Bonanza - The Many Faces of Gideon Flinch | Episode 73 | Western Series | English

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[Music] wonder what's bringing the two cartwright boys to town old nosy himself buddy can't ride in or out of town without your long nose starting to itch nothing wrong taking an interest in your neighbor ah i almost was one to keep to my own affairs but old jeb here he's sort of been bit by the curiosity bug he's wondering what brought you first to town well i reckon i can tell you two fellas yeah see them do horses down here hey bros you just had to get nosy didn't you ah come on joe this paperwork's gonna take us an hour yeah wait a second i don't see the stage coming thank you [Music] hmm hey you know it's uh the idea sitting in that musty old office all day kind of makes my stomach flutter huh yeah i know what makes your stomach flutter i've seen her too come on here hey well wait a minute wait a minute paul said you were going to take care of all that paperwork and stuff all right you just hold down the floor i'll be back in a minute [Music] oh man we uh we kind of pride ourselves on our hospitality here in virginia city that's why we always have a gentleman meet the young ladies at the stage oh how nice where is he well my dear we'd best check into the [Music] hotels [Music] there like a room yeah my two rooms as a matter of fact one for myself and one for my niece uh where does your sheriff generally hang out this time of day well if you're avoiding him stay off main street if you're looking for him his office is down the street of peace rooms 10 and 11. hmm can't exactly make out your name here uh is it uh cranston yeah that's my name all right uh homer t cranston [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] well chloe look at this [Music] kind of reminds me of a refreshing breeze right off in the prairie and you two remind me of a gale from the barn now if you don't mind if i didn't know better i'd think he was trying to avoid us now you wouldn't do that would you that's the two nice fellas like us now listen you two back pastor romeo's out of my way can't a lady walk in this town without being bothered by two low down miserable fat brain lappy cows lot beard yeah it's a lot beard you're gonna play good so i'll make up [Applause] [Applause] right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow i don't know who you are but i reckon i owe you a heap of thanks one nothing ma'am uh miss uh flinch but what you can call me jennifer mister uh thank you ma'am my my name's cartwright but you can just call me hoss paws i like that and it's easy to see why you named that because because you're stronger than a whole team of parcherons at sunup yes sir you got muscles stronger than a mule fight your own horse why don't you show your teeth uh allow me to present myself again miss joe cart right at your service hard right well that's your name i i said but true well blood is thicker than water he's my older brother much older now look here joe and that disgraceful incident i just witnessed street brawling street brawling joe them two liquored up bums is trying to bother me miss jennifer now you stopped teasing your brother joseph it was just wonderful the way he came to my rescue well he's the strongest man i've ever met well now that you've seen his talents how would you like to see a little more refined part of virginia city say uh luncheon at garson's restaurant sure well i'm hungrier than a parcel of podcast for a sprinkle i mean i would be delighted to have luncheon with you if uh haas will accompany us oh ma'am i'd i'd be happy to uh hoss did you get all that paperwork finished dab burn it i gotta get that done too maybe i'll join you later man please do yes and uh don't you hurry now because uh hey haste makes waste thank you again yes hey let me tell you about the ranch we call it the ponderosa how's it going rocky not too good little joe somebody go step me up something awful i can't ride no more i uh was sort of wondering if uh well uh sure there you go bless you lad [Music] howdy and you run the ponderosa all by yourself well of course horse helps me with a few routine matters first then there's pawn adam that's my older brother hey they have a few minor chores to take care of but i i do take most of the burden myself hey that's enough about me what what brings you to virginia city well i came with my uncle gideon he's in the investment business over to placerville he had some sort of a deal here so i twisted his arm take me along hey they got sauerkraut and hog knuckles morning sorry [Music] thank you wow that feed it pop the course it stays on a school farm oh i i mean the uh the luncheon was delightful oh i'm glad you enjoyed the cuisine no i i had the hog knuckles oh yeah look why don't we uh why don't we go down the liberty stable i'll run a buggy go for a little ride and i'll show you the countryside ah well that would be very nice but uh don't you think we better wait here for horse no no i i think he's gonna be tied up for a long time oh awesome so i'll just pay the check and we'll be on our way [Music] what's the matter my wallet's gone it's funny i had it when outside when i gave rocky that money i was careful to put it back in my pocket i haven't been close to anybody i accept you jennifer honey that was a pretty funny joke you had me worried for a minute let me have it back so i can pay the check i didn't take your old wallet oh look at jokes joe come on give me a bag let me tell you something mr cartwheel cart right i am not the kind of a girl that goes around lifting men's wallets even for a joke well if you didn't do it for a joke you must have done it for real and if you don't give it back i'm gonna take it back you call yourself a gentleman why are you medium