95% NEVER Lived the Life They Want, Are You One of Them? | Bob Proctor | Top 50 Rules

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need motivation what everybody nation hey it's Evan Carmichael and this channel was designed to help you overcome the number one challenge that is holding you back a lack of belief in yourself so get ready for some Purpose Driven wisdom from Bob Proctor to give you the motivation confidence and belief that you need okay let's kick it off with rule number one discover your purpose I don't think you determine what your purpose is I think you discover what your purpose is there's a difference determining indicates deciding and I don't think you decide I think if you go about it the right way you discover it like there's some people that should be painting all day they're great artists I think Michelangelo was obviously a great artist it's great sculptor I mean that was his purpose in his life well I believe my purpose is doing what I'm doing your purpose is why you get out of bed in the morning do you know why you get up well most people say well it's their go to work well that'd be a good reason to stay in bed you know you say well everybody's doing it that'll be another reason to stay in bed if you're ever doing what everybody's doing you're probably going in the wrong direction your purpose is your reason for living what you want to do is sit down and maybe take a pen and a pad and then ask yourself what do I really love doing now you may have to spend a while at this you might get up an hour early every morning and go sit under a tree somewhere if you're in a nice climate or pick a favorite chair someplace where you're not going to be disturbed and totally relaxed and say if I could spend my life doing something what do I really love doing now since you don't ask yourself that question every day it might take well for this answer to come to the surface but it comes to your consciousness and it may take a while you may have to do this every morning for three months but it would be well invested the time rule number two don't waste your minutes how many times have you had somebody say to you hey have you got a minute Bob we got a minute in one minute I want you to think about that I read a poem one time I said I have only just a minute only 60 seconds and it was forced upon me I can't refuse that I didn't seek it and I didn't choose it but it's up to me to use it I must suffer if I lose it give a count if I abuse it it's only a tiny little minute but eternity is in it well any rate I thought I'm gonna put this on the video I'm just gonna share with everybody just this one little part out of the seminar I'm making I want you to look at this Sam timer and let this I want you to think about your life the sand in the top of the glass represents the future the sand and the bottom of the glass represents the past now Genoa we know what's in the past and young we can't do anything about it do you know what the trick is you don't know how much sands and the top of the glass you may think you have a lot you might only have a little then again you may think you have a little and you might have a lot when I was a little boy I was raised by my grandmother and I don't know when I was little after she was probably 60 but as long as I can remember redwoods saying I'll soon begun there I'll soon be gone well you know we loved her she was really an angel of God but we thought she was never gonna go she lived to be 94 for 30-some years I'll soon be gone she didn't think she had much time left she had 34 years left now about the same time I had a buddy of mine Bob Yates he was just 16 and bang he run into the abutment of a bridge and his life was snuffed out if you had asked him a half hour before how much sand he had left he would have said at least a half a century he didn't have a half an hour see the trick is we don't know how much sand we have left the future we don't know the past it's gone now the only thing you can deal with is what's right here right now and if you look the sand is always moving now think of this you see I was working on that and then I was working on a graph I've got here at my computer and I'm thinking that the time somebody said - have you got a minute well they don't really want a minute do you know if you're running fifty thousand dollars a year a minutes 42 cents a half-hour is $12.50 if we take that ahead of it if you're earning $80,000 a year a minute 67 cents half hours $20 yearning a hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year got a minute and then it cost you a dollar 25 a minute and a half hours thirty seven dollars and fifty cents so do you see if somebody said you want to stop for a cup of coffee well if you're earning a quarter of a million dollars a year a minute is two dollars and eight cents half hours $62.50 and then of course you've got the coffee to pay for on top of that so do you see the point is this this is all we've got right here right now we don't know how much we have left in the future but we do know what we've got now and I have found the people that win are the people who make up their mind then I'm gonna waste the minutes they're gonna be productive they're gonna make it happen every minute rule number three stand out the success was the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal anyone that has a goal and they're moving towards it they're successful most people think that you're successful if you have a lot of money quite often you have a lot of money if you're successful but it isn't I wouldn't say mother Teresa has a lot of money okay but she's a pretty successful lady so it's you so that barrier tizzies well there's there's a couple of them okay I think there's two barriers one is our conditioning the conditioning that takes place in our subconscious mind from the time were infants all we can do is act like the people around this that's why we learn their language we learned that there was ten languages spoken in our home we learned ten languages without any trouble there's usually one and that's the only one we ever learn and we grow older and we think I couldn't learn another language we're looking a hundred if we wanted to you can do anything but I think we're conditioned we have a real strong conditioning usually with not some very good ideas and then that that's the the barrier that's inside is the one that's outside of us is our environment we have a tendency to act like everybody around us and if you think about this it doesn't make a lot of sense because if you study statistics 95 percent of the people live their entire life and never lived the way they want to live you know that 95 percent of the population in this country let's say in North America okay the richest continent in the history of the world they all work productively let's say for 40 of their 65 years okay and they'll end up with her to be any money there's gotta be something wrong so just my 5% of the people end up financially comfortable or independent are you trying to depress this bump that's no actually I think it's I think it's quite an exciting idea because you see the idea behind it is that anybody can win anyone at all but if we start studying these statistics I think we'll arrive at the conclusion Jesus better start thinking for myself rather than follow everybody most people they get a job they look around to see how everybody else is doing their work and they start doing it the same way they should stop and think I wonder if any of these people know what they're doing is there a better way to do it but don't we have a need to fit in I mean we don't want it we don't want to stand out we don't to get fired we don't make waves exactly exactly just fall into line you know take a number be like everybody around now that'd be great in the animal kingdom but human beings aren't supposed to live that way I think we should make a few waves we should maybe stand out be different not not for the sake of being different okay but because we are different we all think different thoughts and I believe we should start to think and build images in our mind of what we'd like to do and then set out and do it okay that Merson did that edison did that Marconi did that Samuel Morse did that Buckminster Fuller did that we could go on and on and on okay we're different they stood out they made a few waves rule number four seek failures you should seek failures see if you're playing it safe you're not gonna win if you're playing it safe like that all say you know you were topping your little girl better to be safe than sorry well that's a bunch of crap it's not better be safe than sorry it's by trying things that you figure out how far you can go you've got to get outside the box like it's reported Edison tried three thousand ways before he built the incandescent light he said he didn't deal three thousand times he said there was three thousand different steps to building a light bulb well there's different steps to get to where you're going and I really do treat winning and losing exactly the same I do not let it upset me do you think that's a big part of why you're so successful well it's part of why I enjoy it yeah I think it is because I'll try anything like if if I'm into an idea the idea of losing never enters my mind see I have worked with giants I had the good fortune of working with Sir Edmund Hillary he was the first man to stand on top of the world and I worked with him on three different occasions and the only difference in that Hillary and Bob Proctor is in his his size now he's gone now but he was a big man when he shook hands with me his hand wrapped right around mine I felt like Oh dwarf you know and and talked into him like it never entered his mind he wouldn't get to the top of the mountain but he failed in 1951 he failed in 1952 it wasn't until 1953 that he got to the top of the month know people had died for centuries trying to do that he said I knew if I could see it in here I could hold it out here still a man wrote that in the book you can see it in your head can hold it your hand and that's right and if you're not prepared to lose you're never gonna win because you're always playing it safe and there's no there's no reward in that also if you want to have more confidence checking my 254 series it's free the link to join is in the description below I was reminded this morning of a question I'm often asked how do you eliminate theater from your life so I started to study myself I found most people don't know who they are they really don't ask yourself am i living the way I really want to live rule number five conquer your own limitations look at these two men do you know who they are most people don't they're just a couple of ordinary guys one they're both gone now but one was an ordinary beekeeper in Auckland New Zealand and the other Sherpa guide from over around Nepal now there's Mount Everest you know for thousands of years people had tried to get to the top of Mount Everest people died doing it it was believed it couldn't be done people tried but they didn't know how and so they quit there's a closer look at the mountain and where they placed their flag they planted that flag in the mountain now this is the two of them after they come down the mountain and you know something when they started they did not know how they didn't know how to get to the top of the mountain and that's what stops most people because they don't know how as little kids we'd go mummy daddy I want this and they say no how are you gonna do that well as a little kid you don't know how to do it but they did it in 1953 on the 29th of May they were the first two to get to the top of that mountain they stood right on top of the world do you know there's been over a thousand people do it since then I watched a young woman on Canadian television being interviewed not very big she had just come back from going to the top of Mount Everest and the reporter asked her they said how does it feel now that you conquered the mountain she didn't conquer the mountain that mountain can't be conquered we conquered the limitations that are within ourselves rule number six go to experts for advice select the person who is already doing something that you'd like to do get to know that person go to the experts for advice don't ask the first nextdoor your mother father brother the guy works beside you because they don't necessarily know there's no point in asking a person how to earn a lot of money if they're only earning 10,000 a year they don't know they knew they'd probably be earning a lot it's like don't go to a sick doctor if you want to get healthy okay so you find someone that you can go to for advice get a real good book and lock into that book and start to study it like I bet this one looks like a Bible you know but this is napoleon hill's book Think and Grow Rich I've been reading this thing now for 23 years I'll probably read it for another 23 years I get another good book that I brought over here today it's called the power of