Bob Ross - Autumn Days (Season 4 Episode 12)

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hi hey glad you could join me this week today I thought we'd do a fantastic little painting that would make you happy in here so let's start out and have them graphically run all the colors across the screen and they'll come across in the same order that I have them on my palette while they're doing that let's go up here and talk a little I started with the black canvas today it was covered with a flat black acrylic paint and allowed to dry on to that I have added oh I just sort of went all around here and I put a little bit of alizarin crimson here and there a little bit of phthalo blue in spots a little Prussian blue just sort of mix them up and and let them happen what the heck now I'm gonna go right into some magic white and we'll go right up here and just start making little crisscross strokes and look at all the beautiful colors and begin happening these guys are really not planned we just sort of let them happen all kinds of beautiful little things will happen and the more magic white you add the lighter the sky will get of course and you can make this guy look and you can make it to where it looks like it's noon if you want to or you can make it dark this is your world so you have to make these decisions what time is it here we are and it's just a fantastic way to make a very effective quick little sky and not much of this guy's going to show so I'm not worried about having a lot of sky today this one's some pretty little colors happening back already now then we'll wash the brush I'm gonna wash it in this odorless paint thinner and it's a screen down the bottom i scrub the brush against shake off the excess and then then you cover the whole camera crew okay let's have some fun out there today I'm going to go right into we just mix these colors on the brush and we'll take a little lizard crimson little SAP green Van Dyke Brown just mix them on the brush we're going to a little burr number two what the heck all we're looking for is nice dark color just go up to the canvas here maybe there's some little trees that live back here all I'm gonna do is just touch the canvas just touch I don't want to kill all the background color want some of that to show through and we're just putting some some happy basic little tree shapes wherever you think they are to be a treat that's where there were to be a tree just wherever you want to drop them in throw up with me I'm just wherever you want okay and let it go can you maybe maybe tell you what exists maybe just one who lives over here little trees live everywhere wherever nature deposits the seed and it grows as that's where he lives maybe maybe there's one back up in here and let some of them be very light just let it literally just disappear just just absolutely disappear quiet little trees okay and big old tree lives here I'm just using the corner of the brush and just gently gently tapping striking the canvas and giving it a little pull and I'm always pulling to work toward the trunk we know there's a trunk in the center of this tree so I pull the limbs toward that trunk it helps make them look right now if you want one that's very light just an indication here back in here maybe wherever that in without cleaning the brush now I'm clean very solid a little more right here first I'm gonna go right into a little bit of the yellows this is cadmium yellow little yellow ocher and just pull it right through that paint pull it right through the paint like it okay up here now we can put some highlights on these and all we're going to do is just touch now if you have problems making the paint stick add a little magic white or a little paint thinner either one and it'll make it stick much easier and we'll put a little paint thinner and then we can go back in here and see how easy it comes off then paint will stick to a thick paint there we go okay the yellow ocher will go right up here whoo that's pretty just think where the light would strike these little paintings should make you happy and if painting teaches you nothing else it'll teach you it'll teach you to look at nature and to see some of the most fantastic things imaginable sometimes we spend our whole life looking at things but but we don't see anything and painting teaches you to see really teaches you to see I hope people call and write all the time and say you know Bob you're right but the first time I saw a tree it's lived in my front yard for a hundred years and I never paid any attention to it add a little permanent read to my color - we might as well get crazy today and you can make these any color you want in your world okay little SAP green thrown in here in there put a happy little Bush right about there just go the other side to campus we've dropped some in over there don't want it to be left out just like captain very very touching maybe there's nothing--there's out here I'm going to leave this one right here without putting any highlight on it so it'll look like it's really far away and you can put several of those in your painting it'll really help once again create the illusion of distance distance is created by making numerous planes in your painting them and planes are just different levels here is a plane here's a plane each time you put another plane it it creates more depth in your painting it makes it much more interesting and that's what brings the happy buck home hey let's let's have some nice soft little grassy areas back in here and all I'm going to do is take his large brush and begin tapping now there's color on the bottom of this canvas just like it was on the top and just pushing very easy so it doesn't mix later on maybe we'll maybe we'll put a little water down in the bottom of this then we want it to mix right now we're not even using the color it's underneath but we will again I'm making some little Hills tell you what we'll take the liner brush put some paint thinner on it and go right into my dark color this is brown and pleasured crimson SAP green all those colors I was using and let's just put an indication here and there a happy little tree trunk just here and there now remember you're not going to see all of the trunk because there's leaves on on this side of the trunk so just here and there maybe there's one it'll lives out here - where'd they live these also helped create different planes and your painting and give it more depth there we go okay let's go right over here there's