Bonanza - A Rose for Lotta. || Free Western Series || Cowboys || Full Length || English

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foreign [Music] maybe I never been to Heaven maybe I'm never going to get the chance but Evan is going to have to go some to beat the thousand square miles of the Ponderosa as long as it's ours as long as we keep it in cart right hands know anyone who could take it away from us I know those who would try the Virginia City Bunch if we gave him have a chance for Joe he's supposed to met us here I'm gonna report of those cattle he was supposed to bring down from the north end oh you'll get it son you uh might have to wait until he's ready to give it to you I want that report now maybe best thing for you to do is go find him I intend to do just that far also know where he is Adam remember he's your brother a brother or not I expect him to do his share same as the rest of us he's a boy not a man like you the only thing wrong with him young enough still a Cartwright [Music] whoa I bet you stand real still now you here you listen to horse [Music] around here like that you think I can't do it mister you just keep on that juggling you're flying through the air like you're more Prairie hitting than you're a horse [Music] you giving you any trouble horse oh Paul you know there ain't no four-legged I won't give me any trouble oh I know that's uh no any two-legged one either for that matter I don't know I remember one little two-legged animal didn't weigh an ounce over 100 pounds red hair and all she didn't give me nothing but trouble well I wasn't thinking of any girls son I was thinking of your younger brother Little Joe um Adam's up the house talking to him now you got nothing better to do than play with that never know and I might want to use it what chance you're gonna have to use an EPA out here in the west what I always say is older brother if a man ever gets that chance you best be ready for it thank you stand still when I'm talking to you you're a Cartwright do you know what that means no little brother I'm waiting for you to tell me all right I'll tell you it means you're supposed to be a man now fit to do a man's work it means you got part of the responsibility of running this rank same as paw and horse and me I didn't think I could handle the same as you I quit and how do you expect to do it with that uh New Orleans monkey pick you got handed down to you by your French Quarter mother if you weren't my brother Adam I'd kill you for that how many time you're ready Little Joe you can just forget all about us being Keen well you know that'll be easy because I never been able to see myself being killed anything whelped out of a thin nose blue blooded Boston Yankee you want to fight the enemy like a fist firing Brimstone stop that fighting hush make him stop put it into this Shameless disgrace oh they don't hear you they don't mean no disrespect it's just they they're working off a little extra steam that's all don't you worry none Unstoppable all right you boys had enough fun for one day let's call it quit Keisha didn't hear me I said this play acting business is over and I mean right now and you stay out of this horses between me and Ola brother here Little Joe you better quit before I get mad yeah he'll quit all right he hasn't the guts to take any man-sized punishment [Music] to me tons or do we have enough to fight must we fight amongst ourselves why don't you tell that to him Paul get anything through that Rock Bound New England head of his son are you all right you're not very glad it's the only way to hurt me pause to kill me I'm sorry Adam sorry I raised my hand to you oh God son it's your brother asking your forgiveness all I ask is for him to do is share we're running the Ponderosa not playing with an EPA and that means bringing a thousand head of cattle down from pastors to the bottomland those cattle every last head of them have been grazing in bottomland since this morning don't you Josh with me little Joe oh well that'd be the day anyway they tried to Josh with you you Yankee granted head so you tell the truth about those thousand-headed cattle poor you know he's telling the truth he ain't no liar boy is that the truth Little Joe that's the truth how many heads you lose on the way down Larry one Mary did you hear that Adam a thousand head of prime stock down from the high pasture he loses an area what oh jealous that's wonderful I only did what any poor boy out of New Orleans would have done without him thinking about it well yeah I didn't know I I'm sorry obtain you got four hungry men who want to know what's for dinner yo yo why you all the time have to yell why do I have to yell I go I go away now I've seen wait a minute stop seeing wait a minute wait a minute you can't do that well if you left here I'd waste away to the shadow you know that you tell the old man he speaks soft not yell then maybe Hop Sing stay oh I'm powerful hungry I ain't helping a couple three breakfasts since morning besides oh you know as well as I do Hop Sings the best thing cook this side of San Francisco why don't you go ahead and apologize to him come on Pop horse is right okay he's right Paul we never knew what cooking was like till I've seen come here oh I sure am hungry Paul you like to smell dinner I've seen hey sorry very very sorry get a very good dinner low speak roast Pig did you say roast Pig Hopsin love speak very good Paul in all your born days did you ever taste anything that's imaginable hot scenes roast big us you're going to be able to last till dinner well it ain't going to be easy Paul if I don't get something to eat pretty soon I'm liable to just lay down right here die well before anyone lays down and dies let's remember there's still some work to do down at the Corral just so happens this rain still run by itself [Music] you don't think very highly of our plan do you Uber look dry this isn't my idea scheming with an actress you know what I'd like to do everything all right Miss Brown take the Ponderosa by storm you know what that would cost us oh hang the expense all I wanted to get rid of that Cartwright Bunch once and for all well I wasn't speaking of a cost in money Cooper I was speaking of the cost in human lives yes what are you planning on using Hooper the United States cavalry the last time we planned an expedition to take the Ponderosa it cost us over a dozen lives and katrise can assemble 200 of our mountain men within an hour if they have to up there in that Empire they control their positions impregnable as Garvey says we couldn't get at them with anything less than the U.S Cavalry all I know is that the Yellow Jacket needs a million board feet of Timber a year to keep going well a Goulding requires three million feet a year I'm a 12 foot wide winner pure silver I can't even Explore for lack of Shoring Timber I don't think I have to remind it of the seriousness of our problem well I can tell you this unless I get Timber I'm out of the mining business if old men would only agree to sell us what we needed I'd be willing to pay any price he'd ask well to Old Ben cartwriter tree is something sacred something money can't buy that's ridiculous money can buy anything Canada you not any of us couldn't make the Cartwright sell us one more sapling than they wanted to Troy do you think this girl can really do it well this girl as you put it this lotta Crabtree is one of the most renowned actresses and beauties of our time conceivably she might succeed where the United States Cavalry might fail yes but just by bringing one of his boys to town by putting into our hands the one thing that would make Ben Cartwright sell us his trees a son [Music] mom stay with him Adam I divorced me with him now [Music] his mouth at him [Music] Spooky's a fell about to get himself married all right Thunder you're all right boy [Music] all right let me go I guess I had that one coming that's too good a piece of horse flesh to ruin by bringing along too fast what's that Carriage doing on a Ponderosa [Music] those fools they should have known better [Music] now [Music] there [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know where you are yes sir yes Mr Cartwright put those hands up if you put them down before you're told you're dead mister if you know who I am then you know you're on the Ponderosa I'm sorry about that but then I guess I must have got lost tracking over them Hills don't you count out to him driver unless you want to answer to me foreign the very idea shooting at innocent unarmed people and in broad daylight right if I'd realized that this is the way they treat people in Virginia City I never would have come here well this is not Virginia City ma'am you're on the Ponderosa the Ponderosa what's that the Ponderosa man that's the home place of the cartwrights they got just about the biggest spread in the country this year is Ben Cartwright and bees is his sons and we don't cut into strangers male or female what's your business here my business am I still in United States Territory well that's your man but I wouldn't go trading on it too much for Asia well you're not me and I wish you'd put that awful thing down and what's the matter with you haven't you ever seen a lady before oh man I mean not such a pretty one not in a long time you're still pointing that gun at me you know I might still intend to use it what are the way son maybe they really did lose their way as long as they get off the Ponderosa it appears we're going to need some help if you expect us to honor that request I'll be happy to blame him it's a relief to know that even here a lady can expect help from a gentleman well Joe I think maybe the lady would like a nice cool drink after traveling around in the dust and heat the lady happens to have a name gentleman Miss lotta Crabtree you mean the famous actress I mean the very same a lot of Crabtree miss a lot of Crabtree hey yes yes ma'am Little Joe big Miss Crabtree up to the house let her arrest herself while we put this full Carriage of hers together again you expect me to ride this horse because either that man will walk him out of the house my pleasure man [Music] well you know I didn't need any help on the brother I wasn't helping you younger brother [Music] I swear [Music] Adam you reckon you're going to get this thing fixed today you'd like to try if I did who'd hold this wagon up I tried that wheel again see if it'll turn bring her in yes yes yeah all right now get her out of here well we'll lose our patience and string you to the nearest tree but what about the lady Miss Crabtree how long does it take to get a gal a cool drink of water yeah talking about something to drink if I don't get something to eat pretty soon I'm liable to get Plum dangerous though because we had something better to do you don't mean it's ruined topsy all to lie up follow away throw away Hopsin invalid to eat alone steak she say thank you very much but she have to go for achieving your city [Music] City Crazy Little Joe he didn't agree to take her take best buggy toe she very pretty lady very plenty I'm alone [Music] tell us all you know about I swear I don't know nothing Mr Cartwright let minutes running out fast who sent you up to the Ponderosa nobody I mean I was just hired to drive the lady up around these Hills [Music] good healthiest Troy was it alphys Troy hired you talk man while there's still a tongue in your head I couldn't help myself Mr Cartwright I couldn't say no to Troy I just couldn't help myself how much did he pay you he went into that town alone anyone care to ride into Virginia City with me us not into Virginia City not yet it's exactly what they want just the four cartwrights well we'll ride in but we'll have a hundred men riding in after us in the morning if we haven't returned he'll let the men from the North Valley Adam you ride out to the settlers in the Tahoe room I'll take care of the men of The Sawmill as soon as we're through