Bonanza - The Outcast || Free Western Series || Cowboys || Full Length || English

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[Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] keep on this card right we don't need you stop by somebody don't ever see this [Music] why in the name of decency Mrs Buford why decency that girl's as guilty as her father and her brother were [Music] [Applause] foreign I believe I could have made that diagnosis now don't take your moral and dignity out on me Ben I don't mean to Paul just what I think of people like that Mrs Buford one of the so-called leaders of our town give her these one every four hours the only thing else I can prescribe for her is time how about prescribing a little kindness and affection about the kindest thing that could happen to Lita malvette is for her to get out of Virginia City as soon as possible give the people a chance to forget about the two men and father and brother murdered but when she leaves she ought to go over on free will not because somebody threw rocks at her and drove her out he may be right Ben goodbye [Music] please foreign [Applause] just practicing older brother well put it back in your holster before I have to take it away from you and keep it until you grow up oh you think you can now watch all this right catch little Jones next time you pull a stud like that I'm gonna put you up on that little saw your baby's son here is playing at stage robber we'll quiet down a lot of you that girl in there needs a rest oh look pop we're gonna start guarding those mind payroll shipments we and keep quiet about that too well who's gonna hear me out here I never mind who's going I can't say you're welcome on the Ponderosa Renton I figured I wouldn't be and why are you here ask about leader that's all I'll tell her you asked about it I'd sure like to see you Mr Carr right I don't think that would be best I appreciate what you've done for Mr Carr right I I just stopped by to say thanks and see how she was that's all oh I can't do no harm it might do some good come on then take a source clay I needed you I tried to find you I come as soon as I could get here leeda I've been working at a ranch over at Washoe what am I gonna do clay I wanna I wanna go away from Virginia City run away and that's going to help anything I found that out talk clay facing them every day as long as you know the talk is lies it can't hurt you Lita first thing you got to do is forget the talk ain't that right Mr Cartwright well the uh the doctor did say she needed a lot of rest sure I'll be around anytime you need me later you know that no you get a lot of rest just like the doctor said good to see you Joe you and me used to have a lot of good times together yeah we did thanks thanks all of you now that's all we need somebody like clay Renton snooping around I don't think he's snooping around at him I think he meant what he said you know he's just a little bit older than I am and he's already got two prison turns behind him yes and about eight or ten more ahead of him more than likely Paul don't you think maybe you ought to talk to her about him and Son there's one thing that a man can't do and that's tell a woman who to love and who not to love yeah all right none you boys have nothing to do come on little girl oh what's in your mind a girl she's been here three days now what are you gonna do about her well what do you want me to do throw her out while that mob in Virginia City is still in a lynching mood we have an obligation to ourselves too such as guarding the payroll shipments like whether we like it or not the only Associates lead has ever had in her life have been Outlaws I just don't like the idea somebody like clay written hanging around the Ponderosa oh I suppose you're right foreign [Music] who took care of you before I was around what do you think you've been I thought it was any of your business I'd tell you I warned you for the last time clay I'm running the shebang all the way yeah you're running it just fine you have us hold up an empty stage malvette and his boy kill a guard in the drive and get hung for it what'd we get out of that job Spence it's been a long time since we picked up any money boys we came here to get a slice of that mind payroll money I don't care if it takes six months we ain't gonna go off half cocked and get our next stretch like malvette and the boy did they ain't carrying that payroll on the stages anymore but they're still getting it through you've got no idea how they're doing it huh I suppose you have if I was running this outfit I'd find out well you ain't running it I kind of go along with your thinking kid but you ought to have better sense to try to outdraw a space [Applause] [Music] it's hot well that's all right Mama enjoyed it me and them chickens got the call on each other but first name oh I almost forgot I I sold some of the eggs to Mr Beaufort here's the money [Music] ain't no cost for that nobody's ever been as good to me as your folks have [Music] well we uh we better get this little lady home [Applause] it's best to be home oh I don't mean I don't appreciate all of it I understand I'll go in with you see that everything is all right no I mean I left it so quick and all I guess it looks pretty awesome Elita you do believe that I want to help you everywhere I can don't you gotta go away from here don't you I think it would be best Mr Cartwright I haven't got any place to go do you have any plans then I got my chickens to beautiful bars all my eggs I can make a living I've been doing it for three years now I never took Penny and the money my dad and brother stole you're gonna believe that Mr Cartwright oh I do believe you later but you know the some folks won't I'll make them believe it I'll Stand Up and face them and and make them know it's true well that's what you think is best for you to do later I'll do everything I can to help you it's what I have to do Mr Cartwright play was right and in a way it won't do any good [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome home leader clay what are you doing here let's get a better ride what's the matter week of those high and mighty cut rights make you too good for me it's not that clay what is it it's just that that you take me for granted thank you for granted you think I thought of anything but you every day those three years I was in jail let's not talk about it no let's just remember that it's over now and and we can get a first start on things but we will have lots of good times together too it's more than that clay it's well just walking down the street knowing that nobody's talking about you behind your back wait a minute what are those Cartwright Studio anyways they treated me like a lady well honey ain't you one [Music] it's been a long time leader don't let those cartwrites give you any fancy ideas paint like us they treated me good but I'm your kind and don't you ever forget it [Music] [Applause] all right [Applause] told him we wouldn't pay a penny more than 25 dollars for all the decorations you always were a shop trainer Harvey [Music] you buy eggs from her fresh eggs are hard to come by you get them where you can well I guess everything's in order then Harvey be the best bizarre we ever had no doubt about it my wife has worked day and night see you later bye bye [Music] Elita so you brought me some more eggs there's six dozen there you can count it well now I I could take your word for it I wouldn't have to count them they'd look awful pretty on you later seen any of that pretty before just your size too if you'll finish counting them I'll take my pay for the eggs now you ought to have these shoes later I can't afford them if you'll give me the pay Mr Buford you can afford them Lita you got a pair of shoes leader I told you I couldn't afford them I just want to be nice and friendly I could come out to your cabin of an evening once in a while and and pick up the eggs [Music] she came at me like a tiger my caught her trying to steal these dirty liar stop it honey they tried to rob me I saw it all she's a thief just like the rest of her family home clay please take me home come on we're just gonna let him go you got your shoes back didn't you honey it's like I told you she tried to rob me I said I saw it all didn't I [Music] [Applause] [Music] anybody interested in the 50 000 load of firewood I'd be interested in your keeping quiet about it any trouble got a bit no how does that have to be if those Outlaws are still around they find out how we're getting the payroll across the Ponderosa now we've got to figure out something different for next week listen Adam Little Joe had a real good idea here's what we're going to do he's going to put on a beard see then we're going to get in the covered wagon and come out here like we're looking for land and see then we put him in a real nice Bonnet and a print dress how did I ever get tangled up with you two he just Blaine lucky older brother well here it is fifty thousand dollars in cold minute cash well what I could do with that at the big charity bizarre next week well I wouldn't worry about it too much because you're not going to be at the charity Bazaar no why not you'll be right here on one of these payroll wagons you get in trouble there it'll be constructive trouble you get in trouble in town it'll be just plain trouble hey Paul Adam says I can't go to the bazaar that's right son but neither can Adam he's going to be riding the wagon right alongside you on our paw horse and I will represent the Cartwright family at the bazaar I'm trustworthy all right come on let's unload the wagon [Music] why why don't you listen to me because I don't like it it wouldn't hurt to listen Spence can't be no worse off than we are now all right so you found out how it's done what are you gonna do about it I've gone smart I gotta wait for the right time these nags of origin had a beta votes in a month what are you gonna do get these horses of ours ready by next Wednesday I'm gonna buy fresh horses with what money money out of the safe and Harvey Beaufort store with half of Virginia City looking over your shoulder it won't be I take time to think things out listen there's a bizarre starting up in a couple of days everything shuts down except the saloons nah be good to have some money to go on Spence no why because you didn't think of it because I don't want no part of a cheap two-bit hold up I came here after big money and that's what I'm gonna get I told you before boy you think too small you've been living on egg money too long we're going to do things my way this time Spence what's the little boy trying to do grow up to man's size [Applause] [Music] he ain't trying he just did [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] play it's getting dark out it's time to wake up I'm awake come here [Music] I guess I just don't know how to say this right later [Music] but they're in beaufort's store when he accused you I knew it then I can't stand to see you face it alone anymore I can't stand to be alone I love you Lita for Love Can I need you [Music] oh I waited so long to hear somebody say that I know folks around here gonna talk against me but if I I knew you was away from me I will clay I promise you I will go away for a while and get a little money ahead it isn't important clay yes it is honey [Music] it's important to a man a man likes to feel like he's taking care of his wife I'll get it of course you will Cartwright start talking against me they don't like me coming out here to see you but I do clay that's all that matters [Music] [Applause] anybody home pass hello hi Miss Leland let's bring that chicken feet into town for you show big things do it in Virginia City today get ready for that bizarmy got the streets all decorated and the Blue's all set up save misleading you you sure do look pretty ma'am oh you like it I made it myself sure enough It's mighty pretty man it's the first time I ever tried really listen you keep that up and you're liable to take first place that dressmaking contest bizarre one of these days oh horse do you think so do you really think so well ma'am like you said it is your first one and and I reckon I reckon it takes a it takes a lot of practice to really so good horse when I was sick when I was over at your house you said that I could talk to you anytime tell you anything I wanted to yes ma'am and I'm a minute too well I want to show you something I have to tell you it's in here yes now close your eyes yes now hey that's a wedding dress ain't it Miss Lita yes it's a wedding dress I made it all myself it's my wedding dress you made it for your Hope Chest I heard about girls making making stuff for their Hope Chest it sure is pretty Miss Lita I'm going to enter it in the contest horse I'm going to be married in it in the best Church in Virginia City and I'm going to walk down the main street of that town and let everybody look at me and I'll be so proud and everybody will say there goes Mrs clay Retton Cleveland he asked me horse I wasn't supposed to say nothing but I'd been just bursting inside with wanting to tell somebody about it Clay's gonna get a job a real fine job it ain't like I hadn't known him for a long time no no I know he's had trouble but then so have I I want