Bonanza - A Hot Day for a Hanging | Episode 104 | American Western | Wild West | English

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[Music] sure is hot cartwright no relief inside either scorcher all right [Applause] that's what's worrying me worrying about the weather won't do any good oh bother me i prevent my son haas from getting hit with the cash on time we got till five o'clock mr owner is there any possibility of extending that deadline i've told you mr cartwright we've already got another offer for that land in cash now i can't risk losing that to extend your option i could pick up that option right this second if you'd only accept my bank draft for 12 000 i don't understand you're being so stubborn about it look since the drought set in we've accepted too many drafts that have turned out to be no good like this one here i've got a whole drawer full of them i'm sorry but my clients insist on cash cash there wasn't such a good piece of land but it is mr cartwright and you know it yes sir sure is a hot one [Music] so [Music] all right don't make a move [Music] named steadman i'm the county sheriff well i'm sure glad to see you i'm a little jeffy with lone writer coming up on me out here what do you got to be jumpy about well i mean with a drought being what it is there's quite a few hard cases roaming around yeah sorry about the gun how about a cup of coffee what's that for i like to have a look in those saddle bags any objection ring i have much choice no sheriff move back you've got a lot of money here i'm delivering it scotchberg for my paw it's a land deal you can prove that of course i can suppose you come with me and we do that come where dutchman's flats about eight miles yonder sheriff look i got to be in scottsburg at five o'clock this time you'll make it unless we stand here all day arguing about it what are you going to charge me with i could charge you with building a fire on rangeland or something more serious like what like maybe you're part of the gang that held up the bank of dutchman's flats and killed a teller now you want to get on your horse and let's get this thing over with [Music] [Music] so [Music] um [Music] so [Music] ah well it sure ain't much of a town is it it's a hot one i'll say that you could stand a cold beer yeah morning melt all right yes i can't remember it being so hot for so long too long everything's burnt to a crisp yeah that's fair josie now milt i know what you're gonna say i must ask you again if i can't extend credit the farmers and ranchers are going to have to move out and i can't do anything about that unless you give me a loan milt you know as well as i do that since the robbery the bank is almost without funds jesse you've just got to do something you're the banker in this town people depend on you for help well don't you think i know that well then why don't you do something what are you just sitting around for now wait a minute i'm getting sick and tired of you and everybody else in this town blaming me for this robbery i lost as much if not more than anybody remember it was my own son-in-law who was shot and killed now that's all you have on your mind milk i'm sorry jesse it's just that i've got to say no to all those farmers that come to the store all the time i told them i'd talk to you what they don't understand is there's nothing i can do if i only had a little more time i've tried to negotiate a loan from every bank in this territory but everybody has hit as hard with this drought as we are then i say this town is going to die just as sure as that dang sun comes up every morning how's marianne how do you think she is her husband dead good day mary ann it's nice to see you about again well kylie i'm sorry larson wait a minute don't give me that the bank just turned me down look i got a house full of kids and i'm not gonna let them go hungry i can't give you what i haven't got and i got it right from a fella that talked to a feller who knew the brother of one of the men that was right there cave it was two bears nobody told me i'll tell you what he told me son he told me there was grasshoppers millions of them 50 miles north of here just to chewing up everything in sight you know what here's my eye and grasshoppers is going to be down on us sure shoot there ain't no grasshoppers nor are they here mister who told you that ain't nobody told us that we just rode through there yesterday i see there's grasshoppers up there are millions of them and i say there ain't that storekeeper has no good tight white hypocrite he won't give anybody any credit well it's the drought that's what's the trouble ned said bankrupt laid this town low i tell you them robbers got all her money yeah there's nothing being done about him sheriff stedman he's riding all around the country finding nothing you you you leave the sheriff out of it our work foreman is a good man if you only let me wear a gun yeah i know i know i was in the bank the day had happened i could have prevented the whole thing that's shooky it's too hot to go through all that again i mean i've heard it 900 times in the last few weeks yeah but i still could have prevented the whole thing fight fight fight i'm coming oh