you already know yeah but those guys it's crazy that you had Dr J here going through that because he to me is the Godfather of that that's what I told him I was like it's crazy too I think we talked about a little bit when we did your podcast at the Rucker whatever that was but I was like there's a lineage actually you know what I'm saying like like him going to to Rucker Rucker being what it was and one was basically the globalization of record streetballs you know what I'm saying and like the whole it's crazy how things are linked though I even said like some of the way Pistol Pete did hit like I probably wouldn't play the same Pistol Pete didn't do his thing Inspire magic magic inspired Skip to My Lou [ __ ] skip two you know what I mean it's crazy sit down man yeah let's go let's get it man I appreciate you bro I appreciate you guys all right nowhere and it's always weird to be out here with [ __ ] right yeah so one of the first things I want to ask you man going right into this yeah is um can you remember the first time you fell in love with watching what your favorite street ball or your first impression and what inspired you from the Streetball can you remember your first impression of what encouraged you to start at playing streetball yeah you know it actually goes back to uh I would say I do remember the moment but I it's funny I was actually already a fan that's how I know it's my god-given purpose I was already a fan of like the showtime aspect of basketball from like Iverson Tim Hardaway like players that were in the league right so the ooh factor of course I don't know why I was just I always was taken to that gravitated to the guard yeah and then I had a trainer I was in fourth grade he taught me that AI cross like it was one of the first movies taught me about I learned in like a week and then I would play grown men you know like I was like tiny right I'm tiny forever but I would cross grown man with that movie people would go crazy I Remember Loving that [ __ ] like after you gotta hit that jumper right so I can hit that jumper and people go crazy I'd never forget like it's my favorite in basketball so naturally even though I'm competitive I'm trying to play you know the fundamentals first and all that there's something in me that always loved to Showtime I love to turn the game out and turn it into like a show but that's like Streetball right so then to answer your question when uh and one makes a volume two I think came out I think this is like 2000 2001 I I got the tape from trying on a pair of Air1 shorts and I was like what is it you know what I'm saying so me and my friend checked it out and then I remember loving it but then I remember I got mixtape volume one off like eBay or something like that because I was like where did this come from there's a volume one and when I saw skip doing his thing in Rucker that's why that that appearance we did with you was special when he was doing his thing at Rucker that's when I actually like filmed I was like yo this like I want to do this somehow I don't know how I don't even know if I belong there you know what I mean but when I play I want the crowd to sound like that you know I mean to do that yeah so so you early on you started in basketball and was it your father The Astor Community Coach community college coach to come check you yeah yeah it was funny um actually you know I didn't play Varsity until my senior high school I looked like I was like eight years old forever that's why I couldn't play Juco yeah I look like I'm about 12 years old by the time I got to Community College you know what I mean it's funny because most of my homies I talked to they got a scholar and if you didn't play D1 they feel like you ain't really that good for me it was like impossible to play college like I went to three community colleges I remember one of them specifically didn't make no sense we won every game I don't think I missed a shot the whole day you know like play like three just little pickup games to 11 or whatever but I literally I don't think I missed the shot you know so I was so locked in that's all I did no social life no girls no Hangouts no nut just basketball I still got cut the coaches like I don't think he could guard nobody I'm saying he's just too small right and then uh pops was he owns a jewelry store in my hometown so he was selling jewelry to the local Community College the one I didn't want to go to because I want to leave my parents home you know I'm saying I want to get out of town but he was you know he persuaded it for him to give me a look and the guy with the guy was nice though he's like hey I'll give him a lot whatever you know I'm saying but I came to open gyms putting work but you know they already gave their scholarships out so they're like you know we'll let him register I'm saying get stronger for a year see what's what next year but then couple injuries happened to the guards so I suit up but I'm going into garbage you know three minutes a game or you know garbage I go in we're down 20 I dunk on me you know I'm saying I was that guy but uh it made me better you know I mean all right and actually probably made you hungry right so hungry that after that fresh meat that's the funny part so after my freshman year of college Mindy I graduated 17 so I'm like young I'm a late bloomer and I'm super young so I remember I already played ball 24 7 but now I've hit the weights for the first time and then Coach was real cool the assistant coach had me coming there 5 a.m make I think I make 500 jumpers before class you know that's a lot you shouldn't buy yourself with no rebounder 500 so I'm making 500 5am open gym at 2 30 hit the weights come back in the gym that then just on my own I've come back you know saying do I think that's all I do uh and then low key I was like the best player in the gym by the time you know season ends in the spring by the time May June Rose I'm literally running the court and something clicked I got a little more physical on defense I feel like I don't even miss you know I'm saying D1 recruits coming in they want to look at him I'm wiping that down and I don't even know by time anyone comes around I don't even know how good I got nobody was there to really affirm it because the you know Politics the coach say if you say you the guy here what about the scholar you know I mean so it was funny I worked wow the hunger though wow so at what point do you incorporate what you what you feeling inside and how you looking at it right and what you're into and then on top of a skill watch basketball wise you're actually getting better yeah when do you combine the two and actually take it to the playground or is that what you're doing still doing it that's right it's still happening in in the midst so are you pulling off are you trying stuff as you go in the midst of these workouts so when you go play are you throwing it in here sprinkling it a little bit when I was growing up if I did that so only my senior high school I had a culture let me do my thing outside of that in Oregon everything's Hoosiers everything's like high low format yeah you know what I mean it's a little white people basketball not even that but I could say that early late 80s early 90s the consent the the understanding of basketball at that time was never to disrespect the game with this yes to try a trick during the game was like you totally disrespect not only the players of the game but the game itself yeah at least that's what I was taught I'm from South Carolina really I think I didn't think see it depends where you're from right ah bro we was taught the same thing it was a white collar basketball you passed it you you said a pig you called for you did like I come from blue collar that so when you say this I totally understand I wouldn't have thought I got to Farragut my senior in high school and my coach let me explain so like you know we gotta beat them with our mind right trying to run the offenses or whatever but also yeah it was just looking at a Showboat and I remember my college coach I remember one time I came down and uh I did that behind the back look this way without threw it with that hand you know what I'm saying dude caught it dumped it you know what I'm saying it looked like it was a great play dude stop my coach stopped the whole practice BBV he's like man what's this hey you [ __ ] man you out here doing boom boom boom boom I was like oh like I remember I'm young I already get it I'm like oh okay you know what I'm saying he thought it was showing out too much but so no when it came to that college I did the AI cross though that kind of looked like a game he even got a little weary though because everybody went crazy and saying hit that jumper but uh outside of that you know in that time when animal was going on made street ball popular everywhere right like Euro park now only certain parks are going off you know Venice like big renowned parks back then though every Park was going on like I remember we had a Streetball Court like in Salem Oregon and like even that was like four games in before you could touch the court shot to Salem yeah so I'm so right yeah I started playing street ball there and then um you know I played so much that it wasn't just there I'm playing pickup on a day I got practice I'm weird like I don't even think about resting and so that's all street ball out there just being a fan of and one not even really masterminding it right that's just how I played it but then I know I got to tighten up over here work on my pick and roll figure it out so so you know the one of the things um I was always fascinated was how um polished the N1 guys were because I knew they was it was real Street dudes they was real Street guys yeah and they was real um when I say Street guys they're not traditional basketball players you know what I'm saying after they play they might go you know blow they might go smoke they might go drink a beer they might go do whatever for sure okay they're not coming in here working out they're not doing 70 teams they're not putting two hours of work out in this I was always I was always I was always impressed on how professional when it came to playing the play once I hit the court it didn't matter it didn't matter who was hurt no matter who was bumped it it looked like a show yeah take me through the early days of not only joining anyone but that whole process of getting on the tour it looked like it was a whole master class but it looked like at the same time professor as soon as you got it bro you never let it go is that accurate yeah first of all that original and one team like the the one the original and one team special very shout out to the big bros man AO hot sauce Main Event Shane headache at rest in peace alimo recipes Escalade Prime objective everybody up there bro special group the funny thing is you say that it was