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morning Marshall good morning just tell me where I can find the offices of your newspaper turn at the First Street about a half a block down you can't miss it thank you timing can I help it the boy needs a hand oh the card rice can take care of themselves sounds like he's getting the worst of it yeah sounds like he is it's like somebody in there is hard to convince say uh you are the Marshall here aren't you that's right stranger should you go in there and break it up reckon that people in this town mind their own business look I told you to stay out of it listen Little Joe Paul told me to take care of you and that's exactly what I aim to do if you like to take care of myself you get up on that pony right now or else I'm just gonna naturally clobber you this is a big fella oh him he's another Cartwright I'm new in Virginia City so I noticed it's quite a town who are the cartwrites well I reckon you'll find that out soon enough I haven't asked you who you are have I oh that's right you haven't maybe you shouldn't ask so many questions like I said this is the kind of town where folks mind their own business [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that won't be long my dear mind telling me who's the horse I'm holding man well you haven't been around Virginia City very long a couple of hours that's all judge Jeremy C Billington oh is that subtle the C stands for Clarence judge Jeremy Clarence Billington judge Jeremy Clarence Billington he's the judge here in Virginia City yeah so I've noticed I'm his wife the judge says I'm a big help to him in his career oh I can say that for myself man Virginia City Superior Court judges many friends in Virginia City have prevent have prevailed upon him to again seek office in the coming election as judge of the Superior Court very nice there you are my good man oh thank you sir thank you Minnie how many times have I spoken to you about talking to strange men I wasn't talking to him he was talking to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you're if you're trying to sell shares in your Diggins old-timer I'm not interested well as a matter of fact you're looking at the most unsuccessful prospector that ever blistered his hands in a pick handle and what brings you to a newspaper office your letter offering me a job what's your name friend Sam Clemens Sam Clemens I figured as long as I was starving I might as well do a sitting on my backside of the job I know something about you didn't strike a rich huh good looking press now all I did was prove how little an Easton tentative it knows about mining Sam it's good to see you and I think you're going to like Virginia City well I've been uh studying some of the people uh how often you published every day every day a little one Horse Town two thousand miles west of the Mississippi damn the way we see it the Mississippi is 2 000 miles east of Virginia City Sam you're looking at the only viable of miners around here have any time to read what if they can't read then they get someone who can read it to them I like that I think I'm gonna like this town it's a City Virginia City Virginia City a noisy rough lady with a lot of pride I think I'm gonna like her [Music] over here [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] as soon as you get through eating you clear out of here I mean to mister and we got a lot of cattle here on the Ponderosa and fire got out of control we'd be in trouble Rick and I know that anyhow I'm just passing through well the next time you just go around you here [Music] [Applause] high and mighty I think I ain't got no sense tell me to put out a fire him cut lights oh that bear come up on Sunday [Music] [Applause] [Music] must be the spirit of some engine come back to earth [Music] let's get over here [Music] things aren't always just what they seem in this town Sam well I'm learning fast the cartwrites like to fight judge billington's word is law and his wife say where'd she come from anyway she was in the chorus of a traveling girly show oh that's funny you know I uh I might write a series of articles on the colorful citizens of Virginia City which would land you in jail or up on Boot Hill let's get back to paper right thank you there's a lot of characters you got here the kind of things they like to read well anything as long as you keep it humorous these men see death and disaster in the minds every day they want to read something or make them laugh and make them forget that maybe tomorrow they'll be dead or broke or both that's right [Music] what time you've got home what's new in town Dylan's a tomb Paul yeah nothing happening yeah [Music] [Applause] I don't know let's find out all right come on let's go foreign [Music] hurry it up there they come get that stuff in the wagon quick [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] doing here wait a minute Cartwright we don't want any trouble you're trespassing on private property Mister well you fellas on so much land around here it's kind of hard to figure where your property ends and the rest of the world begins well if you have any trouble figuring it Master we'll be happy to oblige you oh we're pulling out what were you doing here in the first place doing a little sightseeing but one day you might want to sell off some of this land what have you gotten a wagon just some prospecting equipment unless I'd hold them up boys the man said they were moving on the next time you uh you want to know where the rest of the world begins they might try asking all right [Music] wait a minute what is it it's like some kind of survey and Equipment look like them guys is lying when they said something about buying some land uh they're interested in land all right I just don't think they're interested in buying any of it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] I can't recommend it but help yourself oh oh thank you that's Mighty sociable of you stranger Mighty sociable oh yeah I don't know you don't then how come you let's just say that today I'm filled with a milk of humankindness [Music] Black Milk or a human kindness I sure needed that one covered a lot of territory today huh oh all the way from Ponderosa Ponderosa I didn't know the cartwrites a lot of prospected well they don't they want me off at High Noon but they all get their comeuppance I never saw a spirit dog in a place yet but trouble didn't bust out a what let's play it this one lives in the trees it come out and watch me all the time I was fixing to leave uh who watched you the the spirit and what did the spirit look like oh what was uh it was big and black and agates on a Back Fence could have been 10 foot maybe maybe even more oh it could have been 15 or 20 foot maybe and while oh wildest thing you ever saw louder than a war she was ever it flipped from tree to tree with a man's Anita bush in each hand and a wagon tongue in his mouth 20 feet tall that's what I call a man-sized spirit [Music] [Applause] Ed to be 20 feet tall and covered with long black hair the wild man has said to foot from tree to tree carrying off cattle and picking his teeth with a wagon tongue by all this wonderful whatever inspired this well you said your readers liked a few laughs just so no one questions your sources well I admitted secondhand reporting but my source was pretty reliable that is until we had a couple of drinks under his belt and then he tended to exaggerate [Music] well it's plain enough to see what they were up to you follow High Valley Bridge the Truckee and drop down the West slope a natural route for cutting a road right through our property a road or railroad they intended to sneak in make this survey and sneak out before anybody ever saw them the question is why and for whom come quick become quick too many people people everywhere all over Ponderosa I'm saying you've got a bigger imagination there's people all over the place they come to see the wild man what what why why you're in the Enterprise wild man of Warship now what fool put a thing like that in the paper now there's the name of the man who wrote it Josh Sam take a look at this telegram from San Francisco bugle confirm wild man's story flooded within queries Big City newspaper too uh which one of your fellas is Josh oh that's sort of a pen name I use uh did you uh write this the wild man's story yeah sure I did how'd you like it Mr uh I'm sorry I didn't get your name a Cartwright Adam Cartwright I'm Sam Clemens uh I haven't been in Virginia City very long and I'm afraid you're not going to be around very much longer Mr Clements you see this little uh contribution to literature I've brought 500 people trapping across the Ponderosa this morning as many as that yes they ruined the field of hay and scared the wits out of her to cows we had to rescue four of them out of the duck pond and my people are still trying to round up the rest of them well it was just a bit of Sagebrush humor we we had no idea folks would take it seriously yes well I want a retraction of the Wild Man story to keep these Foods off our land well I'm a I'm afraid that's kind of hard to do Mr card right you see uh I got the story from a very reliable source then you leave me no choice I presume you know how to handle a gun no now hold on Mr uh I haven't got any gun or maybe you're pretty good with your fists huh well sure when I was uh steamboating on the Mississippi the fella didn't like me very much we had quite a fight until I tripped over a rope of course he outweighed me about five pounds uh come to think of it uh I sort of had to mess up these new clothes I just bought couldn't we uh settle this a little more peaceably are you trying to make a fool out of me now I want that retraction tomorrow's newspaper well you're making this a little difficult there you see the Enterprise never apologizes for stories of prince it's a kind of a policy I see well maybe I can help change that policy now you understand about that retraction you'll get your you'll get your retraction Mr Cairo thank you you all right Sam I kind of like those cut rice good [Applause] [Music] you in there at the Bucks Canyon there's no way out [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey Paul Here Comes Adam got somebody across this horse maybe it's that Josh villain [Music] you got there I found this boy roaming the hills is he all right it's all right let's take him to the Wash House let hop singing wash him up [Music] seems to me this Josh fella had your Buffalo at Adam well what are you gonna do when a man won't fight what kind of a man is he you can't I don't know anyway promised a printer retraction I almost certainly hope he does I don't want some full reporter printing stories that'll send more people out here it's hard enough as it is to keep an eye out for strangers now listen boys I want you to be careful don't ride out by yourselves anymore if someone is going to pull a land grab on us they can't hide their hand much longer I've seen quick too much of foolishment so what's the matter with you work hard make a fine supper wash a dish no time for foolishment now just settle down Hobson we got enough trouble around here already you got trouble Hopson got the foolishment give a boy you say wash up clean boy ain't no boy around here oh Adam found some lad wandering around what'd you do with them Hop Sing him no boy him girl what you go look see please oh Adam if you don't know a boy from a girl shut up where is he I mean she still in the Wash House well bring her in here no can't do wash a burnt up close all fairly bad you know I think I better see what I can do about this maybe you just better stay right where you are [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good luck Adam you in there put this on It come on out [Music] I tell you I found her in the brush and that's all I know yeah you should ask me Adam I could have told you it was a girl what are we going to do with her I will get rid of her this way missy [Music] hello [Music] [Music] what's your name John why did you run away from me she got no folks no relatives [Music] perhaps perhaps you'd rather not talk until morning [Music] I think you're for your friend my name is Rosemary Lawson my father and I left San Francisco to come to Virginia City by wagon my father was a school teacher but he wanted to look for silver [Music] we didn't have any trouble until we got into the mountains and one night we were camped near the Truckee River it was very beautiful there I'm very happy I sat by the fire and Daddy Sang some old songs to me then I went to bed in the wagon later I was awakened by Pistol shots I looked out and there were strange men in Camp they've killed my father [Music] I think you've you've talked enough for tonight Rosemary perhapsing see that you get some hot food and prepare that room at the end of the bunkhouse [Music] you rest well [Music] remember that Philly Colt we found the upper pasture last spring some skunk of a hundred killed his Mammy yeah I remember she is scared to death too it took us all day long to run it down they did more to her than kill her father [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right who are you and what are you doing here I'm Dr Ephraim Lovejoy I represent sir a group of distinguished scientists scientists Adam was in that wagon [Applause] some kind of Steel hooks grappling hooks I'm going to fish for the body in the lake the body so what are you talking about with