wait a minute wait a minute it's too dang hot to fight about grasshoppers well you're right alabama well much of a fight i don't know fight it off at least it was a little excitement huh uh come on ted let's get this place back [Music] together what you got there sheriff not much just hold it right there all right get down all right inside yeah it must be something riding a 50 horse she sure is a big man oh sure is just like the one like one what i got to give the sheriff a hand what's going on sure what does fella do god i'm starting a fire on rangeland because his name's cartwright oh all right oh nice sheriff come on will you so must be fifteen twenty thousand here that's twelve you see you stole the sheriff that's a pile of money think he stole it the sheriff knows where i got the money look sheriff i got to be in scottsburg in three hours the sheriff's too smart to turn you loose you might be a bank robber of some success look all you got to do is send the telegraph to the land office in scottsburg my paul verify my story you an awful fidgety for an honest man jerky yes sir go stable a man's horse see that's rubbed down right away sheriff hey shucky who was that the sheriff card says his name is carter you know he had 15 thousand dollars in gold in them saddlebags 15 000 in gold you think he stole it wouldn't surprise me at all of course he said he didn't but being the sheriff think he's lying we're gonna hold him in jail for a while um i got some things to do see you later yeah yeah hey barbara hey robert i'm great great steadman's caught himself a good one this time you mean that fella he brought in a while ago yeah he had been dollars in gold in a saddlebag you know who he is well his name is cartwright or something like that listen i'll see you later okay he must be the one make yourselves home i'll be right back how many thousand dollars huh well you're not in any of these wanted posters that ain't too surprising sheriff are you going to send that telegram or not yep i guess i'll send it now i wish it wasn't some blasted hot [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh sure what's on your mind i just want to congratulate you about what oh now don't be so modest yeah let's uh step in out of the heat for a minute sit down sheriff take a load off your feet no thanks i haven't got much time larson tells me you caught us a big time desperado you mean that cartwright fella that's right the little town's talking about it that was pretty slick catching him red-handed that way without even having to fire a shot and i hear he was carrying 25 000 in boolean 12 000 to be exact just about what they took in the bank just about but that doesn't make him one of the robbers no but if he did turn out to be one of the robbers i'd be quite a feather in your cap might even change this town's opinion of you i'm gonna send a telegraph to scottsburg if they back up his story i'm gonna let him go sheriff just having that fella in jail has had quite a stimulating effect on this town do you have to be in all that hurry to scent it [Music] hey tom i just telling connolly about that fella you caught yeah yeah it sure sounds like he could be one of the fellows who robbed the bank all i know about him is what he's told me you know sheriff i never thought you'd do it do what well do something about them robbers that ruined this town yeah well we believe you're now sheriff and when the next elections come up we'll be remembering it we'll just do more than that we'll buy you a drink right now no come on chef i'm checking come on come on let's go come on come on well howdy chef glad to see you let me buy you a drink yeah sheriff you deserve a free drink you know it's all around town that uh you're pretty sure that cartwright's one of the gang that robbed the bank i didn't say that well you're not saying he ain't either it's all right sheriff shooky said he recognized him did chooky say that well not in so many words but uh we knew what he meant well just having him in jail makes me feel a lot better me too gotta hand it to you tom thanks for the beer man i gotta send a [Music] telegraph [Music] uh [Music] [Music] hello sheriff i uh i was just sitting here keeping an eye on things thanks chucky shooky have you been telling folks around town that this fella we got in here is one of the bank robbers well i i was in the bank when it happened you know you could identify him as one of the gang well i i i didn't say that i just said that one of the robbers was a big fella so if he was to go on trial would you swear before a judge that he was there yes sir i could rightfully say that one of the robbers was a big fella and that he killed fillmore's son-in-law you could sheriff are you gonna hold him for trial i don't know i gotta do some checking you stay here give me you mean sit here and and got a desperate killer without a gun behind bars oh nevertheless it just ain't right i know i just know that if i had a gun that day in the bank i could have prevented the whole robbery sure you could sh chef mr gilmore i've been puzzled what did you mean when you said not to be in any hurry to identify that prisoner oh it wasn't important tom i just uh figured that