Bob Uecker Tonight Show - 1971

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Bob Uecker Bob Uecker played professional baseball for 14 years he's currently working further Milwaukee Brewers as a scout and public relations in the broadcasting and since World Series time is when wins the World Series October we thought we would have well what do I know it's coming up so on we thought we'd invite Bob to kind of reminisce about some of the great World Series games he's enjoyed watching from a grandstand like a lot of us would you welcome Bob Uecker [Applause] [Music] well it's that time again World Series time in your your heart must quicken well of course his World Series time and I guess as I've said before when the word baseball was mentioned I guess my name would automatically come to your mind I was up I was watching the news the other night I was gone into the sports you know and it was kind of distressing to see they did a final telecast from Washington Senators are going I guess the Texas are they not Washington Senators they had about a thousand people out for the final game and that's gonna be the first time in 73 years they said that Washington is not gonna have a business it'll be good for baseball well there's been a lot of moves that have taken place in baseball but I think you know everybody talks about moving a team in the case of Washington I think they should leave the team there and move Washington might have a point I never looked at it that way certainly a logical somebody gave me some pictures tonight at least some of the highlights and yes your career right working your honey teams you play with I was with four everybody wanted to take a chance on winning the pennant of course so you get mine right team to team right okay I said I haven't seen these myself I say what I'll do I'll hold them up and maybe you can tell us what they're up they see the monitor up there obviously it's a locker room celebration no this is actually a picture of me getting ready for a game [Laughter] [Applause] you know no don't believe in waiting too long I know I hadn't played in a couple days and to get me ready why they kind of cry me a little bit huh crying me up right that was that actually penitent and it winning team at all no not after that picture was no I'll give you a you were your catcher yes I was chaser chase that is you down here yes that's me that's my hidden ball trick why not what happened in that guy and that particular well I'm sure you've heard the phrase he had his bell rung yes [Laughter] chime oh I'm not quite sure what this is it is a series of Mont I've you pictured what does this does so Lisa is pictured where up back right this said Johnny remember when I talked about catching the knuckleball right the easiest way to catch it was to wait until it stopped rolling and just pick it up high - there it is on the ground you're looking around for the ball there at little picture the then the umpire finally picked it up and gave it to me and I need you make me throw up all right this is uh this is uh obviously then we get a shot out of his name this is I had a team this was a team picture that once a year they have these team team picture days is what they are and on this particular day this cost Bob Gibson one of the great pitchers in baseball it cost him and I a couple hundred dollars they had taken the picture and they had proved it and everything and then brought it back to the ballpark before they finally caught that scene there but I can't can you come a little closer on that well Bob and I are holding hands I'm going to get it we're going to get we're gonna get a close shot of that you you certainly are that's guess who's coming to pitch that 20-foot audience and they brought out before they really took the closer they brought it back ready to give them out before the clowns are sitting there smiling like do it now this picture must be obviously been exciting a exciting moment yes this is a day when the starting lineups were put on the board and the ball club found out that I wasn't playing celebrating early that was very heavy my parents they were this is you isn't Robert in this last picture I really I can't even guess what you're doing here well this was taken during the 1964 World Series they had four bands on the field and one of them took a break so I grabbed this guy's tuba and I was catching flyballs in that that cost me $260 like this all the dents that were put on me thanks to a fine ball plans for almost everything yes they've got a behavior did you read the problems book at all in ball form uh no I didn't read a lot where he kind of copped out until the tales out of school as it were about some of the ball players ever kind of well those guys football players baseball players right those guys are gonna write anything you want you know but where would they be without it - now they keep knocking it but they all played it and they all made a good living at it - I would never knock don't believe in coming back and then saying well I really don't I always have to survive as long as I did all right we'll come back and talk about your career a little more you've got fascinating stories well turning the moment after we watch behind we're like talking with a Bob Uecker who spent 14 years in the majors would your dad an athlete I mean where did you get care of here you got the physique of an athlete where'd you get the ability well I guess I did get it to my my dad my dad came to this country as a soccer player and well he wasn't actually a player he blew up the balls that's part of it well the big thing I think a real tribute to my dad was the fact that they didn't have pumps at that time and he do that anyway she did it beautifully i watch well most athletes for some reason go through kind of rituals or superstitions they wear the same uniform the same pair of socks I think one of the tennis players something somewhere quick Richie has one pair of trunks laserMax watches a modern use because it's a superstition now does that run in all Athletica well I think I guess I had certain things that used to bother me or for instance maybe I'd leave the house I'd be walking outside I'd hear one of my kids say another day another dollar for it that's another caller that would make me think that I wasn't going to hit that day you're on family or my I know my dad many times they asked me I believe in the ballpark say where you gonna be sitting today I've destroys a man's own well Ryan I mean you haven't even got there yet or if I'd see a bulldog running across a field of the cigar as well yeah I just I just I knew I wasn't going to hit that day or maybe my last time at bat I'd look in the visitors dugout and see all the guys sitting there with their street clothes on [Laughter] what's the weird what's the weird is super saying what other plans well I've seen a lot of players other players some fellows have a superstition about picking up dirt they pick up doing I'm serious and yeah you would pick up dirt and throw it out of their hands and if you do it they'll do it again I don't know what it is or why they do it but if you pick up dirt after they do they'll bend down and pick it up again and I mean this can go on to be a nine-inning dirt pickin up yeah it's รฉclairs a a lot of players coming from the outfield to the dugout they always have to touch well either third base or second base whatever it is seen that when they run it before the player on our bench would try and race out there and beat him to the bag and it really does bother a lot of players and if somebody else touches a bag before they do they're done it's all over for the day right I never had the problem touching any bag you didn't make not a lot of no I done did you hit many hundreds mere chimera no I didn't I think well there are days a lot of things used to bother me down I'd maybe get a threatening phone call from somebody where I pick up the phone and I'd say I hope you get a hit and you choke right well I mean just there's nothing to do about it it just bothered you the rest of the ball game you're playing little league ball yes I did well they didn't call it a league ball at that time they change the name a few years after I started playing but I played the night baseball and I think really too much too much emphasis is put on winning and losing with little league players really is I know I tell my boy oh he comes home and talks about not playing or another boy is better than he is and I tell them to well you've got to work harder you've got a flame or you've got to try and do your job better and of course if he's still better than you are well then then it's up to you to get him on the side and it's hitting with a bat or something
Channel: 24 TV
Views: 619,681
Rating: 4.8039894 out of 5
Keywords: bob uecker, 1971, tonight show
Id: 8JXq_tF4skE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2017
Reddit Comments

That was hilarious. His ability to deadpan everything is truly incredible. Not even a hint of a smile when he's cracking jokes. My God though, that was probably the stylish look of the day but oooooof.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Robearito ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 26 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

You all in Milwaukee are so lucky to have this gem as part of your teamโ€™s history.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Triumph-TBird ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 26 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I havenโ€™t seen an interview like that since the days of bob uecker

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jtmh17 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 26 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Wow, that is some kind of hair!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Dougjonz ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 26 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
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