Movement Techniques [HD]

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uh hi welcome in this new video uh in this video I want to show you guys some uh movement techniques and to help me with those uh I've got a guest uh you can stand up so uh yeah it's going to help me demonstrate some of the techniques and uh yeah enjoy the video you so yeah for the record uh I'm mmar and I was at the Gilly meat of d 2 2011 and uh tactical Gillies was a huge inspiration to me so yeah I built my own Ghillie as you can see looks very nice and uh yeah uh you're going to show us what we're going to do today yeah um yeah what we're going to do today is uh which I already told in the intro uh we're going to show you guys some uh movement techniques uh that snipers use uh to move around uh with different vegetation around you uh so uh yeah he's uh my buddy here is going to demonstrate the techniques and I'm going to going to tell you guys uh why you would use uh that particular technique in a certain area so uh yeah pay attention um so uh movement techniques the first one uh first one is a high high profile sneaking technique uh you don't use it very often as a sniper you will only use it when the F vegetation around you is high enough and when you're not in any hostile area so uh what you do with this technique is you bend over a little bit and you just sneak forward very slowly just like that yeah okay so second technique is uh crouching so you bend your knees and you just yeah you crouch forward you use one hand to for stability on the ground so you don't tumble over and you can use your other free hand uh to uh armor rifle if you want to just like that okay so third technique is uh the bear crawl which means you go on your knees and on your hands and you just crawl forward very nice okay so fourth technique is uh the tiger crawl which means you get go flat on the ground and use your arms and your legs to crawl forward so very it's a low profile technique but it's very fast so it's not the best for a sniper when you're in a very hostile area but uh it works if you got uh yeah about yeah knee high cover and uh yeah okay that's nice and yeah the final technique the fifth technique is the sniper low crawl uh yeah which means it's practically uh the tiger crawl only use only your hands and your toes to move along which means you go very slow uh but that's actually the purpose of this movement um so that you don't move that much you put your head as slight to the ground as possible low profile so that you can crawl through ditches and other vegetation that's not higher than half of your uh uh uh yeah all the way of your leg which is about vegetation that's higher not not higher than about 30 cm 40 cm of course uh these are just examples so we're yeah we're kind of speeding it up here so so you can uh see how it's done of course in a real life scenario you would do these uh some of these techniques very slowly so you won't get caught of course um yeah you can come over here if you want nice job so uh yeah I can tell you uh the last one is the most uh energy consumed one because you really need to just power your body with only just your hands just uh dig in your fingers and just pull yourself up and if if you have to cover some meters that will take some exercise it will yeah it's uh yeah yeah it's an uh very tiring uh movement technique but yeah that's why you're in the Army right right you're tough so uh yeah okay uh thanks for watching the video I hope you enjoyed and learned something from it uh I want to thank my buddy over here for uh being in this video uh you can check out his channel uh it's over there you can click on it and uh yeah you will find our movie there we made uh about one year ago I believe it was yeah it's a really rookie movie so please don't be hating uh don't be trolling don't be trolling um yeah we'll probably make a new one that's better better ghillies new ghillies new rifles and weapons and stuff new scripts better tactic yeah just yeah it's going to be awesome and be sure to stay tuned because um going to make a video soon which will explain the five uh uh yeah important things about uh camouflage and yeah when the snow drops here I'm will test I'm going to test my snow ghilly suit so uh yeah let's hope for snow and uh or sun and yeah yeah the odds are bigger for snow yeah I think so and a little update for uh you guys because a lot of you guys have been asking for this uh the channel from dalwa tube has been removed uh I don't know why but I'm uploading uh all the videos I have got um on this channel over here it's underneath uh his channel you can click on it and I've I'm going to upload all the videos I've got from the Military Channel over there about the sniper so uh yeah check that one out and uh yeah once again thanks for watching the video be sure to subscribe if you haven't already yeah and thumbs up and if you click the like button we wouldn't mind that you be ni yeah
Channel: Tactical Ghillies
Views: 433,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ghillie, suit, in, action, TacticalGhillies, Daluatube, Ripperkon, Arnhem, Koningklijke, Landmacht, KCT, korps, commando, troepen, MSO, special, forces, Adventure, Army, Military, The, best, ghillie, video, on, youtube
Id: Sv_2T4Q_y-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2011
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