How Special Forces Move as a Team | Part 1 | Staying on line | Tactical Rifleman

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all right guys instructor Z here with technical rifleman and this week we're gonna be talking about getting in a gunfight with the buddy if I am going to get in a gunfight I damn sure want to have as many people on my side as possible and at a minimum at least one good buddy and you can see Carl and I are gonna be buddies for this one so one big thing that I see overlooked and a lot of people's training when they're conducting drills or whatsoever on the range or doing airsoft or non-lethal Sims play you see a lot of people making the mistake of not getting online not necessarily Muslim one another or impeding one another's fire but the chance for that to happen is greatly increased when someone does not have a proper spatial awareness of where they are in space with their buddy towards the enemy and getting online so their muzzle is free and clear and they have the maximum amount field of fire that they could possibly have we don't want to impede our fire if we're trying to shoot someone right so we want to get all our guns into the fight we don't want to pee one another and we damn sure don't want to shoot each other because we screw up and get in each other's way right so there's some things that dictate how strict we need to get on line with each other right so if we're real tight we're in tight quarters say in a house say in the hallway say around a lot of vehicles and my buddy's right near me and we're returning fire or engaging a threat or hunting a threat I need to be closer to him and get more strictly online that I would if we were further apart so I might even need to move up and use my body as a barricade between his ability to move in front of me or either at the minimum my barrel up past his head in his periphery so he can see there's something going on over here he sees my muzzle flash he's not gonna turn left on me out of the blue because he's got so much tunnel vision on looking down the sights and engaging with the threat right so we need to get on loud with each other the best we can in that situation and it requires throttling of your foot speed moving into certain positions discipline not to pull the trigger even though you want to shoot before you get in that good spot where you can minimize the risk of muzzling your buddy or shooting your buddy and also maximize your firepower like I said so if you're laterally separated right you're far away from each other you've got a little more freedom a little more leeway when getting on line with one another you can be staggered a great amount as long as the community you're paying it to communicating and paying attention to where you're going and you're firing in your lane and not crossing over towards your buddy right so think about those things realize that it requires a great amount of conditioning that means competence preparation all put in because think about it guys you're still applying the fundamentals of fire or firearms you're still reacting to whatever the thread is doing you're still having to move your body in a purposeful manner and then also while you're doing all that you had to have the spatial awareness of what is going on around you so you're not unsafe and so you're not impeding your own fire so check us out think about this while you're on the range practice dry fire or with non-lethal rounds Sims or airsoft doing these type of drills where you're moving and throttling your speed to catch up with your buddy and get online and talking to each other as a buddy team before you go live right don't just start doing this live fire get all the other stuff push it to the subconscious right where you're subconsciously engaging and doing everything you're supposed to do with your weapon and then consciously you could pay attention to what's going on around you and that's what we're talking about here getting online spatial awareness moving shooting moving and communicating with your buddy which is key in a gunfight alright so what you got to do is subscribe hit the notification bill catch up with this every Friday and we got more for you Z signing out if you liked this video make sure to LIKE comment and subscribe also make sure you follow us on Facebook Instagram and Twitter so you don't miss out on anything
Channel: Tactical Rifleman
Views: 84,784
Rating: 4.9715214 out of 5
Keywords: Tactical, rifleman, NRA, military, training, skills, gun, survival, prepper, how, to, special, forces, sniper, karl, erickson, techniques, conceal, carry, 2nd, amendment, Team, Gunfighting, communication, Flat range, proximity, move, movement, group, swat, rifle, buddy, clear, drill, seal, navy
Id: tz0l7j1zFEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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