Bobby Fischer's 5 Most Brilliant Chess Moves

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bobby fischer's five most amazing moves like this video now and we can have a look at the most amazing moments occurred in this brilliant champions games he was considered one of the best players in the world do you agree or maybe you will after these five moments in this first example Bobby has the white pieces against another very strong player reshef ski and in this position he plays an amazing idea can you find the move drum roll please Bishop takes f7 check mmm straighten your face which f ski off the king taste can you see the idea Knight to e6 here we go that night dives into the guts of blacks position and the black cream is now attacked the problem here is black can't do anything to save that Queen try as he might now in the game which f ski decided to take that night with this pawn goodbye Queen Queen takes Queen and Bobby went on to win the game if he goes King takes Knight the King starts running around the board and you don't want to do that for your King no no no no how can you checkmate it well queen defy check would happen the King comes to f5 g4 check opening up more lines towards the black King the black King has to take that pawn rook g1 check another piece dives into the attack poor ol black king e goodbye my friend for example if the black King goes to h5 we have the switcheroo Queen to g2 and the Queen has a number of ways to dive in with checkmate black can't stop all these possibilities so it's game over a very very quick victory let's now move on to his second most amazing move the second example has been called game of the century and we will shortly see why it's been named such a accolade in this position Bobby is only 13 years old his queen is attacked on b6 most mortals would simply move that queen away but not young Bobby can you see the move Bishop to e6 fantastic switch round leaving his Queen to be captured but now white is in all sorts of problems for example if white decides to take the night we now go Queen takes bishop with a lovely pin on that Queen and this is a winning position if you play his Bishop takes Bishop we can play Queen b5 there's no bishop in the way and white gets checkmated King to e1 Queen - e - boom - the King a big checkmate where else can that King go when it can go to g1 and now we see a technique that was used in the game Knight to e2 this Knight has the time of its life diving in and out of the position King to f1 Knight to g4 hello King to g1 can you see the beautiful finish to this fascinating combination Queen to f1 into mning the white king rook takes f1 and now the nail in the coffin Knight to e2 checkmate brilliant stuff in the game Donald Byrne obviously saw all his lines he must be shocked by these 13 rows fascinating brilliant and superb play he decided to take the Queen this Knight is the hero he's on Broadway prancing around like a Hollywood star and he deserves it because after King G one look at this Knight go what a wee little chap he is Knight to e2 we call this technique the windmill technique it Dancing's around like a windmill King to f1 Knight takes d4 check King to g1 Knight to e2 hello King King to f1 Knight to c3 check hello King King to g1 and now simply pawn takes pawn the rook attacks the Queen the Knight attacks the Brooke Bobby has a fantastic position which he went on to convert in some style brilliant stuff from the young thirteen-year-old onto the next case the next example has some real poetry surrounding it the White King is already very exposed in the middle of the board but we need to bring in the cannonballs how do we do that always look for the most forcing moose and in this position Queen takes f4 oh there goes the explosion where can the king go well first of all we can take that Queen can't be young Bobby well if you do take the Queen Bishop to h6 is checkmate and this is the end of the game the end of the road for white even though black has so little material on the board the White King is stuck in a place it can't escape from a brilliant combination in this position of the Queen f4 white decided to resign because the pieces are gonna flood in no matter where the White King retreats to white I had enough by this stage on to the next example we now come to another shotgun moment those moments where one move pulling the trigger ends the game immediately Bobby has the white pieces his pieces are dangerously hanging around the black king but what move finishes the game again have a go yourselves it is a big move look for those very aggressive moves like checks or captures Queen takes h7 check and in this position black resigned this move draws the black King into the open for example King takes h7 and now we continue the attack pawn takes pawn double check something we have seen earlier and the idea is wherever the black King goes is checkmate next move for example if it tries to run back home the rook is now open so it can come and give a bit of a back ranker this is a terminology we use in chess that is the back rank along the back and that is a back spank checkmate if the black King tries to come out into the open can any other piece join in the attack yes it can the bishop on g2 Bishop e4 checkmate a beautiful combination now let's see my last pick of his most amazing moves this next position has a little bit more Jonas a croire a bit more subtlety than the other examples we've seen so far is clearly attacking with his queen lined up against the king he wants to target the square on h7 so one obvious idea is 'if I've but that is not the move Bobby played Benko with his opponent would have played f5 against this a clever defense if I did trying to exchange Queens off the board and at the same time blocking this Bishop away from its target so what is a better move than a five can you see it rook to f6 a beautiful move sacrificing a piece on an empty square but at the same time with a real purpose trying to stop the F pawn from moving the idea is if Bishop takes rook now we play e5 and the line is clear - h7 next move the Queen will dive into the square giving checkmates after the roots wave sticks Benko is completely helpless the game ended King to g8 black can't do anything else and now pawn to e5 the bishop is released born to h6 and Bobby was in no rush here he simply played Knight to e2 black has nothing he can do remember if he ever takes the rook Queen takes h6 and the Queen comes into the game brilliant brilliant play and a fantastic it's at one of my favorite examples there remember like this video and leave your comment below on which of those five was your personal favorites idea and move brilliant examples inspiring stuff from one of the legends of the game Bobby Fischer happily oh look at these videos [Music]
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Keywords: chess, checkmate, chess videos, checkmate videos, videos, video lectures, video lessons, bobby fischer, bobby fischer chess, best chess moves, top chess moves, bobby fischer top five moves, best chess moves ever, greatest chess move, greatest chess moves, simon williams, simon williams chess, chess moves, bobby fischer games, most amazing chess moves of all time, top 5 chess moves, top 5 chess games
Id: CUfwQcPjW-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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