Challenge Accepted! Can Tom Scott Land a B737 By Himself?!

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The answer: No.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/noobvin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Didn't Mythbusters do this where they had someone talk them down successfully?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can Autopilot land a 737 Max?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ryowxyz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
a couple of years back I did a video over on the Metro pilot Channel where I explained how a passenger could potentially land the Boeing 737 providing that they had instruction from a trained pilot well today we are going to take that to the test and see if that's actually possible and the passenger who's going to try this is going to be Tom Scott I want to say a special thank you to the brand new Airline Flight Academy simulator Center in Dublin with six state-of-the-art flight simulators that provides top-class training services including b737 and A320 type ratings and industry-leading APS MCC courses [Music] after I published my first video on how a passenger could land an airliner I received a lot of questions asking if this would be possible to do if a passenger would try to do it manually as it would no help from the autopilot of course I answered no I don't think that would be possible but then I thought hmm let's find out and that's exactly what we will be doing in the first part of the video in the second part I will test if my own preferred technique actually works in real life and how a passenger will react to it so enjoy I mean I guess this is the [Applause] system that I would never have got through that cockpit door right absolutely so we we have to do this as a theoretical scenario where you have gotten access to the cockpit in some fashion but in reality uh in an emergency like this a passenger would never get access through the closed cockpit door okay Tom are you with me let's go for it if you hold on to the uh the steering yoke on your right hand side there is a button by your right thumb do you find it the one that says autopilot disengage the very same yes shall I push it when you push it you're gonna have a terrifying siren going off right telling you that it's that just you and me now and so press it once and when that siren goes off press it again to get rid of the siren confirmed we're on manual okay on your put your hands on both trust levers and then there's a button on your right thumb just press that as well that was this that will disconnect the auto throttle okay perfect now we're going to concentrate more or less on what you see on your primary flight display that's the screen that you're straight in front of you so what speed are you keeping at the moment uh two two four so I want you to bring back the thrust levers a little bit like bring them back a little bit and feel what happens to the aircraft when it does so feel that it's trying to pitch forward by itself can you feel that yes I can pitch it forward but not too much just a couple of degrees and you see on the horizon you know the uh the attitude indicator that you have a cross in front of you just bring it down a couple of degrees but don't let the speed decrease too much okay just keep the speed going around the speed that you have now understood it's light of a cross and more of a t-shape at this point I appear to be descending quite rapidly I'm going to pull back a little on the stick that's it okay that morning that you have heard is that you're away from your uh from your cleared altitude but we're gonna we're gonna disregard that continue to descend but not too high rate keep the speed where are all right 220 and we're going to aim at getting you down to about 3 000 feet okay so do you see where the altitude band is yes I do okay so as long as you're descending and you're leveling off at 3 000 feet we're gonna be fine but make sure that the speed doesn't start to decrease okay I'm holding the speeds about 198 we are descending uh if the speed is 190 you're too slow so pitch forward a little bit when you say pitch forward does that mean go down or go up that means go down that means push your uh your yoke away from you so push your foot but but very little remember there's a big aircraft this so just push it forward a little bit okay and on your left hand thumb you can you have a trim switch that's the one that moves those little wheels next to you that's if you feel that you need to use a lot of force when you're flying you need to move that switch either forward or backwards to get that Force away right you're trimming out the aircraft making it easier for you to fly do you mean right thumb it might be yeah yeah it might be on your right thumb like so you're actually in the first officer scene so that makes sense can you can you see the try them move them forward and see if those little wheels move got it okay so use those if you feel that the forces are being too much then use them to either go forward or backward in order to feel better basically I'm not going to tell you how to do it you're going to have to find that out yourself now I see that you're turning quite a lot so if you turn a little bit right please uh just lights maybe 20 degrees