to start all over again and so does clay don't you see that's what makes it so good horse I reckon I do ain't you're gonna wish me happiness because I wish you all a happiness in the world you and Clay both bye Miss leader [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] looks like your Bazaar is going to be a great success worked very hard at it I'm sure you have nice to see you oh Mr cartridge I want to thank you for your generous contribution oh not at all not at all good cause oh and Mr Cartwright I was wondering if you would if I would judge the dressmaking contest again this year no mississippi never never again you ladies take this way too serious for me but thank you very much for asking much advice let's get over to the last dollar see what the boys are up to man Paul don't you think it's a little bit early to start celebrating early what were a couple of Young Bucks like us [Music] [Music] [Applause] man fifty dollars a lousy fifty dollars there should be more I thought there'd be more you thought we'd risk getting our next threats for fifty dollars take it easy I'll figure out something don't tell me you're gonna open up today oh I have to get something for my wife Boyd it's been sort of up to you and me to head up things around here something wrong Harvey well what do you think we ought to do Harvey I don't know my wife thinks she ought to be run out of town me and the rest of the committee will back you up you know that Harvey Spence was right about you you do think small Eric let's get out of here thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] clay Renton I had to come pick this up for my wife I didn't figure on you being here today turn around turn around walk [Music] wait a minute Mrs Buford I got an entry for the dressmaking contest no no ladies if you can get your men folks quieted down Mrs Buford Now ladies if you know I got an entry what is it child I made a dress I want to enter it I was afraid I'd be late Claire was supposed to come by and get me bloody Plum forgot I guess that's just like a man though kind of crumpled but I stuck by all the rules Miss Beaufort I bought the material right here in town like the rules say I traded eggs for it you can ask your husband Mrs Buford and and it ain't no button pattern either I made it my own self it's my wedding dress Mrs Buford I guess that was just an accident Mrs Buford I guess you just couldn't help it I said I want to enter my wedding dress in the contest the entries are closed everybody Mrs Buford or just to me if you had been on time I would have been glad to accept your entry you're a liar Mrs Buford and everybody here knows it tomorrow I know I ought to hate you but I don't I just feel sorry for you [Music] yeah it's really nice I wish the boys could be here with us do you see the expression on Aladdin's face when you told him he couldn't go what happened what happened just found out where I belonged that's all and I'll wait a minute later for what [Music] it is [Music] clay Renton [Music] what I'm Adam and little Joe get some of the men together from The Sawmill spread them out and cut up all the trails between here and the Ponderosa I'll get some men together here to follow up the Gold Hill and the peabone Springs roads I'll move to the Ponderosa later we've all got good ropes Ben we know how to use them yes I guess you would Boyd we've had practice [Music] [Applause] [Music] how are things in town ugly I said you sent the Posse up toward Peavine a Lynch Mob would be more like it well I doubt if they'll find anything and Lynch out that way he picked up a trail then I figured you would yeah there must have been three others besides Clay run what makes you so short was Clay wrench no horse said that that Harvey Buford had mentioned Clay's name I'm not going to condemn a man until I have a lot more to go on than that you ever talk to leader not yet we found where four men have been camped it looked like they've been there for some time followed a trail up along Manzanita Ridge and we ran out of daylight headed up to the lake then huh well three of them are anyway you boys follow one along the Ridge and circle back to them I'll bet place I'm sure you want to go along I'm sure well I guess we lost him I doubt it I wouldn't do that boys just leave them peashooters right where they are and be sensible about this I swear it was now the safe was robbed you got the money with you no it was in that safe fifty dollars that's what was in it Cartwright listen to me let me explain it though you'll have all kinds of time to explain what do you want to do with them Adam I'll take them back to town where there's a jail to hold him and we'll swing back around lead us plays like part told us fifty dollars was it worth it boys thank you [Applause] hey what's the matter we came riding in here just not like something had happened I used to see my own father and brother rod in here like that I felt bad about not being here take you to the bazaar like I promised I just want to see and explain maybe I rode a little too hard play I heard about it everybody did about what Harvey Beaufort who is it it's me Ben Cartwright who's with you Mr Cartwright I'm alone oh I uh I came here because I'd like to talk to you later about clay you've already made up your mind about him haven't you no I haven't made up my mind about anything all of you have somebody gives Harvey Beaufort the beating he's always deserved and everybody blames clay clay wasn't even in town well look clay wasn't in town he can prove that and there's nothing to worry about but he'll have to prove it won't he or shouldn't he why should he why should he get down on his hands and knees and come crawling to you is it because his name is written and not Cartwright you know that isn't so why is everybody getting so excited every day a man gets a beating in Virginia City and nobody turns ahead later this is more than a beating Harvey beaufort's store was robbed Harvey Beaufort is dead can you understand what I said a man has been killed my father and my brother were killed too and I know who did it a whole town full of your kind of people is guilty of that crime why don't you go knock on their doors in the middle of the night clay Renton is suspected of murder Clay is not guilty if you're so sure of that then what are we fighting about own against all know how that feels I know you do and I want to help you can't turn against Mr Cartwright not when he needs me most I'm not asking you to turn against him I'm asking you not to turn against yourself [Music] what is it you won't have Clay comes here don't get into trouble by trying to protect him [Music] if he comes and asks me I'll have to give him my help you'd be putting yourself on the opposite side of the fence from everybody I guess I would to be on the side where I belong I'm a male vet and there's one thing the malvette women could always be proud of they always stood up for the men they loved good thank you for helping me find my own place Mr Cartwright [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right you can come out now clay he's gone [Music] [Music] yeah I guess he has did you think I'd lie to you no I could trust you later I was proud of the way you talked up to him we gotta get out of here you got a gunny sack or something we'll need a few supplies foreign start filling up I'll keep an eye on the window I didn't know Harvey Beaufort was dead he got what he deserved I think of him putting his hands on you Mr Cartwright said the store was robbed I heard him say that did you hear him say it or did you already know it how could I know it I told you I wasn't in town didn't I throw some grub in that sack we got a long hard ride ahead of us what are we running from clay that's a fine question coming from you you heard old man caught right didn't you he's already made up his mind I'm guilty but if you're not what difference does that make in this town you think they'd listen to me or you don't you know how I've dreamed about this you and me getting a fresh start we can't do it here they won't give us a chance hurry up now foreign we got the other three took him back to town there's no doubt about Clay's being Guilty by I guess I knew it all along so there's the rest of the town now does anybody know where you were headed that wouldn't be very hard to figure out would it we've got to get clay out of there before that mob gets here we'll have another lynching in our hands awesome little drill around back we could Rush him no he can't lead us in there with him say I have to know the truth did you rob buford's store why don't you stop doubling me about it you didn't answer tell me the truth steal that pair of shoes foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] okay my boys and I are out here alone now if you come out I promise you will see you get a fair deal I think you can trust those car rides we've got to trust somebody can't you see that you think they're out there alone listen [Music] wait a minute wait a minute listen to me the girls in there with them we want her too cut right we'll get out of here honey just do what I say out the back way we'll both start shooting at the same time then what clay leave that to me we're gonna have a good life together we're going to enjoy some of the good things other people have everything we've always wanted let's go everything clay you have to wear homemade dresses either with me you won't I'm gonna buy you the finest wedding dress you ever had you did kill Harvey Beaufort didn't you come on Lita let's go and play what [Music] you couldn't turn on me leader honey what are you trying to do put that gun away clay foreign I want to do what is right Mr Cartwright there'll be no deals with that woman caught right what do you want to do Lita if I bring clay out without his gun will you promise me that he won't be lynched I promise later I expect to keep that promise card right you'll have to shoot me in the back to make me break it all right [Music] oh that will smarter you leader old man cut right went for it they wouldn't dare shoot as long as you're with me I'll put the gun in my boat we're gonna make a great team honey you and me we're gonna have a good life together they're not gonna be able to stop us none of them and wait and see as soon as I could clear the cabin I'll make a break for a horse okay [Music] Lita kept her under the bargain I'll use my gun if I have to look in this boot y [Music] I would have got one of those payrolls away from you cut right I had it all figured out that's what I was after just one big one just one big one [Music] you had a chance at something much bigger than a payroll [Music] tell the girl if there's anything we can do is there anything you want to do I would like her to know how sorry I am very very sorry then why don't you tell her that Mrs Buford [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll take your bags in for you mister [Music] the name is Kyle Frederick Kyle oh yes Miss Kyle we have your reservation thank you by the way would you happen to know a family here by the name of Cartwright who owned the washer doesn't how would I get in touch with him that'll be pretty easy Adam and little Joe are in town right now picking up supplies by Little Joe would you mean Joseph Francis Cartwright you call him that you better be ready to duck he's right inside thank you Joseph Francis one over there so you have five and raise your five oh see that and raise you five tens over fives hmm three sixes maybe do better next time Kiddo he needs a little luck he'd be better off with a miracle you can't explain that mister that routine of yours is older than the wheel and your partner here gives bad signals it's all right simmer down Young fella it's a good thing to learn you learned it cheap give him his money I can find my own battle there's not going to be any battles that's right give him his money you think carrying One Wing is going to keep me from mopping the floor with you pick any reason you'd like [Applause] all right it's pretty nice work mister how much of this belongs to you I ain't got about 70 in here not all of it when a man learns a lesson he ought to pay for it I'm Joe Cartwright Kyle Frederick Kyle says sure would like to repay you somehow I haven't had a decent meal since I left Kansas City I could sure use a good steak I think I can fix you up Ponderosa Style [Music] put that thing away what do you want to do shoot the man that's going to give us a money tree what I've seen that one before back in Kansas can't be two men like him [Music] who is he one armed trouble more trouble in this town's ever seen [Music] Kyle I'd like to tell you again how grateful I am to you for helping Little Joe for a meal like this I do it every day you know it's a pity you didn't get here a few days earlier than maybe Little Joe might have had some money left over to spend the next time he goes into town you've been cheated before Little Joe they don't have to cheat him and give his money Mr Kyle he's the worst poker player on the whole comes well I'd like to make up that deficit in spending money you see I'm in the business of exporting gold and silver bullion you plan to buy silver ore here in Virginia City Mr Carl my intentions precisely