your subconscious mind and I'm not getting the Commission for selling this the author's dead now he's been gone for a couple of years but dr. Joseph Murphy wrote this book to power your subconscious mind and that's probably one of the best books that you're ever gonna find because you're gonna learn something about your mind when you read this book okay now I read a lot of books I've got probably a thousand bucks sitting in my den at home in my library but the one that I care I carry it everywhere I go and I read it all the time just thinking Grow Rich I never stopped reading it where's the value for you to reread that rebound I mean you must you must know it well enough that I think I could probably recite it verbatim but the secret is I once read in the book where it said when you read a good book through mm-hm the second time you don't see something in it that you didn't see before you see something in yourself that wasn't there before you see when I read this I created a greater awareness rule number seven don't worry when others think of you you know many years ago I read a book by Terry Cole Whitaker it was a classic what you think of me is none of my business think of the amount of time that is wasted on negative energy wondering what other people think of you what they think of you really doesn't make any difference it's what you think of you that makes a difference so as you go through the day don't worry about what other people think of you just say I'm all right I'm God's highest form of creation rule number eight crash through the terror barrier see this line that's called the terror barrier yeah and on the other side of the terror barrier is something we call freedom and you know very few people get through that terror barrier that's rather sad freedom is available to everyone there isn't anyone that could not live the way they want to live saying why don't they why don't they they don't know and they don't even know they don't know now I'm going to show you why people experience buyer's remorse when they buy something really want and then they back away where they going to move and they don't they go to change jobs they don't they go to move to another city and they don't lie fear causes them to stay where they are there's the individual the X represents the unknown factor the paradigm now there's a power flowing into this individuals mind and they can make anything out of it they want remember we said we had the ability to choose what do they choose they choose thoughts that are in harmony with the paradigm now here's an important point the paradigm controls the vibration of this thing we call our body our body is a molecular instrument that's really what it is it's a mass of molecules and a very high speed of vibration the vibration that the body's in on a conscious level we call feeling when a person says they feel this way or they feel that way what they're really doing is describing the vibration they're in now they choose thoughts that harmonize with the vibration they're in so they feel comfortable they may not like the results but they're comfortable now let's move ahead let's take a look here those people are getting X tape results and they don't like it do you know what the problem with them they're in bondage these people are locked up you know paradigm is like keeping a person in a prison only there's no locks on the door they can open the prisoner walk out into freedom anytime they want and they don't they keep getting the same results over over and over again they're in bondage now let's go ahead here's the same person X type conditioning X Tech vibration the power is flowing into them and for some strange reason from left field bone in comes a Y type idea what is the Y type idea the Y type idea represents anything that you might want to do that you're not doing it might be moved to another city changed jobs sell a house buy the farm whatever it may be ask the little girl for the date ask the guy to go to lunch go make the sale buy what you want go where you want to go that's the Y idea but as long as the Y idea is just in the conscious mind it's just going to be an intellectual exercise it's never going to happen so how do we make it happen well that's when everything goes haywire here we are here same person okay the power flows in now what do they do they got the Y type idea now for some strange reasons they know that they've got to get emotionally involved if they're going to act on that idea they don't understand what's going to happen but clearly understand this your central nervous system is the most complex electrical system in the universe the central nervous system is mind boggling yet would make the electrical system in a supercomputer look like a toy now the second you take the idea from your intellect and impress it upon the subject of mind that's when all hell breaks loose because the body moves in to an extra X Y vibration it's not in the X vibration not the one that we're comfortable with me now like the results but we're comfortable know on a conscious level everything's going crazy on a conscious level we experience dote the dope turns into an emotion called fear and that fear is expressed through the body as anxiety see that person is getting emotionally involved to move ahead do you know what happens they hit that terror barrier and they bounce off it and right back into bond and they're so relieved to get back there they're back where they're comfortable they've cancelled the sale they've decided not to move they're going to stay in the job that they don't like at least they're comfortable now that's not a very good way to live and you know something that's something everybody experiences if they're going to grow you're gonna hit that terror barrier see the terror barrier is going beyond where you're at going to a new level I'm going to tell you something when I set a goal yep if if it doesn't scare and excite me at the same time I know I'm going in the wrong direction now I also understand that my paradigm is going to try and get me to bounce back to where I was it doesn't want me to move ahead I don't want to live there I lived there for the first 26 years of my life and for the last 50 I've had a phenomenal life and it just keeps getting better and I want you to do the same thing understand what I've just said I'm gonna back this up there you're emotionally involved in the why idea that moved their body into a different vibration on a conscious level they're experiencing some crazy stuff they start to doubt their ability we'll never be able to pay for it they experience fear the fear expresses itself as anxiety and dying you bounce off that terror barrier and you're right back oh I might not be earning much here but I know what it is I I would love to move there but I'm comfortable here I think I'll just stay here these people are acting like they have a contract don't live forever and they don't you know what to do say I'm gonna get rid of all that I understand it's there but I don't want any part of it and I'm gonna go crashing right through that terror barrier now does that get rid of the X energy no that's energy is still there you see I don't least your over into freedom you made the move you did it and if you continue to feed the right information into your mind keep feeding that Y idea keep getting emotionally involved in the Y idea you're there you're the road keep doing that you're gonna find that the paradigm is going to change and it'll just all go away and you know you're living in freedom you're living where you want to live buyer's remorse is when you cancel a sale buyer's remorse is when you stop just before you buy what you really want before you go for the thing that's gonna change your life and you know it it's not moving to the other city it's not starting the business of your dreams it's not stepping out and betting on yourself that's a terror barrier that's causing that and if you don't learn to go through the terror barrier I'm gonna tell you something you're gonna stay right where you are for the rest of your days that's not a good place to be what did Joseph Campbell say so true they cave you fear denter holds the treasure you seek rule number nine develop your imagination many years ago I read where Napoleon Hill pointed out that the imagination is the most marvelous miraculous in a conceivably powerful force that the world has ever known and Janome the average individual uses the imagination if they use it at all against themselves they imagine what they don't want they imagine problems going let's begin to use our imagination the way God intended to be used it's the greatest creative faculty that we possess and we can dump anything we want want you to wander around your home or possibly your office and take a look at all of the conveniences that you have there that you didn't have a Satan two years five years ten years ago 25 years ago do you know that every one of them without exception was first created in the mind of one individual with their imagination you know you can use your imagination to go into the future and bring it into the present that's what all highly successful people do they see where they want to go and then they act like the person they want to become it was William James from Harvard's advice he says is the actors technique act like the person you want to become how do you do that will you use your imagination of course to see it's a strange phenomena but the greatest gift we've got is used very well up to the ages of four or possibly five the little child we always wonder what's going on in their mind they're using their imagination their building wonderful pictures and their mind but then they get to school and WHAM like that it comes to an abrupt halt it's called not paying attention daydreaming well what they were really doing was exercising a phenomenal mental faculty you see we can see hear smell taste touch therefore our physical benefit as long as we're living in a physical body and corresponding with the material world we will use our sensory factors but you know I have a couple of little dogs at home they can hear see smell taste and touch we've got higher faculties you have perception the will memory intuition reason and imagination these marvelous tools we can take our imagination and build an image in our mind of how we want to live block out what's going now don't let your present results have anything to do with this just what you want and it's with your imagination that you will build everything that we have the camera that I'm speaking to right now was first created in the mind of one individual think of how our worlds changed you see we were gifted with these higher faculties we're God's highest form of creation we were created in God's image we were given creative faculties to use and you know they're only used by two or three percent of the population it's almost inconceivable that would people would wander around with so much power and potential and squadron see the average person literally tiptoes through life who think they make it safely to death it's such a shame and it doesn't have to be that way Sequoyah giant corporations and little weed creative departments the primary reason for that is the average individual really does not believe that there everyone's created and no one is more creative than another it's just that some have chosen to use their creative faculties to a greater degree than others [Music] imagination your imagination what do you want how do you really want to live build the picture in your mind there's a power that is flowing to and through you a creative unadulterated power it can be photographed leaving your body way back in the 37 curly in the russian photographer perfected apartment photography we can actually photograph a person's body and you will see the energy glowing from them well that energy flows into your mind and it's the images you build in your mind that's going to dictate the vibration that this instrument you're living in is in and the vibration on the conscious level is called feeling make certain that you exercise your imagination daily build beautiful images in your mind of how you want to live and then hold those pictures there and live that way the imagination the greatest nation in the world the imagination you've got one it's a marvelous creative tool it deals with the invisible side of your personality you see no one will ever really see you they'll only see your body and they'll see you the great work that you do make certain that your work is great work and if you keep your imagination alive you're gonna have a phenomenal life you know life can get better every day and it will get better every day through the proper use of your imagination what a wonderful rule number ten changed the paradigm do you know that the law of attraction is always working it's like the law of gravity if I let this go it's gonna go down it's never gonna go back up it's gonna go down that is law of gravity anything heavier than Earth