How To Paint A Seascape And Wave For Beginners Full Tutorial - Paintings By Justin

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hey what's going on everybody I hope you guys are doing fantastic today we're gonna be doing something totally awesome here today we're gonna paint a nice seascape nice little ocean wave crashing in sort of like what we did before but it's not night time that was like real simple two colors we're gonna do something cool but also at the same time it's not gonna be something like real hard you can do this anybody can do this even if like today's your first day painting you can definitely do this so grab a few paintbrushes get like something to drink and just like kind of pull a chair up grab your easel and all that good stuff and just follow along totally awesome a couple things real quick if you're not following me on instagram head over there I'll put a little link thing below so you can just click on it take you right there get a nice follow got a lot of stuff going on over there giveaways and free paintings and all kind of stuff coming up there secondly if you're not subscribed here make sure that you subscribe it got a lot of content coming up got a lot of trips planned cool stuff I'm just gonna kind of like bring you along with me so anyhow I think is that it let me think about that just for a second Instagram YouTube trips travel painting a beach wave today I think that's it you can go to my website you can get on my email list for all the cool stuff that's gonna be coming up in the future my plan is to let me go into these awesome locations out in the middle of nowhere and I'm gonna paint them so I'm gonna make a whole little series when that time comes so make sure that you're subscribed and following me and all the platforms and that way you don't miss nothing so all right let's get started I talk too much I feel like I talk too much so let me know about that do I talk too much should I talk less or should I talk more it's a great day let's go ahead get started all right so the first thing that I'm gonna do is I have some clear gel and some white paint I'm just gonna mix that up real quick nice little 50 about a 50/50 mix and I'm just gonna get something up here so we can spread some paint around just tap right into that little pile down here some some white and hold on to this here oh I got a piece of masking not masking it's like regular tape right here just kind of give me that horizon area so I'm just soaking you know just twirling this stuff around keep going back down here dip up on some more I'm not putting like a whole lot of it up here I'm just grabbing a little bit on the brush and we're just kind of moving it around and you don't want to put too much in the corners because you generally want your corners to be just a little bit just a little bit darker than you know I'm saying you just want the corners to be like a little darker because it kind of brings your eye into the center at least that's what I've found so I'll just kind of work from here up to like that and I won't actually dip and then start here I kind of put it in the center area and work my way to the corner handy little tip hopefully it helps you so I think I think the good thing about being self-taught you know no training I think the good thing about that is if you really just figure out what works and what doesn't work and I think it helps improve rather than somebody actually teaching you you just kind of learn as you go so that's just my opinion all right so this is a real easy step here just I'm just you know getting this stuff on real quick just so we have something to work with them holding this easel on the side because I have it bolted down but it still kind of swings on the top and I am using gamblin oil paints as usual I'll put it I'll put a link down below if you want to check out gamblin totally good company very good quality paints and they're very very very affordable also for anybody that's just beginning and and wants to give it a try I'm working on having a kit available sometime in the near future hopefully for everybody to go ahead and purchase it'll have everything that I use and most importantly it's gonna be cost effective all right so I'm just kind of going giving us a quick pass if you feel like you put too much on grab a paper towel and give it a quick wipe alright and that's all we need for that okay so I'm gonna stick with this big brush today a lot of the times I use the one inch but I think I'm gonna use this a little bit more coverage for the blocking phase okay so let's go ahead I'm gonna start with some blue and black and I'm gonna start over there some blue and black actually I'm not going to start with blue and black I'm going to start with a nice light blue color this way I can use the brush and get it dirty after that instead of going from dark to light I'm gonna go light to dark so I'm going to get the tiniest tiniest bit of blue and I'm just going to grab some white that's available right here and I'm going to just start spinning in some color just like this let's just see how that looks the bottom you want it to be lighter definitely lighter because it's in distance and it gives you depth don't worry about this line right here it's that little bit little stretcher bars a lot of times you'll see in my paintings that kind of comes through but it's something that can be blended so don't worry about it just have some fun throw that paint down and just do your thing you know what I mean I'm gonna make it a little bit darker here because this is closer to us in this painting at the top is closer so I want to give it a little bit um if you can see I keep going