Well you certainly come to the right place then we're sitting right on top of a whole Mountain over here so I understand but I must get to the various men who control that mountain of silver to interest them in my proposition well I know them all Mr Kyle I'd be more than happy to show you around well I appreciate your kind offer Little Joe well if you're looking for help in High Finance Mr Kyle I'm free you'd unpicked on the wrong Cartwright how do you mean well you see Little Joe's full of that hot southern blood that he can't get very interested in cold cash now on the other hand Adam over there he's from New England and he just got a natural feeling for the jingle of cash and how about you us well sir I I reckon I'm sort of from in between that's his mother and I were on the way out west when I was born out in the prairie just west of the Missouri you weren't alone Haas many good men were born on the Prairie yes sir I just don't understand it we're all from the same country here and and yet there's still all this talk about North and South where's the dividing line I'd say that the dividing line was in people's minds well that that puts me in the middle all right because I ain't got no leaning either way you know that's a trouble with you host now you take older brother over here he's from way up North me I'm from way down south in Dixie and I just blow the bugle when you want the war started all right now we all have our roots in the right here in the Ponderosa now sometimes the man's roots and responsibilities go deeper than where he lives isn't that sort of idea rather stale and old-fashioned Mr Kyle when we came out west we left that behind can you ever leave behind an idea or an ideology at any rate Little Joe I most appreciate your kind offer of help well that's certainly the least we can do for you Mr Kyle thank you are you sure you won't have a cigar thank you no I don't want anything to spoil the memory of that steak well I'll tell I'm seeing what you say to be awfully pleased so it's ranches like this where all that good beef comes from Mr Kyle I know it's an overly used expression but you do sound like a city fella not by choice but the cities are where one finds the houses of Finance yes yes you're right there sit down thank you used to travel a great deal to the to the cities yes you still travel I suppose St Louis New Orleans New York all over my cities yes what about this uh this trouble that seems to be Brewing between the states not trouble Mr Cartwright it's a Prelude to war Civil War and you really think it'll come into that Mr Kyle there's already talked with some of the states are seceding from the Union I hope we'll be spared all that grief out here what did you say you were promised to Kyle I don't believe I did say but I'm from Kansas and that's right in the middle of everything well I think I'll turn in good night gentlemen I do appreciate your hospitality sir our pleasure Mr Kyle our pleasure see you in the morning Mr Kyle [Music] hey we've got Express riders coming in like a scalded cat just don't seem to me like people get as excited as a Houston poll when the pony rider comes to town well you know us people don't like to hear bad news it's been getting worse all the time well let's pick up our paper you're alive [Applause] [Music] I'll kill that dirty Yankee or kill him dead yeah hold on what's going on here I'll tell you what's going on this dirty red said the Norse not even fit to be in the same Union wait a minute wait a minute it's Virginia City is neither North nor South maybe all that's going to change pretty soon well that might be true but right now you're just going to simmer down a little bit that one of them papers he's coming down yes it is well there won't be no truth in it just poison that paper comes from New York let's hear what it has to say Mr Cartwright we don't want to hear no reading from a northern paper is that right what's the matter with your ribs you afraid to hear the truth just hold on my Paul wants to read the paper I I reckon that's what he's going to do now you just simmer down a little bit well the uh the news it's been mostly about one thing that's uh that's speech that Mr Lincoln made last month in Springfield I guess uh what I wanted to say we found right in the end of it here this is the uh the agitation is not only not ceased or augmented in my opinion says it will not cease until a crisis shall have been reached and passed and he says a house [Music] A house divided against itself cannot stand begging upon Mr Cartwright what's all that mean oh Mr Lincoln saying that people come together because of the things they have in common like uh well like friendship and love and uh I guess it means that when they get so blinded by the personal beliefs that hate Creeps in well then violence can't be too far behind oh that's nothing but northern lies ain't lies neither a nation ain't a nation if the states don't stick together wait a minute Luke what if a state don't want to stick together and we fight to make them stick together for those of you who would like to have the news read from a southern paper I have here the Charleston Journal Mr Lincoln's speech has been hailed as a southern victory it is generally acknowledged that the first 10 lines of that speech have already defeated his bid for election here was Mr Lincoln's reply to that opinion if it is decreed that I should go down because of this speech then let me go down link to the truth let me die in advocacy of what is just and right you trying to tell us that a southern paper would write a thing like that if you can read see for yourself the South would never praise the thinking of a man like Gabe Lincoln a man who honestly knows what he believes and has courage enough to act on it is a man deserving of Praise from all men [Music] now we could have cut Your Heart Right Out Mr Cobb we wouldn't want to do that we just wanted to show you how handy we'd be to have around what do you want well our meeting before was a little informal we thought we'd like to make it more proper my name's Regis and this is Goldman what do you want well I guess you could say we came around on the list and list what are you talking about why the cause what else I remember you from Kansas Mr Kyle Frederick Kyle leader of the Free State movement in the South oh making stirring speeches all of them down the state swearing to die for the cause if you had to or you were Mighty persuasive Mr Carr so much so that I've been thinking about you ever since so you can see how pleased that was to see you landed right here in Virginia City come in well now like I say being a convert to the cause I just naturally wanted to join up and Gorman here he always goes along with me goes along with you in what we're not since Virginia City's sitting on a pile of silver we thought maybe you're after some of it to help run the war any particular War or let's say the one that's about to start it it don't much matter one way or the other well it don't make much difference to you do it well now Mr Kyle it's your War not ours yes thank you for reminding me [Applause] all right talk we heard some of the mine owners might not want to go along so we thought maybe we'd lean on a little or maybe just keep you from getting hungry the is tree or we could be your own private little army Mr Carr for just uh I would say uh five thousand dollars or what do you see Mr Carr for the good of the cause talk to me about the Clause you dirty it every time the words come out of your mouth you'll laugh again and I'll kill you Thomas now you hold it you're here now look Mr Carr we didn't come in a fire just want to talk business that's better we talk business not causes now we understand each other yes sir yes we understand get out when I need you I'll send for you and you can count on us Mr Carr [Music] a time over here Adam this time you've seen Little Joe around anywhere he was up making the rounds with that Kyle fella yeah but he should have been home by now where's Kyle he's up in his room alone one arm of his don't slow him down much I told you he's trouble like I said which his town has never seen what was that you said about him being a money tree it will be just as long as we all ride the same track I thought you said Kyle was in his room alone who are they name is Regis and Gorman they got a Mean Streak runs clean through I hear they got out of jail just last week now why would a man like Kyle be doing with their kind and just what is Mr Kyle's kind Adam are you sure well you gotta admit he plays his business close to his vest you know somebody ought to know my guess would be Little Joe Miss Kyle seemed want to get friend with him right from the start what do you mean well he was asking about a little Joe the minute he got off the stage [Music] thanks John there's drinks on me well thank you neighbor I'm Adam Cartwright Cartwright well ain't we stepping high on the wheat my name is Regis it says Gorman what about your other friend what friend you talking about of the man with the money tree Mr Frederick Kyle you know about Kyle easy Joe here's a toast what does he want with my brother like I said here's a toast to uh small dogs little old ladies well I don't know about Mr Kyle but I know about you both of you and what I know I don't like we don't much care whether you like us or not Mr Cartwright you just stay out of our way your way Mr Kyle's way well let's say him and us are on the same side now come on now you'll be on any side of page of price you want to make us a better offer no no I just want to be on the opposite side [Music] Adam fine Little Joe no bad boy he knows we've got that branding to do in the crest section well he should be riding in pretty soon I guess he was with Kyle again today I told him he could go what is it Adam I met two gentlemen today now Mr Regis and Mr Gorman we had a toast together yes I guess we better things off the streets but they also happen to be friends Mr Fred Kyle what's on your mind Kyle didn't meet Little Joe by accident he was asking for him the minute he got off that stage who told you that Tom Madigan at the International House Mr Hennessy you sure you won't have a drink I uh don't drink Mr Kyle well it's a Pity it's one of the few indulgences a man has left what did you want to see me about Mr Kyle well I'm prepared to offer you a firm contract I want to buy all the silver your mind produces I already have a contract with my brokers in San Francisco I know but I'm willing to pay you a third more I said I had a contract Mr Kyle say Mr Hennessey aren't you passing up a pretty good deal I think you'd best keep out of this little Joe oh Mr Kyle's a friend of mine you didn't even hear him out forget it son I don't want to forget it what's the matter with the offer the man who's making it I've heard of you Kyle I understand you are pronounced Southern sympathies but my sympathies lie entirely in the other direction good day sir what do you mean bringing politics into this I thought it was a straight business deal and so it is we'll forget about him well Little Joe today just about did it most of the mine owners I'm after have been invited in next week's meeting I'm very grateful to you for your help all I did was make introductions which was plenty out here it pays to have a Cartwright on your side how do you mean well when I knew I was coming out here I'd heard of course of the Cartwright family of the Ponderosa so I I checked to see if it was the same family the same family huh I knew your mother Little Joe back in New Orleans a long time ago she was a very beautiful a very gracious woman and in many ways you're much like her so I thought perhaps you'd like to have this [Music] what did you get [Music] I've had it many many years she was a very beautiful woman here mother as she was [Music] I want to thank you for giving me this nothing at all so tomorrow morning we'll get back to the rest of the names on that list sure sure [Music] all right thanks again and don't worry anything about Mr Hennessy I think he'll come around I think he will so long bye hello Tom good evening Ben it's glad to hear your wife is feeling so much better I'm looking for Mr Kyle I'm afraid he's not in his room you're a friend of Mr Khan know him well then we have that in common my name is Lily Van cleat well my name is Ben Cartwright I believe you must be stranger virgin City just passing through are you a friend of Frederick Kyles why well he's a very interesting man I like to know more about him then I suggest you ask him yes I I suppose I should you must be tired after your journey may I offer you some refreshment thank you you say you're just passing through I'm going to California the West is such a wonderful land and it used to be used to be or the trouble back East it's sebing West doesn't belong out here hate and misunderstanding have no place anywhere Mr Cartwright a coffee please two copies please well I I hope things will be different uh in California for you and your husband you are married aren't you I was once and you as I I have a ranch I live there with my three boys Three Sons how wonderful what are their names well the oldest is Adam the middle boy we call him horse well if you'd see him you'd know exactly why he's