Bob Ross - Scenic Seclusion (Season 19 Episode 8)

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hey I'm glad you could join us today it's a fantastic day here too I hope it is wherever you're at I tell you what let's get right to it today let's haven't run all the colors across the screen that you need to paint along with me I thought today would just do a beautiful little painting and I want to show you how to use some of the liquid black and liquid white mix together so let's see what I've done up here the bottom of this canvas I've covered with a little bit of the liquid black and the top and liquid white and just sort of blended them together like so it's the liquid white and black err basically the same thing only one is dark and one is light this is excellent when you're going to have big areas in your painting that are going to be dark so it does the work for you so let's let's have some fun tune every series needs a painting is just fun and I thought today we just do one that has a lot of color beautiful little painting we'll start a little Indian yellow a little Indian y'all not much two inch brush will go right up in here let's just drop in a happy little sky just bring it right on over like so there that is nice maybe without even Washington brush we'll add a little bit of yellow ochre to them just let that sort of bounce around and play this is where you really just have fun just let your brush dance through the sky let it dance see yellow ochre sort of a gold color there and at home when you're painting alone maybe you maybe you want to change maybe you want a pure blue sky and you could certainly do it using the same exact procedures just a different color there we go and I'll tell you what let's go into a little touch of the bright red beautiful little red color so we'll use that and we'll come right along in here and we just dance some of them and let it just come right on down in here and blend with all those other beautiful colors that we have and we'll just keep blending here for a little bit until we blend them together and it'll make sort of a peachy color sort of a peach I guess that's a good word for it is any just let it let it blend together and the more that you work this the more that you go back and forth doing these little crisscross strokes of course the more it will blend and you can make this so soft that it's unreal but you want to blend it until you can't tell where one color stops and the next color starts and when it gets to that point then it's just right and sometimes when you're doing this stand back and take a look-see at your painting because it's very hard to tell when you're real close if it's blended or not so step back there all right I think we've got a nice little sky that easy and easy let's put this little mountain in this today for that I'm gonna take black in Van Dyck Brown just black and brown today or brown in block black and brown it doesn't matter whichever way you want it back pull out as flat as you can get it cut across we get our little roll of paint and it lives right out on the edge of the blade hope you can see that there you now that make a big decision where does your mountain live in your world maybe there's a peak it lives right there another one there just wherever you want to just fertile maybe that just comes right on down there round down we just let this blow right off into nothing maybe we'll just have a very simple little mountain today and we'll just play with that okay scrape off all the excess paint we'll grab a clean 2 inch brush or one that's not a real dirty and pull that just pull it just pull see because the canvas is wet you can move that color you can create all kinds of effects if you're on a dry campus and you did this you would be an agony city right now probably probably you'd be upset with me but because the canvas is wet you can do all that there we want the bottom of it to blend out it looks like it's just sort of floating in the mist and the big old mountains in the sky it's all happy and having a good day let's use a small knife they take a little white a little dark sienna maybe a little of the van Dyck Brown but leave it marbled like yet so there's a lot of things happening don't just mix it to one old flat dead color they will cut off a little roll of paint just like we did before only with a small knife let's have our light coming from the left what the heck and in your world you decide maybe you want it coming from the other direction I think you'll find if you're right-handed it's a lot easier to have it coming from the right but as a practice exercise every once in a while or try one of these left one so you don't it's sort of easy to get into a habit of having them all all your mountains highlighted on one side there I like your small knife you're doing these little things like this it's one of the neatest things I've invented there we go just let it go and if you just let it blend into nothing that misty area right here will show through and automatically it'll make the mist at the bottom of the mountain there they go rough mountain it lives up here they're very gentle no pressure absolutely no pressure just like an Angels wing very soft a very gentle let it float let it float I'm sure if you've watched the series before you've heard Lee mentioned it when I was teaching my son Steve to paint I used to tell him just to pretend he was a whisper and he floated across the mountain and I think that's one of the neatest ways to sort of get the feel of this just just pretend