out everheaded means your renegade cousin to a second loud bow all right that's about enough all right miss pocket picking flinch i'm taking you to the sheriff oh no you're not yes i am hi granny's lucky there and you want to sit down to the general store to other end of the street there's been more doing here this morning than i see in three weeks at the animal yeah what this this jackal says is a dirty lie sheriff i never touched his moffett no wallet and if you touch me i'll scratch your eyes out now you simmer down to both of you little joe i've known you a long time and if you say that this little lady stole your pocketbook then i got to believe that you think you're telling the truth on the other hand while she's a total stranger she don't have the look of no pickpocket spunky yeah but i went some looking little thing oh yeah yeah and and then that's all part of her bait shirt yeah to call an innocent man like myself and letting my guard down so she can stick her hands in my pockets now you search her she's got my wallet on her you just go ahead and try sheriff and you'll end up with a mouth full of sheriff's badge we're gonna start being more careful sheriff coffee this town's beginning to get all kind of riff-raff and sneak thieves i caught this here ombre red-handed as a matter of fact i caught him with his hand in my pocket low down pickpocket there i found these on them [Music] had a busy morning wait a minute come on [Music] i wouldn't want to touch the ugly old thing sheriff but uh if i'm not mistaken that wallet belongs to mr cartwheel cart right um miss jennifer i i i don't know what to say you bet your sweet life you don't know what to say you've said enough already may i go now sheriff you may that is for the hog knuckles and sauerkraut good day sheriff [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no i'm sorry to interrupt but my name sir is gideon flinch now i take it that you're the sheriff i am oh excuse me roy cough is the name is there something i can do for you why yes may i speak with you privately sheriff yeah excuse me boys you see sheriff i'm being pursued by a madman here just you read this yeah you didn't finish general liberty plattsburgh california i'll meet you in the back what's this i will break every bone in your body horse whip you and then shoot you signed by a mr burke now who's he uh william burke they call him bullet head bird bullet yeah you see i run a small investment house over in placerville sheriff now this burke entrusted me with five thousand dollars for speculative investment well naturally i do the best i can for my clients but i can't be right all the time well of course not in this five thousand dollars mr burke's that's been wiped out unfortunately yes except for my commission of course well of course a man can't lose his own commission well somehow this bert got the idea that i cheated him now where in the world did he ever get that idea oh you've got to help me he might be riding into virginia city right this minute now you just calm down and give me his description i'll keep an eye appeal for him i can't describe him he did all his business with me by mail but i've heard he's big strong and mean you know if you can't describe him ain't nothing i can do for you say friend uh me catalyte well [Applause] well where's your smoke well i figure if you don't mind lighting me you wouldn't mind supplying the stogie may i have my key please oh oh they stole it may i have my key please good afternoon miss cranston hello i'm afraid you got my name mixed up it isn't classic it's flinch flinch i i don't think i understand your uncle registered jen as miss hepzebach cranston hamzaba let me see that oh really uncle gideon i i thought it was kind of a nice name do i look like a hepzibah well i'm not going to look like your uncle get in if bullet head burp catches up with me which you'll probably do now that you made the clerk put my right name down on the hotel register well i didn't know uncle i thought you were here on business not running away from a man well i didn't want you to worry my dear but the dye is cast i'm trapped and no way out oh maybe you're just imagining it maybe he isn't chasing you tall well i didn't conjure this up no sir you just take a look at that oh if i were only young and strong i'd stand up to this berk and whip him of course you would but i'm not young and strong uncle do you remember on the stage this morning we passed that old deserted cabin about three miles from here well i noticed a shack by the river that's the one now look you sneak out the back way i'll buy some grub and read a buggy and take out there no no it won't work bur could just find out i've been here and tracked me down like a dog but but i thought you said he'd never seen you well that won't stop him no jennifer i've heard stories about this burke well i understand he can lick any two ordinary men and i'm not even ordinary that's it what's it i'm not gonna have my favorite uncle get beaten up you are gonna hide out in that cabin only burke when he gets here isn't gonna come looking for you cause he's gonna find somebody here whom he'll think is you but i don't understand i mean you can't find someone who's willing to take my place and get beaten up to get beaten up no to take your place yes if i can trick him into it and i think i can hi rocky lose your smoke yeah not only that lumbago steaming me up something terrible i can't ride no more of course i kind of hate to do this but uh well uh here hello thank you don't mention thank you [Applause] [Music] now you're safe uncle gideon you got plenty of food and firewood well i still don't like this idea not one bit oh well it's better than being horse whipped and beating and every bone busted in your body now i've got a little plan worked out