maybe what this town needed was a good kick in the bridges to get moving again and just having this fellow in jail might do just that it hasn't been proven that he was one of the gang i know that tom but there's no harm in him just sitting there is there no tell me if it turned out that he was one of the gang what would happen he'd go to trial of course i know that what i mean is the money it would come back to the bank that'd just about put this town back on its feet wouldn't it it certainly would and you would be the man who did it mary anne honey you shouldn't be out in this heat mr conley told me you caught the man who killed my husband i'm afraid everybody's jumping to conclusions sure i have a suspect but so far i haven't any proof proof everyone in town knows he's the one who did it are you just going to sit around doing nothing as usual now mary ann the sheriff has done all he could has he your husband was a friend of mine honey i don't want you to upset yourself these last few days you seem to be coming out of it i don't want you to start brooding again i'm going over to the jail and see the man who shot ed now you heard the sheriff say that he had no proof that it was the killer will you come with me or not is this the man who killed my husband i told you before mrs wilson we're not sure ma'am i ain't kill nobody get chooky summers in here no mary ann don't make a fuss he was in the bank at the time of the killing maybe he can identify him i have already talked to him about it now i think we ought to let shooky make his identification at the proper time if we go dragging him in here now we're able to scare him into making a mistake sheriff my husband has been dead for weeks will you please get shooky in here and let him prove whether this man is the killer or not get in sheriff he can tell you i'm not to kill her and maybe you'll let me out of here yeah sheriff we want to see if you can identify the prisoners the man that killed ed wilson oh chef i shooky come on just go right over you see mrs come on take a good look at now look now shooky you look at him and see if he isn't the man look at him well it's it's been a little while ago [Music] you were the only one who was in the bank at the time don't you recognize him but i didn't get a good look at him you never saw me before the day in your life now you tell him that shooky you be sure you're the only one who can help me now please you know he's the man please help me yep that's the one i saw right [Music] i can't understand it i shall be here by now maybe you never got your telegraph i better check on that you know you still got a little time on your option well right now the option isn't important my son is and except for your stubbornness about cash i wouldn't have to be worrying about him now i'm sorry but that's the way it had to be well uh i thought i recognized him when he first came on the team yeah well you sure did the time a great favor shooky yeah you sure did all right sure you know that means we might get our money back for you come on we'll take it down buy your beer yeah come on i got to stay in the car he wants me let's come yeah right through here let the whip let's leave it oh tom uh how about letting us take a look at him huh yeah how about it sheriff all right all right now boys wait a minute now wait a minute now wait a minute we got to do this orderly now hold on all right yeah you go all right all right you stephen's murder i don't talk to the person i keep they're gonna hang you sure say don't talk to the prisoner keep it moving now let everybody have a chance here when's the trial going to be sheriff like a judge won't be around for a few weeks that'll be something and the hanging i don't want to miss that i'm afraid you won't see that mcrae look what movement why not he held up a prison was that for sure for sure shoot i was counting on that hanging what happens to all that money go back to the bank as soon as the judge releases it why can't it go to the bank now that tonka sure use it because it's a law that money stays right in that safe until the prisoner's found guilty it's a shame seeing as how it's our money i don't talk to the person that's a shame mcgregor why don't you get out of here shooky get these fellas out of here all right now everybody keep moving everybody out everybody come on there's a thought of that cartridge makes my blood boil even that fifty dollar horse yeah well i've been thinking of cartwright too can't you just imagine the high life he's been living the licorice drunk the women the fine food he's been eating oh he's had it real good you can bet on that that's his gravity though all that stolen blood money ain't going to get away with it no he's probably going to get off my law wouldn't anything like that to happen yeah men like him use the law ned you get a smart lawyer and yeah yeah sure now why didn't i think of that their outlaws know all the ins and outs well they could even that's what i mean that's what i mean [Applause] well he can't get away with that something good people this town see that he don't nothing's gonna happen unless maybe uh maybe you got an idea net well might have [Music] yeah it just might have