is attracted towards the center of the world well the law of attractions always working now how does it work well I use a diagram to explain the mind now let this circle represent your mind and let this little circle here represent your body now I want you to think of this for a moment your body is a molecular structure this is a mass of energy and a very high speed of vibration if you looked at your body through a microscope you'd see that energy dancing right before your eyes here's something that will keep you thinking for the next twenty years when you move out of it the body does not stop moving if you go to a funeral parlor and pick up the remains and look at it you will see it moving and if it wasn't moving how would it ever change the dust you move into your body and you will move up and it's how you use your mind that's gonna dictate the vibration you're in now stay with me you have an imaginary line right across here and that separates the conscious mind from the subconscious mind now the subconscious mind has been programmed when you were a little baby this is the way it was or just like this subconscious mind wide open and everything that was going on around it went right in there and all the energy that went in there when you were just a little baby form something called a paradigm now a paradigm is information it's a multitude of habits you are the product of your environment but prior to that you are the product of a genetic strain that goes back for generations now I'm going to say that the paradigm is x-type energy now you've got the ability here on a conscious level to think and you can think anything you want to think and as you think you build ideas there's a power that's flowing into your consciousness it never stops it flows to and through you you can actually photograph this power leaving you it flows to and through you now as it flows in you will start thinking and you'll probably think X type thoughts therefore you're going to be in an X type vibration and that will produce X type results now it's the results you want to change and to change the results you're gonna have to change what you attract to see the thoughts that you think control the vibration that you're in vibration is nothing but an idea it's a law of the universe everything vibrates nothing rest we live in an ocean of motion and it's the thoughts that you're thinking that you impress upon your subconscious mind that control the vibration the bodies in and that dictates how you act but it also dictates what you attract you attract energy that's in harmony with you you attract people that are in harmony with you you see everything operates on frequencies there's an infinite number of frequencies but you and I operate on the frequency just like a radio station does and the only music you can attract is the music that is tuned into the vibration you're in now it's the paradigm that has been controlling the vibration you can change your thinking but that doesn't do anything you got to change the paradigm and if you don't change the paradigm nothing happens now talking about paradigms is another subject we'll do that at another time but it's the thoughts that you think that control the vibration you're in and that dictates what you attract so if you keep attracting what you don't want understand this it's the paradigm that's causing the problem you can think a Y type thought which is totally different than the X type conditioning it isn't going to go anywhere because when you go to get them involved and this is the emotional mind when you go to get emotionally involved with that white tape done the paradigm will kick it out you know why it's so uncomfortable that's stepping out of the box that's doing things different and we don't like to do things different because it causes a lot of discomfort but understand this the paradigm and the thinking control the vibration you're in then the vibration is going to dictate what you attract people that are in a poverty consciousness will continue to attract black and limitation it has nothing to do with this what's going on here this is you're educated mind and you could gather all kinds of information have you ever wondered why some people have such an educated mind they have degrees coming right off the end of their business card but it doesn't show up in their results why paradigm the law of attraction you've got to change this you've got to change the vibration you're in and your whole world changes listen in 1961 a man gave me this book and he said do exactly what I tell you he was giving me why type ideas it caused an enormous amount of discomfort but I did exactly what he said and you know something my income went from a four thousand one hundred and seventy five thousand in a year and then I took it over a million it took me nine and a half years to figure out what happened this is what I'm showing you watch this over and over and over again there's a number of lessons in here and another lesson I'm going to show you how to change the paradigm when you change the paradigm the change in results is automatic you know what you start to attract something there something different and what we want to do is program in positive information and eliminate the negative I'm going to show you how to do a lot of attraction you attract according to the vibration you're in this thing we live in is a molecular structure your body is a massive energy you know if you put your body in front of an infrared television camera in a completely dark room your whole being would be nothing but a glistening radiating gleaming form feeling is conscious awareness of the vibration we're in when we don't feel good we're in a negative vibration I want to feel good move into a positive vibration stop and think of what you're grateful for but understand this you will never attract to you wealth happiness health until you get the paradigm and get you on that frequency it's about Proctor and thank you rule number 11 change yourself see people don't resist change people resist being changed hey yes we've got to change yourself we've got to build a new image a picture in our mind we've got to see yourself the way we want to be and then we have to live with it that's you go to the gym workout that's what you do you build a picture of how you want to see this arm disarm and you build that picture and then you build the body while you build the life in your mind take your pen and write out how you want to live and always start by writing I'm so happy and grateful now that and the second you write it you've got it intellectually the moment you impress it upon your emotional mind you've got it emotionally and it's only a period of time till it manifests on the physical plane yeah spirit works from a higher to a lower potential rule number 12 expand your awareness let that little yellow dot on the screen represent your level of awareness this represents your level of awareness this is what you're aware of now everything you've got in your life everything your relationships your money everything is an expression of your own level of awareness see people that are in fifty thousand a year or not earning fifty because they want 50 people are earning fifty because they're not aware of how to earn 150 people that are suffering from headaches they're not suffering headaches because they want to suffer from headaches they're suffering from headaches because they're not aware of how to eliminate the headache it's their head they made it eight they can make it stop so you see it's awareness where after now think of this if that little dot represents our awareness and it's responsible for everything we've got in life just think of how your life could change if we magnify it just a little bit I mean everything would start to change our relationships would change we would be healthier we would live in healthier bodies we would know more people we'd earn more money we'd be able to do more interesting things and if we just increased it a little bit more everything starts to shift well I've been living this way now for 40 years it absolutely fascinating I celebrated my 70th birthday last week I got more energy than most people 20 I have absolutely no intentions of slowing down people said say you should slow down that's a bunch of crap we should speed up we've got more power yeah do you know the the most erudite scientists alive can't even guess what you and I are capable of doing no one knows what we're capable of all the powers on the present that's within you within me slow down we're just starting to warm up what we want to do is calm down you can go out warp speed and stay very healthy if you stay relaxed and that's really the secret you know just imagine we expand our awareness a little more do you know what this program is doing for you today it's expanding your awareness that's what the program is all about every time you come every time you come to one of these programs your awareness is widened your world starts to change you think oh yeah that's pretty interesting and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger our awareness keeps changing do you know that no one knows how much money you're capable of earning there's no one can even guess at what you're capable of earning we want to become aware we're like we are because we're not aware of how to do it better we know how to do it better every person in this room intellectually knows how to do a better job than they're doing everyone in the room knows how to earn more than they're earning but they're not doing it you see having the knowledge is not the deal having the knowledge I mean when I remember when I was a kid schoolteachers say to me Bob why'd you do that I'd say I don't know well what do you mean you don't know you know better I know why did you do I don't know I was in the Navy every commanding officer Proctor why did you do that I don't know sir what do you mean you don't know you know better I know why'd you do it I don't know you see I didn't know why I was doing things do you know that we do things that we don't want to do it gives us results we don't want to get yet we do them anyway you know what addiction is it's never getting enough of what you don't want again a lot of people are addicted to results that they don't want why do we keep doing it you see I think when we start to see that that's when we start to become aware of how to take control over our life and that's really what we want to do so do you see awareness is the big deal we want to become aware of the obvious opportunities that are available to us we are surrounded by opportunity there everywhere you go there is an abundance there's no shortage of opportunity we can win and we can win in a big way now when we lack awareness we miss the opportunity I used to always say that you know the trick is to be in the right place at the right time I've been in the right place at the right time many times in my life but I blew it you know why I wasn't aware that I was in the right place of the right I had to look back at it think of it there's something else it's being aware that you're in the right place at the right times not good enough you've got to be aware that you're in the right place at the right time rule number 13 replace that bad habit with a good habit habits good habits will give you results that stick bad habits will destroy everything I have some bad habits that's right all my habits are not great so if you've got some bad habits don't feel bad so does your next-door neighbor so does your mentor your coach so does your mother and father if they're alive so does everyone and the trick of life is to replace a bad habit with a good habit I used to hang around bars all the time and one day I went in and I picked up a glass and I looked around and I thought they're all bums in here and then it dawned on me I'm always here I learned something I put the glass down I said I'm never coming back here again and I'm never gonna drink this and I never did it was a long time ago but you know what I did I went from spending all my money in the bar to a racetrack and I started to bet it all on horses so I went from making somebody with a bar get wealthy and then I started to feed the horses and one day I woke up and I learned something if you don't consciously and deliberately replace a bad habit with a good habit you will automatically create another bad habit now what is a habit a habit is an idea that has been planted in the garden of your subconscious mind and then repetitively fed for a sufficient period of time that you act on it without giving any thought to it I'll give you I want you to right now mentally imagine you're pulling on your underwear in the morning what what do you put in first I put my right foot in if I tried to put my left foot in my underwear first I'd stagger and I'd fall over let me say what's this got to do with it it's got everything to do with it why do I put my right foot you may put your left certainly a lot of people do well when I