Bonanza - The Avenger || Free Western Series || Cowboys || Full Length || English

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you're gonna put the horses away Harry rag take a look around town ain't nothing going on I want to know about it well now ain't that a beautiful sight huh thank you [Music] [Music] Sally are you satisfied now Sally [Music] howdy Mr Baxter I've been looking for you for petition yeah not many names I'll get more I got it hold it Taylor this one's tight enough Ray Jones the old man's a 200 pounder yeah a little three feet is good yeah all right yeah Boys Light air and wiry you need about four and a half feet which is exactly about what we got yeah I never did like these night hangings ain't like in the morning when it's cheerful well I guess don't matter none to Ben and Adam Cartwright [Music] two hours to go [Music] foreign [Applause] okay go ahead Joe hyper pause we found him Paul dead how'd he die we found him about 100 miles north of here looked like you'd fallen off the cliff that was thrown off dose Martin yes sir we left his body with the sheriff of its Spotswood now there are only two witnesses to that killing one of them's dead already Sheriff you know my Pawn brother are innocent those gave me a full statement and then he left town before the trial didn't much matter Sally Burns saw it too and you believe her the jury did Joe I'm sorry Joe hence is doing a hard job the best way he can now time's getting short but we may still come out of this right side up what do you want to do now Paul three things first off Dr Sally Burns again the second help Ed Baxter he's putting out a special edition of the newspaper it'll make people think a little bit and I'd like you to think of the third thing which may be our best chance Bonnie Hawkins taking a petition around town the governor of Grant a stay of execution if we can wire him the names of 50 citizens asking that a case be reconsidered on Hawkins men are in town so stay clear of them we won't fool Hawkins boys we better get to give them let's see your horses first I heard you coming into town fast after a long ride a good Rancher looks to his horses first thank you [Music] of course now on the other hand you hang them too high and whoosh you know it sounds like a graveyard what's the matter with everybody I just don't know well mostly people come from miles around to watch the neck stretching they're bringing lunch and make a day of it there's some folks around here kind of fond of the cartwrights who wishes there wouldn't be any hanging it'll make Hawkins the biggest Ranch in the territory you like our boss don't you sure sure just like to see anybody hang sounds to me like you ain't got no respect for the law I'll just have to drag you out to watch it that's an impossible audience enough hey you know Ben Carter I've been reading a good book you don't suppose he's praying one of them miracles do you shaps give her take a look around town [Music] foreign [Music] take care of your horse yeah it's been six quarts of grain and all the hey and what he wants yes sir where are you from Alaska hey and listen to that town in Kansas at them Raiders looted and burned they're hanging then I'm coming coming real soon you uh here to watch oh I uh I'm looking for someone I don't hardly see uh nobody packing a gun in the britches I'll take care of your horse yeah sure has a lot of higher guns in time easy I'll get out of the way sure kid just watch what you're calling kid just take it easy Joe you're gonna have to watch that temper boy now Hawkins better keep his man out of my way foreign have coffee and stew foreign town Cartwright Style not everyone that calendar there says someone's been counting the days Sally ma'am we'd like to talk to you for a minute if we could see you're the only one left in town now that can save our Paul and Adam in Little Joe found Deuce Martin dead you're the only witness against them now I told you what I do what I try is that like you've lied no need for that you were hurting the lady I didn't mean to hurt you Sally I'm sorry I just wanted you to tell the truth that's all we're not doing any good here let's go see Bonnie Ogden ma'am are you sure that that nothing had caused you to change your mind I'm not gonna lie for you thank you are you inside Hawkins the only man I've seen stand up to the cartwrights coffee and Stewart on the house who was killed my father Ben Cartwright come here one night with us son Adam they were boiling mad and claimed part of them by Maverick stolen off their Ponderosa they went out back with Partners hot hand do smart and we're cutting wood I could hear them arguing and then there was a shooting well if you knew what it was like to have someone killed in such a crazy way like that I don't know I know very well [Music] [Music] Sheriff Hanson sent me give me a nickel if I'd bring some stew for supper for his prisoners all right Jimmy thank you no trigger yeah that's right looks kind of old where am I I probably used it for a long time but it's yours now there's a town of lasted in Kansas mean anything to you how do you mean well have you heard of anybody around here being connected with the town in any way no no well who would be the biggest Ranch around here Ben Cartwright I thought everyone knew that okay no I didn't know that is he a is he a tall fella he's big why well he may be a fella I'm looking for well don't you know by the name oh I know when I see his face [Music] um hey shops dealer Fred says for everybody to come in and have a drink nothing to worry about everything's under control I'll be handling the final details I'll do what I can to be helpful that's very kind of you just how can you help us your throat should be clean shaved as possible the hemp is new and stiff it sometimes pulls short whiskers that can be painful also your boot should fit snug otherwise I may fly off all we can do without your help I believe you mean well friend but we thank you I understand [Music] what do you want see the older cut right what for the personal matter sorry but you can't go ahead so should I be saved from my enemy what is it I thought I might know you and I don't you seem disappointed I am you thought the hangman was doing your favor yeah this manual he thought I might be you hate him very much yep sorry I troubled you who is it me oh awesome Charlie Burns Ain't Gonna Change what she had to say what about the petition Barney Ogden's probably down in the miners Flats Little Joe's down there to fetch him now well that's good they ought to get lots of names down there yeah and we're going to need them too everybody in Town's holed up in their house Hawkins yeah they want to stay on his good side and Casey takes over the territory nobody's taken over while I'm sure Hanson you're new in office here they get rid of paw Hawkins will start chopping away at the Ponderosa until he's more powerful than he is now and if you stay honest you'll just have one problem you'll be dead better get on with your talking time's running out nice I want you to work on the petition and the newspaper but no more than that what do you mean no more than that Paul Adam and I agree do everything you can inside the law but that's all if you draw the Prius by force you know Hawkins mental Slaughter you besides to be coming up against these lawmen and we should let our friends that's no good but I don't have to worry nothing ball we us I want you to promise me no violence yes sir and try the telegraph office maybe Joe missed Bonnie maybe he's already got the names and send them to the governor yeah yeah I'll check is it caught right yeah I had reason to think that the man I wanted was around here you thought I was him yes but there were never two more different men in the whole world than you and my man and um I'm sorry that I bothered you don't worry yourself I hope only about an hour to go Hawkins better get here soon yeah you sure be sure if he misses it he won't miss it thank you looking for something very well whiskey please you're a stranger been going around ain't you know Fred he packs his gun and his britches you reckon he'd bust a finger taking it out oh Hawkins don't want no trouble Bert not enough for the hanging sure I know I just wondered about this little fella here you know it could be he's a friend of the cartwrights are you mister yeah long standing 10 maybe 15 minutes be a short left friendship all right so we're backing up Law and Order and justice seen a dream no slip-ups in that hanging now you forget that for just one minute and I'm gonna personally Turn You Inside Out you hear good you're too scared to talk go outside and cool down bird yeah car ride's got any friends around here not many watch it kid sorry Mister what do you got there dude I gotta take you to the gym hey Hoagie hey ho come here yeah this kid's taking stew to the jail it must be the Cartwright's Last Supper hey what do you think we ought to do with it though well let's just flavor it up a little bit oh let's just do a wrap right okay come here get up that's enough get him inside move on in we'll take care of you later after the hanging [Music] I'll go get more it don't matter you just finish what you started so whose side are you holding you well I talked to your pod I'm just beginning a wonder about this hanging how come well it just seems to me that the wrong kind of people are in jail around here what's for sure that my Paul and my brother didn't kill Mr Burns yeah well a lot of people around here think they're dead couldn't have happened couldn't have happened the way Sally said it did to Burns was shot from out of the dark by Paul and Adam shot back trying to save him you mean that uh salad Burns lied no I don't like Miss Sally lied dark that night I I think she just didn't see it right what about the Felon that saw it Deuce Martin he ain't no good could have been scared out of it or bought off or anything I hope you get that petition signed we will we got a special edition of the paper coming out and that's going to help that's good still talking about that petition something about the newspaper better cover ourselves thank you here with Hawking yeah who is he with then you fellas if you don't mind look Barney ain't down at the flats he hasn't been there he didn't even go down there no we gotta hurry up and find him and get that petition we haven't got much time left yeah let's try this house come on right if nothing else works you fellas planning on a small Revolution yep well hold off as long as you can what do you think he's got in mind I don't know but if it's a revolution I got a sneaking hunch head fellow to be worth a regiment well we don't get the petition we're gonna need a regimen come on the Hawkins comes to town he'll settle with his man for me if it's possible for one too as a rule you can usually tell a man by the men around him [Music] better pull them down Bert [Applause] Hawkins won't like folks reading words like that I can't prove the cartridge didn't murder Burns but the Lord willing I can help stop the hanging sure wish we could change your mind [Music] worried lucky got down here might get a whole town thinking the wrong way anybody ever get their arm caught in one of these things red right looks like these uh melting down some type I told you I'm busy sure is hot I knew a fellow once it got his face pushed in some bowling lead she wasn't pretty safe lost all the shades at Anna Barney's house let's try it in here yeah that's funny middle of the day of the shade stop for sure [Applause] try again [Applause] hey buddy what what are you doing sitting here in the dark all right horse I'm sorry where's the petition don't make him feel any worse than he already does he was trying Hoss if you knew what they said they'd do to him so he quit so he quit and he came back to hide in this house a house you wouldn't have Barney if it hadn't been for my father how many names did you get on it Bonnie five the sheriff and deputy the hangman and his helper Mr Baxter what about your