i never seen it so hot i know tibs that old jail over there ain't nothing but an old broken down cracker box yeah twenty thousand sure is a powerful lot of money that's a lot more than i've ever seen me too you thinking what i'm thinking when it gets dark [Music] foreign [Music] boys boys quiet down now boys boys ned larsen here's got something important to say yeah i sure do listen that diva murder sitting up in our jail that that that cartwright fella's gonna get off scot-free if we give him half a chance he's right right ed wilson was a friend of yours he's a friend of mine i say it's up to us to punch the fella that shot him down at cold blood i say we take care of that fella ourselves that's right [Music] what's all the shouting about i ain't sure but oh that's probably just talk not just they're gonna do it they're talking about putting a put the rope around his neck and lynching him charlie you gotta do something about it you're drunk you get inside get some coffee and sober up i'm gonna need you and you you get over to that saloon and try to talk some sense into those fellas you're the sheriff tom isn't that your job there's a telegraph we didn't send that just might have proved that man in there is innocent hey what's all the ruckus out there oh no nothing just uh just some of the fellas whooping it up a little lazar well how come you're hooping it up oh sheriff said he wanted me to stay here he said i needed my help your help huh like the way you put the finger on me uh least you can do is give me a cup of that coffee sure here you go thanks why did you do it little man cartwright put him down now you go get some sleep tomorrow ain't a man here didn't know ed wilson it wasn't a finer man in this town than ed wilson now how many of you fellas got hurt when this this cartwright fella stole all your money out of the bag we're gonna let him get away with it no well i say we ought to string him up right here and now listen to me listen oh you shut up fillmore i won't let get out of here let's listen to what he has to say uh man we cannot take the law into our own hands oh wait a minute you're gonna listen to a man who won't help his own neighbors i'm going to listen to a tight-fisted money grabber that won't give any of us any credit i can't give you any credit i haven't anything left to give you now ed wilson was my son-in-law and if he were here now he would say to all of you don't stain my name with blood i agree with mr fillmore now you keep out of this conley now please all of you go home before you do something you'll regret for the rest of your lives [Music] ah come on i'll buy you a drink [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's show more oh bags i shouldn't listen to him you don't care if this town dies yeah just forget it it's all over i might as well go home buy you fellas one more drink on the house yeah all right good might as well not gonna happen anyhow that cartwright's gonna go free and tomorrow thing's gonna be just the same it's gonna be hot what happened sheriff what happened two fellows busted in here and tried to free that cartwright is that true sheriff i heard him coming at me in the shower drove him off but one of them winged the sheriff we'll organize a party take after himself go on home we'll get some guns to be right back sir i catch you with guns you're gonna be right in there with him sure can't go down to the saloon and get me some whiskey for this arm right yeah what were those shots cartwright's gang tried to bust him out of jail yeah i knew what's gonna happen i know it's gonna be just a question of time will somebody come up here tried to bust him out of here now you want to make one of your fancy speeches about the law taking its course now listen to me don't you now listen me money bags and you keep out of this you're gonna wish you had let's round everybody up me at the saloon wait a minute wait a minute you all right tom i'll live you think those men were really trying to get cart right out of here well it's a cinch they were trying to get in here for something well that could prove that he was guilty couldn't it it also proved that they're after that 12 thousand dollars i got there in a safe sheriff i had no connection with those two men and you know it you're a liar a dirty rotten liar mary ann i wish you would stay out of this i can't stay out of it now listen to me tom is still not sure that we have the right man not sure well i don't care if you're sure or not because he's gonna get it you're gonna get it big man you might be able to fool my father and the sheriff here but not for long because there are other men in this town real men and they're not look you listen to me they're not gonna let you get away with it they're gonna come in here and drag you out they're gonna put a rub around your neck for killing my head marion don't touch me [Music] so [Music] hey sheriff the men's gathering around the saloon talking lynch again shut up what's he talking about sheriff that's all i talk about lynching just some of the boys down at the saloon got too much of this loud mouth i can handle it you can hear it sheriff you know i ain't guilty you know it i said i could handle