was just a little gapper didn't have a clue of how to put underwear on my mother or my grandmother and my father or somebody came along and they had the underwear ad put your foot in here you're rather what did they do they had the underwear prepared as if they were gonna put it on and so pretty soon I was doing it like they were doing it they through repetition planted the idea in my hand in my mind well now think of this you don't just form habits of how to get dressed you form habits to do everything that you do and some of them are not that productive any idea that you keep dwelling on and impressing upon your subconscious mind becomes fixed in the subconscious mind a habit is nothing but an idea that's fixed in the subconscious mind that you act on without giving any conscious thought many years ago I went in to train the Prudential Insurance Company of America their agents I ended up training all of their agents and I only got them to do two things this is in the early 70s I got them to form the habit of being in front of a prospect before 9:00 a.m. and asked everybody they talked to to purchase $100,000 worth of insurance I said you don't have to sell them just give them the opportunity to say no you know the sales in that company went up by hundreds of millions of dollars i de rewire a retired VP tell me he thought it was a billion just change in two habits what habit you want to change I'm forever checking out habits I've got I'm in the habit right now of changing my diet and you know something I've been doing it for going on three weeks it's getting easier but it's still not that easy I'd still like to reach over and eat some of that when nobody's luck it doesn't work doesn't work I'm looking what habit are you gonna form and you shouldn't drive for more than two it once it'll become too big and too heavy and you won't form any make up your mind you're gonna do it every day every day every day until you don't have to think about it and then you'll automatically do it I guarantee you this idea will change your life think about it all day because that is definitely an idea that will give you results that will stick rule number fourteen surround your mind with greatness right now I'm standing in the middle of my library this is my favorite place to know Earl and you'll see it if you surround your mind with greatness some of us gonna rub off well hopefully some of it has rubbed off on me I have maybe three or four thousand books here on the shelf they're all in alphabetical order by author they're all catalogued so I know where to find something just like that I go by authors more than the title of the book do you know that when I started studying these books I really didn't know very much about anything I had two months high school I was 26 years old a bad work record a bad attitude and and virtually no experience and you know in a relatively short period of time my income went from four thousand one hundred and seventy five thousand a year then we're over a million rule number 15 be honest with yourself I'm going to share some information with you that it could change the direction of your life like night and day and when I say that I want you to really stop and take a look at your life take an honest look at your life I was thinking just before I start to make this we have actually been conditioned to kid with ourselves to lie to ourselves to not really take an honest look at the results we're getting I want you to take a real honest look at your results and when you look at them ask yourself am i living the way I really want to live you see most people aren't one of the first questions I ask a person that comes to work with me I want to know what's the most they've ever earned in a year now I really don't care what the answer is but I want to know what the answer is because you see if if a person says the most I've ever earned in years $50,000 I know where their mind is programmed if they tell me the most they've ever earned is two hundred and fifty thousand dollars I know where they're programmed and then I want to find out what they want and I know then what has to shift because their mind is programmed and if they're really going to live the way they want to live they they've got to change the program and if they don't change the program then nothing really happens rule number 16 get into the success zone I want to suggest that you make up your mind you're going to get in what we call the success zone yes it's a way of thinking now get this yeah 95 96 percent of the population are blowing it yep one percent of the population are earning about 95 percent of all the money you're not going to get a whole lot of people agree with what you're doing most people are going to look at you're kind of strange what are you going there for you weren't there last month what are you listening to that for you listen to that before what are you reading it what do you read the same book over and over for they don't understand and you see they're advertising their ignorance by the questions they ask when we get into the success zone everything in our life starts to change but understand this you're going to be a bit of a nod you're out of the box you're not one of the masses and then you get out of the box your whole world starts to shift rule number 17 be a leader there's a box and there's a leader leader get people excited about improving the quality of whatever it is themselves their work whatever they're doing people follow leaders because they want to people don't follow our leaders because they have to that becomes a form of dictatorship yeah and that never works the great leaders people want to follow and leaders inspired leaders pull the very bust out of you leader know how to look inside and bring the best of you to the service cause you to look at the higher side of your own personality what the world always is looking for its leader like it it's silly - who's gonna lead the leaders gonna lead and the leader just automatically emerges if they threw 50 of us into a committee and say you don't elect a leader you may elect one but the leaders gonna leading it probably isn't the one that's elected yeah yeah so true knows oh they know how to get the best out of people rule number 18 know where you're going I want to talk to you about where you're going and what you want to do with your life you see most people never go after what they want because they don't know every step they have to take to get there I want you to think of a person going up the side of a wall of ice now the only rule for reaching a goal that you have to know is knowing where you're going and knowing that you're going to get there you do not have to know how you're going to get there now pay attention to this for a moment imagine the climber has all his equipment he's got his crampons he's got his climbing rope his hardware his ice access how does he get to the top he's standing on the ground and he's looking at maybe a hundred foot vertical wall of ice he looks up and he has absolutely no idea the path that he's going to take he just sees himself at the top he reaches up and he puts one pick in and then another pick then he raises one foot and then the other now he's not standing on the ground any longer he's suspended on the wall on a vertical wall of ice that goes up for a hundred feet he adapts to the changes that is taking place in his environment and then and only then does he see the next step and he moves this then this pic then this foot then this foot now that's how he gets to the top a step at a time and that's how you're going to get to your goal you just have to know the first step to take and when you take that step you're going to find that your conditions your circumstance and environment will change then you see how you have to make the next step it's a matter of adapting all the time you only have to know two things you have to know where you're going and you have to know that you're going to get there you've got to see it in your mind now this is the beautiful scenario this is what it's all about save that in your mind and think of it often think every time you think of your goal and you're trying to figure out how you're gonna do it think of that vertical wall of ice what's the next step that's all you really have to know one step at a time and you'll get to wherever you're going that's how Hillary got to the top of Mount Everest rule number 19 be open-minded in Napoleon Hills walk thank you grow rich he said now right here we come to a rather strange fact we tend to minimize the things we can do the Gulf's we can accomplish and for some equally strange reason we think other people can accomplish things that we cannot any points out that there's a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive them said no one's ready for a thing until they believe that they can acquire it the state of mind must be belief and not mere hope or wish now it was like the consciousness ease and open-mindedness is essential to belief closed minds will not inspire faith courage orderly rule number 20 be willing to do what is required a German engineer by the name of Karl Benz at a fantasy and he literally turned his fantasy into a fact and in January 1886 Karl Benz was issued a patent for the Benz motor carriage and the age of the automobile had done this is a replica of that magnificent machine and you know before Benz ever turned his fantasy into a theory even long certainly long before he turned it into a fact he had asked him self a couple of questions that you and I and every other dreamer will have to go through he had to ask himself am i able to do this well he seemed to have that innate awareness of this higher self this image of perfection within him and he saw himself as a person that was actually able to take and turn the fantasy into effect now he must have been a pretty courageous guy because there were no horseless carriages in those days but then he had to ask himself am I willing and you see he had asked himself am I willing to accept the ridicule that I'm bound to get am I willing to accept the failures well he said yes I am willing he was willing to pay the ultimate price to turn his fantasy into a fact and ridicule he got his own partner thought he had gone mad and he had to find himself a more congenial colleague to work with he would take this thing out in the evening he'd take it out at night so no one would see him he escapes some of the ridicule and time after time he couldn't get it going he had to push it back but it never dawned on him that he would not ultimately realize his dream when this magnificent machine completed its first long journey with bends of the wheel every beat of the engine found an answering echo in the heart of the driver as every turn of the wheels brought him closer to his goal to the realization of what once was a fantasy now in order for you to turn your fantasies into a fact you have to go through exactly the same process as Karl Benz and if you do go through the same process you'll meet with exactly the same success regardless of the opposition you might come up against you have to ask am I able to turn this fantasy of mine into a fact can I actually realize it can I turn my dreams into reality now you're either going to say yes I'm able to or no I'm not if you realize you are able if you have an understanding of this potential this power within you then you have to ask yourself are you willing and there's a long series of tests there you don't even know what you're going to come up again one thing is for certain you'll come up against ridicule you may have to move you may have to do all kinds of things that you don't even think about you have to be willing to do whatever is required if you really want to turn your fantasy into a fact the second you say yes I am willing at that instant you've created your theory rule number 21 act on your ideas hello there and welcome do you know almost everyone has a great idea and they're going to execute the great idea I have all kinds of people come to me I've got a great idea I'd like to share with you what they do is they want me to execute their idea why don't they execute their idea when you get a real good idea you should act on it people have ideas as starting a business I've started a number of different businesses question is where to start you start where you are and you start with what you've got that's all you need when you start where you are and with what you've got and you bring your mind to focus on that idea you will attract everything to you that you need you are taught see key first is Kingdom in its righteousness and all these things will be given to us see when you learn to focus on something you get on a frequency and when you're in that frequency you start to attract whatever you want you may not have any money you may not have the resources that you need to execute to build it into something big that doesn't matter all the resources that you need to do anything you want to do is already here