own what about your own Barney they made me scratch it off you you don't know what they said they do to my daughter where's the petition Barney on Little Joe and me will get signed look we haven't got time for that now oh we can try it's here I like the lamb don't bother Bonnie I think I can see you better in the dark than ever did in the daylight anyhow [Music] thank you Jason already asked me and you wouldn't sign it nope Max we done tried six houses on this block and nobody had signed it all we need is just a few names to get the bail foreign I ain't scared it's just that look I don't want no part of it one way or another so I'll leave me beat look Max simply all right let's get the gun come on well now the way I look at it there was tried fair and square and I need one to go again a judge and jury now Zeke you know they're not guilty well now I'm sorry but I don't know no such thing come on Joe they're still with us thanks a lot Zeke Gil you've always been one of our best friends it ain't fair you bringing this in here besides one more they won't do no good look we said we protect you I know you mean that and maybe you would every day of the year but one foreign my name's Ulysses S Graham I wouldn't have followed you blessing thanks so you headed there it's about time for Mr Baxter's paper to be out a little Joe let's go over and see what's keeping him forget it there's no time for that paper now if it comes to shooting we'll do just like you said we will hold off till the last let's go [Music] Mr Baxter [Music] I ain't played what's wrong with him he's been scared half to death it's time to get them guns y'all come on [Music] thank you it's the boss [Music] 20 minutes to go he sure is spare with his time [Music] anything happen I should know oh nothing much they gave up on the petition they didn't try anything else well Baxter was putting out a newspaper to help him but we stopped him huh huh a little hot lid good he won't forget that's all yeah what happened to your hand bird I was a stranger nothing to worry about you better be right yes sir put my horse up and build a fire out there by The Gallows we'll be able to see better yay Hoagie come on [Music] thank you [Music] Little Joe horse feedback to Jackson I don't need to do this you make one sound I'm gonna do worse you hear let's go foreign I got there too late they told me well things being equal you've got that as soon as you could yeah but I wanted to do something good for Mr Carr right now and I didn't even get them their last meal on time they're tying their hands up supposed to hang them I thought it was a plain business deal Sheriff gave you a nickel for the job I don't care about the nickel I wanted to do something for Mr Cartwright before they kill him I know it's hard Jimmy that's the way it's Gotta Be that murders they're not Mr Carl I gave me a Christmas horse what last year when Mom empowered like in a dive with a fever Mr Cartwright came over and gave me that pretty pie bone marrow mine said it was for Christmas and it was in the middle of the summer and I'll never get to pay him back oh look you paid Mr cut right back and he knows it and I know it and someday You're Gonna Know It yeah yeah come on everything's gonna be all right [Music] kid just like the cartwrights buy some little present and get a lifetime of loyalty for it as if they were Kings or something with the fire that building you'll get a good view of the hanging from here what makes you think I want a good view don't you [Music] why'd you mark the calendar towards this day look I want this to happen I don't want to see it happen it'll be over in a few minutes I've got things to do foreign from here Just Hear It hear it you're hanging sounds almost as bad as it looks trapped all bangs open and there's a loud thump it's probably a few fellas are watching will give a hoop or a holla is this the window you saw the killing from mm-hmm it's kind of Dusty why don't you leave me alone because you didn't see it Deuce Martin told you he saw the kill in a new thought the cart rats were guilty there they deserved hang look I've gone through enough I've lost my paw I know the cop rides are dying on my word alone now you just leave me be I thought you were a friend I am and I won't let you do this tell me what it'd be like lots of rich men they'd Go free after killing my paw I couldn't let that happen so you lied I didn't say that once just once I saw an innocent man hanged and I'm still looking for the men who did and I will be for a long time now the cartwrights didn't kill you apart I know that in some place someplace inside you you know that too it may be it's starting all right we better move not yet they're walking up the steps can you hear him [Music] you don't want to throw it over your head [Music] [Music] I thought it was worthy to be praised right I didn't see them I couldn't be sure [Music] of hands and I I lied I didn't see them do it stay out of this we met before mister who are you unless it Kansas remember and another hanging party remember remember [Music] that's enough shooting all right foreign we didn't wait till the last minute confounded Cartwright I owe you two dollars much obliged foreign I guess I'll never know who killed paw hanging innocent men I owe you a I want to thank you you'll have to thank me you do what you thought you had to do you mean it right [Music] there ain't no way to thank you for what you've done I'll tell you how we feel I know how you feel my paw was hanging wrongly why don't you why don't you stay here found a man you were looking for it thank you but the man who did that hanging there's more of them a lot more I'll be seeing you he's a Driven Man Paul I sure would hate to be him yeah somebody'd like to be even less any one of the men he's looking for [Music] foreign [Music] expected Ben Cartwright to meet us he's really rather strange isn't it hey we can't just stand out in the street like this of course I'll get someone to bring the baggage would you bring out the baggage please a bad little supplies I told you to still any of it I'll skin your lava here one two three four five six seven eight I thought there were ten oh yes I knew I was right you know you're quite right about Mr Cartwright you really should have been here to meet us Marion Marion is that your name yes why do you ask it's a woman's name ain't it I'm afraid you've made a slight mistake you see there's a difference in the spelling oh there is huh yes spelled properly it's been a man's name for 500 years in England that is well that's very nice this ain't England oh why don't we drop it all Jeff there's no reason for a scene we're not bothering you bothering you any idea what had happened to you if you ever even tried to bother me it's really very offensive please get rid of him Miriam and how's he going to do that huh oh do you have any ideas on that subject Mariam you trying to hit me in the face [Music] [Applause] I'll get you for this card right maybe Belgium but this isn't your day [Music] I'm sorry that had to happen by surprise I had no idea well don't judge all of us out here by that one Lord dunstwood I'm Adam Cartwright Adam Cartwright one of Ben's Sons my father couldn't make it he's waiting for us at the ranch sorry I was late may I present my wife lady Beatrice how do you do how do you do I can't tell you how much we've both been looking forward to this trip to America I have a carriage outside we'd better get started the boys are bringing stuff later [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] and I'm sure that Marion and I will never forget your wonderful hospitality yes and we have delighted we were finally able to visit you and so were we though I told Beatrice about that time we spent together years ago in Louisiana then remember that Cajun fellow um Trapper wasn't he 18n had the longest trap line in the territory of course it belonged to six other men he'd come roaring into town twice a year tear the place apart is that what you first met Paul yes my first trip to America always like to hear Paul get wound up he don't do it often most men love to reminisce I suppose it's part of being a man or a woman sorry to break this up awesome I have some cows we have to bring down early in the morning yes you do if you'll excuse us why of course I hope your stay will be a long one thank you Little Joe I agree with Little Joe man I mean they can often we get an opportunity to have a feeling like you visit us Philly oh that's horse's greatest compliment nightmare good night good night I get to see the New York papers now and again dunsford I was reading about your last African hunt I wish I could have been honored with you I'd be interested in seeing some of your guns I hope you brought them along as a matter of fact I did but I don't intend to do any hunting well we don't have any tigers or elephants out this way but I think we could wrestle up some game worthy of our guests don't you think so Adam well we might find a pretty good mountain lion or two mountain lion I wonder oh there he is interesting as tiger I really don't intend to do any hunting on this trip oh why not Marion these American lion might prove to be very exciting and after all you are supposed to be the finest shot in all England a few men are going to reminisce about your hunting exports I'm going to get a breath of air will you join me Adam if you like [Music] well that's what you really shouldn't look down on our American cougar they're awfully good hunting well I don't know very much about your American lion or cougar as you call them oh dangerous Mighty dangerous of their wounded and cornered another Brandy uh yes thanks stars are bright tonight are they so different from what your customers seeing in England no suppose I just imagine they're a little brighter why taking a strange Place everything seems kind of new my husband and I have traveled all over the world we've seen many strange places and many strange people and nothing is ever new or entirely different oh no I can't go along with that man don't call me that makes me feel old call me Beatrice all right I'll admit I like that much better but I can't agree with your premise that nothing changes can't you my husband never does well perhaps he shouldn't from what my father says he's very fond of him your father isn't married to my husband I am look what happened this morning my husband is always the perfect gentleman he allows even a rough year like that to take advantage of him Oh you mean that little set to with Belcher well we don't know what might have happened I just jumped in before the dust settle that's all I know my husband but it's a strange town your husband wasn't even carrying a gun he wouldn't have used it how do you know oh don't let's talk about it it's much much too beautiful tonight you know I think I'm going to like America more than I thought I would thank you for being so kind to me this morning thank you Adam I've uh I've just about convinced Lord dunstv that he uh do some shooting while he's our guest [Music] nice chap then Cartwright how do you like him yes he is rather nice quite Charming back quite a place it's Brenda I think they call it out here well it's large enough fine family fine boys we're really rather back where we were aren't we marry him did you have to start that business about the hunting and what a good shot I am well you are aren't you we're guests here and Ben's an old friend I hope I don't have to remind you to behave properly I always behave properly exactly properly and how do you describe the way you threw yourself a young Cartwright out there if I did throw myself at him as you say I did why didn't you do something about it [Music] Belgian mate isn't it that's right had it made specifically for big cats tigers and such well we have luck some of these mountain lions around here can run pretty big how many beaters do you think we'll need beaters now this is in Africa we don't use them just you and me in a camp Wrangler it's not a matter of how many