of Bank you see that on your primary flight display confirming banking right 20 degrees perfect that's it now what I would like you to do is add a little bit of thrust and just feel how the aircraft feels different when you do so right to add a bit of trust and feel how that pushes the nose upwards that just to prepare you for what's going to happen later on when we get onto the approach do you feel how that's that's wanting the that the whole aircraft wants to pitch up when you do so yeah yeah so that's what you can expect anytime that you move the thrust lever the nose is going to want to do that so you need to anticipate that and counteract it okay so you're gonna feel different the aircraft's going to feel different when we select flaps out now it's going to want to pitch up so you need to counteract that by pitching forward and then you can use those strip switches on your right hand side to move them forward as well to take away that Force okay okay should I do that now you can take flaps one and try it flaps one continuing to bank 20 degrees right yep uh you can level the turn off and just continue straight ahead speed is dropping rapidly yeah so you need to add thrust yep so keep the speed keep this time you can set the speed to about 190 knots okay speed okay hang on I need to level I need to level this out I need to level this out speed is two zero eight had a bit of a panic there but I think I've leveled it out Perfect all right so take the thrust off again and continue to design we want you down to four thousand feet I have no idea whether I'm going up or down unless I check the instrument display in front of me that's that's the only thing you have right you need to look in front of you at the moment you are descending again but very slowly so you can take a little bit more thrust off all right so Boom the trust level is back and we're going down to four to four thousand feet that's one thousand feet to go 4 800. perfect now I want you to turn left okay left and try to hit the heading of two four zero degrees 240 degrees got it uh where the hell do I see my heading yep so the heading is right below your primary flight display right if you look at that cross you have in front of you it'll go straight below that you'll see you're heading confirmed currently reading through uh currently reading three six zero three five nine whatever okay perfect turn left it's going to be almost 180 degrees around right so turn left onto a heading of 180 degrees initially we're just gonna have to stabilize here before we get in for the uh for the approach heading for 180 degrees copy correct what's your speed is 228 descending through 4 300 feet okay so when you're down to four thousand feet we're gonna bring that speed back to 190 knots taking him out and then in again so that would get a little bit more training and get to feel the aircraft a little bit because he's gonna need it uh hiding is two four two I am quite happy with how I came out of that turn if I'm honest with you I won't be smugged for too long but I'm happy with that yeah that's good now you're getting a little bit too close to the airport though so I wanted to continue that left-hand turn to heading over like one five zero degrees okay oh yeah we were aiming for one eight zero weren't we and I stopped at two four zero that's me being an idiot repeat the heading you one please one five or zero degrees aiming for one five zero have passed four thousand feet I'm gonna try and stabilize that's fine actually if we can get you down to three thousand feet it's even better continuing to three thousand feet aiming for one eight zero speed steady at two two three perfect but once you're down to three thousand feet I don't want you to go below that okay and I don't want to go below 190 knots because that's keeping you alive yeah I overshot standby you're out of the sea so it's no problem oh this is very difficult this is very but I knew it was very difficult so I don't want to over I don't want to overload him now either it's a lot of stuff happening on about no attention paid and if I can go up that fast I can go down that fast you with me Tom it looks like you're turning to the right still with you still with you just flying okay what's the speed two two three altitude three one six four so three one four zero uh heading heading is 190. okay perfect can you read out can you see if though if it says VR lock and glide slope in White on your on your FMA uh both in green VR lock lnav and G slash S are they green confirm green 2500 uh 2500 feet I'm pulling up okay can you just read out what it says on your FMA please stand by flying [Laughter] it's getting too close it's getting too close or where you see it's less than 10 miles away so this way I see the runway I have visual on the runway dead ahead but I'm several degrees several degrees off yeah okay so basically you're you're way too high you're way too close to the runway now so instead of getting you to land from this position we're going to turn you back out to sea and get you back down again all right so what I wanted to do is just stabilize yourself at 3 000 feet and when you can turn right to a heading of about zero to zero degrees zero two zero degrees turning right foreign it's lined up now come on come on come on right start to level out