down to dip into just a little bit more paint because it's easier to add it slow you know a little bit at a time rather if you you know if you put a ton of paint on here then it's you know a little bit tougher to get it off so another thing that I learned from experimenting right okay quick wipe on the paper towel real quick I do that quite often I don't clean any of these brushes during any time during the paintings I just kind of give it a quick wipe and now I'm just gonna soften I'm gonna start from the bottom just like this and I'm gonna add more color but not right now so I'm just gonna little circles and stuff like that get rid of that little line over there and I'm just going to hit the edges here real quickly just like that okay now now we're going to go into the darker color so I'm going to take some blue and I'm going to take some black a little bit a little bit of blue let's put a little bit of black out into there and that's gonna give us a you know a nice grayish blue gray color we'll test it out up here and see okay it needs to be a little bit darker a little bit more black and what the heck let's put a little bit of red in that too blue black and red let's see oh yeah look at that blue black and some red I'm just bringing it I'm bringing it pretty closely up to the edge of the the lighter color did we put up and this is just a blocking phase at this point that's all this is some areas are gonna be a little bit darker like here do that mmm nice a little bit more black a little bit more black and blue I'm kind of hitting that same pile down there and right there now I'm not blending this too much because I want I want different colors I don't want it to be one flat color so I think maybe some right there this pull some up they're just you know I don't want anything to be like symmetrical or anything like that pull some stuff that way okay back into the black I'm going to so I got my black I'm gonna lighten this up here I'm just going into a little bit of white and the tiniest bit of red and see how that looks we won't know until we try right tiniest bit of red let's see what this gives us here actually want to wipe this off of here the paper towel [Music] I'm just gonna swing some of this color in like that now another thing if you feel like you put too much dark down here this is the quick easy fix I'm tapping into some red and some white and you can come right into here like this red and white a little tiny bit of red actually let me clarify okay wait I'm actually just using up the little pile of the way that I mixed with the clear gel okay I'm gonna pull some of this color up into here like this also actually you can even darken this up a little bit a little bit more make it look like a little layer or something back there you know what I mean just like another area okay wiping it off again and maybe let's see I don't know how this is going to work but let's just pull some of this color down give it like a little bit of something happening back there I don't know look like some maybe it's raining right okay now I'm gonna wipe this off again I keep doing that wipe it off wipe it off this really does help this really this really helps rather than cleaning your brush and I'm just gonna let me I just want to soften a little bit of this we're going to come back in here in a second and make it look a little bit better all right so we got something happening here right we got some clouds moving in got some white area some a little bit of blue no problem right okay and we just rip this paper towel off before I start making a mess okay all right now set that brush there what do I want to use I'm gonna try I'm gonna try to use a fan brush real quickly see how that works I'm going to use a number six fan brush this is made by trekking art supplies I'll put a link below go check them out they got some awesome products once again I talked about a kit earlier working on some paint brushes with this company so great companies check them out link below all right so I'm gonna take I'm gonna take some pure white and I'm gonna try to hit some of the edges of these clouds so I'm just pulling through here I got quite a bit of paint on this brush I just slung some onto the background my backdrop all right a lot of paint on here let's do this I'm gonna start at the edge and I'm just dropping it in I'm gonna keep going back carefully tons of paint on this right because I'm really probably gonna hit it once it's actually let me step back okay so there there bring some in here like this I'm making like random different stuff happening here the air there as well put some up here too like this like that and then way to shine in that way what the heck we can you can have some on this side too you know what I mean coming in I don't want too much over here because I don't want your eyes going you know all the way that way more white paint on here and I'm gonna go down to the bottom area here and what are we gonna do what are we gonna do about it put some mm-hmm right there perfect nice like that maybe some there who knows all kinda I'm doing a little circles little counterclockwise thingies and I'm just doing yeah these little cool little circling things and that's giving me my little clouds like this maybe this one maybe that connects I'm just gonna drop this one down like this you see how loose I'm being real loose about this real free loose not really caring too much because whatever comes out of this is what comes out of it you know what I'm saying don't worry about it just do it alright I think I'm gonna hit this area here and I apologize if you can't see when I'm doing some of this here but I'm just doing counterclockwise