men we take along but how few I don't understand well if we're to get within seeing distance of a cougar we'll have to travel Quiet Light and fast once you get The Knack of it I think you'll enjoy it so I'm sure I will surely I can see even farther oh I hope we're not interrupting you it's a pleasure how you doing my dear all the guns came through in excellent shape it sure has some beautiful weapons here I think I mentioned you before that my modest husband is considered one of the finest Hunters of his time you you flattered me my dear hardly when all England says as much we got in a little target practice this morning oh is he as good a shot as I said he is sure is I'm glad I wasn't betting against him have you decided where you're going hunting well some of the boys found some fresh signs up near Papoose Peak I think we'll try up there Papoose Peak that's rather quite name but where is it uh two days north of here we'll Camp one night on the way up when do you plan to leave tomorrow morning so this is light enough [Music] got everything yep Adam I can't see myself calling him Lord Lord dunsford clean sacrilegious I clean well that's not the way it's meant call them anything you like well seems to me if just plain Mr Cartwright's good enough for your paw then play Mr dunsford ought to be good enough for him I got a better idea don't call him anything just uh say Hey you well no Adam that that don't sound polite seeing this is a guest and all that I'll do some more thinking on it I'll see if his lordship is ready [Applause] [Music] thank you ah good morning good morning Adam you're up early I feel positively uncivilized getting up at this house it's practically the middle of the day for us that's quite a nice outfit you're wearing we don't usually see anything like that on the Ponderosa quite the court here aren't you well you're quite a lady lady dancer I thought I told you my name was Beatrice yeah so you did buy only three horses in well they're only three of us going your husband Whitey and myself but I'm coming with you this is another trip for a woman which why not I always accompany my husband on the hunt besides I've been in much more dangerous and much more Wilder places than this you can ask him I will Marion I've just been telling Adam that I had planned to come on the hunt with you is that the way you figured it downsford well I hadn't given it much thought one way or another I planned it that way if you've made up your mind my dear she's used to this sort of thing approach is your wife [Music] settle up another horse Whitey [Music] [Applause] [Music] howdy howdy I was uh just riding by this place ain't hardly built on a highway I can't see that it is but I can't say I know where it is you a stranger lost I guess you could say that I'm uh out of tobacco could you sell me a mate ain't got none to sell I can let you have a little to tide you over until you get in town well that's real neighborly I appreciate it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good job good job [Music] hey since you're killing me might as well see what the old Fool's got inside don't hold out anything on me [Music] [Music] hey man let me have that [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you foreign [Music] I'll start looking for signs you're tired I admit I am oh I know I was warned which is Papoose Peak that one over there rather ghostly isn't it I think I'll give Whitey a hand it toss me one of those cones will you [Applause] ever shot an elephant Adam no or a lion a African lion or a crocodile no they're uh there are too many of us neck of the woods but you have faced a Grizzly or a cougar sure I have why do you ask just wondering wondering about what how you'd be against an elephant how did Marion do very well he always does very well [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you so my Kavanaugh's grandson what's wrong with him I don't know looks worn out oh let's get some water [Applause] you're right boy can you hear me Grandpa's dead engines oh I ain't know Williams on a Warpath around here not regular ones you mean Belgium is Renegade yeah Adam saw Belcher picking up supplies in Virginia City day before yesterday oh if you if he went up by Kavanaugh's that means he swung up north there's a half a dozen isolated settlers up there Paul Adam and done spitting his wife too you only could try to tackle them do you if he's in a killer mood there's no telling what that Renegade might try I'll see you and little Joe you better ride up there in a hurry see how everything is just to make sure yes sir you have to get a boy [Applause] foreign [Music] top of the bluff wanna try a dream no I'd like our guests to get a running shot at him how are you going to do that well I'll get behind him as soon as he spots me he'll run from the lay of the land ten to one he'll run right straight towards you you found him Adam I think you'd like a shot at him yeah he's all yours he shouldn't be any trouble Miriam he's only a big cat yes ma'am but he may be plenty big where do you see him up close look lady you better get yourself back here now you look here uh Lord that cat's going to be running blind scared you get him before he runs over you because them their cats they don't give you two chances [Music] all right here he goes bye [Applause] go on fire [Music] fire fire fire [Music] [Music] sorry I didn't get a shot at him he'll never get a better chance I suppose you're wondering what happened oh let's forget about it Marion I'm sometimes talking about a thing uh helps I really should explain somehow I just can't force myself to pull the trigger to to fire then when the Beast gets close May Lord insists upon trying always trying Every Man's entitled to a mistake but it's happened before Africa and India I think we better get some sleep I'd like to talk with you Adam if you don't mind what I'm going to say is going to be difficult for a man like yourself to understand look dance but I've seen other men freeze on the trigger even when facing a deer but I'm not talking about other men if I'm talking about me I'm talking about what happened today but look why don't we just say it was a bad day can't you realize that it's much more than that Adam do you believe it's just a matter of Courage dance but why go into it Comes a Day in every man's life when he has to evaluate that word makes no difference whether he be Soldier or Sportsman are you saying it's a matter of degree no it isn't Reckless courage is the privilege of Youth as a man grows older he stops to ask himself which is more important himself or the Tiger and why do you go on unfortunately Adam I'm in love with my wife and she's still in love with the image of the man that she married that man passed out of existence five years ago [Music] foreign [Music] I don't even know why dear asleep it was cold I'll poke up the fire don't do that wake the others [Music] oh this is better you should be over there with your husband I watched you dispatch that cougar it was beautiful what you did you call that kind of killing beautiful you talk too much from the end of action you're um wasting your time lady dancer am I do rather I wasted with my husband your husband's a friend of my father's that means he's my friend too [Music] um you are an honorable man there are worse things to be you're trying very hard to hurt your husband to get even with him why can you blame me yes and I'm always the one you insisted on coming along on this hunt you knew what was going to happen if you had any feeling for the man you'd have stayed behind you're trying to force him to break to make him disgrace himself now why and you you uh don't know the meaning of fear I refuse to accept that I'm married is it that was it just the need to keep the image alive of what he once was or what you thought he was you're quite a bad [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] oh my God [Music] well if it ain't my old friend Marion so we meet again [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] how's your shoulder thanks for the bandage all right up ahead keep running keep separated foreign [Music] eat time you brought me some food don't like I want my food properly cooked and I want some salt on it [Applause] rather an unusual fellow isn't it it was a run again leaving scavengers or steal anything that isn't tied down don't suppose we have much chance against them Belgium these Indians are his are always just one step short of the Noose and a couple more killings isn't going to make any difference you'd only get a hands on some guns or guns belcher's got mine he's got yours too kind of cashed over in that cave doesn't even trust these Indians of his pretty confident of himself isn't he why shouldn't he be what's he got to worry about hey you with the red hat are you addressing me ain't nobody else around here fits that description you know how to cook not very well I'm afraid well now don't let that worry because you're going to get a chance to improve right now being as high or a civilized woman and I got me an educated taste get over here and you cook something for me oh now get moving come on now get up what's up [Applause] try this Mr Belcher just a little rare with a pinch of salt [Applause] what no complaints don't get sassy with me [Applause] [Music] he's dead Joe Bell's here [Applause] this must have happened last night I didn't build this fire up for breakfast maybe Adam the other's got away either that or Belcher took him with him if he'd have killed him he would have left him here the way he did with old Kavanaugh and Whitey here why would he want to take him with him I don't know how do you figure a man like Belcher let's have a look around see we can find Hey Joe come here foreign [Applause] yeah they took Adam sources with them all right from the looks of those tracks all the horses were ridden yeah maybe maybe Adam and the dumps were still alive after all huh well they were when they left here that's Barry White and go after him yeah we'll do that [Music] that animal Waze had you working all day is that you were his slave he has his own idea about how I should treat women perhaps you could try keeping out of his way don't do anything to attract his attention you think I don't have his attention already [Music] what are you planning on doing with us well now I I could kill you I won't be rid of you but I figured I found my little gold mine the only thing I ain't too sure yet about the best way to mine it forget it my father my brothers are probably on the trail right now and catch up with you Belcher that Blast Your Sky High but if they ever get too close to me you might find that you're just a piece of chromate and I mean all of you well no I don't know about us but I know how you're going to end up having a vulture on a sunny day [Applause] you know only my better nature keeps me from letting him kill you you would hit a man with a bad arm wouldn't you you're a filthy pig and now we hear from the grand lady listen Pig are no Pig this is my camp and while you're here you'll do is I tell you I'm just might kill you I'm not afraid of you Belcher and Anna well now there's a nice little pool cat you know if there's anything I like it's a woman with spunk take your hands off me sure there's no harm done is there you and me gonna get along fine willowy yeah we understand each other we know the difference between having guts and not having guts tell me how do you happen to marry something like him hmm anyway the reason I came over was to invite you a little tea party I'm holding Beatrice you're not going with him how would you decline his invitation [Laughter] sit down woman [Applause] you call give me the jerk yeah have a drink I don't think I should like it I didn't ask you to like it I just said drink it don't worry you'll get to like it tell me something you you got another name haven't you um Beatrice Beatrice I'm not so sure that I like it see I want to know a girl in St Louis by that name well I can't say that she could hold a