Bonanza (TV-1960) THE LAST VIKING (S2E10)

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um [Music] hey hey you with the cap why's the ponderosa you're on it yeah what's your name bug right my name's horse cartwright my my paw owns his land you're benjamin cartwright's boy that's right can i help you how could you help me i ain't stuck in the mud you're non-man ain't you now you get that funny hat sonny i don't think it's funny [Laughter] mister you're gonna pick that hat up uh you going to make me pick up that hat you get out of that horse what you're going to do to make me [Laughter] [Laughter] wow [Laughter] hey the cow has to get you out now my nephew nephew i am your uncle gunnar long time since you've seen me sonny yeah hi uncle gunner [Music] hey paul come see who's coming sis hello benjamin how long since the last time i see you 20 years hey you got a touch of snow around your ears like me what a wonderful surprise what are you doing around this part of the world oh i go lots of places you know dad benjamin uh who are you i'm adam michael gunnar you don't remember me do you ah little lad not anymore we got a another brother now we're gonna little joe but he's all visiting some friends a female friend guna where you headed oh who knows dakota canada a few compadres followed this old's feet to the north to seek their fortune uh compadres huh yeah men like myself men with no ties no roots we may camp in the mountains i'll come in and ride down with the uncle because they ain't so sociable as me that is why i ride all these miles used to see my relatives uh maybe my sister's husband invite me for oh so please forgive me and all the excitement of course of course you'll have supper with us come on in ah good maybe i'll take a bath too huh i think maybe i don't smell too good at [Applause] something [Music] i ain't different from you yeah you you eat a lot that's for sure i make a pig have better table manners than me but i spent my life in brussels de diaz in the arms of god under the stars like an animal you sure been lots of places ain't you since i last seen your father i've been in 26 countries across five oceans 26 countries and five ocean you hear that adam i sure did that was an indian lance you were carrying wasn't it that big sticker yeah i got that from a comanche chief he didn't have no more use for it maybe because he was dead yeah you uh you fight to commence his uncle i fight anybody you ought to know that by now my nephew gonna you uh you say you uh you fought the comanches you ever trade with them well then we don't fight my compadres and i we trade why you asked i was i was just wondering if you ever ran across a bunch of uh renegade buffalo hunters kamacheros yeah yeah i i have heard of them pretty wild bunch i hear and they read the white settlements and then they trade off the goods of the comanches it's not so maybe maybe that's why they call them command cheryls i uh i never seen none of them hello i thought maybe i found you under this roof also what you doing here vodka i think it's very cold on the mountain sleeping and my serapi is very thin i thought maybe oh we have some extra blankets you could use he don't need none it's all right i'll get him oh you must be a very rich man to own such a magnifico hacienda you get back to camp vodka pronto and you also when you're coming back to camp huh i go then i am ready vodka maybe you like it so much here with your relatives you're gonna stay huh all gracies are going to sleep good tonight i very much enjoy meeting you rancheros maybe happy man or vodka will meet you again sometime huh adios um i'm sorry dot one come here oh that's all right i got to keep a strong hand on that one well the food was good benjamin i go now so soon hey wait a minute hey paul how come he can't stay in that extra bedroom ain't no using him going back out on that mountain of course he can you'll sleep the night here oh no no i don't i don't think so no of course you will come on up there we'd be glad to have you well uh wherever i sleep right there in that extra bedroom you make yourself at home there we are all right ah good i uh i don't sleep in a fine house for a long time if i snore you pound on the door yeah we'll pound hard goodnight well that's quite an uncle we've got horse he sure is sure hate to have him get riled up at me you know he reminds me of an old viking yeah i'll bet you uncle gunnar would like being called a viking the vikings were ruthless raiders and killers not much better than the comancheros come on we got a lot of work to do tomorrow let's get to bed [Music] well benjamin last time i see you was at the funeral yes yes it's right she was a good woman my sister yes she was a good woman a wonderful wife he had much fun angering me even when we were young all i had in my mind was dreams of glory and gold it is good to dream that you are young benjamin oh you can dream when you're older too yeah but now when the fur is flying and the iron is hot there there's no time to dream phil was always flying with you gunner i remember you as a boy always had to have a a new part of devil's brew every day not used as a boy all the time all the time i lead a good strong life a man's life reap the rewards and pay the piper if any calls touch gooner borgstrom