your whisper and you just float through the air float right across this mountain very gentle there we go okay now they're gonna take a little touch-up little touch-up really use a little bit of phthalo blue mix it over here a little bit of alizarin crimson just mix together make a nice lavender be right back a little touch little touch of white in one area so now I've got a light areas and dark areas in the same pile okay now then I'm going to use that avender color to go up in here and begin creating some nice shadow areas we don't need too many just a few here and there just a few sort of bring all these things together give them a little shadow so they don't feel left out there there we go right here this little peak needs its own shadow he doesn't have his own shadow he won't stand down he won't come out the play he'll just sort of hide back here a little touching here there we go that little shadow area though it separates it's your separator all right that easy madam if you want to make this rascal really Sparkle you can take a little bit of titanium white and here and there here and there just barely touch barely touch look like it's a little light that's just slinging right down through there but don't do a great deal if you do too much it's gonna lose its effectiveness maybe I've been here a little touch of that dark color gesso there's a deep shadow area in there use that little edge on the little knife that's great for getting in tiny little spots there that's not a bad looking little Mountain shoot he's sort of cute it's already cute let me find a clean toothbrush let's come right up in here now I want to create more mist so I'm going to tap this being very careful to follow the angles that are in the mountain very careful tap the tap it then gently very gently two pairs and some air just blend that now that old mountain is just floating around affair over here just pull it a little bit in that direction alright good now we said was going to have a lot of color and get crazy today so let's do that let's do that one take we'll just use some black and brown all these colors are getting mixed on that lavender we just put it in the pile here so let's take some Prussian blue a little phthalo green in there - Russian blue little bend egg brown shoot maybe evil is in crimson we don't care I'm looking for a very dark color has a little bluish green base to it okay let me clean off my knife you grab a let's use a one inch brush today what the head I want to go in here pull it in one direction just load some color under this brush but pull it in one direction then we're going to turn this brush over so the rounded corner is to the top let's go up here now make a decision a major decision time where does your little bushes back here live I think they live right in there just begin pushing them in like so think about basic shape and form and that's really truly all that we're worried about at this time later on we'll worry about a lot of things but now just push in some basic shapes and push that brush upward make it Bend be careful don't let it do that see the difference there it slides there pushes and bends I was going to be a taller Bush right there hmm these bushes and trees cover put multitude of sins there okay I have several of each brush going so I don't so I don't have to spend all of my time cleaning brushes take a one inch brush dip it into a little bit of liquid white we're going to little yellow we have some SAP green or I get a lot of SAP greener we're going to have all kinds of colors there's going to be some greens and hearing some of the brighter colors pull it in one direction again one direction see their most important and turn it over always turn it over okay let's go up here decide what you little bush you want to be green and we'll go right in here and just push you in some color but don't let the brush slide don't let it slide if it slides you're in trouble okay let's see here maybe we'll take some yellow and yellow ocher shoot same old thing here pulling that brush in one direction we'll get a little touch of that bright red that's nice that's nice one direction maybe this one lives right here oh that's beautiful as orangey color blush and each time just draw it through some more color and you can change the color a little and we'll just have all kinds of little things right in there think about one little bush at a time don't get greedy mmm I know I know sometimes it's it's tempting just to get in there and sock in about 50 of them at once take your time speed will come automatically it really will there we go just all kinds of little happy things in there now then let's that's really good crazy we need some land and there's all those bushes don't fall over take a little Van Dyke Brown and I don't know exactly where the land is gonna be yet but we'll just put a little dark in there cuz I know it's going to be underneath other than that I don't much care don't much care maybe there look at that see what happened it not a super place to have a waterfall let's do that let's do that as you paint these you begin to see things in them don't fight that when it happens all you need is just a basic idea in your mind of what you want but when things happen enjoy your little gifts their little gifts or big gifts there when you're scratching a few little tree trunks and stuff okay get a little let a little bit of dark sienna and white still left there just want to put a little indication of some highlight up here something like so don't want a lot at this