Bobber & Jig Fishing 101 - EVERYTHING You Need To Catch Fish.

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hey what's up all you addicts out there thanks so much for tuning in to another addictive fishing tutorial today what we're gonna be talking about is bobber and jig fishing for steelhead but first off if you're brand new to the channel don't forget to head down here and tap that little subscribe button what we like to do is we like to educate teach you guys how to get out and fish but we also do a lot of entertaining stuff where we're just all over the world catching fish so if you want to join us on our journey tap subscribe now let's dive right in we're gonna learn about bobber and jigs for steelhead right now so I'm not gonna dive too much in to the gear because we have a ton of other videos which I'll drop some links in the description below if you guys want to get more in depth on the actual gear but I will quickly just run through it basically what I have is in Okuma X rod you want a rod that's in the nine and a half to ten and a half foot range and even even longer when you're bobbing jig fishing especially when you're bank fishing because you need that extra control in that extra length to be able to control the fish and control your float and keep the line off the water next what we have is in Okuma r-tx this is the 3,000 size i like somewhere in the 2500 to 3000 range anywhere in that zone is gonna be pretty good for skillet it's plenty big enough for these fish so you're gonna be catching I'm always going with a braided line this is a 30 pound tough line dominate but you can go up to 50 pound if you want the heavier the line sometimes is better because it actually floats better on the water which we're gonna show you kind of why that makes a big difference when we get out here and teach you how to fish this in a second so nine and a half to ten and a half foot rod 25 to 35 reel series with a thirty to fifty pound braid and that's kind of what you need to just get started with the basics there what we do next is because you don't want that braided line in the water you don't want those fish to be able to detect that line by being able to see it really easy is what we've done is we've taken a double uni knot but you can use any knot you want here there's a double uni there's a blood knot there's a crazy Alberto any of those knots what will work for you but what I did was I took a double uni knot and what it was able to do was attach my fluorocarbon to my braid so now I've got my fluorocarbon leader that's gonna be a lot more invisible to the fish it's gonna help you catch more fish when you get out here so make sure that you do this because this is an important step next up what we have is your float so this is my fixed float set up from Mustad again we've talked about this a lot it's our float that we are kind of in the process of launching it's right in that zone where it's gonna be coming out really soon but any fixed floats gonna work for you and basically what fixed means is you have the float fixed on the line and you can easily adjust it because it's it's run by two pieces of surgical tubing but basically what it is is it's fixed it's not sliding up and down like a sliding float would be it's actually fixed to the floor and last but not least you just need your jig your jig or your worm or whatever but today we're diving deep into jigs so I'm gonna cut this tag in it off here filled out my pocket and we reach down here and I'm gonna grab one of these jigs this is our single beaded addicted sink it series jigs for Mustad you can get these at tons of local retailers fisherman's Bob's Sportsman's Warehouse a lot of the retailers up in Canada are now stocking them all the way down in Northern California so if you're looking for our sink it series jigs you can find them in a lot of places and they'll help you catch a lot more fish the benefits to these jigs is the material we use this kind of a proprietary material it's kind of like a fly dubbing similar to that I like a fly material basically and what it does when it hits the water is it holds its body better than any material I've ever seen when it hits the water it doesn't suck in like like marabou does or even rabbit fur has a tendency to kind of lose its body rabbit fur is now better than marabou but then what we've done is we've taken it to the next step and find some even better material that holds an even better body the other benefits to it is the stuff dries out really well so you never see your jigs really getting ruined typically like on a rabbit fur jig or a marabou jig the more fish you catch too the more you put bait on it and take bait offer just kind of messing with the material it starts to pull off and get ruined and what we've really liked about these jigs they're just super durable you can use them long periods of time catch multiple fish on them and have bait on them and they're not getting ruined and that's not just some sort of sales ploy even though it is because I want you guys go by the jigs but try them just go out and try them and put them to the test so you guys can see for yourselves the benefits of this material that we're using it's pretty bad 8 all righty that's the last I'm gonna sell you here but now we're gonna take this