candle to you you've had your I know Solomon for a long time now haven't you giving me gonna be great Pals you know that let's have another drink is there any way to reason when a man like that like that oh you heard what he said about finding himself a gold mine all he has to do now is figure out a way to make it pay off then you think it's money he's after that's one of the things that's on his mind oh how much do you think Belcher would want well depends upon how much he thinks your wife is worth it [Music] [Applause] stop it you're saving Indians [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right foreign I guess I'll talk to him now do you think this is a good time belch is a typical bully boy he's probably feeling pretty good since he's shown his boss [Applause] what is a social visit hardly this gold mine you uh figured a way to work it yet you got away maybe I have my uh friend dunsford here is willing to give you ten thousand dollars if you will uh let him and his wife go free well he doesn't have in his jeans I already searched him oh you'll get the money I'll guarantee it how can you possibly guarantee it turn them loose let him go back to the Ponderosa my father sent the money and I'll remain here's your hostage Adam Cartwright the man with all the answers Adam you never said anything about a hostage you figure to use me as coyote bait I'm not hankering to have Ben cartwriting his boys track after me I'll have to think about this well now you can very well turn it down I don't say that because I can do just that I can kill you and Marion there anytime I feel like it forget the whole business what about my wife talking about this poor little kitten here now Solomon might just consider taking her on as a Squall treat her pretty good too you don't really think you can get away with it why not what's the difference me and the Indians steal a horse my horse steal a gun it's my gun have I steal a woman she's my woman I've done it before well that's a very realistic way of looking at things realistic nothing is a way of a thief what business is it of yours Mr Cartwright but it is my business you're my wife and you'll stay my wife as long as I'm alive I want to prove that Mr husband about being alive you're gonna fight me for this knife foreign gets that knife uses it gets to keep the woman [Music] [Music] seems to disappear here yeah they backtracked and brushed him out that's what they've done we must be near belcher's camp for him to do that yeah I think we better leave the horses here it's you you started you [Applause] um enjoy a little party last night thank you very much yeah her husband and I felt sort of left up oh I was sorry Mr belsher wasn't in the mood for more guests well now I think being a guest of Mr belter is something I can do without look it's easy to criticize a man who is so completely different to yourself belcher's no glamorous romantic Highwayman I didn't say he was I know he's crude and he's rude but he did make you a fair offer last night and I didn't notice either you or Mary and rushing to take it up the knife is still where he left it by the cave it fascinates you doesn't it what do you want me to do I'm worried about your husband he may try to fight Belcher Marion there's little danger of that well there is unless you tell him not to he doesn't love me that isn't true he loves you very much and why doesn't he fight for me or you'd like to see him dead is that it he doesn't stand a chance against Belcher there's a chance he wouldn't take dear it's always fear he had his chance against the cougar why did he have to freeze like that could have killed it without any effort at all how do you know how much effort it takes for him to kill when belcher's the kind of man you deserve well whatever else he'd do he wouldn't walk away from a fight all right suppose Marion were to fight and got killed how would you feel then how do you think I feel now I don't hate Marion but well he's just not the man I married I want him to be a man for his own sake as well as for mine [Music] Belcher sure knows how to cover up his tracks yeah he learned the minions he runs with Joe you remember that time me and you and Paul up here hunting and found that cave that was uh so that next Ridge in the canyon yeah you know Reagan beltrick behold up in there do you that's worth a look nobody's sitting there like that doing nothing come on gather some wood come on you heard me come on [Applause] I expect you to be looking me up this morning about that knife well maybe you didn't think it was a fair offer what about my offer to you Oh you mean that money know what amount was that ten thousand dollars was that all she's worth to you huh fine looking woman like that it's more money than you've ever seen in your life yeah that's true but well I think she's worth a little more than that are you trying to bargain with me Belcher why wouldn't bargain with a fine learn English gentleman that's good then shall we call it an agreement no not just yet when you see it's not that I don't take the word of a fine English gentleman but we understand the business deal of man has to protect himself when if I left the item caught right here is a hostage well that'd be no protection for me all I had to do is bring the Ponderosa Riders down on my neck well that's your problem old man well no I think it's yours too how is it mine well now instead of leaving Adam here is a hostage I'll send him home keep your wife you must know I'd never leave my wife here with you well I understand you know because well speaking personal I find it hard to live without a woman so now that I have Beatrice well that makes two I can use them both so I figured since I'm getting your woman will I just give you one of mine that old Squad Tomah no that's fair ain't it you don't really expect me to answer that do you sure look if you don't take it I'm just gonna have to take her out back of that rock and bash your brains in while the sentimentality right oh well you know tell my she's a little jealous and if I move that new white scoring tonight you could get touchy I'm giving you a reasonable deal now been fed everybody when you think about it Adam what what should I do about Beatrice uh what do you want to do you think I should fight Belcher I don't think I have a chance in a hand-to-hand fight he's bigger heavier been raised on brawls and Ballroom fights what do you suggest [Applause] I might try him and it's up to me isn't it well man can only do what he can what he can I suppose that's the whole point isn't it what do you mean I don't know if you would understand it's not death or dying that I'm afraid of well what is it if I could only be sure that at the last moment I wouldn't freeze or or run just made a bargain with your husband what kind of a bargain I traded you for Tomar you're gonna stay here with me he's gonna go safely home with Mother score sounds good doesn't it I like my women to fight a little but only a little when you're my woman you learn one thing you do what I tell you or I'll kill you better just stop it well Mariam I didn't know you had it in you [Applause] [Applause] thank you [Applause] ah good job [Music] I told you you crossed me I cut your throat [Music] [Applause] [Music] mattress keep down all right hold it drop it [Applause] get it right at him now we are now so you took care of Belcher we figured you would I had a little help we've made quite a team didn't we Marion we really did we certainly did Adam [Music] [Applause] I'm seeing set up the soup I offered to deliver it you need investor Mary is much better this morning he's going to be all right I'm very pleased to hear that thank you Adam I'll take the soup come come on in he'd be glad to see you Marion you have a visitor Adam how about doing some hunting I could rustle up something you know Adam I think I've had my fill of hunting we both have besides now I know that the man is more important than the Tiger when did you learn that night at the camp when you felt that knife with your throat and you too really knew the meaning of fear yes and a peaceful man a truly peaceful man is willing to Die For What He Loves you know something lady dancer and don't you ever forget it [Music] [Music] Todd McCarron I wonder what he's up to now well there's only one way to find out let's ask him [Applause] foreign [Applause] Todd any law against surveying my own property line never any doubt in our mind about its location well maybe there will be in the mind of the new owner you mean your father's selling out not my father me to lend Keith Len Keith I thought he only bought mining property that's what he thinks this could be Todd we have a water rights agreement with your father in the use of this stream if Keith uses it for mining it'll poison out some of our best bottom land seems that's your worry Ben not mine no just a minute let go you cartwrites have shoved us around for the last 20 years you're a liar wait a minute little ways to settle this as I see it it's already been settled [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] had a real good meal fix for it and you decided not let it go to waste Nate at all huh how'd you know that what are you doing reading a book the care and training up dogs oh a little straight pup wandered in here and I've been trying to figure out how to take care of it I thought you were an expert on things like that oh Paul there's a dang many new scientific ideas at natural law just ain't no good no more as far as I'm concerned you can say that about Todd McCarron too I thought I knew him pretty well why what's the matter Todd I don't know Growing Pains likely was that part of Virginia tobacco I got don't look at me I didn't smoke it I thought you were saving us the back of Andy McCarron's birthday but I was but no reason a man can't have a birthday few days early I'm gonna ride over to Andy and have a talk with him about Todd oh wish Mr McCarron a happy birthday to me too eh I will thank you thank you it's Ben Andy oh come on in Van the door is not locked oh God it's good to see you guys good to see you too Andy in a long time it has that how you feeling oh I'm practically stuck to this chair but what's the difference good to see you uh brought you some of that good silent tobacco take the bite out of your pipe thanks Ben hey smells good the spiral us feels good ran into thought today yeah I turned the running of things over to him I had to face up to it I'm just not up to handling things anymore dad was saying you're thinking Some of sell it out you know all kids are always try to get ahead fast but I figure when it comes to selling he'll want to stay on this land as much as I do but I I hope you're all right Andy I guess I got a little upset when he told me he was thinking of selling out to blanket well I'd be surprised if he mentioned any other name he's so sweet on Len Keith's daughter that well he doesn't know his own name half the time now she's a fine girl God seemed pretty determined to sell that is Ben you have boys your own a man's guttle let his son grow up even if he doesn't always agree with him oh you're right there I was just thinking that if Keith ever did start mining operations on your property it would pile up the water in that stream to where it would poison half the cattle in my range oh it won't come to that Ben I've got cattle on my own using that stream wow we're getting older Andy we are there I remember when you when you brought your family here I figured that plan to share the water in that stream would Outlast both our lifetimes it's the truth so did I well I see you didn't waste any time Mr Cartwright Todd is that a way to behave I don't want people talking behind my back Ben came here to talk not fight it won't hurt you to listen what for I know what he's going to say we're just one big happy family as long as he's the boss and we do what we're told you've been listening to that all of your life paw Todd I've never known your father to back away from me or any other man long as