Body Movement Basics for Combat Shooting According to Former Special Forces

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Hi what's up everyone Instinct here for another training video. In our previous training video we talked about gun drawing and getting into your combat positions. As for today we'll further extend that into kneeling and basic body movements. Now as always all of this stuff has learned to us by instructive Delta who used to be a Special Forces from the Georgian military. So thank you instructor Delta for teaching us so we can teach you guys! But first make sure to LIKE subscribe and hit that Bell button if you like our content. Also don't forget to check out for our awesome monthly quality giveaways and stay tuned for our soon to be released webshop. Let's get over to our first topic the essentials of moving. Our very first essential of moving is to always move forward. Now why don't you want to step backwards. Well you just have a way to big risk of falling and that's something you want to prevent. Now this also means when you take a knee for example you do it in a forward movement. The second essential of moving is to lower your gun a bit in order to have the biggest view possible whenever you're about to take a knee or make a turn. Now the same counts when you're using your pistol you want to bring it back to your neck area like mentioned in our previous video before making the turn and then aim again. So first let's talk about making a turn. As mentioned before you bring back the pistol, have a look at where you want to turn. Turn left over your left leg by using the ball of your foot. Turn right by using your right leg. And remember to never turn backwards. Now let's talk about making a 180° turn. Again same applies here bring back the pistol turn over your left leg if you're a right-handed shooter turn over your right leg if you're a left-handed shooter. So why do we do it this way there's one important reason which is you have your supporting hand in order to move away people or objects standing in your way while turning. Next up we'll have a look at kneeling. So first let's talk about the usual way of taking a knee. Well this is a very standard way of taking a knee because you have your leg in order to support your elbow but the downside is it's not a very stable position. So now we'll talk about a far more stable way of taking a knee which was learn to us by instructor Delta. Let me show you how it's done. For this you want to take a knee but what you want to notice is that the knee touching the ground is about roughly 30° pointed away from your body. The same counts for your other leg which is making an arch an important thing to notice of your leg that is making an arch is, that your foot is fully touching the ground. Now when it comes to your other foot there are two things to notice. The first thing is your toes are fully touching the ground in order to have a good grip and in order to stand up easily. The second thing you want to notice is that if you're flexible enough your butt should be resting on the heel of your foot. Let's talk about the advantages of this way of taking a knee. The first one is you are very stable because you're covering a very wide surface area. The second thing is you have a lot of freedom of movement with your upper body and the third thing is it's easy to enter or leave this position. How to train this. Well for this training it's absolutely necessary to be at least with two persons because one will give the commands and the other will perform the actions. Also training with two people allows you to correct each other's errors. The set up for this training requires you to have two to three targets. Now there is no need for you to actually fire projectiles you can just do it by dry firing. Again two people are required for this training one will give the commands which can either be "down" to take a knee, "up" to stand up, "contact" from the a direction in order to engage a target and "sound" from the a direction in order to make you look. If you see a target you engage it, if you don't then you don't. Contact! Contact right! On your 6 on your 6! Down! Up! Sound from the left! Sound from the right! Keep in mind that we can teach you the things we learned but you actually need to do the training yourself in order to become better. Now it might be so that you are making errors which you can't see or your buddy's can't see. So for this it's recommended to have a professional trainer. Now instructor Delta is such a trainer, so if you are interested in a professional lesson make sure to contact him at Make sure to let us know your thoughts about this video in the comments down below LIKE, subscribe and hit that Bell button to stay notified. Have a look at for our awesome monthly quality giveaways and stay notified for our upcoming webshop. Thanks for watching and we'll see you next week!
Channel: Reconbrothers
Views: 29,301
Rating: 4.9105959 out of 5
Keywords: reconbrothers, airsoft, milsim, combat shooting, combat shooting drills, body movement, special forces, operator, kneeling, kneeling technique, making turns, always forward never back, drills, shooting drills, dry firing, dry firing drills, AR15, sidearms, training, teaching, learning, rifle shooting stance, rifle shooting drills, pistol shooting drills, moving and shooting, airsoft guns, tactical shooting, instructor delta, deltasurvivalschool, airsoft training, force on force training
Id: qFyrHONryE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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