we'll ride into Virginia City I'll be waiting for you in the Sazerac [Music] y we don't go back by morning [Music] oh I think we better let him rest man we don't want to get him all tuckered out I see it's very considerate of you to drive me Mr Cartwright now most people are about to just call me Little Joe Little Joe well you're not that small I was not that man it's my brother horse is that big yes he is but what kind of a name is that for a man horse oh he has some other name when he was born then when he weighed in at 50 pounds when he was just a couple of months old people just forgot the other name started calling him Hoss 50 pounds at a couple of months now that's impossible impossible man I don't think you'd say that if you could have seen Hoss's mother isn't she your mother too that big gal oh no but Paul said she stood six feet tone or stocking feet and good punch like a mule that's how Paul matter she threw him two out of three times in a wrestling match oh she didn't no she's a real beautiful woman came from Sweden well I said she was like a clean fresh Sunrise I'm sure she was your father was married twice I'm more than that more than that yeah older brother Adam he's from Paul's first way she's the daughter of a New England sea captain imagine my Paul being married to a Yankee what's so wrong about a Yankee ma'am if you don't already know you say no use my talent Mr Cartwright when will we ever get to Virginia City almost for you know it man ah come on [Applause] thank you [Music] spider has just snagged the fly Troy do you uh you think Miss Crabtree would appreciate being called a spider as long as she collects her fee of ten thousand dollars for this special performance I don't think she cares what she's called is yours man for as long as you stay in Virginia City view Little Joe hope you didn't mind the ride too much man I loved it fastest 20 miles I've ever experienced you will stay for my performance won't you I don't know what could keep me away I'll look for you from the stage after the show we have dinner together after the show you asked me then [Music] you know what you're going to do right Thomas Crap free this is indeed a pleasure you sent for me Mr Troy I'd have come to you but I was afraid I couldn't crowd my colleagues in that cramped little dressing room uh Miss Crabtree I want you to meet Aaron Cooper of the Yellow Jacket how do they do it's a George Garvey of the Diablo my pleasure gentlemen your famous worldwide won't you sit down please I will thank you my dad so was yours oh by the way uh congratulations congratulations for what my performance isn't until later well let's say for bringing that young man into Virginia City oh is that so difficult did you have any doubts it isn't easy to get a cut right to do anything it was just one young man didn't you think I was woman enough to persuade one young man to do my bidding oh enough to do all that I'm sure and more but you see Miss Crabtree uh task isn't quite finished what is there left to do Mr Troy we want you to persuade that young man to accompany you to your hotel rooms after this evening's performance of course of course how interesting and how unusual uh what do I do then make love to him no uh just keep him there talk to him do anything but keep him there he's such a boy what should we talk about talk about his blasted trees they've got more than a million of them up there on the Ponderosa and we want them trees you want trees I thought you were all silver Kings Please spell Timber and we need Timber Miss Crabtree desperately to keep our minds going you see the deeper the veins going to the Earth the Richer the pure the silver but without Timber millions of feet of it to support our tunnels and our shafts there's a limit to how deep we can go then it appears I've earned my rather exorbitant fee get that boy up into your room tonight and you've earned another ten thousand what do you intend to do with him hold him as a hostage until Ben Cartwright gives us the right to cut down his trees and what if Ben Cartwright refuses the way Ben loves those sons of his I don't think he refused if you promise not to harm that boy [Music] put down the war club also have much Happy Street friend always happy to see you too he cooked very good oh really good horse loves him like a brother ah it's a very good son you come from Virginia City all along you take terrible risk well a vulnerable father just take my horse to the stable I want to take care of a few little things uptown you mind humbling for a very beautiful lady [Music] [Applause] [Music] your affections for today and if you'll give me good attention foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Madame you seem to boast on beauty Beauty surely will vanish away pick a pretty red rose in the morning [Applause] [Music] [Music] whatever answers to him [Music] all our answers to him [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] sure didn't waste any time snapping up her invitation in his place um I would have done the same thing well if you had it had been your last supper too Aaron have you signed proper men to the task McCutcheon and Farrell Yellow Jacket boys gentlemen ladies I invite you to partake of the pleasures of my club Sazerac special it's open come in your Rose's most beautiful Mr Cartwright hardly anything man compared to all these I don't think any of them could have been given with more admiration or affection that's rather bold sir I might almost say Wicked speaking of wicked that was a fairly Wicked dance you did out there on the stage you didn't like it who me ma'am I loved every bit of it as a matter of fact I tell me Mr Cartwright your mother was the third wife and the last what was her name Felicia why do you ask I don't know but you must be very much like her where did she meet your father if I took a business trip down to New Orleans guess he made a better name but figured he would New Orleans I might have known a grandpappy served then of the pirate Lafitte until he got you mean to say your grandfather was hanged how awful I ain't a bad way to go man when you're 82. you ever been in New Orleans New Orleans I've been there dozens of times oh I'd give anything if I could go to New Orleans my mother used to tell me about before she died I can hardly remember now I was just a little kid not even five years old and I was used to tell me what a beautiful city it was yeah it's a very beautiful city very old and very gracious but we'll talk about that at supper like a little place all picked up run by a fella from Paris France going to Virginia City a couple years ago and paying for gold and he got so discouraged with the kind of food they dish out around here you just open up a little cafe what's the matter man don't you care for French cooking I love French cooking and [Music] French wine poyu son [Music] to your very good health this year what is it they call it champagne it's the only thing I drink tastes pretty feeble to me hmm it'll catch up with you but then at fifty dollars a bottle it should fifty dollars one of those stuff's expensive everything I have is expensive my hats my shoes I fuzz my gowns everything and money must be very important to you the most important thing in the world that's what enchants me so about Virginia City I can watch them dig it here right out of the ground [Music] foreign you don't know how hard I've worked how many years it's taken to be able to buy the kind of champagne we're drinking now [Music] there's a little Joe why won't your father let them cut down those trees they'd be willing to pay anything he asked trees wants to know about the trees they need those trees without those trees they can't keep their minds going and without those trees we can't keep the land going you're expecting any visitors man thank you I suppose you know what I've done don't [Music] you where is he where's my son may I ask you Mr Cartwright to address whatever questions you may have to my friend Langford pool Mr pool as you well know boasts 12 notches on his gun would you get a try for 13. go home Cartwright go home before I kill you you tell me to go home you were the smell on your Eternal house of Flesh rotting and stinking in the Sun you're gonna die for saying that to me oh man you're gonna die do you have any argument Paul you don't have it with my father you have it with me one Cartwright is just about the same to me as another [Music] I'm asking you again where's my boy I I don't know I don't know where he is we looked all over town PA there's no trace of him Troy the Lord saith an eye for an eye a tooth full of tooth I want my son Troy my son or your life you think that brat of yours is in Virginia City Bangkok right all right find him I'll find him with that actress once I know where she is you know that Troy you'll know where she is tell me or I'll rattle your teeth at the hotel the International House I'll find him possible of course you stay in here keep them seated right where they are if I don't come back with Little Joe we'll ask some more questions they'll be here when you get back at them one shape or another but they'll be here expensive taste like the champagne stuff hats first I guess you didn't have much Choice what do you have they'll kill you little Joe you can get out through the window please before it's too late I thought we had a supper day together [Music] may I say that your visit isn't entirely unexpected he'll get out of here [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] subscribe to me ma'am you're a sweetheart [Music] [Music] thank you good evening Miss Crabtree Adam oh I'm so happy to see you are you where's my brother he was here I'm sorry Adam I didn't think this was going to happen what you thought I think doesn't interest me this Crabtree you're hurting my arm I'll break it where's the kid you don't understand understand what you and help is Troy you don't think much of me do you on the contrary I think you did your job beautifully it's not everyone that could lure a young fooled kid to his death true hurt him go up into the mountains and make one of you follow me back to town for how much money didn't have anything to do with it didn't you just hear me say it was a little game a sort of a lock oh I heard you doesn't mean I have to believe you at all let go of me next time is Crabtree pick on a man not a boy [Music] he's around here somewhere we'll go through every shot and tent and we can find him [Music] where is it what are you hiding it that's a big help well if he's here we'll find him oh man thank you for keeping me alive because one day you may regret it you know where is he did you find him no I didn't find him Paul I got his horse outside I found it at the stable he's still in town we'll go on looking for amalpius George if we don't find him [Applause] thank you we'll try that one next inside basket I covered close you got anybody hiding in here hi somebody no nobody behind nobody oh what should I use let's turn this place inside out [Music] what did you mean foreign [Music] good morning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my God [Music] that's so little [Music] [Music] you you skip is this what you've been doing all night all night PA oh yeah I thought I was just getting started it's a great pleasure Mr Cartwright out out two little reps calling before I before I skin you alive [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] man look over there so that's what's been happening to our capital [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] your people are grateful take them quickly if the cartwrites come don't try to hear you know what happens to cattle thieves shoot Ben Cartwright shoot [Music] thank you [Music] well I trusted you I gave you a good life on the Ponderosa do you repay me by stealing my cattle do not blame my brother he but did the word of his chief how long have the piots been cattle thieves since the Washoe