Bonanza - Land Grab | Episode 81 | Classic Western | Cowboys | Full Length

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[Music] ah here let me get a hold of that shove your end over the line oh there's some more of them that makes the fifth bunch all together yeah let's go talk to him you wait here howdy my name's ben cartwright young man behind me is my son joseph i'm mike sullivan the boy behind me is my nephew bobby jacks the kid is eddie wheeler he told me you were coming oh yes then you know all about me and why i'm here the kid says you're gonna claim that i'm building on your property well i suppose you have a deed for this land all signed legal and proper by the man who sold it to us john polk mr sullivan i don't like to tell you this but the man who signed that deed had no right to save the land it wasn't his to sell you've been swindled mr pope told us that you'd be coming around claiming something like that oh if it's his word against yours we're obliged to take his then i'm afraid we're in for a little trouble will you try putting us off this land and you'll find out what trouble is with that rifle down there'll be no shooting what about him yes mr sullivan i was hoping he'd be a reasonable man i brought these people a long hard ways to get here we fought hunger and thirst disease in indians and peas we did it all to get a little land that we could settle on i am a reasonable man mr [Music] so will i mr sullivan so will i [Music] hey [Music] [Music] oh [Music] my eyes are saving me oh your eyes are all right i see it too i'm amanda gates and this is victoria my sister we're unmarried ladies when we bought this place the man told us that ranchers would want to water their stock here now it's perfectly all right for a small fee of course well there must be some mistake why do you say that well man this this land and and the water they belong to the ponderosa and we haven't sold any of it excuse me my name is ben cartwright this is my son joseph [Music] we know you've been car tried to black-hearted scoundrel man no need for rifles our people are settling this valley to the mountains on land legally bought and paid for no bandit named cartwright's gonna run us off huh why don't you just be a cowardly man at me cartwright let's get out of here before that thing goes off no i i i i want you to come [Applause] [Music] [Music] um hey my name is henry belarus oh my name is ben cartwright it's my son joseph joe this is my friend john wheeler just how many are you and how did you all happen to come here we came here on our wagon train my wife and i came to this country to build a home mr bell rose this happens to be my land it is my land mr cartwright do you wish to see the deed yes i would very much like to see the deed lisette please bring our deed and come out and meet mr cartwright [Music] my wife lizette this is mr cartwright and his son joseph rose how are you man we came all the way by wagon train with this infant she came only part of the week she was born on the trail that's why we are so happy to be here in our new home [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's even got a sale does the deed look all right to you mr cartwright [Music] best looking deed i've ever seen [Music] well we'll talk again mr bell rose and really goodbye good day man [Music] hop sing get me a decent piece of soap i can't wash myself with this slimmer i'm saying this water's getting cold you want me to catch me death i'm saying i'm seeing put a little more wood on that fire why aren't these toes warming to the fire good heavens now be some but be efficient for heaven's sake all right now the hot water drenched me i'm the double boy now hold on hold on let's not do the front is it no sir kernel break not hot not hot at all [Music] take long trip or hell maybe go back to china [Music] [Applause] tired kip well i wouldn't exactly like to wrestle a bear about now well but all we got to do tomorrow is go up and bring in no strays oh don't make it easy on my account i hired out to work for a new hand you're doing fine hey will you look at that any man who sneaks away from danger is a deserter in any army in the world he'll be put against a wall and shot i know deserter mr adam i take long vacation colonel price all the time yell head go boom boom boom very bad pas served with the colonel oh fussed and fuddled as men called him pie even saved the colonel's life one night when he wandered into the enemy lines i know he tell me same story 50 times well that makes it a privilege to have him as a guest in our house to keep his valuables in our safe and to look after his busted leg no privilege mr adam just too much dad were in trouble electing it's not just a privilege you see the horse the colonel fell from when he busted his leg was one that passed solely now that makes it an obligation hop sing obligation well you're one of the family aren't you just like me horse and little joe you're too smart for me mr adam you say i one of the family i cannot go i stay benjamin i still say you're avoiding the main issue and that's a oh that's an easy thing to do when the duty is an unpleasant one what do you consider the main