a pretty big fellow thank you and uh the youngest the youngest and most impressionable we call him Little Joe I named my son Joseph too if it is you ma'am he's a fine-looking boy past tense now Mr Cartwright pardon me is dead I'm sorry what is happening in Virginia City happened in the East over a year ago [Music] his father accidentally embroiled in a street fight I lost them both that night [Music] we fortunate man Mr Cartwright be thankful for that [Music] hello friend [Music] I told Mr Cartwright we were friends and I was just passing through and decided to stop over and say hello that's right Mrs Van cleat Kyle I'd like to talk to you for a moment please wait please when you came into town you were looking for my son Joseph why I had a photograph of his mother I thought he'd like to have it where did you get it I knew his mother you don't believe me Mr Cartwright she's gone now so that doesn't matter anymore what my sons do I don't know what your intentions are Mr Kyle Noah would you seeking to achieve here in Virginia City but don't try to see Little Joe again [Music] foreign [Music] kiss her till she be wearied out then Wonder or city and sea and land let me see I still remember Shelley I should you read him to me often enough you know a few more years and you might have made a literate man out of me speaking of years this is a sort of a special one for us [Music] a man who can remember Shelley surely can remember his 20th wedding anniversary I do I do remember 20 years 20 years and you introduce yourself to Cartwright as a friend whatever it is you're here for Frederick I didn't want to spoil it there's nothing you can do to spoil it a daughter of a northern Senator meets a lot of people think the cause of a southern sympathizer would be enhanced in case someone were to find out I was his wife have you changed that much Lily that you could be interested in the cause of a southern sympathizer I still believe what I have always been taught to believe no Frederick my beliefs haven't changed [Music] neither has my love for you I was hoping that after whatever it is you must do here we could go to California together oh we could be happy there it's a new land I heard that the day I arrived in Virginia City but now I mean to take it into the cap of the Confederacy what fools we are our son loses his life you lose an arm then we lose each other why why our boy did not lose his life they took it he was murdered murdered by a group of those self-righteous Northern Hypocrites let your father so skillfully represents there were secessionists in that group that night too we don't know which side it was that killed him it's we all had a part in killing him Fred this may be our last chance you said that you believed what you were always taught to believe well that's true with most of us a man does what he has to do and you used to quote another part of Shelley a glorious people vibrated again the lightning of Nations the day that all this is over I shall come to you [Music] you're forgetting something Mr Hennessy you don't drink I've been waiting for you Kyle you have why I know why you've come to Virginia City a number of the other mine owners have told me about your purpose here and what is my purpose as you put it to force the Silver Mines into financing the rebellious cause of the South yes yes that is my purpose well you won't get away with it you think you can stop me little man I'm gonna leave for Washington in the morning warn the proper authorities about what you're doing don't you try it little man I'm warning you don't you try ridges [Music] yes Mr Carr have a drink bartender [Music] okay hey Regis stage is about ready to leave and I figured it's getting to be about that time hell over there on the gray hat that's about as Yankees a man can get only good Yankees did Yankee foreign you know I think that stage is going to run into a barrel of bad luck [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] My foreman found the bodies just before dark since since you and the lady were acquainted I thought you'd want to know how did it happen someone placed a boulder and a blind curb the driver didn't have a chance to stop the stage from going over the cliff who did it must have been two of them there were Footprints all around Kyle who was she you must have known her pretty well why don't you tell us who she was what are you hiding Mr Kyle I am not trying to hide anything she was a person I once knew you believe that don't you I don't believe you Kyle who are you and what do you really want here in Virginia City like what's got into you Adam you have no right to question Mr Kai like that haven't I well he's got you pretty well fooled hasn't he fool about what he hasn't gonna be fooled about anything tell him Kyle tell him the truth stop it stop it what's the matter with you what are we doing shouting over the dead fighting like animals come on both of you I'm sorry Kylie we shouldn't have behave this way I told you Ben she was a person I once knew there's two more wow you didn't miss God I suppose you heard about the accident that Yankee leaving on the morning stage I heard well then maybe you'd be pleasure to buy us a drink put your guns on the bar okay in the back row [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] Mr Kyle there are definite signs this was a planned crash all right but what made you think those men were the murderers well Mr Kyle I think we can answer that sheriff Austin I just checked up on the road that slide was done deliberate we found a pick they used to pry the boulder off on the road with us got Gorman's initials burned during the handle well that proves those two men are guilty but Mr Kyle never answered the question how do you know those men are guilty what difference does it make as long as there's a men that did it but it does make a difference doesn't it Mr Kyle what were those men guilty of murder or just acting on your instructions oh that's ridiculous what reason would he have to do a thing like this well maybe I can give you a clue which one did you want kill Kyle the man or the woman look at him you even ride Mr Kyle ever since you met him stay out of it [Applause] we're against brother how dare you either of you Paul [Music] oh a little Joe came in about 20 minutes ago Maverick finally got home did he well right now the three of you are going to have a talking to put an end to this nonsense once and for all Little Joe oh Little Joe come in here Paul oh he he came but he didn't stay what do you mean he didn't stay he just came to pick up a few things PA she's gonna stay in town for a while why didn't you stop him I plan to Paul Adam says he's going to go too Adam wait a minute now Adam before he was political trouble it's a Madness path suddenly something screams at you inside you find yourself saying things you don't mean things you don't even believe tell Little Joe I wanted him to know that try to make him understand there's things that are packed here what's this for where do you think you're going New England ought to be mighty pretty this time of year I think I'd like to see it again Adam you can't be serious use your head oh Adam come on horse things can't be the same between us anymore what are you talking about what can't be the same why can't they just can't pop Adam there's no other way Paul can't just see no I can't see I'm not gonna stand by and watch my family flick away like rust off a wheel well use your head huh not your heart can't you see the damage is already done it's got to be Little Joe a meat and he needs you more than I do Adam I don't want you to go you think it's what I want PA or even what Little Joe wants this thing has gone so far now there's just no stopping it you can't have two different points if you're in the same house part just won't work and that's all there is Adam please leave me alone [Music] all the newspaper you was reading the other day in the saloon about what Mr Lincoln said about A House Divided can't stand [Music] like us you know not us not us [Applause] [Music] since I have already met and talked with most of you gentlemen the main purpose of this meeting is to iron out any further questions that might have occurred to you you've guaranteed to pay us well above the price we're getting in San Francisco for silver ore that's right how do you expect to do this sir those I represent need hard money gold or silver so to get it they're willing to pay more in drafts of trade drafts of trade for what Mr Carr easily marketable items such as cotton tobacco [Music] gentlemen I'd like to talk to Mr Collins private will you excuse us [Music] I asked if you will excuse us I have something important to discuss with Mr Kyle foreign [Music] owners how does it work the silver bullion and the letters of trade which you give in return I've channeled through some foreign country and the bullion ends up creating a war chest for the Confederacy isn't that it you're a very astute man Mr Cartwright a very astute man no just a father something which probably isn't very important to you allow me to decide for myself what is important to me you're a man of purpose unto Mr Kyle everything for what you believe is that so bad or don't you believe in anything I believe in my sons today I lost two of them I should think you'd know better than anyone else alive how much that hurts me why me that woman that woman Kyle who was she you leave her out of it can you that night in my front yard when you were looking at what remained of her I could feel the pain in the air [Music] you loved her didn't you you loved her and you were willing to let her go without so much as a goodbye I don't want to kill you Cartwright but I could change my mind who was she Kyle every man has something he lived for and die for I want to find out what it is with you how far will you go how much are you willing to sacrifice Kyle cartridge I'm warning you you left me alone I talked to that woman I saw the way she looked at you I saw the way she held your arm as you walked up the hotel stairs and then later I saw the way you were holding her Cape the cape did only a few hours before had warmed her flesh you hear me stop it was she nothing more than the party girl from Carson City but isn't fair but you're not fair you said that you you wouldn't take sides but this wasn't your fight you made it my fight Kyle she was your wife wasn't she yes yes she was my wife first your son and your wife nothing must interfere with your mission nothing nothing I will stop at nothing to ensure the success of my cause yes I believe that you will see this is only the beginning No sacrifice will be too great there'll be countless others men like myself and worse rather against brother against son and when it's over would have waste it will all have been what a useless damnable waste [Music] I'm sorry but [Music] foreign against brother father against son do you really think it'll come to that I don't know I do know that a tree has many roots and they run in many directions but it has only one Taproot [Music] this is where yours is I think I know that now [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] it should be a lot further along this by now Adam don't worry I'll get there well maybe you will maybe you won't first I think we ought to get something settled now just just hear me out just sit and listen to me as long as I can remember you uh he always stayed up later than we did because she were well you were older than we were you always helped settle the problems of the Ponderosa because you were grown up well I just didn't want to sit with me anymore not of horse and I have to run the ranch by ourselves and Lakeshore gets on his skin on it sure does let's go home [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey what's up [Music] thank you [Music] hey that's a good little gym clean a back shot as I ever seen in my life called for another one a shame he had a full house you can't win them all Killers I ever saw who are they well them just Slade boys didn't you know that no we're sure lucky they didn't plug us too the Slade boys I'm sure glad they're riding on through do you know where they're heading I heard him mentioned a place called cure Flats Slade boys cute with Flats remind me to Ride Clear of that place will you come on give me a drink [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're coming Buster Brown what it was about nine foot tall well you say one of the great big tall men and the other bellies a little bit of a pillow but half as big as his brother I mean looking men and rattlesnakes them all right it's them the sunny you're getting off the streets get in the house you hear me keep off the streets I go and get no sense looking for trouble don't think never was no good no how [Music] they're coming they're coming ladies they're coming he's showing good sense they're coming [Music] they're coming [Music] they've came [Music] thank you I don't nobody start nothing else yeah let's watch some of the trailers now it's a good idea Little Joe [Music] all right all right all right all right good morning Sheriff morning morning well don't mind if I do who's buying he's always talking about how well you knew them slayed boys that's right that's right yeah just