circles and stuff like that little bit on that side okay all right there we go dramatic looking sky okay let's grab mmm yeah let's let's try this we're gonna try grab the one-inch brush and we're gonna start blending out some of the some of the back stopping yeah right here all this point to it I'll just show you what I'm doing so stay away from the edges we want to stay to the right side of our highlight and look at this I'm gonna do little baby circles okay and I'm just killing the back edge and I have a very light touch happenin here because I don't I don't want to destroy like you know everything that I just did so I'm coming in like this I'm just kind of blending in the lighter areas to the darker areas like that I'm gonna come down here and just pull in some of this up like that you can give it a little back and forth motion if you want but I'm primarily doing circles is most likely most likely it's it's what I'm doing little circles okay and you can you can come back and put like another layer on if you wanted to like you can go back over like if you blend it too much you can come right back and fix it without a problem come right up there like this let me just hit this one big glop of paint that I got right there and ultimately I'm just trying to make a nice little sky that has a lot of like I don't know what the word is maybe it's a motion or dramatic stuff like that I'm using just a brush to come through here to add some different values and stuff like that alright alright alright so down here I need to do something so I'm going to grab our big brush and I'm just gonna get some blue a very light blue color I just feel like it needs to be blue so I am mixing that now let's see what we think about this I know I put some clouds here already oh yeah pretty nice like it I like it see that that just changed the day it went from being boring and gray to awesome just another you know just another layer of color here so blue and white is what I just used maybe I'll just add a little bit a little bit more blue right here cool all right set that there now let me see how I feel about this I'm gonna grab the fan brush okay and I'm gonna grab a little bit of red red and white it's like pink it's like a pink color let's see how we feel about this maybe it's just in the distance so I'm just gonna do these little circles need more red something like this more red it's too much red I'm just gonna swap back and forth and just put a little layer in here it's just in the distance so why am I doing this my goal is to just I like color if you guys especially if you follow me like on Instagram you'll see that I really do like color so maybe that's something you know that's in the distance the sun's doing something cool back there since we just did that let me just actually I'm just gonna throw some nice some red down here like this like that then I'm gonna come in here and I'm just gonna go back and forth some of its going to turn a little purple which is totally fine just kind of blend it to your satisfaction don't over blend it because it's it when you over blend something it just turns out to be one color you know and you just don't want one color alright and if it's too much red like I said you just keep doing circles like this make it very very very very faint you know if you want add some white like this over top same thing over here and you can pull down totally like I said you make it look like something's happening alright next am i doing next I want to step back real quick and just take a look at this [Music] got to fix my microphone real quick all right I think that's good my microphone was like my mic was like falling off and I had to move my cross underneath which you know I like where my cross I've had it for seven years and uh I don't think I've ever taken it off okay so we're good here let me just do one thing real quick grab it a paper towel roll of paper towels I'm gonna wipe that off I'm thinking do I want to pull up on this at all I don't know let's find out just lift it up a little bit on these guys here let me just give it a nice little back and forth motion see how I feel about that all right cool back up there okay so we have this tape here because I wanted a straight nice horizon so I think I'm just gonna take the big brush and let's brush in some color actually before I do that let me do this I'm going to wipe my fan brush off set that to the side and then I'm gonna grab grab a filbert this is also a this is a number four filbert this is made by Trek ol Trek TOCOM awesome like I said awesome stuff they're brought I like the quality of these and I've been testing them recently so I would definitely recommend checking them out so what I want to do is grab some blue and some white I'm gonna make a very light blue color and I just want to sketch this out a little bit to see kind of where we're going so I think we're gonna come in like here maybe like that maybe a little bump right there and somewhere around here maybe a little higher I want to kind of like thinking maybe break the horizon we'll see this is just like a little you know something to go off of like like I always do okay and the reason I like to do the little sketches is because they really do help you know they definitely help mm-hmm so we got that there and then let's make just a tiny bit of a little beach here today you know something like that maybe just step back and see how that looks wrap that around it's a little bit of sand maybe something right there a little little wave coming out this way something there and pull back up I'm talking to myself all right so there's just like a little sketch and that's gonna help us kind of do