issue colonel these people are trespassers that's the main issue no matter what they say no matter what rights they claim they're trespassers and you've got to treat them as such well how do you go about doing that remember your military training assemble your facts make your decision and then proceed with vigor you order these people off your land benjamin if they refuse call out your hands mount ride and drive them off these people don't think they're trespassers they think they own the land and with every reason they paid for it with every penny they had they're trespassers they're stealing your land thieves no colonel the man who sold them land that wasn't his to sell he's the thief these people are victims victims i tell you the thieves i kind of go along with paul what about you guys victims yeah these people aren't thieves colonel they just trusted the wrong man that's all you're being sentimental soft weak you can't take the troubles of every man alive onto yourself he's a tough vibrant people they fought to get this far and they'll fight to stay then fight some of them would be killed you've got a right to protect your land if they force you to it your hands are clean some of us would be killed what comfort clean hands then there's risk from the day a man's born true but i'm not going to add to that risk i'm not going to turn this into a range war we'll proceed legally i'll see my lawyer meanwhile if we can find their money and give it back to them the settlers might be more inclined to listen to reason adam tomorrow morning wanted you right into virginia city let the sheriff know what's been happening here well i was going with kip up to the north range look for strays but i guess he can't go alone oh he should be able he's a good man joe the last we heard of this man polk he was in carson city maybe you can cut his trail there and follow it right paw wonder we should really see the settlers and try to get a line on poke house why don't you do that yes sir start on your land first well my land your horse heaven why them dirty no good for nothing uh-uh gotta see your guests first before you use such language and i wouldn't give me your right name they'll shoot anybody named carter i just like that for country loaded with deer you sure go a long ways and never see one move to the high mountains is my guess you think we get a shot at least but no not the best part of three hours ah shut your whining i'm so hungry i could eat a boot [Music] what are you doing that's a steel well there's food must be a ponderosa strain well this loud will be the only food we'll get for a couple of days [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what's going on here you can see for yourself we just shot a steer we're getting ready to skin it out and butcher it that's ponderosa beach you've got no right to it a hungry man's got a right to the closest food boy if you're hungry you can buy a beef or you can ride in and ask for it but you kill a steer out here on the range and it's the same as stealing it don't call us thieves i don't know what else to call you there's a dead beef and it doesn't belong to you what are you gonna do i'm gonna go back to the ranch until the card writes exactly what i found out here i don't know what they're gonna do about it but i've seen men hang for less you don't hang me oh you blasted fool uncle mike i had to kill him you want me to hang for a steer ah no one was gonna hang you that was talk now our fight for land has turned into a fight to stay alive [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] howdy ladies i was just riding by and i thought i'd stop in and say howdy uh whereabouts is your menthol cat we have no men folk we're unmarried ladies who might you be my name is hoss jones yeah that's my name horst jones what do you want well my paul what i mean to say is uh well i was nearby i thought maybe i'd stop in and see if there was something a man could do that depends on the man you know a ben cartwright oh yes it seems me like i have heard that name worst black-hearted scoundrel alive yes i'm i'm afraid right now i got to agree with you man just a little bit we were warned about him by mr polk who's he why the nice gentleman that sold us this place such a fine man except for that one thing yes do you smoke young man oh no ma'am cue a little bit every once in a while ugh such a nice man how could he smoke those big nasty things all twisty it's disgusting now a woman can always tell a gentleman doesn't your wife say that mr jones oh no wife ma'am then you can help us with those big logs it's so nice to have a man around especially a single man all in through there and they've got flat maps as well as deeds to the property yeah well the plaits aren't very accurate but they're close enough this fellow poke he must have known to tuck a qrik side of the ponderosa pretty well he knew enough that we didn't get over there very much how long you figured they've been in there two weeks going on three how many families have them well there's six different outfits 300 acres apiece and they all paid their last dollar for worthless claims i don't like it at him a man will really fight