like just meant to be because like there was no real like practice with just playing pickup we don't really even verbalize the game too much we just hang out like you said man it's like a floor it was a rock star tour the buses was a party 24 7. but I took notes from them I'll be honest you know like I watched how hot sauce moved the crowd whenever he stood up and I tried to emulate that AO could have played in the league AO is like a good player you know I mean like he was like a little lesser Rayford Austin he was solid he knew the game yeah hey yo knew the game yeah he knew the game yeah he had a couple of tricks in there but then when this cat when he had when he had to get the A to B a bucket or Showmanship he had all that mixed in there you know what I'm saying yeah yeah he was like one of the best pastors I ever seen like lobs over the show I learned a lob game from him he throw the bounce lob you know what I'm saying I really I took notes I'm a hybrid of all my big Bros right skip only played I don't play like five games with skip he was on his way out he had to leave it because the politics of the league right so he had to stop being a Streetball player but when I did Washington I was like yo I took skips the move still use it today but yeah shout out to the big Bros I think um it was just a special group them dudes were talented they played so much street ball outside and when they played exhibition Streetball games also before the tour really got going going so they kind of just knew the Cadence of it but that's what always you know there was a myth that it was fake right there's there was a myth that like and one wasn't real like it was staged I don't know if you know like there was a there was a fan narrative there was a fan narrative that wasn't real basketball that it was like staged or whatever from the mixtapes you never heard that back in the day how do you how do you how do you stage that though they thinking like Globetrotters and thinking it's too good so it's dope it's dope that we go right into this so I watch you these days I'm a I'm a fan I love your page I love everything you're doing on socials bro keep doing your thing hey man bro I'm so humble man that's crazy because it's real [ __ ] because you got real fans out here bro you know what I'm saying and I watch I watch bone I watch Bone Collector yeah I watch I watch my favorites there's only like two or three of y'all I love filet shout out to fillets breaking it down very funny you know what I'm saying um when I'm watching your footage you know the my favorite thing is the non-believers the [ __ ] are sitting at home right now looking at Professor when he come on the court like man this love that's the professor that is my favorite player you know why because he want it yeah he want it he he's the one that started that narrative you know that right that player that player I'm talking about yeah that's the professor this thing ain't and yeah that's that's the one you want so I want to thank I want to call y'all haters I just wanna are you non-believers out here I like that man keep subscribing keep pulling up keep keep keep wanting to play D right we out here he keeps this man sharp you know I'm sorry I know basketball funny game right we go to the nearest high school over here we're gonna some dude gonna be loud people want it some people want it I love it all y'all who won't smoke please pull up yeah please pull up that's what we're here for I feel like it was my I feel like on so the funny thing is them trash talker video we made the first Trash talker videos crazy bro my homie Rob over here he was there but uh yeah we pulled up and dude was talking crazy while I'm playing other games some dude just talk crazy like mad disrespectful right and so I'm talking to him and then next thing we know he was like uh you know all you got to do is watch your hip see I'm saying ain't nothing to it just watching him so I was like all right I said we should play after he's like all right let's get it so we ended that game I was like oh you want to play right you know what I'm saying he's like he's like our 100 bucks or whatever so I was like I put some bread up yeah I was like I don't even gamble my bro I said if you beat me I'll give you 100 bucks whatever let's get it oh [ __ ] and so yeah and that's the thing I was trying to make it one way you know it's for the money the game don't ever end sometimes right bring it back hold on this game didn't end either check it out so we get going dude's a little overweight right this was actually a silly game some of the dudes are nice right this dude's silly so we get into it we play scored a couple and then uh one of the plays to go between the legs no contact Splat hit the cement but no contact you know it's the best one right you don't touch them right so we fell like mad hard like the Earth might have [ __ ] I'm like damn this dude all right like so we play hit the shot but then the next couple plays or two plays later I did something I like a fake Bob between my legs between his legs snatched but he did he did he broke his shoulder oh [ __ ] he like threw his shoulder out of the socket so the gang had to end right he was out of there but people was loving it they was you know what I'm saying they're cracking up so I was like hey man no personal you're all right bro it's all good you know I mean boom boom so we get back and um we tried to edit the video but I was trying to figure out uh how to explain why I played this overweight dude because people always that's what I always want to say like you don't play Nobody you know what I'm saying you need to they think I'm supposed to play uh Steph Curry you know that online narrative silly right so uh we told a story on the edit why we matched up a deuce but that's why I learned like you got to tell a story you know what I mean so it showed we got there this time what's up we just got to Laguna about to hit the street you know play right here boom show subtitles right now subtitled everything right dude talking it's the wave though bro everything you're saying is in how I watch TV yeah so look he's going I told the story led up to you know it was like it was like a movie we couldn't have wrote a better script right the bad guy talking all the trash we get in the game crossed them up game couldn't even end broke his shoulder but then we titled it we're like What are we title so we put we did all the right things about YouTube today we didn't even know I was like it was for some money throw the money in the title I think he's like a Heckler is he a Heckler he's not a bat he's he's a crap he's a trash talker you know he came with that word right that's like everything now and then we put all together the thumbnail was like when he was getting slid you know mid crossover he's sliding zoomed in on now I was like let's see how that dude that's kind of funny and then and then I woke up like five million views yummy but but that was the first like trash talker video for YouTube and then I was like damn we just gotta do everything like this if we could do it because gotta be real you know what I mean some of them do is be faking it they pay somebody uh couple dudes got exposed they like paid somebody to come talk trash or whatever be controversial really yeah but they they're missing the essence of like the story how it gets those down and then you know your audience you can feel if it's real or not so get a great offer courtesy or kg certified and better gym the king of Sportsbook sign up using bonus code kg-1000 and you'll get back up to one thousand dollars yes one thousand dollars in bonus bets if you do not win your first bet Ben mgm's parlay specials daily odds boost and fan friendly promos make it the best place to bet on all of your favorite sports download the bedroom GM app today or go to and enter your bonus code kg1000 yes kg 1000 nothing beats a w at betting gym so you think that's the true essence of uh my next question is yeah bro you jump right into YouTube after the am1 tour yeah and I know they had to be like a fog because y'all mastered and y'all was on top of the hill with with everything that you could be when it comes to at least uh street ball and I felt like y'all hit uh y'all hit a Max um that anyone benefited from and that I think left left the taste and all left the taste for all of us wondering what happens to everybody I'm still wondering what's where where's you know uh one one of my favorite Kareem Reed yeah but nobody knows who this uh nephew from New York you definitely know who Kareem read Kareem Reid played uh at Arkansas left hand and he has a name that's kept secret best kept secret Kareem Reed is one of the dopest I always felt like Kareem Reed could have been on the N1 tour but I always wondered where bug you mean bug you remember AO alimo like all these my favorite my favorites and um I'm saying this to say that again when I first came ahead man I am fascinated on your intervention on how you're just continuing to rob the wave reinvent yourself and then all sudden um anyone tour is over you hit YouTube and I hear what you just broke down to us that was later yeah you know what I'm saying but that's your script though yeah you understand what I'm saying and now everybody knows you for your script I'm watching others follow your ways right um is this is this is this the structure to be the Godfather and have all these underlines of what you put out and people copying it's just just what you want to add on to your to this whole thing are you are you are you raising your hand say I'm the Godfather of a street ball because you should well it's humbling man coming from a goat first off you know we curated our lives on this so yes when I see how you carrying it bro that's what yeah I think I think for me to be honest um it's crazy you talk about how and when and I started YouTube so it actually was an accident if I'm honest right I didn't there's a few things there's some genius in there later I'll tell you but so I go broke I'm saying and one ends oh wow the same day we gotta hung up over here the sports illustrator we on the cover of the Sports Illustrated the same day the corporate handed me that I remember me and Main Event we standing right there they gave us the Sports Illustrated and I remember I got little chills you know I'm saying like that's crazy but then some corporate I can't remember who was it tapped me on the shoulder and they said hey the company's just been bought out we're gonna make you guys aware and uh you know everything's good though you know what I'm saying it's bought out but you know we don't know about business so we're like they're good we still hooping like what you mean yeah yeah tours yeah just new ownership you guys will feel the same you know but they of course ain't gonna give it the real you know when there's a new owner