start level out start level out 175 knots that's good 278 is bang on the center line great do you see the runway by any chance I have nothing but cloud that's too bad okay uh make sure you don't turn too much to the right okay you're on a heading of two nine zero degrees now so just just notice I turned completely the wrong way that was me being an idiot no no I'm just keep that diamond in the center right it'll tell you what to do do you see by the way on the flight director is that that magenta um vertical line is that in the middle uh yes keep that in the middle that's going to tell you exactly how to fly the idea is that you're supposed to be with you see that white rectangle in the middle that's you and if that's in the middle of that cross then you're bang on okay it's a t yeah it's a t now because your the Glide slope is above you uh that should come come down the diamond is way off to the left do I need to stay left or right if the diamonds to the left you need to turn to the left confirm doing that now what about the diamond on the right hand side what's that doing still empty and still above you it's still empty it's not locked onto anything no but it's still above you yes that's fine and then you're still below the Glide slope so that's fine you don't need to start descending yet just get yourself stabilized on that localizer on a heading up to eight zero more or less I'm flying purely by instruments I'm just in Cloud yep that's what we do speed 191 altitude 2660 Diamond off to the right but correcting that's it small Corrections try once you have it in the center more or less in the center try not to correct with more than maybe 10 degrees left or right not more than that understood the wrong way that's so counter-intuitive I'm turning the wrong way oh hell now the problem is going to be when it gets on the Glide because following both the Glide and the localizer simultaneously it's hard I need that instruction again if the diamond is off to the right do I turn right or left to the right but you're turning wave mode too much to the right now small corrections I know it's small corrections I know it's small Corrections I'm just not making small Corrections because I'm panicking because this is so you need to turn left now understood this is extremely convincing there's so much to keep track of I have I have a Glide slope Diamond try to get yourself back on the localizer okay because you're thinking a little bit off to the on the right hand side so you might have turned a bit left now when you hit the uh the Glide slope Diamond when that comes into the middle then bring the truss levers back to about 50 you'll see in the on the uh the third screen from your right there's instrumentation all right engine optimization on the very top of that there is an N1 indicator just put the truss to about 53 okay I have visual on the runway okay what's the diamond on the right hand side doing it is dead level okay start pitching down pitch down to about a little bit minus we want to descend with about 800 feet per minute I'm not on the ILS I can't see the I'm several degrees off here okay but you see the runway just point for the runway at this point if your visual point for the runway and keep descending now what we need to do is you need to turn put the gear down okay put the gear down gear is going down bring the flaps to 15. flaps to 15. repeat what you said about thrust earlier please yeah bring the trust back and if you look at your engine instrumentation that's on the third screen on your left at the very top there put the N1 value to 53 percent and continue to descend it's too late he's too high it's too high this is too high what you're too high now can you see the runway still yes I can still see the runway okay can you see if there's a couple of uh lights on the left hand side white or red all white all white I know I've been too white too red yeah so pitch down take trust off to idle okay confirmed this is not a good angle to be coming into a Runway front this is not good this is not good this is not good okay so how is it looking are you descending not good keep descending okay um the wrong way now keep descending bring the flaps back to 30 please keep the trust at idle and keep descending until you get at least one red when you do that start pitching up I have two wide lights and two red lights I'm gonna try and hold it there that's perfect that's perfect so the trust should come up a little bit now because if you're taking flaps 40 and you don't have any trust it's going to stall so bring the thrust up to about Midway understood one thousand feet okay you have the gear down and the flaps to 30 confirmed confirmed okay just aim at the very beginning of the runway now when you get over the runway close the cross levels and keep the altitude more or less all right let it just sink down on the wrong way itself once you land you have to use those brakes at the top of your feet okay the brakes to stop it otherwise it will not stop understood it's got to gear down it's got flaps to 30 he is eight how many feet he's got the speed 140 he's bang on the speed actually I'm aiming to the taxiway there's no way I can hit the runway if you have a light nice long straight ahead of you then use that and just make sure that you set it down on the asphalt