to hang on to what his last dollar is bought from some will kill well that's all i need i'll get on the telegraph right away to sacramento in san francisco and i'll get back to you just as soon as i hear anything thanks roy bye bye uh he's a big man 55 or 60 an average kind of a man john polk was his name he had a beard and uh anything else he had a wife too good-looking woman looked to be much younger than he was but stunning now yeah and they stayed here oh yes yeah yes indeed they had our best suite as a matter of fact mrs polk was a very good-looking woman yeah so you said uh did they leave any forwarding address of any kind no no they didn't well do you have any idea at all where they went no uh-huh is there anybody in carson city who might have an idea no i'm positive there's not so why positive well well many people would like to find him he left owing a thousand dollars in debts around town i'd say the man was a crook i think his wife was too but she was a lovely woman absolutely stunning yeah yeah so you said look is there anything else in particular you can remember about this man polk oh yes yes as a matter of fact there was he always struck his matches across the posterior a what he smoked cigars he uh he always lit his matches like this his wife didn't like it much though i didn't like what the gesture this oh but she was a stunning woman thank you very much benjamin colonel i thought you were napping are you going into virginia city today well yes colonel i am i'm going to say our lawyer anything you wanted well i thought you might ask the doctor to come out i i'd like to give this splint off this leg i've been a prisoner long enough well really colonel uh guests don't usually refer to themselves as prisoners well i didn't mean it that way benjamin of course you did it's just that i ought to be on my way well i know it's hard for an active man to be tied down but i can promise you doc martin won't let you get out of that splint for a while yet so you best rip your teeth and enjoy your rest you didn't think i'd become a fixture in your home after you saved my life ten years ago did you i'm sure someone else would have come along to save your life colonel i'm still beholden to you i sold you the horse that threw you when you broke your leg so i suppose i'm beholden to you nonsense i fell off that horse well go along benjamin i'll be all right of course you will be mr ben mr ben but where you go i'm going to virginia city do you need something i have faithful boy kip taylor his horse come back without him i'll go by the north range and check and take his horse with me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] who who is he one of my hands what do you know about this boy nothing mr cartwright like you i just seen it you see what happened somebody was what's your inner steer looks like yeah ponderosa's deer looks to me like kip taylor caught him at it and he just killed him and left him here why were you following me my folks thought it'd be best to know what you was up to i was afraid what you might do if you got men together i was going to let them know you can let them know something for me now you can tell them i want them to gather at the belrose place you can tell them i'll meet them there you can say that i'll be riding in with only one man this one [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] here it comes [Applause] across that saddle lies the body one of my men he found someone butchering a ponderosa beef and let someone whoever it was shot him down i don't know who it was that shot him down could have been a stranger who rode on out of the country after the killing was done it could be could also be the killer as one of you if the killer is one of you it'd be best if you found him out and turn him over to the law before all of you are blamed thanks for the advice mr cartwright it's good advice kip taylor's relatives and friends might want an eye for an eye you're strangers here what started out as a dispute over land could turn with this into a shooting war with more dead to bury on both sides oh what about our land you can all stay here for a while all i ask is that you don't build and don't cut trees and don't break sod we don't want your charity we want to build and cut and dig here on this land land we paid for our land you think about all this talk among yourselves decide what you want to do and remember i'll help you follow any sensible course but if you fight me i'll have to fight you you decide [Music] has nothing to decide we've got to fight him now but why why must we fight to survive it doesn't matter now who killed that man it doesn't matter now who has the best claim to this land all that matters now is root harbor die we came a long way mari and i to get away from violence we don't want killing we'll move on move on to where you got no money to buy more land here you can't go on to free land your animals and your gear are beat out the season's gone the passes are full of snow it's this place or nothing but there is a right and a wrong to choose between not for you bellerose and not for you wheeler and not for any of us men with several choices confront between