new coach new whatever that's always knew everything switch up so there's a couple years left on the ESPN deal so they still do it for a couple years but it wasn't the same we're not doing hardly any overseas you know he's a tour year round yeah Asian Europe uh the islands you know Philippines I mean it's crazy Australia would do a whole month in Australia every year so we're doing barely any overseas games but we're still doing the summer tour but like less money put in and then after uh I think that was 06 but then after that like the TV show would even spin less remember it used to be only fifty thousand a week you should be on [ __ ] ESPN every man listen bro we're getting more spending outside of the top outside of the top teams crazy Nike biting off of it they got they real players come in and do that right right yeah right so uh it ends we don't even get a call to re-up the contract it's just over it's like it's like bro like in my mind you don't be I'm a kid I'm kidding candy so I think my money's never going to end we think that's going forever is the next Globetrotters but bigger you know we like we good ends out of nowhere same here I start YouTube because I'm like I don't even know what's next but I know this was free distribution I had been on YouTube since like this you know started 0-4 I was already uploading Biz about 0.506 trying to flood the market to get bookings outside of Allen okay I got you who put you on that are you just it's just the wave you've seen I remember in the UK a bunch of dudes ran up on us a bunch of kids like Professor you know what I'm saying they was like uh we saw you on YouTube I used to say thanks for checking out the show you know what I'm saying but they're like no we saw you on YouTube it's on my YouTube the hell is that you know I'm saying I watch it I'm like oh this is in other countries so at the time I'm like this is TV you know it's talking like back then I'm like this is free distribution TV and then I saw they would rip our highlights from the show they got a hot sauce mix a professor mix AO mix they all doing like five mil in a week something like that back then you just type in basketball one of my vids would pop up just basketball on YouTube so I'm like oh this is something so then when it all crashed uh they start paying you for your views you know YouTube AdSense the Google AdSense came a thing so I started my own page and then tried to uh just flood the market from there but I didn't go viral actually until 2013. yeah wow but that download of that whole game and figuring out was a real part of life yeah and you know I stated like my homies the ogs they were all on social yeah you know what I'm saying but we didn't view what they're saying we're all we all get girls out there too you know what I'm saying start out with the dating sites he started using Myspace and Facebook for that let's start somewhere so you know you coming to the city you could even search by see where they at you know I'm saying whatever and get in there but but yeah we're looking at it like that but I did know the notoriety a lot of fans on there so I'm like we might as well post the highlights like this is our own you know because I saw am and one had their own website so I'm like why can't this be a website an extension of your website so I started pushing people to my website push people to the YouTube this is like 0506. so then um yeah 2009 rolls around I went broke I had to sell my jersey I saw my jerseys on eBay I sold like 50 to 100 my jerseys on you I don't even know why I kept them probably for that moment you know what I'm saying but they were going they was going for like a thousand or more because before the internet you couldn't keep the narrative in a different country you don't know the news Narrative of like Europe or Australia so they thinking and one's still A-list we don't you know me so off the YouTube I'm getting a d you could get a DM back then so I'll get bookings and uh I'll go play like a random and one game all the way until 2010 and one Angola and one uh Ecuador and one Russia you know I mean just and one game because it was it was everywhere still and there's a lot of places and one didn't go they only went to where the retail stores were at so I'm doing that and then uh you know it's cool another company tried to ramp up and do an Amber they was called ball up it didn't it didn't didn't uh do the same as that one because I think the change it need to be on social you know what I'm saying they were still trying to do TV on Fox or whatever but my YouTube is going off in the background and then shout out to my homie Rob Monroe he came up with this the cosplay Spider-Man basketball and at the time you know coming up the 2000s everything was gangster right like you got to be hard you know the 3xt you know what I'm saying like same value pro clubs right the way you talk every everything right now everything's about mental health and being you know whatever but that was like man if he wasn't hard you wasn't cool so when it came with cosplay even when he first told me I was like oh man you're a cosplay I see Batman Spiderman in the theater but I don't like I don't know about being it you know what I mean but we did think it would be funny so he picked Spider-Man because he's like a cover of the whole body and uh this thing can be funny you go play people one-on-one at the park to see what happened and lo and behold we didn't realize though it's like prank it's Sports it's humor it's wow factor you know what I'm saying all that so that's how you go viral you need like five things in one or whatever but we literally went to the park for like 20 minutes he showed me how to use a DSLR he filmed it or whatever you know it's God's plan I don't think I messed I don't think I missed a shot I couldn't even see in that joke can you breathe in the moment no barely he barely I only got 20 minutes before I pass out so I was in there literally 20 minutes I never missed a shot did you practice warmed up damn y'all just when I hear this ah let's get it I'll put it on one side put on one time I actually messed with some little kids I was like we good whatever you're saying that was it but went out there you know not that the competition was thick or anything but still you know the moves it was all Flawless never missed a shot I added the vid I learned to edit on my own from a fan a fan who was making those Professor mixes on YouTube I actually called he lived in San Diego taught me how to edit but I'm broke you know getting the hustle so I edited that vid I took like three hours back then you I didn't know how to compressive video so you upload on YouTube take like 15 hours I'm like all right whatever so I go to sleep but we had a tour game in Chicago the next day so I go to sleep on his left a computer I woke up the joints still uploading so I'm like oh man I'm Gonna Leave the computer all week I'm broke anyway crashes I don't care so I left by the time I got to LAX if Joe had uploaded and I was like it said like 350k views by the time I just got from the valley to LAX so I'm like what because you should get an email notification by the time I got on the plane it was already a million views and then by the time Chicago was like two or three the end of the week's like six or seven but at that time if you got six or seven million views that's the same as like 50 mil you know what I'm saying that's good because the algorithm's friendlier today [ __ ] So Good Morning America everybody NBC Sports Center CNN everybody blowing up whatever and that was like the true vowel video we got a million Subs in like one day wow so you gotta download of social media one-on-one like it's crazy all in like a crash course yeah he showed me how to do it we just went did a trial we looked at the top viral video you might have been on I don't know we looked the top viral videos of 2011 2012 we're like what could we do you know I'm saying we try to make it like you know not ratchet or something you know fam friendly and uh yeah joint went off but I learned a lot about YouTube from that and just always be you know been in with the younger people the people at the top of the social media game I knew other people at that time who were making 10K a month so I was trying to like emulate their thing and also just trying to be Innovative you know some people wonder like why are you dressing a cost like that's crazy but it's only breaks you know Spider-Man basketball is the number one web series of all time on the internet that's fine it has over a billion views and then we did a Space Jam three or four years ago and that the number two nobody really talked nobody's keeping track but it makes a lot of money it goes off and it's impactful for the kids and stuff too so um but I like the trash you know what I'm saying I I like it all but I know what you're saying like the the trash talk is more like what I'd like to go do yeah so what's next for you bro like where you like what do you have next chamber yeah yeah uh working on a lot of goals but you know uh try to blow the platforms out right I don't think you ever switch gears if you get a 20 million social following I don't think I really in the old school everybody's like what are you gonna do after this I'm like well I mean I don't think I leave the platforms alone like Kevin Hart and Will Smith going crazy on the social and they already mainstream as can be so for me uh merging getting back into acting I actually moved to la06 I was the lead role in a basketball movie at like an A-list cast and everything but it didn't come out it got shelved you know back in the day movies get showed more often there's less media opportunities they didn't get that box office release they wanted or whatever so try to get back into acting I saw you were with Adam a little Cameo hustle uh but trying to get back into that in a more prominent way I've been doing it for 20 years but you know it's like Cameo like you right Cameo here lying here this there I was inspired though how you kind of like merging like a real role you know what I'm saying Adam's other movie yeah moving forward so trying to get back into acting but just trying to explain the platforms and uh be a little part of the culture combo more of a part that's why I like doing podcasts and trying to get more involved because for years I was kind of like scarred by the industry from and one you know what I mean and so I didn't really like collab or mix it up with folks when digital Went Crazy by myself I'm like all right cool he's gonna stay over here and do it but uh yeah you know and then looking into streaming you know doing something a revamping a global Streetball tour would be fire it's not easy to pull off takes a lot of time so we're exploring that and then uh trying to make a movie in my life that's just about to say man would you ever