our thing all right set that brush down you know what I'm gonna use a one-inch brush it's a little smaller more control all right so I'm gonna start putting in some color so I'm gonna it's a dark color we're gonna use so I'm going to use blue some blue and some black some blue and some black let me test this and see okay I think that's the color blue and black about 50/50 and I'm just going right back down and I'm just kind of like dipping in okay I guess we're gonna put a little bit here too just to get that nice little dark dark you know area in so we can see our little wave crashing I love doing these because they're simple and you know what I want to do is I really hope I really hope that I can inspire some of you guys to do this that's why I'm trying to do like the easier look at that nice dark color easier basic you know more paintings because number one they're fun secondly it's very satisfying to do this and thirdly I don't know I don't know what the thirdly thing is so help me with that one all right it's a great day it's such a great day today I got so many different things that I'm working on and it's just awesome and I love it so a totally good mood which normally I am always very happy person okay I'm just putting some blue and black in here by the way blue black and let's hit up over here with the same color just like that I'm gonna bring actually I think I'm gonna bring this color straight up like this for now just to get that nice dark in there so what I was saying a minute ago is that I'm trying to I want to inspire like people to do this because you know if you would just not be able to know just how great of a feeling it is you know to actually do this to create something it's just awesome you know and that's what I like doing that's just what I like I just love doing it and I'm always gonna do this I'm gonna continue to do this for as long as I possibly can and that's just where I'm at you know so I think it'd be a great idea to you know subscribe and just kind of like follow along with all the different things I have planned here alright so I want to make sure we got all the blue in first I'm gonna have to peel back on this tape real quick and get rid of this hopefully without making too much of a mess okay I'm just wrapping it up in a paper towel just to kind of get it out of the way for a minute okay let me step back real quick and take a look all right that looks good I keep adjusting my microphone because it keeps messing up I get all wild and stuff when I'm pain okay so I think I got all the blue and re so here we've got some blue and black you can do this with a filbert I may will see some blue and some black I want to kind of hit I need more blue maybe a little bit of white and there just lighten it up a hair towards the back so I'm just gonna scrub this color and now that this is dry I didn't I didn't put any gel on this part here so okay I'm actually gonna get a lighter color for back there more like just like a blue tone and and that's just to make it look I like different colors and like I said you come back with a filbert if you want and do this as a matter of fact let's just let's try that real quick all right so I got primarily blue there's some there's some white on there and I'm just gonna draw me a little line so I'm just kind of scrubbing this line may not be perfect and I'm gonna blend some of the color in like this to the existing color that was down there just so it's not just so it's not this dead color you know what I mean maybe I'll just drag a little bit of color up to here I don't want too much because we're gonna need that we that's a pretty blue color back there I like that I definitely like that Tran transition okay so I'm gonna grab now some blue I'm actually gonna grab a little touch of green I think and [Music] actually let's do this I just want to throw some of this in here like this just because you know water can be a little green especially here in New Jersey Oh grabbing the 1 inch real quick give it a quick wipe and I'm just gonna blend this in real quick and then we're gonna add some sand okay all right so now we set that down I got like a real small roll of paper towels here today I forgot to grab a bigger one so that's cool it'll work because I always hold it in wipe this is like the best practice right here instead of wasting a million just keep wiping it you know what I mean so totally awesome all right what was I doing sand I'm gonna take some lumber some burnt umber just a little bit because I don't want it to be like straight-up like just brown brown let's do this I kind of want it to be there's not too much of the sand and this painting here today you don't I mean just a little bit all right so I'm just gonna blend this end like that starting from the bottom and then I'm just working my way like in to go touch the blue don't be afraid of it because the sand is under there for sure so you do a little circle motions okay go right through like this okay we can always make adjustments later okay all right we're in my head now they're there okay so I'm just trying to see what the best thing what I want to do next I think you set that down I'm gonna grab probably let's just grab the filbert wipe it off and just get some pure white just a little bit of white on there and this is just a way to quickly add you know maybe some things happening back there so but I don't want to draw the attention away from the front too much so I'm just putting some lines in like this and I'm just kind of dragging it down you know you could do little circles back there like that just different values you know light-dark all that stuff and then maybe we'll just put a little