Bob Ross - Mountain Moonlight Oval (Season 14 Episode 3)

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huh welcome back I'm certainly glad you could join me today you ready to do a fantastic painting with us super hope you get your paints out and you're all ready tell you what let's start out today and have run all the colors across the screen that you need to paint along with us while they're doing that come on up here let me show you what I've already done I have a black canvas up here today as you can plainly see and I've covered this with black gesso now black gesso is designed to make the canvas black but then we let the black gesso dry completely and onto that I've added oh we've taken some alizarin crimson and phthalo blue mixture and we've just painted the whole canvas with it as we've worked out from the center I've had a little more blue so it gets progressively darker toward the blue side as he goes out I hope all that makes sense it's just measured crimson and phthalo blue and we've covered the entire canvas all right and to that let's have some fun now I love to do these kind of paintings when we're doing public demonstrations for example because people don't know that you've already put color on this black canvas and we use transparent color and you start off and all you do is put a little white on your brush and you go up to the canvas like so and you touch this canvas and all of these fantastic little colors just begin to happen and people think it's magic especially as I say they didn't say you put anything on this canvas it's a really a super way to draw a crowd if you're out ever if you're ever out demonstrating publicly it's a lot of fun and watch here maybe we're just too like yes just make little rocking strokes let's just bring it right on around there we go like so and all I'm using here is just straight titanium white nothing else just straight titanium white and you can create some of the most beautiful effects Daffy this is going to be our lightest area and I think in our painting today we'll have that as a lightest area be sure there's nothing in the sky that's lighter than right here just like so okay just make a whole kinds of beautiful little effects and we're not to worry at this point all we're doing is just throwing in a little color we'll come back with a big brush and we'll smooth it all out blend it together just putting in some color right now just enjoy there and you can do this with any transparent color that you want on this black gesso sometimes I get letters they say how do you tell if the colors transparent the easiest way I'll tell you what let's do it to watch here I mean let me take a little touch of bright red for example bring the camera right up here now see if you if you put bright red on there it still looks red or is it look red now stay in that same spot let me take a little bit of this is phthalo blue and when I put it on here see it looks black that's how you tell if a color is transparent or at least transparent enough for our particular purposes there we go of course now I have a blue and red finger but that's alright now with a good clean dry brush and I can't stress enough that it be dry when you go up over this because if it's wet has a little thinner on it you're going to mix all these up very gently making little crisscross strokes very gently just begin blending this and you can blend it to any degree of lightness or darkness that you want because there's color on the canvas the more you blend this the darker it's gonna become there see there just like so and it's unbelievable some of the fantastic little things that you can make happen in a sky so easy so beautiful way to do sunsets all you need is is to cover this with straight alizarin crimson then put a little white or yellow on it you can't believe what happens Oh beautiful beautiful sunsets they just jump out at you okay let's have some fun today shoot every once in a while it it's a lot of fun just to get a little bit crazy take a little bit of lavender that's made from phthalo blue I reach up here and grab some alizarin crimson just lavender color a little more crimson into that there we go nice let's go right up here maybe right up in here lives lives in our world use just the corner of the brush just a happy little cloud right over this area right over it just a happy little cloud floats around as fun just let your imagination go you don't have to be crazy to do this but as the old saying goes it helps it does help there maybe that comes right on around like so however you want not a little thing right here whoever wherever okay now then we'd go back to our 2 inch brush be sure it's dry because if it's not you're gonna run into agony City here and you're gonna be upset with me and I want this to work for you very early touching just grazing it just gonna blend it a tiny bit and then we're gonna give you a bravery test very lightly just go over the entire thing just go right over and that easy you have a fantastic little cloud just laying up here in your sky and that protect your cloud is just whoo it's a perfect place for this user we find a clean brush happens to dirty a little bit of titanium white on my fan brush and you can do this with a one-inch brush or whatever come right up in here grab this and just Pew so you let a little light just play right out of that touch it you need to do this fast though do it slow couldn't seem to work do you know how ever so often you can see that light rays just slipping right out of the right out of a cloud that easy Matt in here I'll just take my finger and I go right around and I'll bring that dark back over part of it see how that pushes that light back and just brings that dark cloud right up there it's a super super little way to make that work there that easy that easy you get a fin tastic little sky okay tell you what let's build us a little mountain for that we'll take some black some black some Van Dyke Brown and alizarin crimson just mix it up like so take the knife cut off a little roll of paint so it's right I don't edge of the knife okay now I had to make our first big major decision where does your mountain live maybe in our world our mountain just sort of lives right here wherever you want it to live there maybe there's a little bump there maybe just comes down my cab scrape off all the excess paint we're gonna get in there really scrape hard you're not gonna hurt this there King we wipe off the knife and we'll take a large brush and I want to grab that and pull it just grab it and pull it down there we are okay now today let's have some fun let's take the Hat stake we use titanium white go reach red appear grab some dark sienna and just pull that through so it's sort of marbled I don't want to overmix this a little touch of Van Dyck Brown or two but mostly dark sienna and white let me wipe the knife off