but you've got to get in touch with them you've got to get in harmony with them and boom you'll rush them into your life you'll attract the money the people the thoughts the things everything you need you'll attract to you so where do you start you always start where you are and you start with what you've got don't be looking at what you don't have think of what you do have fall in love with your idea and get it rolling rule number 22 believe you tell yourself a lie often enough you're gonna start to believe it and way around 1900 William James said believe and your belief will create the fact it's got to be believed you've got to believe it and if there's no belief it ain't gonna happen see when you believe it you're encased in the idea you fuse with the idea and that makes all kinds of things happen when you believe it there's no quitting you never quit it doesn't matter what happens you don't quit quitting is never an option I the people that quit they never really bought into the idea in the first place see you've got it you you get it on three levels the second you think of something you've got it intellectually when you get emotionally involved you've got it on a spiritual or emotional level well then that expresses itself through the body but it's just an instrument of your mind and so when you're really buying into it you literally fuse with it Neville said you fuse with it and this causes all kinds of things to happen you're dealing with electronics you're dealing with energy like the second you think something that's all you need see you live on frequencies you think on frequencies your phone operates on frequencies and it's like magic and you're you're in Romania is right I'm in Toronto yes if I've got your number on my phone I could take a picture something hit it like that you've got it in Romania simultaneous with me sending it because when you get into the mind there isn't any time or space it's just immediate yeah well the you're living on frequencies now when you think of something what you've done is you flipped your brain onto a higher frequency the very fact you can see it is all the proof you need to know you could get it what you have to do is raise your level of consciousness to that frequency and then you will attract whatever is on that frequency all the good you need to manifest the idea rule number 23 overcome fear overcoming fear is one of the greatest moves a person can make first of all we have to ask yourself what causes fear fears caused by ignorance not knowing and if we're gonna go and do anything new if we're gonna break out of a paradigm if we're gonna change habit patterns we're wandering into an area we've never been and you know fear stops most people you'll find people afraid to talk to a stranger you'll find individuals afraid to stand up and ask the question in front of other people you'll find salespeople afraid to make a sales call afraid to ask for the order stop and think of how confining that is a person is putting themself into a small cell but it's in their own mind the doors aren't locked they can open and you can walk away to free them if you learn to overcome fear when you face fear it leaves you face the thing you fear and it'll leave you that's really the secret of it in fact if you hold yourself back because of fear your life actually comes to a stop because nothing gets better than it is you've got to be courageous now Crete just people aren't without fear courageous people are the ones that face their fear I think Eddie Rickenbacker pointed that out the great pilot don't let fear stop you make up your mind you're gonna step out and do it stop and think of the number of people that are in jobs that they don't like and they're afraid to leave or people in relationships that are destructive and they're afraid to leave this is a terrible way to live and it's not necessary it's just caused by ignorance and when we step out and do something we gain in their awareness we develop an understanding and like that the fear is gone make up your mind that fear it's not going to stop you from doing the thing you really want to do step out and do it today rule number 24 visualize and when I was 26 I had a man that sat down with me and he said why don't you change the way you're living it never entered my mind that I could and looking back and thinking about it I think there's all kinds of people wandering the planet there's all kinds of athletes they're not getting the results they want and they don't know they can change them but only one person can say there's only one person in the whole universe that can change Bob and that's Bob yeah there's only one person can change Dave in that state now we get inspired by other people we get help from other people but we've got to do it ourself and he gave me thinking for rich and he said if you do exactly what I tell you you can have anything you want well I didn't believe that but he was so adamant about I believed he believed and so I started to listen to him and I set a goal I wanted some money I wanted 25,000 hours you know this was in 1961 so it was more money than it is today but I didn't even know anyone with $25,000 he said listen write it on a card keep reading the book keep doing what I tell you so I started to hear people talking about earning money and there was one guy said there's good money cleaning floors you should usually clean floors well I wasn't proud I'd clean floors and he said but you should do it for yourself not for somebody else so he told me where I could buy a use for him in some buckets and mops but I had to borrow a thousand dollars well I was at the farmer nobody wanted to touch it with money and I often say I wouldn't have lend it to me right because I wouldn't pay it back not that I didn't want to I just couldn't but I found a guy he lent me $2,000 when you borrow I have questions I know you when you borrow that that thousand because you owed people money already you explained that to people you know you were just finding yourself but did you have a different feeling about when you borrowed this thousand that quite possibly you were actually gonna be able to pay this back this time you know something if I hadn't had that feeling I wouldn't have got the money I got it from a guy I knew his name al Kuiper he was running and I didn't know him he had a trust company it was like a bank on Danforth Avenue in Toronto and I went in I read a book where it says go to one bank of him with giving Gordon another one well I ended up sitting in his office and he said what do you want this money for son and I told him I was gonna build a cleaning company it was gonna be big I had a dream and I had to explain it alter he said I think you'll do it I'm gonna lend you the money faith but I knew when I was doing this I had a picture I had a dream you see yep and within a year I was earning a hundred and seventy five thousand dollars a year i had my building up to $15,000 a month working for myself less than five years we were working in Toronto Montreal Boston Cleveland Atlanta and London England I had my own company off opening offices all over the place rule number 25 know what you want why most people don't get what they want out of life is it well they don't know what they want that's right you see I got this and then I got a row Nightingale's condensed narration of this on the long playing record and I'd listened that record over and over and over again one day I was in the business the only cleaning business I had salespeople and I had them listen to this record every morning we listen to this record and one day I said you know I'd love to meet him and I didn't know who or a light yo was he was a voice on a record that was it I didn't even know where he lived and a young guy that worked with me he said no you wouldn't he's if you wanted to meet him you'd go and meet him I thought damn he's right so I phoned and I got an appointment with him now at the time he was the most listened to man in the history of the broadcasting industry he was a radio broadcaster and not an easy guy to get to but I got to meet with him for an hour I flew to Chicago I spent an hour with them and when I was leaving I said Earl what's the big deal you know I mean what's it all about he says there's no big deal he said it's it's very simple he says simply decide what you love to do and then dedicate your life to it he's the problem with most people they don't know what they love to do they never take the time to sit and ask themselves what they're doing is trying to I think I can get her and good money here I could do it good you know it's Rickon the earn some money it's not what they love to do well I was sitting there you know I had offices all over the place I had a lot of people I was earning a lot of money and I I got excited because I knew exactly what I want to do I'm gonna do what he was doing and I made up my mind sitting in his office and be somewhere around 1965 then I was gonna go back and I was gonna work with him and in 1968 I moved to Chicago I left my own company I moved to Chicago when they started to work with him rule number 26 be more patient here patience is a virtue I suppose it probably is but I think patience real patience is an expression of deep understanding to see everything happens when it's supposed to happen everything in this universe happens by law we set targets and we need things to happen we need something to come or someone to do something and frequently we get frustrated because it isn't happening when we think it should happen our problem is we're not thinking we believe we're in charge we are not in charge we are in charge of building the idea and holding the idea every else happens automatic it happens by law all ideas have a gestation or an incubation period I'm told when we plant a carrot in the area of the world that I live it takes approximately seven days for that carrot to grow and manifest in form when the seed for the babies planted it takes approximately 280 days and we're usually patient we will wait the 280 days why because we know it's going to take approximately 280 days well just because we don't know how long it's going to take doesn't mean that it isn't operating by the same laws everything operates by law so if we cane and understanding that all the ideas in our mind will ultimately move into form that's what Andrew Carnegie taught Napoleon Hill Carnegie was Hill's mentor he said any idea that's held in the mind that's emphasized that's either feared or revered but begin it wants to close itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available you might want to listen to that two or three times burn it into your mind gain an understanding of it and you will know that whatever you're working on takes a period of time no one knows what the gestation period is for an idea we only know we can shorten it through concentration through focus and when you understand that they'll become more patient and when you're more patient and living in a much more beautiful vibration you'll be a more pleasant person to be around you will enjoy yourself patients it's the result of understanding rule number 27 tap into your genius if you really analyze your beliefs you'll change them I had a friend one time I I was trying to figure out where do beliefs come from how do you because all religion and all science will tell you you got to believe it William James from Harvard 1900 he said believe in your belief will create the fact so belief is an interesting word you got to believe it [Music] I was having lunch with a mentor one time and he said our belief system is based upon our evaluation of something frequently if we reevaluate a situation our belief about that situation will change it was like bells were going off my head because I was trying to understand belief how do you change your belief well he told me yes through revaluation and so I started to evaluate myself and reevaluate what I was doing it took me nine and a half years but I figured out why I changed and it was the repetition of information thank you you're in sports you know it's repetition yep repetition repetition well but practice doesn't make you perfect perfect practice makes you perfect there's a big difference great point and so I found that the part of our mind that controls our behavior is not the part of our mind that gathers information school deals with the part of your mind that gathers information and so we gather all kinds of information and if we can remember it they give us a test we pass the test we get that degree and we're educated that's not education at all that is gathering information education as he'll pointed out comes from the Latin adieu co-main is reduced to developer to drug from within we have genius in us we have absolute perfection in us and what we have to do is learn how to tap into that to let it out but we have a part of our mind that controls our behavior and that's where a paradigm is and the paradigm literally controls our behavior I don't care what you're