bit I'm just drawing lines pretty much as all I'm doing it and then you can come back and pull it through circles like this and I'm doing like these little X's sort of remember it's an ocean there's not tons of detail you know back in there okay all right so I'm gonna wipe this off real quickly on the paper towel filbert I'm not sure if we're gonna use the filbert I think hmm let's see normally you want a clean brush to do this when you're adding this color let's just see how it goes so we need to make the transparent part so let's grab I'm just gonna take some CAD yellow and some white and now I'm gonna see what color that gives us it should give us like a nice I need some more white like a greenish yellow color that you find in the ocean waves maybe a touch of blue in that a little bit more white so you want like a light light light yellow greenish color then so here's our transparent part so I'm gonna come right in here one scoop you see that and I'm gonna go and I'm gonna scoop some more and I don't know how much of this I'm gonna use but I want to drag a little bit down here like this get some more white on our color and maybe some right there like that okay see that so like I said I might not use all that all right so I'm gonna wipe the filbert off and for the sake of having some color let's get some blue blue and black and I'm gonna come back in here like this a little bit more blue and a little bit of white I'm gonna lighten this color up just a hair for the transition purpose okay come down here like this now you can't really see a lot it's all lips dark probably right now but hopefully it'll make sense in a minute okay so now this is where you really need to have a clean a nice clean brush to do this I'm gonna you know just make our transparent part I'm gonna just let's start off and I'm gonna hit up some of these little baby circles this is like one of the most favorite parts that I love doing and you know spend a few minutes doing this don't you know don't rush don't rush doing this just get it in there also don't drag the dark color too much into the light color because it'll it'll ruin it and you won't have that nice effect you see I'm just taking my time and then maybe I'll just hit this one here I don't know if it's gonna show over here or not if it does that's awesome okay and I'm gonna go like this I'm gonna just pull like this because this is our wave here okay that's our little wave right there I'm gonna set this set this little brush down real quick and now I think would be a good time to add just a little bit of foam okay so I'm probably gonna use the fan I'm using the number-6 Trek 'el fan brush okay I'm just wiping it off and I'm gonna get like a shadow blue color so I'm gonna take I'm just gonna grab some white and mix it right here and then I just want a little bit of blue maybe a touch of red in that actually gonna wipe that off need some more white I just want it to be like a very very light blue with a touch of red in it to give it like a little purplish purpley ish something okay okay let's just see how this looks first this might need to be a little bit darker maybe I'll just put a little bit more blue in there okay so now I'm just gonna add some of the foam before I do that actually I'm all over the place today I'm gonna grab a filbert and some almost pure white it's like got a little bit of blue on it normally you can use a fan brush for this but I want to you step back and take a look or wave is there I just want to throw in just something here just uh just a little crasher part of the wave I don't know how much of this is gonna show but I just want it to be there you know what I mean now the fan brush is the easiest thing to use for that I'll tell you that upfront I got paint on my nose fan brush in this hand alright so now we got to put our foam on so I'm gonna stick to the top here you get some of this color on and this wave is just kind of coming down like this let me just it's just kind of breaking okay like this now once again you might want to use a you can use a filbert for this I'm using the corner of this fan brush and I'm just coming up like this trying not to hit our little thing that we made the little eye of the wave and I'm just gonna bring this down a waves just kind of doing whatever it wants this way Shh like that a little bit of that darker color I keep stepping back to see how how it's looking put some color down here cuz the wave is crashing down like this okay let me get a little bit of lighter color a little bit of white and I'm just gonna couple areas I'm gonna lighten this up just a little bit you can push up to like this you can definitely push up with the fan brush and that will help a little bit okay you can do that if you want to all right I'm just getting more white onto here I just want to make a few areas just a little bit bright you know what I mean that's why I keep going back you can put a touch of yellow in here if you wanted to I guess you could do that now I just need to come up like this I'm flipping corners all right I'm trying to make this super simple now let's grab the actually the fan brush and I'll show you this let's go right back to here and just on the very top I'm just gonna pull not too much see that little crash or part of the wave you see that that's what I was talking about with the fan brush you want to be able to have make it easy as possible alright so now when I'm just gonna take the leftover paint that's on here and I'm just going to kind of figure out where this wave kind of goes maybe it's a little bit shorter over here and it's gonna come up like this these are just like it's sort of like a sketch almost I guess I'm