Boeing 747 Dreamlifter Lands at Wrong Airport (ATC Recording)

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good evening mccon Tower giant uh 42 41 e is on the or GPS arav GPS brush One n left 4241 heavy Tower Che to Runway 1 n left wind 140 at 4 clear to land clear land uh Runway 1 n left wheels down giant uh 4241 heavy giant 4241 heavy Che down giant 441 go ahead giant 42 41 heavy Che go down and expect mid turn off Del giant 14 40 4241 we might uh we'll get back to you here momentarily we're not on Zach time 42 41 heavy mconnell is a 9 m uh yes sir we just planted at the other andell giant 4241 4241 um apparently uh We've uh landed at [Applause] BC giant 4241 heavy verify you are on the ground at C airport we think so dant 4241 heav mcon supervisor verify you are full stop landed and stopped at DC airport D 42 41 heavy M Tower are you able to make a approach departure off airport back in airon and we're working on those details sir and McConnell Tower giant 4241 giant 4241 yes sir if you have a is there a power frequency here for 4241 heavy uh spe is actually closed at this this time on okay is there a Unicon frequency 42 41 heavy stand and uh one more thing uh do you have the coordinates for the uh for the airport 424 stand by okay D 42 41 heavy have the coordinates ready go go ahead Beach is kilo Bravo Echo Charlie North 37° 41.6 4 uh West 97° 12.90 okay okay uh let me read those back North 37 41 64 hey okay and then East 92129 uh Zer West 97 7° 12.90 sorry about that could read my hand right West 9212 decimal 90 West ner 71 2- 90 okay ner 712 deal uh decimal 90 all right uh here's coordinates we're showing currently for us North 37 44 decimal 4 West 09 or 7 1 three three 4 two 4 One [Music] heavy 42 41 heavy can you confirm did you do a circle around the airport and then land or did you make a straight 42 41 Heavy R 4241 heavy can you say your coordinance again all right uh currently we're showing North 37 4 4 decimal 4 West 0 Niner 713 decimal 3 we've got some gentlemen there outside the aircraft now giant 42 41 heavy rocket and you have a frequency by chance giant 42 41 heavy from the target we saw on the radar scop uh you were over top where the target was over top of darar airport which is approximately 8 mil north of moo Airport Unicon pry is 22.7 say again 22.7 all right just gentlemen uh is giving us some preny we're going to try it on 1227 as well and mcon Tower giant 4241 4 contact yes sir we're uh in contact with company right now we're analyze for performance status 42 41 heavy Roger giant 42 41 heavy and from you you know which airport you're at well we think we have a pretty good pulse uh how many let me ask this how many airports to directly to the south of one M uh your one n are there 42 4 heavy you're currently north of mconnell and there's three along the sorry I'm at North I'm sorry I'm looking at something else uh we are we're showing about 6 mil north of you copy 6 mil [Applause] North 42 41 heavy affirmative uh right now we still trying to figure it out okay we just had a twin engine aircraft turbo po aircraft go over the top of it 4241 Heavy R you uh appear that appears that you're at uh than giant 4241 heavy uh we saw the plane on the radar and it appears that you are at jaara airport say the name of it again Jabara Jabar 4241 heavy that's j a v a r r a okay all right uh we copy that okay and we also show that we're just short of uh about a mile short of warant now 4241 heavy Roger yes and Tower 4241 4241 yes sir it looks like we do confirm that it isar 41 heavy 4241 heavy pay uh we're talking to company now we're trying to uh assess our uh performance situation as far as uh being able to lead this airport come to you 4241 heavy Roger just keep us advis we have a tanker one tomor final okay yeah we will not take off without clearance through you as [Music] wellon Tower giant 4241 giant 4241 heading CH 4241 do you have a three letter identifi for 4241 heavy is alpha alpha Oscar 42 41 heav Tower can you confirm are you on the runway per and I am on the Unicon frequency as well talking to local traffic we're trying to uh all right we're trying to assess our situation as far as cing the runway time1 heavy
Channel: Daniel Mori
Views: 1,343,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boeing 747 (Aircraft Model), dreamlifter, Jabara airport, McConnell Air Force Base (Airport), Air Traffic Control (Organization Sector), Air Traffic Controller (Profession), Landing (Aircraft Accident Type)
Id: 2P6LV-DKMrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2013
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