Bob Ross - Glacier Lake (Season 28 Episode 6)

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Main reasons i watch Bob ross: • The paintings • The animals • Beating the Devil out his brush

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2017 🗫︎ replies
- Hi, welcome back, certainly glad you could join us today. I thought today we'd do a painting that has a fantastic mountain in it. I get a lot of letters saying, "Show me how to do "a big mountain with snow on it." So I'm gonna show you a mountain that takes up most of this painting. Let's start out now and have 'em run all the colors across the screen that you need to paint along with us while they're doing that let me show you what I've got done today. Have my standard old, double-primed, pre-stretched canvas and I'm using an 18 by 24 inch but you use whatever size is convenient. And I've just covered the entire canvas with a very thin, even coat of liquid white. So it's all wet and slick and ready to go and let's just have a good time. Let's start today, we'll use a little Phthalo Blue. I like Phthalo Blue, it's a very pretty warm blue. Little bit on the two-inch brush And we just go right up in here and just making little criss-cross strokes, little X's something about like that, there. I think we'll put a little cloud in the sky too, so I just leave a little area sort of open. There we go, we don't put a huge amount in here. We don't need a lot of sky. Let's just, tell you what, let's do a big one right there like that, something like that, whatever. There, maybe in our world, maybe underneath there we might even have a little water down at the base just depending how much time we have left. If we have enough time, we'll put it. But I wanna devote most of the time today to working on a huge, huge mountain. Now, while I have this brush going, I'm gonna add a little Prussian Blue to the corners just to darken it, Just in the corners, just in the corners. There, just Prussian Blue. It's much, much darker than the Phthalo Blue. It's very strong, and a little bit down here too. If you put a little blue in the corners that's darker than the rest of it. When the painting's done, it'll sort of make your eye go toward the center. That's all, okay. Very lightly we'll go across. Now then, that's about all we need. Now the most fun part of this whole technique is washing the brush, so let's do that. We scrub the brush in odorless paint thinner shake off the excess (brush thuds) and just beat the devil out of it. That really is the fun part, that's the fun part. Let's go to Titanium White. Just take the old two inch brush and tap it. Just tap it right into some titanium white. Let's make a cloud now. Go up here, take the brush. Decide where your cloud lives in your world. It's the easiest way I know of making a big effective cloud. Just tap in a basic shape. Maybe it comes right on around, I don't know. A little more color. We don't care, maybe just sort of floats out like that. I don't really know. You decide in your world where the big old cloud lives. But that's easy enough right there. And then very lightly, very lightly. Just barely touching the canvas, just sort of blend it a little bit. Just enough to take out the little tab marks. And that easy, that easy. You have a nice little cloud that just lives up here in your sky. There, no use making a lot of work out of it. Here's another, another little indication right there. If you are going to do more than one layer, do the back layer first, then work forward. I just want a little hint. Okay, now then, let's wash the brush one more time. Then we'll be ready to make our big mountain. (brush thuds) Hit the bucket, there, alright. Today we're gonna have our bravery test right in the beginning of the painting. So here it goes, Midnight Black. Cut us off a little roll of paint that lives right on the edge of the knife there. Let's go up here and make our first major decision. Jump right in. I think there's a big rock that lives right there. Just put in the basic, basic shape. That's all we're looking for at this point. Just using black. You can put in a little Prussian Blue if you wanted to, but I'm just using basically black. Maybe, why not, right about there. We'll just have another big rock. There we are, something like so. As I say, this is your bravery test. Maybe, yeah, maybe another rock over here. I bet you're saying, "Bob, you've done it this time. "The mind has finally gone." You may be right too, may be right, there. I've been told that before. Use a little white and Prussian Blue. I want a good strong blue. Once again a little bit of paint that lives right on the edge of the knife. Just barely touching the canvas. I just want to put the indication here and there of a few little shadows that live up in here. There, don't