- Welcome back, I'm glad to see you today. Today I think we'll do a
canvas that's vertical, and I think we'll have some fun there. And I'm gonna have 'em
graphically run all the colors that we'll use today across your screen and they'll come across in the same order that I have 'em on my palette. And while they're doing that, let's get started. I'm gonna start out
today with a small amount of Prussian blue. Just small amount, we'll
work it into the bristles, just beat it, bang, bang, bang like that. And it works it into the
bristles, nice and even. And I'm gonna add a little
bit of Van Dyke brown that I wanna dull this blue down today. So, we have Van Dyke brown, Prussian blue. Let's go up to the canvas, and very gently, making little x's, just sorta come across like so. Little more color on the
brush, blue and brown. And just bring it across. There we are. And we're just sorta making little, little criss-cross strokes. Just let 'em play across
the canvas, have fun. Very light. And maybe, maybe, maybe we'll
have a little water in this, so I take a little more of the
blue and the Van Dyke brown, and maybe there'll be
water, oh, it doesn't matter where it's gonna be down here. So, we'll just do this. And we'll put the water
wherever we want it. Okay, let me clean the brush, and we clean our brushes
with odorless paint thinner. And I have a screen in the
bottom of the bucket here to scrub the brush against. Alright (laughs), there we are. Okay, let's go right up in here now and begin blending this. Have a clean, dry brush and just kinda sort of blend it together. Like so. And now let's build a let's build a little cloud up in here. I'm gonna take some titanium white and just pull the
one-inch brush through it. Just like so. Okay, let's go right up here, and let's maybe make some
layers of little clouds. Just making small, tiny circles. Alright, just wherever you see 'em. There's one. See, we put the white
right on the start color so it stands out. You need, you need the dark
in order to show the light. We'll take a clean, dry brush. Use just a corner of it. And gently blend those clouds out. And then we'll fluff 'em. Just lift 'em up and fluff 'em and very lightly blend 'em. Okay, maybe we'll put a, maybe we'll have another
little layer of clouds right there. You can put as many clouds
in your sky as you want. Just let 'em go. Clouds are free. And these are happy little clouds, so just have fun with 'em. Okay, now we'll take a
clean, dry brush again and lightly blend. There. Fluff it a little bit. That's a super, super nice way of making some very effective clouds. Puts a lot of depth in
your sky, and very easy. Think you'll enjoy making them like that. Okay. Let's play a little bit. I'm gonna take a one-inch brush, and I'm gonna dip it
into some paint thinner, and take a little bit of Van Dyke brown, a little burnt umber, and I'm
just mixing them on the brush. A little bit of the Prussian blue into it. There. Now, I've put a little bit of
paint thinner into the brush to make it thin. I'm gonna get just a touch more here. There. Bout like that, we want paint
that's quite thin today. We're gonna have some fun. Let's go up here and maybe, maybe there's a nice big ol'
tree that lives right here. And all I'm gonna do is
just tap in a basic shape, and this is paint that's quite thin. Quite thin. And I'm just tapping in the basic shape. Some blue and brown. Almost like a wash. Almost like a wash. Just very loose, thin paint. Then we're gonna come back
and put some firmer paint over the top of it and make some fantastic
things happen here. There's all kinds of
different things you can do. And maybe, maybe we'll make
this tree a little bigger. Gonna be a big ol' tree. Here's a nice one, I see him, right there. And we're still just tapping in some some basic, very basic shapes with very thin paint. There we go. Some brown, a little bit of blue. Very little blue, blue is so strong. Maybe right here. Very basic shapes. There. Okay, now we'll take one
of our large brushes, and I wanna pull down
just a little bit of this to make the indication
of some reflections, way, way back in the distance here. Pull it down. Nice and long. And we'll very lightly go across it. Very lightly. Just enough to make it
look watery, and then quit. Okay. Now then. Let's take I'm gonna try a little bit
of the cad yellow here, and we'll go into some sap green and cad yellow. And I'm gonna load quite a
bit of paint on the brush. Okay, let's go right up here. Now, all I'm gonna do is take
and lay in some basic color. Just very lightly lay in
a little bit of color. Then I'm gonna come
back with a larger brush and we're gonna blend and mute that color. Make it very soft. Very, very soft. Far away. Okay now, we'll take a dry two and a half inch