and unless i'm losing my touch come on hoss [Applause] [Music] i just can't get over the way that you handled those two men that were bothering me this morning oh there's this kind of puny miss jenny anyhow they need to bet i'll just bet that there aren't two men anywhere could take you sure he is miss jenny somewhere no no hoss you're the kind of a man that a girl feels safe with you know that that a girl can depend on oh yeah you can depend on me miss jenny anything you want you just asked me here oh oh no no hoss you've done more than enough more than enough uh of course there is one small favor that i'd like to ask of you why sure ma'am well you know my uncle gideon has been tired and exhausted from the trip and all he doesn't feel up to showing an out-of-town client a good time so so i was just wondering if you uh uh miss jenny i i ain't much of good timing with a stranger oh of course you'd be wonderful and there's no problem cause this client mr burke he's a he's never seen my uncle miss jenny i don't know why oh it's simple horse all this mr burka want is maybe a free dinner and a few drinks why i have a hunch that after he sees you he'll only stay for a minute or two that burn miss jenny them big business deals i'm i'm about as clumsy as a one-legged spider you know if you if you really want me to i oh i i really want you to [Applause] okay hey no no now let me get this straight off now jennifer wants you to just play at the fire rock gonna have a little talk with us mr burke maybe buy him a drink that's right i'm on my way up there right now joe to me back there since i'm gonna be here all evening there ain't no use of you hanging around you might as well just ride on back out the wreckage no no i i better stay with you horse maybe give me some help oh no you don't fact here's joe you don't have your chance for gentlemen you ride on back out to ponderosa and tell paul angle to be there for something bye little brother oh [Music] well hello there fella do you want me i do if you're miss flinch i am well this here fell from the stage office give me a nickel to ask you to come down there right away please said there was some sort of mix-up with your ticket mine is to peep these these ticket offices all right hello thank you [Music] what's happening boy i come as fast as i could it's the ponderosa people trouble you gotta go what's [Music] here you tell us later in here what happened here [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] great land devotion glory be got it just like you said mister hey you sure did sammy now here's that the nickel i promise you nicole what are you some kind of a crook or something he wins a game he gets another week off what'd you make that move for what did i make them you told me to make the move you're so smart you go ahead you play myself go on all right i will come on set him up you're gonna lose me so many games this fella's gonna get out of here and i won't have nobody to play with but you i'll show you how this game should be played yeah i said you invented it over here all right i wish to choose clark is faster than you are with them handcuffs on all right you go first don't touch us that's awful nice you fellas come all the way in chicago just to help me out the boss said there's nothing too good for bullet head bird you really think the pigeon's here bullet head well there hadn't been a stage out of town since he arrived this is the only hotel boy i've been looking forward to this for a long long time now you fellas go in the alley and back just in case mr flinch tries to make a break for it out the back way now easy and quiet don't cause no commotion bullet head do you think this is the first time we pulled an out-of-town job sorry boys forgot where you were from [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right which did you choose over here [Music] see for it didn't you no you lose this game he gets out today you already lost me seven games [Music] you there that's why you're a deputy come on i'll let you out dog eared flea bitten biscuit binders you what jennifer what a pleasant surprise what have you done with hoss what are you doing here you you no no no no no names jennifer now you call me enough names to last me for a whole year i just wanted an opportunity to tell you how dead wrong i was well you'll be playing dead if you don't get out of here oh don't stand that dread i'll bet that you had something to do with sending me on that wild goose chase to the stage office too sort of yeah oh and i sent house back to the ponderosa oh no oh honey look all's fair in love and war i this isn't exactly worse oh come on don't be like that i'll be like what i want to be like excuse me [Music] yes i'm looking for a man i can't describe him but he goes by the name of gideon flinch of course room 10 you mean he's here using his own name now when he checked in he called himself homer t cranston i may look pretty stupid but not much slips by me yeah room 10 huh thanks now look you wanted horse to be giddy in flint so now i'll be giddy in flinch you can't be gideon flinch why can't i and look i i know hoss has got the muscles and the brawn but uh i just feel that i have the ability to make a much better impression on mr burke that might be mr burke no ah jennifer will you stop worrying look i just want a chance to show you i'm sorry that's all i'll be the best little gideon flint you ever saw i promise i'll make a good impression on mr burke if it kills me hey don't get to call me uncle are you gideon flinch well yes you must be mr burke very nice to meet you so you're the one that cheered me out of my 5 000 huh you know i kind of thought you'd be an older man but i'm glad you're not i'd hate to beat up on an old man well bullet head was right the little pigeon did try to sneak