want a lot of detail in that. Little bit right over in here. Something about like that, just put a few little shadows. I want to keep this very dark though. Very dark, maybe. Shoot, yeah, why not right there? No pressure, just let the knife touch. Just barely, barely touch, alright. Fun time, two inch brush, two inch brush. Let's go right through the Titanium White. Load a lot of color into the bristles. Lot of paint, just fill it up. And by wiggling it, I want to bring it to a nice sharp edge. By wiggling it and pulling it, it'll bring the paint toward the end of the bristles. And that'll happen automatically, alright. Now maybe in our world there's a nice, maybe this is a big glacier that lives up here. There we go, just pull it right through like that. Decide where all these little things live and begin dropping them in. Just begin dropping them in, don't be afraid of it. There, maybe in our world, maybe shoots yes. Just comes right over like that. There, we'll come back and smooth that out a little bit in a minute but right now we're just putting in some basic color. Now let me clean off a little spot to work. You'd think with a palette this big I wouldn't run out of space. I'm gonna take white, little bit of black. Mix it together, I wanna make a grey-ish color. So just Titanium White, a little Midnight Black. Something about like that, don't have to overmix it. Clean off the old knife. Let's go right through that grey-ish color. We'll use the same old brush. I want a shadow side to this mountain. So I'm gonna use this grey color to do the shadow. And our shadow lives, starts right there, comes down. See there, like that, that's all there is to it. Now. We'll just apply a little of that grey color to make our shadow side. And this angle right here is very important. It's your good friend, it's your real good friend. Take care of it, there. Maybe somewhere in here, we don't know yet, we'll decide all of this later. Right now we're just blocking in a little color. About like that, back to my pure Titanium White. There, look at that. See how that just looks like a sheer drop? That easy, that easy. But I want this angle right here to indicate that it's bending toward me, okay? Back to black, maybe, yep, right in here. Maybe there lives a big rock, big old rock right in here. Maybe this big old rock is, I don't know. You decide where your big old things live in here. Let your imagination take you wherever you want to be. Wherever you want to be, maybe this comes down. Mmm, (grunts) there, just let it go. I don't know exactly where we're going with this, and I don't know that it matters cause anything that happens here is wonderful. We can work with it, we can work with it. Here's a big old rock that lives right out here. About like that. And maybe, maybe there's even a big rock protruding right out of the side of this big thing here. Cause we know there's rocks underneath there. We know they're underneath there. Maybe over in here there's a little something. Wherever, I'm gonna grab the small knife. I can get into these little places here. I just want to sort of blend that edge out. Just sort of blend it out. And follow the angles that you put in here. Most important, just wiping the knife off. Just wiping the knife off. There. That's all there is to it. But you can put all kinds of big old things hanging off the side there. Maybe you can see little things up in here. Wherever, wherever. There, little bit of the white. I'm still using the small knife here. Want to just sort of bring this together a little better. When you're at home doing this and have unlimited time, you can really smooth this out and make it gorgeous. Make it gorgeous, with some little things all up in here. Now I'm gonna get the little blender brush. It's very soft, you can blend right over the top of this. Just very gently bring this together, make it smooth as silk. There. Like that. Back to my Prussian Blue. We'll put a few little shadows on here. Just a few little guys that live right in there. Gotta have a shadow on this big old rock. There, you decide, once again, painting is such an individual thing, and each person sees nature through different eyes. How you see it is the way it should be painted. See, just by changing the angles here a little bit, we can come back in here and make this look like there's a little snow laying right up in here. Just sort of a little recessed area, right in there. Sneaky. Now, back to our two inch brush. And bring some snow right out of here. I'm intentially picking up some of that dark color, so it'll make shadows in there. So I want that snow to look like it's just coming up here and laying right up on the top. Maybe it comes right up like that. Put another little rock right here. See, that'll help push that