the body of the wild man of course didn't you read about it in the territorial Enterprise I expect to get off an immediate report to my scientific group a disabled wild man of washu is dead his body haven't been consigned to the Waters of Lake Tahoe it will now sink to a depth of 200 feet where it will remain motionless encased in a block of ice while the pressure and content reduces it to the stature of a child I thought it was going to print a retraction yeah some retraction you got Adam Shirley gentleman for scientific reasons that article was written by a lion newspaper reporter named Josh I had that buggy back towards Virginia City and fast [Music] and put out the fire [Music] well Adam looks like he got your retraction Josh killed off the wild man in town I think I'll pay this Josh fellow a little visit [Music] and I tell you my friends that never in the history of Virginia City has there been a greater need for a guardian of the rights of the Working Man the miners who are putting the name Virginia City on the map and those rights will be guarded now then gentlemen step up to the bar yes sir there's two ways of winning an election one's by going around making speeches and the others by sitting still and making friends friend here's mud Mirai well I remember you and I remember you Mrs Billings friend see you on Election Day I didn't invite you to sit down thank you anyway you're a very good health man and the election of Jeremy C Billington you didn't come here to buy my vote well he's the best man as me and what I always say let the best man win don't you worry about it my husband always wins you know Mrs Belling there's a funny thing about elections and contests of any kind you never really know how they're going to work out now back a couple of months ago I was in California a place called Calaveras County and the folks there seem to think that they wanted to hold a sort of a a little uh frog jumping contest yeah I heard about it you're the fellow things up all that junk signs himself Josh well I uh wouldn't exactly call it junk man all right what would you call it well I'd call it some uh pretty fancy writing take my word for it it's junk well maybe you're right at that smart fella like you should not have been wasting his time writing or any other kind of silly stuff like that well uh what should I ought to do you see I tried prospecting I couldn't make a dime prospecting that's almost as bad as writing there's a lot better ways of making a pile and going out in the Hills digging for it hey yes I guess there are they take politics there's a big future in politics well there there has been one for the last uh 5 000 years no I mean right here in Nevada like you could go places in Nevada well you see there are a few places I'd rather see first what kind of places you're talking about or London Paris Rome you see uh when you're from Missouri you've got to get out and take a good look at the world understand the your own Hometown the friends you had when you were a child sailing down the Mississippi in a raft and oh you know all kinds of junk like that believe me you won't make a dime doing that either the money's out here in Nevada like uh when you can elect a judge what's wrong with being elected judge oh nothing except the way it's done you may be able to buy some votes for this but uh you won't be able to buy what we print in the Enterprise one way or another my husband's going to be elected judge isn't that it's not about the voters well I'll uh see you on Election Day man oh and just for the record Mrs Billington I may never make a dime riding all that junk but uh here's one vote that's sort of hard to buy and I uh like to pay for my own drinks [Music] Sam I need a filler for page three you know something short and snappy yeah I know give them a few laughs huh what's eating you I don't know Bill I guess I'm getting a little tired of riding Sagebrush humor but you write this kind of stuff so well that's just it it's it's stuff I like humorous writing but I like to say something along with it yeah make the miners laugh that's the important thing it is how about making him think for a change huh about what well the election for instance about the right honorable Jeremy C Billington I don't think anybody in Virginia City knows there's another man running for judge well here's Henry Walker of course he runs against Jeremy every time and always loses people are getting pretty used to electing building the judge aren't they yes I guess by now they are then why is he spending so much money on his campaign this time now that you mention it it is kind of unusual some of those Paris gowns that many Billington wears miners are so busy looking at her low necklines they forget who's paying for them are you afraid the Enterprise won't print any story you happen to dig up you know I had a little bet with myself that you'd go along with Me Sam this is a newspaper not a comic strip you come up with a story in an Enterprise will print it just as long as I sign it just as long as you sign it [Music] let me see [Applause] [Music] let's get out of here [Applause] [Applause] just a creep he ain't hurt bad but I have a good story this time mister I've got nothing to say well you better think of something why take it out on me the man you want us back in Virginia City get his horse [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah my dear today with the epitome of feminine pulchritude don't you talk dirty to me Jeremy Billington [Music] I will be long my dear [Music] [Applause] thank you you've done your life what's the meaning of this we'll ask the questions gentlemen I wouldn't like to cite you into my court for threatening you set out we didn't come here to threaten anyone we came here to warn you and you stay away from a slash there'll be no land grab in the Ponderosa next time your man starts shooting at us we won't be bringing them back to you alive [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you think happened I think railroad stocks took a little drop [Music] thank you it just doesn't make sense pal why would they bypass the main railroad line just in order to cut across the Ponderosa 25 000 Acres of prime Timber and grazing land that's reason enough isn't it well the railroad people could grab that much land just by checkerboarding it right away across our property or by checkerboarding they could seal off every other square mile of land that's right yeah but Paul with any court in the land approve a right away that ain't nothing but a front for a land grab not unless they got to a judge hey you mean judge Billington I don't think it was any coincidence at all that we found the judge in lash's office I wouldn't put it past the old scallywag is anything wrong hey Adam hey take a look at what out of that little boy you found well you sure look pretty you know I don't understand how I made such a big mistake and that Hub sings a pretty good Outfitter oh he bought a lot more than I need I don't know how to thank all of you somebody come here light up on a meal that's all we need another scientific Expedition Rosemary let's find out who this is the newspaper reporter afternoon we uh we printed the retraction about the wild man so we noticed uh would you care to meet him or wouldn't that be a little hard to do after all it was just something I sort of dreamed up well Mr Clements I think you should be given the opportunity of meeting the wild man there she is you mean she's that's right Mr Clements there's your wild man 20 foot tall with a Manzanita bush in each hand a wagon dug in her mouth well I don't know what they're talking about Miss but you're the prettiest wild man I ever did see Mr Clements too what do we owe this visit well for one thing I thought you ought to know there are warrants out for your arrest warrants well I I think we ought to talk about this inside uh Rosemary telehop Singh will have a guest for dinner yeah I'll take him you fine Mr Clemens I Homestead of the Ponderosa fought Indians and drove up Outlaws I'm not going to let lash or anybody else grab my land well if the railroad got illegal right away and checkerboard at the Ponderosa with land Holdings what would you do then fight we've got guns ammunition and Friends you can't fight the law with guns I don't think you have the proper respect for guns Mr Clements but you'd be surprised how many people have oh I got a lot of respect for guns good balance the thing is that sometimes you get right smack dab into a fight that you can't settle with guns or with the fists that's right now if our Hunt is correct everything depends on defeating Billington the election so he won't sell out to the railroad looks to me like we ought to get started then before the election you can't defeat a politician with guns but you might be able to with laughter can we laugh I'm out of town something like that sometimes the pen is mightier than the sword well I don't know Mr Clement I think I'd have to put my money on the sword yeah he's up against that crowd I I think I'd count on my guns oh wait a minute boys Sam if you want to bite this thing out with your pen well that's up to you but we'll be around with our guns to help you if you need us fair enough and I sure would like to know you're going to go about it just keep reading the territory Atlanta Braves thank you that's a personal pronoun runs for office in Virginia City by Josh and Jeremy C Billington friend of the miner the mill worker in the back alley dog spoke at a political rally last night most of the speech was devoted to the nobility of Mr Billington himself an alarming number of sentences began with the pronoun I and which qualifies the judge as a professor on the subject of personal pronouns and during the discourse it was possible for this reporter to discover that the professor is against sin gravy on the vest and overflowing water closets hey those fella Josh gets right to the seat of the trouble don't he I guess a friend Josh knows what he's doing after all Josh claims Professor personal pronoun will provide more free air stronger Zephyrs taller mind mules he's making a fool of you that doesn't mean a thing I'll beat Henry Walker by 3 000 votes filling in I've got too big a hand in this game to take chances no quack newspaper reporter is going to stand between me and the Ponderosa thank you doesn't look too bad well you had enough no bill ings got to be beaten for the good of everyone in Virginia City and I think I might just have the story that'll do it thank you I want to see judge Billington I think the Judge is retired that's all right he's expecting me [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm from lash's Office it's about time is it in gold [Music] yes it's gold all right we had a collect it from one of the gambling places that's that's why I was late but let me see it let me see it [Applause] [Music] and there she stood nightgown torn right off gold pieces six inches deep around the prettiest bare feet in Virginia City I wish I could have seen that money may be the root of all evil but a lady without a nightgown sure takes the curse off it [Applause] maybe Mr Daniel Ash's Foreman has a case pending in Professor personal pronouns Court but if he has we're sure this was just his tribute to feminine beauty up that reported and stop him from writing more stories well there's one way we can stop him from ever writing another line that might be better all around he won't amount to much as a writer anyway I can make sure that get him out of my way permanently [Music] in this election do not allow yourselves to be tricked by the special interest spearheaded by a libelous newspaper determined to overthrow the will of the Common People if I am elected we will drive these thieves of Liberty out of Virginia City and once more every man will be a king and every woman a queen [Laughter] try anything and people get hurt it's my friends I believe in fair play that's my motto Fair playing what are you charged for at Billington huh hi friends do not believe the lies perpetrated by a man who refuses to sign his own name to his articles but insists my friends my friends listen to me you've known me all your life my friend shut up your friends my eye let's get out of here welcome foreign the political rally aren't you folks taking a big chance coming into town apparently not as much of a chance as Sam Clemens we heard he was beaten up he didn't stop him he's still going strong yeah how long can he keep on taking it you need some help that must have been quite a rally I gotta get the story on the presses Astoria sounds like he's starting to Riot what happened read about it in your exhibition [Music] foreign Josh that's what's wrong what's wrong I know it all along it just wasn't right it'll stop right and come on finish it Sam finish the story thank you you know Joe when I was a boy living on the bench of the Mississippi I used to dream about becoming a river pilot someday I would dream about it some other time story us watch the back door Jack get down you'd have to live on the Mississippi to know what it's really like the way those big old boats come down the river the ladsman standing out there on the bow taking the depth and singing it out to the pilot on the bridge on a summer evening it has The Sound of Music you don't get that stone I finished the only thing you're gonna hear is a funeral March [Applause] I can still hear it mark four [Music] Mark III quarter