brush and very lightly, I'm just using the corner, just soften this. Look at that. So soft and peaceful. And that's all there is to it, okay? Thought you'd like that,
it's a little bit different, its a lot of fun. And let's just play in here a
little bit with some of these, There's one, lay a little color, and you need some basic
shapes, just lay the color on, and then we'll come back and soften it using the large brush. And let's add a little
more green to that color. There we go. Sap green. Now we can come back with our large brush and very gently, just tap. There's one. Maybe we'll add a small
amount of permanent red right in there. And maybe put one right there. All kinds of little things, just let 'em fall off your brush. This is very easy, all
we're doing is just tapping. Very, very easy. Put a little bit down in
here for a reflection. Okay, now soften that. Very lightly. And this is refection, so pull it down. Gently come across. Okay. Let's go over here and put
a little bit on this one. Little bit up here. Just barely touching. And over in here. And I'm just using cad
yellow, little permanent red, little yellow ochre, little Indian yellow, and just mixing them all on the brush, and just varying the amounts a little bit, going back and forth. Barely touching. Drop in a little bit of color. There we go. Now we can begin playing. Maybe, maybe, maybe maybe there's a little peninsula that comes out through here. And probably, we should,
before we come forward, I'm gonna take a little
bit of magic white, a little brown in it. Good. Little brown in it to dull it down, cut across just so you can pull
it out flat and cut across. Let's go right up in here and lay in some little water lines. Act just like you're trying to cut a hole through the canvas. There. And here and there, we'll add
a little bit darker brown. Just mix it up a little. Okay. I'm gonna take a little paint
thinner on my liner brush and go right into this brown, and I'm just using paint thinner. And maybe here and there there's a few old trees that live. Let's start up here and pull it, that way you can see it better. You can start at the top and work down or bottom and work up, either way, whichever's convenient for ya. Maybe there's just a
few ol' trees up here. Dead trees are a reality in nature, so don't leave 'em out,
just cause they're dead. They're part of nature's beauty. Sometimes there's old parts of the trees that protrude out. One limb maybe gets tired and gives up, but the other ones keep going. Just here and there. There. Let's have some fun. Maybe back in there, I've got
paint thinner on my fan brush, and let's add a little
bit of white to that. Maybe there's some moss
that grows back here and hangs on the tree. Paint thinner, little
brown, a little white. There. Just use your fan brush, let these things hang. Wherever you want 'em. There we go. Makes it look nice and swampy. Some of the beautiful places in the South where they have so many fantastic swamps. Ooh. Lot of boogers live in there. Okay, now let's go back and decide where we're gonna go with this. Maybe, maybe comes right down like that. Right on over, wherever you want it. Just pull some of that color down, we'll make some nice reflections
right down into the water. Okay. Big brush, pull down. Straight down, no matter
if these go at an angle, still pull your reflections straight down. Otherwise, they won't look right. And then go across. And these strokes have
to go straight across. If they don't, your water, (laughs) it won't stay in
your painting, it'll run out. Alrighty. Let's go in here and apply some color and let some little things happen in here. And just, in your mind, pick out where you think a basic
bush here would be, and work on the shape of
that bush, do one at a time. Get it completed before
you go to the next one. Don't try to do them all
at once, one at a time. And I'm just using the corner
of the one-inch brush here. And we're using, still the same colors, cad yellow, Indian yellow, yellow ochre and a little bit of permanent red, little sap green thrown
in every once in a while. Just work it back and forth. If it won't stick, add
a little paint thinner. Keep it as thick as you can
on top of the thinner paint so that it'll blend. Now then, let's take a a two and a half inch brush, and just barely, barely touch. Very soft. Very quiet. Okay. A few more little things here and there. Just like so. And we'll drop some of those
down here in the water. And turn 'em right into a reflection. Just pull 'em down. That easy. That easy. Okay. I'm gonna take a little magic
white, a little firm white and mix it together and
then put some brown into it. So we have magic white, firm white and a little bit of brown. I'm gonna cut across it, and let's go up here, and I'm gonna put in a little bit of land area. Not a great deal. Just all kinds of pretty