Antelope and deer are gone since the pinion tree burns in the fires of Sun Mountain since our women and our children and our brave sit hungry in our tents and sicken without food what say you win amaka the washer Antelope herds have fed the pilots since the long ago dream time the diggers of sun mountaineered antelope are empty they are the three head the weakest of the Ponderosa herd to go cannot see his people starve it's a matter of you took one the cartwrites let the pilots starve why didn't you ask us the pirate is a man he does not beg even now when amaka is called Woman by my young men around the council fires when amaka is no woman he thinks of his people the ways of Peace are good ways but because the Paiute loves peace does not mean he cannot make war war brings nothing but wailing in tents and lodges when amaka or the Peyote and the white man you and I understand these things this Ben Cartwright disregard the voices of his sons even so when amaka hears the words of his young men they speak for war they see as I see that the Paiute walks the same Trail as the antelope and the antelope is dead The Men Who dig in the Earth are new to wash they do not know the ways of the land my sons and I we will write to them and make them understand they will listen the cartwrites in the peyotes have long walked the Earth together if there is war Ben Cartwright even the men of the Ponderosa will be no war and no more Antelope will die I will see to it tukwa always speaks the truth they must indeed be the weakest cattle of our herd for our friendship would you drive them up to Ponderosa help you people talk [Music] Paul I don't like all that war talk a new Virginia City is full of fools I think even fusion though you can't push Indians around all they were thinking about was food is one thing destroying the balance of nature is another to keep this up the whole of Washoe become a desert so what happened to John Sellers California all right let's go Whirlpool Virginia City [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] remember when this was nothing nothing yeah you two country boys get you full of the city Adam and I'll take a little look around hey horse you ever see anything like this in your whole life yeah I've seen a stampede last fall up in silver Mudder the only difference as long as Stampede made more sense come on before you take fruit looks good Mark I wish there was more I guess we've seen it all now the good and the bad what they call striking it rich looks like all they've struck so far is bad luck pretty rough on young ones like that [Music] howdy it's not much of a meal for grown boys that take much of a meal for anybody but that's my business ain't it no offense intended Mr Paris Carl Harris is my wife my boys hello howdy howdy you know Mr Harris you could be feeding those boys beef yeah Hefner had wings that could fly too Mr Harris we're the cartwrites from the Ponderosa now there's plenty of beef in the valley I reckon so all I can do to Fork over ten dollars a pound for that skinny Antelope I couldn't afford beef but ten dollars a pound and lucky to get it a man come through last week selling salt pork for fifteen dollars a pound at least this meat is fresh we aren't starving Mister we take care of ourselves well I'm sure you do ma'am you don't have to pay those prices but we Market our steers over to Placerville for 25 ahead we'd be making money selling them to you for 20. 20 that's right are you joking me mister they're yours if you want them all you have to do is come over to the Ponderosa and drive them away I couldn't do much better than that back home in Kentucky you're a long way from home I got tired of seeing my family starve on 40 acres of rock now I figured if we had to stop we might as well do it somewhere with us a chance of striking it rich nobody's going to stop but we have catalysts there now get yourself some men together and come over to the Ponderosa well by golly we'll do it oh do you hear that woman we're gonna eat ourselves some beef oh sure I am acting like a Yankee come on in have a cup of coffee Mr Harris you sure don't know anything about us Yankees coffee [Music] hey where'd you come from you're cute and I wait a minute lady you just mind your own business [Music] have a good time if you weren't here yeah get yourself into a pack of trouble too hey look at that man that'll owe me ten dollars a pound yeah looks like we're raising our own kind of stock though come on excuse me man excuse me excuse me [Applause] they must be out of their minds how so friend always like to hear the other fellas side of things ten dollars a pound for Antelope meat that makes sense to you it depends on your point of view you see that happens to be my Antelope meat thereby hi what's Matt argue with you about that I haven't seen you boys around you staking out in Virginia City Mark burdette's the name Joe Cartwright it's my brother Haas a pleased to meet you so he's a big fell isn't he why do you have any idea how many people are heading toward Virginia City right now thousands yes sir thousands and every blessed one of them with a belly he's got to fit going to be a bunch of them ever since they found out about that blue stuff being silver which assays are better than 3 500 a ton they're heading here from all over the world silver all that time Comstock and those other fellas were checking it away thinking only about gold yo Virginia City is going to be a hundred times the strike the motherload ever was let me tell you something boys there's more than one way to strike it rich man can live without whiskey and women in closing even shelter but if he doesn't eat he dies what are you doing here if I like you to meet Mark rosette he owns this place I'm proud to meet you Mr cartrade it's my brother Adam Adam got a good thing here haven't you yeah it takes a business man I know a good business Mr Cartwright is that what you call it I could think of another name you boys sound as if you want to talk well one thing you'll find out about me I'm always ready to oblige here we are not very much but it's a beginning what I say is let them have their silver as long as I can sell them memes charging pretty fancy prices for that meat that's the only meat in town Mr Cartwright cost me a lot to get it reliable to cost you a lot more Mr you went on butchered the meat supply of a whole Paiute Nation you're risking an Indian War oh come now friend I have nothing against the Indians what I always say is fair game is fair game hey why why don't we sell some of our stock to Mr but dead here and the pilots can have the antelope to themselves again what stock you talking about son don't you know about the Ponderosa we got more Prime cattle you have real Prime Beef East of the Sierras I'll tell you what I'll do Mr Cartwright I'll take all you've got you can name your own price if you charge ten dollars a pound for Antelope meat will you be charging for beef all I can get if you think that's out of line take a look in the saloon see what rot gut Whiskey's going for or a bag of flour or a pick and shovel I just saw the last side of antelope Mr Burdette we're out of business not yet on these gentlemen are the cartwrights from the Ponderosa Ranch Prime Beef Cattle as much as you want my assistant early Thorne Origins well do we do business why not far we're in the business sell cattle Mr Burdette we have our own way of doing business in the Ponderosa we pay an honest days wages for an honest days work we expect the same in return nothing more nothing less you referring to us Mister it's all right then let's be honest friends I need your cattle I'm willing to pay you the best price you'll ever get I have a cold storage tunnel out there full of ice from the Sierras it's the only ice in town if you're going to sell in Virginia City you'll have to sell to me anyhow I say let's get together we'll both clean up we ain't hurting for customers Mr Burnett any Miner in town can come up to the Ponderosa and buy all the meat he needs and we don't intend to profit from his hunger profit from their hunger you think I was twisting those Fella's arms to get them in here every minute they can spare they use to dig for silver I'm doing them a service my son is right the Ponderosa is a business but there's more involved here than profits I'm sorry Mr Burdette No Deal why not I'm offering you top dollar and charging top dollar for people who can't afford to pay maybe you need to take him down [Music] I told you about your temper I'm sorry about this gentleman but we can't let it interfere with our negotiations our negotiations are over I want to warn you again stop slaughtering the wild herds if you don't want a war in your hands you'll follow this advice the Pirates can be unpleasant [Music] thank you I'm gonna kill me one of them cut rights so what are you going to learn there's more than one way of getting what you want are you sure Mr Burdette I'm sure they'll sell to me before I'm through or they'll never sell cattle to anyone else [Music] all right what do you think of Virginia City sure is growing up ain't you surely it's been Harris now this place is busier than Ernesto Hornets where you fixing to go oh I got a little digging to do up Six Mile Canyon you know back in game tuck I never thought that I'd be living on a mountain a solid silver kind of takes a man's mind off other things though about them cut grapes there they are don't you let it take your mind off those cattle you'll get some people together and come on over first thing in the morning we'll fix you up bye golly I'll do that first thing in the morning and I want to thank you all that's a real neighborly thing to do I bet them two boys make mighty good help when he comes digging don't you Mr Harris we sure do yeah well that'll be even better when we get a little beef on their bones but we'll see bye boys you heard what they're fixing to do the cartwrights are going to sell beef direct to the miners that'll Reckless production they could if those cattle reach Virginia City stop them let's just say I don't look with favor upon any unnecessary competition if anyone's looking someone tell them I'm investigating the places of the bucket of blood correct [Music] thank you foreign [Music] how did you guess [Music] I suppose I just have a knack for certain things I'm sure you have oh um there's some kind of a rule about women frequenting saloons who didn't you know this is Virginia City anything goes exactly my sentiments thank you well it isn't exactly the Palace Hotel in San Francisco but it'll have to do my name's Glory Delacey and it's all right I've been in here before then you'll know what kind of whiskey to order it's all one kind like that now let's see if you're right a bartender a bottle of your very finest why is it that a new mining camp always has the worst kind of whiskey the worst kind of women that wasn't what I was thinking what do you think you think that you are the only really beautiful thing I've seen in Virginia City why haven't I seen you before just got in town a few days ago well let's celebrate go what's your name Bernadette Mark Burdette to glory of the Comstock load did The Comstock loan they say it'll be the biggest and richest strike in history Bonanza a real Bonanza and I'm going to get my share of it you're not exactly dressed for the part well you don't think I mean to dig for like those fellas over there there's more than one way of panning for Silva yeah I know I didn't mean it that way why are you here big segment of a new camp I don't know maybe the hope that this one will be it anyway there's nothing left in California this is going to be the biggest thing that ever happened make California look sick I can feel it and this time I mean to get my share of it you never made it in California maybe I wasn't smart enough I'm gonna think of it I could ask you the same question couldn't I don't to the Future when we both have