back. Just play back and forth, with rocks and stones and angles, and all these things will happen for ya. Little practice, and you'll be shocked at what you can do. Now then. Maybe, yep, comes right down like that. Right over the side. Right over the side, just like a waterfall sorta, only this is snow. Just let it fall right down through there. There, just sort of blend all that together. I'll grab the little blender brush and smooth it out real smooth. There, see? Little blender brush just smooths things. There we are. Now, right along this edge here, I wanna separate it, so I'm gonna use pure white there. I want it to separate. It's important that we have that bright white area, so it separates those two. There. Little edge is all we're worried about. Okay. Now, maybe, maybe, in our world, there we go. (laughs) Another stone. Just put these wherever you think they should be. I like to do mountains sometime where you can see these big rocks projecting out under the snow. Looks like a big glacier. Big old glacier. I lived in Alaska for a dozen years, and there's some of the most gorgeous glaciers there that you've ever seen. Absolutely fantastic. There's no doubt in my mind. God was having a good day when he made Alaska. So beautiful, there. Alright, little bit of sun right in there. And we just blend that down. That's all there is to it. That's one wild mountain, isn't it? Mmm, and you can do it. You can do this one. Take your time when you're at home, look at the angles, study it, put it togehter, it'll work for ya. Okay. I think we got a pretty nice old mountain there for such a short period of time. We're gonna live with it. Just that way. Create a little mist right here at the base, and off we go. Now, we need some background things happening in there. So let's make some big decisions, what do we want? We'll take some black, some Prussian Blue. Even put a little Alizarin Crimson in it, maybe a little brown. Looking for sort of a blue-ish grey color. That's getting pretty nice, right there. Right there. Get a little white here, I want a couple different values of it, or strengths of it. One, a little darker than the other. So I'll just add white to some. There we go, little more of that crimson in there. Little more of the brown. Alright, now we got a couple of values. Okay, we'll wipe the old knife off. Let's grab a fan brush. We'll go right into some of this color. About like that, this is sort of a blue-grey. Load a lot of color in there. Let's go right up in here. Now maybe in our world there lives some nice little trees, way back here in the background. Just gonna tap downward with these. Just tap downward. Like so. There. And we'll just let these wander right on, wherever, we don't know where they're goin'. Wherever they want to live. But by making these trees fairly small, it makes the mountain look bigger. There we are. It's all relative to the size. Now then, clean two inch brush, and I'm gonna tap the base of it firmly. Wanna create more mist down at the bottom. Tap it firmly and then gently, gently lift upward. See, takes out all the little tap marks and makes it look like little trees that live far, far back in the distance. Far away. Far, far away. That's the way everybody wants to hear me sing, is far away. (laughs) Real far. There, okay. I'm making the same color, only a little darker. And in my world, I think, yep, maybe there's another little group of trees that live, maybe there's, I know, I know, I got it. Maybe there's a steep little thing right here. Something about like that, let me get a little more color on the brush. There. Maybe it comes down, we don't know where it goes here. It just sort of wanders off, just wanders off. There we are. Right on down, we'll have it go up like that, too. There, just all kinds of little things. We said we was gonna make a big mountain today, we weren't kidding, were we? This is one monster mountain. I'm gonna tap the base of this, once again, I'm just gonna create that illusion of mist, and then life upward, very lightly. Very lightly, very lightly. Very, very lightly. One hair and some air. And you can show different layers of trees, just by changing the flavor or the color a little bit. Just by changing that color. There we go, wherever you want 'em. But do one little layer at a time. And then take your brush, tap the base, and blend it again. See there? That's gonna end up being reflections, I think. Just decided I want, I know, I know, I know, I know, let me find, there it is, I got a small number three fan brush. Gonna dip it into a little bit of Liquid White, go through Titanium White. The Liquid White's in there strickly to make this a little thinner, so it'll slide over the thicker paint without mixing. Let's go up here, watch, right here, in my world lives