point then I'm I'll grab it pull that in the dark down so it make a bank we're gonna put us a little waterfall in there I need something to hold a water I'm at far saying the tesam let's have some more fun saying will dark color the black oppression blue little phthalo green crimson just mix them up doesn't matter which myzel makes a pretty good pile of color okay let me clean knife yes clean ball we just wipe the knife on on old paper towel let's use the fan brush fan brush is one of the most versatile brushes that we have you can do whole paintings with it a lot of color let's go right in here in our world their lives thing weather doesn't happen great big tree he lives right here look at that but look how this dark color stands out against that bright background in that beautiful set contrast it makes it so appealing so beautiful blue right over my bush all right I know he's still there though he lives right there behind that tree maybe yep let's have another one let's have another one back and forth forth there see those are the trees just live right in there I do is just sort of scare him out sometime maybe we'll put another one right close there just sort of let him hang around see it doesn't matter much I have another one there at watch even though there's three trees there you really only have to pay in a couple because that other ones just ate up by this one but he's in there we know he's in there there well let's see I'll have another one there things sort of look better if you have odd numbers sometimes intentionally output even numbers just just to upset the critics I guess there we go all right let's take let's take we use a knife a little bit of white a little dark sienna cut us off a little rope let's put the indication here and there a little tree trunk it lives in here I don't want a big indication just a little here and there just a little doop-doop wherever you think they should live and you won't see the entire trunk you're only gonna see parts of it through the through the leaves so don't worry about putting it all in oh there it is lost my fan brush will take we will take its fan brush it have the tree color on it and go right into a little yellow and automatically automatically because it had blue in it and black in it will get a beautiful green load the brush full and let's go up in here and you got to make some decisions which trees in the foreground we said that was in the back will do it first and then just begin popping in some highlights on these trees darker darker darker say work down there more emphasis on the left because I we said that's where our light was coming from there we go darker darker darker just barely touched up this let it fade into nothing and this big boy here this must be the boss tree there all right right on down to nothing I'll tell you what I've got several Oh two inch brushes here let's get one put a little dark color let's just fill this in right here maybe we'll have a big Bush lives right here in front so just put some dark color in so our lighter color will show maybe something like so we'll make those decisions later add it and hey then we can start putting in all the little the little things here let's try making let's try this will take some SAP bring in some yellow load the brush full of color now stay right there we'll go right over here and with a corner of the brush look see I've picked up a little bit of red let me turn the brush it's green but a little red on top now if that works just right will make a green bush with little red flowers come right up here and watch see there oh hidden that fantastic and people will go crazy trying to figure out how you done that see there don't you tell him that's our secret our secret and I'm trusting you with it so don't you tell nobody enjoy it maybe as a little Bush lives back here wherever we don't care right here there's another one so you can just put these wherever you want them and as many as you want or as few as you want doesn't matter pop them in push the brush up turn inside words push upward like it makes a nice effect okay let me find another fan brush I think it's time we get in here it started playing we're going to have some water but notice that we've done the entire side that's on the other side of the water first basically it's it's finished over there and then we'll do the water and it will do what's on this side so you're always working with the thing it's farthest away first and then work forward I've taken liquid white mixed with titanium white put a little touch if they low blue into it just a little just a little okay let's go up here Madan let's just pretend we're water and we're just floating along here and having a good time it's a wonderful day a wonderful day and we get right down in here and oh goodness somebody pulled the stopper out and there we go we fall right over so just think about water is just falling over that's why they call it a waterfall there we go all these comedians out of work and me trying to be one there and then down here where it hits push splash let all these little foam things just occur and you can make it it see if you want it wider it's all you got to do it's your world you can do anything anything you have total and unlimited power on this canvas you can create any kind of universal world that you want that mentioned before I think that's one of the things that originally got me interested in painting is that I could create any kind of world that I wanted let's take some liquid white I'm gonna use them use of dark