Bob Ross - Snowy Solitude (Season 14 Episode 4)

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hi hi I'm glad you could join me today I had my little friend Jay here with me again today we've got so many cards and letters in so ever since I showed him on the program I just thought I'd show him one more time he is a cutest little devil and he lives with me and we have a good time together hey he's a little blue jay and he's one of the neatest little friends he's he's very excited being here in the studio this is something brand new to him and he said I can't you tell me huh yeah yeah it was easy easy he'll swallow your whole finger if you're not careful tell you what I can run all the colors across the screen that you need to paint along with me and I'll put him over here and we'll get started here you go you said over here there hurry I hope you enjoy seeing these little rascals as much as I like showing them to you these things are really my friends and I enjoy the birds and we have a lot of we have a lot of fun yet so I tell you what today let's do a happy little winter scene just something has got some snow in it and show you a nice easy way to make a very effective see let's start out with a little bit of phthalo blue and the two inch brush just a tiny amount the tiniest amount reach right up here get a little touch of the midnight black so we have black and blue or blue and black whatever your preference okay let's go out up in here I'm just gonna just bounce in some happy little sky areas here she just sort of let them play and have fun like so for the time being I'm going to leave some areas open we'll come back and we'll blend some of this into it but right now I'm just gonna leave that open there we go all kinds of little things just let them bounce and play in there they're there some right along in there wherever you want and and the black in here well I had a little mood to it make it a little darker a little little depressed you know winter sometime is cold so the more black that you put in with your blue the more gray it'll become and the colder the dreary it'll look so if you want to make a painting that's very very dreary looking at quite a bit of a black color you want to be a little brighter then add more of the blue okay we'll just wipe the old brush off down here there it's a good way to clean the brush off and I might have a little bit of water down here Oh Terrace wipe the brush off we don't really care right now we'll put some snow down here so this will just become shadows in the snow the canvas was covered liquid white finally started so this is mixing with a liquid white and it blends beautifully Feuer on a dry canvas would be very difficult to do this okay let me wash my brush and as you know we wash our brushes with odorless dinner take off the excess cover the whole studio now with a clean dry brush I'm going to very gently just begin picking up a little discolor and let it blend right into the liquid whiteness on the canvas here begin smoothing it all out the basic shapes will remain in here there didn't it super very very pretty very soft very soft there but it's a fantastic and easy way to make a beautiful beautiful little sky there we go okay and very lightly just blend out the brushstrokes then if you want to create the in the illusion of individual clouds just some of the color you picked up just tap it on give it a little blimp all right that easy we have one fantastic little winner sky okay tell you what I'm going into a touch of the Van Dyck Brown same old dirty brush got Van Dyck Brown black a little touch of the phthalo blue and all I'm gonna do is just just work a little color right into the bristles black brown a little blue that's all there is to it and maybe we eat back here in a distant side there's just indication of a little bit of a little little foothill show and we back here we're just going to see a small amount of it just want the indication of some trees that are growing far far away this is so far away just barely can't see them just let them disappear almost into absolutely nothing now then this is where the old big brush really comes in handy because you can do fantastic things in very short period of time let's take just plain straight titanium white nothing else just titanium white okay it's right up here I have to make a big decision it's gonna be snow on the ground where's your snow gonna lay I think it's gonna be right there see there all you do is just pull that easy if it begins blending working it together see this blue underneath your Li berries and they become the shadows there med fantastic I used to labor over winter pictures that they're so easy all he needs a big Brush firm paint a little imagination some practice and you could do anything anything if you want to do here don't be afraid of it experiment experiment go out on a limb once in a while remember that's where the fruit is it's out there on the end of the lift so you have to take a chance once in a while when you're painting there and the more you experiment the more you learn the better you get and the more confidence you get inside and that's when it's fun that's when you truly truly experience the joy of painting I'm using a little brown a little black touch you the blue touch it alizarin crimson and just tap the bristles firmly I'm just tapping the color right into the bristles and we have to begin making some major decisions here maybe there's going to be some big trees here that oh maybe they hang over let's just do it and see what happens maybe right here to use just the corner of the brush see it just begins tapping you have to make a decision where these things live and then again tapping I always start at the base and work up or that way your darkest shadow color is always on the bottom say hit that up pretty little bush just using the corner brush so big brush will do fantastic things if you just give it a chance there's a tree this one's a little bigger maybe this maybe it's this one's big brother he lives right there like so just however tall you want him to be a few little things there begin thinking about the lay of the land I want the land to sort of go downward like that so add a little more color some black brown shoot let's put some dark sea on in there too dark sienna little touch of the blue not much blue let's go over on the other side we need a big tree over here too once again using just the corner of the brush all you do is just tap just with a corner see so all there is to it now that again working on basic shapes again thinking about your shapes form it's very important when you do in trees and bushes one of the things I always tell students when I'm teaching is