less three half Twain quarter Twain Mark Twain Joel I've got it he sure almost did get it Mr clevis no you don't understand I mean I finally found my name what's your name Samuel Clemens no Haas I mean my pen name Mark Twain that means River Running clear two fathoms of water beneath the Keel that's what rivermen call real clear sailing everything's pretty clear around here right now Mr Clements I don't know about that name Mark Twain see me like I've heard a lot better names than that before that's a fitting name for a rider I don't know Haas we'll just have to give it a try you got to finish that story Sam everything but the byline sign it Mark Twain Mark Twain no it's better than Josh what happened to Samuel Clemens I guess we've seen the last of Sam Clemens you know something I like it Mark Twain Mark Twain why this is to go out of town I'm off the press Professor personal pronoun won't be around anymore by Mark Twain that was quite a fight Sam I guess you were right at that the pen is mightier than the sword anytime you want to visit Virginia City again you just write us and let us know and be sure to sign it Mark Twain so we know it is bye Sam I sure will I'll sign up Mark Twain [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] a little bit smarter I got five dollars more ahead this year than you did last year hey you hear that Adam I think that calls for a celebration yeah you know I think it's time Little Joe took a look inside Julius Palace huh Adam I said a little celebration [Music] hell it was a fair fight at least as Fair as it could be with John Mullane he's not there too bad come on let's get over the Doc Martens thank you [Music] every day you're more like a mad dog now you will not provoke any more violence in my place do you understand that it is amazing to me my dear Julia how such tender sentiments can come from Crash like Yelp come on [Music] well [Music] um welcome to Julia's Palace Mr um card ride Joe Cartwright one of the cartwrites from the Ponderosa yes ma'am this is a real nice place you've got here sorry I messed it up oh don't be sorry after all you were defending my honor I've never been here before you must come back sometime I'd like that that's my guest I'm Julia bullet I do I'd like to repay you dinner here at my place [Music] tomorrow night yes ma'am foreign get the Brandy Tom uh we all have the same kind you and I Julie where men are concerned We Are The Messengers of Destruction you do it through the heart I do it with a gun does it matter to you which way it happens to this young man huh you think Julia Billet might have known my mother no I I don't think that's very likely why not they both lived in New Orleans they might just as well have lived on opposite sides of the world what do you mean how would I've been trying to say is [Music] the only thing that Julie bilater has in common with your mother the fact that she's a woman and she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen yeah she's a very beautiful woman oh come on Paul you better hurry up you want to get that town meeting on time come on this is a meeting that will be attended by Virginia City's leading citizens now uh sure you don't want to come along I know thanks bye yeah I got some other plans [Music] may I Miss pulette why so formal Advantage used to be Julia yep I'm sorry shall we go in well I oh yes I've been asked my invitation said it was supposed to be a meeting of the leading citizens of Virginia City what did you say well uh mice are the same shall we proceed thank you well just like everybody's here that's going to show up so we might as well get things underway and I guess we all know why we're here too under the ground of Virginia City lies the greatest Bonanza of silver known to man most of what's on top those nothing more than trash the first thing to do is among ourselves by bringing in effective Law and Order now starting with effective Law and Order we'll have to raise a permanent City fund to interest the kind of men that we want Ben can we expect help from the Ranchers um ranchers want Law and Order in town just as much as everybody else of course we'll do all we can but I don't think that'll be that'll be enough as I realized that as a matter of fact that brings me to uh that brings me to why I was invited here the kind of money you'll need will have to come from the people who mostly make up this town the men who work in the mind they will listen to Julia bulac so gentlemen I'll take care of raising the money and demoralizing I leave to you oh I know you'd love for me to stay but I do have a saloon to run as well as an appointment to keep friends there's a rumor around that we have a very Wicked town here in Virginia City so while the blue noses sit up on the hill and cry about it I think we down here on C Street can do something about it now the first thing Virginia City will need will be a little money in its pocket I'm gonna make the first donation Tom get me a bottle of Randy a bottle of brandy now how much are you willing to give this fine old Virginia City Brandy one hundred dollars one hundred dollars this is Julia's Palace not another Saloon now come on let me hear respectable bid all right two hundred dollars better 250 300 dollars five hundred dollars so Julia Billet five hundred dollars now I'm giving it right back to Virginia City who's next two hundred dollars 250 300 oh come on now 350. five hundred dollars [Applause] 500 sold Little Joe caught right a Ponderosa and I give it back to Virginia City too stop the open bidding over again Gladys come on up here make them pay lit hurts come on Little Joe okay fellas what am I bid Sally we're gonna need something to put all this money in oh that's gonna be fun thanks I don't carry that kind of money on me can I give you a note for it no you saved my honor I'll save yours now we're even oh your daddy forgot to give you your allowance huh look Malay just because you shot up a few minors that makes you the most feared man in town I'm not shaking even little bit so don't get my way you don't think I can make you shake like the others huh I think you only stay alive because No Grave will have you I think you better go you were going outside my friend I'm fine no he's going with me would you rather spend a few minutes with him or an evening with me some other time that is a promise from me [Music] make yourself comfortable [Music] I'll fix this a Brandy no thanks oh I think it's a little gamble even less good thing the finer side of a man burns out in his youth or I'd be out of business I hope you stay in business a long time I'd hate to see you leave here there are not many around here who would agree with you Ali snub you on Sunday and come to your place on Monday Will's better off without that kind of hypocrite they'll try to change the world Little Joe enjoy it the way it is [Music] you'll grow older and then you'll be no different from all the others I'm sorry about that hey oh [Music] could have had your pick of any man in Virginia City why'd you ask me here John Milan might have killed you in the lane how'd you happen to make friends with a man like that it's a long time ago there's companionship between us please don't fit to wipe your shoes don't be too sure Judy just to break up a fight was is that the only reason you asked me up here was that [Music] [Applause] [Music] is anything wrong no quite the contrary you know you remind me of what I always pictured my mother would look like she was part French like you came from New Orleans and she was a very beautiful woman tell me about New Orleans I'm afraid it wouldn't be as your mother saw it from different sides a mountain never looks the same I don't understand you will goodbye Little Joe go home where you belong [Music] coming back [Music] and now for that little promise huh just relax milane I believe I do like he satisfies you he and Adam figured you boys would be about ready to settle something nah why don't you sell it like gentlemen a horse will hold your coat [Applause] if I told a little Joe once I've told him a thousand times to keep those elbows in Joe's got to learn to fight a lot dirtier than that a couple of beers Tom you know that kid's got lots of grip one of these days he's gonna be able to whip that Frenchman yeah but this wasn't the day Tom hello thank you Tom we'll see you all right huh five hundred dollars I told you I'd work it out but it's not the money Little Joe I was planning to give more than that to the fun anyway it's just that I think you're beginning to make a fool of yourself why what's wrong with her oh nothing nothing she's a fine woman all right what is it then what well it's just that well she's seen much more of the world than you have boy I see that makes her bad wow doc yeah man good to see you come on in now what brings you our way well I just come down to the mines of Gold Hill oh how are things down there ran into a few cases of fever was it bad well it's hard to say if they'll build up to epidemic proportions so far just a few scattered cases here and there oh I'm glad of that you're looking well Ben you're wonderful never felt better good come a long way this house Ponderosa three fine Sons that duck man with all the work you've got to do wouldn't take a long ride just to talk old time sit down have a little refreshment well I'm saying how about a little Cool Waters not good will use all right yes sir Mr carlite glass of cool water for Dr Martin yes sir lie away what's in your mind well for one thing the committee wanted you to know we received a letter of acceptance from Brad Olas oh that's fine all this is one of the best yes I only hope we can keep him no what's to stop us well money for one thing all Miss billet's bottle of brandy got us off to a fine start but can't stop there we've got to have the cooperation of the people I sure hope we get all the cooperation we need Ben you know that most of the people of a community keep in step with the leaders we're just beginning to find some of our leaders you for instance Ben all right all right I'll keep talking well I just don't know any other way to say it people of the town are talking about Little John Miss Beulah matters concerning my sons and myself nobody's business but our own no longer been it boils down to this if Virginia City will keep her house clean she has a chance to become an important part of this country if she doesn't she'll stay just a dirty little town on a mountain I'll talk to Julia talk [Music] Randy Ben I promise you it's the very best I'm sure it is Judy but no thanks and finding out the cartwrights aren't much of a drinking family no that's true but very much a family go on well Julia you know the boy's young he's uh he's full of life but I can understand how he could appeal to you it has with you this is a this is a passing thing it's different for Little Joe different how did he ever tell you about his mother yes he never really knew her she died when he was very young are you the only other woman of French ancestrys ever known that and the fact that you also come from New Orleans but make sure something special in his eyes not in yours no I guess not have you told Little Joe to stay away from me I prefer him to hear from you and just what is it you'd like him to hear from me prince in your ages ways of life not to mention the fact that the whole town is talking about us and what that could do to a young man's reputation yes is that too I'll think about it Ben Julia you're wonderful I knew I could count on you you know this really will be best for you for everybody [Music] Tom um no but I passed a word along and she didn't want to see him anymore I changed my mind but Miss Julia I said I changed my mind [Music] good night until where have you been Virginia City ran into Doc Martin several more cases of fever he's getting real worried oh Joe I've been waiting here to talk to you what about you've been with that woman again her name is Miss pulet ah Joe you're a grown man and I I know you'll understand what I'm going to say to you I know already Paul she's not the kind of woman that people say she is not anymore anyway look I know she she wears behind clothes and she talks good and she lives well but you know the scar doesn't disappear just because you wash it I guess that's how it was with my mother keep your mother out of this I've heard you and Adam talk other places you couldn't go things you couldn't do because because it was part Creole it was a language and the ways of a people that some folks didn't understand nothing more I know that and still there were a lot of people that hated her well sometimes I see a scar you know you got to be looking for it little Joy foreign foreign no more only one piece cake this dang Cake's flat the cookies are not flat but today now whole length is flat no fun nobody eat no good without Little Joe I just talked to Charlie he's been in town seems the kid's having himself quite a Time with Miss Gillette they've been seen just about everywhere you must be enjoying this you know it's doing something for Little Joe defending somebody who feels close to he'll get over it you think so we'll let him find somebody else to defend I'm not gonna have that woman beating me over the head with my own son and we're gonna bring Little Joe back from town if we have to drag him out a step of the way [Music] well he's not in there let's move on he shouldn't be too hard to find come on I said bring it up bad