Bob Bunyan and the Nest of Bees | TigerBelly 95

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[Music] [Music] - what guess what Gilbert what Bobby alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright welcome welcome welcome alright alright welcome to the iran/iraq podcast yo man I'm good Bobby Lee in the house clap King that King and we got kalila we got Gilbert we got some George I appreciate you okay I appreciate you work ethic I appreciate your of your attitude and your commitment to the tiger belly cause and I I don't say things to you I don't say good things to you I'm always mean to you and I want to say I appreciate you thank you I knock knock who's there all right all right Canada again all right okay Azusa and Gilbert let me see something beer I appreciate you everything looks pretty fun knock knock I appreciate you Thanks right knock knock who's there jungle [ __ ] oh no all right oh I should have said that delete the jungle good part hot so good kalila I appreciate you oh and we'll just ya know knock knock no you don't know what ha ha ha I went to Seattle this weekend together and um I was looking at houses up there guys Oh because how was that I was something came out meat it was pretty meaty yeah how'd you know what did you eat today I could hear the meat because I got a roast beef for sure but we went up there and there's something about the weather that reminds me of Korea it's like dim and cold and brisk and sad and I love it and in a different life I think I it buy a house there and live that what about this line I can't why because I just have too much LA I mean there's too much here no like a vacation home yeah but let me get a regular home here first yeah I'll do a vacation home when I get afford a vacation home yeah I can't even afford a regular home right now but when we will we get that money to get a vacation home please I'll consider it you know it's really nice up there and we had a good time kalila I love the people out there to the tiger Billy fans out there came out and you guys are just so nice and dirty ethnics and I love it teri had dirty whites dirty whites came out and also regular white people I liked them too like all of them it was fun I lost my voice a little bit but um another thing when I was up there yes I don't you guys to make fun of me or judge me a ridiculing of anything or anything but I'm thinking about doing something to myself I'm getting operation cosmetic cosmetic get out of here you know what I want to do and I'm not even [ __ ] allowed he's not joking I'm not joking around tummy tuck what are you what are you implying this er slide I thought you what are you I'm fine my body fine I love it I love okay love your body I have no idea what you're saying right yeah I don't know what I said all right all right but guess what it is and you came without it Everest yeah beard implants oh yes both right well you know I'm good guess without you did you tell me didn't I am [ __ ] told on my life I didn't tell them [ __ ] why my guess is that yeah [ __ ] a beard implants she Dec he put the connection I need a beard yes has it affected your career no has not affected my career well thank you I know I wonder they're gonna make the movie of Paul Bunyan and I need will you love that I need to [ __ ] be able to audition at least I'm sorry Ronnie I need to be in the running to have you ever see me with an ax no and I'm I kill it in axe acting yeah yeah yeah you should see me with that I got to see with Ag now I'm good I can chop logs all day every day dude and um but no I really want to get it done it's seven to nine thousand dollars Jesus and then I usually research y'all yeah you're going to do it dealing it oh oh yeah yeah and I'm going to do it why just sit on the podcast people no but I'm going to do it so the people that has that hasn't listened to this podcast will go oh that's looks natural but he's going to want like patches on them so your Rogaine first you can put Rogaine on your face like that are you trying to piece for your eyelashes you can grow hair anywhere in your face little tease I don't know that the piece is like for your eye it used to be used for like glaucoma patients yeah - like relief like ocular pressure I think and then when people use it elsewhere around the eye random hair started to grow and that's how they discovered that oh [ __ ] you can also use it on your eyelashes and to extend them so how use it on your eyebrows - how come people don't use it on the eye because it's a different type of hair so you're either I don't want that kind of hair I don't want eyelash hair on my face I don't want a beer that looks like eyelashes they'll go get your man go go up they'll go up and then also I'll just walk into parties and I'll just be [ __ ] people will laugh at me and I don't want those I want a real beard where people go can Tommy looks like a man you do look like a man I need I need a beard what was the inspiration I don't know I just go I can't want you to thought again things I cannot do oh well sorry mom also many different things I cannot do um I can't swim you can swim barely though can't do a layup I can't do a layout for sure not layup definitely can't even shoot again ollie although you know Ollie like it all in the gear for me you know he can do what axe hahaha - [ __ ] the law from LA give you a log I want to pick that [ __ ] part but anyway arm so what they take the hairs on the back of your head