just trying to get an idea of where this thing is at okay and maybe there's some look some stuff that has its crashing down you know what I mean shake this or you can do this lights coming this way you know put something in like this okay and then you can lights come in that way so yeah dark in the front make it like another little layer of some sort you know what I mean you do all kinds of stuff just make it have movement is what the word I was looking for well we got the fan brush we're gonna take some some white paint and I'm actually gonna use yellow ocher white and yellow ochre and I just want to put in not gonna use the fan brush I'm gonna use the 1 inch for that actually you'll yellow ocher right there I don't want I don't want this to be too I don't want to stand out too much I just want to give the idea that there's something happening here some kind of sand okay and then we can just hit this back and forth just like that you can even pull some of it back into your wave if you want okay or if you might even grab a little bit more white and just right there in the center a little tiny bit just to make that stand out you know what I mean all right so I'm gonna wipe that off and let me actually I think the sand should be going a little further over here a little bit closer so I'm gonna pull that back I'm gonna set that down I'm gonna grab my knife real quick and I'm gonna grab all right so I just got me some white paint here wait there's a touch of blue in it which is fine get me some on there and then this is where I'm gonna like kind of come in and I'm gonna figure out exactly where this wave is heading or paint there's some red in there too totally cool now I'll stand back and I'll just take a look and see do I like that or do I not like that so I'll get some more paint on here I feel like this here should kind of come this way for perspective purposes get some more white on this brush on this brush knife and then maybe it comes in like that let me just step back again and see alright so I feel like I'm gonna make some adjustments here real quick because I'm gonna bring it this way I'm gonna bring it up I need some more white so I'm actually gonna bring it this way like this and you can make these adjustments as you're going okay because I feel like the waves should be just a hair shorter you know let me wipe this knife off real quick set it down we can even go back to the fan brush I know it's got a little yellow ocher it's never gonna hurt anything it's all mixing together anyways and then we can come into here let's just kind of see how this looks I'm gonna pull some of this back into our wave give it some like little rocking Area emotion thingies and then I'm gonna do the same thing with this one and I'm being super quick about this I'm not as you can see I'm not wasting any time here okay so we have this this is crashing down here right so let's get some more let's get some more blue because it kind of goes like this like that okay and then it goes like that I'm just trying to be realistic here and say okay well if it's crashing onto the ground it has to be you know that the ground the ground alright so I'm just trying to do something to compensate for that put a few little swirl errs in there okay step back take a look let me just set this down I make such a mess every single time that I paint but I like it though I like I don't mind making a mess let me just reach over here and grab me some a little bit of white paint actually I'm gonna put it right right there just need some white all right so we got that there got that there okay actually let's do this you can take the fan brush I'm gonna go into some white and some of our Sierra nice little green color greenish yellow go into that and maybe you know pull some of that color like this let's have a little bit of our yellow color right there see that so I just dropped a little bit more that green color in there that's all I just did okay go back I'm actually gonna hit real quick right here I'm not touching too much of what we just did I'm just blending it just a hair better is all that I'm doing okay okay let me set that down real quick grab liner brush time number two script liner I'm gonna mix me up some color not make I'm gonna mix I got a little thinner happening here I think I'm gonna use a light blue color first to start maybe a little bit of our yellow yellowish blue color I want to give some motion happening in here so so see this here I'm just making little squiggly lines stuff like that and it comes straight down like this and this really this will help you like you know just kind of bring it together and you can mix different colors and use a greenish blue more blue more green you know it's just really what you're feeling that day I've used tech I've used red in here before so here's a light blue color a little bit more thinner on that and I am finding this down with actual you know paint thinner you can use baby oil which I do recommend that I'm just making these a little they look like little lightning bolts you know like that you can drop a few back here not too much though because you don't know you don't want a lot of detail you know back into that particular area right there and then you can just I just you know kind of like just wiggle back and forth like this and just bring these things you could bring some out here to actually let me thin that down just to hear more get some of our lighter color on here with our yellow and go like this I went to me what do I want to do here maybe there's something that kind of like that yeah I'm just throwing some of this color around like this I'm totally not you see what I'm doing I'm just