one he's got a friend of lives there that's another thing when you paint painting brings your new friends I have met since I started painting thousands of people that are so dear to me and they're so special and if I had never started painting I probably would have never had the opportunity to meet so many fantastic people just like you and when you start painting you'll find it it changes your whole outlook on life it changes your attitude you look at nature different you look at life different and sometimes I get fanatical and I even have a little pond behind where I live and I feed the fish and they come up and I'm little crazy I sit there and talk to the fish and they're on the verge of answering that's what scares me and I feed them bread every day and they they come up there and they wait on in it really it does nice things when you begin to understand nature and you fall in love with it it makes you appreciate the fact that you you've been allowed to be part of it and to explore it and hopefully hopefully it'll be there for your grandchildren and my grandchildren and they too can see some of the fantastic things if we just take care of it I have to take care of it I'm just going back and forth here between permanent red yellow ochre Indian yellow little CAD yellow whatever happens and throw it in a little SAP green every once in a while there you go that's pretty creates a lot of distance in the painting there just go to the other side here let's make a happy little hill right over here but when you're doing these black canvas don't always think they have to end up being very dark you can make canvases that when they're finished you would think it was it was noontime maybe they do not have to end up being very dark paintings they can be light and shiny right experiment with them have fun learn to mix color on the brush don't worry about mixing it on the palette makes it on the brush now then I'll tell you what I'm gonna get in a little bit of paint that I'm a liner brush and back into some of this brown color and let's put up let's put a little for your tube it lives when I see one there's right there there he is give another alarm trees need arms too there we go and make his little trunk a little stronger he's got to stay here when the winds blow and hard so he needs he needs to be strong we don't want any weak old trees in our paintings he's got a friend that lives right over here or paint that I hear in there they wear air and we're beginning to make some thick deep woods here maybe oh yeah you're right there it is and trees grow however however makes them happy and sometimes you know what trees are little babies maybe the big bear comes through here to move sort of maybe a deer and he steps on that tree and and hurts him hmm that's a little treat I didn't give up but maybe he grows up he's got all kind of oh oh all kinds of little crooks and bends and hurt sitting and that's what makes him interesting don't make all your trees just perfectly straight up and down let him Bend and play have fun okay I'm gonna go right into it let's try a little cat yellow here okay you need a colour it's bright enough it stands out against your background we'll just put some happy little indications here in there there's a little drop right off your brush you can use this brush sideways or straight on just to make some little indications not looking for a lot of detail yet it's too far back practice with these big brushes you would not believe what they will do then we had a little yellow ocher to that same color will drop some happy little leaves right on that little tree it is a few little leaves there right here on this tree there this is a same old dirty brush my gosh it's got every color in the world on it I'm just adding yellow into the tips and then it's all mixing together right turn the brush unless let's add a little permanent red in there yellow ocher see what we get you know we don't make mistakes we have we have happy accidents and some of these happy accidents turn out to be the most beautiful effects if you were trying to make them you couldn't make them so when you get one don't get don't get upset look at it before you or you wipe it off sometimes sometimes these happy little accidents are the nicest things that could possibly happen in your painting okay let's come right down here I'm gonna take a small amount of the magic white again just a tiniest little bit on my big brush and in my mind yep there's gonna be a little bit of water down here I like I like water I spend a lot of time playing with the water I say I have all these fish that I feed some time some time we buy up to a couple of hundred loaves of bread at a time and we have all these fish training they they almost walk right out of the water they come up and eat bread and a couple of hundred loaves might might last a week I understand I have a lot of fish friends and they come up and they sit around their weight they'll almost climb up on the shore and come knock on the door one not--we're dinner is I have a lot of friends that come over and look at me they can't believe all these fish anyways enough fish talk let's get busy Van Dyke Brown row number and let's put let's put some land in here just let it play I guess they'd play have fun wherever you want land they don't matter anything you don't like you cover up we'll just put grass right back over the top of it just wherever you want it wherever you want maybe maybe maybe yep comes right down through there there we go right over look at that and it's fantastic and you can do that with a great big old nap it almost looks like a putty knife there we're Kingdom just put some highlight on there I'm going to use yellow ochre yellow ochre and put a little permanent red into it small amount of permit red and some burn number now this bar number is very very reddish it's almost like a burnt sienna it's a little different than most very numbers so it's almost like a Sienna color cut across get that small roll of paint right over the edge of the knife things go up here another thing I wanted to mention because I get I get some letters sometime when you look at my knife close-up on television it may look a little different than the knife you you have and the reason is I put tape on this knife so that it doesn't glare on TV but it's the same knife it's just that I put a little tape on there there we go let's use a fan brush a inverse a lot of fun get a little paint thinner on to go right into some CAD