how just how well do you know him Sheriff me and them Slade boys was practically weaned together I am the bosom friend yeah with my Muslim friends just rolled into town [Music] you say that again your bosom friends just rolled into town well why would those two murderous villains want to come to a miserable hole like kill or flats because the lands of a faddened hired him to kill off all the Hatfield boys that's why well where are they now in the bar oh no they're terrible they'll no Sheriff that's the only bar in town all right all right get a horse hire it charges to me and ride out and tell old you had field not to come into town for quite a spell and when you come back look me up because I need you to identify them Two Fellas look look look look after the bar look at it yeah I will foreign how about me about the same mister yes sir is there something wrong with us or something oh no no sir no you you're just fine just fine bring us another beer you want another beer yeah this is fine here thank you nice day ain't good enough to drink ain't good enough sheep there I say it's a nice day ain't it well yeah yes it's it's fine day yeah I mean it's a nice day about as nice a day as we ever had I can't remember a nicer one of us well maybe back in 47 or 48 I might have had something better I I don't remember well it's it's kind of warm it's not too warm maybe a little on a chilly side well all this any kind of weather's all right with me so long as it don't bother bother you none and oh I yes it's a nice day uh I don't know Rick need used to strangers or something Little Joe yeah so let's get out of here thank you [Music] honey all right [Music] foreign [Music] like nobody's here you know I don't like this let's get out of here oh no a little joke I just don't like it there's something funny about the people around here man I'm too tired to argue about it just sign her name and get a room how am I gonna get a room there's nobody here just sign her name and pick one with a lock hang the expense hey now they're going upstairs they're gonna stay all right oh did you see the way they looked at me old gentlemen there was death in them eyes sudden death oh I tell you when when they took that swallow beer and a big one made that face and he looked dissatisfied not easy like oh I tell you I can hear them pearly gates of jar and open if if you gentlemen will excuse me I I feel considerable shook yeah I'm a might shook up myself I miss lonely Dune and ladies if I was you I'd get in off the streets is that being like dangerous B Bannerman Brown well there's some in this town have a sense of Duty if others that order ain't yes now where are they stand aside the Bannerman Brown you get out of the way come ladies quick jump into Jehoshaphat [Music] repent centers the day of Retribution is at hand yes ma'am I reckon it is us poor frail females have come to throw ourselves on your mercy come to do what ma'am we once you should spare us our men amen well there ain't enough of them to go around as it is amen don't you worry on mail we will spare you man if if they were sparing hey what do you Reckoning that bowling Pizza Academy hey somebody shooting at somebody [Applause] but I'm gonna find out [Applause] [Music] almost paid two dollars for this worth much now man wasn't that good shoot next time we use your own necklace I just hope there's going to be a next step hey you in there huh we know who you are and what you're here for you can die now or later you want a chance to make your peace throw out your guns hey they got us mixed up with somebody else I sure hope so why else would it be shooting the total innocent strangers they didn't have was mixed up with somebody oh this is Texas though huh yeah right we better go ahead and do what he says throw our guns out and then go out and see what it's all about come on thank you all right let's try it again what are your names and what are you doing here we've done told you and told you that our names is cart rights and we're down here to we're down here to buy a cattle ants it's gone boy oh I told you not to lie to me we ain't lying cause she ain't you just come down here to buy cows Texas cows now who in his right mind is going to believe anybody to come down here to buy Texas Longhorns I ask you I told you we're going to take them back up to our Ranch in Nevada and cross them with their own herd so as we'll have a heartier breed and you two are going to drive them cows clean across West Texas right on up through a hunk of New Mexico all the way to the Nevada territory just the two of you that's what we said it's a fine lie Gents a fine line it's the kind of noble inspired lion that does credit for the folks that raised you but it don't wash out here now I'll tell you who you are you're them to low down gunsling and murdering hydrophobic skunks of slade bars that was hired by old man McFadden to wipe out us had fears because he couldn't do it himself look we never we never heard of the McFadden's wind we never heard of that the Hatfields that's the truth ain't they the living wonders though ants take them out and do what has to be done come on hey what in time is going on here anyway what what are you fixing all of you fellas kill them they're the Slade boys you you can't do that you ain't sure they're the slaves ain't sure ain't you you see them don't you sure I see him but I never see the slaves in my life I neither did you it's right there Paul yeah Freddy Freddy bugs he says he knows him he says he knows him a long time back in Austin oh twirling yeah fine let him identify him and then we'll kill him if it'll make you any happier well you see twirling it exactly around right at this moment and take him out come on wait a minute wait a minute Won't Do no harm to wait till morning will it where are we gonna keep him until morning Paul why don't we just stick him in Brown's jail let him take responsibility for him you leave me in my jail out of this ants take them out I'm gonna wait a minute wait a minute well all right all right just get somebody to help me get him over to jail that's all today Bannerman Brown on your way you make sure they're there come on I might just take it into my head vacate your office I'm getting sick of you oh Joe I got a funny feeling the law in this town is sure easily influenced well he needs a navy coat oh uh you fell as comfortable and happy I mean can it get you anything a bottle of whiskey a couple of steaks or something when are you gonna let us out of here well tomorrow morning one way or another what do you mean one way or another well if I can find for any bugs and he says you ain't the Slade boys I'll I'll turn you loose yeah but what's going to happen if you can't find twirly bugs you get hung [Music] I just about got it figured out hear what this whole dang town is touched oh come on whoever heard of a whole town be intention Feller told me one time and got a weed down here and they call it a loco weed when the horses and cows eat it they get Wilder and all get out don't sell people don't eat weeds yeah but they eat beef don't they one of them Critters gets all filled up on that there local weeded kind of salt the meat down wouldn't it yeah that makes sense sure it does do you I don't know if they're joking this they're sure pushing it pretty far hang on don't blob blob well don't blab rescue is at hand signed black Alonso the red-handed Avenger even the kids have been effective for that low cold beef in this town [Music] Brown book good evening Miss Lana Dune evening ladies I have fetched my tribute yes my I guess as much me and the ladies of the town have come to comfort them poor sinners in their final hours well the good book says we should forgive our enemies we are told to bring Solace to The Afflicted even though they are a couple of low down murder and skunks yes my hero here's the keys are you going into console them low down murderers come up with them and poor lost sheep me I got work to do good night ladies oh [Music] poor Doom prisoners it ain't too late down on your knees as you face your awful fate repent your crimes before that trap is sprung and you like a side of beef are hung poor soul if when you come up close and scooch again the bars you could kind of rest your pole head on my shoulder it ain't Fair hanging men when they're right enough to go rounds it is if you don't mind I'd like to finish my little tribute whilst there's time I'm a man did you have many more of those no just 10 or 12 more verses well I didn't have enough time to do a real good job on it that's a shame now your poke is spent and you can take my word we'll remember the Gent that went ride and heard a fighting and shooting like Desert Rats to come to their end in kioa Flats now told the Bell their souls are fled there's gonna be much more of this horse them two poor boys are hanging dead somewhere they're Kinfolk or weep and pray this is worse than hanging for them that got heisted up today [Applause] did you really like it ma'am I thought he was crying just Prime well it ain't often I get a chance to recite my tribute to the deer departed before they're departed no ma'am I don't ring you do I suppose you'd like to have it buried with you most folks do oh Clara Lou stop that noise I can't help there ain't enough men to go around and here they go wasting two at the same time amen It's A Woman's Place to endure Claire Lube well I don't mind enduring if I got a man to put up with speaking of which Elizabeth I noticed you've been hanging on to a certain hand have to live long night Clara Lou Kinsey well I can't help it she's just a selfish thing that's all she is well I never I guess a certain person can hold another person's hand if they chew will a certain person didn't have to choose away another certain person grabbed on to it I wouldn't act like such a huzzy if I was you Clara Lou Kinsey well at least I ain't a flippity jibbet like some lizzabelle Jones oh yeah I close from them pesky females boys You Gotta Move On We're busting you out who are you Alonso McFadden you dang fool the woman hired you well come on [Music] come on boys women I want you to meet my friends my good friends Big Jack and shorty Jim Slade boys say hottie my wife Wheezy and my daughter Amanda howdy ma'am howdy Mr McFadden you're making a terrible mistake you see we ain't really never mind that and I will talk in the morning Mr McFadden we're not we're Russian how you boys go on and on that burn it Mr McFadden we ain't the slave boys you ain't no we ain't that's what we've been trying to tell you all the way in from town but where the cart rights it matter you're scared oh we ain't scared and we do appreciate you busting us out of that jail Mr McFadden that Bernie if it make you feel any better I almost wish we was a slave boys but we just ain't so if if you don't mind we'll we'll just Mosey on back bye man [Music] at first one side don't believe us and then the other yep we got ourselves in the middle of something I don't like it that's for sure I think we ought to do about it well I'll tell you Little Joe I didn't been hauled up haul down threatened with a hanging and thrown in jail and busted out of jail and poetized that and shot at red halfway across the state of Texas in the dark I'm gonna get some sleep I don't know what you're gonna do [Applause] [Music] more who are you turn him around Little Joe yeah I thought I'd recognize that patch you wouldn't be black Alonso the red-handed Avenger would you I was gonna bust you out only Pawn the boys got there first yeah well just how was you freaking on busting us out bigger dick dig a tunnel that's a good way to bust out of dungeons yeah you uh you're pretty well posted on things ain't you fella you just bet I am I'll bet you even know what we're doing here don't you sharks half the country knows Paul hired you to kill Ann's Hadfield and uh just why are we supposed to kill Ann's Hatfield faster how come you got to kill all them Hadfield [Music] black Alonso you tell your Paul that we hate to leave like this but we just ain't the slave Brothers you're here you thank him for busting us out of jail all right [Music] let's go [Music] boys the Hatfield is raining again thank you [Music] what the heck are you doing it's thirsty getting shot at all your fire they ain't shooting back come on let's go collect the bodies [Music] hey Slade boys on your feet look we're not just never mind [Music] thank you [Music] I want you two to listen and listen good I I hired you to do a job for me and last night to try to run out on your obligations and Mr McFadden shut up and listen giving you fellas a fair choice now you can take them guns and do the job you're supposed to you got another choice [Applause] name your poison boys you have to burn it Mr McFadden don't you folks ever think any other use for a rope around here first the Hatfields want to hang us for being the slave Brothers now you want to do it because we ain't I've got an awful tired of hearing that same old tired lie all right boys Heist them up now hold on just a minute that burn it Mr McFadden I'm getting sort of tired of being called a liar too we ain't the slave boys all you got to do is ride into town look up a feller named twirly Boggs Sheriff Brown told us that he knew the