Use THIS Strategy to Become EXTREMELY WEALTHY! | Gary Vaynerchuk | Top 10 Rules

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need motivation watch a top 10 with the leave nation hey it's Evan Carmichael and this channel was created to help you overcome the number one challenge that is holding you back a lack of belief in yourself so get ready for some passionate rules for success from Gary Vaynerchuk to give you the motivation confidence and belief that you need ok let's kick it off with rule number 1 live your hobby most people don't do their hobbies as their profession but this is my hobby this is my passions what I love to do I love building businesses this is fun for you like I'd rather be doing this than playing for money I'd rather be doing this than skiing I'd rather be doing this with rock climbing yoga cooking watching Game of Thrones this is my hobby and like I keep telling everybody in the macro to live there their passion to happiness and I'm doing it yeah rule number two love working me my mom and my dad make a joke that we're working dogs my parents know how to relax our default is to work we like it it's our hobby I would like I like to work I'm sorry I don't want to go skiing I do not want to go on a yoga retreat I'm not interested in being on twitch for nine hours unless I'm psychoanalyzing the framework of 14 year old gamers rule number three give value for free I mean come on it's cool right now I'm sharpening knife I love this idea I'm gonna give you a tremendous piece of advice that to many people that are ideological and don't actually play in the game push against but I believe in it the most you should go sharpen knives for five restaurants for free for free okay yep like what like I spoke for free for the first thirteen of birth for it no I actually got paid for the first one good that's how it also for mmm 13 of the first 15 times I ever spoke I spoke for free including paying for my flights it's one thing to do free work it's another thing to do free work with heavy strategy when I do free work I try to think of two things how much exposure is it like Tyler will tell you sitting right here one of the only times I still do free work is if it's massive exposure there are 49,000 people in the audience among and still a lot of explosions you know like like it's live on you know it's during the soup I like it like I'll pay somebody to put me in a Superbowl commercial right like when they when I get exposure or and that's where I'm at now in the for you when you pick these five restaurants let it be the biggest restaurants in your thirty mile radius let it be the kindest let it be somebody who has the biggest Instagram following and maybe like whether you know you never want to give with expectation but it's it's okay to ask you're like hey I'd love to sharpen your knives for free and then like you get in there and the vibes are feeling good maybe like hey listen like I hope you enjoyed it like wouldn't mind to take a picture for my Instagram which then makes them say oh we'll put you on our Instagram like you can be thoughtful and do it the right way but nothing else if you do it for free for five people you've established that you do it word-of-mouth is a remarkably fascinating thing strategic free work is one of the great moves in our society rule number four recognize trends you were talking about sports cards and heavily to the economic guys why do you think that you're able to see those trends I don't know I don't know why certain things become obvious to me social media the Internet itself wrappers you know first of all I don't predict anything so like there's an article on Forbes calm right now that says sports cards up another 15% as an alternative investment what I'm good at is actually knowing something's gonna extend extend I think people see things that I see I think certain most but I think I'm very good at understanding if something's gonna be a fad for a month or a trend for three years that's what I'm good at also if you want to have more confidence checking my 254 series they're free the links to join are in the description below we are strong as we're really strong we're just being sold that we're not because there's a lot of money the reason people aren't patient is they value other people's opinions too much in a success world please understand that success is happiness not net dollars in remember 5 don't listen to others I don't think most people are actually judging themselves either I think they're taking the voices of others to allow themselves to be judged people like Gary I hear you but what if you're you know they're like I get it don't listen to others but what if your own voice the one in your own head is telling you you suck or do this and the other thing I'm like you've taken on the voice of someone else I really believe that and for some reason through self-esteem serendipity and many other things very I mean I consciously in third grade decided to not try in school not because I was the normal third grader definitely wasn't it was cuz I was like this has nothing to do with my life and I'm gonna start working on my actual scale and I'm willing to deal with the judgment of my teachers you know I'm not fun it is to grow up your whole life and have your all your friends parents think you're a loser because the only framework in society at that time is your school grades rule number six mark it properly if you're a national bank instead of spending fifty million dollars on television commercials and nobody sees I'd rather go give a big-time production company ten million dollars to be the sponsor of a new show on Netflix called ATM where the whole show transpires around ATMs and it is literally your comeback like actually not a made-up bank the Ed Sullivan Show was funded and created by the Lincoln Town Car Company people forget that history television started with brands funding it commercials came later I believe now that commercials are gonna be disappearing because we're watching screaming I do not put I do believe that Netflix and Hulu and Amazon will test commercials my intuition is if they're smart they're gonna do product integration and I think look let me give you another one I've always thought that a like a big car company with like the trucks should do a show called the tailgate or the whole show again is that a tailgate and it's your truck is the family's truck Toyota Ford and like that works was how you seen kids watch the Masters yesterday how mature the whole brand placement and lack of advertising becomes it's a it's just it's amazing what can be done or the new world we live in on Twitter the number one thing that people were talking about was Tiger chewing gum and so we have a gum client so I called him it's a Sunday now you got to move fast like hey dude did you you know like you know like like there's moat like that I don't if you guys saw it one of the awards show the Fiji water girl right the woman Leonard I think they call it you know like that like that's moral wit like guys nobody watches commercials nobody goes through the American Direct Mail carefully nobody's going to page 37 of a magazine looking at the ad carefully like the world has changed I'm sorry pharming used to be our number one industry things happen like Sears was number one Walter Cronkite was you know America's dad like things change I'm sorry things changed things have changed rule number seven be passionate sometimes when I talk to Caleb or