do a movie on your life or a TV series on your life thousand percent are we working on now right would you ever do a podcast working on it now that's why you asked me I'm like man we got a lot of goals trying to figure out which one to say I don't know I don't know if you can see the people in the back of the room I know you see your man and kind of people working with the people that you don't recognize are the people that can actually help you with that that's off topic that's where we turn this camera off we talk about that later but yeah I want to help you with that I'm a huge fan of what you're doing bro humble man I gotta ask you a couple more um yeah what's up with the uh when are we going to get the professor merch line I'm waiting on it bro oh the merch is out here it's Global okay yeah but we're gonna pump it more you know I mean I think like you know it's always hard I'm trying to I'm trying to build my team and expand it you know what I mean because like doing what I do now it takes a lot of time focus and effort you're a machine though bro yeah so like so I think I would always want to do things more like promote the murder you know what I'm saying do all this stuff put more effort behind it but be spread thin so right now I'm really just working on mastering my team and expanding so that uh it's more uh we can put more effort other places to do bigger things that's really the goal actually yeah let me ask you this uh are you watching today's game oh it began the NBA game oh you're saying just in general yeah of course Who Do You Love in today's game who you love to turn on TV long day I'm coming here from the watching game or I want to go to a game who would you love to sit and just watch for 48 minutes in today's game or a couple my favorite two players to watch probably Kyrie and stuff probably my favorite two players to watch but bronze right here you know I go to the lake I go to at least at least five games a year we sit in Courtside you know what I'm saying so I've been watching I've been rooming for the Lakers living here 20 years you know I mean just because we're here uh so I'm inspired by a lot of the greats but yeah I think if I'm if I'm just sitting there Steph and Kyrie is my favorite to watch the most entertaining Stephen Curry yeah are you a Portland Trailblazers fan being from Oregon you know what's crazy I never was but I like I was a fan of Rod Strickland but I was so consumed with MJ and then when Iverson came that was the first player I could actually like you know can't play Like Jordan I'm saying but Iverson came I was all AI but my Pop's like a Die Hard Blazer fan so I'm always keep them up with them and then Dame Dame's so good lately and then we even did a vid together so that so that was really dope of him to give us the time but I'm a Dame fan too gotcha so to a degree can you sit there and just watch the game for the basketball love it or Ru program to when kyries brings it up you checking the flow of the dribble you checking the timing you counting the dribbles you watching it behind can you just watch the game normal or are you a computer to download every guard that's coming out here and what they own we're doing both simultaneously simultaneously I think I feel like you can learn some I always am learning that's the thing I tell people today I'm gonna I just turned 39 I'm trying to get better though man you know what I'm saying I'm always learning 39 bro I just turned 39. bro you do not look [ __ ] 39. thank you bro no weird [ __ ] yeah so uh sure so you know what's crazy about being young and you said you was an eight-year-old and 12 year old bro that's investment as you get older you still look like you [ __ ] 30 or 20 something bro let's go and you look like you win in dope shape you work out every day uh I train a lot not every day but so I uh I go to that Sports Rehab spot and see you know I was telling you about twice a week but then I'm a runner I actually run like this I put on a dope playlist it's like this the older I get though it's it's cardio too but it's all about movement I feel like you got longevity because some people don't know it's a myth some people say I was in my Prime and one you know they don't it's just a myth they saying that because it was NBA arenas and big you know we're playing full court my quickness never digress I've never gone been on the downslope of at least speed and quickness I've been a better cardio shave at different seasons right playing a CBA I used to be in the CBA and all that but um yeah so I run like three or four times a week along with that and then I only play like once or twice a week okay because you got to conserve the mind you know what I mean and I only play if we're rolling I don't not running no pickup gotcha I'm not this phase two get injured you know I'm sorry your whole thing so I don't do tournaments it's got to be for our at least an event we're covering or if either we're shooting or whatever would you ever do the professional Invitational and do like a street ball outdoor or something I freaking love that yeah let's talk about that I love that I never thought of a one-off tournament everybody says bring anyone back but it's so difficult man because like you need the YouTubers the waves news yeah you know I like new I like being on the new you know what I'm saying and and also it needs a big platform you got to be on like Netflix or Amazon or something if it's not that how are you going to Captivate because now people got their own their own networks right everybody got their own networks so when it's hot they will come it's like big money to get the names yeah exactly and and one it was a pro level thing you know people who got names now they're not pro like YouTube not that there's not some nice YouTubers right but it's a college level it's not like a pro level like and one in the original group we played D1 and D2 overseas teams not only win but also turn it out so you got to be good everywhere you go to do it so it's like find the right guys but it was the best of the Drew back in the day it was the sick when it was a MVP of the Drew League Maine and them were killing a Rucker AO was the best in Philly so the talent you'd have to get the right group I remember the M1 guys wanted some smoke with the NBA guys yeah yeah you know what we should talk about this because there's been some weird narratives going around nah um you know Steph and I Stefan Marbury and uh uh you should be really really really close like best friends close I love Stephanie Stone and uh you know Steph would have yeah we would be in restaurants and these guys would run up on us in restaurants you know what I'm saying who like Main Event Main Event half man half amazing yeah yeah all these guys uh McNasty I ran into these guys and they wanted to go who I was like yeah let's do it yeah yeah we hoopers too yeah I love that yeah you know like I thought I think um some of the uh and one guys thought that um first off I don't know what they thought but I thought from a point that they didn't think that we came from the same lines in which they came from and I want I was I was I was into showing the difference between and one and the league I was into that I mean there's a difference you know what I'm saying yeah I want to show y'all the difference yeah I mean we do it I mean nah no no no I would say this nah yeah I'm a young I was just happy to be on a global platform to play Streetball I wasn't necessarily on that my big Bros I think a lot of them some of them probably felt like hey absolutely running them out but other dudes were probably just like hey I couldn't get the opportunity you know what I mean so I know even me right I tried to make the league I played in the CBA I'd put up 27 and 10 in the CBA but that's not that's not light you got to go get that you gotta go get it and the politics I don't like blaming the politics though I would say I never was ready mentally like to go to the league gotta be real you know I'm saying my aim even these days this would be the most entertaining being the best the you made the the league is the stamp you know what I'm saying so I think making the league is tough I think for a lot of my guys or the ogs they run at Rucker versus League dudes and so in their mind they're like hey man you want it with me I got you anywhere but it takes a lot right it's the professionalism are we are we training right are we year round staying consistent you got a full package to be in the league I do think uh dudes were immensely talented what I was addressing was some people think uh there's there's not one consensus of what level and one was like how good was it right some dudes would say like even today some dudes are like Professor you need to play Kyrie one-on-one and it's like that's a narrative other dudes be like oh this dude's garbage man dude can't play nowhere you know well Skip to My Lou was real deal yeah Skip to My Lou yeah was a real [ __ ] deal I don't care if you played them on what surface you play them on blacktop or in the gym real deal it was real deal yeah great point guard in the league great part guard on on street ball like real [ __ ] like you can't like I don't know what people are I don't even know where they're getting this matter from that [ __ ] as fake I don't know how you fake how you fake basketball you can't you know I mean but you know I had heard it so much by the time I showed up and watched my first Airline game as a fan even I was mind blown because like it was kind of like you said it was polished you know what I'm saying man you listen it's a myth till you get your ass out there it's different when you hey you talking that [ __ ] sitting over there now you got the professor in front of you you're gonna get it straight A like here you go here's class served right here that's when I think everybody needs to go through that that's why I wanted to play the N1 guys it wasn't even about it would have been lit bro listen bro they wanted it I'm a professional bro Wherever I Go everybody's looking at me like the ticket I don't get a day off for being a ticket I gotta show up and beat a ticket at so you know what cool where y'all want to go hoof at career go right now we was Injustice and we bought the scrams like man it was like 15 of them just got out of line because you know we we we got similar paths yeah yeah they got we got you know guys guys you know we all out here yeah and uh I think yeah I don't think there's a difference right yeah I love you and Steph are goats so like there's levels in the league too but they wanted it though that's what I'm saying yeah and I think uh you know what I you know I personally feel like I feel like some of my OG's undervalue how dope just and one was because like look there's levels to the game right we know the NBA's top of the top and I think it's hard to get