out the back way yeah you're going to go along quietly flynn after oh you made a mistake a terrible mistake my name is jake jake the weasel come on don't give us that jake the weasel's doing time in detroit oh that must be another jake the weasel you say you're jake the weasel we say you're gideon flinch you calling his liars let's just take a look here and see what we can find well now this wallet's got all kinds of cards with the name giddy and flinch this watch there's a name engraved on it gideon flinch i found it but my name's jake take the weasel no you know you're you're lying to us and you hurt our feelings you know we're sort of sensitive about that you know we may even end up massaging your throat like i said flinch nobody cheats bullet head berk out of 5 000 and gets away with it oh but i'm not gonna work you over here me and my boys are gonna take you for a little ride out in the country and do the job real proper like when you see mr burke there's there's there's been a nasty mistake oh you're so right and you made it when you cheated me out of my money no no no hold on mr burke now i didn't cheat you out of oh i i didn't cheat you on anything see the fat fact of the matter is i i'm not even giddy in flinch sure sure you're in french's hotel room and you try the old oil on me just as big as brass well it won't work flinch jennifer you you own up and tell tell mr burke here who i really am yeah you do that honey you taught me never to tell a lie uncle gideon okay oh you know look this is this is just a plan she's got to protect her uncle now i never i never cheated you out of anything see the fact is my name is cartwright joe cartwright you got something on you to prove you're this year uh what do you call it cartwheel cart right car cart right oh sure sure i go out i get a lot of proof [Music] i left my wallet in the sheriff's office of course you did everybody leaves their wallets with the sheriff now mr gideon flinch unless you want to test my shooting at five feet you better stand real quiet while i tie up the little lady here we don't want her running after the law after we gone now do we oh i should check jennifer you please tell mr burke who i really am i already have uncle gideon okay i wonder what's keeping burke you must know by now the pigeon ain't in the hotel we've got him but fellas i tell you i'm jake the weasel are you boys down there yeah bullet head we're here good now stand by i'm coming down the ladder and i'm bringing this no good lowdown skunk of a gideon flinch with me you've got him then who we got like i've been tania fellas my name's jake the weasel [Music] paul how come you ain't now fighting the fire hmm what fire the only thing burning around his paw i beat him three games straight paul you you didn't send a little boy in about about that high to get me been out in the sun too long i've been warning about you and that local weed that dad burned little joe i should have known it i'm gonna kill him boys like this this pretty little gal came into town on the stage today a little joe took her to lunch and only she picked his pocket the fact is he just thought she picked his pocket she wanted me to be giddy and french because her uncle wasn't feeling too good he was there in town and he didn't feel like meeting mr i'll explain it all later but i'm going to kill that little joke yeah maybe we better find out yeah it's your move okay hold it up right here come on boys this is the end of the ride this thing don't drive like the ones we use in chicago now we got to decide which one of these two hombres is the real giddy in french i keep telling you i'm jake the weasel shut up one thing's for sure want to use lion well mr burke why don't you just ask somebody who lives around here and they'll tell you who i am got an idea bullet head why don't we take care of the both of them that's right the boss said nothing's too good for you bullet head well i appreciate that fellas but bullet head works a fair man there's a cabin up ahead there we'll ask one of the local yokels if he can identify one of you not the other come on [Applause] yeah burn mueller sweet bitten biscuit [Music] [Applause] biter [Music] no no it was burke i i lied to you huss bird came here to beat up my uncle gideon i thought that after he saw you he wouldn't make any trouble but then little joe took your place and and now burke's taking little joe out to beat him up somewhere he thinks little joe is my uncle get in jennifer you was here all the time how come you didn't tell burke your wooden uncle oh i'm so ashamed haas but i was afraid he'd really find my uncle and i was so mad at little joe for calling me a pickpocket and that's all right now everything's all right honey what's done's done what we got to do now is find a little joke and quick look at this letter you'll see why burke is really mad look at that must be a half a dozen roads out of virginia city i'm gonna go down the street and scout around see if i can find anybody so i'm leaving okay oh and and i'm gonna random boggy and go out and check out my uncle get in thank goodness he's safe [Music] hey shut up oh howdy neighbor i take it you're native to these parts uh why uh uh yes so good uh maybe you can help me solve a little problem oh let me introduce myself my name's burke some folks call me bullet head bert and i'm a stranger in these parts myself and i need someone to identify one of the local boys for me mr um that's the real guinea flinch i tell you burke that's gideon flinch i've seen him in the sheriff's office and on the stage coach why don't you shut up you'll try anything won't you now what did you say your name was sir uh a cranston yeah a homer t cranston branston that's the name the hotel clerk told me that flint's used uh that's right bullet head this is the man