bad you want to be ashamed of yourself you certainly what for for protecting my ball when the whole mob is trying to take him apart won't let that mob was doing to your boys nothing compared to what he did the inside of my Opera House erected take a whole week to put it back together again and it was nothing but uncalled for violence uncalled for what do you call what you did to miss broulette now wait a minute what's all this about perhaps I can explain I have a box Lowe's in this theater Mr romley had it draped so it would be separated from the others a new policy of the management I accepted it but my escort didn't imagine him [Music] and Ben you know what I mean let's go let me know how much the damages will be [Music] are you coming home with us you can make me go home but you can't make me stay there all I want is a chance to decide a few things for myself look at the carriage and why do you have to fight me and the town using a boy as a weapon any weapon I can use against you and win it's quite a victory isn't it Ben Cartwright's son defending the honor of jury villette it's even more of a victory I have the help of his father Ben oh Ben the fever's not an isolated thing any longer it's all over Gold Hill it is an epidemic we'll be in Virginia City by morning chances are it's the water there's plenty of pure water in the Ponderosa Adam Haas get the hands together in the range and get some water down here all right now folks I'll need all the help I can get beds for the patients men to transport them and women to Tandem what I need is good water shelter and volunteers now who'll be next for anything you need right away well thank you Julie all right who else [Music] ye shall keep all my statutes so the land shall not spew you out really Lord was talking to Moses not the Virginia City you taught me that that meant everyone so what's happened to the good people in this town they're about to go to work Little Joe Julia don't bother moving those gambling tables they'll do nicely as bad thank you [Music] well it's going to slosh around a little bit but that'll have to do take her on down fill her up with water and take her on into town as soon as it's empty bring it back no no let me show you here [Music] see when you know how you watch me and I'll show you how to load barrels [Music] can't use backstream your muscles you got to use your head Hobson that's right you just say your head your way I used to my head my way yeah [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] you wrestle up enough strength to take this medicine and I'll let you take advantage of my good nature we're saving two for everyone we're losing an epidemic like this that's a victory um those that are healthy are beginning to leave this town in droves just a dirty little town on a mountain I guess that's all we were meant to be what if to change it means crucifying people like her I say it's not worth it hey Doc I got you three more volunteers oh good oh Pete I thought you and your crew are fully God well maybe it's like Little Joe says doc it's our Mountain we dug right under insides with a little more in our bare hands well it it ain't decent to let some stinking thing like a fever chases off Mr car's right there I can show you plenty to do you come with me Pete yo I've got something for you to do take a break there's still a lot of work to be done that goes for Julia too you two have been working for days I need help not new patients you lose your tool [Music] foreign [Music] Virginia said he's a long way from New Orleans I'm gonna go there someday maybe to live this is where you'll stay oh man it goes where he wants to be I've watched the way you handle people here man stays where he's needed and you the town starts to grow I look for a new frontier it doesn't have to be this way I could [Music] your mother was French do you understand the language some of it all I do how are you there yeah designing it should have happened many years ago someday you'll know what I mean you'll also know why you must stay and I must go [Music] we'll be needed inside [Music] you know I think you're gonna make it well I check most of the mines and there's not one new case of fever doc more than half the minute gone back to work ah good then we'll move the last of our patients over to the meeting house boys let's move these blankets and beds over the meeting house well there's a fight Adam but it's the kind of fight that's good to win well we uh lost one too Paul what do you mean a little Joe came back to the ranch this morning and he took his things [Music] now that this is over Julia this thing with Little Joe I should never have interfered disappointed in you Ben [Music] disappointed man of strength should never let Cinema interfere with his convictions and the same woman I was before the fever well I haven't changed either and nothing has changed between us but I I won't gamble with something I can't replace [Music] it was Little Joe's wish you're welcome to become part of the Ponderosa that's quite an offer especially since you don't think I'm good enough for him whether or not you good enough for Little Joe's is something only you can decide Tom [Music] I want some champagne Harry let me have a tuna lovely one as soon as the patients have moved I want you to clear out this mess and put the gambling tables back in their places I'm going to put on a night Virginia City will never forget [Music] well after the fever that should be a great celebration celebration who said anything about a celebration this is going to be an execution Julia boulette destroying the sweet innocence of Youth [Music] [Music] [Music] hahaha [Music] dude what's the matter with you what's the matter with me I'm having fun you call this fun you're acting like a go ahead Little Joe say it [Music] let me stick up right I think I've told you to stay away from Julia villette there's been a short life for you my friend let us hope it has been a pleasant one I listen I listen about this important thing I must do for you in Sacramento City and I discover it is something which could have been handled by mail John please don't John [Music] you all right it isn't a bad one won't Sherry go upstairs I'll fix it Julia leave me alone foreign I did this for you you want to do something for me this bracelet the necklace they arrived today a present from an old friend they're diamonds Little Joe that's all any man can do for me no you don't mean that why shouldn't I that door you came through it works both ways I think you'd better use it [Music] thank you actually you destroy with a heart I used to wonder why it was I'd send you away and then be so happy when you came back that is because we are cut from the same piece of cloth you I had to hate myself as you said we're very much alike when can I change this Julie one can try I don't want to see you anymore John [Music] you have said this before I never met it before we have been together too long Julie we Have No Escape one from the other goodbye John Julie I have little which belongs to me but what I have no one would take away no one [Music] you're sorry little Jewel we heard what happened over the palace you shouldn't have taken on the lane alone no I beat him didn't I Little Joe they having the fanciest meeting you've ever seen over the Community Hall everybody's patting each other on the back for stopping that epidemic Paul's right up there on stage with him he's gonna make a speech nah you wouldn't want Miss Paul making a speech would you everybody's patting everybody on the back huh that's a real fine meeting come on Joe hell you know you're right I wouldn't want to miss it foreign as nobody Virginia City has a right to thank more and Ben Cartwright thank you Mr Romney if we've done anything sure boy thank you Mr Wrong thanks you too tuned up Martin and I want to give a special thanks to all you honorable citizens but how about giving a little thanks to the person who did the most to save this stinking town how about some thanks for Julia Billet I want somebody don't you have the guts to admit when you're wrong well Virginia City's Fire Engine company's been needing an honorary member how about it boys Well the lady isn't going to know anything about it until we tell her come on [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] it was you who got us here so you ought to be the one to say it well this isn't just for what you did for Virginia City during the epidemic was for all the things you've done for everyone in this town that's right it's not a diamond necklace or a bottle of champagne but it's the best we've got what do you say boys three cheers for the first honorary member of Virginia City fire engine company number two [Applause] [Laughter] there's no diamond necklace that goes with this either but I'd be especially proud of your consent to be my wife foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] having faith in no one carries a special kind of security you and your son have destroyed I'll never forgive you that man [Music] hello Ben George Ben Cartwright this is Brad Olin nice to meet you you got in with a new judge so we swore him in right away oh there's some nice things about you nice to have you with us there's my son Joseph about a week early aren't you oh a week early but a day late oh what do you what do you mean Junior bullet was nice and Rob last night how is she it's bad doc Martin's with him a couple of minors saw a tall dark man coming out of her place just about Daybreak John mulane that's a name we followed him up this way and he's probably headed for Lakes Crossing me and Adam will show you the way that's fine boy better get going oh Joe let's build let's send words she'd like to see you and your dad [Music] hello Ben you've been asleep a long time [Music] looks like a win a battle and lose the war [Music] I'm sorry everyone is New Orleans could only see me now huh Little Joe he's here I want to see him [Music] okay last night you and the rest of Virginia City gave me a present now it's my turn I'm going to give you back your son [Music] get me some Brandy Joe [Music] foreign [Music] are you gonna be all right I don't care couldn't have happened at a better time if I'd live to be a thousand we beat him Joe we beat the Apple knockers what the high and mighty blue noses we took him for the ride of their lives [Laughter] that play of yours bringing him in to lick my shoes just when they were ripe they meant every word of that sure they meant it it makes it so rich [Music] they'll let me laugh laughing every time they pass my grave questions [Music] the biggest laugh of all your old man [Music] that night you were up here I told you it was just for last remember I never intended to see you again I never wanted to see you again [Music] you better go Joe the doctor wants me to rest [Music] I'm coming back [Music] [Music] oh we got my Lane we got our diamonds in his saddlebags [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] man that's sweet the same you want to be married quit nipping on that jug you have hit in the mattress it's a great way to be talking before our father we were speaking to the sweet like us not he's starving to death out there in the Wilds of Nevada but the son of the heathenland has touched him he's speaking in tongues any I struck a rich out there in Nevada Ellie I'm a rich man yeah yeah ah that was good yeah if only I didn't love you so a nice take that two claims not one but two oh sweet you me and himself in the land of Nevada breathing the pioneer all right now because the air in San Francisco I'm used to breed in these many years it's cool I I I'll tell you what we'll do you two go on and get the silver and gold and bring it back here to me and have you drink it up faster than we're going to get from the ground we all go well I tell you both none of us got to go I'm going to sell the claims right here in San Francisco sell them whatever four well I tell you the truth Annie after six months of eating that dry miserable grub I'm sick and tired of Nevada well I ain't and one of these claims is mine sweet Lundberg for I grubstaked you and don't you forget it you go ahead trade yours for a bottle of whiskey as you'll like us not do but himself and me is heading for Nevada oh normally darling because here I belong with a good salt air in my lungs and the whiskey in your insides the both of yous we go to Nevada oh you mocked me Mark me well and your tool one whiff of that he the near and I'll die we are not letting this get away from us [Music] all right [Music] there's no dispute that can't be settled by might as well [Music] laughs Ponderosa this isn't any of our Affair oh son we can't ignore the rest of the world we're the only stabilizing influence in the country hell you sure stabilize that one Paul [Music] [Applause] are you uh all right Miss [Music] hey parked the dead man who is it Miss it's himself himself my sainted father Kevin O'Toole [Music] were you able to tell us about it [Music] cooking breakfast I was this morning on my mother's stove himself was a great one for hot cakes strangled and died do you question my cooking the hot cakes he says twist the air that choked him just as he said it would Annie he says to me one whiff of that Heathen air and I'll die he said it and he did it thank you I'm all right he wouldn't want me grieving as a matter of fact I'm proud of him out of them why not it's the first time in his life himself ever did