jig here we're gonna tie it on just gonna use my standard fisherman's knot here 78 wraps around there and back through is plenty good enough never had a steel that break on it always wet your knots especially with fluorocarbon you always want to make sure that you get the knot nice and wet this fluorocarbon has a tendency to burn onto itself and you definitely don't want that to happen because then you'll hook into a big fish and you'll lose it and we're gonna cut that tag end off again let it fall right into my hand here so that my pocket put my Gerber's here appliers away here and then we'll run back through it really really quick just so you guys can see what we've got basically on this if I can get untangled here I'm all tangled up in the and the weeds on the ground here alright so this is why I love bobber and jig fishing so much especially with a fixed float setup it's so simple it's such a simple setup you have your braided line to some fluorocarbon to a float to a jig and that's it there's nothing else to it it's really really easy to execute and it's really really easy for guys that are out there trying to learn how to catch their first steel to get on them the other cool things about float fishing especially with a fixed flow you can cover water quickly and effectively you can basically up and down drag this float and adjust on a quick basis and fish all water calms and fish it quick I mean steel it are pretty bitey in most scenarios so if you present your jig correctly it's in the right depth and it's going in front of their face chances are they're gonna eat it alright guys so now what we're gonna do is we're going to take you out on the river right here we're gonna show you kind of how to fish these just some basics we're gonna run you through just what you should be looking for controlling your line controlling your float let's do it alright so one important thing I always like to do is always like to find a good position so all you try to find a big rock to stand on or get highly elevated because it's gonna help with the line control of the float especially with a fixed flow scenario and then we're just gonna go to work we're gonna start hunting so the first thing you want to do as always will start out pretty shallow I'm never gonna send my first cast through they're dragging it I never want that jig to be like dragging down the river on my first castle I'm gonna start fairly shallow and then I'm gonna keep working my depth up as I can all right so on my first cast Attucks when you when you roll up to a hole and you're gonna approach it your first cast make it inch make it in close you never know when that fish might just be sitting right out here and funny that it's not necessarily going to be out in the gut so I always like to cast upriver just a little bit what I'm doing you could see I'm bringing that rata keep that line off of the water you want to keep that line off the water your float boat really nicely and as that float starts to get below you you're gonna make your first men pick that braided line up and set it back down on the water I'm gonna go into that rock right there so I'm gonna have to adjust but as you guys can see let me just do that again real quick I think I did saw a fish roll out there Sean I saw a fish roll out there Attucks maybe we'll actually catch one on a tutorial so let me show that through it one more time here addict so we're gonna cast upriver just a little bit and instantly off the water reel up any extra slack if you need and kind of let that float float downriver and as that float starts to get below you make your first men and what a Mendez is you take your braided line pull it back and put it back on the water so now I'm gonna do it without explaining it just so you can see and Shawn make sure you fill me as I get the rod up in the air so they can kind of see what I'm doing there that's a little upriver instantly put my rod in the air instantly putting it in the air and then as it starts to get below me I'm gonna reel that slack up and I'm just gonna pick that line up and set it back down on the water I'm gonna pick that line up set it back down on the water and then as that float gets below you and start letting some line out start sending that jig down into the tail out of that hole and hope and pray that you get a bobber down and then one thing you don't want to do is I typically won't send it down there too far I don't like to longline it extreme distances because I've learned over the years but it seems like when you do that well guess what that's when the fish decides to bite and then you're trying to pick up a ton of line and you just don't get the good hook set so now that I've run one through they're shallow and have it run it very deep the next steps that you're going to do is you're gonna take your float you're gonna adjust you're gonna go deeper you're gonna keep adjusting and going deeper and deeper and deeper until you see your jig dragging the bottom and then you're gonna adjust that back up to 6 to 12 inches from the bottom that's kind of where you want to live is that 6 to 12 inch range so it's right in that Steelheads vision so again we're gonna this is going to be a little bit farther float so you guys can really see the mending here so I'm gonna cast all