remember that your friends the little birds have to have a they have to have limbs out here to set off so when you're shaking your tree give them a place to sit think about it think about them put their let this tree just climb right on up in here I'm going to start adding the least let me say that again the least little touch of yellow ocher we understand this up just but the least little touch don't want much of it I just want to give a little lightness to these limbs we out here the East little amount there we go look at that that quickly you can build all these fantastic little trees and bushes just using the corner of a big old brush ok little more of our color on the brush go right back in here once again begin thinking about the lay of the land it's becoming very important to us now there okay in that fun little more the color dark sienna black little touch of blue brown maybe shoot you or not let's put another big tree over here I want to sort of close this in and bring it together and maybe in your world you want a different composition one of the things that I recommend to people once you learn the basic technique which will take you a very short period of time take two or three of the scenes out of our books or something and combine them into one scene make a new scene you can take a tree out of this painting and a bush out of that one all building out of one whatever combine them together and make entirely new scenes and they become original compositions I'm putting a little more that yellow ocher in there there I don't be afraid to experiment why that's really that's really where the fun comes in there we are Seattle trees just sort of hanging over in it just sort of brings this whole composition together to a little more the black in the brown they're all I'm doing now is putting on a dark base color on so our lighter colors will shield I'm gonna highlight that like there's snow on it okay super super let me find my little liner brush we're go into some paint thinner I'm going into Bend I randomly get a little more thinner on the brush we want this to be thin like ink or water very thin very thin turn that brush and then pull it out and bring it to a nice sharp point liner brush has very long bristles on it okay now we can go back in here and just begin putting the indication here and there of a few little little tree trunks in here need something to hold up these trees don't him to fall over make a big splash in the snow there lived in Alaska over 12 years and the snow is so beautiful there it's cold hmm what is it cool but so beautiful there we are seeing you we just make the school near the side over here and in these little sticks and stuff we just put all kinds of happy little thing some up maybe come right on out wherever you want there we go now for these larger ones let me find a fan brush here shoot that little brush is nice but sometimes it's too slow I'm just gonna go in to Van Dyck Brown with a fan brush just works I'm right into the bristle see both sides let's go up here now that I want a nice strong trunk in this tree you don't make that little noise it won't work hmm okay maybe it's got another arm here like that look at there look at there see that quickly you got a beautiful new tree trunk let's go and the other one here let's give him some arms maybe it comes it goes right off the canvas and I sort of have these leaning inward so it leads the eye into the painting there maybe over here there's another one and we can go back turn liner brush north in paint and we can put a little bit of detail into some of these there we go one lives right there just a few here and there wherever you think they should be that's exactly where they should be paintings as individual as there are painter so many different ways to do it any way that you want to do it let's go over here have a few there see if you have trouble making the paint flow add more paint thinner there we go I'm going to put some highlights on these so going to cover up most of these little sticks and twigs and limbs that we're putting in here so we don't have to worry about too much but a few will show and we want them to look good wash my brush and then I'm going back to my two inch brush we're going to start making some big decisions I'm going to go right up here and grab the LEAs little touch of alizarin crimson all the least little touch just want a tiny amount of pink and I'm going to decide here that maybe the snow comes right along there see I'll pull it right across there you go I can't see there allow it to pick up some of that dark color that becomes shadows in your snow and it's very pretty there we go maybe over here wherever you want to there see let us sort of sneak right up in between those trees here it comes down there like they're just make all kinds of happy little things that easy fair easy okay now then let's have some fun let me find there's one a nice one-inch brush I'm going to touch it to a small amount of the liquid white go right into my titanium white Lee's little touch of alizarin crimson on it least little touch now I won't tap it like so see give it a little tap I push all right let's go right up here I want to put the indication up here of some beautiful little snow-covered highlights up in there there think about form and shape don't just hit it random town don't hit it random there see there that all these little things just happen just I don't happening there look at that that fun I remember though that a thin paint will stick to a thick paint so that's the reason we put a little bit of liquid white in with the titanium white just to thin it down some the headway it will stick right on top without it all mixing together if the paint's are both the same consistency you're going to run into problems if the paint on your brush is thicker than what's on the canvas you're going into big problems because all that happens in is it pulls the paint off the canvas onto your brush and you become a bud mixer and then you're unhappy with me there maybe there's a little bush it lives right in there grab a little touch more of the crimson there we go there you see a little bit of crimson will help separate make all these little bushes individual give them names make them friends whatever it takes nothing wrong with talking to your little bushes there over here let's put some highlights right on this little tree don't want this little guy left out there we are CK okay let the light play through there make him sparkle in the Sun everybody wants a chance to sparkle in the Sun there I knew you could do this this is so nice makes you feel good when you paint there maybe right here there's another little bush just comes right