there right some dudes didn't get the opportunity maybe they weren't even fit to be there maybe they were tweeners maybe they weren't professional no maybe they lift weights enough but they always talk about who's a legend and who's not they and they feel like they feel like you had to be stamped outside and wanted to be a legend but I'm like oh my gosh we're [ __ ] Legends I think in my eyes that's what I'm saying yeah yeah the Streetball is not like you okay the league is one thing but street ball is not light yeah anybody who ain't never played [ __ ] street ball street ball is some of the most hard and most it's first off street ball is um intimidating as [ __ ] oh at the highest level the highest level street ball some hoopers that play in the NBA can't play Streetball you understand that was my thing I feel like they were the best at what they did that's what I'm saying you know what I'm saying because NBA players would like Ricky Davis and them were playing they they putting their work right we can't stop Ricky Davis you know what I'm saying dude scores 60 but well with me and when so late is it was a really high level but also it's just so much show time seemingly in a high level game like AO playing like this like I learned so much I feel like and one was legendary for the legendary bro because you could be a local Legend like like let's say you're just a legend at Rucker that ain't like a culture to me I when I say Legend I'm thinking that's in the culture Global it's stamped so I feel like and one stamped a lot of dudes and that was an honor they they look at it more like something like OG say like it's all about Hood respect if you didn't have the hood respect for where you got there you wasn't a legend that's their view but I'm like I think they're undervaluing what happened personally bro we're going to look back on basketball in times of how the timeline go and one basketball is going to be always submitted in in blacktop basketball again converted into NBA play is one of the most difficult conversions it would be similar to you go to Street Fighter now they're telling you you got a box a certain way or going to MMA with these certain rules you understand yeah so it has a professional piece to it but the creative where it comes from that culture and and in these lines of this neighborhood in my community all this comes out of out of this imagination into this art form that I get to come out here and display with a ball people won't ever understand that they never walk that path know what I'm saying agree so I love what you're doing keep keep street balls alive bro um let me ask you man yeah you know how you go to you know how you go to school and I'll go to the Steph Curry camp and learn how to shoot threes or I'll go to the LeBron camp and learn you know fundamentals and skills I'll go to Paul Pierce camp and all these other camps right who is going to throw a camp for all the kids that want to be streetballers where do you go and learn to snatchback I don't see nobody outside actually yeah so where can I go and if I ain't watching your videos where can I go and learn all the street ball stuff where can I go learn that professor for me it was just about being a student of the game you know what I mean today kiss right now kids right now if they want to go learn your stuff and what you do what would you go learn now well I'm coming out with a program hey it's going to be crossed up universities Shameless plug say that again crossed up University it'll be crossed right now you go to and sign up you get a free tutorial five steps to the perfect crossover and then when my program launch you'll be notified so that's on the way but in general though you don't even need to pay to be honest like you get further lessons if you want with that but just being a student of the game now YouTube you put that joint in slow motion you put it 25 so what I always say um the main thing is to understand the footwork of the moves so even when I if I watch a move today and I rewind I was like what's that you know I'll rewind it I put that joint 25 I got to look at the footwork see what's going on and then when I take it to gym I just need to understand the forward first walk through it jog through it and then you know I might use it the next time I play but but you know you people got to get their reps in and watch it but I think uh student of the game is key you know what I'm saying seeing the greats so you're true downloading it oh it's like a new dance mom I learned move from kids it's like a new dance move yes how long does it take you depending on the severity of the move how long does it take you usually to get a move down you know so funny that's how I know it's my gift like sometimes I learn I'll go do it the next day like sometimes 24 now 24 hours or some time sometimes sometimes sometimes it depends how hard it is too you know sometimes I might bring it here play it in a you know a 1v1 little workout setting off camera and then bring it right to the game but if you want master master something it doesn't take a little time you're processing it the whole day I was like I'm just saying bro you saw it boom okay now you talking to your girl this is how you should process when I should see something and I'm talking to somebody but I'm like really think about that move oh your foot front like for sure yeah all day yeah I do this all day the crazy thing is like I'm trying to work balance work personal life like my thing is so fun that I'm culture in my job for 24 7. so yeah even down to being a student of the game even now I've seen it I actually got a couple heaters on them to try to bring out but for sure yeah you think you can get a bucket in today's game get a bucket get a bucket I hope so no no no we're gonna rewind that okay okay if today's game you playing with NBA players 48 minutes can you get a bucket in today's game right now yeah I would hope so yeah I hope so I know you can I'm not saying I gotta kill it right but maybe though I'm getting moves on I don't understand yourself no here's the thing though people don't know they should put this on record I worked out NBA player I've been in a workout with the NBA players and I couldn't be stopped going to the best facts but I'm not that doesn't mean like we step in the suit up for the Lakers and go go berserk no but we dropped some cash well we can't get some moves off a spot I spun a couple NBA players I ain't gonna say their names but like I like like literally the first time I ever got received yeah ever played an NBA player was actually Daryl Armstrong It's on video though okay between in the crowd but was he giving you know he wasn't playing D like he might if he was in the league but you know you got to be ready you know what I'm saying but then I think also that's something underestimate too yeah like I've worked out with NBA players and put in work a lot of those guys want to know how to incorporate some of that Showmanship yeah into the game and you don't know how yeah and you know that was the thing too I think the fan Viewpoint were like when during the mixtapes there was like a fan Viewpoint that all we do is tricks it actually was a real game with the Incorporated but we were basketball players first like I'm still a basketball player first right so if you want to not incorporating the game it's kind of hard I feel like you got to be good enough to gain the the trust of your coach as a basketball player before you could do it right I mean because if you come out there and they don't know you you're doing a stiff leg this might just look crazy right you turn it over one time no trust you know I mean right so I know like even taking notes from skip right he was a Streetball player but he did all the regular you know he went to Juco D1 got drafted Incorporated the skit sometimes you know I mean in today's game different right like Kyrie and him is he said me Kyrie been following me since he was little you know what I'm saying that's what I'm saying you're the influence on a lot of these young guys that's in our league in their games Kyrie I see him use a lot more sham guard [ __ ] I've seen Chris Paul use shamgar [ __ ] yeah I've seen you know Chris Paul being on the whole pickup I love that spin yeah that little yo-yo when you pull it out right we're using it right yeah that's what I think I think I think it's it can't take away from the squad you know what I'm saying it needs to be within the flow of the game like time's in transition you look like Jamal Crawford or Kyrie like if it takes away it's no good what's the use you know what I mean so I think basketball core it is a sweat it is competition but it is entertainment so I think it does have its place in its value um but yeah like like CP3 like you said he come off the pickle roll use it as a fake pass you know I'm saying my pull he might go tween right you know what I'm saying that could actually be a great move if you know what you're doing right uh execution yeah so it just depends you got to pick your spots and I think you gotta for the kids out there doing it you got to be trusted as a basketball player first by your coach before you're gonna go into some trick bag and entertain the crowd so I gotta say this because I like to think that I'm a universal Sports lover I love everything from [ __ ] Cricket to volleyball to tennis Cricket dog when you get into it has underliners of baseball but then has a whole nother whole nother set of rules can go for three four days it's huge in other India other parts of the world South Africa all that [ __ ] right I'm a huge soccer fan have you noticed in Brazil that Brazil has had their version of like a N1 mixtape but through soccer have you ever have you ever tapped into the street ball of soccer in Brazil or just the universal language when it comes to soccer and the freestyle they call it freestyle but if you if you watch it it speaks the harmony of it sounds it it's it's obviously with the foot but bro it's it's the heartbeat of and one bro you're super tapped in bro I wouldn't have thought you would never come talk to you soon come sit down talk to anybody y'all feel me yeah there's a dude so I am tapped into it um I started to learn about it maybe 2015 or something there's a dude who's like to go this dude Sean Grenier he used to give us the braids yeah so he hit me about a collab maybe six seven years ago I really start to look into it but yeah like it's funny too because I did the Spider-Man and he did there was an uncle Drew ver you know what I'm saying there's like an old new version but uh watching bro he's inspired he's watching you yeah it's wild bro they'd be on a street soccer I remember somebody told me about 2015 I was like street ball soccer go pull that up and just watch Real Talk listen because huge though it's under the same under the same things of of the