exactly what he said he'd do [Music] sorry Miss if we could offer you the hospitality of our Ranch until you return home why don't you talk Grand though oh thank you I'll be staying here Aaron Washoe Diggins half a minute you know my name's sweet Lundberg know him money's the time I've knocked the corners from his head with a skillet I know him now will someone guide me I don't know maybe you better go with a horse this is my brother Miss O'Toole he'll see that no harm comes to you my ain't you the big one though thank you [Music] thank you oh stop it now oh the absence of formal law you still have your mind as well but who's to enforce it or decide on it uh Point yourselves a referee if you have a serious dispute hold of mine is caught I'll hold with that but there ain't anybody around here I could trust except Ben Cartwright himself thank you fellas thank you Clayton but I'm afraid my time is fully occupied I will vote on it all those in favor of Ben Cartwright actors dispute every speaker [Applause] well if you feel that I can help settle your current disputes but remember it's only a temporary Arrangement until you find somebody permanent all right looks like you got yourself a job some of you younger brother you get yourself back to the ranch and sale the boys are doing with a cattle brand of it and just what'll you'll be doing and I'm gonna get that girl out of town before we get into a dispute that even paw can't settle foreign it's the best I can do ma'am thank you thank you oh it's a fine view himself will like it once he gets used to it yes oh all this hard work in the heat of the day you poor man you must be starved well I can always eat man if it ain't no bother I'm still the bother why it's like a friend to me it's one thing I understand complete looks like you took care of things I had to put him someplace at him well I I guess it really doesn't matter well now Mr high and mighty it matters a lot to me I really meant no disrespect Miss it's just that well we hadn't fully checked your claim you see sweet Lundberg had two claims and this is one of them and it's here I am and here I Stay missile tool I assure you my only concern is for your welfare through that one again what plane to the point then I'll do exactly that you're the only woman in this camp these are rough men oh and it's milk stops I'm used to on the Barbary Coast is it all I'm saying is it's no place for a nice Charming lady well now thank you very much for the compliment but don't you worry about me I can cut the whiskers from a cat with a skillet without even disturbing its Slumber now you were saying I was saying that I want you to get out of here and go back to San Francisco and leave himself alone in a heathen Place why there hasn't been a day of my life I haven't taken care of him it's here I Stay ma'am my brother Adam always knows what's best oh I suppose I have no choice is bear enough food in the wagon to last the day and there you stand you poor man Starving in your tracks while I Babylon here we go now thank you very much you need and who don't well I'd be glad to give you enough money to get you back to San Francisco Mr Adam how have you know I don't take money from no strangers the shame of you talking like that in front of himself I only meant I've got an idea what you meant and you'd best be learning some manners from your big brother here now you take yourself out the way you came in I promised your brother Mulligan and Mulligan he shall have oh himself love me Mulligan almost as well as he loved his battle [Music] s thank you [Applause] [Music] oh you poor starving dears listen if you'll all pitch in together and get me a big pot and some spuds and onions onions there was an onion in this Camp it could be traded for the richest claim on the Washoe Soul pork is all you'll find around here uh missile tool now if you won't accept money from me you trying some with this lady but he ain't getting no place with it I'm only trying to help her I told you I don't take money from no strangers who's offering you money foreign I was watching these men and their interest in your uh culinary arts watch your tongue would you feed them for say uh a dollar a meal at a dollar and a half I would but where am I going to get enough food for all these hungry mouths well that's what I'm telling you I have plenty of supplies on the Ponderosa now I could give you enough to cook one big meal for the whole camp and on the proceeds you could return to San Francisco what sort of supplies oh ham fresh eggs beef [Applause] [Music] oh how can I turn him down the poor starving deers then it's a deal on one condition what that you come in as my partner oh now that won't be necessary then the deal's off all right [Music] oh what a lovely thing it is Adam you're a darling man and you think I took you for a snipper blot a what a sniver plant it was a saying himself had for the nabobs that lived on the hill and looked down their noses at us on the Barbary Coast I mean no offense it's just your grand manner but Adam you have a heart and I could kiss you for it we'll need a name for the place uh menu with the prices [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] first you want me to round up the cows then I get word you want me to empty the storehouse and bring everything here will you make up your mind oh you just get on back to the cows this is all you'll be hauling I just watched this all about Miss Annie said that two wagon loads would be better than one I don't told you to take orders from Annie ain't she your partner for this one load for one batch of meals and then back she goes to San Francisco now Adam the men are pretty excited about the eating place they got here and and they ain't gonna like it much if you closed up before it even gets open well I don't care whether they like it or not one easy way to solve all this this little older brother do all the cooking himself there's one thing I want straight around here we're going to raise enough money to get you back to San Francisco and that's it no more is that clear yes Adam and where in thunderration do you get off in telling horse to bring a second load of goods and where do you get off telling me how much supplies it takes to feed a hundred men a hundred men they're coming down from the hills a dozen at a time well this is all understand absolutely all where's the bill affair Adam I can't write there you are a snipper blot and I know it it ain't like I didn't want to have learning so don't stand there and look down your nose at me if I wasn't criticizing you but you was too you were your fine words and your grand ears oh really what difference does it make now just by luck I happen to know how to write [Music] partners aren't we all right now what's the name of our grand establishment the square meal that's what they all say you know I could have learned to write if I'd had a chance course you could yeah how do you like that my ancient Grand and scrolling Adam could you learn me to write it out like that sure I could now for the bill affair let's see um ham and eggs and potatoes uh dollar a dollar and a half I I ought to learn numbers first Adam could you learn me numbers sure I could dollar and a half uh make it two dollars uh a dollar and a half for mulligan by the plate being in business it's good for me to know numbers Adam could you re-learn me to write numbers could I teach you I don't know could you oh uh two dollars for the stew uh supplies were all unloaded Mr Del Monaco or himself will be so proud of me being in business with such fine gentlemen uh Adam we're running out of wood will you cut some I guess Andy doesn't know how scarce wood is around here I brought some from the Ponderosa right here in the wagon start cutting it Adam yeah and look in spite of me ways there's a heart in me I mean himself but you see he wouldn't want me grieving uh Adam you're a good kind man I'm doing no more than anyone else would do any but you are offering to learn me figures and how to write and all that and to speak to speak dollars you and I that's right darling the both of us [Music] the square Meal Restaurant was our howling success and by the end of the first week Annie O'Toole had enough money to take her back to San Francisco in style [Music] but Annie showed no inclination to leave and I discovered that although she couldn't write writing as she put it she did have quite an eye for business [Music] please there we are now no no no no no no no I don't want the money because I'm gonna get the money I gotta get you back to San Francisco now listen to me Adam you're gonna I tried my best to get out of that partnership with Annie but Annie wouldn't hear of it part two had gotten in a lot deeper than he had planned I decided it was time for all of us to get out of here and get back to Ponderosa Where We Belong [Music] what's your mother you know like a hot scene cookie you like it me see any old too all right I quit saying will ya coming up trouble with that woman as it is won't you marry her Adam save us all this trouble you know if she doesn't stop grubsticking every Miner that comes along she'll wind up owning half the com star hey you know you're making more money by accident most men make on purpose now I tell you I'm not her partner no don't tell me tell her of course you can sure cook you go her house eat you know like a hot scene cookie man wait a minute that is what I meant that ain't what I meant Mr Cartwright I can talk to you sweet when you get back come on in well I've been back a couple of days sit down oh thank you oh am I glad to see you we have a mutual friend in town Annie O'Toole and this here is what I come to talk about they tell me you said in all the complaints Mr Cartwright oh just trying to establish some degree of order oh it's one sweet well you see when I left here I staked out two claims and the one I give to Annie and the other I sell in San Francisco what's the difficulty well I don't know which one I give to any which one myself that should be simple enough and he has her claim and I assume the man you sold who has his Adam have you ever tried to reason with Annie O'Toole well I guess we ought to look into it Paul [Music] all right I almost got right it seems clear enough doesn't it I'm obviously the legal owner of the Sweet Lumber claim number two ah this is what seems so Mr Spain and by simple process of elimination annual tool must own Sweet Lumber clay number one yes then I insist you throw her off my property Spain we're not here to throw people out we're here to settle disputes maybe we talked to Annie about this ah so it's you again is it I know Annie we uh we just want to get this thing straightened out Mr Spain here is oh Mr Spain is it ain't we Grand since we moved to Knob Hill Mr Gregory Spain trap dog Gregory he was when I knew him let's stick to the facts the fact the fact you'll have the biggest thug and Shanghai artist on the Barbary Coast he was Mr trapdoor Gregory must I listen to this witch you be careful what you call her and ain't you the fine one trading your claim to the scum here for a bottle of whiskey and it wasn't a bottle it was a keg and well it was for himself sort of awake it was oh how awake was it why you didn't even know himself had passed to his reward oh very interesting get them out of here I'll get a croon here tear down this restaurant the grave has to be moved of course but I knew you when you was picking pockets of drunks and the gutters I did no and didn't himself go to work for you when you first got into the Shanghai business springing the trap doors he did under the bar stools the best trap door Springer you ever had you sex or yourself and did he ever come home with a dollar in his jeans no he didn't you paid him his wages and whiskey you did keep him away from me he ain't even worth getting me pan on Swedish this claim number two orientals well I think so I I just don't remember you don't remember well I I was sort of excited you was drunk that's what you was Annie get your claim notice now this is claim number two and your notice says claim number one then I'm afraid you're on the wrong property oh Adam don't let him move himself from his rest in place and we may have to I won't do it please Annie get your claim notice [Music] claim number two you say you read it Adam you know how poor I am at Regal thank you Spain let me see your claim please [Music] for claim number two what you altered yours it's a pottery I'll throw you out of healing himself along with you now this can all be settled but not in this manner hold on Mr Spade Annie this will get you no Place Gregory Spain snipper blood Thief crook that's what he is accusing me any one of these claim numbers has been altered oh Adam I just don't understand business Annie did you change your claim number could I do now the claims are done with Roman numerals about it I never met a Roman in my life Annie is that what you did Adam you know I can't all right forget it Paul and I will straighten it out [Music] don't you worry about it darling 10 years I've been waiting to get trapped or Gregory and me clutches the way he'd done you out of your wages and you the best trapdoor Springer he ever had don't you worry about it they won't be disturbing your rest not unless that trapdoor Gregory pays for it they won't I demand my rights a sweet surely there must be some way you can remember which state did you claim out first that will be claim number one