so you can see this very plain okay we have our paint pulled out very flat like that now take the knife and just cut across get our little roll of paper that multitude of colors that you see here is also on the knife okay now then barely touching just let that touch and just slide right it down there a little bit right there right there there okay let go right up in here hmm didn't that pretty see there it's that easy you can do it you can do it you can do anything and you need to believe that anything that you believe you can do if you believe it sincerely and strong enough you can do it you can do it and I sincerely believe that I don't think there's any limit to your limitation add a little blue to that same color Kenny reach over here we'll get the small knife I like that little knife and let's go right up in here little knife gets nice small area sometimes better than the big one I'm just going to put say there few little indications of some shadows here and there just like so maybe we'll just sort of bring these around and see they're a little Valley right in there that easy over here need a little something don't that left out you can let a little this dirt spill over just use your imagination you know to me painting painting represents freedom on this on his canvas you can do anything that you want to do anything that maybe may be the nicest thing it happens I'm take a little let's take a little bit of white the least least little touch of phthalo blue and I'm just making sort of um-hmm a light blue so I'm looking for just light blue color I'm gonna sneak right in here just barely touching maybe there's a tiny little bit of snow that's laying down in this valley lay a little color in there and it just barely give it a little pull they sort of blend together Stowe's old and it's dirty there but it makes a little light spot down there okay back to our original little colors here we can come right back in here just like so see how you can create little valleys and just there watch what there's one go back in here with you - a doe in between them like so we can take our small knife in here and there we can drop back in some little dark edges whether it'll just make some deep shadows way back in there there's just no limit to the number of things that you can do and mountains teach you better than any other single thing how to use a knife if you can make mountains then you can create rocks and stones and buildings in some of the previous series we've painted entire paintings using nothing but the knife and that's a lot of fun at knives it's just spectacular if you let it work for you but it's like everything else you need to devote a little time to practice with it make it make it your good friend now then with a clean dry brush I want very gently tap the base of this just gently gently tap like so following the angles that's very important that you follow those angles they're over here the angles are going this way so that's the way you tap when I tap the brush like that all I'm doing is knocking off any excess paint that I picked up it's easier you going through that hole cleaning procedure there why isn't that a son of a gun sticking out there it's a nice mountain now then take a little more that white on my fan brush and maybe you want this light some of it - Zane right across here now this really is your bravery test be very careful just barely barely touch see you can bring a little bit of that right across that mountain but please be careful here just barely barely graze it barely grazing okay let's take the one-inch brush let's have some fun one inch brush will go into some titanium white I'm going to be right back right back a little bit of blue a little bit of blue titanium white okay now then let's go ready here just blue and white maybe there's a little footy Hill that goes right in here just a little Foothill all I'm doing is tapping downward there see there just sort of decide how you want your foothill-de to be shaped now you can also let me show you another way here like to show you as many possibilities use the corner of the brush and pull down that makes more rounded type things it just sort of depends on what you want your world you can have ones that look more like evergreens or you can have ones that look like rounded your maybe these are maybe these are birch trees or maple tree oh I don't know trees that are basically round on top it's up to you in your world you have to make these kind of decisions there okay and will just tell you what maybe this just comes right on across like so like so there we are have it I want to once again to create that illusion of myths I'm going to take the large brush and just tap the base I like these nice soft misty paintings all you're doing is firmly tapping right at the base of this this is where you take out all your frustrations hostilities can we get in there suck it I saw and then lift very gently upward very gently okay let's have some more fun let me find there it is issued when you get my age you start losing things couldn't find my fan brush for a second there using fresh and blue black crimson just mix them together here good dark color here we're looking for a color that looks black okay love it a lot of color into the fan brush and maybe we'll put some distant little trees back in here all I'm gonna do is just tap see the dark against the light you're always playing games with light and dark colors they're dark against light light it gets dark that's what makes you pay me stand out and look special there we go they're cost a lot of trees did you ever believe you could do a whole forest that click you can a lot of things that you just they're easy if you know how and we want to we want to show you how to make it work there we go okay now that I'm going back to my fan burst it has the white paint on it or the light color can be light blue it doesn't matter whatever touch and pull gently up and it'll give the indication of little tree trunks that are far far away far away and if you get one that's too bright just continue to rub it and it'll pick up that dark color underneath there we go see there it's always do it as I say they're too bright all you have to do is just continue to rub them and they'll go away it's all there is to it okay give me a clean paper towel here now then let's put some let's put some little grassy things in here so we just use this old dirty brush what the heck I'm gonna go right into the CAD yellow and tap jazz tap every tip here and get a little let dark green little SAP green I want to darken that up a little bit don't it too bright just tap but so you go down and let it slide a little I'm exaggerating but that's what we're doing when we tap so that is it there's paint right on the tip of those bristles now then maybe there's maybe there's a happy little meadow right in here watch here all you