Harmony in which you're doing or it comes from the same Harmony yeah of what we're speaking on yeah it's actually wild it's wild but it makes sense too right we both know on a Global Perspective soccer is like the sport but it has a street element like basketball we don't get talked streets and of course it does right because you got it's the biggest Sports of course it has a street element box and you're right it's kind of like underground yeah it is it gets played in Africa and these dirt Fields gets played in uh uh at finca's in in in in in in in in in the Spanish and Latin world yeah on like a ball that's made out of clothes that's balled up into a ball yeah you know what I'm saying that's why and those kids are doing man listen just pull up Street Soccer Street Soccer freestyle it's funny too because they call Streetball internationally they call it freestyle actually and it kind of was birthed through and one and it's funny because they actually really were the ones who just took the moves on like you go there ain't playing basketball dude in Japan he dancing like Michael Jackson with the ball he bounce on his head I'll be like what the hell you know what I'm saying but developed like a whole culture but yeah it's funny freestyle that word but yeah the street soccer is like well I'm watching tennis I watch Tennis I love tennis shoes I love tennis man listen watch Tennis bro you unassuming no I watched it I wouldn't have thought you would have been talking no no no I think a kg I think of like the hard Essence for basketball I'm like diversity we on the wave too you understand you're versatile bro so I'm watching one of my favorite players uh uh in tennis monfique he's a French player and sometimes when he's serving he'll be he'll start rhyming to himself did he go up in his shirt about boom people don't know what he's doing they think he's talking to him said they look it's over everybody's head the moon feet bars he had bars as he's serving okay again I'm watching sports and I'm watching Justice and one heartbeat underline of just what y'all have brought bro my feet might go and jump super high in the air and and do some [ __ ] that you don't normally see in tennis he'll go up and spike the ball he'll go up and hit the [ __ ] behind the back he'll go between his legs and this uh it's a it's like a street tennis bro I gotta Google I ain't even looked at that I gotta get on the tube look it up I gotta look up this kid is he's he's just different on the tour and you know I'm not saying he's the best but when I think of when I'm thinking of creative when I'm thinking of when I'm thinking of and one I'm thinking of the creative Artistry that's outside of this box that you put everybody at basketball players in right you start leaking over into these other these other creative like influences I'm just watching how that has felt like the cop the carbon brand of that has been tapped in a little bit and I'm watching how they trying to incorporate it in in in tennis I'm watching it being Incorporated in soccer uh for you know football is uh football is that and football catch it boom first down type [ __ ] they always had a swag we're catching the ball one-on-one instead but I'm watching I'm making reference to Parts in which I see in one other sports which means to ask the question could that style of artistry obviously it can be but I would love to see it in volleyball or in golf you feel what I'm saying like that out of the you're feeling yeah like super out of the box we're always coming it could it is so crazy too because it actually it's funny this actually reminds me of Dave Chappelle he actually did his And1 skit you remember this he did a skit with other sports being streamable and it's funny you mentioned tennis was the ones they was joking he did like between he was he was being silly but it's funny to see I want to say yes yeah he did it he's like you ever seen these ant bro we was loving it on the bus we was watching on the bus you receive these and one mixtapes and then um he was showing how like other sports doing he was clowning but it's funny how like it's real though it's actually real like the [ __ ] you said tennis I'm like whoa but yeah who knows I mean things that are out of the box go crazy nowadays you know I mean I guess hopefully are you um are you locked into the licensed business parts of everything uh only lightweight only lightweight are you into web three are you oh you talking about yourself soon as it came through funny enough using 2K eh yeah I actually did a mocap for two people only noticed I did the mocap for 2K uh 2K7 to 2K 13 or 12 or something like that I was actually I am Kobe's Jay LeBron's J never said I never went on record I think it was in my contract not to but you know we had a decade out okay but the funny thing is all right we need to know that yeah no the funny thing is they always act like it wasn't our database because I was like do you guys wipe the database are you still working off what we did absolutely they say and somebody internally was like saying oh we do we redid it you know but lying but then yeah and then somebody was like nah he's like that's that's the same I don't know run it run the chair I don't know but we did that I know you got a lawyer out of this whole little group yeah yeah you know but a little search yeah yeah so um but now but shout out to 2K they always show love shots of 2K no I did live for a couple years shout outs you know EA showed love too but yeah I do have a deal with 2K at the moment um would you do your own video game at some point to where you could feature street ball and isolated front basket from the NBA and make it all street ball thousand percent you can bowl them all [ __ ] and cross somebody oh get your ass up and use a little more outdoor language we need to bring back that NBA Street was crazy that NBA Street the next level volume two or whatever they need to bring back the NBA Street I'm with that bro the professor prevents presents NBA Street or even just to be a part of it you know what I'm saying because you know it's about a lot of times about opportunity you say are you willing I'm like sure who we talk to you know facts again there's some people in the back that you can't see that are in this other than your people those are some of the people that make sure this happen you know what I'm saying yeah because I think it could be due too because I think like uh 2K ran the market for a decade or more in a day I mean 15 years and they don't really have a competitor there's no competitor but I think also there was some buzz in the marketplace about maybe something else coming up too so who knows you know shout out to 2K I do have a light deal with them I'm not like in the game but like it's a it's a it's a marketing you know promotional thing if I was 2K I would actually go out and bring characters to the game like to build and help the game progress and I don't think that the game is just so NBA on the court I think you know now with the ideas of bringing an out like look look at the dunk contest right yeah yeah the dunk contest is now to the point where we are actually considering outside the NBA dunkers to come in and make it so why wouldn't we you know I actually think that they need to put a one-on-one that'll be hard but then you're gonna have everybody with them you know I mean it's one-on-one so if you don't understand one-on-one being embarrassed embarrassing somebody it goes two and four but I think that that will bring another type of charge and Spark to the league and then you know what I'll do I'll do a crazy incentive I do like a 20 million they might be hotter than the like like if they think of think of the Showtime boxing style 1v1 you saw the uh you've seen the clip where Dr J played Kareem in Vegas yes bro that that principle I don't know if you can get those caliber players yeah that's the thing right yeah we can't even get our best dunkers to the dunk in the dunk contest correct can't get them so okay well I don't know 20 million might change your mind on something figure out who the sponsor is I know we got the sponsor better gym on live you know what I'm saying they on line one they got a huge purse ain't nobody bigger than bet him Jim yeah [ __ ] right y'all ain't been in bed and Jim we are the bank [ __ ] you mean right run it you might need to headlining bro yeah let's get it let's get it let's do it together bro run it that'd be hard I already know bro bro that's running that's crazy and I think that dunk contest too though I think um you see I thought you think we're at the point where outside dunkers are better than some NBA dunkers yeah I think it's been there I think it's been there actually for a while yeah I think so yeah yeah so well here's the thing though here's the thing I think there's a guy on the street that could be Zion in the dunk contest right now creatively yeah yeah for sure yeah wow that says a lot but I will say this though I will say it's different when you get under those lights and you have that moment that momentum so so a lot of them dudes aren't used to playing in front of 20 minutes uh 20 000. you know what I mean and then you obviously televised to everybody so it gets a little bit different but yeah I mean the pro dunkers you know like my homie Arab there from back in the day yeah he used to just pause in the air just look at you for something yeah like Bros like where is he at see see that was my that was right with this let's do it let's go let's do it let's do it he's already right the Netflix doc didn't show where dudes were at today man I wanted I wanted to know like where the cast were at but dudes is out here they on social you know I can show you where but um but yeah man doing some of the outsiders like the pro dunkers there's dudes like uh gee Dupree key Dupree uh Jordan kilgan in the white dude I've heard of him whom I forget I'm forgetting he's on the game now he has a license deal with 2K Ashley yeah he has a whole yeah and then like like my homie even my homie dizzy but like people been in the game for 20 years they was doing like Pro dunk like them Dunk Contest man elevated the skill of the dunks being elevated crazy and like you said a Zion special some dudes are special right I mean they they compete with the pro dunker so would they win I think they have the skills to are they playing and uh performing in front of 25 000 is always different right people can talk all the crap they want but you know we get on those lights and you just got that moment it's like dude here it is right now you know what I'm saying can they pull it off I think I think it could be special though honestly yeah I know we should do so yeah put it out there right that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying but I think even the league though I think they were always scared about