The SECOND You WAKE UP, Start Doing THIS! | Bob Proctor | Top 10 Rules

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all things are possible if you believe who we kind of understand is we're treating our life for our goals literally trading our life I believe when you wake up you should get up the second you wake up get your feet hit the floor move into action need motivation like you can with believe nation what's that believe nation it's Evan I believe in you and this channel is designed to be a part of your daily success routine so let's get your motivation to attend and get you believing in you grab a snack and chew in today's lessons from a man who went from being absolutely broke and dropping out of school to reading Napoleon Hills Think and Grow Rich turning his life around and being a Law of Attraction expert he's Bob Proctor and here's my take on his top ten rules a success volume for all so if you want to know what Bob and other entrepreneurs have to say about building unstoppable confidence check out my to 54 confidence series where every day for the next 254 days I will send you a morning video for free to help you build your confidence the link to join is in the description below I was reminded this morning of a question I'm often asked how do you eliminate fear from your life okay let's kick it off with rule number one move into action you know Don Shula they coach of the old my Miami Dolphins he said it's the start that stops most people and he's right it is the start the stops most people they're always gonna get ready to get set to get going what we've got to do is boom just like that move into action see if you don't get started you're never gonna get finished how do we do that start early I believe when you wake up you should get up the second you wake up get your feet hit the floor move into action and you know you'd be wise if you sit down at night before you go to bed and write down six goal achieving activities now that doesn't go to the store go to the bank or get to cleaning it's not that these are goal achieving activities write down six of them and when you wake up in the morning you move into action you know where you're gonna go you don't even have to think about it step in actually get on the first one when you get it done forget it and go to the second one don't think about the first one focus on two don't even think about three when you get to then go to three but not come off one at a time if you don't get them all done just move them over on to the next day and that doesn't mean if you only get three done that you have nine the next day there are three of the six that you're gonna do the next day six goal achieving activities and when you wake up in the morning move into action on them quit holding yourself back don't wait and say well I really don't know how I'm going to get started and the way will show itself it just appears I have found when you get started when you move into action everything starts to happen around you rule number two have a strong why I have worked all over the world I mean all over Asia China South America and North America Europe and I'm always asking people what do you really want and I have found most people don't want to be really wealthy what they do want is they don't want to have any financial concern if they want to bind their suit they can go and get one if they want to take a trip they can take the trip if they want a new car they can get the new car they don't want to just run out and spend or buy they don't want to have any financial concerns - they want to wake up in the morning excited about how they're gonna spend their day and the third they want to mix with people who are upbeat and creatively productive these are the three things that people really want so in answer to your question if somebody's watching what's the first thing they should do well the first thing they should do is understand why we have goals not just to set a goal because most people don't set goals right they they're operating with a limited level of consciousness so they're thinking hmm if I could get a little more money and if I could get him to help me and her to help me and this happened then I could do this maybe this is get a new car but we kind of understand these we're treating our life for our goals literally trading our life would you trade your life for a car or a house I don't think so so it's got to be something really meaningful and we're not taught to think this way we should sit down and don't give any thought to where the money is gonna come from where the help is gonna come from it's what do you really want like ed Hillary was a beekeeper in Auckland that's right he wanted to climb Mount Everest it had never been done great people died trying to do it he went in 51 and failed he went back in 52 and failed in 1953 he stood on top of the mountain with Tenzing Norgay but he didn't know how to get there until after he had got there Edison didn't know how to illuminate the world until after he had done it the Wright brothers were bicycle mechanics in Dayton Ohio no one believed he could fly they'd been trying it for years but they saw it but they wanted to do it they didn't know how and they couldn't tell you until after they had done it now the first flight only lasted 12 seconds and the naysayers said yeah but they only were up there for 12 seconds they said we not only got up there we kept the damn thing up there for 12 seconds so when a person sets a goal they've got to say look what I want if I just let my mind roar off just wander use my imagination how do I really want to live that's what they should be doing rule number three start with a vision most people don't use their imagination constructively most people use their imagination destructively they imagine what they don't want we've got to consciously and deliberately imagine what we do want if we will take and sit down with a pen and ask ourselves what do I really want what do I really want and write it down and then make a written description of it in the present tense writing causes thinking thinking creates an image and you get these images going you're building a vision in your mind it's the visionaries that's changed the world think of that the fact that I can sit and look into this camera and you can sit and