okay slow breathe 200 feet Crush and that was a crash yeah I'm sorry man oh it was so I I I there was just so many things at the end there oh oh thank you for trying well we got you did you crash on the runway or in the airport vicinity at least I was lined up what I think was pretty well for a taxiway like I I tried to square it up at the end didn't quite get it but I had a taxiway in front of me and then I just tried to break and flare and everything and it just hit way too hard yeah right right yeah yeah but at least it happened on the airport perimeter which means that you have emergency services and everything there which is pretty much the best we could expect from this kind of situation so well done I'll take that thank you very much so as you can see trying to land the Boeing 737 manually with no previous flight training is really really hard to do and it turns out that trying to instruct someone to do that via radio is not that easy either even when they are as relatively calm and technically minded as Thomas so let's now see how he does it when I introduce him to our third crew member the autopilot I think that you are going to be amazed but I'll let you judge that for yourself after this short message from my sponsor I am so happy to have manscaped as the sponsor of this video manscape is a really high quality provider of grooming products for men and they've just released the latest trimmer the lawnmower 4.0 now the lawnmower is a really high Precision grooming device I use it for example when I trim my beard but because it has some really sharp ceramic blades and skin safe technology you can also use it to trim other places the lawnmower is waterproof which means you can use it in the shower or you can just rinse it in water and it has this really cool LED light which lights up the area that you're trimming and I find that really helpful if you go for the performance 4.0 package you'll also get the weed whacker nose and ear trimmer and some ball toner and ball deodorant for those special places if you think that sounds awesome or hmm I should get that for my partner well then use the link here in the description below and the code Mentor for a whopping 20 off the original price your balls will thank you first of all before we start this exercise I just want to make sure that you're relaxed take a few deep breaths and remember that the you're not actually alone in the cockpit now we we see the autopilot as our third crew member that's the way that we Pilots view it okay that that crew member is perfectly capable of flying this aircraft so what we're going to do from now on is we're going to try to tell that autopilot what to do in order to get you safely down on the ground okay now the Top If You Look below the glare Shield the the top panel below the glare Shield it's called a mode control panel right it has a lot of windows with numerical figures in them and a lot of buttons do you know which panel I'm talking about I believe so that would be directly below the the windscreen the windshield yeah that's correct that panel controls the autopilot okay you will see on the right hand side that there is one button that says Charlie mic Delta and it would be green confirm confirm yeah that's the autopilot button do not press that because that disconnects the autopilot and that would be a very bad day understood not touching that button if you can find the window that says altitude on it tell me when you've seen it I see it it reads fifteen thousand just below that there is a knob can you turn that knob until the value reads four thousand feet instead confirmed that now reads four thousand okay so the next thing I want you to do is go down below that knob and go a little bit to the left you'll find a button that says Lima Victor Lima Jolly Hotel golf confirmed yeah that's what we call level change when you press that button the aircraft is going to start descending that means that the outer throttle tools will start moving backwards and the aircraft is going to start pitching forward that's completely normal so don't be freaked out if that happens okay should I push that button now yeah please push that button button pushed to the right of that button there's a button that says Hotel Delta golf cell yeah can you make sure that the value in that in the window above that button says something like 270 degrees started spinning on their own and the the plane is now banking very very very heavily to the left yeah that's because it's following the LNF track that it has pre-programmed don't worry about that turn that uh button to until the numerical figure says two seven zero on it okay 270 confirmed and now press heading cell okay perfect so is the aircraft now starting to turn the other way yes we're now turning to the right uh we're still descending uh we're just passing through 12 400 now yeah just to give you a little bit of information about what we're doing now that numerical number that you just put in is a value between 0 and 359 that's the compass rose so when you have two seven zero in and you press setting select it means that the aircraft is now going to fly Due West okay so the the aircraft is now descending down to four thousand feet that's what we've told it and it's now following heading two seven zero so we're good right the aircraft