you have a you have a lonely lonely lonely for what companionship a woman i never never lacked for the company of villain but you uh you never got married material i was not cut out for fathering and farm and benjamin i had to move move with the turn and tide of things not set on my backside like a yucatan turtle well i i never exactly considered myself a yucatan turtle oh you ain't benjamin you ain't you got a good ranch here fine boys it's it's use the almighty didn't cut us all in the shape of plowmen you you can't plant a roving man's feet in the earth maybe that's because a roving man doesn't want to stand still long enough to take a look at himself i ain't the young man now benjamin and i got no regrets for the sins i commit in this world i see what i want and i take it and i'm not going out on my back of begging forgiveness from nobody now why did you come here i come to see my sister's boy my blood maybe maybe i don't get no other chance i am tired now benjamin i i go to sleep benjamin you have a dream benjamin well well sometimes i always have the same dream it's night black and velvet it is and there's a farm august vin braun and it's on a great ship i am and i'm flying with that wind over a smooth sea a chasing a wisp of a small boat that always seems to to always lead far ahead of me and so dark it is know i've got to catch it vodka my friend did you find elso see i found him visiting with his relatives stuffing his face with good food while we sit up here and eat dry bread when do we move gunnar say we would find fat pecan here promises promises that's all he does anymore promises it has been a month since we have made a good raid i trust guna he's been a good leader to us ah he's an old woman warming himself by the fire is that the kind of leader you want i do not care who leads hers just so we are red and get rich we will read to suck i promise you and we will get rich too and the first fat goose we were black will be the ponderosa good last night i sleep good i sleep good that mattresses chuck plum full of real goose feathers you know goose feathers i got off them goose fellas i sleep on the floor i ain't so used to goose feathers as you i reckon we are getting a little soft around here at that hey how about me showing you around the ponderosa before you leave we ain't had much of a chance to get to know each other well it ain't every day that a man just finds an uncle sure sonny i guess i got the time maybe uh i don't come back again so soon yeah yes sir i i sure would like you to meet little joe before you leave too he's over to mclean's helping him build a fence he ought to be back anytime aren't you even going to stop working long enough to have a drink of water gary just looking at you is more refreshing anything you've got in that bucket but uh i can use some of that too your flattery little joe is exceeded only by your ability to build a fence since you walked all the way out of here once you stay awhile let me show you what i've done oh i know what you've done uncle abe has been singing your praises all morning he thinks you're just about the finest thing there ever was and uh how about you what do you think well i told you i was glad you came over to help out didn't i mm-hmm is that the only reason you're glad you know it isn't it's just that i want you to know i think it's wonderful the way you and your paw and adam and horse have helped uncle abe and me since we've been here well it's pretty easy to help a man like your uncle especially when he's got a beautiful niece to say thanks for him i think you're a flutter little joe just like your paw thank you man we try to please can't you ever be serious now you know how proud we are your uncle it's done a lot more with this place than we ever thought possible because your cartwrights have helped him little joe he was so discouraged when he came here the drought and the wind and crop failures we had such big dreams well i think his biggest dream was raising you after your folks died he's done a real fine job it hasn't been easy for him sometimes i feel i've been a burden hey better not let him hear you say that he's proud as a peacock of you i'd say with good cause i feel guilty about you working around here so much i wouldn't mind becoming the permanent fence fixer ronnie there it is uncle gunner ain't that the prettiest little pond you ever saw yeah this is a good place a quiet place pretty as a pond i never see uncle gunner there's something i didn't want to ask you you know i was just a little feller when my mother died i don't remember much about her paws tried to tell me everything he could but when i i thought maybe you being her brother you could you could add something to it well he didn't get along so good i i was a wild one and uh she didn't like that so much but she had a soft heart that girl paul said she sure was pretty great big blue eyes and blonde hair uh blonde as a snows of dollar now but it ain't good to talk about the dead center you you can't bring nobody back once they're gone no i really can't i guess that's why i wanna know as much about you as i can before you have to leave you want to know about me you wouldn't like what i had to tell maybe i wouldn't then again maybe i would i think you wouldn't uncle gonna what you gonna