doing if you not altering the paradigm you're not going to improve your results there's so much about ourselves we never learn the part of our mind that controls us is our intellect our subconscious where the paradigm is but we're trained to live through our senses we're trained to go by what we see hear smell taste touch and we've got to understand that we've got this genius within us and if we will consciously gain an awareness and understanding of how to alter the paradigm that's controlling our behavior when we learn that we can start to improve life just like that and there's no end to what we're capable of doing we're conditioned genetically all mums DNA and all dad's DNA becomes our DNA there's two particles of energy come together that's the moment of conception 280 days later we make our debut on the planet them were programmed by our environment because our subconscious mind which is totally deductive it has no ability to reject the subconscious mind is amoral it's like the earth it doesn't care what you plant but it'll return what your planned role meant Gail used a beautiful example in the strangest secret he said you can plant nightshade a deadly poison not 1/16 of an inch away you can plant corn and sweet food one will grow with just as great an abundance as the other and that's the way your subjective mind works you put the wrong idea in it will grow put the right idea and it will grow we have the ability to change what's in there we did not program it it was programmed through genetic history where the confluence of a genetic pool occurs back for generations that's at birth and then environmentally and we have the ability to alter all that rule number 28 get good mentors see any success I've had I've had because I've got great mentors and I'm a good student now until I was 26 I was a terrible student when I picked up this book I become a great student I've got thousands of bucks I have an office at home in my home it's got a couple of thousand books in it and I built a studio and I've got a couple of thousand bucks in the studio I love reading but the success that I've enjoyed is because of the mentors or the coaches I've had I would do exactly what they tell me and if I coach somebody today and they don't do exactly what I tell them I don't coach them anymore just like that it's all over it's not ready well they're not there it's not that only that they're not ready but if I'm gonna coach somebody and they're not doing what I tell them I'm wasting my time and and theirs too now if they want to waste their time that's their prerogative I'm not gonna waste my rule number 29 practice forgiveness you know forgiving is one of the most freeing concept anybody can ever get involved with most people look at forgiveness as helping the other person somebody hurts you somebody does you're wrong but you're gonna forgive them you're gonna be kind to them it is nothing to do with the other person it has to do with yourself that's really what it has to do see forgiveness is a cleansing concept it's clearing the mind of all negativity clearing the mind of anything that might go wrong it's a very freeing concept if you were to do some harm to me and I forgive you you haven't got anything to do with it it's I'm letting go of something that was bothering me that's negative and I don't want to hold on to that forgiving freeze the one that's doing the forgiving it's a phenomenal concept forgive me to let go of completely abandoned let it go don't hold on to it Joe somebody does you're wrong you have to ask themself ask yourself wonder why they would do that there's something bothering them they're not really trying to hurt you it's something that's bothering that let it go just forgive it forgive the idea and I guarantee you you'll feel a lot better rule number 30 developed confidence and one of the greatest hang-ups that people have is the belief in themselves they they suffer from something called self-doubt many years ago I read something it was by um Ralph Waldo Emerson it was this essay on self-reliance that's what we want to do we want to rely on self and in that he said there would come a time in every person's education when they realized that envy is ignorance and imitation is suicide so many people look at someone that's doing very well possibly in the same field they're in and envy them do you know what that's saying that's saying I don't know that I have the same mental faculties you've got I'm drawing on the same potential that you're drawing on there is only one mind I don't know that so I'm gonna envy you thinking you can do something I'm not able to do the truth is if you can do it I can do it envy is ignorance it's not knowing that and he said imitation is suicide do you know that nothing in this universe would move in the precise order it moves in your absence that's true everything in the universe is essential you take any part away from anything it's not complete and everything in the universe moves in a very precise way so do you see we shouldn't even want to be like anybody else because we are unique we are truly unique there's something like about us then you'll never find in another person were unique and we've got the godlike ability to think now what is self-doubt self-doubt is the opposite of self-confidence confidence comes from understanding like I would imagine you're confident you can drive your car in fact you're so confident that you'll be talking to somebody on the phone you'll get in the car you'll start the car you'll Drive and your right maybe four or five blocks not even be unaware of what you've done it's all done automatic your concentration is on the conversation you're on now when you first got in a car you couldn't do that the car was probably jumping all over the place and you thought you'd never learned how to drive it but you learned how to drive it now you're quite confident you're confident that you can get dressed when you get up in the morning when you're a little boy or a little girl you couldn't do that you had to be taught to do it well you know self confidence comes like all confidence it comes with knowledge and the more you study you the more you understand who you are the more confident you'll become in your ability to do whatever it is you're doing and you'll know that if you like confidence in an area it's because you liked information in that area never doubt yourself and when you do understand that the cause of that doubt is not lying within you it's in wrong thinking it's you not understanding who you are study yourself self study will develop self confidence and self confidence eliminates self doubt rule number 31 move into action you know Don Shula they coach of the old my Miami Dolphins he said it's the start that stops most people and he's right it is to start the stops most people they're always gonna get ready to get set to get going what we've got to do is boom just like that move into action see if you don't get started you're never gonna get finished how do we do that start early I believe when you wake up you should get up the second you wake up get your feet hit the floor move into action and you know you'd be wise if you sit down at night before you go to bed and write down six goal achieving activities now that doesn't go to the store go to the bank or get to cleaning it's not that these are goal achieving activities write down six of them and when you wake up in the morning you move into action you know where you're gonna go you don't even have to think about it step in actually get on the first one when you get it done forget it and go to the second one don't think about the first one focus on - don't even think about three get to done go to three but not come off one at a time if you don't get them all done just move them over on to the next day and that doesn't mean if you only get three done that you have nine the next day there are three of the six that you're gonna do the next day six goal achieving activities and when you wake up in the morning move into action on them quit holding yourself back don't wait and say well I really don't know how I'm going to get started and the way will show itself it just appears I have found when you get started when you move into action everything starts to happen around you rule number 32 have a strong why I have worked all over the world I mean all over Asia China South America and North America Europe and I'm always asking people what do you really want and I have found most people don't want to be really wealthy what they do want is they don't want to have any financial concerns if they want to bind their suit they can go and get one if they want to take a trip they can take the trip if they want a new car they can get the new car they want to just run out and spend or buy they don't want to have any financial concerns to they want to wake up in the morning excited about how they're gonna spend their day and the third they want to mix with people who are upbeat and creatively productive these are the three things that people really want so in answer to your question if somebody's watching what's the first thing they should do well the first thing they should do is understand why we have goals not just to set a goal because most people don't set goals right they they're operating with a limited level of consciousness so they're thinking hmm if I could get a little more money and if I could get him to help me and her to help me and this happened then I could do this maybe this is get a new car but we kind of understand these we're treating our life for our goals literally trading our life would you trade your life for a car or a house I don't think so so it's got to be something really meaningful and we're not taught to think this way we should sit down and don't give any thought to where the money is gonna come from where the help is gonna come from it's what do you really want like Ed Hillary was a beekeeper in Auckland that's right he wanted to climb Mount Everest it had never been done great people died trying to do it he went in 51 and failed he went back in 52 and failed in 1953 he stood and talked to the mountain with Tenzing Norgay but he didn't know how to get there until after he had got there Edison didn't know how to illuminate the world until after he had done it the Wright brothers were bicycle mechanics in Dayton Ohio no one believed he could fly they'd been trying it for years but they saw it but they wanted to do it they didn't know how and they couldn't tell you until after they had done it now the first flight only lasted 12 seconds and the naysayers said yeah but they only were up there for 12 seconds they said we not only got up there we kept the damn thing up there for 12 seconds so when a person sets a goal they've got to say look what I want if I just let my mind roar off just wander use my imagination how do I really want to live that's what they should be doing rule number 33 start with a vision most people don't use their imagination constructively most people use their imagination destructively they imagine what they don't want we've got to consciously and deliberately imagine what we do want if we will take and sit down with a pen and ask yourself what do I really want what do I really want and write it down and then make a written description of it in the present tense writing causes thinking thinking creates an image and you get these images going you're building a vision in your mind it's the visionaries that's changed the world think of that the fact that I can sit and look into this camera and you can sit and look at me on your phone or on your TV or on your laptop that was the result of somebody's vision you know everything you've got the clothes you wear the house you live in this microphone that's in front of me it was all the result of somebody's vision it's not an accident you and I have a marvelous imagination and everything starts with a vision van Gogh is asked how he did such beautiful work he said first I dream my painting and then I paint my dream rule number 34 improve your self image you know dr. Maxwell Maltz wrote a book back around 1960 it was called self-image psychology psycho-cybernetics it's a phenomenal book he said it was the greatest discovery of his generation he was a cosmetic or reconstructive surgeon and he found he would do work on people he might have been a nose job or removed a terrible scar and he noticed that when he did that there was a phenomenal change in their personality but he noticed through the others he would make a phenomenal physical change and there was no change in their personality and that led him to postulate that we have two images we have the one that's coming back from the mirror but we've got an inner image and that inner self-image is literally controlling our life you will find people that have a very poor self-image or low self-esteem they won't look you straight in the eye they're afraid to shake hands with you they're very shy and withdrawn they goes through life hiding from