a little waterfall. Did you see it? Go across, (blows air) down. Little waterfall. That's all there is to it. Add in some trees on this side of it. Just to give it the indication that back there, is a little waterfall, far away. Far away. Okay, we can take our little blender brush, it's so soft, so soft. And just tap in the indication of a little mist there. That's about all we need. Pull that straight down, create a little bit of reflection. Shoot, little touch of the Liquid White. Go across, don't want a lot of water line here. Maybe just the indication that something's happening back in here. Like that. Alright, let's clean us off a spot to work. Time to have some fun here. Take some black, Prussian Blue, Sap Green. Throw some crimson and brown in there too. Both browns, what the heck, we don't care. Good dark color. Fan brush. I'm gonna load it full of that dark color. Lot of paint in it. And in our world, maybe there lives, right up through that dark, a big evergreen tree. There he is. Now if you have trouble making him stick, add a little paint thinner, a little paint thinner to your brush when you go through the paint. Once again, thin paint will stick to a thick paint. There we go, maybe in here, tell you what, let's have a bunch of 'em. We got a couple minutes left here, we'll just put in a whole little forest. There. Put in some little shapes, (imitates tapping) here and there, the indication of some individual trees. Those are far away. There, a little closer to us, they're a little bigger, a little more distinct. There we are. Alright, I like to paint trees, we'll do one more. One more. Like that. We'll take that same brush, go right through the yellows, Cad Yellow, Yellow Ochre, that'll make green, just by going through it. There, see? Just load it up. Go back up here. Take a little bit of that green, and we'll highlight our little trees. There they are, just some highlights living out here. There. Maybe even back here, just the indication of a few little things that live in there. Now, we'll take old big brush, maybe we'll turn this into a little peninsula that lives right out like that. That's all there is to it, just tap in a little bit of color, I wanna pull some of that down, so it'll reflect right into the water. There. Then go across. That easy. Same old brush, I'll go through some of the yellows. There, and we'll just put the indication a little grassy area that lives right up in here. About like that. Little Indian Yellow. Once in a while, a little touch of the Bright Red. Not much Bright Red, just a little. Just a little. Little things back in here. Let's take, I wanna use, take a little black, a little bit of brown mixed together. I'm gonna put paint thinner with it to thin it down, I want to thin it, very thin. Very thin. There we go. Take our Filbert, go right through that dark color, and the other side, we'll go through white. With a little bit of brown in it, little bit of the Dark Sienna, so we have dark on one side, light on the other. Let's go right up in here, and make some little stones that live up in there. There, wherever you think they should live. Right in here, maybe there's even some out in here. I don't know, you just put them wherever you want, but you can make the entire stone in just one stroke this way. There we go. Take a little bit of the Liquid White, put us in a little water line around these. Something like so, don't want a lot of water line, just a little. Just to sort of bring it together. I'm gonna put in one little bushy up here, and I'm gonna call this one done. But I'm gonna take a little green on the one inch brush, I know there's a little bush that lives right here. Happy little bush, nah, there's two, you're right. About like that. I think with that, if we had a little red, we could sign this rascal, call him done. We'll sign him right here. Hope you've enjoyed this little painting. It'll give you a challenge, it's a lot of fun. Let me know how you do with it. From all of us here, I'd like to wish you happy painting, and God bless, my friend. ("Interlude" by Larry Owens)
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 2,761,173
Rating: 4.9144239 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, the joy of painting, asmr, happy trails, landscape, full episode, bob ross joy of painting, bob ross painting, chill, brushes, livestream, bob ross marathon, happy trees, bob ross, wildlife, drawing, host, paint, art, snow, bob ross inc, happy accident, lake, steven ross, kappaross, bob ross full episode, pastel, bob ross asmr, bob ross twitch, coloring, oil, mountain, stream, ocean, alaska, free, pbs, canvas, tv show, painting, joy of painting
Id: TohG7F8M3Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2016
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