do in canada canada yeah that's where you're going in it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i think i go there why don't you stay here with us because i ain't no yucatan turtle that's why you know what i got to move with the tide and turn of things so i i don't have to take a good look at myself yeah this is this is a good place honey it's quiet here you fellas have a good ride sure did paul i took him out for the lake yeah that's a pretty good mud bottle you got up there benjamin hey what you doing there i'll making you a batch of soap we make our own not a hog lard and light water it's a little bit strong but it sure will get you clean well what'd you think of the ponderosa well i think if you work hard you can have what you want to gonna you have what you want yeah i got what i want uh horse and i got to get at that hay and i think i'll ride over to mclean's and uh remind little joe that he has work around here too oh he'll be back pretty soon well i got to go now boys you got the fine rancher benjamin and fine boys wow goodnight was wonderful seeing you again wonderful good doc benjamin goodbye uncle gunner good luck adam bye uncle gunner i wish you could have met little joe well them compadres they valmouse without me if i don't show up and i got to hear other saddles creaking besides my own goodbye [Music] i don't remember giving no orders to move out you didn't give it i did you think you're a man enough to be the podrone of these command cheryls vodka sure i ain't got no relatives what does that mean when a man got ties he gets soft in the belly i ain't got no ties no these hombres they eat your dust all the way from chaos because they believe what you tell them they begin to wonder now if what you tell them is the truth when i get ready to strike i will tell you the common chairs you're beginning to think maybe you're getting a yellow streak a bear makes a big ground but i'll sharpen your claws he's also a man of strength and power or is he a tired old viejo should lie down and die prove it a big plunder is down there the ponderosa the ponderosa would not be easy to loot there are too many men there it would be dangerous i spit on them what is danger to the common sharers hi every man of akka i tell you we are going to raid the ponderosa i give the orders here why did you bring us to this valley why so we could sit still in the middle of all this wealth while you go visiting your parientis there are other ranches in this valley we seen one in the foothills we could take with our hands tight so you are tired evading you your blood is hot and you vape for the bird of your padron well i give you that word we read our ranch into foothills [Music] i hope you're real hungry little joe because i baked an apple pie ah an apple pie don't you like it fly it is my favorite dish [Applause] [Music] vamanos [Applause] wait [Applause] carrie wait [Music] [Applause] yes this is your sweetheart my little mosquito huh if you ain't maybe i can be your sweetheart huh what's your name muchacha what's the deal i want to put on your tombstone i don't want you to lie in the grave which is unmarked now the name is cartwright joe cartwright be sure to put it in big letters everybody can read it [Music] you say you got no ties huh well maybe we take one of your relatives for hostage eh i mean you say you don't care about him right he ain't no relative of mine he say his name joe cartwright get up sonny i don't know know your carthride tied him up we take them back to camp underlay prato [Music] no they won't they'll kill us like they killed uncle abe and mr craiger carrie don't start thinking that way they were gonna kill us they would have done it back i'm there tired joe i wish i could sleep you like some cafeto i'm sorry if you're not very comfortable just save your breath you're going to need it when i half this country comes looking for us why are you looking for you do something special your papa's a very rich man huh yeah yeah enough to have the sheriff and 200 mountain men down on your back i do not think your papa do that muchacho your papa got too many relatives to worry about what relatives him he's your papa's brother-in-law you're a liar i tell you the truth muchach and old bay is your uncle he's visiting with your papa or you were visiting with your sweetheart you sure you don't want some coffee either get the men to lighten the wagons we move out tomorrow i don't want any junk slowing us down also why don't you tell them who you are huh you said you were my uncle maybe i am but difference with it mate ask him ask him if he ain't gonna box throne connor borgstrom [Laughter] wait no you ain't no uncle of mine you couldn't be you're a filthy murder and skunk [Music] you got a big mouth like your brother huss i just can't believe it he's been talking about you ever since we were kids i don't need any of his talk no that's right you don't the only thing you need is a box big enough to bury you in [Music] i have been with the loss for a long time i see something in his eyes that ain't been there before like what like pain where there is no wound no blood may be sick see with a sickness which drains a man of his fire he's dying my compulsion he's dying of conscience and remorse soon he will crawl into his hall