I've known him what's he doing talking over old times so that you won't forget the little things you might owe him so you'll feel ashamed to let me sell out huh he's been doing that to some of the others around here only they haven't had the belly to stand up to him that's enough Ben Cartwright's the best friend we ever had and you know it he's no friend of ours you apologize and he never mind no Ben this is still my house and I won't have a shame your house your land this wonderful land that killed ma before a Time crippled you so you can hardly walk all right keep it love it right on it for all I care [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm afraid I'll have to apologize to you myself [Music] figured that I come by might help because it hurt more Andy we don't have too much ready cash in the Ponderosa this time of year what with it being tied up in the herd and all but well if it's selling out the Todd is so concerned about then you know how todded feel about any offer coming from you yeah I suppose he just think I'd been waiting for the opportunity to buy you out pretty sad thing when two old friends can't discuss business without their Motors being questioned it's much deeper than that Ben Len Keith has no intention of using this land for wrenching he's offered toddy a partnership he's got the boy all fired up with ideas of becoming another silver Baron Andy how do you believe deep down in your heart that there's any chance of silver on this land no man no more than you do now but then Keith is a mining man and he thinks there may be silver and he's got the boy thinking it too doesn't that realize it Keith is just speculating that's what he always does buys up as much land as he can possibly get hold of in the hopes that some of it'll pay off ruins the land he's ruled much more than landmen he's ruined many men with him on his way up and this time it could be my son wouldn't want that to happen Andy anymore than you do thank you man [Music] I didn't expect you till this evening I have to see your father is something wrong yes yes hello Todd how's my future son-in-law disgusted if you want to know the truth oh come on in tell me about it maybe I can help you what is it Mr Keith I can't sell out to you oh why not does your father feel that I didn't offer you enough for the property oh it's not that he made a water rights agreement with Ben Cartwright 20 years ago I see the Cartwright say it's a matter of them I feel like we're going to muddy up their pretty little stream it's getting to be you can't make a move in this country without Ben Cartwright's permission well I suppose you Can't Blame A man for looking out after his own interests what about my interests mine in Virginia's where are we going to get the money to get married Todd you no money isn't important to me as long as we're together my mother felt that way she died when she was 26 years old helping my father try to make something of this land Todd I can always find a job for you and one of my mining companies a man has to make it on his own Mr Keith you ought to know that it's what you did isn't it I certainly did that's the way I like to hear you talk now don't worry about it I'm sure we can get your father to see it our way not if Ben Cartwright's doing his thinking for him we won't but the card rights have always seemed like reasonable people to me you just know them in a social way Virginia you've never dealt with them on a business level don't worry I'm not going to let Ben Cartwright stand the way of the happiness of my two children [Music] come on boy [Music] come on puppy come on [Music] nice puppy come on puppy come on here come out of me [Music] oh my God [Applause] you're gonna get a bath whether you want it or not come on here come out of me hey shorty come on [Music] if you ain't the beatness dang dog I ever seen all morning I've been trying to catch you just put you in that bucket a little loud tip don't you know this is for your own good you load it down on them dang kicks I'm just trying to get them off of you that's all I fit you all right brother are you still playing nurse made of that little dog you found well I can't hardly help it none Kenneth this poor little critter hangs around you smell something oh it's me yeah I sent some traps for the wolves that were bothering a cattle caught a skunk in one of them you sure did look here when I get through a little shorty here why don't you jump in it's gonna take a lot more than soap water to get me clean well it's irate ordinary soap this here soap's got sulfur in it I was over Baker's flat deal the day talking to that store keeper telling them about old shorties wood Dixon he told me that stuff would take anything off huh yeah it'll probably take my skin off too yeah thank you hi Paul you talk to Andy yeah oh Andy is going to want to that water agreement we have with him just as I thought he would I just can't think of that with Gunner to Todd I can't either seems like he just doesn't want to get along with anybody yeah but you two know what's wrong with Todd he's in love well I wish it were that simple anybody smell skunk all right that's me but I I caught a skunk in one of the wolf traps well if you're going to go to that social with us tonight I think you uh better start getting cleaned up now yeah oh you think somebody will mine isn't Adam if uh if Tyler's at that social I think he will be gotta have a talk with him you know as a friend surely I know you ain't gonna never believe this but this here is real good for you hey now let's have anything to do with we sure gonna have us a time tonight ain't we yeah but you just remember what I told you you stand on your own feet not the ladies oh you're a good one to be giving advice about the ladies went with the Virginia key for three years no Todd's Mariner well because I just never got around asking her he here was a slow worker 80 ball three years is it with that brush expecting somebody no oh my gosh hello Ben uh land not interrupting anything am I oh no no just getting ready to go to the dance taking Virginia in later myself um I wonder if I could have a private little talk with you now let's go get the horses ready sit down thanks foreign McCarron came to see me and he's all upset about what happened between him and his father well I was a little upset myself I'm very fond of Todd he's got a lot of character he's extremely ambitious Len sometimes ambition can drive a young man in the wrong direction but I don't think that's true in Todd's case I consider him practically a member of the family I'd be pretty careful of whatever opportunities I put in his way matter of fact I wanted you to help me in spite of what's happened Todd's got a great deal of respect for your opinion well perhaps that used to be so well of course he's a little high strung but you and I can understand that we were young once too we saw what we wanted in life and we went out and we took it oh nowadays A young fellow needs help to get started I'm doing what I can for Todd I thought you'd want to help too it was a very nice speech kid yeah what did you really come to see me about well I don't want anything for myself I'm only here to help Todd old Andy McCarron does pretty much what you ask him to not doesn't he hold on Andy McCann has a mind of his own and he's very capable of using it yes but you've got to make him understand something by holding on to that plan he's jeopardizing his son's future you're uh your interest in I'm concerned with Todd's Futures most commendable I've watched you over a period of years Lynn making quite a lot of money and ruin quite a bit of land and quite a few people in the process I'm not going to help you ruin Todd McCarron and I always try reasoning first Ben if that doesn't work I guess I can find some other way [Music] boys [Music] Little Joe you sure do smell better than you did this afternoon thanks a lot foreign [Music] oh God you've danced my feet off well I wouldn't want to do that I can't spare any of you how about some more punch I love it [Music] Adam you're not dancing I'm having too much fun watching YouTube you look very beautiful tonight Virginia but thank you I'm glad you approve of my future wife ah you're lucky you proposed to it when you did what are you two getting married when your father decides to let me run my own business Todd that was a rather unpleasant thing to say well no he didn't mean anything by it didn't I Tom Let's Dance yes I think that's a good idea don't turn your back on me card right [Music] look at your set on starting a fight this isn't the place for it oh I think it is [Applause] [Music] all right YouTube that's enough God we don't want to fight you boy and stay away from me all of you dad take me home all right Virginia come on forget it Adam well let's have a little music [Music] dad I shouldn't have walked out on Todd like that I ought to go back well this isn't the time Virginia my advice is to just let him calm down a little dad sometimes I wonder if your advice for Todd and me is really any good Virginia what have I ever told you that hasn't worked out for you I'm not talking about something you can put your finger on I'm talking about the way Todd has changed the way he looks at me the way he acts well of course he's changed and all for the good he's turning into the kind of a man I'd be proud to have his son-in-law would I be proud to have him for a husband if I've done anything at all to hurt you but we I'm glad you're still here I'd like to apologize it wasn't your fault Adam well I'm glad you feel that way I don't think there's anything to be gain by discussing it any further let's go on home Dad I'd like to talk to Adam not tonight honey [Music] oh excuse me Mr Keith I got to talk to you well can't I wait till morning no sir can well go on in honey I'll be right in Tucker It's about the cattle you just bought Sun's come up you better handle it foreign [Applause] half the men in your mind with them disease cops where's the beef now I put them up in the north Corral I figure tomorrow I haven't killed and buried came along with him if I had my way take him outside Roy and Roy not a word about this to anybody I suppose he claimed he didn't know the cattle were sick what do you think he probably rustled them 20 head to begin with all of them diseased huh well you can't have one cow with Texas fever without them all getting it they're crawling with ticks in other words you put those sick cattle in with a healthy herd it spreads like wildfire I see Tucker I want you to ride that man out of town tonight and make sure that he never comes back make sure Mr Keith there's a it's only one way I know of to make sure I'll leave that up to you Tucker he'll kill off any of those sick cattle until I tell you to well what can you do with sick cow well I thought I might get big-hearted make a prison of a couple of them to Ben Cartwright well you know what cartwriter do if you ever caught us at it well don't let him catch you and his big Stakes Mr Keith I had the biggest Cartwright's always had everything his way let's see how he acts when he finds cattle being added to his herd instead of rustling away huh a boost swing at you but I don't know that's the way to handle Todd I've watched both of you grow up and I have just as much confidence in him as I have in you know you have but I don't have Glenn Keith telling me what to do the genius Keith's only daughter I suppose you can't blame him for looking after her interests but Glenn Keith never made a move in his life that didn't benefit Len Keith first and I'll tell you something else it isn't just a little piece of land he's after he's an ambitious man there's no question about that the way he's extending his mining interests it looks as if he wants to take over the whole Carson Valley including the Ponderosa Adam you and I both know that the Ponderosa is one piece of land he'll never get [Music] [Applause] thank you dead boy looks like Texas Weaver Texas fever yes sir we bought Texas Cattle before