on down and we can work up an editor it don't make any difference which way you go they're this big old tree let me grab a touch more in the crimson they're little more the liquid white on my brush just to thin the paint it's just at the end of paint when I went over that way to our friend the bird setting over there he thought I was going to feed him there we are see they're just pop to put these highlights in but don't kill all those beautiful dark areas if you get all those darks it'd be very flat don't want that to happen this is one of the easiest ways that I have ever developed to put highlights on trees all you have to do is just sort of drop things in like it may be down in here a happy little blue sure - yep you're right you knew they were there okay there see I'm just putting it on the top I'm leaving the darker you're down here nice and dark can't let me find another fan brush here I have several fan brushes going I want to begin taking this and pulling it smoothing it very lightly you can make this just as smooth as glass by working with it here's a let's do little must do a little trick here to take a little white least a little bit of phthalo blue I mean tiniest little bit that they low blue it goes a long way maybe right over in here coming out of this area maybe looky here looky here there's a little little path maybe this is where the little creature Assefa wandered around it comes right on around just by adding that little bit of blue though you can create the illusion of an indentation there a shadow that easy and we said we said we were going to have a little lake here so let's take a little of our dark color some blue little brown tap a little let in there you have to make a big decision where's your lake gonna live maybe right in here this is just a little pond out here pull straight down straight down it's most important if it if you go side words it won't look right pull straight down there we go I have egos were rental over there just make a decision to drop it in then go across gives us instant reflections it makes it look like very cold water that easy then we can take our fan brush and here him there here in there we can just put the indication of some little snow-covered areas that are working their way down here there see maybe here's one over here wherever you want saying here comes one out into the water just a stone that it's all covered with ice and snow voice cold out here we can clean up the bottom just use my pan brush and pull it across and make it look like I get lucky in colder just barely grazing the canvas though makes those little little lines right across there and here and there here and there to me get another fan brush little touch of brown you can even put a little stones sort of sticking out from underneath there just a little indication see however many you want and then come along clean it up bring a little let color right over the top of it there okay look at that there's our little path where the creatures come they walk down this path and come over here and get him a little drink of water there we go all right tell you what this do just go back to our liner brush a little bit of Van Dyck Brown maybe maybe maybe I didn't realize how much I say that maybe stuff until one day I was doing a demonstration for PBS station somewhere and a little boy about ten years old walked behind me and as he walked behind me he says maybe maybe me hmm made me realize how often I say that okay all I'm doing there is just using a little brown putting a touch of color and I'm gonna add just a least a little bit of light on one side well we got that light good she'll just put a little light on this tree down here maybe there's a little sunlight and singing right through here there just strikes right on the edge there sparkle that tree up back to my broom maybe there's a little touch of Wired hanging around there I can't see let your imagination go there we are here and there you can put a happy little stick some little twigs there's always all kinds of little sticks and stuff that live in here and they they show different planes and you're painting a help create that that illusion of depth that's so important so so important there we go it's a few over here and what this side left down just to sort of bring it all together there we are maybe there's one hanging right over that way hmmm this is what makes it fun these little finishing touches that you can just take your time and drop in you can just do all kinds of things like in there you know one of the questions I'm asked repeatedly when people write in they say they bought a pallet like isn't it it doesn't look like mine well I take sandpaper and sand this pallet so it doesn't shine same as where the brushes and stuff I take and put tape over them or we dull them somehow but they're the same exact product that you're getting we put that on only so you don't get great big light glares and the TV people would yell at me sometimes they'd scream and yell at me if I I don't do that so I'm just going to add a little dark here and there around the bottom just wherever I think we're about on the verge of having a finished painting what do you think my friend this my little bird over here he said hey let me pick him back up to me come in yeah there he is didn't as a character what do you think did we do all right huh did we would you get right up there mm-hmm come oh are you going Jake you said dad no you sit right there all right tell you what let's do let's take a little bit of rib eye kit then like water and let's sign this painting there right here okay there we are and with that I think we have a finished painting yeah so on behalf of my little friends we call it mr. J around the station here but half of them would like to wish each and every one of you have the painting and God bless Oh production of this program is made possible by a grant from the Martin F Weber company manufacturers of fine artists materials and by langnickel manufacturers of select artist brushes
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 268,316
Rating: 4.9256554 out of 5
Keywords: happy trails, landscape, bob ross asmr, mountain, full episode, brushes, alaska, bob ross, the joy of painting, kappaross, lake, tv show, drawing, asmr, wildlife, joy of painting, livestream, bob ross full episode, bob ross inc, twitch, pastel, steven ross, stream, snow, pbs, host, bob ross painting, painting, bob ross marathon, happy trees, art, bob ross twitch, happy accident, coloring, paint, oil, chill, bob ross joy of painting, beauty is everywhere, ocean, canvas, free
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2016
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