it you got nothing to worry about it didn't mean the sheriff drive off those fellas and try to bust you out i told you i didn't have nothing to do with them fellas look sheriff you and me can sneak out of here the back way and take a little ride over to scottsburg and my paul prove to you who i am oh you think he's gonna go riding through the night with you and let something else happen will you shut up what kind of a man are you anyhow sheriff a mob down there talking about lynching and you ain't even willing to try to find out who i am well that man busting in here proved pretty much who you are shooky shut up go close the door and lock where's mcrae with that rope phil moore you go home please ned we're not sure he's guilty we're still not sure maybe you're not sure but we're sure we've been sure all the time listen you're not bad buddy i told you to keep out of this now you go home i got a nice thick one strong enough to hang a steer are you ready shut up everybody this ain't a carnival we got a job to do so help me god all right shiki you're a deputy and here's that gun you've always wanted what do you want me to do you're going to uphold the law and that includes resisting lynchers oh i i can't do that i mean larson mcrae they're our friends when you're a deputy or a sheriff you got no friends listen what do you want ben cartwright let me in you're holding mike paul whatever's going on here get his gun chucky i want to talk to my son i see all right what's happening here i just came by the saloon they're talking about lynching what'd you do paul i didn't do nothing their bank was robbed here several days ago and a fella got killed and the sheriff thinks it's me put me in here and put our money over there and that's safe i sure this is my son well your son is suspected of murder how do we know he ain't part of his gang two of them try to bust them out of here shot the sharpie i'm doing it chooky shut up go outside and see what's going on you want out of your minds your son's innocent he'll go free what about that mob out there are they going to wait for any proof of innocence what about them we'll take care of them oh how you and your deputy alone let's get it done here they come sheriff you stay here i'll talk to you talk to them a simple telegraph could have established my son's identity i got a telegraph of somebody called filmo that's how i knew he was here ilmore sent you a telegraph yes it's scottsburg bolt this happened i guess a minute folks we think we just got proof that the man we got locked up in there is not the man that shot ed wilson but late for that sheriff if he does turn out to be innocent you're gonna be sorry about this tomorrow quit talking tom get him out here i can't do that now you don't get out of the way you ain't gonna be sheriff no longer but i'm sheriff now so you folks going home now gonna shoot us tom people elected you to office try me [Music] tom lisa it's your friends and neighbors [Music] hey [Music] you stand right still bigger come on come on get him out of here uh [Music] hey just give me one minute you want to take a man's life my son's life now let me tell you something you don't want to take his life you want the money that was stolen from this town well in that jailhouse there's money a lot of it it belongs to me but you can have it all of it just give my son one more day let him stay in that jail for one more day while i prove his innocence and then you can keep the money no strings attached just give me the time money that's all you think about the money no one thinks about my husband no one thinks about ed don't you think this is a trick it's it's a trick to stall for time they broke that man out of jail once a day and they're gonna try it again are you gonna let it happen larsen listen to me what this man has said is right you're all my friends and neighbors i know how you feel but please don't do this terrible thing i say hang them hang both of them cut him down oh you're all alike you're doing nothings you're cowards well i'm not the man who killed my husband isn't going to get away with this mary anne no somebody get a doctor [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right you're satisfied get on home [Music] now you lie down easy now it's not a bad town mr cartwright it's just that they quit being people for a while because they're hot and they're dry and they're broke yeah i'm i'm sorry son [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Grjngo - Western Series
Views: 132,650
Rating: 4.5745721 out of 5
Keywords: western series full episodes, western series tv, western series on youtube, western series movies, old western series, western, western movies, full episodes, full episodes movies, westerns, best western, best western series, western series movie, classic western movies, series western, classic western series, western series tv shows, bonanza full movies, bonanza all episodes, old western series shows, bonanza movies youtube, free bonanza movies, bonanza movies to watch
Id: jRy0lzm2GaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 6sec (2886 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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