they've always been clean you check the other stock a few more headshot signs of sickness we cut them out of the herd probably have to destroy him there's no probably about it that take people to play could kill every head not only in our range to kill every herd in the territory poor Critters I don't even know what else get get out of here get get out of here dang food dog will have them ticks all over him us you remember that sopa soap you used to walk down that dog yes sir well I'm thinking that that sofa soap could wash that takes off a dog why not have cattle we can't scrub down every steer no but we can we can dig a pit between the two Corrals put in some water and a lot of sulfur like a bath run the herd through one at a time Paul then take a powerful off sulfur well I reckon I would have it up at Baker's flat you want me to ride up there and see yeah you take the buck board and haul as much as you can carry Joe you better get back to the hood have the men cut out every head that even looks sick right bar Adam you need better get started digging those pits they're up to something nothing they can do but start killing cows yeah maybe we better stick with them and make sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] Virginia you shouldn't be in here neither should you Todd I looked all over town for you everybody's staring at you come on [Music] God what's happened to us this just doesn't like you that fight with Adam what are you doing taking sides with the card rights like everybody else in this country besides what sides Todd don't you see what they're doing to us your father made me a good offer on that land three times as much as it was worth Well if I knew it was going to mean this much trouble I'm sorry he did that's easy to say but it's not so easy to live with Virginia I want to amount to something I want you to be proud of me the way you are of your father Todd I'm proud of the man I fell in love with a ranching man trying to build something for the future he isn't mine now if he starts hitting people and getting drunk the first time things don't go his way what I'll still love him because I can't help myself but I won't be proud of him for it I've had enough speeches Virginia please go on honey I'll I'll see you after a while [Music] it's wonderful to see you Virginia now that you're practically a part of the family I never get to see you anymore well I've been meaning to get out to see you for a long time oh I know how it is planning the wedding and everything you know it means a lot to me having you for a daughter Virginia even Todd having trouble yes we are Mr McCarron and I just don't know how to handle it now you know that all lovers have their little quarrels that's just the trouble it isn't just a lover's quarrel it's something that involves you and my father and a lot of things I just don't understand oh so that's it it's about Todd selling this place isn't it why shouldn't he sell it why should such a simple little business transaction stir up so much trouble it isn't a simple thing Regina it involves two different ways of looking at life it involves the cartwrites too doesn't it well that's not the point I want to make I'm talking about the land and a man's attitude towards it now is this something to be to be torn up and cast aside or is it a place for the future I mean a home for you and Todd and the children I told Todd that's all I wanted [Music] my father could see it the way you do but he never will it's taught that we must both be concerned about now we must have faith in him and believe that he will do the right thing you're right and I do have faith in time [Music] he's coming did he see you I circled around he's got that buck board loaded down with bags of sulfur Potter what for I don't know I asked the store keeper to Baker flat he said that Cartwright fella talked about washing his cows down with sulfur water I don't know what good that'd do but we better see to it that it don't happen anyway you stay here get your rifle and keep down out of sight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and you're gonna crawl out of there foreign yeah right I am now thanks to you coming along hey come on up give me a head okay guys round up some Strays and I heard the shots figured I better check on it looks to me like I've seen that fella before have you yeah I think he works for one of the mining camps we better get that suffering there's two more cows flopped over dead now not from the Ponderosa causing ours it looks like it's not it's gonna be a lot of sicklings from my place though let's get him in I'll get his horse I tell you Roy is dead did they see you well yeah but they couldn't recognize me I can't take any chances you saddle up my horse and get back to the bunk house and stay there keep out of sight dad your supper's getting cold but I'm sorry honey something's come up I've got to go into town [Music] I've got to it's important I just heard that a plague of Texas fevers hit the cattle around here I've got a warrant Todd and the other ranchers I'll be right back [Music] [Applause] are you drunk Virginia sent you no she didn't but something pretty important came up I thought you ought to know about it you want a drink I'm gonna listen to me will you I just heard that the plagues infected every head of beef on the Ponderosa plague Texas fever cartwrights are working right now to try to save every head they can before anybody finds out about it Texas fever how did it get started well who's the only outfit around who trails in Texas Cattle cartwrites that's just what I figured something like this could be pretty dangerous couldn't it it could kill every head of cattle in Carson Valley is there any way of stopping it one way kill the sixth stock there's no other way of protecting ourselves none that I know of unless we kill off all the Cartwright's cattle well they never stand still for that no I guess not they showed that pretty plain what do you mean well a couple of my boys went up there yesterday see how bad it was and try to help him out and the cart ride shot one of them down shot him why well that's pretty obvious isn't it they're trying to keep word of the plague from spreading does the sheriff know about the shooting the share of what good would that do he's afraid of the cartwrites just like everybody else around here is yeah well not me I'm Not Gonna Stand By and Watch My cattle die like flyers don't do anything foolish you can't stand up to the cartwrites all alone I won't have to not this time no Cattleman's Gonna Stand By and Watch his herds die off cartwrite or no card right what if enough of the other Rogers went in with you to stand up again they'll go in I'll see to that foreign [Music] I'm sorry I hit you there was no call for it it doesn't make any difference but it does make a difference I want to talk to you well later what are you doing we got trouble what kind of trouble I can handle it don't turn your back on me tell me about it I haven't got time I've got work to do does it involve the cartwrites doesn't everything in this country involve a cartwrites one way or another I have a right to know what it's all about there's tick fever on the Ponderosa I've got to get to the other ranches and warn them so we can stop it from spreading to our stock take fever how did it get started it must have come in on one of the herds the cartwrights brought up from Texas did you talk to Ben Cartwright one of Len Keith's men tried to they shot him down I don't believe it I didn't expect you to Todd you're declaring war Ben Cartwright did that when he brought in that sick herd I'm not going to let you do it pop I've got to [Music] oh come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is a bushwacker's horse we brought back take a close look at him [Applause] get ticks all over them these horses with thick infested beef before I got here and that dead man could have told us how this plague got here and you find out who he was only had a had a letter on him addressed to a Roy Wilkins I don't forget there was another man with him Adam maybe you'd better get to Virginia City see if we can track this other man down you can bring him out here us clean the muffler come on let's get back yeah all right Frank let him throw again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello Adam give me a whiskey Cosmo yes I'll give you a chance to get even later something on your mind you know my name Roy Wilkins Roy Wilkins sure I've seen him in here who does he work for I don't know hasn't been around every long as a matter of fact the only times I've ever seen him he's always been with a fellow named taco Tucker works for Len Keith thanks [Applause] oh my God [Applause] [Music] Adam I thought it was my father my evening Jenny isn't he here well no he's in town listen you know my name Roy Wilkins Wilkins there's a man named Roy I know he's a friend of Tucker's who's Tucker oh he's pause Foreman he lives in that Shack on the other side of the storeroom Adam what is it well it's Roy Wilkins and one other man maybe Tucker I'm not sure tried to kill my brother this afternoon that's impossible those men work for my father excuse me hello Tucker you're one of them cartwrites ain't you that's right you ain't no man named Roy Wilkins what do you want here card right I want the man who was with Wilkins when they try to ambush my brother I don't know anything about it then you wouldn't mind coming back to town with me and telling out to the show huh no I wouldn't mind I thought you missed him dad Adam is he yeah he's dead I wanted him alive I was hoping he could tell me something to you what Adam you think fast Mr Keith just like his shot fast a while ago but when this plate trouble is settled we're gonna have a talk I wish you hadn't seen this Virginia I had to see Adam Tucker would have killed him corrid already dropped his gun you killed him deliberately you're all upset now going into house can't send me away like a little girl Dad don't try to understand it you hear me not going back into the house now I'm right you all know it because one of us had a sick Herd on the Range the cartwrites will be the first to yell burn him out that ain't sold eyes Cartwright should have killed off his whole herd without us having to meet and talk about doing it for him you can't expect him to kill off healthy beef who's to say what's healthy and what's not now the Ponderosa is Rich it's got Timber and enough money to restock its range most of us live on the beef we raise each year now if we lose our herds where's the money coming from to pay off the bank loans to feed our families to even get started again you really aim to ride against the Ponderosa if I didn't fight for my land and what's on it I wouldn't hold myself much of a man anyone else feels the same way as welcome to ride with me we're with him all right we'll meet at the north end of town just after sunup every man bring a rifle and be ready to use it that's it then thank you Todd what are they going to do on the card right cattle are disease they're a danger to the whole range so we're heading out to the Ponderosa in the morning to settle it one way or another you mean to fight the card rights it looks that way do you know how this play got started it doesn't matter how it gets started we just can't risk a plague spreading throughout the whole territory Todd I think my father brought that plague to the Cartwright her deliberately did he tell you that Adam thinks so too only he can't prove it I already told you it doesn't matter who started the place Todd it does matter the cartwrights aren't at fault they've been your friends for years and what they need now is help not threats Virginia we have to look after our own interests for years that's what he told he told something he was ashamed of you're beginning to sell no what I have to do yes you do but don't pretend it's to help those poor ranchers it's just a fast way to make Todd McCarron a big man Virginia I don't like what you're saying