what we want you can't a drink to it as long as you're buying the drinks Mr Burdette I'll drink to anything I'm Gonna Be Rich the richest man in town here's wishing you luck what I mean to say is that from now on I don't want anyone else buying you drinks you mean you want to take care of everything I'm gonna take care of everything ready 40 60 80 100 Mr Cartwright and I sure want to thank you we can have more cattle if you want uh that's pretty near all we can afford right now but as soon as I get a dozen more feet down to my Diggins I'll come back and buy you a whole Ranch hey there comes otukwa I thought he's supposed to be up on the rim he's riding like this in trouble anything wrong more new diggers Ben Cartwright too many like the Trees of the forest he's pulling you there Mr Cobb right I'll bet there ain't a hard rock man left in California unless he's too sick to walk man who chased the Mirage maybe so maybe not but somebody's going to hit it over there to Virginia City and nobody knows who yet well my boys have got him thanks again and just wait to them women see you square meal walking in on the hole right [Applause] doesn't matter part newcomers from California Adam you double the riders in the room we'll start losing cattle I go back tell him now you've had a hard ride you've gone off the Steamboat Springs camp for a while I'll put another man up on the rim probably could have got a lot more than 20 ahead for those cabinets we made a fair profit it's all the ponderos asks well what about the other ranches I spoke to the other settlers they won't boost up their prices what do you want more money for anyhow Little Joe you ain't going no place thank you foreign [Music] steak tonight get ready [Music] remember I'll take care of the winners to be left alive [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't shoot [Music] foreign [Music] it's all over town it's on fever's running High against the Indians did you have to kill that way no cattle didn't get to Virginia City did they all right they didn't but you could have stopped short of murder you know any other way Mr Burdette the cartwrights would have come around I'd have up the price until they had no choice someday you're going to learn it takes more than money to make a real killing thorn Ton you're a monster I never should have taken up with you again you need me budette remember we remember the judge hanging over us back in St Louis but you forget about that prison guard I killed so you could get to be a free man again [Music] on your arm Three Kings foreign boys party's over we got some more work to do that's all we've done enough Thorn uh jobs only half done there's still the other half yeah what's that there's plenty of riled up against the Indians for killing them miners they're getting the Posse together to go after them yeah I know that's why we got to get the Indians stood up against the miners that way we put the cartwrites plum in the middle and what's on your mind kill and listen players for heaven massacred those poor hard working miners why don't we let the Posse go after him because the might stop long enough to ask questions I don't like questions Humane like who really kill those miners what's the idea I told you I don't like questions you really are smart aren't you Thorne smart enough to know what dead man can't talk even through a what's the name of that Indian that wish for the Cod rates did you hear me all right boys let's get moving we gotta get to him before somebody else does [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Mountain some of my people saw them as they drove the cattle toward the waters are you sure Winnemucca the player does not lie the diggers kill the deer in the Antelope they cut down the pinion tree and the Paiute has no bread and now he cuts down my young men it's like California all over again whatever they touch they kill how would anybody want to kill tucoil Vengeance some strange notion of Vengeance it just don't make sense Paul the miners is all killed with bullets probably would use errors I guess he didn't have much chance to tell him that what will my young men say when I tell him of their brother's murder you must keep them in hand with amaka let the Ponderosa find the men who did this I am an old man leading a thousand stallions today I can stop my young Braves I do not know if I can tomorrow we will return for tukwa [Music] please [Music] let's find out who did this I know who Mark Burdette wait a minute Adam don't you think you're pushing this a little bit I know you don't like Burdette but Jared when am I could say some Miners did this but that's no minor at the moment he's the only man who stands to make a profit by starting trouble between the ranchers and the miners not to mention the Indians oh we've got nothing to go on we listen Adam we may ride it a Virginia City and hang an innocent man well it has a point there Adam we have no proof you've met bradette how much proof do you need enough to know that we've got the right man like why don't you let me go into Virginia City and Snoop around see what I can pick up alone sure if we all go in together everyone will see us I go in by myself I won't be noticed might not be a bad idea Paul Maybe no now you take care of yourself Little Joe don't let protect sell your half interest in his business might not be a bad investment no Joel maybe I want to ride in with you of course I'd be less noticed if I rode down the main street with a couple of wild steers don't worry I'll take care of myself not anybody even a man like Mr Burdette chew down innocent men just for a few dollars not just a few dollars on us a bonanza [Music] thank you Joe Carter I just wrote in alone he's taking quite a chance isn't he riding in the Virginia City alone especially word gets around the card rights deciding with the pious what do you think would happen to him if it did who knows almost anything I wouldn't want him hurt bad I have a feeling that Joe caught right and I are going to be friends yeah good friends Hey kid you talking to me mister yeah I'm talking to you your mother and little skunk [Applause] s [Applause] hi somebody get a rope [Applause] [Music] what is all this we're gonna hang ourselves an engine lover nobody's gonna hang this boy we got three men dead over those pilots and don't say Joe cart right here's any part of it we started this you yeah so what it's on your fired I don't want to see you around my place anymore go take him into my office through what is this anybody want to argue about anything oh did I hurt you oh I don't think you could hurt me I don't understand those miners on the street they wanted to hang me why you don't know well the mind has sent two groups out to buy cattle one of them went down to your place that's right we sold them about half dozen ahead the other one from Gold Hill down toward Carson they found both groups murdered cattle were gone what makes them think it was the pipes one of the miners a man named Harris managed to stay alive he recognized one of the Indians a fellow called tukwa that's a lie easy job he said it not me anyway that's why this took was dead they would have hung him anyway took was not that kind of a man he'd never take apart in anything like this Mr but that you helped me out there on the street I I kind of think of us as friends you can believe me about tukwa no I don't want to believe it stop it it's a rapid what do you mean what I said it's all over now this Indian whatever his name was his name was tukwa all right that took while anyway he's dead now and he deserved to die to partnered massive but he didn't Mr but dead not tuko I know how do you know yeah young fool how do you know I told you he was identified yeah that's right you told me thanks for the help fella buy a drink someday man do you know where to find me I'll find you were pretty nice to that kid it's my job being nice to people we're paying customers you mean he wasn't a paying customer and you are aren't you Mr Potato you bought me three drinks or was it four I didn't count look what's bothering you you if you want to know what about me I don't want you fooling around with anyone else do you hear I told you I'm gonna be the biggest man in this town then God Have Mercy On This Town I'm sorry Gloria I didn't mean that I'm glad you did it because now I don't owe you a thing for those three drinks what's bothering you like yourself I've done something wrong what have I done I'm not sure but if it's what I'm thinking what are you thinking Maybe it was you who ordered that Massacre no that isn't true you heard about Harris identifying I heard you identify Mr Burdette I didn't hear anything else I didn't hear Mr Harris say anything [Music] all right [Music] there he is now about time Where Have You Been we were worried about you sat down and eaten tell us what you found out Little Joe what'd he do to you boy what happened to your face forget it who did it I'll still a minute now who did it some miners in Virginia City I said forget it they beat you like this you better hang me if Mark burdetta hanged you for what being a friend of the pyots they saw two quad riding with a man who staged that Massacre that's a lie yeah that's what I tried to tell him what good it did me who's the one who identified tukwa anyone that came out of it alive that fella named Harris Adam what are you up to I'm gonna have a little talk with our friend Harris oh wait don't ride in there alone we'll go with you foreign [Music] things there isn't anything I can't handle sure sure like that girl I seen walk out of here that one name Glory mention her she doesn't have anything to do with it she don't remember well I'm real glad to hear that because I just seen they're going out to the Harris place the Harris place I suppose Harris tells of the truth I thought you and me Cambridge and you said let's try it rich not stretch your Rook [Music] well hello boys you're pretty busy aren't you we are we're standing for gold now gold does anybody ever find it Michael you want anything here you're Mrs Harris aren't you yes hi Mrs Harris I'm pleased to know you ma'am I Know Who You Are what do you want here I'd like to see your husband my husband you know my husband no but I must talk with them it's very important [Music] how is he since he was hurt out there he does nothing but stare at the ceiling sometimes he talks but mostly just stares [Music] Carl [Music] if somebody here wants to talk to you a woman Mr Harris there's something I've got to know about that Indian attack I thought I was doing the best thing coming out west better myself worse off here than we were back home [Music] what do you want to know that Indian the one that rode for the cartwrights the one they called tukwa did you see him during the attack I don't even know who he then you couldn't have identified him could you I couldn't identify anybody thank you Mr Harris thank you very much thank you ma'am I sure hope your luck changes for the better soon find a goal we will we just gotta keep on digging though she's pretty he might keep digging all right what are they doing to her I don't know we want to hurt your glory but you better go with us I thought don't you ever hit her again who's gonna stop me but that you just left the house oh they've taken that girl away I gotta get to town get help it was just a bare rock Farm man had to take a chance whose wife the boys huh you boys stay here in case your Pawn needs something Harris we'd like to have a talk with your husband the girl they've taken the girl good girl I don't know her name she works in the saloon you mean Glory you gotta help the killer Paris just try to calm yourself and tell us what happened it was that man named Thorne they were beating her hey who who's with Thorne the man he works for the one that wears a fancy clothes two men beating up on a girl they rode out of town phone had to go Adam I was wrong about him I'm