Sienna in it I want to make a thin light brown paint maybe putting a little yellow ochre nice nice okay let me clean off my knife but choose let's use the filbert today and put a little paint thinner in the bristles very little very little go right into some Van Dyck Brown and dark Sienna just mix them together like so maybe I want a little reddish tone to this I'm gonna grab at least little touch of crimson and put in there - ooh that's nice color hope you can see that let's go down here I'll go find you there you are now that thin color see we have dark on both sides I'm just going to go through this very thin and I have white on one side dark on the other let's go up here now then back here in our world there lived some beautiful little stones look at them see you see there how you can make those and they live all along the bank here however many you want and maybe right in here lives there's a big stone that's what holds that waterfall together so we didn't get away there's another stone and you can make as many or as few as you want in your world maybe there's even some out here in the water right out there in the water so just drop them in take your fan brush it has a hidden color on it pop in all kinds of little things right around tell you what watch here maybe there's another one there's a not see but just do me layers and then put a little water splashing around them and let it go there all right tell you what let me find a 2 inch brush here I'll just go right into a little bit of that color that we had maybe there's some nice little grassy areas going right down to the edge of the water right on down there they are right there wherever you want okay take her knife a little bit of brown put a little bit of brown there to indicate a little bag just a touch a highlight on it here and there and then we go back and find ler breast it has blues my brushes sometime you get older my Angus in mines gilding some time there we just let that a little water just travel right down here see basically all we're doing is painting right over the liquid black and because you had that dark in there automatically your little stream will just happen tell you what let's go into a little touch of the dark Sienna for the two-inch brush I want to ask background tree here so I'm just using dark Sienna let's just put in there this is going to live in the background we won't see much of him won't see much but you'll see a little bit I think I'll put a few big trees in there let me find a one-inch brush a little paint thinner in it I'm going to go right through Van Dyck Brown up put the painting in there to thin this Brown down a little now I'm gonna take it and go right through on one side through that thin color we had the light brown and maybe in our world right here be brave this is your bravery test there nice tree lives right there and we'll give you my friend there so you can make both sides of the tree at one time let's give up another one here and in your world put as many as you want cute so I have a fourth one there what the heck and take our liner brush some Brown we just put a few limbs in here there just a few big old lamps to hold all this up feel it hang down like that pair of you want whoever I'll put some leaves on these so you don't have to be very careful with them look at that there now you see why the little trees in the background it shows through and it's pretty back here they're a few little doers here and there and we'll take I have several fan brushes going would take a little dark color and let's just go right in here whoops turn winter color and let's just pop an indication oh that's nice good and contrasting these are some big evergreens live right out here in front dozy this was crazy painting but it'll bring you a lot of fun a little fun and a lot of practice there we are okay and we've got another fan brush here and has green on it I'll come right back pop in a few little highlights just here in there there we go sometimes I use the number-3 fan brush for this it seems to have a little more control so try both see which one you like okay Manon let's get her 1 inch brush shoot let's put a nice Bush it lives boom right there we got to fill all this in here there we go little green just begin putting in all kinds of little bushes see there there they go there they go back in here there's a nice one look how these colors on that liquid black just come alive they just literally jump out at you so so nice the hair I think maybe this comes right down here wherever you want it wherever maybe it's a nice little bourbon and the old clock on the wall tells me it's about time to go for the day so as we finish this one up I think we're going to call this one done I really hope you've enjoyed this it's quite a painting give you a challenge and you'll love it from all of us here happy painting god bless you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 300,335
Rating: 4.9034967 out of 5
Keywords: happy trees, alaska, mountain, stream, ocean, coloring, snow, happy accident, art, steven ross, pbs, full episode, pastel, host, bob ross joy of painting, kappaross, drawing, tv show, bob ross full episode, chill, bob ross inc, livestream, free, bob ross marathon, joy of painting, the joy of painting, landscape, bob ross twitch, oil, bob ross asmr, paint, lake, canvas, twitch, happy trails, painting, bob ross painting, wildlife, asmr, brushes, bob ross
Id: d50HkqB9JEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2016
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