then stop this before it goes any further it's too late now [Music] pause is dipping doing any good it's funny I was just thinking about that I certainly hope so you know what our cash situation is able to lose any of our herds right now it would put in the wipe us out right on out and see how the boys are doing with that hurt in the north quarter I'll give Hyson a little job a hand with the other herd [Music] [Applause] s [Music] well we got more trouble than plague PA what now Todd McCarron Len Keith have got everybody around here stirred up there's a bunch of them riding this way and they're all armed don't they realize we're doing everything we can parts are mobbed and I gotta stop and think they claim they're going to kill every head of cattle on our range better make him stop and think right over the house and get our rifles [Music] who is it Virginia oh come in Virginia well what are you doing away out here last Mr McCarron you've got to do something Todd what's he up to come home last night they're riding on the Ponderosa Mr McCarron Todd is leading them you've got to stop him stop him how can I he's a grown man he's got to make his own decisions Karen I have no place else to turn I love Todd I I thought you loved him too unless you do something we're both going to lose him an old man like me how can I help him now now is the time that counts Mr McCarron now is when he needs your help more than any other time in his life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good keep moving [Music] [Music] how do we know they want to talk [Applause] morning Todd he's going to become a Rancher Mr Keith I don't owe you any explanations Cartwright you're the one to do the explaining Ben you brought the Texas Cattle in the note ticks and the ones we dipped you want to ride in peaceful and see you're welcome seeing a lot of wet cows don't mean they won't all fall over tomorrow no it doesn't but if anything come down with a fever I'll kill every head that gets it that may be too late even if you do what you say you got my Paul's word Mister easy us a human try to take over my herd you know there's going to be fighting men on both sides man we've known a long time could get hurt maybe even get killed that'll be on your head cart right now get out of the way Todd you know better than trying to block me down this is no Bluff you want anybody else move shut him down Todd we'll back you up foreign [Applause] you stay out of this McCarron keep away power this is between Adam and me if you're going to make a killer of yourself you better start with me your son picked his side McCarron and you've got no right to be here Paul don't you know everything we've got is at stake I know that better than any other man here Jameson I pass by your spread coming here your Stock's done with fever some of the others are also son you better go home and take care of our herd they're coming down with it fast I told you what would happen and you can blame the cartwrights for it let's finish what we come here for yeah wait a minute you can kill off every head in the Ponderosa but what good will that do you I tell you that sofa Dip's working it's saving all beef he can do the same for yours it's the only chance any of you have you better take it you're still handing out of order's card right don't back down from them make up your mind Todd whose side are you on ours are the cartwrites you don't have a side dad except your own he doesn't care about your cattle he's only trying to destroy you so he can take your land we're not talking about land we're talking about plague so am I Todd my father started it Virginia you don't know what you're talking about she knows what she's talking about all right her father killed Jim Tucker just to keep him quiet Adam [Music] Virginia I thank you [Music] that office still goes bring your Healthy cattle over here we'll we'll run him through that sofa dip that goal for the McCarran family too Ben of course it does it's all right with Utah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that's the last of the McCarran stairs Todd well I'd kind of like to stay and help with the rest hey what do you say we take a break for some coffee good idea hot coffee [Music] neighbors thanks Ben [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] look why don't we split up meet up by that Rim Rock uh be Mighty careful though Joe if we get that Old Timber Wolf all box down he ain't going to be at all sociable all right [Music] [Music] okay hey wait a minute [Music] hey wait a minute [Music] foreign [Music] looks like a gypsy to me yeah I ain't never seen one of them I've posted before I almost killed her Oh I thought she was that wolf [Music] thank you foreign Gypsy they're built to endure I don't know doc she looked like she's pretty well shook up to me oh she'll come out of it all right just give her a day in bed and then send her on her way yeah well where's that wherever people are we don't exactly know where her people are doctor oh well soon she's on her feet you'd best turn her over to the sheriff in Virginia City oh what for she didn't do anything she will boy she will just give her a chance she's a gypsy isn't she is that as bad as being an engine sometimes it's worse even to Ben Little Joe pause okay he doesn't care much for gypsies does he I guess a lot of people don't trust him much A lot of people don't trust no Tumbleweed vote much well I don't think that little girl can do much harmless she's here with us maybe when she wakes up we can find out where people are she sure is pretty ain't you little Joe she sure is like nothing I've ever seen that sounds like she's waking up better take a look at it well I'll check it hey Paul how come Adam didn't come back from the doctor no he's staying in town overnight go away I won't hurt you where is this place to Ponderosa Nevada how's your head go away it's cold that's cool and I think that you want to keep the cover over you hey what'd you do that for [Music] why don't you just go ahead and freeze if you want to well how is she well gypsies is supposed to be mean she's doing fine what'd you do to your hand she bit me she bit you um listen Little Joe for gypsy's bites anything like a pool catch you're in trouble if you start forming at the mouth yeah I know drink plenty of Jamaican ginger why don't you bite you I don't know same thing about our folks what happened to her no nothing I'll talk to the girl in the morning I wouldn't get too close to him [Music] [Applause] oh you see that star yeah it's a nice time I would like to reach up and pluck it out of the sky oh it's a long ways up no it's so close I can feel the cold on my face oh maybe you better get back in bed night is the inside of a black Bell it rings forth the spirits of the Dead don't worry it's just a lobo wolf we've been trying to catch go away now would you bite me again if I don't where the folks you belong to I have no one come on everybody has someone why do you care about me is it because I am pretty and you want to kiss me come and do it I am waiting for you now look I don't know what's bothering you but I brought you here and I feel responsible for you I want to find out where you belong and that's all you are walking in your father's shoes and what does that mean you're playing like you are a man but you are a little boy on what makes you so grown up I'm past being grown up I'm old and withered I am dead and I don't know what you're talking about the craziest girl I ever had go away before I turn you into a toad you don't have to eat crumbs young lady have a decent breakfast if you wanted I don't need your food well you are welcome to it if you should need it my name is Ben Cartwright you are a rich man then Cartwright I do have much to be grateful for I would have to steal to have so much other ways tell me what were you doing out there all alone howling at the moon foreign well I suppose that is respectable for young wolves with Napa young ladies what are your people and to know invite them to eat well I want to know so that I can return a young girl to them I think they've lost one they did not lose me well how what makes you different there is no one in front of me and no one in back I may go anywhere I want to go and be whatever I wish to be what is it that you wish to be I wish to be free I do not like your house [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's wrong go away what's the matter wait give me that let me go not till I find out what's going through that crazy head of yours why do you try to kill yourself I'm Cafe I am a witch the animals they know it if you mean those horses with your dress that spooked them they're not used to bright colors nothing else no it is the Dark Star it is the Dark Star all right look at that boy it looks like them gypsies are going to make Camp right here on the Ponderosa yeah they probably come to pick up a young friend how'd they know she was here doctor maintenance all over Virginia City by now for me I look young lady I don't know what problems it may have had with your people before but I think it's time to straighten them out now you do not understand I guess you're right I don't I have three sons and no daughters I always found women harder to understand than men they're more sensitive and now look I'll uh I'll forget about those dishes if you'll come along now and give things another try no well those are your people you belong with them no all right the Muhammad won't go to the mountain [Music] we have visitors oh Welcome Friends [Music] welcome you I should be welcoming you my name is Ben Cartwright my son horse this is the Ponderosa Cartwright land you don't mind my asking how did you get through a fence line oh it is in need of repair fences are always in need of repair I presume you came to pick up the girl [Music] the girl yes we found a half dead in the timber country Tipsy girl you are better son my brother you're a great man I can see it I'm sure that you will let my people stay on your beautiful land until the dark sky clears we are heading across the mountains in the place where the Mustangs are unwild [Music] what about the girl she's no longer one of us she's Cafe a bringer of misfortune she's a child the devil is fond of children you mean you mean to say that that poor little girl you think she's Bewitched we know it but a song you've left her here to die we left her behind us she's a human being she's not an animal and we have laws in this country governing responsibility we stay away from the law and the law stays away from us well maybe you won't be able to do that this time well I you will let us stay here and one condition that you take the girl and go when the weather clears I can promise you that we will go but now that the sun when we are here maybe we can do some business we have fine horses to sell well we buy our horses in Virginia City but none like the beasts of Roman aspiro bags like iron looks like the wind well poet can't do no harm take a look at them well what do you want for the stallions 150 a piece how much for both all three [Applause] they aren't worth half that oh you're a hard man to deal with but a son no not usually these horses have been fixed oh the Indians have been known to use similar methods teeth have been bored and filled with Birchwood to hide the rage this one's legs been blistered on this side to balance up with that Layman on the other in two four you insult us I was right you're a great man barossan with an eye of the Gypsy I like you my wife will tell you a fortune for nothing I'm afraid but we will talk you will tell me your life and I'll tell you my life another time no no no tonight Tonight Is All Hallows Eve it's a big celebration we'll have a roast Pig and we will dance and drink camel a lot of Kimmel you'll join us I'm afraid not but you must come you must bring the pig you do have a pig huh yes we have a pig so bring the pig and you are welcome but I'm afraid we're saving our Pig for a little celebration of our own ah so don't bring the