is doing exactly what it's supposed to do and what we want to figure out now is how much time we have to do this so in the screen that is second from the left in the right hand corner there there should be a a value of how much fuel in total that you're having board can you read that out to me yep confirm total 3.8 3.8 okay that's perfect so that's that's quite a lot of fuel so we have plenty of time all right so time is not an issue that's good that's good okay from now on there's gonna start to be a little bit more complicated okay because now we have the aircraft on the control so now we're going to try to get it into position from which it can out the land uh so first of all I want you to get your seat adjusted there is if you look down on your seat on your left hand side there is a lever with an H on it Hotel do you see that lever yes I've found it okay if you pull that one you will be able to move your seats forward and backwards and out to the right so what I wanted to do is I wanted to get into a position where you can rest your feet on the pedals easily okay if this is an ejector seat I'm gonna kill him yeah okay I'm in position okay perfect can you confirm that you have your seat belt on as well seat belt is on all right so what we need to do now is that you're going way too fast okay we need to get your speed back in order to make a safe landing so if you go up to the mode control panel again and you go out to the left side the second window from the left should read iOS or Mac can you tell me again what the number is in that window two nine one okay that means that you're flying flying 291 knots at the moment can you bring that value back to two two zero knots two two zero confirmed perfect uh so the if you look down on your primary flight display again that's the display that's straight in front of you it has the speed on the left and the altitude on the left sorry the speed to the left and the altitude on the right can you just tell me if the speed is reducing no it's not there was also just a very loud beep that sounded like a dial tone for about two seconds okay we can disregard that for now that's because you are about to level off at your altitude that's good okay uh the speed is is not decreasing we're still at two six two well if it if you're a 262 and you were a two nine and three then it is reducing oh yeah I'm I'm just nearly panicking kind of forgot this was a simulator for a minute okay good whenever you feel like that just take a deep breath right we have we can keep doing this for over an hour right and you're well clear of any terrain and the aircraft is flying beautifully so don't worry just take a deep breath and we're gonna get you through this nicely okay okay so while we have a second now we're going to start to try to prepare the radio boxes for a Auto Land okay okay I'm now I'm not sure if that's more or less terrifying than seeing the ground okay yeah ready so if you look to the center pedestal that's the pedestal that's in between you and the captain's seat you'll see that there are several radio boxes okay now on the top right on the top left corner there are the the comb radios right those are the ones that we're using to communicate but the there are two um boxes two radio boxes that are just below that that says something like ILS or DLS on them do you see those yeah confirmed I've got ILS 111.75 and vor114.10 what I want you to do is I want you to dial in on the numerical pad on first the right one the following frequency if you're ready ready one one one point three five VOR now reads 1 1.35 okay you see that there are two fixes or this is two buttons below that says mode on them yep can you just switch one of them it's supposed to say ILS ils1135 okay ILS is now set to 11135 okay can you confirm that that is the one on the top no that's the one on the bottom the bottom now reads ils1135 the top reads ils1175 okay so on the left hand side of that same panel there is an active and standby button it looks like your two arrows pushed out so that you have the ILS 11135 as active the top one done perfect can you do exactly the same on the opposite um nav radio as well it looks exactly the same confirmed left one is now ILS 111.35 at the top display active okay perfect now we're going to turn you to turn the aircraft again so if you go back up to the mode control panel and look at the heading window again can you turn that knob below that to the left on until you get a number of 100 on it 100 confirmed the plane immediately started banking heavily to the left yeah that's exactly what we wanted to do because what I'm doing now is I'm actually turning you downwind for the landing okay we still have plenty of time and if there's anything that you're wondering about at this stage please ask me if you hear any noises or anything like that that feels unnerving let me know okay the uh the throttle and whatever the wheels are next to it spinning on their own are very unnerving but I'm going to assume that's a good thing those things that are spinning those are the trim wheel okay those stream Wheels they are are making sure but it's part of the autopilot system and it's just making sure that that the different routers in this case the elevator doesn't have to work too hard so it's resetting the the back part the back