look at me on your phone or on your TV or on your laptop that was the result of somebody's vision do you know everything you've got the clothes you wear the house you live in this microphone that's in front of me it was all a result of somebody's vision it's not an accident you and I have a marvelous imagination and everything starts with a vision van Gogh is asked how he did such beautiful work he said first I dream my painting and then I paint my dream rule number four improve your self-image you know dr. Maxwell Maltz wrote a book back around 1960 it was called self-image psychology psycho-cybernetics it's a phenomenal book he said it was the greatest discovery of his generation he was a cosmetic or reconstructive surgeon and he found he would do work on people he might have been a nose job or removed a terrible scar and he noticed that when he did that there was a phenomenal change in their personality but he noticed through the others he would make a phenomenal physical change and there was no change in their personality and that led him to postulate that we have two images we have the one that's coming back from the mirror but we've got an inner image and that inner self-image is literally controlling our life you will find people that have a very poor self-image or low self-esteem they won't look you straight in the eye they're afraid to shake hands with you they're very shy and withdrawn they go through life hiding from life they don't like themselves they don't know themselves do you know when a person improves their self-image they change their entire life their income change their relationships change their health changes and you know how you do that start studying you start to find out more about you there's something phenomenal about you you know when I began to study this material 57 years ago I am very poor self-image I had low self-esteem I took dumb jobs I never earned any money I never had fun I had poor relationships and as I started to study started to study real solid information everything in my life started to improve I've got friends all over the world today I earn millions of dollars I'm in my 80s and I get as much energy as a person in their 30 you see when you start to understand really who you are you're God's highest form of creation there's things about you that just about blow your mind as you start to study and really understand them you'll walk a little taller you'll stand a little straighter and you know something you'll enjoy a whole lot more of life rule number five develop self-awareness I've got to wake up you see all we're ever gonna get is awareness we've already got everything the only thing we lack is the awareness of what we've got we're God's highest form of creation there's nothing on the planet that will equal us well that's all right that's all any of us are after that's all the problems in the world come from maintenance that has a purpose of life overcome ignorance develop awareness the only way to overcome ignorance is through knowledge and the only way to get the knowledge is to study most people they finish school cause the books that I have got a desk over I'm never going to open another book as long as I live it's screwed it's all over rule number six make decisions you know Napoleon Hill and thinking Grow Rich wrote an entire chapter on decision most people never make decisions they have a difficult time with it why is that I think they have a difficult time because their parents made decisions for them until they were too old and they never learned how to make them you know the one thing that I did with my kids I never made a decision for them they didn't like it they'd say come on don't do that to me I said no what do you think you should do and I'd leave it at that decision-making is a phenomenal concept and you're going to find out as he points out in here the successful people make decisions very fast and they change them very slow if and when they change them at all and he said the people that have difficulty in life make their decisions very slow and then change them fast and often and you know decision making is a funny thing you and I think on frequencies if we could see a bunch of lines and we're thinking on a frequency and we're on this frequency here and we're saying I'm going to do that when this changes this is never going to change until you get up on this frequency see the good that you're after is on a higher frequency than you're operating on a greater awareness and if you're down here and you're thinking here on this frequency and the good you want up here you've got to get your mind up there how do you get up there make the decision be there and that's really what you have to do the second you make a decision you flip your brain onto a different frequency and you start to attract things to you that you couldn't you'd never get without making the decision rule number seven get out of the box see someone woke me up that's all I want to do with someone else what the man said to me the first guy he said you can have whatever you want well you know there you're thinking that you can get out of the box that's where you've been given an imagination to get out of the box it's with your imagination that you build the images of what you want and if you can build the image you can do it you can hold it in your head you can hold it in your hand when we understand that like I would imagine this goes out to a lot of athletes as well they can they can have anything they want they got to pay the price and when don't comes in check it out you can't afford the doubt rule number eight grow yourself if I want to do something I find somebody that's already done it and then I do exactly what they tell me it's a simple rule to follow i I don't read novels I don't watch movies and I'd watch documentaries or things like that where I can learn I'm only interested in studying something that can cause me to become more of what I'm capable of being see I think we're all hardwired to do something really special with their life and that's all I want to do hmm I'm really good at what I do I could walk by a person in the hall like that I could tell them exactly what they're like I could read their energy like a book everything goes on the inside shows in the outside see we're gifted with with faculties