yellow SAP green so green yellow ochre and just mix all these colors on the brush look at there look at all the color is happening in that brush that's what we're looking for we don't want one flat dead old color in there let's go up to the canvas now then we can begin bringing all this together and all we're doing is touching pushing vended and upward look at that just bring it right down into these land areas that you built in here okay there we go and anywhere you eat one grass to me you just come right over the lamb no big deal this is your world and do anything can't really do anything but you have to believe always believe in yourself maybe let's go from this side here believing in yourself maybe maybe the most important thing in life because if you don't believe in yourself and nobody else is gonna believe and you can do anything you can do anything and if anybody challenges that you tell them Bob that you could do anything you can little magic right now put a little bit of blue in it and a little brown in it just to dull it down I'm just gonna pull it out cut across this clip here and we'll put a little bit of water line right in here let's make this played there make a little more the magic white I'm a pallet mat to run out here didn't mix didn't mix quite enough yeah there we go let that run her head on around my good let's go right there and that's simply okay let's have some fun then we'll take a big brush go right into all my dark colors of brown the samp green all of them in it there it goes comes right down that cap and we'll just cut that little pond right off put it right where we want take our large brush and we'll just have some little highlights right on there and you could do this with a fan brush this is just a little bit faster I get darker darker darker darker as it goes toward the corner here darker look at there good it's all unique okay let's build some big trees grab a fan brush and I want to make a I want to make black let's clean off a spot here I want to take phthalo green alizarin crimson a little green lizard crimson and about equal parts and I want to mix this very good pick it totally up off the palette turn it over pick it up turn it over okay let me clean my knife here now there we need some we need some big trees I got to make a decision I'll just use a fan brush today the knife works fine the fan brushes in my hands we'll try it and there is a big tree who lives there Aires where he lives make a decision and throw him in just drop it in because on your canvas you can do anything you want give my big old foot sticking out here don't him to fall over now end a little and a little mud puddle there and make a big splash there we go and let's give him an arm tree needs an arm too there we go tell you what tell you what yep right here we'll just put us another tree we can have as many trees as we want in our world no the big old tree and this one's closer to you so he's he's bigger he's stronger give him a big old strong room here always floating in the water he's fluking right there in the water maybe he's got a little friend he lives here for protection he he knows this big tree won't let anybody hurt there and just what we got this good dark color on here we'll just drop some in the bottom we got to give it some land frame to frame to live on there see they're that easy King I'm gonna take another fan brush today I think I'll just take a little yellow ochre and little white yellow curtain white let's just go around here and just all I'm doing is touching the canvas just touch do this touch that a little bit of highlight layer on these trees just so it stands out like so let's do this other big tree over here same thing I'm just gonna use the same color you can vary these colors a little bit add a little permanent red right in there to just sort of tap makes it look like bark rough and strong there we are a little bit on this one over here these skinny little tree I didn't eat too much okay maybe tell you what let's give him a little arm right there tree needs in it arms and maybe should they go arm on this tree he's a big healthy strong tree would give him a big arm and you could do these arms on these trees with with a knife it worked just as well I'm just a fan brush move today and maybe we'll put I will put a few little indication up here of some leaves and stuff so let's go right into the yellow little yellow blue yellow and I'm still still using that same old dirty brush okay let's go to this tree and I will take and all we're going to do here it's just touch I just sort of let some let some happy little leaf indication just just float around up here they're really not they're not connected or anything just sorry that I'm floating around in it pretty it's fantastic what you can do with little imagination in an almighty brush a dozen colors there then once again use the colors that make you happy I used colors a lot of times they're a little brighter than I normally would just so you can see it better on your set and if I can teach you how to do it then what you do is that's to you because each one of us sees nature through different eyes and what you see is as what you should paint welcome there a bit of prior color so it stands out gives you an idea of how that's done yeah take the old fan brush when you run into some yellow and some green let's just drop some happy little grassy areas that are living right down here to big trees foots let's sort of do these in the lair so it creates depth in it a little bit dark color I think so take a little yellow ochre a little highlight I think we just about have a finished painting here a little water line here sure you don't think we're going to call that one finished and from all of us here I'd like to wish you happy painting god bless and I hope to see you again thank you you you
Channel: Bob Ross
Views: 197,675
Rating: 4.9527121 out of 5
Keywords: stream, drawing, happy accident, tv show, steven ross, mountain, bob ross twitch, chill, free, garden, landscape, art, brushes, paint, bob ross inc, coloring, bob ross marathon, pbs, asmr, ocean, bob ross asmr, pastel, beauty is everywhere, kappaross, twitch, wildlife, happy trees, the joy of painting, full episode, oil, lake, snow, host, bob ross joy of painting, alaska, livestream, bob ross full episode, bob ross, canvas, bob ross painting, happy trails, joy of painting, painting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2016
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