what's right and what's wrong but when there's only one thing you can do to stay alive you've got to call that one thing right and go ahead with it [Music] [Applause] hello the house is anyone home hello in there hello the house hello in there is there anyone home who are you what do you want my name is bell rose i must talk to mr cartwright he isn't here come back some other time but it's quite important i would like to wait you come back the settlers are in an ugly mood they are ready to fight i think mr cartwright should know i told you to come back now you're gonna have to do what i tell you i know you yes of course i know you the beard is gone but you are the man [Music] so [Applause] hello you're all right yes of course have my boys come back yet i'm all alone what in the world's wrong that jim bell rose one of the settlers he's dead i just found his body in a wagon about a quarter of a mile from here and i've just taken kip taylor's body to his parents in virginia city taylor dead murdered my boys aren't back here no there's been no one here even hop stings off somewhere i've been alone all morning why are you staring at me like that oh i wasn't staring i was bell rose has a wife and a baby i'm gonna have to take his body back to his widow like when my sons get back here tell them that i want them to stay here shouldn't they be with you no if they're with me someone might think that i was out for more killing and i'm not [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign so um [Music] [Applause] [Music] i bring you tragic news mrs bellerose your husband lies dead in that wagon i know eddie came to tell me i found him in the wagon about a quarter of a mile from my house i don't know how he got killed i don't know who killed him he was going to your place he didn't want killing you you will know how to stop it he was going to my house and now he lies dead mrs bell rosa i'll be back and we'll talk again of this for the moment please accept my deepest sympathies for yourself and the child thank you tell me now that we don't have to fight to stay alive and i'll tell you the fight's already begun we don't know who killed bell rose and we don't know who killed the ranch hand i do my nephew jax here killed cartwright's ranch hand jax killed him why didn't you speak up why didn't you turn him in he's my sister's boy and i'm sworn to keep him safe besides he didn't kill him out of meanness he was scared into it you know how he is i know it killed that indian crossing the plains being scared that darn near got us all killed i didn't turn him over to the indians then and i am not turning him over now same as then this is a finish fight and we need everybody we've got to let them know we don't scare easy then they leave us alone then they leave us have our land a fight goes to him who hits first and hardest [Music] are you all right colonel told us all about it yeah i'm all right did you find out anything new bits and pieces nothing definitely colonel no are you sure there was no one here all day no there was no one here and there was no one moving around outside well i don't know about that i haven't been outside i've been sitting here all day and you didn't go outside yourself i just told you i didn't colonel there's mud on your sock well i i may have gone outside for a moment for breath of the eye i can't be expected to [Music] dust clerk told me poke used to light his cigars by striking a match on his trousers no spencer ladies they they told me about his cigars too black and twisted then you weren't alone today were you comrade in arms old friend guest in my house and now you know how low a man can sink bellerose came here to see me and recognized you as poke the man is sold to my land isn't that right colonel that's right and you killed him and i killed him the young wife beautiful greedy spent all i had on her went head over heels in debt an old man making a fool of himself over a young woman this isn't a news story is it no it isn't a new story but it's just what you might have expected of all fussed and funneled isn't it i knew what the men thought of me benjamin not that i could blame them never did anything right in my life get lost in the woods at night fell off horses not a man a fool not a soldier a clown now she's gone too when she found out i'd broken this leg she thought i'd batch the whole deal on her ran off with another man i thought i could get away with swindling these settlers i'd take the money and you'd send them packing and that's all there would be to it didn't think there would be any killing where's the money in the small satchel in your study every dollar of it boys hitch up a wagon the colonel and i are going to return that money saddle up your horses you're right along with us i wouldn't want anyone getting the idea of hanging the colonel without a trial [Music] [Applause] [Music] i didn't want to kill him benjamin but he recognized me you can't put a bullet back in a gun once it's been fired they can't give a father back to his child because her father's been buried but you can't pay back part of the debt by returning this money by facing up to the law for what you've done so we