i saw get off the stage this morning now we've got three gideon flinches to take care of what difference does it make one two three the boss said there's nothing too good for bullet head all right now all you flinches get into that cabin i'm gonna get to the bottom of this [Applause] now this much i know one of you cheated me out of five thousand dollars now once and for all which of you is the real gideon flinch i'm jake the weasel and i i'm i'm joe cartwright cranston uh homity somebody coming out there bullet head we'll see who it is so you managed to get yourself untied and follow us huh all right sister now for the last time which one of these glutes is your uncle it's gonna be that way is it all right i'm gonna give you people just three minutes to produce the real gideon flinch me and my boys will step outside while you talk it over i remember just three minutes i ain't fooling either one of you gets beat up horse whipped and maybe shot or all three now is that clear oh i can't let you two take punishment for me i ought to own up to bullet head but i can't oh that's all right uncle gideon we'll think of something say how did you all get out here anyhow uh how do we get out here how did you get out here why do you think hoss came back and untied me the horse knows about this yes i i told him the truth i even gave him that letter that burke wrote to uncle gideon you gave my brother the letter yes then he must have it on him you know i think maybe we can all get out of this i'm i'm willing oh anything this is gonna be good hmm good you see my brother's got the letter time's just about up bullet where'd you get the watch oh this is flinches i figured when you got through with him he wouldn't be needing it [Applause] so you're the real gideon flinch i knew it no no no hold it berk and we we decided to tell the truth i'll give you ten seconds well we see we we think this farce has gone on far enough and well the three of us decided not to take a beating just to protect the real gideon flinch you mean there's another gideon flinch what four four gideon flinches four gideon flinches yes see that that was part of the plan see we wanted to protect our old pal gideon flinch one wonderful guy and uh we thought maybe we'd confuse you and then you'd leave down what kind of plumber are you trying to hand me now you listen bert now i can lead you to the real mccoy i mean i mean flinch and and he's right back there in town and i can prove he's got a letter on him that you wrote to him now am i right or am i right the u.s mail does not deliver letters to the wrong people if this is a trick i'm gonna have your hide flinch or not hey rocky you ain't seen a little joe have you got sauce i ain't seen them since this morning but my lumbago's chilling hey you didn't see my pipe did you [Applause] [Music] there goes one of them yeah i wonder where's the other one [Music] [Applause] there he is one and only gideon flinch boys bring him in [Music] that's him if that's really him bullet head looks like you're gonna have your hands full well the bigger they are besides you always got the bulge on a man when he knows that you're right and he's wrong and if you got him outnumbered well you better be right about him having my letter in his pocket oh yeah he's got it you come with me put that thing away here keep your eye on [Music] howdy stranger oh hi please it's the real gideon flinch i got you at last i take it that you're mr bullet head burke now just so they ain't no mistaking my name is hoss cartwright and you got my little brother little joe you're giddy in french [Music] hey come on excuse me sure come on come on come on come on [Music] how you doing oh ah miss flinch mr french that punch and hurt you no more than that ain't no needing us fighting ah good work brother i'll host you a magnificent please tell me which one of you is gideon flinch confusing ain't it i i guess i owe you two a great deal of thanks shouldn't we get the sheriff now it's going to be kind of hard to do see the sheriff and the deputy rode out of town this morning looking for a little sneak thief that busted out of their jail named jake the weasel that's me i keep telling you i'm jake the weeds i guess he really was jake the weasel i i want to go back to chicago please i just got to know which one of you is gideon flinch bullet head this here is the only giddy inflates there is or there ever was well don't let him hurt me oh don't worry now he will hurt nobody well if you're willing to let bygones be bygones you take my word for it i don't ever want to see any of you ever again hey uh now that all the excitement's over and seeing that garson's is still open i would like to have a little late supper with the more charming of the cartwright clan why i'd like that a whole lot if the more charming member would consider taking me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes siree it's been a mighty tiring day i'm plum tuck it out me too this sure has been more exciting than the alamo [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Grjngo - Western Series
Views: 393,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: western series full episodes, western tv shows, western series on youtube, western tv shows old, old western series, western, western movies, full episodes, full episodes movies, best western, the many faces of gideon flinch bonanza, best western series, western tv shows from the 60s, western series movie, classic western movies, series western, western series tv, western tv shows full length, western tv show themes, western series movies, Western tv shows full episodes
Id: BXfcsjPrpcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 17sec (2897 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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