wouldn't it okay just don't remember no there wasn't it I think I got it I think I know I left my tools on claim number two uh I might pick my shovel and and then I got excited you got drunk then wherever we find the tools that's claim number two and that's my dream can you identify the tools really yeah sure right I got the first letters of my name burned in the handles well that's satisfy Annie oh sure sure Adam well I I only want to do what's fair well I'd best be getting back to the restaurant all right all right all right now quiet for a minute that's what we'll do you'll go down to the claim and take a look and if the tools are there that'll be claim number two agreed all right [Music] I sure hope those tools aren't on any claim Spain's a crook if I ever saw one there's some tools over there already I used to pick a shovel when I dug that grave I was afraid of that all right let's get at it tools on empty stomachs give me one minute and I'll get the Mulligan pot going but we didn't come here to eat we came here to see Justice you'll get what's coming to you I wish you would all right Annie bring on the food we're all for you I ain't hungry [Music] thank you you promise you will abide by our decision oh yes I will Adam that that trap door makes me mad strutting around like a [Music] peeked onto Knob Hill he thinks he's a big typhoon Tycoon a typhoon is a big win that's him [Music] [Applause] [Music] just don't understand it I know there was a pick and shovel back there she's stolen I tell you that's what she did she's trying to do me out of what's mine I'll quit whining will you we looked didn't we what's the matter Mr Spain you got that other claim why don't you go on over there and take it I ain't true with you yet Danny O'Toole I'll have what's mine why don't you go spring a trap door dude come on Little Joe goodbye man Annie I don't know what your game is there you go suspecting me and me figuring the only man I could count on were you was you well you wasn't [Music] I've known trapped almost all my life a Cutthroat Thief that's what he is oh I can believe that and that's why I hate to see you antagonize him now look swedes other claim is near here where why don't we get the men and just move the restaurant what about himself there'd be no need to disturb the grave and have him know that trapdoor was tramping all over him oh himself would be turning in for end he'd be that upset or not why do you doubt me you see me claim notice today didn't you didn't it have the right number and did they find the swedes pick an ax and shove no I ask you did they there's such a shortage of wood around here sure there is [Music] all right [Music] looks like Spain's getting himself a crew he's been at it for the last hour I must have talked at 10 or 12 men yeah he sure knows how to pick the tough ones too uh maybe they've decided to work claim number one I doubt it why don't they just trade claims after all one's just about like another and besides Annie has a father buried over there isn't anything sacred around here is concerned it would seem that Mr Kevin himself O'Toole is buried atop the richest strike ever made in the Washington [Music] keeping the news of the big strike quiet is about as easy as hiding an elephant under a walnut shell everyone wanted in on it from the looks of it and he was getting her share of the Bonanza too go ahead with your eating gentlemen you won't disturb us one bit and I'll explain if you think you can run any offer a claim her claim Mr Cartwright sweet will you show me just where you dug your shaft when you made your required improvements improvements improvements I guess I didn't make none I just knocked a hunk of assay Rock off the ledge that's right sweet you didn't make any improvements and according to Miner's law in which you cartwrites put such great stock if the improvements are not made within 10 days the claim is considered abandoned and also according to that same Miner's law it would be perfectly legal for me to shoot any man who tried to jump my claim get to work gentlemen Adam Can't you stop them they're busting up the place sing an experimental hole gentlemen there's only a very small charge of powder but the hats you should stand back [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Laughter] it's only Fool's luck that someone wasn't killed and unless this thing is settled someone will be he's already settled that's my claim and she's on it and I mean to throw her off quiet quiet all of you all of you now we had some semblance of Law and Order started here let's don't lose it now the way I see it the only way to settle this is to hold a minus Court hear all the evidence everyone in Camp acts as jury I'll give you as evidence trapdoor Gregory is our pickpocket what made good and that's all he is so tool I wouldn't take his word for the time of day Annie will you please be quiet until I think the minus Court's the right thing to do you have no right to think but it's me Adam well as far as I'm concerned young man you are the partner of the dependent and if you say one more word to me before the trial I'll find you for trying to influence the referee laughs Adam we have enough money let's buy us another judge Annie I was only trying to help will you stop trying to help before you landed both of us in jail Mr Spain how about you do you agree to the miners Court range of degrees it's a tool I think you're a snipper mistletool agrees all right I have a half hour to prepare your cases anything I may as well tell you right out I don't think you have any legal right to this claim well Adam I wasn't thinking of legal rights I was just trying to think about human rights you know I'm human same as anybody else of course you are Annie oh I don't mean to complain Adam but all these years I've worked hard dreaming of one thing that someday I'd get to live like a lady Annie why didn't you get married oh I wanted to could nobody ever ask me Adam you won't walk out of me now will you don't you worry I'm not gonna walk out on you because I wouldn't know what to say at the trial your power as good a man as he is terrifies me with his ways I'll speak for you you will you darling you [Music] they're only charged for this hair show well sweet I I just wanted to talk to you yeah sure as soon as you get through lollygagging and kissing around yeah sweet listens just a minute sweet Lundberg don't you get snipper blush with me me sniffer blocked well how about you you and your talk about marriage all the time in the fine person you're going to make a fine gentleman out of me and a sorry task it would be well don't you bother you found a fine gentleman A Real Fine one indeed I did find a fine one well then why don't you marry him that's what you wanted so go ahead see if I care sweet awesome sweet sweetie oh sweet listen I ought to punch you right in the nose things look bad for Annie Adam we've been keeping an eye on Spain he's been buying liquor and probably never drunk in town there's more of those and there are the others looks like you got yourself a paid off jury older brother Court will come to order take off your hats the Gregory Spain your hat my case is simple and I throw myself entirely on the mercy of these honest men and the honorable Judge I make no claims I ask only that the law of Abandonment be upheld the assistant work ain't been done on the claim in question that's all I got to say your hat [Applause] foreign [Music] I need you Miss O'Toole please [Music] as one of the partners of cartwritino tool I'll present our case [Music] now the whole point here seems to be that no assessment work was done well I submit it was may I call a witness your honor thank you a horse Cartwright the house did you or did you not dig an exploration shaft on the disputed claim the very first day Miss O'Toole came to Virginia City yeah yeah I I dug a hole it's a just to answer the question yes sir I dug a hole six foot deep six feet long and three foot wide gentlemen that satisfies the requirements and there's not a thing in mine is law that says you can't bury a body in an exploration shaft and then fill it back up again gentlemen I ask that your rule in favor of Miss Annie O'Toole the assessment work was done yeah all right what's your turn [Applause] it takes one to recognize one I can't fight the whole Camp I know I'm buying my own claim but I'll give you five thousand dollars in cash trapdoor you think I disturb himself from his resting place for money I wouldn't dream of it at least not for that amount they will excuse us [Music] and to think of him sleeping there right on top of a million dollars and not making a move to do anything about it and him who never before had a dime in his jeans any if you'll only sell it to me I'll not disturb himself seven thousand five hundred dollars ten thousand in cash trapdoor you should never have done himself out of his rightful wages I have a hunch you'll never listen to you until the price is twice the amount why don't you go out and get a gun and Rob stage coaches I'll be doing all right without it [Laughter] [Music] hey I'm sick is this what you do in your day off I'm Missy and they teach how to sing make a fairly fine tiny dish Hong Kong Mulligan vampire you'll know how to come let's learn no more oh you're doing fine twenty five thousand dollars I'll speak to himself about it [Music] finally convinced her I no longer wanted to be a partner in the restaurant but I kept getting indications that I was still involved [Music] Adam and Annie getting married Adam and Addie yeah where's that Swede oh he went prospecting Prospect and where I don't know I think he said Africa Africa's thing gone it hasn't gone anywhere but it's about to Adam don't you hurt any feelings it wasn't her feelings I was thinking about hurting you Annie what's this about a wedding How can there be a wedding when I don't even know where the Swede went oh sweet Adam he's still mad at me for what I done said he never wanted to see me again and me loving him all these years selling his claim for him and getting all this money for him too just you wait and see okay honey where did you get all this trapdoor Gregory I sold out to him for this and the best funeral for himself that money can buy there must be twenty thousand dollars here 25 this is the first down payment you see I get five percent of the gross take of the mine for the rest of my natural life oh I tried hard to learn business from you Adam I hope I done good five percent of the gross Anna you've done real good I've done it for Swede oh you did it that I did but it's no more than fair it's what he should have had in the first place oh Adam I was going to move himself unto the other claim the Sweden me was going to get married I was going to build a fine mansion and live like a real lady and now the suite has gone off and left me oh don't you worry Annie I'll take care of everything for all time's sake do you really think you could oh you're a darling man it took a bit of doing but we did it and it was quite a day Kevin himself O'Toole had a funeral but Comstock would remember for a long time that come [Music] and to make it stick in everyone's mind it was the day Virginia City got its first fire engine what really made it such a grand day was the fact that trapdoor Gregory Spain paid for every bit of it would you turn him around so he can see the new saloons then he'll know he's not in a heathen land S no not again Gregory Spain's Lundberg number one became a famous mine but it wasn't one temp as rich as the one on the swedes other claim which turned into one of the most fabulous strikes of the whole Comstock load the Swede [Music] now he hadn't gone to Africa at all it meant roysting every Saloon on the Barbary Coast but we finally found him and even dried him out and after paying their respects to himself and his ever-loving Monument the lucky stiff mine Mr and Mrs Lundberg embarked on a trip to Europe soak up culture and Achieve Annie's dream of really becoming a lady and when they came back Annie and the Swede built themselves a great mansion on the road between Virginia City and Reno and I wouldn't be surprised if that Mansion would still be there a hundred years from today [Music] foreign [Music] thank you what's this for because I love you and because this is my engagement party I remember you promised no talking about mine business tonight promise I promise [Music] foreign [Music] it wasn't too hard to do well I told him if he didn't come to this party I'd refuse to be best man and marry myself I didn't want to take that chance forget about being a superintendent for one night Gil the mind will run all right without you I sent the night shift back to work on the third level you what I told you we couldn't work the third level without new timbering bad you promised no mind talk [Music] s [Music] cave in third level the whole shift is tracked all right everybody stand back give us room my boy where's my boy it's all right Mary I'll find him the Holloway you promised this new safety timbering I'm doing all I can come on dear you ought to go home you said that third level wasn't safe but you sent the ship down anyway you said yourself it wasn't safe get out of the way to jealous you to be one of us now you're marrying Holloway's daughter Gail's doing everything he can for gallus when like always when it's too late my kid brother's down there you'll get out of my way God right [Music] all right it's coming up