kind of just winging it as I go all right get that off and I'm gonna grab actually let me go I'm thinning out a little bit more dark color blue in black and what I'm gonna do is under this little area here I'm just gonna drop in some dark color like this see that right off to the edge get a little bit more on there all right and then you could drag a little bit back like this too so it doesn't just look like a you know a little old straight line drag some out there if you want and that's just gonna help you get a little bit of like a little bit of depth and in that it's gonna make it look like a nice little shadow okay and you can also take some of that dark color and you can like you know put it right here like that it'll help you know just define your wave a little bit like this and you can go all the way down this you want to that's just something else that'll that'll help you alright so I just keep stepping back and looking alright let me wipe this wipe this off you grab the knife I love doing this after I already made some adjustments so I like doing this so the lights gonna be coming this way a lot of paint on here I want this wave to be a little bit more flat over here so I'm gonna show that right now and I'm just I'm just placing the paint down and just kind of rolling with it a lot of texture here though I want to show that you know the the the form and the shape of the wave here and this is gonna help me do that alright so I'm just getting some more paint on here we can even bring one down like this if you want so I'm actually just using the knife now you get some little bit of blue in there a little bit of our yellow color go right over top of that so ultimately it's just gonna make it look like just more stuff is happening that's it you know what I mean more things are happening totally cool a couple little bright areas there maybe maybe there's one they're doing a little sir please all right let me get I want to actually nice yellowish yellowish white color I want to hit this real quick like this I'll just go hide and read across now is it turn into a palette knife painting but when you stand back ten feet it's it's totally awesome same thing I got some nice light color right here maybe I just want to you know drop in something there like this for our crashing part right here very light touch like that so when you're standing back it looks like it's crashing say right into the wave something like that all right blue-black let's get some dark color here nice blue in black color and then maybe there's some dark here swirling it in with a knife because this you know maybe in shadow you don't have to do this but you can alright and you can actually take your brush and kind of work that in because it's so dark over there say pull some of it up like that you know alright now I'm going overboard definitely overboard here so let me wipe the knife off before I get out of control now how to control go back to the old handy little fan brush and some white and this I'm just gonna put in a few little thingies here it's actually like a nice yellowish color but are a little highlights back in here see like this [Music] okay just go like that and this black line that I put in I'm just gonna I'm - you know what filbert filbert for that one wipe the filbert off I just want to kind of distort this line just so it's not like this like it kind of was like standing out to me so I just softened it just a hair you know what I mean and maybe I'll just make some movement into here like this let me just get some white paint I just wanted to get a nice little something something happen in there I don't know I just feel like it needed it I don't know what it is [Music] it feels necessary [Music] I set that down I'm gonna grab the old liner brush real quick I'm gonna get me that nice bluish green color and for this an old signature [Music] [Music] if you have a short last name you'll benefit from this part I put the year online off and set that down cool I think we're good I got paint and they're all over me so I'm gonna go kind of wash that up and off of me I just want to thank you guys for stopping in and taking the to kinda like take a little ride with me on this painting painting a nice Beach something I'm looking forward to doing all summer long with traveling like I said earlier you can do this for sure it's very easy a lot of the paintings I've been doing I'm trying to do the easier ones to get you guys to take that leap and to just go ahead and get started once you get started you're in good shape if you guys want to head over to patreon head over there I'll leave a link below I have the paint mixing process that particular end over there so if you guys are interested that you can see that but I really just want to thank you all for stopping in and painting a picture with me so until next time have a great day I'll see you guys I'll see you guys real soon so take care of Instagram Facebook I don't really care for Twitter if you want to head over there go feel free Instagram Facebook and obviously YouTube but you are on right now so take care nothing me talking for the day see you all soon see you [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Paintings by Justin
Views: 410,752
Rating: 4.9032717 out of 5
Keywords: art, landscape, painting, oilpaint, bobross, sky, ocean, sunset, sunrise, asmr, travel, camp, outdoors, hike, mountain, canon, photagraphy, wildlife, vlog, inspire, tutorial, learn, create, diy, howto, crashingwave, sea
Id: xXSCo0nHHHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 17sec (3437 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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