the way to the other side of the river over here and show this boil right here Sean so addicts as you can see she got boil right there that's not where you want to live you do not want your jig to go or your float to go into that boil because what's gonna happen is you're graded lines get sucked into that boil it's gonna be very very hard to control it so I'm actually gonna cast a little bit down river and over the top of the boil and try to hold my line off of it so it doesn't get affected see instantly addict you bring your rod in here keep the line off the water and then as that float starts to move down through you're gonna reel up your slack you're gonna give it that first min and now you're fishing and then again as more line starts to get pulled just pick that line up give it a min and there you have it attics so as you can see as I did a whole kind of perfect float right there you can see you're gonna want to keep mending you're gonna mend that a few times as it's going through the things you always want to miss make sure that your liens kind of living behind your float and not getting too far out in front now let's do like a really farther like sake say you see like a creek or something dropping in like this one over here on the other side of the bank river to fish it effectively but you still want to fish it you can do it with these bobber and jigs you just got it it takes extreme line control and just controlling your float way up in there off the water and reel up extra slack and you can see that floats still going through there pretty nicely see attics it's all about lion control and that's why braid is so important because you want something that's going to float so that way you can control that line and not get sucked under the water really really important right there right there that system is for a big Betty lids gein gein let's run another one in close just in case never know it could be one here that's the other thing I want to talk about attics when your jig fishing it's important that you kind of thoroughly cover each lane you got to remember your floats your jig is floating directly downriver in a straight line so if you're over and potentially if you're over five feet and that Stila decides he doesn't want to move over and grab that jig you wouldn't have caught it so you want to make sure that you cover each lane with your jig and that's why I say just kind of start in close and work your way over to the other side so I'm gonna run one right down the gut off off this Boulder right here oh look at that just going through that so perfectly give me one give me one Shawn no love no all right addicts we moved downriver I'm gonna try to send a couple bombers out here and just hopefully hook one so you guys can see as you guys can see I'm in this boil right here it's pretty boiling on that inside and you can fish stuff like that but it's just really important that you're constantly controlling your line just continuing to see that see I just mended that could you see that good Shawn it's really hard but it's really hard for you guys to see that but basically you can see the braid kind of laying on the water as I let it out you just want to keep picking that braid up and putting it behind your float the idea of these jigs and these floats floating under is you want it to present the most natural presentation possible so the the lesser moving your jig and the better it's floating down the river with the current looking natural the better chance you have the hook all right addicts we ran this tale out with jig no love but you know I ain't gonna leave these holes without at least sending a couple worms down through so let's go switch to worm it's you have addicts we fish these worms the same way you've seen some us do some videos on these before I'll drop some links down below if you want to get more in depth on worm fishing what's the exact same set of fixed float fluorocarbon down to your jig head and your worm we're gonna send this thing through and hope there's a hope there's a little biter all right addicts I couldn't hook a fish but hopefully I was able to get out here and teach you guys how to get out here and put this method in the test the simple bomber and jig for steelhead or trout or even salmon is one of the most effective methods to catch these things so go out there get yourself a raw get yourself reel or get yourself just a bunch of jigs and get out there and catch some fish and thanks again so much for tuning in if you guys are liking these videos be sure to smash that thumbs up and we'll see on the river [Music] [Music]
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 97,782
Rating: 4.8662562 out of 5
Keywords: bobber and jig fishing, bobber and jig 101, steelhead bobber jig setup, float fishing steelhead, float fishing set up, fishing, addicted fishing, steelhead, steelhead fishing, bobber and jig trout, trout fishing jig setup, trout fishing, steelhead trout, river fishing, winter steelhead fishing, steelhead fishing tips, jig fishing tips, jig fishing, float fishing tips, float fishing, fishing for steelhead, trout, how to, how to catch steelhead, fishing tips, bank fishing
Id: Vo2tApehRB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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