now give us room for two of them move on back all right [Music] East slope third level every Timber seemed to buckle at once as they set off a blast above us same as last week every time it's the same thing go down the way you're not going down there are you if I'd stayed down there where I belong this might not have happened I don't know what Regala said get under your hide if my kid brother was trapped down there I'd think of something wished to say than for Gala said [Music] Adam you don't have to come down with me it's my Timber you're using isn't it all right Bud Let It Go [Music] how do they stand a time after time it's like living on top of a powder cake waiting for that disaster whistle of love it's part of mine healing entered on the report make sure each of the waiters gets a usual box of groceries box of groceries in exchange for a dead hospice company policy that's a terrible thing I'm sorry this had to happen tonight [Music] foreign this is ridiculous it's two o'clock in the morning let's go home and get some sleep Daddy those women won't sleep tonight they each have a man down there and so do I [Music] Oh Billy you're all right I'm all right you want to tell them tell them what that there's nobody else coming up out of there not tonight not ever [Music] let's go [Music] how soon can you give me a report be on your desk cold black figures against a white piece of paper five dead two dying five missing 14 injured but no slow up in production Mr Holloway does that make you happy stop it girl I'm sick of it you shouldn't have gone down there no that's right I should have stayed at the party I'm a superintendent now only men I used to work with on human beings anymore aren't you being a little bit melodramatic am I you should have been down there with us that was melodramatic too I've had my share of Mind disasters but you don't have to face those men every day or those women I do it's not my job to manage the men you know good job so Heavens you've got the guts to stand up to them and order them into a mine that isn't safe enough for a rat the old fair is safe as any man on the Comstock that's saying a lot isn't it what were you doing down there I was checking the timbering I've got a man hired to do that I know Philip didasymer I was hoping to talk with him I run the old fear of mine Adam you sell me timber for that man it's worked out very well for both of us suppose we keep it that way [Music] would you like a brandy you must be tired honey come over here sit down close to me a minute I want to talk to you about Gail I'm as fond of girl as you are if I didn't think it'd make you a good husband I'd have fired him instead of promoting him Gil's a superintendent now he doesn't have to go underground anymore Daddy those men are his friends you can't expect him to forget that I had to forget it's a lesson I had to learn stay on your own level that's my job and I have to do it don't you think I have bosses my bosses have no faces No Hearts no souls but they've got a stock certificate if I get soft or sentimental they use it as a club to beat my brains out I've fought a long time to get what I've got and I'll fight to keep it I believe Gil was thinking about preventing another accident not about your stockholders honey believe me it gets pretty lonely up here on this level the higher man stands the father you can see I have to do what I think is best for the most people try to understand that I am trying to unders [Music] oh good morning how'd you get into town so early I ain't come out of bed that's why coffee no thanks good you still think it'd be worthwhile for me to talk to dedesheimer future father-in-law doesn't seem to think so but I still do that's why Holloway likes you you stand up to him we'll pay for this I don't know I have too sleepy to try and figure it out I can't figure out who's going to pay for it on an empty stomach that'll bring me another steak because I talk to you what is it your guys well last night my kid brother was down to mine I should have known he'd be all right when I said things I should all right regardless I understand but I I wouldn't want to lose my job anything like that you know you won't not over this thanks you same old Gail you ain't changed and and listen all this talk about uh shutting down the mind uh safety tests and all that uh don't you do a deal as long as there's a hole in the ground and the boss will go down into it wouldn't want to lose no days paying somebody's afraid of getting a rock on top of the head and Mr Cartwright I don't blame you for poking me in The Whispers the next time don't do it so hard have you seen Philip Didi Simon Dutchman I don't understand that one he's the only man I ever knew who can look a horse trade through you without even seeing it well has he been around that hole since 10 minutes after you left last night either he comes out for air pretty soon or he's going to find nobody here to work this hoist when he rings that Bell will you stay around for a little while take care of this for me Casey get out I feel I've been looking all over for you not now dear Adam and I want to go down below and look around for a minute if it were another woman I could face it but I have a silver mine for a romantic rival hey thank you please be careful if anything happened to you off you go all right love Let It Go [Music] the sound timbering you but it just isn't home [Music] Philip Philip didisheimer it is not usually at all but here in this master such great variants of temperatures it's a constant shrinking and expanding of the Earth itself when I took my pick and losing this hanging wall behind the upright Zone cave this in deliberately you might have been killed man so the important thing is five men very cute last night you secure this an unusual side pressure against these uplines and without Tower braces to prevent side motion oh Philip this is Adam Cartwright Adam Phillip diet and you better take some time off get some rest have something to eat the widows of those men they have no appetite this morning Gail neither have I you mentioned power bracing Mr Cartwright you perhaps bought in construction no well I Supply the timber for the mines my father and I my brothers we have a ranch and what a ranch filler the Ponderosa a thousand square miles of it and when will you see the house Adam designed and built it to last a hundred years oh you must see it yeah yeah there's so many things in your beautiful country that I must see but how can I look at beautiful men are dying given time it's one of the factors there is no problem in engineering that cannot be solved Mr Data Simon gills told me a great deal about you and well I don't mean to be presumptuous but if you'd care to have me go over your stress calculations with you well what I mean is that if you'd like to use me as a sounding board I've kept up with my mathematics it would mean a great deal to me to have someone to talk with someone who understood the engineering problem well I'd be honest Mr Data Simon well then you call me Philip huh so we do not waste time [Music] [Music] come in here with your picks boys foreign are you all right yeah where's Gill he was right behind us can you see him no kill can you hear me oh what do we do now wait just as thousands before us have waited and we think of many things that is the final refuge for men when he's completely alone he can think get out of the way by the way my brother's down there I just heard about him this Lane don't worry I'm Gil's gonna be all right now please don't do that man everything's gonna be all right sorry Mr Cartwright I have orders to let no Outsiders go down well your order's just changed Let It Go Bo wait a minute boys wait a minute hunts it then that boys with his shovels get the loose stuff out what are you thinking about now I was thinking perhaps after today if they will not let the Mind fall on our heads again it's a simple way all we have to do is never again go into a mine so many people make that decision in life so very many Sports you may as well give up they don't answer the signal get back to that wall of rock but we're too late they don't answer anymore give her that show good okay bud okay that's good foreign about time you got here kills back there somewhere Adam hey ain't nothing back there but 500 done Rock [Music] all right let him down all right we'll see if you can make it got him horse yeah easy easy he might have a broken bone here's what I bought let's get it take him out here we are no you're right yeah kill where's Gail Miss Elena I wanna talk to you he's always the first one down in the lack of looking around that's what it is isn't it I don't let me take you home nothing would happen to him he promised me oh that's telling me nothing's happened I can't make it no he's I've got to see him don't you understand I've got to see him I've got to see him [Music] thank you [Music] where's Gill he's still down there well go get him Adam I want to talk to him what I'm trying to tell you is what he means is Gail is dead daddy what that's the word he was looking for dead but it's a dirty word and no one wants to say it not here in this house not on this level the stockhold is my ear s is it word for men who work down in the ground not for people like us we we can't talk about a man who's married under 50 tons of rock but he's the engine's the same Oh Daddy I'll give it a Saturday you come along you too dead hell I have to hire a new superintendent call away if that's the first thing you thought about I feel real sorry for you I guess that should about do it thanks Doug Mr Adidas hammer I told you to get some rest now you're pushing yourself much too far with you rest doctor if there were a plague of which and that somewhere in that little black bag of yours that was appeal you and you could cure it would you rest until you had found that bill well my head is like your little black bag somewhere inside it is a pill of information long forgotten a solution to these Mayan disasters I have to find that peel doctor you better slow down or I won't be responsible every man is responsible to himself doctor does your head feel good enough to use let's get to work now thank you I've been thinking are you an engineer well no but then I'm not in the least interested in what you've been thinking please go now wait a minute this is my home at the moment it is my office and I want no interruptions please so we have why aren't you at work Mr Holloway I refuse to send those men back down you refuse I believe the same as Gill closed down a few days get a chance to make some proper tests and experiments Casey you're fired what I said you're fired sugarless can you handle Casey's job it's Holloway I never did want to see you shut down like I said to you last time I talked to him I can get that shift back to work see that you do another thing I do Mr Holloway I'd order that Dutchman to stay away from the men he waste an awful lot of time I tell him to take care of his own work leave our boys alone you're in charge go tell him he's right upstairs that is the problem Adam and it is increasing every day the veins of silver provider the deeper they go I know and the you bracing that we use in a narrow stop becomes worthless in a 65-foot wide gallery and it's not going into overhead pressure and there's a constant side pressures we'll talk to you Dutchman vertical bracing and cap pieces certainly but it would be standing so thick that a man couldn't get through I'm in charge now we are very busy and even the tower bracing you suggested listen to me when I'm talking to you you're gonna take orders just like the rest of the man how are you going to get 65 foot Timbers down a mine shaft and I want you to stay away from the man hear me they're down there to work not to visit with you and another thing judgment thank you I believe in a little formality not available [Music] [Music] I know you're sorry that's not exactly what I was gonna say man [Music] I hope you mean well and they say that they're sorry it's like my mama was still alive [Music] remember I used to a finger and she'd kiss it tell me the pain was all gone it wasn't really it's just now when I try to remember the pain [Music] all I remember is my mama kiss right away so I smile briefly and lift my head and there never was a kill fatten in my butt no sometimes I forget the pain but you can't ever forget to love never it's gonna always be a guild fitment in your life [Music] I remember I was in love once with a girl how much you love is a man can be I reckon I guess that sounds a little funny come me to it oh no it doesn't hurt I know that my poor Adam little job sorry that just wasn't enough not right then it wasn't what did you do [Music] I talked to God he told me I just gonna have to keep on living [Music] may I have the mission to enter your mind Mr tagalis all right go ahead Adam told me to find you and tell you that that number six had shifted and that the tower braces were 10 degrees out of Plum whatever that means it's main sourced if we now know one more thing that will not work it means also that we must still find that one thing that will work well he told me I'll talk you into getting some rest too well he may have said it but he didn't mean for me to do it but it would be good so good stretch out for a while close my eyes against the Sun and feel the life of the earth beneath me but I would feel only the death horse only to death you feel