slave boys and he can tell you right quick we ain't them that's right all right boys if it'll make you feel better disposed to do the work you was hired for we'll all saddle up and ride into town we'll look up twilight bonds take the gun boys [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] my God as a I know there wasn't a jail that could hold them slaves I know them boys I know I'm real good I went to school with the ad Emma line see I tell you those boys would gouge your eyes out if they thought you looked at them in the wrong way they would shoot you if they wanted a little target practice why them boys who's buying chance them boys they had a man for breakfast every day of their life from the day that they put on long pants yes sir he had two on Sundays never touch me though knows it they like me you see they like me real good but I I come on now somebody stole my drink let's have a drink here I tell you them two Slade boys is two curly wolves they are the big wind off in the prairie they walk in Blood and where they breathe they leave behind them ruined get ready for ruin right now because here they come Hallelujah they look mad wait a minute help me save the whiskey wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute brown wires twirly bogs come out of that box wait a minute not gold Massacre and twirly Bob you know I ain't never done no harm to nobody come here foxy take a look at these two are they or ain't they the Slate boys are they or ain't they you just go right ahead and answer Mr Boggs tell him the truth ain't nobody gonna hurt you correct ain't nobody gonna hurt you that's fine well uh oh that's late boys all right I've seen a lot of them down in Austin all right boys matter boys don't you know me I'm twirly bogged remember I I used to go to school with your old Aunt Emma line that doesn't take these and do the job you're supposed to or you won't be around to taste air come tomorrow morning thanks a lot Mr Boggs [Music] thank you [Music] boys howdy howdy Mr Brown well anybody comes riding into this they only gets slaughtered yeah they got guns planted in the windows and up on the roofs and whatnot yeah well maybe the Hatfields won't ride into town after all they're writing all right they got the news seems a terrible shame don't it all these folks killing each other not a few like this ever get started Sheriff over a hog over a hog yep just to play in common ornery razorbackhog I'll tell you boys all about him but first I got to get a little quotation to loosen up the vocal cords I tell you the whole sad Tale thank you gentlemen care for some more sheep dip I mean beer yeah give us a couple of bears okay well as I thought to tell y'all mcfaddens they've been slaughtering one another man and boy for the last 30 years yeah a lot of the Halls get mixed up well come on sit down boys thank you see Lance Hatfield he was fattening him or Razorback choked you see for his way to meet well one morning that show turned up missing so uh so here got his gun and saddled up and went out looking for couldn't find her but as he was passing by the McFadden's cabin he uh pork roasting so he went in and of course naturally they asked him to stay to supper and lo and behold they belong on a great big mess of fresh roast pork you know that you didn't have no Pig so he accused them of stealing his and then the shooting started and it's been going on ever since for 30 years all that killing over one dead burned old fattened Hawk now look here Mr Brown you Sheriff then how come you didn't stop it okay I tried two three times it didn't do no good see nobody nobody pays much attention to me he I don't know maybe it's because I'm getting old or maybe just maybe it's because I'm getting a little cowardly I don't know you were you boys don't look so damned old yeah you sure don't look like cowards oh well Sheriff you're not suggesting that we do something about the feud but after what we're supposed to be the Slade Brothers all right I know you want gunman the minute the laid eyes on you I can tell our killer a mile off aside that twirly bugs is the biggest liar in the whole great state of Texas and that Sons is covered in a heap of territories well if you knew why didn't you say something verse the first the McFadden's were going to hang us and the Hatfields are going to shoot us we're like you know I kind of thought maybe I was holding a hand I could draw too but oh never mind by the way I uh snuck your horses out of the Liberty stable and tied them back in the alley in your guns in my office Sheriff we sure do appreciate this come on thanks hey hey come here boy where are you going to that ride I'm gonna kill me some head feels [Music] foreign like that seems like a shame yeah well let's go come on who are you joking that's what I like about us as a family Little Joe I've always taught us to never do nothing the others be ashamed of I'd like to keep it like that I just wonder if there's anything we can do like be Bannerman Brown said no I don't know but let's try you boys change your minds about going well for you you might say we had our mind changed for us I don't know what we're gonna do but whatever it is I think we better get started yeah Hey listen you got any ideas Sheriff yep got one Lorna Doon Mayberry Lorna Doom Mayberry see my grandpappy always told me he always says this is his son you get the women on your s and the battled one [Music] excuse me ma'am me and my little brother in a pack of troubling well come on tell me what it's all about first of all man there's just about to be a bunch of killing out there in that street there's always killing in that street oh yes I'm in that seems me like it's a terrible waste I mean there not being enough men to go around for all you ladies like it is there ain't a woman living can keep men from fighting man I beg to differ with you you see sometimes women folk can sort of get around men folk in little ways and I figured maybe if you ladies try to ride hard you might be able to get around these foreign you ain't as dumb as you look what do you want me to do here's our plan we figured if you [Music] all right hold your fire man I wanna get that wagon [Music] Hold Your Fire [Music] all right [Music] thank you Florida Dunes Mayberry that's now but you get them women off of this street we're staying right here Florida Dunes have you lost what few wits you ever had I got my wish Jubal Hatfield and that's more than you can say us women got a few things to tell you and you can start your fighting after you hear this out all right ladies well they gotta listen to you I got something to say you all know me I'm Weezy McFadden I'm ANZ Alonzo McFadden he's over there behind them barrels and things with the rest of the McFadden's Alonzo I want you to listen to me I can't have no more chilling but I ain't gonna cook for you no wash for you nor do anything a wife's bound to do for her man till you put down that gun and come out of there Alonzo I mean it I'm Susan Hatfield I guess you all know who I'm talking to what Wheezy says goes for me too Jubal I won't be the kind of wife I should till you stop this fighting I'm talking to you Anne's Hadfield you heard your ma talk and you heard Mama you're on one side and I'm on the other here I am ants but don't come after me with a gun in your hand boy you get back here you hear me you men want to hear some more just a dying minute what tarnation's going on here hey come found it get back here [Music] [Applause] oh and it was such a nice day for her too Hadfield I'll buy a drink a drink all right I'll accept your offer and I'll buy another fair enough [Music] [Applause] [Music] whiskey whiskey Lana that was a Mighty Fine Thing you just done uh Lorna 15 years ago you said to me that if I ever if [Music] Hey Little Joe Little Joe I think we done hung around here low enough we better be just riding on attending our business and that's buying cattle oh let's take it easy a guy has to have a little chance to relax boys here's your hats and here's your own guns now take an old man's advice and get riding there you go son that was sure if we were just beginning to enjoy this time yeah but don't forget the silly heap of folks around here to still sing through the Slade boys our word to the wise myself you've had plenty for the day Little Joe come on [Music] a Hatfield you put a lot Alonzo McFadden you're a good old son jaable the best except for one thing what did I do wrong Juba bringing in them hired killers to settle a dispute between two Texas gentlemen I'm ashamed of you Jewel I'm a dirty dog oh now don't take on I'm a dirty dog this has got to be wiped out in blood all right whose blood who's dear spot I was too dirty miserable killers that came along into our peaceful little Community trying to stir up trouble between us two peace loving families that's what I like about you Alonso you think the same as me let's go round up a couple of the boys just in case hey [Music] how far is it to kill with Flats a couple of Miles back down the road you don't suppose it I think so cool let's get out of here you don't Reggie I think so [Music] [Applause] [Music] not many men are so privileged as we are to see a new civilization born before our own eyes there are times in the streets of Virginia City when I question the use of the word civilization it is always that way with the new Hop Sing a diamond before it is polished seems no more than a cloud of dirt is this the American way to toast in an American occasion to your son on his 18th birthday to my son Jimmy's American birthday to the joining of the past and the present to create a finer future you have honored my house and now there is much to do you are fortunate to know the cut right family so well Hopsin it pleases me to know that here in America the affection and respect of the sons for the father is as strong as it is in the land of our ancestors the cartwrights have great respect for you my uncle an admiration for your son I am happy the younger Sons will honor us with their presence at the birthday party and do not worry Hopsin your friend Haas will be fed as well as if you yourself did the cooking [Music] hey you you speak to me [Music] yeah you mean we're good together Billy boy you're gonna have to clean a lot more of this dirt out of here before Virginia City is a fit place to live [Music] Little Joe is it showing off crew we're going to have birds nest for dinner Jimmy Chang's birthday party that's what Adam told us I ain't for sure I don't like that well it's something to eat you'll like it all right oh Adam come on here quick see what happened here boy what happened to your boy can you talk up thing looks like he's been a pretty bad fight yeah Paul Paul let me help him in the house you forget about it perhapsing all right this Chinese business only what do you mean by that Paul you don't think he's tangled up one of them Tong things we heard about do you no I don't son that tongue is a protective organization composed of civilized people I wonder how much more this has been going on a lot of it particularly in the California gold mines didn't think anybody had spread over the mountains why would anybody want to do a thing like this because upsing is Chinese it's a crazy thing I ever heard of Paul I feel like going in there and tearing that town apart board by board no you won't send you'll go to Jimmy Chang's birthday party tomorrow just as you planned I suppose we just forget about the fact that somebody beat up on Hop Sing we're not going to forget about it but we're not going to stir up more trouble for the Chinese than they already have [Music] wow that's you sure you got enough money oh yes sir Paul we we done paid for Jimmy Chang's present we're just gonna go pick it up all right and we'll see you later what was it you wanted Lee chain oh today is birthday of my son ain't that nice I would like to buy 18 small American flag [Music] I am you know Plum out of them Flags ain't you Hammond hmm oh yeah yeah that's right I forgot I don't have any American flags chain I'm sorry what are you sorry for I don't have any you'll have to go some other place uh thank you I will try Campos on C Street he don't have none either and neither does anybody else in town laughs [Music] they giant my friend I missed Ben Mr Adam you would seem my unworthy nephew feeds the food to bring good health it would see him Hop Sing feed my brother horse a few extra servings too there's a big day in your life Chang you'll be Mighty proud of that boy of yours the cut right could I ask you a question please well of course anything you want you know that there are customs of your people I do not understand I'd wish for my son an American birthday party I wouldn't worry about it just give them a cake with candles oh yes it must be candles and not Flags now what do you mean Jane I had thought to put American flags on the cake but I understand it is not permitted who says so oh it's no matter Jane did Hammond refused to sell you American flags to put on Jimmy's cake I did not understand I do not wish trouble [Music] Adam Benz good to see you and what can I do for my favorite customers we'd like to buy some American flags I don't have any of them little ones man and how did you know we wanted some of