protecting the the Integrity of the league letting them you know like they didn't want to let out they probably don't want to let Outsiders in there because then they don't want it to take away from the NBA but I think like if they make it hosted by the NBA still the biggest platform out there and then also like maybe each player could bring their own dunker to the table or something like that but I do think uh or you do the amateur contest in the NBA and then they face all or something like that I think the league is at a point where all dunking and the Artistry behind dunks I think the street I think outside the league is ahead of the league in creativity yeah and then we got let's just keep it 100. not everybody is enthused or want to participate in the NBA dunk contest so guess what you got to do you got to start going look at options of other options that can actually make this what it is the dunk contest used to be our crown jewels crazy of creativity when it came to people who can walk through air yeah that's what I'm saying so now we got we don't even have that competition or we don't even have that level of competition of our best dunkers competing against each other so I would say why not entertain the world if the world wants to show us their creativity if the Jordan uh forget the kid's name what'd you kill again if he can come to the league and give us the the the 390 or whatever he did the 760 80 whatever okay cool let's see it like I'm I'm all for the best dunkers and seeing them perform under the light me too and you know it's still the NBA platform they gonna rock NBA control everything guess what it might even get these kids a license to 2K or get them deals out of this whole thing but I don't see it as a bad thing and it might encourage some of these NBA players to get up they see get back involved yeah that was the thing um I actually promoted I was actually on the promotion for the NBA dunk contest this year interviewing all Mack McClung and all those guys before it was going down and I actually talked to the dudes internally who run the dunk contest they're frust they were frustrated because that was their whole gripe you probably know just like I do shout out to Jay gill who runs that thing but they couldn't get the best player to try to get Zion they tried to get jaw they tried to get dudes and like if they don't get them now they definitely ain't getting them five years you know I mean like while they're younger whatever or still open for before they're too golden or they feel like too goated to do it so they're frustrated so yeah I feel like if the NBA they should open it up because if if the goats of Duncan in the NBA aren't going to do it then we're always subjected to you know lesser name why not open it up and make it add value to it however you can [ __ ] you know what I mean because let's man if I think if Zion was in a dunk contest y'all was in the dunk contest Mac McClung like and then whoever else I'm probably forgetting some beasts it's going to be some young players that we don't even know their names yet and that's how they come and get them exactly exactly but the stakes will be higher but I do think that that Pro it's not enough incentive like you said a 20 million dollar spot if they have something crazy like that start getting everybody to come out there more people I don't know if everybody but more people I gotta ask you this and this is kind of my last question your all-time starting five NBA league all-time all-time starting five we're coming out here on the court this is what you got with you yeah you can put yourself in it now I ain't gonna put myself in there no we're stepping up we're going to play at the blacktop oh we're playing the black one I got a team showed up P got a team showed up Church got a team showed up who you showing up with four other guys with yourself these are guys I liked are just the best you we coming out here to win the 20 million dollars 20 million you showed up with four other [ __ ] who you showing up with dang in the history Dead or Alive dang uh top five who do you bringing to the court with MJ's out there you got Jordan on your team that means you ain't gonna shoot the ball you're gonna be passing them distributed for sure I'm gonna give you five coming off the bench okay got uh yo you got do you give me ten no I'm just giving you five okay okay I'm saying I'm six man yeah oh oh you coming off the bench you said I'm out there you said I was in there I want you to be in the game man I must I would start over magic or something yeah as you come out the business my team it's called the professors okay you play for the professors okay coming up to business magic all right since we had to you know what I'm saying I think magic get the one I'm ready to almost give Steph Curry to one I'm ready to almost give Steph Curry so Steph you take the one yeah uh Jordan out there Kobe's out there you got them on the same team you got to put them I'm just saying they it's got you they just bought a rank into History Jordan I think I would actually put oh you need a big tent because whoever you bring is going to be big dogs listen I ain't even talking about who I'm bringing the whole big Team bro yeah cause I think I'm playing the point on my team I want you to know that okay okay we're not gonna do this I'm gonna revamp I'm gonna actually retract I'm actually gonna put Brawn at the three we're gonna take Kobe off okay run at your three yeah and Steph Curry yeah yep and then um we're gonna have to go big dogs I think I'm gonna go Shack at the five and then at the four I'm trying to think is it is it Tim Duncan is it Kareem is it I think I'm gonna go Kareem at the foreign can play 10 feet out you know what I'm saying we'll do it like that right yeah I don't know I like that who you got oh I'm gonna play Kobe at the three okay okay uh yeah I'm gonna throw everybody off for a loot with this one but uh we got I'm gonna go will and Bill Russell with my four five dang yeah who's guarding Shaq Bill Russell and then I'm putting will on Kareem hey you know what's crazy though them dudes bro they moved crazy though like we watched the grainy footage of Bill and Chamberlain I don't think one thing I'll say is bro they they might be more they have more athletic than Dwight the biggest misconception we have is that this younger generation is more physical I ain't gonna say more physical but more skilled and the perception of what the shots that these young kids take today versus the older generation how they was taught the game it wasn't so gimmicky it wasn't so uh tricky it wasn't it was just couldn't even put a hand on the side of the straight up straight up but carrion came into it and and it affected Pistol Pete was unbelievable with the carry and and just all of it so with the evolution of the game you got to put the carry in there just because of how you handling it yeah and the pressure if you if you were handling a hand check everybody knows that if you handle a hand check then you should let somebody carry because the hand check actually neutralizes all this you know just think about being able to control the ball handshake is great the hand Checker that's a game changer there's a whole game changer but source to carry it is though Game Changer the game the game changer the carry just hey I came in changed it so I'll say all that to say um that the game has to evolve and it has to have an evolution to it or we're looking at the same 1950s 1940s yeah and I like what you said too because I think like those it's like it's unfair right because if Bill Russell was brought up in today's game or will they would be nice they would be the game the way they're taught today Athletics it would just be the download of what everybody is they don't understand how physical the game was back in those days too just you know yeah dudes yeah exactly I think it's definitely underestimated you the footage gets grainy and they they downplay it or whatever but um anyway I want to see that game for sure no doubt no doubt hey you know what's crazy with AI and technology these days we can actually animate it and see what that looks like bro that's crazy bro I'm waiting for that day we didn't bring that game to life they were talking about that the other day they're here in the room somewhere Josh is in the room somewhere in here they were saying somebody told me that though they're like bro YouTube this thing you never know where this is what ai's doing yeah I'm on it I'm Chad gpdl what do you think about this video I'm thinking about what would you title inspiration it just gives you inspiration bro I'm already trying to tackle the Earth but I want to thank you for letting me come through your space man taking some time out for me man I know I've been handling you for a little bit no I'm gonna keep on being your ass every time I see some crazy [ __ ] on the drill every time I see something crazy on the net I hit oh fessa you gotta do one of these bro he came up the steps I saw you you can kill this city and then he like I got you I got you humble bro you know and that's why I say I love that we got to sit down and do this because I feel like back in the two for whatever reason that early 2000s y'all were in y'all universe and we were in our universe and I feel like the NBA for me was uncrackable like I couldn't even have a combo with kg you know what I'm saying well David Stern was very detective yeah they were right has a little more leniency he understands I think he understands collapse I think he's I think in the world in which we live in now yeah collabs is where it's at right taking two types of different Generations or not even generation just two different two difference and putting them together for one Harmony I think it's hard bro but it's the Play-Doh I think each side I think if David understood what anyone and those moves in that Artistry meant to players he would have understood it boy but that's communication and dialogue too but sure we're here now though you know what's crazy man I feel like with great leadership and what you doing man you're speaking in another Harmony of what Streetball streets to or speaks to it speaks to more of an Artistry and a more artist form so keep going bro don't stop what you're doing humble man thank you for let me come through here [Music] foreign [Music] magic one thing I'm amazed at Magic you'd be like two passes ahead of the game but what was crazy is like he'll come out here High dribble to get around get around this dude right and then come in here and do you know you know what I'm saying like he'd be like three being six nine being like two or three pass ahead of the game but that whole like I'll shake you out here I shake these people here you know what fascinates me about magic some of the most simplest [ __ ] that nobody ever talks about how does managed