pig and you are welcome to thanks anyway enjoy yourself and remember what I said about the girl I expect you to come for her and stay in good health Barrison [Music] hi you know I still don't know your name [Music] why do they call you Little Joe that's just a nickname it doesn't mean anything Venom of spiders protects us from wild animals and Savage dolls 45 will do the same thing it will not rain tonight what did you mean about the Dark Star being a witch when I was a little girl I sat by a stream like this I watched the fish and dreamed that I was one of them slipping through the warm silence my silver scales reflecting sunlight yeah when I was a kid I used to want to be a grizzly I can be a fish if I if I would what are you doing digging for wild artichokes the Gophers store them and I am hungry are you sure a funny girl why did you just stop me when before why'd you try to kill yourself for the same reason I bit you why is that because I'm a witch [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you strong tirson yes strong and well I'm Joe Cartwright oh wait Kyle back to your own kind go watch over your kingdom leave us alone Teresa wants me to leave then I will what do you want Spiro you see that you are happy I did not know they left you behind until it was too late it was the old Woman's Work and if you had known what then I might have changed her mind the bruja is my grandmother I can influence her a glass of mataxa a lap or two she would listen to me I know you would want for that service is to hold me in your arms for all the nights that are to come maybe not all I would rather lie in the arms of a snake [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I said drop it I get on your horse and clear out remember my face Kyle it'll be the last one you see in this world [Music] not only do they think which she thinks so too sounds like I've been driving at home hard enough to make her believe it where's you now she's asleep she's quite a girl though isn't she Joe Adam you don't think there'll be anything worthwhile at the auction no I didn't like the looks of those Mustangs kind of runty I understand the uh gypsies tried to Pedal some of their broken down gowdlings that they'd fixed up did quite a good job too you know the average buyer probably wouldn't notice the difference for quite some time well they'd have to go some down Fox you pop hey Paul well uh little pool in China Pig just Plum gone seems I was supposed to supply a pig one way or another and looks like you did get out fast no I didn't because they're going to pay for that pig one way or another I don't know Paul that old gypsy circus he could charm his way out of a Comanche Kelvin he's not going to chime his way out of pain for that pig yep that's what I got to see yeah me too how about you Adam come on along no I think I better keep an eye on the house case they uh back in one of the wagons and take out the furniture [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] like this but I have the strange feeling that that pig belongs to me does it I don't know I I really don't know about his son it wandered here into the campus lost soul do you think it is yours no Circa you know it is that's a very expensive animal oh I'm very sorry barusana I don't know how to repay you I have only a few dollars but maybe you would consider a barter wait a son it is not much but it is pure silver and carved with with a loving heart this this is worth much much more than I think no I couldn't possibly take but look I took your big too it released my conscience please take it let's not talk about it and we'll have a drink I I don't know you must taste some of your teeth [Music] what's that this is milk mixed with the blood of an unborn calf it's a delicacy heart give you strength yes sir tell me why do you think the girl is Bewitched oh she was born under the Dark Star her mother died in her efforts it's very bad well there's a mother's death make a child evil sometimes you know our beliefs are old and strong and we must leave us they tell us was there nothing in your police about Mercy compassion yes but is it possible to have mercy and compassion for a girl who can turn herself into a wolf [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] much with spirits and witches and the like you know I found that the only evil in this world is the humankind but the eviling man doesn't come from nowhere it is born a dark World beyond the world we know and it's sent here on purpose you really believe that girl can turn herself into a wolf yes she must plague our house the devil drives her he possesses our children and drives them against us she's evil believe me I can't believe it I don't think so oh I do think that poor girl is suffering not from an evil in Herbert from some kind of Despair and loneliness because her own people rejected her and persecuted her you're a guy or you're a civilized man the understanding for the devil and these ways is being bred out of you jorca have you ever seen any real evidence of the Devil in Her are you afraid of her because she was unlucky enough to have been born under some weather obscured star you know a man possibly you've never heard of him once said the fault to Brutus is not in our stars but in ourselves I like your words good words but not our words I've seen too much of evil after his son he's in danger the danger is in the flesh not fantasy my son can take pretty good care of himself in that department give the girl a chance you may be wrong Maybe but I'm not and this is not going to storm after all well thanks for the Super Bowl and thanks for the pig [Music] you run faster than any bug deer I ever saw Little Joe Little Joe like a black panther from the depths of night in a dark dream one size saw my lovers steal away [Music] why'd you come to the camp and dance like that to frighten them to see their faces so many things I just can't understand about you we live in Two Worlds Little Joe in my world there are demons and spirits who eat up living Souls like grain fly about the night and wagons made of smoke I am one of them I know it and my people know it you listen to me I don't want you talking that way anymore you know mortal witch than I am somehow they've got you thinking things that just don't make sense you are a tree I see you as a tree so firm a part of the land with your roots dug deep into the ground your arm is like a branch I wish I were a tree I would stand over little children and guard them from harm maybe I am not a witch maybe I maybe I'm good to think such thoughts of course you're good I know you are your heart is beating is it because I am near you yes am I beautiful you're very beautiful can we talk of Love sometime [Music] hold me [Music] hold me Little Joe oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the devil is in me help me there's only one way to help you know what that means that means pain beyond anything you ever known Agony that will tear at your mind and hear your soul I don't care even if it would mean my death thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] anybody here [Music] Kyle where's Susan he's in the mountains there's nothing you can do for her not guy over she is the devil she has changed herself into a wolf in slotted chickens my people are going to help her what do you mean help her they're going to stick her to the ground and pick at her soul screams for mercy but they will only dig deeper until they have found the rotten spot and scooped it out and then they will leave a body limp and her mind the useless thing I could have killed you both on your moonlit Rock of Love it would have been easy it would have been too easy it would have only given me a moment or two this way I can see them scar her mind as she escared my face I can make you crawl as I have crawled thank you thank you [Applause] all right [Applause] [Music] please [Music] I know what they're trying to do tears I don't let them but I want them to don't you see no I don't see all I see is a lot of talk that doesn't make sense but it does the devil is in me it will take him away and make my soul as clean as air there's a doubt oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] husband is here she will drive you back into the world of the Dead the end of the world there's a hole through which one can descend in the Underworld this can be reached by following the direction taken by the Setting Sun Journey should be made on two harness together [Music] in the Underworld [Music] it is time to sleep it takes two months walking through Darkness before one sees a life there's a cavernous passage guarded by a nine white dogs the passage leads directly to the castle of the black man eating emperor [Music] 's in that [Music] flat when it bursts you shall be released from the soul of this girl what's your name Dear Sir how old are you 19. how long has the devil been in you how long since my birth why does he put it tell me tell me oh I can't breathe I can't breathe [Applause] what is the devil's name I don't know what is his name as asmodeus no I want you to see him see his goat's face and fiery eyes hairy Twisted body and a cloven hoof blood bones claws hoofs horns can you see him now no three times from east to west three times from west to east [Music] fairweb I conjure the asmodeus I exercise the O ancient serpent by the judge of the living and the dead that from this girl thou with fears and afflictions of thy Fury part [Music] Little Joe I am free [Music] coffee no no thanks oh yeah I wanted to talk to you go ahead boy you remember once you told us that we could have a piece of this land when it was time that's right it's a time boy yes sir oh that's what you want this is a fine young woman I'll be proud of her daughter come in come in please the sky clears so we are on our way as I promise it was a good land and we are grateful for the hospitality the girl is coming with us our house is her house now tears is not going with you you want her young man yes however it is our way that if a man marries he has to join the girl's family you have to become a gypsy is going to stay here with me no Little Joe I cannot stay what do you mean you can't stay remember the fish in the Stream I wanted to be one of them I am one of them now I've waited so long to see love in their eyes instead of fear and Hate it is in my heart to go so you can't go to understand I love you more than anything in my life you are a tree Joe not a fish you must stand tall and watch over this land that is yours [Music] stay stay here and think of me sometimes when the stars are in the skies I will have memories of you always [Music] [Applause] goodbye Little Joe [Music] you're a good son I always wish to have a son like this so many times I try to make a son of Spirit yes I'm I'm sorry about Spiro he's better off in the land of the mules you'll find peace and judgment for his sins then you know what he was trying to do yes we found the wolf's paw on his body he was still wet with blood it was our mistake in Ozarka sometimes it's possible to see the devil when you're looking for the devil our mistake was that we didn't see the devil in Spiro um maybe so goodbye my brother and may you have a long life [Music] [Applause] [Music] good [Music] evening
Channel: Classic movie cellar
Views: 79,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: westernseries, grjngo, western, American Western, Cartwright, Lorne Greene, Dan Blocker, Michael Landon, Pernell Roberts, Bonanza, Bonanza Full, Bonanza Full Episodes, Classic, western series tv, old western series, western movies, classic western movies, wild west, full episodes movies, youtube series, bonanza, best western, bonanza series, series youtube western, cowboy, cowboy series, tv series, classic west, tv western, cult western, westerns, Bonanza full episode
Id: 7Yvd1MjVMF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 7sec (11587 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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