little things happening there. Maybe we'll bring some of the
grassy areas down onto that. Just to break it up so it
doesn't look too straight. There we go. A few little lines. Just a little brown here and there. And we can cut in a few
little sticks and twigs just using the point of the knife. If you want 'em bigger, turn
the knife sorta sideways and make little sticks. Small ones go straight on. Okay. Now then, we gotta make some decisions. What do we have over here? Let's take take some more of the brown, burnt umber, this is Van Dyke brown, burnt
umber, a little bit of blue, and it's quite thin, quite thin. And let's go, maybe
there's a huge big tree that lives right here. And he's got limbs that hang out. Big tree. Really big limbs. Oh my goodness, maybe he
comes way over in here. It's your tree, so you make
him wherever you want him. Wherever. Maybe, maybe right on down through here. Just sorta let your imagination go crazy. And wherever you think it oughta be, that's where it oughta be. Maybe there's a nice bush
that lives right here. There we go. See, now you could very well
use the large brush for this, and you'd get done much, much faster, much faster, and it
would work just as well. Okay. This is the burnt umber, Van
Dyke brown, Prussian blue, and quite thin. All I'm trying to do
is cover up this area. You could probably put this on with a paint roller if you wanted to. (laughs) And really have some fun there. Okay. Now then we can begin working on the little individual shapes
and stuff in these trees. Let's go into some sap green. Go right up here. And we'll work on this ol' big tree here. Using quite dark green. Sap green. And just putting some basic shapes. Just where you think the leaves will be. There we go. Large brush, and we can very
lightly, lightly, lightly just tap and soften Very, very soft, very quiet painting. This is one that should relax you. And maybe up in here, maybe, maybe, maybe, Let's put, use a little
white, a little brown, Maybe in here, maybe there's
some nice, mossy things that are hanging out. Just pull down. Very thin paint. Very thin paint, almost like water. Just wherever you want 'em. I was born and raised in Florida,
and this sorta reminds me of some of the ol' mossy
trees that were around when I was a kid. Of course, I'm not
gonna tell you how many, many, many years ago that was. Whew! Seems like forever. Okay. Now then, we can come in
right here and begin deciding, maybe there's another little
tree that lives right here. Drop in some basic shapes. Then get the large brush and go back, and very lightly, just tap. Okay, maybe, maybe, maybe, there's another big bush. And once again, just just put in some basic little leaf shapes, drop 'em in. And then we'll come back and soften. And vary the colors here and there. Now this is a little bit
easier than some of the bushes that we've made in the past, this is just, all we're
doing here is tapping. And just using different colors. And maybe, maybe for someone this will be a little bit easier, and if
it helps you, then it's good. Okay, just, Ooh, there's a nice red one, I really hit that red with that one. Now with our large brush,
let's just very gently tap it. Tap it, tap it, tap it. Lightly, lightly. Ever so lightly. There we go. And we'll just go into some
color with a big brush here. And we'll just put some
little indications. This is a, as I say, this is a very,
very soft, muted painting. Some people really like these,
and I've had a lot of letters requesting that we do a
couple of 'em on television, so maybe, maybe this will
give you some new ideas. I tell you what let's do. Maybe Maybe we'll put a little tree. Just a small little tree, and he lives right here,
this is just Van Dyke brown on the fan brush. Just put him right there, like that. (banging noise) Clang! I hit the easel with the palette. We'll just give him a few
little arms here and there. Take a little white paint spruce him up a little bit, let him shine. We'll cover his little
foots up in some grass. And we can come right along here, and take some of our dark color, need some dark into here
before the light will show. Put a little of that on. And then we can come back, and we'll put a little, maybe we'll get a little crazy on him. This'll be the last
bush in the painting, so here's a little crimson, a
little white, a little blue. Maybe we'll just make a pretty,
pretty little bush in him. Let's go right up here. We'll give him a little purplish hue. That'll be different. And in your world, you make these bushes any color that you want 'em. Okay, just like so. And we'll take the ol' big
brush, very lightly tap it, and that's about all we need. And I hope this has
given you some new ideas, it's a lot of fun, I
think you'll enjoy it. And from all of us here, happy painting. (instrumental music)