to pass right-handed left-handed delivery you know coming off a pick and roll you're going left yeah if your left ain't strong enough to come back and make this because he's coming up right dude's rolling you gotta you gotta make this pass left left you can't stop and pivot now uh you know what I'm saying wow Lord his hands his his ability to cross and and find you on left or booming hit you yeah that's what I'm talking about bro he still got one of the low-key one of the coldest NBA mixes period yo man like all them uh all them like one-handed bounce passes no it kind of man the bottle the the wood man that's why man listen everybody's taking for granted the moves you see yeah just think that the ball supposed to bounce back up or if I throw it between the [ __ ] legs approaching pop like none of that [ __ ] man that [ __ ] sometimes going right out of bounds because the flow dead got up the science straight up and then imagine was coming down here might act like he gonna take the layup take the layup drop it off like yo it's wild he was playing like two three plays ahead right it's awesome it's actually wild like some of the passes I still watch I'm like yo I've never seen that we did that [ __ ] when you was getting hand checked physical ain't enough room in the lane six and think about the crazy part of magic too is hard to take him out of that top five yeah uh is because never been duplicated nope who's the next magic oh Penny what's the closest to me Penny was the closest right and maybe he would have developed you know you know injuries are the worst but um yeah to answer your question also you said uh you know it's crazy though I feel like uh they always say like who had a better handle Iverson or Kyrie and I felt like Iverson had that better move right nobody that crossover was like that that that's a show stopper that might change the momentum of the game yes so you remember Kyrie's bag was Kyrie's has more spin moves get out of situation like I would say Kyrie's layup package oh it's crazy it's it's finished package it's finished yeah this is his ability AI is um y'all remember when uh when uh when a Scott hook came in and Kareem had the Skyhook and everybody was trying to yeah everybody's like oh you gotta get a Skyhook Jordan came in with the fade away right right yeah AOS cross when it first came in the league that was my first move I learned but David Stern he was embarrassing real cats and David Stern was like oh no we got to get this under control the first 25 games were here right he bashed Michael Jordan defeat online that's when they started calling palming on him yeah because he was too much of them he was right here it's a Cleveland game I think it's Terrell battle yeah there's that one against uh Antonio Daniels Mary fell twice oh in Philly in Philly and that's when it was that's when it was tough to that's when you can you know himself that's just like that bro what were you thinking we saw that because your draft classes I'm 95. you were the year before right so I'm the year before everybody that came out 96 was all my friends so everybody came out I knew all those guys I had played against them blah blah blah what'd you think about that move though when it came out what was you I knew I had seen I had played a uh with AI in 94 at Nike and I had seen him before he went he had he got some trouble and all this other [ __ ] but before we were both at Nike and I came back home like yo I seen that man I've seen the best player because I had also seen Felipe Lopez dude was nice back then Felipe Lopez was a Dominican kids yeah barely spoke English [ __ ] was a six six guard he had he had New York handle yeah he had New York Flair yeah so Ai and and and and Felipe was the two best I've seen and there was another kid and I can't even front this can a draw Ward went to Michigan man this month for about 16 had he was just nice early right but I have seen Ai and I was like they called it the uh the the DC crossover yeah remember DC crossover was it was like it was it was it was up it was up here it was it was kind of like it was like a yeah he took he took that and start bringing it out here Professor yeah man hey y'all might come in and he was having so much Spin and callous on his hand you can hear that [ __ ] spitting in his hand he'll be like and when he when he would whip it through you yeah you can hear that [ __ ] man I feel like the crazy part about it though it wasn't it was remember they developed a palm because it wasn't a character it wasn't listening unless you know what he started doing he started he started Crossing you going right into the lake yo yeah it wasn't even a reaction to that [ __ ] did he started Hessian he started oh when he started doing it I know hey I was probably the most unguardable cat in our league yeah and Kobe was like no [ __ ] but was going y'all shut that [ __ ] up so they got into it like I'll lock you over come guard it and then the referees jumping like hey y'all be quiet and [ __ ] that we talking y'all stay the [ __ ] hey y'all yeah that's what it was about because Kobe did the move too man listen they was both talking that [ __ ] both [ __ ] I'll lock that up but come lock it up this yeah damn fun times though man they had um there was a couple dudes now I think about in the league that were like underground it would have been nice on the like what's the name who else would have been nice in the and one game I feel like that's the thing with I feel like mainly Kyrie of course Kyrie as much as you don't want to you know you know who actually when he first started off I didn't think Steph had quality handles I thought he had point guard handles yeah but he developed and got stronger yeah now man Steph got probably one of the man still crazy he got the most underrated handles and the most underrated finish yeah that was that one against the Clippers he rocked Chris Paul laughs that's right that was crazy yeah I feel like his handle developed over the years I actually didn't even put him in like no category until maybe like five six years ago yeah he got strong he got Stronger Yeah like 17 18 maybe something like that something like that I love that he's still getting good while he's still in the league like still adding layers to his game if I best Handles in the game ever don't even rank them just name them we ain't even gonna put one in the league if you well yeah we ain't gonna rank him in the league ever five best handles they had the list the the year let's see um they had a list already they made him it was like Isaiah I handle this yeah z-web and Isaiah Thomas and then Isaiah mentioned by the name so I was like I started crying but um let's see oh Iverson because that crop Kyrie they didn't start to get tricky though start to get tricky after let's see Iverson and Kyrie it ain't never tricky you can't never get scared I'm throwing skip for the influence don't escape for the influence and what he what he started and then but then I'm gonna say Jay will hell yeah what's that four four but I'm trying to think the old school got to have the old school got to have some love so I'm gonna say because look I could go a bunch of ways I could say I could go Pistol Pete but you also could go Isaiah Thomas right and then you also could say magic the Magic's handle was actually crazy it's magic to be six nine High dribble man listen man you know what I hate about history no one's talking no one ever talks about that [ __ ] six nine you know what six nine look like I know six nine like right here somewhere right well I got dribble is all up here I know can you imagine playing a guy to park his [ __ ] all the way up here you're taking two days to come down on the dribble like that bro it's like that six nine I mean I don't know past either hand bro like come on Magic was a [ __ ] machine bro she's a robot dog but then look this convo gets hard though because like Jamal Crawford's the world yeah I had dudes like yeah he got some handle Kenny Anderson and dude it's funny because Kenny you know he's about Strickland yeah Ross Strickland oh that was my favorite you know what I mean so a lot of dudes got to get left off it's actually really hard you know I mean honorable mention man I think that's that fist spot I'd actually throw magic but I'll throw Pistol Pete for the lineage and what was started I would throw in uh all them Jamal Crawford obviously gotta be ouch I'm all crowded hard to leave out of the top five uh but you know a lot of dudes get that honorable mention Ross Strickland Kenny Anderson we're FL we're forgetting we're forgetting a couple people I got Ross circle in my top five I got Kyrie in my top five Kenny Anderson probably most underrated handle um we think yeah some of the similar I got Chris Paul in them somewhere too I love Chris Paul's listen he turned up though the last five years too and two to incorporate some of the stuff that we're talking about yeah in the game of flow is is probably the most difficult right you know what I'm saying I throw Sham in there sham didn't make the league but sham God yeah there's like a link for a year though he played in the league for one year okay it was you know I mean but what I thought Sam could actually bring to the culture of basketball like he still teaches he's uh coach down at um as Mavericks with Luca and all that so yeah but Sam Sam probably has some of the best handles You Gotta Throw AI in there I got those stuff in there yeah yeah uh Steph Curry and mulberry wait so who's the father though you name that's why I got hard for me yeah Zeke is my Zeke is in there Zeke inspired all the ghosts we talking about that's what I'm saying I gotta throw him in there Kenny Anderson is in there I'm putting Kyrie in there and then I'm gonna go with AI just because of the crossover in there I like that I like that are you close closer than we've ever been contract agent or lioness lionesser we locate the wives and Daughters of these high value targets I mean place an operative close to them and we kill the target if we play this right it is over before it's begun we move now her coverage you need to remember what you're fighting for
Channel: SHOWTIME Basketball
Views: 103,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: showtime basketball, showtime, basketball, shosports, showtime sports, sports, showsports, NBA, the professor, the professor basketball, KG, kg certified, kg certified podcast, kevin garnett highlights, kevin garnett trash talk, streetball, street ballers, street ballers vs nba players, Kyrie, Dr J, julius irving jelly layup, julius erving highlights, julius erving, kyrie handles, kyrie handles highlights, global hooper basketball
Id: MTSuVQP5ldg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 16sec (5416 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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