sorry forget it younger brother well what do we do about the girl we find her don't we Paul yeah we Blinder come on [Music] foreign think I can run away out here thanks where's that line Jackie we're talking about Thorn should be just over that Hill oh oh I sure would like to get my hands on that thorn let's get your chance as soon as we find the girl all right you think you can tell which way they're heading oh I represent right looks to me like they're trying to make the other side of Devil's gate you think so the hottest driest triple desert in the Nevada territory all right let's go this is Devil's gate isn't it Thorn yeah it sure is where's the shack just over the ridge you score it wouldn't make much difference if I wasn't it would have Mr budget why don't you kill him Burdette oh where did you get that idea I thought you were the biggest man in Virginia City all right prove it kill him I think you can do it Mr Burdette you're right horse are headed for Devil's gate wait a minute let him go you can't be too far ahead with one horse riding double Adam your little joke cut around that Hill awesome I'll plug the Gap from this end sounds good Paul come on [Music] you were lying someone I should have known it and why would I do anything like that huh come on there's no Shack there there isn't anything there well there's plenty of space long dry hot space [Music] wanna drink Miss across today under that fancy whiskey like he used to Heaven I don't want anything from you good because it's exactly what you're going to get [Music] is that what you were planning for to turn a loose in that desert without water she's the only thing between you and me making a real killing partner I'm gonna kill you so [Music] and just how do you plan to do that Mr bird did thank you [Applause] sounds like Adam and little Joe found them you've got a gun wire to use this you look worried someone I don't remember you looking that way before they'll kill you fool you want to get killed foreign [Music] [Applause] who's that gun you're not done worth it about me all along didn't you I didn't fool you for me not very many men form New York I didn't either that's what's important to me you saw what a fake I was right from the start not a fake just a man reaching for the Moon or anything else A Million Miles Away many miles million dollars same differences [Music] let him die foreign [Music] all right awesome [Music] all right yeah oh he said he had a hard head Paul [Music] it's dead he's dead isn't he [Music] came here to strike it rich find a bonanza now he's dead he found it he found his Bonanza he found it just as he died and that's better than never finding it at all isn't it it's glory it's better much better [Music] good one place or another there'll always be a mark Burdette and for everyone like him who makes it thousands fail a thousand to one odds [Music] I and sees a bonanza [Music] a call yes it's my call found another one about price steer put you this morning I told you talk wouldn't be enough for a man like Blake McCall Park any kind of talk you into Sans comes out of this me like they picked up a little company they didn't have a wagon the last time we ran them off here they're gonna let him get away with it bro he has the sickness of gold Senor you have already given him more chance than he deserves I say it's a family affair what I have my otu old friend something that would destroy the Ponderosa would also destroy me your fight is my fight all right let's is it with Mr McCall [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] let's hope you'll make out better with him this time than last John that isn't fair Blake did the very best he could your brother doesn't always approve of my methods I think you could do better John I'd like to try talking with him they're people same as you and I I think oh man caught right his Three Sons yeah they're people all right rough ones what happened between you and them I thought we were Partners John he's part of his own Pride they trust one another are you complaining I don't trust you that's ridiculous John please you're letting yourself get all on edge sorry annalize just what I'm I'm worried about your health I need to get you into that high desert country without delay yet wow I think you better get some rest [Music] a Samantha McCall thank you you're letting your love life interfere with your money making take my advice to get rid of her and Pennington both of them there's gold here besides she ain't gonna last much longer anyway Krug don't you ever let me hear you say that again it's truth ain't it well I say we were flattered to have the great Mr Ben Cartwright place a call my name is John Pennington we're on our way to the new mining area at Virginia City we were told this is the best way to get there well you were told wrong you're on private property other people have come through here they have and they've slaughtered our beef cut and burned out Timber and dug holes in our best pasture land are we to be blamed for the actions of other people when you're standing alongside one of the worst offenders yes now we told you to get off last month McCall we meant for you to stay off like what's he talking about very simple Emily the great Ben Cartwright thinks he owns the world well just this part of it Mr McCall now I'll ask you to get off my land all of you please Mr Cartwright if I may speak my name is Justin Flannery my only purpose here is to obtain specimens of Sierra flora and fauna you see sir by profession I'm a botanist an entomologist you see sir I only fell in with these people two days ago you made a very poor choice Mr Flannery that's an unfair thing to say Mr Cartwright you don't even know us if life partner caused you any damage I'm sure we can arrive at a settlement afraid we can't or can I even reason with you to Bennington your reasoning became apparent when you introduced hydraulic mining to California oh I've seen the operations of Pennington and McCall thousands of Acres of Virgin Timber uprooted mountains washed away floods caused by the debris of your monitors Orchards buried under mud us see what you can do for him sure Paul you keep away from him ugly fruit man I can't hardly help being ugly camera he didn't hurt bad I'm playing and nobody could be as unreasonable as these cartwrights seem to be you must have done something to turn them against us well you don't have to do too much how those cartwrites turn against you all right maybe we did cut down a couple of their precious trees and crew shot one of their cars believe me it was an accident they thought it was a deer oh that's the kind of accident we could do without huh I'll uh be a little more careful next time will you now look John I don't tell you how to run the office don't tell me how to run my end of this partnership you're really in love with it were you in here all I have left that's why I don't want any [Music] don't worry Emily wait can I get along fine the main thing is to get you into that drier climate without delay you go back in the tent get some rest huh so I just get some rest two hours in the morning two hours in the afternoon don't exert yourself sit and look pretty [Music] do you think there's any hope oh of course there's hope if you keep believing you'll get well Justice I have to keep believing I have a right to love [Music] I have to keep believing that John because if I couldn't I'd want to die [Music] Mr Cartwright I demand you allow us to pass through here how is he son he's all right Paul it's just a crease Mr Cartwright why don't you answer my brother's request why are you so unreasonable I so unreasonable Miss Bennington I'd like to tell you about a friend of mine he came across the plains with me and all the way across he nursed a wagon load of young peach trees had a dream wanted to plant an orchard in California well I saw what was left of that Orchard last year buried under a dozen feet of mud washed down by your brother's hydraulic monitors well I remember the man I paid him twice with his land was worth I I paid for each of his trees well just what price do you put on the dream of a man's lifetime my brother has no intention of hydraulic equipment into the Sierra and why is he here Miss Pennington I swear to you we have no intention of staying on your Ponderosa Ranch sorry but I uh I find that hard to believe see the facts are your partner has filed claims in some of the neighboring ranches ranches that contain Watershed vital to the Ponderosa well don't look so suspicious John the claims were filed in the name of the partnership and we'll have to relinquish them I don't agree that perfectly legal will keep them and we'll work them I disagree nobody is going to destroy the Ponderosa what do you plan to do Mr Cartwright stop every man who comes over those mountains I'll fight for what's mine and what I believe in and when a man who believes differently comes along what do you do then kill him if I have to pattern of History Mr Cartwright a man with a dream goes into a country knowing he'll be killed but after him come two more and then two more and the military are long to protect them and then they build a fort to house the military when they own the country yes it's happened many times be careful history doesn't repeat itself Mr Cartwright can't you see your way clear just this once I told you my sister wasn't well and now we have a wounded man on our hands you uh Camp here to you rest up and get your stock in shape anything we can do be a sister Blake why didn't you tell me about these claims well I meant to John I just didn't get around you were supposed to be following through in that assay report in the wash show now John we have as much right to this Watershed land as Cartwright has do you know what hydraulic operations would do these Hills I don't care what they'll do to these Hills I just want the gold in these Hills and you do just about anything to get it wouldn't you like why don't we just forget about it and go on to Warsaw the way we plan well now that's easy for you to say isn't it you and your brother both sure your father left you a mining company the million dollars to play around with like what's got into you just this I want to make it clear that the only thing my father left me was a bunch of debts and bruises on my back what I got I dug out of the ground with these hands and nobody's going to stop me from digging out more of it but it's not important I've told you that before it has nothing to do with you and me not doesn't it what do you spend your time talking about that fine Mansion where you were raised the servants you had the beautiful horses one that always asks me about those about them you'd like to remind me that I never had them like that's not so just a second John please you said that you loved me I do Emily more than anything else in the world you're everything I've ever wanted those things don't matter just a chance to get well and just give me a chance to be everything that you want me to be [Music] all right over here someday we'll have everything we've ever wanted [Music] Pennington you take your orders from Pennington well now you know I was beginning to wonder about that a few years ago when I first knew you there was no doubt about it I take my orders from you you still do oh sure maybe when you two get married you can use your wife's money to keep me on the payroll laughs it's more like it you just say the word boss and just remember that I'm boss that's the way I like it boss you know the uh the Bug Hunter Flannery says he's going on alone yeah let him go well I figured too except I was thinking be ashamed if the Cartwright should shoot him down on site wouldn't it what makes you think they will you never can tell of course if they did go kind of hard on them cold-blooded murder and all yep there must be a lot of folks up here in these Hills that don't like to cut riots any better than we do think what