Wing actually so it's completely normal I cannot overstate how unnerving it is to be in a motion based Simulator for the first time in my life it is so convincing yeah yeah I know that's the idea the two windows that are to the far left and the two right and Far Right says course above them can you see those yeah of course is two two okay perfect now I want you to set two seven eight in both of those windows and confirm please all right 278 in both windows confirmed can you tell me what speed you're keeping at the moment 2 below the screens to things that looks like little commute computers with numerical pads and stuff on them do you see those yep I see them in between those you have something called out the break do you see that yes I see it perfect can you turn that auto brake knob to three please auto brake is on three good that is going to arm the the braking of the aircraft okay so once you're down on the ground the aircraft is going to break on its on its own next thing that we want to do is we want to arm the speed brake now do you see the trust levers yes I do they are moving slowly forwards and backwards as the autopilot works I know this is the beauty of flying bowings because boeings will always tell you what the aircraft is doing even when the autopilot is engaged you can see how the trust is being changed but what I wanted to do is I wanted to look to the left of the uh the thrust of the trust levels there's something called Sierra Papa Delta break speed brake there do you see it yep I see it okay I want you to lift that straight up and then just move it slightly back it's like you're you're putting it up on a Ledge can you try to do that I see a position called armed I'll move it to that that's great done perfect now you're coming a beam the Airfield now which is great so the next thing that I wanted to do is to the right of the trust levels there is a flap lever do you see that I see it I want you to move that flap lever to the five position if you have to go through a gate first one and then you can move it to five yep that that caused the trim Wheels to spin a lot yeah so what's happening now is that the uh the the flaps you know those things at the back of the Wings they're now extending they're causing a lot of drag and a lot of shift in uh in the way that the aircraft needs to fly so that's why the trims are moving you know they're trying to readjust to to this new configuration but this also allows us to reduce the speed so if you go back up to the speed selector bring that back to uh one eight zero knots 180 I can actually feel us slowing down in here I'm going to brief you a little bit about what's going to happen on the final just so that you don't freak out because a lot of things is going to happen fairly quick to them okay go for it the other thing that we need to discuss is off the landing the only thing that this aircraft will not be able to do automatically is to maintain the uh the direction once it's on the ground you will have to do that using your feet okay okay the thing to remember is that you don't need to push almost anything especially not at high speed it's just basically a light squeeze left to right if you see that it's deviating from the center line it probably won't but if it does that's all you need to do and do not at the top of the of the pedals you'll see that there is the brakes right don't touch those because that will disconnect the the automatic braking system and we don't want that to happen all right right let's uh let's land this yeah perfect you know what you can do now you can go up to the altitude window and you can descend that you can set 3000 feet in that altitude window let me know when you've done that done I briefly dialed it way too low but that's fine we've got 3000 in there now perfect press level change that's in Lima Victor Lima Sierra Hotel golf again done this will cause the aircraft to descend to a lower altitude which is good perfectly okay I can see on the radar now that you're descending so as long as the autopilot is engaged this is perfectly fine yeah confirming we're leveling off and we are at 3000 feet I wanted to locate a button called alpha papa papa on the mode control panel do you see that got it okay now I would like you to turn the heading bug once again the bug below the heading window in writes as in clockwise until you have heading two four zero degrees in the window two four zero confirmed there is a lot of ocean out of my right hand side window yeah now we're turning you into final okay just tell me when well when you're almost on to The Heading of 240 so when the aircraft is about to level off again will do there's this little thing in the back of my brain that's telling me I'm on a plane right now this is extremely convincing okay you should be almost there correct two three zero two three five coming into 240 now I can see the coastline ahead of me perfect can you press the approach button now please pressed so now you're you're closing in on the on the localizer so very soon uh in you know half a minute or so the aircraft is going to capture the localized and it's going to make a fairly abrupt right hand turn tell me when that happens we'll do now on your speed tape so your primary flight display on the left can you see a a small green um values or dots