anybody on my team like you know I the breakout personality in the business space in this last couple years while actively being a CEO and CEO of a massive company and when I talk to them like could you imagine if I was just Gary be like every morning I would do a morning show from like 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. just QA and would like take you think I'm penetrating all the channels now it'd be over I would do it every day it's my favorite thing to do it you know he would carry me you know like nice glass of tea just put him on call me boom boom boom boom boom boom clip clip clip distribute distribute every day look how pumped we get when we do one of the reasons I did four DS was for the what I just say because hiring is guessing firing is knowing like that thing's gonna kill on LinkedIn that's 2 million in the bank rule number 8 put out lots of content no I do not because I think the fragmentation of attention is different than 1984 Madonna could do too much exposure because there was only 37 places and if she kept doing it we would get bored in today's world there's so much as big as I am or as big as a shake I mean as big as like Drake is like most like it's so much fragmentation right like you took you back to hip hop you look at average fifteen-year-old kids what they like in hip hop like nobody knows who they are because they're all SoundCloud rappers right so like I think no I do not look the music business is predicated on a singular hit that changes the course of your career so why wouldn't you give yourself 365 chances a year for that singular hit right it I'm telling you this is ideology of the past not this is everything for me right now in society and definitely in business we have not yet as a collective completely understood what the internet is I'm not I'm just being very basic like we it's a young thing well but just like the macro brother like everything we do is predicated on a world that was predicated on print and television and radio but now the Internet's number one it is and so every rule goes the other way because distribution is not limited distribution was limited in the old world so everything was formed around that distribution in this world it's in perpetuity unlimited so becomes a game of best not first they'll never you know and so yeah I think you should put as much contest possible rule number nine be brave if you actually believe something in a meeting and it might be against the grain saying it in a respectful way matters because in three years when it becomes true the other seven people in that room will remember that and that may lead to the growth in your career that you're looking for people think they grow in their career by staying within the framework of their organization they're actually quietly subconsciously ruining their career if they don't agree with the point of view and I know for a fact because the best part of can for me hands down is to three o'clock in the morning when people have so much rose' in them they start talking truth I know for I know for a fact that there's a lot of people that have strategies or executions they don't personally believe in it's just a framework of where the margin is in their company or what they have to be held accountable to a bonus and that's a tough life in in some way in which this is only just work there's much bigger things going on but I will say being on the record in a room respectfully of what you actually believe brave is a very very good idea and honestly back to brave there's so much content there's so much going on in the world what I think this room believes that defines us brave is actually the only prayer to break through consumer attention to make something happen in your business and rule number ten the last one before a very special bonus clip is have fun I was like this story like that you say that you wore that your first WrestleMania like when you win how about this show God decide on your earth how about this somebody found it I I haven't seen it yet because I didn't have the software before now I've been seen yet huh yeah what I sent you the best part all right I come down with a sign that says I love the Jets on this side crazy literally it makes no sense Ivan need to hack WrestleManias and push Jets propaganda that's basically my 20 year plan every 20 years i hack wrestlemania with jets propaganda I want to be I'm probably gonna be in WrestleMania now I've got a special bonus gift from Gary on how to focus on improving yourself that I think you're gonna enjoy but before that is time for the three-point landing questions let's go from just watching the video to taking action here we go question number one where do you need to be more brave number two how are you gonna put out lots of content this week and number three who do you need to stop listening to I think we need to have more conversations around self-awareness and happiness degrees people insecure but you don't think people obviously I mean to point they're thinking about these things they go they have the Rose a3 am like oh you mean the iPods not even like nothing like marketing-wise like God like it's heavy for humans but though it's important right the good news is you don't have to you can control what you can control right of course that's it so I can speak in creative myself but that's what I live I do what I do and without content about my beliefs in it some people connect it then you move forward ya can't boil the ocean you know yeah I know it's kind of like shopping do it just focus on yours do and then you'll inspire others to do it Evan thank you so much for having a couple seconds and being able to tell the believe nation a little bit about empathy wines it means a lot to me that you would take this valuable real estate and and time on your channel to give me some love means a lot it's just good karma points and so you're just you're awesome thank you believe nation if you're into wine at all go to empathy wines calm my whole careers work was poured into producing a wine that rivaled forty to sixty dollar wine for twenty bucks a bottle I'm just super excited about this subscription-based wine business you can order three six or twelve bottles in subscription form Rose a white red if you could if you search on Instagram or Twitter you will be blown away people are literally like I don't even like Gary B but the wines good super proud of the effort thanks Evan for the time wishing you guys all happy and healthy if you want more Gary check out the top 50 rules video I made on to him the link is right there next to me I think you'll enjoy it continue to believe and I'll see you there I don't think there's anything wrong with chasing money I just think that it's usually the quickest way not to get it work ethic is controllable
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 135,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, gary vaynerchuk top 10 rules for success, gary vaynerchuk, gary vee, gary vaynerchuk motivation, gary vaynerchuk advice, success advice, motivation for success, gary vee interview, gary vee speech, best of gary vaynerchuk, famous entrepreneur, advice for entrepreneurs, how to make it as an entrepreneur, entrepreneur motivation, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur advice, the entrepreneur mindset how to get success in 2019
Id: JtooVPjDtAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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