and shut off the world behind him then why you will not just wait and see because it is dangerous to those around him and because i want to see him squirm before he dies squirm in his belly then his heart do suck to find me a cool labor a snake with an angry face and death in his mouth hello so does not like snake you know that i know that very well i'm going to have some fun maybe we watch the big bear dance tonight um alive just barely well let's get them inside them [Laughter] oh i bring you his majesty the king of the chamiso bush the characters i bet you fight all this he goes north when he comes out of that bag and i bet you hey i bet you five dollars he goes south where'd you get that chicken snake hey don't let him out of that bagel we'll all be dead chickens is no chicken snake he's 100 rattlers and he can spit and strike like the devil hey [Music] [Music] [Music] well this got right don't mean anything to you huh at him my compadre is sweating like a stuck pig i ain't taking no more artists from this old woman his orders are to protect esparientes not us from now on i give the orders here look like i shoot the wrong snake this snake can strike like the devil too [Music] drop that gun ombre hello [Applause] now if there are any more snakes among the command charles gunner wants to know about them no all right then go to sleep we move out at dawn [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] well you should have seen that place old man trigger was dead everything was ransacked looted busted out is there any sign of john kerry only signs of where he was working pop or if he was indians they sure didn't leave no sign it couldn't have been indians they needed wagons to haul away as much stuff as they did what difference does it make it was they've got joe and cary haven't they it's all right hey it's ben cartwright take it easy now everything's all right ben abe who was it the leader was on big black horse old man with a beard big mexican [Music] ape ape was he carrying an indian lance [Music] but it just can't be oh it's it's like gonna said he was born like an animal under the stars boy it just don't make sense the other day try to understand it you just can't look that deep into a man's soul to see what he's really like let's go get a little jaw adam you get one of the man to look after mr [Music] mclean [Music] looks like we lost the trail this rocks are hard nothing make a track on it paul i think we all split up oh i don't know if that's such a good idea must be a lot of them it's the only way we'll find them bob besides that'd be a lot quieter all right on one condition if none of us tries to get the job out of there by himself and they must have camped somewhere around here for the night all right whoever finds that camp we don't do anything about it we we meet on top of that ridge about an hour from now and then we decide what to do agreed [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] i heard my ankle keep running i can't leave it i said keep running i'm going to oh [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] everything's gonna be all right now where's joe gary where is he he's dead i'm dead what are you talking about i saw it he shot him okay are you sure what did it happen he's back there and some rocks oh i ain't gonna leave you here and i ain't turning back now you come on you're here come on i used to lay in bed at night when i was a little boy wondering where my uncle gunner was wondering what he's doing i told you you did not like what i had to tell you kill little joe an uncle or no uncle i'm going to kill you oh no hoss no you stay out of this come on oh hmm [Music] oh hey plucky i thought they done killed you boy no not this time where's your uncle yeah i know saved our lives and helped us get away i tried to tell you horse amigos i'm going to kill you amigos don't move know the old man pretty well when i kill you he will die too vaga don't move woman don't move you'll move i will kill them take your choice back damn or me [Music] [Music] uh-huh i just didn't understand don't you go getting stuck in the mud sonny sometimes it's it's not so easy to get out i'm not asking forgiveness from nobody you hear what i've done i done because i've wanted a consistent forgive me son bye [Music] all right [Music] chef tells me the chair has pulled out bosses after him uncle gonna like this place he said it was peaceful quiet said it was a good place i guess that's what he was always looking for peace and quiet a little boat that was always just out of his reach one little boat oh what he was always dreaming about [Music] paul you said that it wasn't possible for a man to see inside another man deep enough to know what he was really like i think i did just before he died come on he he wouldn't want us to mourn over him no no i right now in the dead [Music] he just wasn't that sort of man was he you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 388,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tv Show, PUBLIC DOMAIN, CLASSIC, classic movies, #classicmovies, MOVIES, FREE, filmstruck, classic movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 11sec (2891 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2012
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