saying five yep I see up one and five it's currently sitting uh just below one perfect okay if you go up to the speed bug again can you move the speed bug back so that the the wide speed bug that you see on the tape moves so the sit exactly on top of the five confirmed that uh works out to about 165. perfect exactly so now that's the minimum maneuver speed for the flap that you're at so that's perfect confirmed abrupt right-hand turn that I didn't notice because I was busy I've got single Charlie Hotel on my uh on my dashboard and we appear to have just lined up excellent perfect so now we are exactly where we want to be now what we're going to do now is we are going to start extending the gear you see that there's a landing gear it's shaped like a gear can you just move that to down that's going to start making a lot of noise that's the gear being extended now the next thing we're going to do is if you go down to the flap selector can you move that to 15 please now if you look at your speed tape again this should be a 15 bug that just appeared confirmed confirmed I move the speed to that yes do that perfect so now there's very little left for for us to set up before we will have to land this thing so the next thing that I want you to do is tell me when the aircraft goes into Glide slope capture you'll notice that but the aircraft is starting to pitch down and the trust will probably reduce a bit I'll let you know yep confirm that we're pitching downwards altitude is decreasing perfect perfect that's exactly what now you're captured on the Glide slope and the localizer so now we're well set up now the next thing that you need to do if you go up to those autopilot buttons that I talked about you can see those four ones at the top right part of the remote control panel yes I see it a slash p and gauge also I have visual on the runway excellent now this which one of these cmds are illuminated the top right button CMD is illuminated okay press the other one the left one the alpha both illuminated excellent that means that we now set up for the outer lab okay so now from this point on what the aircraft is going to do it by itself the next thing we want to do is we want to reduce the speed back to landing speed so if you take the flap selector and bring it all the way back to Flap 40. flat 40. got it uh we just had the 2500 announcement a lot of trim happening yeah because it's now it's getting a lot of a lot of trim changes now because the flaps are extending to its full position so that's perfectly normal bring this feedback to 145 knots speed set to 145. 145 knots is perfectly fine now just a final check now make sure that you have your seat belts on yep seat belts on and I've got visual on the runway with two white and two red lights on each side excellent so you're banging the slots the aircraft is flying perfectly what what are flare and minimums were just called yeah minimums that's cool that's that's as we breathed before that's for the previous uh departure so that's fine and you see the runway so that's not a problem remember now that once the aircraft touches down which is going to do by itself once that's happening then you are the one that's going to control it on the ground with the rubber so don't do any big adjustments very small smooth adjustments on the runway and just let it come to a complete stop okay understood just pass through 1 000 and I've got the Dublin Smoke Stacks over to the left of me all right uh here goes yeah I have Flair on the on the display in front of me perfect that means that the aircraft knows that it's going to do an outline so that's good news I just want to tell you good luck we're all counting on you [Laughter] yeah you're getting close now man very close let me know when the aircraft has come to a complete stop I feel like I should be holding this and that's not my job the computer's doing everything I just need to just stay back do not touch anything until we're down 50 feet 30 20 10. flaring there we go we're good little little bit of a little bit to the right oh that's a little bit to the right a little bit to the right come on Tom there we are the aircraft is at a complete stop we have landed well done man so that's you that's you Landing an airliner that's going 727 down on the ground your view me and the autopilot all right [Music] foreign [Music] thank you so so much welcome to Dublin I mean the computer did everything it was knowing what to push and having the confidence to know what to push yeah but you see how well this aircraft does things when you just tell it I mean that's what I meant by having a crew member but you're here we're here on the ground you know exactly what we want on the asphalt well done [Music]
Channel: Mentour Pilot
Views: 643,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tom scott vape, tom scott, simulator, dublin, mentour pilot, mentor, boeing, 737max, 737 max, landing, autopilot, approach, Mentour pilot crash, Seconds from disaster, Famous YouTuber, Best collab, Boeing 737MAX Mentour, Full flight simulator, Passenger landing aircraft, Tom Scott and Mentour, Mentour Pilot and Tom Scott
Id: YaOvtL6qYpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 40sec (2440 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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