those little ones you know maybe we wanted a great big one well do you you run in the store now Jesse no hi just take care of my own Affairs that's all well then stay out of hours you pack a grudge a long time Adam well how about it Hammond I'm just sure we don't have none and why did you take a nice hard look we're right here here's some of them I didn't know I had any left see that's three four five six how many of them did you need 18. that to be put on a birthday cake there's a few extra that'll be a dollar thank you Adam you shouldn't let Jessy tips get out of your skin that way I can't help it I'm not a cattle thief in a Hired Gun and yet he walks around loose he'll crap himself in time foreign still Foreman of that ranch that and a former bought out Southern Carson as far as I know I'm saying business with the flags with Lee Chang and it sounds just about like the kind of tactics that former would use there's the Iration now the Chinese America for the Americans has a pretty tired platform Adam do me a favor will you take these flags over to Lee Chang tell them that Hammond just misunderstood him what are you up to somebody I want to talk to [Music] I'm in ah and card right I'm rightly honored to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit Mr Cartwright you don't have to go through any of the formalities Mr Fuller we've known each other for some time uh what's good to get that from School of Hard Knocks same one you went to Ben only I don't call myself a lawyer folks get in trouble they come to me for advice ain't nothing in the law says I can't charge a fee for helping them now just what did you have on your mind Ben Andy I understand you're fixing to run for mayor that's right Andy what's your platform Virginia City for Virginia City short Sweden to the point you like that well it depends on what it means it means Virginia City belongs to the folks that made it what it is it means we don't want Outsiders well now what's your definition of an outsider Andy well Ben you you live outside the city and you can't vote for me anyhow even if you would but I'll be glad to spell it out for you anyway it means our towns being overrun by foreigners who are willing to work for nothing and they're taking the bread and butter out of the bounds of folks like us who built this country I'll buy foreigners Andy who do you mean the the Irish the Welsh or the Chinese now before you start giving me any of that high flowing talk about Prejudice you just stop and remember this Camp's full of those same Irishmen and Welshman and cornishmen and those are the very people I mean to protect I wasn't going to give you any high flow and talk about Prejudice Sandy I just wanted to know where you stood yeah does that mean you're against me Ben well Andy it means it if I find out that you or any of your boys had anything to do with beating up my cook I'll tie a rope around you I'll drag you up and down Main Street Ben like I said before you don't live in this city and you can't vote for me know how so why don't you just stay out of this campaign I guess you just invited me in Indy thank you [Music] plus Little Joe don't go on that Jimmy Chang just when I got a surprise birthday present right out dude we would have to run into it I didn't expect to see you till tonight you are coming to the party aren't you sure we're coming Jimmy what's the matter Hoss uh we really gonna eat bird's nest my father said he felt the same way about the first piece of apple pie he ever saw see you later I gotta get the stable and get to work take it easy Jimmy he's a good kid yeah made up his mind I go to college and he'll do it too you reckon he knew this was his birthday present we couldn't figure that out it sure has no sense going to college hey good looking you know better than to say a thing like that in public you seemed to mind it so much last night Billy wheeler I wasn't even with you last night then who are you with Sally Tommy Gaines and Ed Wilkins uh the Pierce kid or maybe him what if I was I didn't know he was making fun I'd slap your mouth let go of me I suppose I tell your daddy what you just said what do you think ojr did you huh may you just be nice and I will tell but go over let go of her why don't you try and make me [Applause] well you just made the biggest mistake of your life biggest mistake you'll ever make [Music] that's all right miss Sally leave me alone all I did was bathe your face the girl would do that for anyone yes anyone I didn't mean it the way it sounded that's all right I'm used to it here I'll put some more water on it father the father did you hear me why what have I done you've disgraced my name flouting yourself in front of this Heathen I was just helping Jimmy Billy wheeler hit him and I thank Billy wheeler for that father how can you say that Jimmy didn't do anything you get into the house before I thrash you I'm not afraid of you father I haven't done anything wrong every time I look at a boy you see evil hey Sally you keep away from her shouldn't have done it Mr Ridley oh Father no no father no you've killed her no I told you it was the biggest mistake you ever made boy I sure told you [Music] I wouldn't be too worried if I was you Lee Chang about Jimmy he'll be rounding it the old man really probably gave him a few extra chores to do you know Mr Ridley he's tougher Nails oh Jimmy not mine he worked hard he do what Mr would did tell him what do you think guys I don't know that boy said ain't anxious to make his college money he's done forgot his own birthday party man he's almost an hour late [Music] 400 some towels quick what is it my son they were chasing me who was I had to fight him off Hoss they wanted to kill me why what did you do little job I didn't do anything something must have happened Sally Ridley is dead her father shot her it was an accident they think I killed her look Jimmy I want you to tell me the whole story right from the very beginning it was an accident Joe I liked Sally I wouldn't ever hurt her we know he's in there and I'm out the model where oh we'll get him somebody will get hurt let's keep calm ain't nobody gonna hurt that boy we'll handle this thing proper Little Joe you come cover me first man that tries to come in this house is gonna have to climb over me we're not looking for any fight we want the boy is all well you ain't getting him he killed somebody and he's going to get what's coming to him now that's a bit Hasty Billy suppose we give him a choice either we take the boy in jail or we get a rope what about it you wait here will they take my son no Lee Ching if anybody does any taken around here it's going to be a little Joe with me You Believe Jimmy look don't worry Lee Chang Sheriff Austin's a fair and honest man he'll know the truth when he hears it father in America man is innocent until proven guilty isn't that right horse that's right Jimmy cool let's go hearts Hop Sing Adam's gonna stop by for us tell him we're down at the jail why'd you let him have him we could have strung him up nearly Billy Billy don't you remember what filma said what we do is let it boil we just let it boil [Music] now you've told me the whole truth you sure you've left nothing outside I've told you just the way it happened well I'm inclined to believe him how many other folks will is the question well I believe him I've known Jimmy and his family a long time they're good people sure they're good people but that doesn't tip the scales that was some of our political ambitions I mean Andy Fulmer yeah he's been waiting for this kind of thing to happen ever since he declared for mayor come on boy everything's gonna be all right this is for your own protection Jimmy you'd be better off here than you will at home I understand Sheriff Jimmy this doesn't mean that that you're guilty even an innocent man if he's suspected a murder can't be allowed to roam the streets I know you'll be all right here all right Billy send him in how are you Mr Ridley won't you sit down all of our sympathies are with you Mr Ridley we all want you to know how deeply we feel for you in this this hour of your great loss thank you Andy it's a tragedy Mr Ridley it's a real tragedy if we hadn't let the bars down in the first place a thing like this couldn't ever have happened now you know me Mr Ridley I speak my mind plain your daughter went out with lots of American boys didn't she sure she did pretty little thing like her and did any of those American boys ever act anyway other than decent with her of course not would an American boy have shot her down in Cold Blood there's something I think you should know that boy didn't kill my daughter it was an accident I had the gun the gun went off that boy didn't kill my daughter Andy I did now you just sit there Mr Ridley you had a very trying day Jesse haven't you got some work to do sure Andy you know sometimes when a man suffers a great tragedy it can affect his mind you understand that don't you Mr Eden yes yes I understand that and in his grief he he might forget things or or even imagine things that never really happened yes yes that's true I'm sorry to say this old friend but I see signs of that in you in your eagerness to do what's right you're willing to shoulder all the blame for Sally's death well shouldn't I Andy now now let's face the truth didn't that boy that James Chang didn't he provoke whatever caused Sally's death as the Lord is my judge that boy caused Sally to die yes and our city is overrun with these undesirables and that breeds the sort of thing that happened to you and every decent citizen in this town wants to see that that don't never happen again now ain't that right Mr Ridley yes yes Andy all right then now let you and me sit down and examine what's really right for Virginia City you asked me to order members of our tongue to fight if need be to protect your son my son has not killed anyone he has committed but one crime he is Chinese is James Chang Chinese has he not given up the ways of his ancestors has he not taken the dress and the custom of another people he is ambitious he desires to educate himself in this new land he knows that one day the Chinese will take their place alongside other people who have come from many other places to make this great country young eyes can see great distances and risk is the privilege of Youth your son has accepted the new ways and with this he has accepted the risk he is my son and they talk in the streets of killing him it is written it is better to sacrifice one lamb than to cause the slaughter of the entire flock some men will fight even to save a lamb honor please now I don't want to have to remind you folks this is an official inquest and I expect other continue like I said I've seen this Chinese board paranormal Sally Ridley so naturally I went and told her father you know the rest you know your honor aren't we taking an awful lot for granted here now surely your honor Ben Cartwright's been around long enough to know the facts when he hears them but this is not a trial Andy it's an inquest is that all boy well ain't that enough your honor don't get smart with me son oh you just get down and let's have the next Witness is Amanda Ridley now Amanda just tell us in your own words what happened last night Jimmy Chang killed my sister please order please Amanda we're not passing judgment here we're just trying to get the facts well what did you expect everybody in town knows what kind of a girl my sister was or was faulting herself fluffing her hair and mincing around boys what's the matter with her jealous of her own sister please Amanda I know how hard this must be for you but all we want to hear is what you saw well I heard a shot I ran to the stable there was Jimmy Chang bending over my sister there was a gun next to him poor father was standing there just staring and the gun was by Jimmy Chang it was right by him right where he dropped it now your honor how do we know that was Jimmy Chang's gun now Bouchon drop it there man you're not trying to tell us that gun just fell out of the sky are you and Cartwright I'm not going to put up with any more of your outbursts all right Amanda that's all Mr Ridley will you take the stand Mr Ridley do you feel the testimony you've heard here is substantial of the way it happened as the Lord is my witness that boy caused the death of my daughter thank you Mr Ridley you missed that Jimmy Chang stand up it is the founding of this inquiry that you Jimmy Chang sand trial for the murder of staller Ridley question adjourned sure don't want to miss that trial they'll hang him for sure one thing Mr Fuller it's hard to tell jury trial sometimes you just can't depend on a jury like I told you boys before when I take over this town I want it clean Maybe we ought to see them with that ain't no trial boss Jesse I sure like the way you think foreign [Music] obligation to this town boys and he's right we're all Merchants we all earn our living here if we let the Chinese take over our property and be worthless I never spoke to her word Cyrus that's my way of thinking exactly if it wasn't my way of thinking I wouldn't be running for mayor one thing Andy I ain't a man to jump into things you know well you ain't a man to stand by and watch your own house burned down without tossing