had happened if they was to murder him Cold Blood a poor harmless a little coot-like Flannery over there come on Christian let's go I think I'll take myself a little ride yeah where in the cart rides front yard [Music] let's see if we can make up for yesterday and dry some cows today right hey Paul is that that Bug Hunter [Music] yes it's Mr Flannery do you want me to run him off huh no no no [Music] Mr Cartwright I must apologize for coming [Music] I tried coming thank you [Music] Flannery he was walking toward us a new shot from behind how'd it happen an unarmed man whose only crime was setting foot on your precious ground I wouldn't do that you butchers all of you you're quick to accuse Miss Pennington but wasn't it you who mentioned about a man being sent into the enemy camp in order to be a known casualty this was a planned murder someone here is guilty well now who do you think's going to believe you the decent people in this part of the country hear about this they're going to ride on your place and wipe out the whole stinking Cartwright Clan looks like you got it all figured out don't you recall how would you like to start wiping us out right now that's enough take their guns what are you going to do kill us too you're going back to California all of you oh you're drawing a pretty fine line on murder aren't you Cartwright now we're out of supplies I told you my sister's sick and you're going to make us go back through that country without food and guns and our stock worn out isn't that murder Mr Pennington Paul wouldn't do that we brought along fresh stocking supplies by mule pack I'm gonna be riding along with you you is our God no no ma'am you see I'm going to be going along to make sure no harm comes to you man I wouldn't hurt you not for nothing [Music] okay Little Joe or Adam go along instead of me we talked about us we think you can do this yeah [Music] hey you kind for what you're driving you're here ain't no use in making it any rougher on the lady and you got [Music] notice your partner ain't talking to you of course I never could figure you and him being Partners in the first place not that I blame you then got some money out of it pretty girl you're gonna push me once too often I am I don't mean to as a matter of fact I wanted to talk to you about maybe working on a partnership on them claims you filed well it makes you think I'd want to share with you well I was thinking about you and that Bug Hunter I didn't kill him oh I guess you didn't just about as responsible as if you did [Music] all right well you have to admit I do pretty well with what I have [Music] you could have a lot more maybe out of the desert out on our way back to California are you blaming me for that you think it was my fault that Flannery was shot no I'm just a little sick of the way fighting and killing follows everything you do you and your pretty little world all wrapped up intense how do you think I got that land we hydrauliced in California you sat back in your plush office when I went out there and fought for what we had every instrument aren't you forgetting why we're making this trip didn't we agree on it we both knew Emily had to get to a drier climate well are you forgetting or are the things more important can't you control that miserable coffin these fur branches will make a good bed for you ma'am yeah just put them in the ground with a needle to end up you'll sleep a lot better smell of that fur will be good for that golf too nice [Music] got you some extra oats coming tonight a long hard climb we had today but you're gonna be a lot better soon I'll get you all scrubbed down here they they like for you to talk to them and make them feel good [Music] things don't you oh yes them I like all animals you can trust them [Music] I don't trust people well I wouldn't say that it's it's just that some folks have got a natural mean streak in them animals just don't know nothing about I guess [Music] you've given it up what do you what do you expect me to do that Big Moose could break your back with one hand rough on men but easy on horses he pays more attention to the stock than he does to us yeah I noticed that maybe if one of the horses was to go Lane tomorrow even if we could handle that big moosey we still need guns and ammunition before we can tackle the rest of the god right that form and it is Jose Moreno you don't live far from here he'd have guns what about Pennington Emily well no that's your problem me I'm just a simple man all I care about is the gold [Music] ma'am you're gonna see somebody today matter of fact if you'll look off right through the trees down there you can see the lake now pretty hate it the horse over there has got a mighty tender mouth so don't go saw in the lines too hard to hear [Music] [Applause] hey horse you better come here a minute it's trouble horse has gone Lane how long have you been waiting oh about a half hour I guess why didn't you tell me oh boy looks like you picked up a stove [Music] now either you got the guns for Mourinho your way or we'll get them our way my good friend I'm so glad to see you the miners they still dig like Gophers down at the flats in your eyes is everything all right Jose we're gonna have to be careful I wouldn't well you finally came to it didn't you outright murder I told you I wouldn't let anything stand in my way it's the only way to fight the cartwrites don't you see I was only thinking of you Emily you never could think of anybody but yourself Blake and you never will I'll stop him a call somehow I can handle that boys John if you want it I said I'd stop you it's the last thing I ever do tie them up Emily yeah come on I wish horse would get back soon it takes four men to replace him you can't hold up your end of the work brother you know [Music] [Music] thank you but why are we wasting so much time what do you expect to find anyway well maybe you can see through a wall maybe you know how many guns we're up against of course had a rifle and a revolver with him if they took his guns that's only they took Jose's guns too they want to stop being open they wouldn't have brought Jose's body to the house if they didn't all right Adam's right come on let's get going sorry I was thinking just a bad horse look mighty unhappy man what you need is a they're loving it cheer you up um leave me alone [Music] never mind me get Emily out of here why maybe we should have tied the girl up too should we go after him not yet let's see how far he'll get with a sick girl on his hands it's all right huh I'm right here by you I could get you something to eat if you're hungry the woods are full of good things eat if you know what you're looking for I just wanna rest for a long time where are we we can't stay here too long they're gonna be after us I don't care [Music] let me help you my family [Music] get away from me can't you leave me alone I just hate to see you hurting so miss Emily that's all I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout at you I can't hardly stand to see me nothing hurt as pretty as you are [Music] you stay right here I'm gonna take a look around thank you I don't mean any right behind us we must be on our way you can't keep running forever you carried me half the night why don't you rest a few minutes I'll keep watch [Music] do you really think I'm pretty I think you're a real pretty I think you're as pretty as I am ugly you're not ugly huh forgive me for saying it please oh Torah I've heard it before we best move on [Applause] [Music] and by what right there's a murderer like old man cut right tell you where you can mine and where you can't this man Flannery he didn't even own a gun an old man Cartwright shut him down you want to know why all right I'll tell you why because the real ghost strike is on a penalizer not in that blue stuff that are running into over Washoe that's why I cut right on his voice are willing to kill and not keep right on killing move in on those murderers now get out of this blasted blue stuff and into the real gold strike I might have a call in fact we're all with you right boys [Music] thank you it's working out better than you hope for our boss old man cartwriting the two boys and they're coming in alone well good they'll never know what hit him come on and bring my partner with us [Music] of course I'd like to explain to you by Blake McCall you don't have to explain nothing to me miss him you see I only saw the good side of him [Music] sometimes [Music] handy a rose because because the rose is what you want to see is anything wrong with wanting to see something good and pretty sometimes I even do that myself I get sort of lonely lighting I look for good and pretty things what sort of pretty things do you look for [Music] Springtime is this Canyon I go to blossoms on every tree smell of a damply used in the air and little ferns around on the ground [Music] it's lovely I was hoping you'd say that because it's sort of a special place for me and I'd like to take you there I'd like to show you the little gold back ferns you you press them on your hand and the gold comes right off just like it start us right out of the sky [Music] I never took nobody else there dick you [Music] I don't think there's anything else I'd rather see me I want you to stay right here on the Ponderosa don't you realize I'm very sick I know that but I want to take care of you I want to take care of you all my life I couldn't bear it having you feel sorry for me oh I ain't feeling sorry for you Miss Emmy but what I'm trying to say is I like you and I want I'll be right back [Music] [Applause] what is it Paul and Adam and little Joe McCall's got at least a dozen men down there I want him to stand a chance I gotta stop it of course you can't you be killed you send me I gotta you can't go I am a car up here I'm coming the car hold your fire wanna tip or four man card rightness boys [Music] thank you laughs awesome you all right yeah looks like you have things under control yeah Regner sudden lost my temper all right you came down please get back here diggings it was McCall's idea Mr Clark right I didn't want no part in it get off this line all of you yes yes sir all right oh wait a minute little joke you got it all wrong Mr Pigman you're saving my life uh Pennington I guess we owe you thanks Emily hard it's fine we gotta get a doctor for her how'd Riley doing up there he sure has been up there a long time she wants to talk to you Mr Pennington well what did the doctor say what the doctor had to say isn't really very important would you take that I'd like to go back to San Francisco what Emily you know what the doctor's there told you this is a climate for you Ryan three months time you'll be completely recovered John you know better oh I don't know better I refuse to give up it isn't a matter of giving up it's being able to face the truth I had to face the truth about Blake and I think that makes it much easier for me to face this I'll find another doctor well I'll do something no John you've done much more than the brothers should do anyway a burden to you during the during the time going back well then I'll go with you no I don't want you to do that I want you to go on to wash on to this new Virginia City just the way you plan oh you think I'd leave you I want to go back today today why you have no shape to travel please let me do what I have to do I'm not I'm not really so brave you know it's just that I've accepted it and I don't want to take a chance on tomorrow must be something I can do yes I'll tell you what you can do get my clothes from the wagon because I want to look my very best [Music] John please don't tell us [Music] there's a wagon cream Crossing this area into California and the wagon Master is going to meet us down at Target Meadows and take good care of her that'll be fine thank you God bless you John [Music] [Applause] thank you she didn't have to go back so soon I wish that too maybe I ought to go