have to do is just just happen and you can begin creating a beautiful little soft meadow that lives back in here and the cat stands out it stands out pretty okay just let it go want it a little bit darker there that's it and it's starting to back and work forward forward forward always working forward in that super there and listen this tapping with it with a brush to make this grass this is one of the neatest little effects that we came up with it's so easy and I know we have so many questions about it just the other day on your newsletter I wrote a long article about how you do this and how you make it work because so many people have written they like this and it just didn't I'm in the 30 minute show to answer all the questions all I do try there we go I was talking to a fellow the other day and asked him I said what's your religious orientation he says what I said watch your church preference he says redbrick so sometime sometimes it's good just to have fun there but see how this is creating a layer after layer of little grassy areas just like sit on ok and on this black background here why that just shows up like crazy it's beautiful and you don't have to put any base color down because it black is already there your dark colors already there sneaky I love these black canvases they create some the most striking effects imaginable there we go ok Julis really has some fun you know me and my big trees I like big trees and paintings but when you're painting at home if you don't want a big tree in your painting leave it out or if you don't want a mountain in your painting or if you want to mountains or three it doesn't matter you add or subtract to make your world this is that same color same color that I was using tell you what maybe maybe there's a little tree it lives over here somewhere right here just a small little tree sort of back in the background there yes little evergreen we can put an arm or two on him that just sits out here in the Sun has fun see their happy little tree happy little tree somebody wrote me one time they said everything in your world seems to be happy absolutely it's enough sorrow in the world you can just watch the news if you want to see bad stuff in this world here everything's happy now that maybe right down here toward the base I want to put the least little indication of a little highlight coming striking from there just a little highlight don't much take your brush here tap in a little touch of that color around his foots we're in business shoot that was fun let's do another on end Ike Brown just use a lot of in Dyck Brown here let's go right over here maybe on this side maybe there's a big tree I mean a big old tree and he's all gnarly in the Benton oh he's had a hard life he's like me he's been kicked around and beat banged oh poor tree tree there we go say that giving some character scheudle straight trees aren't always the most interesting I like him old trees it or they look like they've been stepped on or something when they were little okay now we can just take a little white to white little bit a little bit of dark sienna let's go right back up here and let's just this is our light source right here so let's just come right along in here and let's put a little bit of light right out here I'm gonna say see listen tapi man just happy men there as you work back do something else and less pressure so he gets darker darker darker and it makes a tree look around st. there there we go okay it seems something around this not just a flat old tree out here say we give him a route to come zone out here we don't know where he goes oh yeah even care there little bit of grass right around the bottom as littlefoot's Bigfoot's there's Bigfoot's okay now take my liner brush dip it in some paint thinner go right into the Van Dyck Brown I want this paint to be thin like ink almost water consistency all right let's have I don't want to cover up this airheads that's the prettiest part of the painting or hope it will be but we can have a limb or two that's getting close see if you had trouble making this paint flow just means that you don't have your paint thin enough add a little more paint thinner to it it'll flow it'll flow there maybe there's one right there see wherever you want wherever you want am innocent here maybe comes around maybe bins comes right on around this way tree limbs just grew over which alway there and we don't want them all just projecting from the site there some of them as I say come around in front of the tree somewhere behind just have her have her there we go saying there there we are boy this that's a rough-looking old tree he's had a heck of a life I take a little bit of light color here this this is a little bit if they look blue and white and just here and there here and there add a little touch of highlight so you see a little light striking up through here have it let's take our number three fan brush I'm going right back in the same old dark color I think that was some pression blue some black some Browns and crimson okay let's go back up here now here and there maybe this old tree just push upward maybe the same tree as a few few limbs hanging around here just a few there we go see most umber and gold cuz I don't want to lose that area here and there's a few okay I'll wash that brush out I'm gonna go right into white and once again is a little that phthalo blue left in it just cool color let's go right back up here and just gonna push you into indication of a little highlight here and there boy let something look at that rascal Sparkle yeah tell you what let's have some fun I love these bring the camera right up here so you can see the whole thing and I have contact paper on here watch what happens when I take this off isn't that fantastic that's one of the super little ways of making a striking painting that I've ever seen with that I will take a little read on the liner brush spin it down well I'm assigned this one and we're going to college finished I really hope you've enjoyed it these ovals are fantastic and you'll have a lot of fun with them from all of us here I'd like to wish you happy painting god bless I look forward to seeing you next time Oh you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 325,526
Rating: 4.9168901 out of 5
Keywords: bob ross full episode, bob ross, snow, livestream, happy trees, coloring, full episode, kappaross, bob ross asmr, painting, beauty is everywhere, chill, alaska, free, wildlife, landscape, the joy of painting, happy accident, bob ross painting, bob ross marathon, pbs, happy trails, tv show, oil, canvas, stream, bob ross twitch, pastel, twitch, art, host, steven ross, asmr, bob ross inc, brushes, lake, bob ross joy of painting, drawing, joy of painting, paint, ocean, mountain
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2016
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