life they don't like themselves they don't know themselves you know when a person improves their self-image they change their entire life their income change their relationship change their health changes and you know how you do that start studying you start to find out more about you there's something phenomenal about you you know when I began to study this material 57 years ago I am very poor self-image I had a low self-esteem I took dumb jobs I never earned any money I never had fun I had poor relationships and as I started to study start to study real solid information everything in my life started to improve I've got friends all over the world today I earn millions of dollars I'm in my 80s and I get as much energy as a person in their 30s you see when you start to understand really who you are you're God's highest form of creation there's things about you that just about blow your mind as you start to study and really understand them you'll walk a little taller just stands a little straighter and you know something you'll enjoy a whole lot more of life rule number 35 develop awareness I've got to wake up you see all we're ever going to get is awareness we've already got everything the only thing we like is the awareness of what we've got we're God's highest form of creation there's nothing on the planet that will equal us well that's all that's all any of us are after that's all the problems in the world come from maintenance that has a purpose of life overcome ignorance develop awareness the only way to overcome their ignorance is through knowledge and the only way to get the knowledge is to study most people they finish school cause the books they've got a dance over I've never done open another book as long as I live you're screwed it's all over rule number 36 make decisions you know Napoleon Hill and thinking Grow Rich wrote an entire chapter on decision most people never make decisions they have a difficult time with it why is that I think they have a difficult time because their parents made decisions for them until they were too old and they never learned how to make them do you know the one thing that I did with my kids I never made a decision for them they didn't like it they'd say come on don't do that to me and I said no what do you think you should do and I'd leave it at that decision-making is a phenomenal concept and you're gonna find out as he points out in here the successful people make decisions very fast and they change them very slow if and when they change them at all and he said the people that have difficulty in life make their decisions very slow and then change them fast enough to and you know decision-making is a funny thing you and I think on frequencies if we could see a bunch of lines and we're thinking on a frequency and we're on this frequency here and we're saying I'm going to do that when this changes this is never going to change until you get up on this frequency see the good that you're after is on a higher frequency than you're operating on a greater awareness and if you're down here and you're thinking here on this frequency and the good you want up here you got to get your mind up there how do you get up there make the decision be there and that's really what you have to do the second you make a decision you flip your brain on to a different frequency and you start to attract thanks to you that you couldn't you'd never get without making the decision rule number 37 get out of the box see someone woke me up that's all I want to do with someone else what the man said to me the first guy he said you can have whatever you want well you know they good thinking that you can get out of the box that's where you've been given an imagination to get out of the box it's with your imagination that you build images of what you want and if you can build the image you can do it you can hold it in your head you your hand when we understand that like I would imagine this goes out to a lot of athletes says that well they can they can have anything they want they gotta pay the price and when doubt comes in check it out you can't afford the dope rule number 38 grow yourself if I want to do something I find somebody that's already done it and then I do exactly what they tell me it's a simple rule to follow i I don't read novels I don't watch movies I'd watch documentaries or things like that where I can learn I'm only interested in studying something that can cause me to become more of what I'm capable of being yeah I think we're all hardwired to do something really special with their life and that's all I want to do I'm really good at what I do I could walk by a person in the hall like that I could tell them exactly what they're like I could read their energy like a book everything goes on the inside shows on the outside see we're gifted with with faculties of the mind that the average person knows nothing about your VIN tuition the will reason imagine a ssin perception memory that's what separates us from all the rest of forms of life we go through school never learn anything about it but you'll hear people say they have a bad memory there's no such thing as a bad memory everybody has a perfect memory it's just weak they've never developed it our imagination your imagination is the most magnificent piece he'll said it's the most marvelous miraculous inconceivably powerful force the world's ever known I can use my imagination to project myself into the future and bring the future into the present and start living there you work from the imagination you don't work to it you work from it backwards from the result yeah rule number 39 surround yourself with greatness you know the people you surround yourself with have been a phenomenal impact on your life I think it was Karl Menninger from the Medicare foundation one time said environment is more important than heredity the people were surrounded by have a greater bearing on our life and our success in life than what's built into the genes at Birth there's genetic conditioning there's environmental conditioning well this environmental conditioning goes on all the way through life you will find as you improve the quality of your life improve your thinking you even attract a different group of people into your life and they are going to add to your life see the people were surrounded by their thinking is going right into our mind we want to mix with people who are really making it happen take a look at your five people that you're with most often and ask yourself if I have children what I want them to grow up be like them if the answer's no you better start looking for some new friends if the answer is yes you're already in the right circle of people think about what I'm saying the people were surrounded with have a phenomenal impact on my life and help make us who we are rule number forty believes William James from Harvard said believe and your belief will create the fact all things are possible if you believe well you know I studied for a long time I started to study this book Think and Grow Rich and he talks about leaf in here he says you're not ready for what you want until you believe you can get it I found that the only two sources of reference we could go to to find out anything about herself is science and religion they all say you've got to believe so I get figuring out how do you how do you believe how do you change a belief interesting subject because I'm going to tell you something your results are nothing but the manifestation of your belief system well our belief system now listening carefully is based upon our evaluation of something and frequently when we reevaluate a situation our belief about that situation will change can you repeat that our belief system is based upon our evaluation of something frequently if we reevaluate a situation our belief about it will change I began reevaluating who I was I started to study I never stopped studying and I found as I really a 'td I had a much higher opinion of myself I found out things about me that I would have never believed if you had told me the power that's locked up within us the marvelous system we've got do you know the blood circulates through your veins every 33 seconds through hundreds of miles of passageway dying just like that colors all the food in and all the garbage out stephane I think of the central nervous system it's the most complex electrical system in the world and you've got it think of your brain an electronic switching station like that you can change the vibration of yourself and everything around you we have awesome powers and it's all based on what you believe about you rule number 41 trade your life for worthy goals you know the law of success is a pretty interesting concept there's been books written on it stories told on it lives have been spent looking for it let's understand that everything operates by law the whole universe operates by law the best definition of success I have ever heard was one that Earl Nightingale originated way back 1959 he said success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal let's break that down for a moment success is the progressive continually moving progressive realization constant awareness of a worthy ideal an ideal is an idea that you have fallen in love with and ideal is an idea that you're intellectually emotionally and physically involved with an ideal is an idea that you fall in love with success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal so you don't ask are you worthy of the dia are you worthy of the good is it worthy of you now now you're getting in to love success is it worthy of you to see what you're gonna do is trade your life you're trading your life for whatever it is you're going after so you want to make up your mind whatever your goal happens to be whatever you are pursuing make certain it's worthy of you because you're chained trading your life for it the law of success calls for you to continually moving toward a predetermined objective in life and bringing your life in harmony with the laws that govern the entire universe rule number 42 manage your activities think of this for a moment do you know that every living soul gets exactly the same amount of time exactly the same amount of time figure it out you get all there is a hobo sleeping under a bridge or on a park bench there is no material possessions none does nothing of any constructive nature that person gets exactly the same amount of time as the most productive industrialist in the world we all get exactly the same amount of time so it's what we do at the time that makes a difference I want you to think of the number of time management programs almost everyone under the Sun has time management programs in fact I made one one time spent a lot of money on it and then I found out it was a dumb waste of time and money do you know why time can't be managed I was having breakfast with Earl Nightingale one morning and it was downtown Chicago and I was going with him on his speaking engagement and it was early in the morning he said you want to meet for breakfast whenever all night you said you want to meet me I was there and I always had some well-prepared questions and I remember as to my syndrome how did you learn how to master time management yeah we're having breakfast I can still hear his fork hit the plate he's what the hell are you talking about he's I've never mastered time management nobody masters time management he said time can't be managed he's I merely manage activity and he took a little card out of his pocket and he said every night before I go to bed I write down six most important things I have to do tomorrow these are goal achieving activities and when I wake up that's when I start working on and if I don't get them all done I'll add them to tomorrow's list you should have about six now if I have three that I didn't get done today that doesn't mean I have nine for tomorrow like six plus these three those three become part of the six you have to do the next day when you wake up you give all your conscious attention to do those things so you cannot manage time but you can manage activity you can manage your activities make certain that what you're doing really makes a difference make certain that you're spending your time on activities that are productive that are taking you in the direction of your goal route number forty-three study yourself I met a man here in Toronto he was one that originally got me involved in study in this race to an furred and he told me if I didn't like the results I was getting in my life that I was going to have to change me because there were my results and he said if you're gonna change you you're gonna have to find out something about yourself and that seemed to make sense I don't think it was an earth-shattering idea it wouldn't give anybody a brain hernia but it may help us sense to me so I started to study myself I found most people don't know who they are they really don't what do you mean I mean I know my name I know my age I know where that's