along with you you needed on the Pandora [Music] all right because tell me about the canyon and the dog wouldn't bloom I I ain't so good about talking about it the gold back ferns that you press against your hand the gold comes off foreign [Music] come back this spring and it'll be there just like I told you about it when you come back I'll take you there [Music] and when the spring comes and the dogwood's In Bloom you go to the canyon and I promise you I I'll be there [Music] I love you horse [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] loves me she's going to come back to Spring you hear that little Joe she loves me me old horse I'm gonna get mad Little Joe what's the matter what's wrong what have you been telling these people you must have known Miss Pennington was very ill you quack if you told her something do you think it's a pleasure for me to tell a dying girl she's got only one month to live [Music] you're all alive [Music] Paul make them tell me they lied it's God's will son [Music] foreign [Music] I've had to bury three women I loved Gilmore Adams and his for a while it's a hurt you have to bear alone good I just don't understand God you gotta help me huh foreign poor horse it's plenty to do foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] you this this beautiful cloth for them few measly skins not many people left in mountains too many Hunters well that's your problem engine you want some more cloth you bring us on some new skin good skin Savvy but I told my wife here that I get a new bright clothes oh get out of here I got no time no nothing for injured take these skins with you oh what is this burn party's been kind of dull the past couple of days well brother Mike you found some more booze huh yeah I found some more Bulls we go now oh watch your hurry friend I think I have all the cloth you want just give us some good pelts and we'll keep your scores as you bring them in no these wives I don't care what they are we'll just hold on them do they bring in the pouch huh no Mr Wilson come back here again we'll kill you [Music] now you boys have a good time in San Francisco and be careful that Barbary Coast don't want either one of your Shanghai before you just relax a horse gets in any trouble I'll take care of them oh you just make sure one of those spangly women don't take care of you and get back as soon as possible now business is business but we need you back here in the Ponderosa now get [Music] hope they make out uh don't worry pal San Francisco's no worse than Virginia City and I'm going to check on those new stairs down at the bottom Camp I'll see you at dinner oh don't wait for me I got some business in Virginia City [Music] uh [Applause] Bruno [Music] what happened to you who did this they took my wife your wife Wilson's Wilson Station they have guns namta's wife my wife and they do this when you try to stop them my wife they have her they will you don't have to tell me go get him can you ride Turing knows for Graves ring noses are hot head why didn't he go to Winnemucca this is not covered like payet he say banox ride kill Wilson men attack Wilson stationed this whole country will go up in flames come on Bruno we gotta beat them there Adam Cartwright [Music] ringnose calls Braves Adam Cartwright and we still have time foreign [Applause] I've tried to be friendly I even offered them some of this good booze yeah all right squash come on out outside we're going to teach you some letters come on you're gonna have a drink no look when a white bed off is your drink you take it Let It Go cartridge what are you doing here I said let her go I wouldn't try it not drop it easy I'll kick it over here you too we saw this fuss over a couple of women Indian women Bruno get him back to the Ponderosa we'll take care of him there [Applause] huh bird I'm sick my car drives still don't win let's go get him all right Phil so wake up those dirty straw stealing let's see chilling again [Music] [Applause] dirty Indian lover we'll see about that Adam Cartwright [Music] [Music] look inside [Music] or sun Canyon we go [Music] [Music] give the man a chance all right Wilson I heard that holler and those hundreds of them all over the place coming right at me I'll paint it up and naked or was it Winnemucca yeah yeah that's what it was Winnemucca oh where the muck itself well I had to get I started to ride I saw someone breaking the station drag out burn Phil I heard him scream my own brother and my partner and I couldn't do nothing to help him it was off but why why Winnemucca of all people the empires are running wild kill seven or eight men over in Sun Canyon seven or eight men you know who they were not all of them but they flat butchered Joe and Ellie Lawrence right outside their cabinet killing women I don't need to know no more let's go get them [Applause] all of this I agree the coyotes must be punished it's War it's War but you just can't Stampede out the door we've got to get organized maybe you're right major you go ahead and start organizing well I agree it wasn't a major in the Army for nothing but do this the Army way we'll get as many men as we can oh we'll get you close to a hundred don't reckon we leave that manner to handle that means you mess up coyotes but anybody who wants to join us tell them to come along we'll March at Daybreak [Music] let's do it you carry a lot of weight around here more than anybody they say you're the first citizen of Virginia City now you and I we haven't always seen eye to eye but we both know that an Indian War would be disastrous but Ben I just don't believe it's as serious as you make out ah you didn't see them down there but osby's raising an army it's Hysteria well armsby is no drunken fool he's a good soldier at least he used to be that has nothing to do with it we just can't stand by and let them March did you talk to them when the chance of being heard anyway I'm not the man for it needs someone like you someone from town someone they know all right Cartwright I'll be there at Daybreak but I don't believe there'll be much of an army once our brave Soldiers sober up well it doesn't take much of an omelet to start an Indian War oh [Music] that'll be all right now they're in good hands I think it might be a good idea if you were to stay here tonight thank you Adam Cartwright [Music] fools everybody's gone mad what's wrong all the piles ran wild wiped out Wilson's station killed seven or eight people in Sun Canyon and now Virginia City's Gathering an army to go after them I wasn't the pious it was the banox of the Shoshone tribe ring knows his people I'd like to say that Bruno numpta their wives are inside being cared for why what happened uh Wilson a drunken brother of his a held him prisoner who mistreated him so that's the truth of the matter why would Wilson accuse the pirates for what happened the ship the blame from himself protect his own dirty skin Paul we got to let him attack winnemunk in the past we got to stop him tonight uh not tonight dozens of them were gathering when I left there drunken loud boisterous nobody could talk to them tonight but what about Bill Stewart they listen to him I've already talked to Stuart oh he'll reason with them in the morning we've got to be along too nobody will believe it wasn't the pilots I felt like killing those Wilsons myself and I saw the women but why did ring Nas have to kill those people on his way back to the mountains the Primitive people son primitive and proud once they've tasted blood [Music] all right thank you yes sorry General it was a sorry Army where all those men you promised me oh some general overnight most of them boys sobered up [Applause] all I want to do is get out there and shoot me some Indians [Music] have your chance Mr Wilson with a few dozen men Against The Plight Nation [Music] [Applause] thank you what do you want here Stuart I want to stop you from making fools of yourself Ben Cartwright those Indians better than any man in Nevada now he tells me that the Wilson Station Massacre was not done by the peyotes but it was done by the bannocks of the Shoshone tribe higher up in the Sierras that's a lie all right maybe they ought to know what you did there listen to them one for Adam cartwrite this whole thing wouldn't have happened and we're his fault what do you mean Wilson can you come in just before it happened with one of his Indian friends said he wanted me to sell in and some booze when I said I wouldn't do it he said it had the whole pie you tried down on me man I saw it I was there I saw them piles with my own eyes they took my brother and they took my part and I tore him up in little pieces now we're gonna let him get away [Applause] I was trying to stand here and argue a few men go out drunk and disorganized against winnemucca's Warriors you'll be destroyed I tell you the pilots are innocent God right that Massacre took place before noon within an hour there wasn't a Paiute in town and Wilson didn't get back here with the news until late afternoon explain that if you can the Indians have ways I thought so murder has been done by Indians we moved to punish them all right man let's go just a minute all right arm speed go out to Winnemucca but go seeking a parlay not as a war party find out what the peyotes have to say about all this you're going to ride with us Mr Stewart no I'm not I can do more for you by staying here and keeping in touch with the authorities in Washington I will go along with you later my son and I all right we need every man those of you with horses Mount up the rest of you fall in Carol INE why did this I go to fight India [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right thank you hold up whoa look at him signal fires [Music] if that is coming for miles [Music] we do not know how many there are or what their purpose is Paco will tell us [Music] the tickets from Sun Mountain come how many are there Paco maybe three tens Ben Cartwright and his son the one called Adam right at their head must sharp Peak itself fall upon my father to make him see I see nothing but a great mistake it is a mistake that will kill your people even your friend Ben Cartwright rides with him Ben Cartwright writes to talk with a rifle in his hand what my young war chief see his people die I would protect them since one is war of better protection than peace we have asked for no war we have killed no one but the white man's Army moves not toward the sky home of the Bannock people they come toward us though we want only peace we would be fools if we did not think that war might come this we will do my son will take the Warriors of the tribe to the place of the tall rocks each Brave will have a white man in his gun sights but do not fire unless we are fired upon first I and the other Elders will meet below the rocks we will take counsel with the whites we will speak for peace should there be War you are the Warchief of our people my son defend them [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] agent it's too late for a Polly we'll take him in I wouldn't try it what'd you say take a look around one behind every Rock [Music] Devils I want to expect a Welcome Matt come along major Little Pony [Music] can't hold it come on yeah oh it is an evil thing to see Ben Cartwright ride to war I ride for peace so cheap at the pious then my eyes fail me for I see men ready for battle stop beating around the bush now look here and shut up on speed you want to get us all killed the pirate wants peace we want peace will we talk we will talk [Music] talking to them murdering devils can add me a clear shot at what I might show them how to talk Mike look I've got a Paiute for you yeah now this one's for my brother [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right they're everywhere let's get out of here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good Lord all these men harms me too it's a magic nice understand [Music] ing out there they're out of