of the mind that the average person knows nothing about you have intuition the will reason imagination perception memory that's what separates us from all the rest of forms of life we go through school never learn anything about it but you'll hear people say they have a bad memory there's no such thing as a bad memory everybody has a perfect memory it's just weak they've never developed it our imagination your imagination is the most magnificent piece he'll said it's the most marvelous miraculous inconceivably powerful force the world's ever known I can use my imagination to project myself into the future and bring the future into the present and start living there you work from the imagination you don't work to it you work from it backwards from the result yeah rule number 9 surround yourself with greatness you know the people you surround yourself with have had a phenomenal impact on your life I think it was Karl Menninger from the Medicare foundation one time said environment is more important than heredity the people were surrounded by have a greater bearing on our life and our success in life then what's built into the genes at Birth there's genetic conditioning there's environmental conditioning well this environmental conditioning goes on all the way through life you will find as you improve the quality of your life improve your thinking you're going to attract a different group of people into your life and they are going to add to your life see the people were surrounded by their thinking is going right into our mind we want to mix with people who are really making it happen take a look at your five people that you're with most often and ask yourself if I have children what I want them to grow up be like them if the answer is No you better start looking for some new friends if the answer is yes you're already in the right circle of people think about what I'm saying the people were surrounded with have a phenomenal impact on my life and helped make us who we are and rule number 10 the last one before a very special bonus clip is believed William James from Harvard said believe and your belief will create the fact all things are possible if you believe well you know I studied for a long time I started to study this book Think and Grow Rich and he talks about belief in here he says you're not ready for what you want until you believe you can get it I found that the only two sources of reference we could go to to find out anything about herself is science and religion they all say you've got to believe so I get figuring out how do you how do you believe how do you change a belief interesting subject because I'm going to tell you something your results are nothing but the manifestation of your belief system well our belief system now listening carefully is based upon our evaluation of something and frequently when we reevaluate a situation our belief about that situation will change and we repeat that our belief system is based upon our evaluation of something frequently if we reevaluate a situation our belief about it will change I began reevaluating who I was I started to study I never stopped studying and I found as I really waited I had a much higher opinion of myself I found out things about me that I would have never believed if you had told me the power that's locked up within us the marvelous system we've got do you know the blood circulates through your veins every 33 seconds through hundreds of miles of passageway dying just like that colors all the food in and all the garbage out stop and think of the central nervous system it's the most complex electrical system in the world and you've got it think of your brain an electronic switching station like that you can change the vibration of yourself and everything around we have awesome powers and so based on what you believe about you now I've got a really special bonus clip on how to change from the inside that I think you're gonna really enjoy but before that it's time for the three-point landing questions time to move from just watching another video to taking action in your life or your business and if you're feeling bold answer these questions in the comments below here we go question number one what do you need to believe more in number two how can you surround yourself with that more daily and number three how can you move into action audit immediately however once your desire has been firmly established it is the expectant attitude that ensures your goal or dream is not uprooted or replaced by any opposing idea to see when you understand how this power works and your conscious relationship to it you're not going to be knocked off track by circumstance because you are expecting the right thing to happen like Paul HUD C said he said I found the 1080 Kerr lot because I was looking for the 10 acre lot most people don't expect it they just think because they changed vocations they changed towns they've changed spouses they've changed clothes they've changed cars that everything's going to happen uh-uh you don't change the kitchen by painting the outside of the house if you want your results to change permanently and dramatically you've got to change them inside the most important work ever if you had to think of one word that's most important to you or that sums you Apple that would be like a little beacon [Music] if you want more Bob Proctor check out the how to change your paradigm video that I made on him the link is right there next to me I think you'll enjoy it continue to believe and I'll see you there when you're going to add the only thing you can measure is what you're giving up whatever watch coming you know what's coming what you want
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 982,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, bob proctor top 10 rules for success, 10 rules for success, motivation, success, positive thinking, self improvement, personal development, bob proctor motivational, bob proctor paradigm shift, get into the success zone, bob proctor motivation, bob proctor advice, bob proctor interview, bob proctor speech, proctor gallagher institute, entrepreneur advice, entrepreneur motivation, all things are possible if you believe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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