not you know if you ask the average person who they are they'll give you their name they'll say I'm Bob Proctor but I'm not Bob and Proctor two words my parents give them to me they're called names but it's not me it's my name then some people say well this is me but this is me neither it's my body like you never flown down here to the to the studio and say body won't be in today it's sick okay you know we don't say em hander em leg it's my hand my leg my body my name Who am I well that's an interesting question and I believe if a person will start to study that and look for the answer they'll find it see I think we live simultaneously on three planes of understanding we're spiritual creatures we have an intellect and we live in physical bodies okay but because we lack awareness or understanding of who we are were totally locked into a physical world and we let things outside of us control us 95% of the population are reacting to life they're not really living at all rule number 44 study your will when President John Kennedy asked the father of the space program the famous dr. Wernher von Braun what it would take to build a rocket that would carry a person to the moon and bring him back safely to earth he answered him in five words the will to do it the will to do it pretty light simple answer for such an enormous question but I'm going to tell you some the will to do it it had a lot of power in it what do we mean by that the will to do it well will is one of your higher faculties your perception reason memory imagination intuition and the will will is a mental faculty that gives you the ability to hold one idea on the screen of the mind to the exclusion of all outside distractions you know it would be you'd be hard-pressed to figure out how many things are trying to grab your attention at any given time but there's all kinds of things going on around that are begging your conscious attention you can block them all out and keep one idea on the screen of the mind with your will will is a mental faculty that gives you the ability to hold one ID on the screen of the mind to the exclusion of all outside distractions it's the will that gives you the ability to concentrate concentration is a powerful mental tool how do you develop your will I'll tell you take your pen or a little black marker and go opposite to your favorite chair there's a wall opposite your favorite chair put a little dot on the wall dude when nobody sees you doing it and nobody will ever notice the dots there every time you sit in that favorite chair focus on that dot bring all of your conscious attention to bear on the dot now when you look at your mind will wander that's okay don't feel bad does it wonder bring it back to the dot every time it wanders if you if you concentrate on the on that dot for a half a second you'll probably set a family record our mind is so busy you focus on the dot you'll find your mind wander don't feel bad bring it back to the dot you can get to the point where you can concentrate for quite a while and I'm telling you you concentrate for a while you're developing great powers or get a candle in a candle holder and put it somewhere around your favorite chair when you're alone light the candle and stare at the flame and stare at that flame until you mentally become one with the flame now again your mind is gonna wander don't feel bad about it bring it back to the flame just bring it back to the flame when you learn to concentrate on one thing you can concentrate on anything because that is how you develop your will rule number 45 surge up virginity's an interesting word and like most words it's misunderstood see the average person is looking at opportunity is something they're going to get so they're out looking to get something opportunity is what you're going to give see it's the person that's thinking of an idea how can I do more how can I provide more service for the people we provide service for do you know I spend almost all of my time thinking of how I can help you more than I'm helping you I'm here in my studio we spent a million dollars building this studio so that I can communicate more effectively with our clients opportunity is in giving it's not receiving it's not getting it's giving it's sharing it's putting something out there rule number 46 get real success success is a funny word nightingale had a great definition for it he said a person successful if they know where they are and they know where they're going and they're progressively moving in that direction he said that success was the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal anyone that has a goal and they're moving towards that they're successful most people think that you're successful if you have a lot of money quite often you have a lot of money if you're successful but it isn't I wouldn't say mother Teresa has a lot of money ok huh but she's a pretty successful lady rule number 47 use your imagination attracting what you actually want I think James Allen put it very well in his little book as a man thinketh he said you don't attract what you want you attract what you are now think about that if you want to attract what you want you've got to see yourself already with it you've got to understand that you've already got it first of all clearly understand this nothing is created or destroyed that means everything's already here if not in one state certainly in another where did the iPhone come from the iPhone came from a series of ideas that individuals entertained in their mind and they kept holding the idea until the stuff came to them that enabled them to build the phone the stuff had already been here nothing is created or destroyed all science all theology dates that if nothing's created or destroyed everything that is already here our problem is we've got to wait until we see it outside before we believe we've got it start dealing with the non-physical world with the invisible world with the world that you can't see through these little peepers that you've got here we call eyes start to see yourself mentally you've been given the faculties to do that use your imagination see yourself already in possession of the good you desire that will flip your mind on to a specific frequency and you do think on frequencies it's on that frequency that good you desire is going to start coming towards you and you will start moving toward it if you want to attract what you actually want you've got to see yourself now already with it and no it's only a period of time until you moving toward it and then moving toward you and you become one with it rule number 48 shift your paradigm stop and think of any large company I don't care anyone right you can go to the leaders of that company and you can say who are your stars I mean the ones that are really making it happen and they've all got a few say what are they doing that's so different why don't you find out what they're doing it teaches everybody they all well everybody couldn't do it why are they doing it you know something the stars don't know why they're stars and they'll say well they're smart some of them aren't very smart smarts got nothing to do with it they have shifted their paradigm they've knocked the wall down and they built an image and they followed the rules they just didn't know what they were doing I didn't know what I was doing I was there know for a million dollars here I had no idea what the hell I was doing I'd say I was cleaning offices that was almost incidental what I was doing I was reading this every day I was listening to the recordings every day I was reprogramming my subconscious mind whose number 49 control your happiness everybody wants to be happy but not everybody is happy you know I could take you back to the man that gave me this book Rey Stanford I was a very unhappy individual I was a sad soul believe me and I remember one day he said Proctor you're gonna have to change would you like to be happy well I used to think that was something that happened to some people but you weren't in control of it I really never knew that I could control my own happiness I did not know that and I'm gonna tell you something there's a whole lot of people do not know that otherwise you wouldn't find so many people who are pretty sad he's I'm going to tell you a secret Proctor and he said if you get it you can benefit from this till you're a very old man he said you are in control of your own happiness now I said I'm going to tell you why you're not happy there's a power or a thought energy flowing into your consciousness and you know what you do you bottle it all up inside all of your energies focused on you you are only thing you think about poor me I wish that some money I wished I wish to wish to wish but your thoughts are always about yourself if you find someone else to help if you can help someone and I'm gonna tell you there's a whole lot of people out there want help if you will focus on helping other people you're gonna be one happy cat no I don't think I got it right away but he knew probably I wasn't gonna get it right away and so every time I some he's who you've been helping my man and I don't know I wasn't helping anybody I was trying to figure out how to get some money how to help me I want you to think about this for a moment there's so many people need help chapter 14 and the science of getting rich is a powerful concept leave everyone with the impression of increase if you do that you're helping people happiness is always found and the person who is focusing on helping other people and rule number 50 the last one before a very special bonus clip is get unstuck what keeps people stuck month after month year after year that 97% halation or stuff you've got people graduating with all kinds of degrees and the results would indicate that they know very much at all most people don't understand what's going on inside there's something that's stopping them that's called a paradigm see when paradigms are in control nothing changes nothing and that's why most people they have the same results year after year people know how to do better than they're doing the problem is they don't know why they're not doing what they know how to do see it's the paradigm that produces the result and if we're going to change the result there's only one way to do it just one you can change the curve at a man's environment is a merciless year of him as a human being and the penises my amethyst and love improvement all he has to do is improve on this environment will improve reflect the changing man all know its power is a hundred percent evenly president all place at the same time your spiritual DNA is perfect so it's mine there's perfection within you gotta learn just draw it out now got a special bonus cap from Bob on how to change from the inside that I think you could enjoy but before that it's time for the three-point landing questions let's go from just watching the video to taking action here we go question number one where do you need to believe more in yourself number two what's the fear that you need to overcome and number three how can you visualize overcoming that fear and achieving success however once your desire has been firmly established it is the expectant attitude that ensures your goal or dream is not uprooted or replaced by any opposing idea to see when you understand how this power works and your conscious relationship to it you're not going to be knocked off track by circumstance because you are expecting the right thing to happen like Paul HUD C said he said I found the 1080 Kerr lot because I was looking for the 10 acre lot most people don't expect it they just think because they changed vocations they've changed towns they've changed spouses they've changed clothes they've changed cars that everything's going to happen uh-uh you don't change the kitchen by painting the outside of the house if you want your results to change permanently and dramatically you get a change of inside if you want to learn how to change the paradigm with Bob Procter check out their video right there next to me I think you'll enjoy it continue to believe and I'll see you there when you're going ahead the only thing you can measure you're giving up what about what's coming you know it's coming what you want
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 505,831
Rating: 4.8544211 out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, bob proctor top 10 rules for success, motivation, success, positive thinking, self improvement, personal development, bob proctor motivational, bob proctor paradigm shift, bob proctor motivation, bob proctor advice, bob proctor interview, bob proctor speech, proctor gallagher institute, entrepreneur advice, entrepreneur motivation, law of attraction expert shares his secrets to success, bob proctor top 50 rules for success, paradigm shift
Id: rWL0w9-oiqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 36sec (7056 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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