their heads with fear we've got to do something yeah well you better do it quick there's a couple of thousand idiots out there and are on the way here by now instead of cleaning him up he better put a rope around his neck what do you mean he led us into a trap that's what I mean everybody knows him in the pyots are thicker than blood they killed his son his son ain't dead sort of the shooting started I saw his son run off the Indians talk Wilson but you better be telling the truth well I saw when am I could drag him up himself from the looks of things it didn't take much dragon listen this is true I wouldn't count on it man I've had him is alive it'll just mean that a lot of people will ask questions as to why he was the only man spared I don't care what questions people ask just as long as he's alive Ben go back to your Ranch go on now if the word gets around it'll just mean trouble now go on all right you're letting him get away with murder shut up we need help that's for sure Charlie Hungerford commands a botanic and a militia on the other side of the Sierra at Placerville send messages there I'll go all right we'll send a couple of men along with you come up to my office and I'll make out an official request I know what to tell them I'd rather put it in writing if you don't mind [Music] Winnemucca have you gone mad be silent [Music] why does our enemy yet live there are many weapons some take lives some save them we have beaten them everywhere they run before us even now the diggers cry in fear over what awaits them before morning the Virginia City could be ashes if we were to move now it is plain to see the son of Winnemucca thinks he was sired by a fool for he talks like one Adam Cartwright but for my hand you would have long ago have fed the fires answer me in truth if I can now that we have beaten them what will the diggers do you know that as well as I do tell them with your lips they will send to California the militia will come the army how many hundred tens he lies let me kill him now no are you a woman did not his father kill gray bear before your very eyes my young wolf grows careless and he's howling Winnemucca speak to my father there are Men of Honor in Virginia City there can yet be peace can there be peace Adam Cartwright but there has to be peace you can't fight the California troops there is trees on the Ponderosa without number they cannot fight did we not destroy them they're not the remaining handful run back to the caves like cringing dogs you fought a bunch of half drunken miners out on a picnic a lark but next time you'll fight soldiers and they'll outnumber you two to one tell them when am I speak the truth he speaks the truth then Cartwright's words hangs heavy on the ears of the whites he will stop the Army he can't do that only you can we will send word to him we will meet him he will know it from Winnemucca himself that if the Army from California moves on the Paiute Nation his son will die [Music] when amaka has said it take him to hdp [Music] Little Joe we heard about the trouble in Sacramento decided horse would have gone up to San Francisco I'd come back and see if I could give you an item any help where is he Watermark is holding him prisoner prisoner was he all right all right received word through a messenger last night one of my kids bringing Adam to truck Iraq and to meet him there yeah well how did this whole thing foreign [Music] [Music] are you all right boy all right Paul matter vigilante's run you out of San Francisco do the soldiers come from across the Sierra they've been sent for then you will stop them or your son will die we're friends you must not do this my people are my friends did not Ben Cartwright shoot a Paiute Brave even as we parlayed a sharp Peak he would have killed my son I have a hundred Sons you will stop the soldiers Ben Cartwright but you shall have no more than two how do you expect us to stop an army Paul Bruno Bruno's if ring knows were to tell the truth about Wilson Station perhaps the Army will not attack the piute but you must give us time to ride to the high mountains we will attack no one but we will defend ourselves in our homes I would talk to my son you may talk it's like you got yourself a little hot water this time Alder brother yeah me this time instead of you hate to leave you this way boy I'll be all right pop Junior you'd like to cut my throat but wanamaka won't let him say that young wolf and Adam Cartwright used to ride the war show together as brothers children do foolish things but they become men we'll be back with ringnose what makes you think you'll want to come he'll come whether he wants to or not goodbye pop Joe [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] didn't expect you so soon we got here as soon as we could Captain Kelly will take a few minutes rest yes sir lights out pooped his mouth what Mr Wilson says we couldn't get here too soon you know Mr Wilson Oh yes yes I know Mr Wolfson my son Adam told me what happened at his station Hungerford ask him how come his son Adam is with the Peyote alive when the rest of them and they go out with chapter bits he and his wealth led us into a trap later it was not the pirates that raided his stations was a party of Alex part of the Shoshone Drive cartridge Mr Wilson major I was there I saw my own brother killed right before me when a marketing some pie you say come in and shut up my place it was not the quiet it was of Alex and the reason they killed your brothers because of what you and he did to a couple of panic women the husband of one of them worked in my Ranch look everybody knows that he's been on the side of the Pirates right along Spanish men were killed by Pirates weren't they the Pirates were defending themselves they didn't attack Ormsby my son Adam is being held hostage by Winnemucca that's why we're riding to the Bannock cheap Windows he can prove that I'm telling the truth suppose ringnose won't talk he'll talk look he's not telling your word of truth I was there I saw him you open your mouth once more and I'll have you gagged Ben I prefer to believe your story but I'm under Express orders from the governor of the state of California to attack the peyotes and punish them this much I can do if you can bring me proof that it was the bannocks and not the pyots that attacked Wilson Station then all parley with Winnemucca and try to make peace you must give me time major I'll march to Pyramid Lake by the longer route I'll stop once an hour to rest more than that I can't do for you your son or any man I'm a soldier Ben I'm under orders I hope you get to ringnose and get him back here in time [Music] you know believe me if what he says is true you go back to Sacramento with me Mr Wilson in irons Captain Kelly [Music] leave us it had been better if you'd lied and the soldiers are coming you will never see them arrive if stay your hand already the soldiers March it was your word that Adam Cartwright died they are not yet here leave us my son is there not a battle to make ready do you remember this knife I remember my father gave it to you yes I gotta return it to him now once the wild bear knew Washoe now he is gone the white man killed him that is so and then the antelope who was the friend of the Paiute he too is gone white man kill him that too or so and now the great son of the Paiute weakens and as it crosses the sky even today will drop behind the mountains and be gone perhaps my father will return in time soldiers already March along Chief truckee's River your father's in the land of the bannocks I would like to see your father a man should see his friends on the day of his death [Music] at the head of the California soldiers writes a man named Hungerford I know him he's a soldier is this the same Hungerford who defeated shining brow of the Cheyenne it's the same hundred tens of men and More in Canon all this to defeat an old man his son in 30 tens of pious to our small lives means so much to your people don't bite them wait surrender if you must forgive my father time enough to return with ringnose there will be no more talk even though I willed it if we must die we must die for the ways of the Wild Things Are the pious ways and the Wild Things two are dead I am sorry for you Adam Cartwright for you are a friend and the son of a friend but the first shot that is fired by the California soldiers will be a signal to my son and you will die and even as you die it will be like a small part of myself that dies with you [Music] we would talk with ringnose [Music] you are brave to ride into the camp of the Bannock well Bruno is this the way that Bannock repays his friend do you have anything to say say it to me the acts of the Bannock people are the acts of their Chief my son will die if the California Army attacks but more than that the whole Pious people will die if ringnose allows them to take the blame for the raid on Wilson Station war is war been cut right do you ask that the bennox walk into the white man's rope my son brought back the wives of Bruno and nunta from the dark land I asked the Bannock to do the same for my son what about us Ben Cartwright what will happen to us I don't know that must be paid we write [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] Mr Kelly yes sir any sign of Ben Cartwright no sir the rear guard is looking for him well we can't delay any longer I have the man from Fort Alcatraz cut around to The High Ground I want a flanking fire on the Indians and Sergeant O'Banion move his field piece to The High Ground on the other flank deploy your companies on both sides of the trail as foragers send the bugler to me he'll Advance at my command return fire if fired upon but otherwise let no man fire without orders move your man up very good sir Sergeant O'Banion move your field piece to The High Ground where's Batoon give him support to his position and dismounted foreign all right [Music] carry out the order it's one of them there are many I told you they would be many eyes to see you die it's rid of us or for the Hollister destroy your man on The High Ground to the right of that big rock carry on follow me come on man fire respawn fall in come on hold on with him up here hurry up hurry up fall and take an interval take your interval man or Miss porchard already sir very good Captain Kelly come on Miss Forger [Applause] 's on the advance follow me [Music] stand on the rock [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna kill you [Music] all right I'm all right well we gotta stop them listen they've already stopped God help us what have we done foreign is it true major that it was all a mistake yes Captain Kelly it's true then I'd better not tell the men you tell them Mr Kelly loud and clear I want every one of them know what happened here today and why it happened yes sir what about the bannocks I appreciate your honesty that took courage you will go to California with me what will happen to them I don't know I'll have to stand trial I'll do what I can for them there's been too much killing already [Music] when the market your son lives we mourn your dead son I do not mourn for my son I mourn for All My Sons [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Classic movie cellar
Views: 110,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: westernseries, grjngo, western, American Western, Cartwright, Lorne Greene, Dan Blocker, Michael Landon, Pernell Roberts, Bonanza, Bonanza Full, Bonanza Full Episodes, Classic, western series tv, old western series, western movies, classic western movies, wild west, full episodes movies, youtube series, bonanza, best western, bonanza series, series youtube western, cowboy, cowboy series, tv series, classic west, tv western, cult western, westerns, Bonanza full episode
Id: 1x0-hwfuK9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 33sec (11673 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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