better get going colonel no benjamin nobody's gonna hang me trial or no trial you stand in my way and i'll kill you what's become of you jonathan i warned you benjamin don't stand in my way you'd pull that trigger don't try me old friend i hate you you hate me you've always been the better man haven't you been you've always had the success and i've had the failure you had the money and the land and the family and i had nothing you even took over my command when i was relieved i was following orders colonel you knew that for incompetence i was relieved for incompetence all comrade in arms you knew that now i'm going to give the orders and i'm going to tell you what's going to happen i'm going to take that money and i'm going to take your buck board and i'm getting out of here and if any of your boys stand in my way there's going to be one or more of them dead all right colonel there's your money my boys are hitching up the buck board you can start running but first you'll have to kill me will this money change what you are will killing me give you the courage you like cause if you think it will you better pull that trigger it is me you've hated all this time as a colonel it's you yourself no matter how fast you run or where you hide sooner or later you're going to have to face the truth and live with yourself give me that gun [Music] better do what we have to do [Music] do [Music] they'll be coming along this way now they're a weaker party than we are and we got surprise on our side i'll have no part of a massacre sullivan will you fight they give us no choice but i gotta see its fight or die before i shoot you'll see now take the horses around back and take cover i'll do the target [Music] judgment day cartwright here now is where we get things set up you're not gonna settle anything this way look around you [Music] there's no need for this no need for any ambush that'll depend upon you we want clear title to our land the land is not yours you're getting your money back the money will do us no good we haven't got time to wait for it you don't have to wait for your money i'm the man that called himself john paul sit down the money's here do you want and i killed bellrose i'll stand trial fault give us the man who killed kipp taylor and the fight has ended fight is done jack's there is the man who killed kip taylor [Music] ohio benjamin i couldn't put the bullet back but i i stopped one i finally did something [Music] right [Music] uh [Music] well we're done with killing yes we are we'd be obliged to have our money back but we'd rather you kept the money and let us keep the land sullivan i can't do that we've got this line staked out for other purposes would you be willing to take some land on the other side of the ponderosa we would if we could pay the price well i think of you you could have killed my three sons and me i guess you paid the price might have proud to have these neighbors [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you obviously that burn i'm glad you didn't catch that slow vote to china all right thank you i'm saying hey i got the winner well i guess you'll be playing me then the game's not over yet well did you deliver that lumber to the setlist yeah wagon load to each place good it's gonna be the difference and then folks being warm and comfortable this winter freezing today i think hey horse how'd you make out with those school marm ladies i understand what i'm almost hogtied you me i know how to handle him female women he just told him and i was a bachelor and i was going to stay a bachelor there wasn't a dead burn thing they could do about it i told him i promised my dear old daddy i was going to stay single oh is that what you promised them hey austin i didn't realize you knew so much about women huh joe it's easy you just got to know how to handle them i've learned that females is pretty much the same in the world over whether they're a horse or a woman you just gotta be firm tell them what you want them to do in no uncertain terms and by golly they'll do it oh hey hello ladies and what brings you here oh well we were just passing by and thought we'd drop in for minutes well believe me it's our pleasure we're having a little box social tonight and we wondered if we could persuade mr haas to attend well i uh i think if you would ask him in no uncertain terms by golly i think he'd do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Grjngo - Western Series
Views: 576,125
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Keywords: western series tv, western series tv shows, western series on youtube, Land Grab, bonanza, western movies, full episodes, full episodes movies, westerns, best western, best western series, western series movie, old western tv series full episodes, classic western movies, western series full episodes, series western, bonanza western movies, bonanza tv movies, bonanza movies to watch, bonanza full movies, old western series, western series movies, Bonanza movies on youtube
Id: 0IOD5PEcz2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 16sec (2896 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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