all right Mr Diva sermon all right that is a relative question no I only know that my head is so full of vertical braces and cross braces and cut pieces and stalls and Timbers that my brain is like a beast form of unrelated facts passing and churning and working within a hive a honeycomb a honeycomb sir I have it as I have it it's what go get me some one-inch boards soft pile that I can cut with a jackknife go go bring them to my room I go get Adam [Music] why did I not see this Adam each surface bearing on the other the ratio of strength of each side of a honeycomb to the combined weight of the honey gently now gently come thank you no I wasn't a blaze a solution Mr Holloway the solution to every caving and slippage problem in the Comstock mines course please clean place on the table [Applause] thank you Miss Lee look here what Mr dedes hammer and Adam built show them how it works Miss Divas hammer do you mean that's a system of Mind bracing it's the most perfect system I've ever seen in my whole life are you such an expert no but Mr datashimer is Philip why don't you explain the principle you see Mr I get to see the principle the square open-sided Tower bracing box bearing equal pressure from all angles and I suppose as the stop is dug wider you propose to add another box you can add them above too and you can build a floor in it very interesting gentleman and very expensive we can't use it dad aren't you even going to consider it but look at it honey it's a child's toy a play thing I mean practical Dreamer [Music] thank you [Music] you didn't even give them a chance a chance to what play with toys well I've got a mind to run you think I'm gonna rip out the timbering I've gotten that man to try some crazy new idea the timbering system you have is no good we've been operating successfully with it for a long time now can't you understand I've got stockholders to think about oh yes I understand you and your faceless stockholders well I have somebody to think about too only he had a face and a body and arms to hold me with and he's buried under 50 tons of rock and you'll blame them wait a minute where are you going where are the rest of the mine widows go if you don't listen to me I'm through listening to you father and don't forget to send me my box of groceries all right we've been looking for you all right I've been looking for myself Adam there's new models coming along great I have created a good thing but that is all it is a thing a handful of smoke what good is it to write a book if nobody reads it or to compose a song If nobody ever sings it or to invent a new way of timbering a mine if it is not used don't you worry it'll be used all right but when when when another hundred men have died needlessly well it's such a radical departure from anything we've done before just take time to sell it to anyone Only The Dead have time to wait Adam and we are concerned with the living well your fear isn't the only Mind Of The Comstock as the Yellow Jacket golden Curry and the Mexican we know the honors we sold Timber to all of them all we have to do is sell one of them the idea look I am not a fishmonger Adam Hawking a product on the streets well then you let me worry about that end of it you just finished this new model looks pretty elaborate that's quite simple really series of cribs each surface bearing on the other now that takes care of your side motion which has been one of your big problems now also you see with the wide bands that you're starting to hit you can Timber as you stop in merely by adding another crib now the same hole is true with working up above or down below which is an impossibility with your present timbering now here you could have an or shoot a running diagonally right up here through the sets any idea of the cost well it really hasn't gone into it I think Mr Adidas Heimer was more concerned with safety rather than cost yeah I heard that he was pretty much of a dreamer well thanks for showing it to us Adam hey did you even gonna let him finish telling you about it all I've seen enough to recognize the fact that the cost would be prohibited I'm afraid you'll have to figure out some other way of selling Timber Adam you mean to tell me you think that's all Adam and Mr dessimer been doing day and night is figuring out another way to sell Timber stay out of that horse I won't stay out of it I don't like what this Woodpecker's saying to you oh really now we don't have to pretend with each other we're in the mining business to make money and you should be able to understand that no Cartwright ever made a move unless there was a dollar in it for him someplace Mister you're the biggest flannel mouth liar in The Comstock do you know who I am I sure do and you do too because I just got through telling you my brother isn't the world's finest Diplomat but he's managed to express my own feelings pretty accurately wow it might work sure but the system we're using now can be put in for one tenth the cost why did Holloway ever hire that Dutchman in the first place all out on Cell Holloway short he hires the safety engineer in the Crusaders leave him alone I know but now he's come up with this fantastic you don't find Holloway using it do you well anybody else we can talk through that uh that's about all of them besides I'm tired of talking you ain't going to give up on you I said I'm tired of talking what are we going to do what do the card rights always do when it comes right down to it we'll do it ourselves I mean we're going to make a big one of these things and stick it down a little Holloway's mind without even telling them about it well I tell him he'll know it's there when he sees it tomorrow I said tomorrow Adam I heard you and Mr David Simon talking and them Timbers are big they got to be milled and cut how are you going to do all that by tomorrow well now we're on a sawmill don't we we'll just give this job to our younger brother and tell them it's impossible to do yeah that ought to do it we'll get started first thing in the morning that's what all Adam said and we will do you wait and see when my Paul and Adam and my younger brother Little Joe put their head to something it gets done you're very proud of your family aren't your horse yes sir I sure will all right it's a fine thing to have a strong family yes sir Paul's always kept us Mighty close together you see we just half Brothers yes sir my Paul's had a terrible lot of tragedy in his life tragedy yeah but this has made of him a finer man and it's helped to allow you all closer together it's a family no yes sir a regular ass the girl Elaine we must try to make her see this boss right now she sees only her own loss but nothing is lost ever and nothing is ever destroyed the miners who were killed because of improper timbering in these mines they have found a new method of timbering horse I did not do it they did I am only to instruments that carried out the plan no more than that Studio summer [Music] folks going to remember you for an awful long time miscellane sit down moves all the way please [Music] what's the matter I've been walking around looking into the faces of women who've lost their husbands in the minds I've been searching their eyes wondering if they know my father is a murderer well you should not talk like that not about your own poor no maybe he ain't done all he could do but at least he's tried he hired Mr Dieter Simon but he hasn't let him do anything and he won't well it don't really make no difference if you don't because we're going to do it anyhow what do you mean Paul Adam and little Joe were up there in the Hills right now at The Sawmill middle in the timber we're going to put down that mine so Mr did assignment here can make the test he wants to make well I I reckon Adam sort of forgot to tell him oh do you really think that my father and the other mine owners would let you do this man we ain't going to charge him for it besides how are they going to stop us stop you Haas don't you understand they can hire 50 men with clubs to stop you if they want to what they want to do a thing like that for I'm afraid this does go much further than a test installation horse once it's in there and the men see it they won't be satisfied with any other system of timbering to do this summer do you want that Timber down there in that mine yeah very much yours but we're going to put it down there for you and if any of them fellas try to stop us I think that'll be my business [Music] [Music] I really think they'd do it I reckon you must know him better than I do [Music] I don't see my father with him [Music] foreign there's a rumor around that you plan to do some special timbering in Mr Holloway's mind well this is one time that a rumor is correct you cartwrights don't own this mine you've got no business here well you don't own this mine either Mister why don't you let Mr Holloway tell me we haven't been able to find Mr Holloway but his interests are ours and we're here to see that they're protected check him out there [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right quickness up I'm still inside here Andrew we couldn't find you we came here to protect your interests I can take care of my own interest and that's just what I've been doing but they were planning to build some of those monkey cages down in your mind I'm aware what they're planning to do I'm helping them to do it why Andrew have you lost your senses no I haven't lost my senses I've just found them how long since any of you have been down in one of your minds well maybe you should gentlemen I just did and I don't like what I saw I don't know if Mr Adidas heimer's system of Tim ring will work or not but he's going to get a chance to try it [Music] [Applause] Adam one of the boys one load that Lumber right where you want it if you need me you will just holler [Music] all right this is fine you go now thank you satisfied Philip I could still have an impractical Man stream I don't invention is never completed until it is put to the test of serving the purpose for which it was designed are you away from me up above huh I would like to stay here and look at this weather oh no you don't what's the matter I found your bag for the powder you didn't do a good job of hiding it it's too dangerous Adam I'm game if you are I don't want any more men killed neither do I but I would like to be with you sort of a promise I made a gill I like you we'll see this thing do it together this is good now for the final test foreign from now on not in my mind you won't this is it good luck Phillip [Music] Mr holiday you should not be here it's still my man and he's a gentlemen a little hard to convince you don't understand we're making a test don't test it too hard or your monkey cage will fall down on your head I hope not gentlemen I believe not but we will soon know we've set a blast to test it I can imagine you are being down here with a blast about to go off your Workman do it every day don't they oh yes but with your present system of timbering but you're standing at the summer Vietnam gentlemen you may stay here you'll feel safer I prefer to stay over here are you fool we'll all be killed why is the old temperinger is riding behind you go ahead stay under it in a hurry foreign [Music] [Music] very impressive but I still won't hold still for it and why not isn't it pretty obvious this man undoubtedly has a patent on his timbering system and plans to Rob Us blind collecting royalties I'm afraid I am not so wise as you I do not know that dollar and Sanford have a human life I only know it is very dear I have no patent no desire to charge royalty if my invention saves human lives she only that is payment enough for any money wait a minute ladies and gentlemen we've just made a practical test of the new Adidas Heimer system of timbering any of these gentlemen here can attest to the fact that it was a complete success I'm closing the old fear till it's completely re-tempered with the ditus hammer Square sets every man will be paid his regular wages while the work goes on here's the man who's put an end to all the mine cave-ins on The Comstock Mr Philip dedesheimer every minor will have to put in square sets now you watch this whole town will be sitting on one big honeycomb [Music] listen I'm hungry did you starve on the Conte horse right now I feel I feel very full that's to do the samurai I told you once that folks is going to remember you for a awful long time and they would too if they could remember your name but it's sodang blasted hard to pronounce I don't worry about that horse names are never very important anyway it's easier to pronounce the Dutchman come on let's get some supper [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Classic movie cellar
Views: 114,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: westernseries, grjngo, western, American Western, Cartwright, Lorne Greene, Dan Blocker, Michael Landon, Pernell Roberts, Bonanza, Bonanza Full, Bonanza Full Episodes, Classic, western series tv, old western series, western movies, classic western movies, wild west, full episodes movies, youtube series, bonanza, best western, bonanza series, series youtube western, cowboy, cowboy series, tv series, classic west, tv western, cult western, westerns, Bonanza full episode
Id: EED5vvHYZv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 38sec (11738 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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