on a pail of water either are you Cyrus I don't know I don't know if we let that get away with killing that white girl it's just the same as saying we don't even care what happens to our own wives and daughters wow what do you think we ought to do Annie I think we ought to put a stop to it right now it's like you a little off your game today Little Joe shut up holding a meeting over at Hammond store I don't like the looks of it Andy film her in the height of his glory so-called cause and a hot-headed audience to listen to his ranting what do you think it'll come to Paul I don't know but if Puma can fire up that crowd enough they're sure enough try to break Jimmy out of jail oh don't you think we can hold him off Paul no I've got no right to ask you cartwrights to get mixed up in this thing you got no help either have you uh you want to get rid of me Sheriff you're gonna have to throw me out Jimmy Chang's a friend of mine not sure well I I won't lie and say that I'm not pleased but now to make this thing legal like I I'd better swear you all in as deputies that's good always did want to wear one of them deputy badges anyhow [Music] bad looks like you were right [Music] I don't think there's any more doubt about it Sheriff okay okay there's only one way to avoid trouble and that's by getting that really out of town fast but I can't rightly do that Ben well you can't rightly let them come in and Lynch them either can you then Jimmy Chang has been indicted for murder that's my sworn duty to uphold the law and it's also the sworn duty of you and your sons now what are we supposed to do sit here and wait that's the way it is but even if we get Jimmy out we gotta get him past those men yeah I suppose nothing would make Puma happier than to kill Jimmy Chang while attempting to break jail I look great as uh no law that says a deputy can't walk out of here is it no there isn't if you boys want to change your mind I can release you from any obligations no that's not what I meant I just don't like the idea of sitting around here while Andy Fulmer calls every turn what's on your mind son well Paul I can't help thinking about Amanda and the way she behaved on a witness stand now I've known her a long time I just don't believe she's turned that bitter what do you think you might want to talk to her I'd like to try hmm it's worth a chance maybe through her you could break down Ridley's story I don't like the idea of you going out there though no horse and I could cover him huh they'll be playing right in the former's hands and there'd be three less guns in here for him to worry about I'll get through all right Paul I wasn't thinking of you getting through Adam I was thinking of you getting back in you know don't cell phone was short he's got Ridley on his side and he's going to do everything in his power to keep him there well I'm gonna risk it look at him [Music] on Sonata Cartwright let's think of that woman killer get too thick for you in there you get out of my way [Music] sure probably Adam ain't no loss as we can't stand out here in the street yeah why your card right so nervous we ain't doing nothing we'll just keep on doing it [Music] may I come in I suppose it'd be all right my father isn't home well it's really who I wanted to talk to Amanda would you like to sit down thank you oh I was used to have some mighty good times in his house we haven't entertained since mother died seven years must get kind of lonely for you sometimes I had obligation I assume those obligations be at such a high price you think it's been easy keeping the hustle together with Mother gone no I don't I I watch my own father do it for years yes but Sally did everything she could to make things difficult yeah if I had his moments with all of us too she had no respect for anything not for me or for my father stop feeling sorry for yourself life hasn't passed you by e why can't you Cartwright's mind your own business and let us mind ours because it happens to be everybody's business when a boy's life's at stake you can stand there and say that to me when my sister's been murdered what do you expect me to do go over there to Jimmy Chang and tell him it was all a big mistake if that's what it was yes Jimmy Chang said he didn't have a gun he said it was an accident now look a man I've always admired you because you had the courage to stand up for what you thought was right Sally was just exactly the way you used to be no more no less you don't need to pretend with me Amanda I don't know I've been so alone what should I do tell the truth what are you doing in my house cockright there's no woman safe in this town how dare you persecute my daughter it's not your daughter that's being persecuted as a young boy over in that jail is just about to face a Lynch Mob our boys are murderer and a heathen he's been indicted for his crime indicted but not convicted don't you think Jimmy Chang deserves a fair trial James Chang will have a fair trial not unless you tell Andy Fullmer that's what you want him to have well Mr Fulmer's an honorable man he doesn't need me to tell him what to do what's the matter Mr Ridley you're afraid to face up to Andy Fullman the principles you value so highly I fear no man well then talk to him I'll go with you father [Music] Mike rights he got to stand trial anyway he ain't even no citizen we can all let those cartwrights tell us how to run our town they don't live in Virginia City and this town is for us that lives here for us Americans there are only three card rights in there Adam left and we'll see Twitty Don't get back in again I say rush to jail Sheriff holster will be on our side when he sees me mean business [Applause] what are you up two card right stop for a walk with some friends of mine it's not a Gussy you seem nervous Mr Ridley is is Adam trying to force you to do something against your will no man forces me against my will I want to talk with Mr fulman you wanted to talk to me J.R I've got to talk to you about everything about those people out there well I certainly they are not a man in this town can't speak to me whenever he wants to you come right on in this Amanda let's step into my private office we can talk freely there but I'll wait out here Amanda Jr now then what was it you wanted to say to me Jr I want those people out there to know the truth I want to tell them what I told you this morning and what did you tell me this morning J.R why the Jimmy Chang is Innocent but my daughter's death was an accident and what did I say then Mr Ridley I just don't remember didn't I say that I wanted to help you didn't I say that the people of Virginia City were behind you 100 did you see all those people out there in that street why do you think they're there they're there because they're your friends J.R just as I'm your friend because we both believe in the same principles we believe in honesty and decency and the American way now ain't that right Mr Ridley yes I suppose so father now you don't suppose you know those people are out there because they're your friends they're out there to honor you they're there to honor a man who stood up in his hour of great tragedy not for his own sake but for the sake of an entire city now are you going to let them down J.R are you going to let your daughter die and think they're waiting for you out there J.R well Mr Ridley I have no right to stand in the way of my friends the people here in Virginia City like I say J.R I like your ideas fine you talk to me anytime the door is always open what happened in there Adam that was horrible it's as if my father has no mind of his own well I'll change his mind no Adam let me do it I can make him understand that he's got to tell the truth all right if you think you can remember Amanda Jimmy Chang's life depends on your father telling the truth I realize that now Adam come along Amanda [Music] just where do you think you're going Cartwright why don't you leave those folks alone [Music] boys boys what's going on here Cartwright here seem to be in a hurry we figured he was planning to pester the Ridley some more you boys put those guns away Jesse you know we're not men of violence you go right ahead Mr Cartwright just do whatever you like I'll do just exactly that Mr Bowman you sure you don't want me to stop him boss why should you do that Jesse just when we got things right where we wanted well Joe do you ever taste anything like these Dale house beans yeah but I'm trying not to remember it what you mean to say is you you don't ever remember tasting anything is good don't you yeah that's what I mean it's almost worth breaking a law to get this kind of chow Jimmy you ain't need to buy to yours why don't you try to get some of that down thanks husband but I'm not hungry hungry what's that got to do with it you think the only time a man can eat when he's hungry yeah yeah I'm gonna kind of fool idea like that do you Jimmy I didn't kill Sally you believe me not your horse Jimmy York you ought to have more sense than email such a question but there are some people in this town who think I did how can they us Jimmy don't you worry none you got lots of friends and stuff friends are not going to let you down here he comes let him in I really thought they tried to stop him from getting it back in well myself sure of himself he figured he didn't have to but what about Amanda did you find out anything from uh oh I sure did and we have convinced that she should tell the truth and I thought we hadn't Ridley convinced and then we got over to fulmers and I don't know fuma's got some strange kind of hole on the man he's it's like so much clay in his hands anyway Amanda's still working on him what do you think she'll get anywhere with him well if she doesn't we've got a Lynch Mob on our hands father how can I make you understand what I'm saying to you the side of right you're just doing what Andy Fullmer wants you to do that boy's gonna die your sister died too didn't she yes you did until now I don't believe I really cared but now I know you don't care how dare you speak like that to me dare speak like that because it's the truth your sister brought disgrace on us Shannon is it really Jimmy Chang you're trying to punish is it you're trying to punish Sally father was her death really an accident or did you pull that trigger on purpose is that why you're afraid to talk as God is my witness it's an accident then go out there and tell them oh Father we've both lied to ourselves we never really believed the things we said about Sally and if we let Jimmy Chang die we'll really be condemning Sally you and I father we're the guilty ones [Music] foreign [Music] you all know where I stand I'm just interested in doing what's right for our city are we going to let those cartwrights stand between us and what we know is right I say let's rush them and get them out of that jail come on here they come let's put a few shots over their heads I should scatter them [Applause] thank you stop that stop it everybody stop Ridley yeah looks like she found instant everybody stop get in here J.R those card rights will kill you it isn't the cartwrites this town needs to fear Fulmer ah Jr we understand each other and won't work again Andy I'm going to tell Sheriff Halstead the truth we've been through this before I'm going to tell him the truth who will why did you kill him what are you saying you told me to kill him murderer you filthy murderer get him he just killed my best friend Jesse not the guy father father my father wanted to tell you something I know what it was because I was part of it we lied on the witness stand this morning my sister's death was an accident Jimmy Chang didn't have any gun my father killed Sally that's what he wanted to tell you well former three dead you satisfied trying to make a murderer out of me Ben try to murder this town you still want this man for your man hold on wait a minute folks hold it hold it oh this is a this is a terrible thing that's happened here today and we sure don't want anything like that to happen here again folks folks listen because you know how I stand what I believe in Virginia City um [Music] Frazier at Liberty Mr Chang come on Jimmy can you hear him or don't tell me you don't got to where you like it in here but but what I thought what I thought you were the one who had the fine ideas about going to college yes I do but if you're going to go to college Jimmy you got to bust out of this jail before you can start it's all right Jimmy you can go home it's all over now come on [Music]
Channel: Classic movie cellar
Views: 112,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: westernseries, grjngo, western, American Western, Cartwright, Lorne Greene, Dan Blocker, Michael Landon, Pernell Roberts, Bonanza, Bonanza Full, Bonanza Full Episodes, Classic, western series tv, old western series, western movies, classic western movies, wild west, full episodes movies, youtube series, bonanza, best western, bonanza series, series youtube western, cowboy, cowboy series, tv series, classic west, tv western, cult western, westerns, Bonanza full episode
Id: X3Pq1XHpGiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 0sec (11580 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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