right here the ones in the neck part yeah like they do the you know the head surgery part irregularly infuse them under your face and then they fall out and then they grow back in what would you really be okay for the rest of your life having to trim and worry about a beard and food getting there and would you set that before food as if I have a problem eating it once you just have food on your table got pieces are my [ __ ] my beer why do you have a [ __ ] pepperoni pizza in your beard oops oh one time I made out with a guy with like a really like six facial hair yeah and it smelled like old rice yeah because he doesn't have lips and that's why you grew his beard out he doesn't know how to chew or something but I already know how to use my mouth I know to hold it in I don't want to swallow on all that in here for teeth all right well you know what you have to bring up the insides of my mouth why don't you get your teeth fixed before you put a beard on you how about they're fine I've been begging him to go see the dentist no do you never been yeah I've been to the down ya [ __ ] bin there dude what's wrong I [ __ ] came you know when I said that my job was gonna be nice to everyone and I was going to like appreciate you right do that whole thing and then all of a sudden I just feel conflict bro you feel attacked I feel attacked a little bit man I just need a little support right now even before his dream [ __ ] I was getting get it done what are you gonna do it tomorrow let's do it tomorrow no no I need it I need a bite first of all the best guy to do it I don't know who that is I'm sure plenty in Beverly number two I'm gonna do it so that it's not full-blown like there's kind of blotchy why do you want blotchy because I don't want it to be completely perfect because people will know yeah they will know it yes but with Asians I've seen some online whether it's like their little bit here maybe a little bit up in the cheek mmmh yeah not not - yeah blotchy are you gonna regret having okay when you actually shave it you know you get the razor burn and then the bumps and then the acne man it's not as easy as you think it's it's a lot of maintenance [ __ ] acne acne I've struggled with acne now all my [ __ ] razor burns radon [ __ ] razor burn occurring right I bought a nest is once only put my face out I'm used to flaunt on my face okay I was with doing research for the Paul Bunyan movie that's on the 4th Bobby leave yeah hi but your [ __ ] beehives like this my point is this I'm definitely gonna get done I don't know when I think I'm gonna get it done if don't let people know so that it can just one day be like never oh yeah right yeah you know what you're right I'm never going to mention them again you shouldn't have mentioned it to begin where I should I [ __ ] up yeah but I think people will forget yeah and I think it when it gets done 10 years from now I think people will completely forget like what's his name and then they'll go ask me just I'm sorry for interrupting baby but ask me about my 10 years from now hey man I didn't notice you had a full beard yeah I you know I've been shaving all my life dude but you know I really started it yeah but Harry's razor okay would Harry the best raise are in a business I think we still sponsoring them yeah Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Harry phases the best racer in the whole world world Terry's razor boom-boom the best days are in the whole wide world everybody fathers is right around the corner yesterday and dads are almost impossible to shop for am I not right well right I have a great solution for you what is it Harry's razor by Harry's hooray the boom-boom Papa let's face it I'll tell you right now look at the package in it there's nothing cleaner in the world if your dad got this man he would love you forever yeah yeah yeah even though we probably will love forever ever for now love you more you love you even more I love you five times more than you previously did because there are five blades there are five blades on the sucker tell them more Gilbert it's just hello or gelbin plump uncle more boom boom boom boom bum bum bum bum BA bum bum bum bum pom pom pom pom Poko refocus your father pom pom pom ok sharp these are very sharp feel my leg oh my god or the shoppers in your world I remember you caught the sharpest leg it's our possibly go to hairy sack I realize up as we use it here when I get my beer implants my beard implants I'm going to use them all day every day guys get it man go to slash tiger belly right now to redeem a special offer for the fans of the show Harry will give you five dollars off on one of their save sets this is a limited time only so act now that's Harry's calm slash tiger belly to get five dollars off and help support the show yeah you've got to get here soon you'll grow a beard to make your beer janitor no but yeah I've been using every time I've been just shaving but now you're thinking I just decided I'm getting older oh no I saw you on this ABC pal you had no beard I understand that because I've been shaving on my life Gilbert oh yeah that's it and that you'll go all OH and then you'll walk around always questioning it it's bothering me yeah you'll bother you for the rest of your life but you'll never know I really want it I really do want it that's crazy what because you're you're very lucky that you can grow on your not appreciated of it yeah it hurts one of people yank on it I don't know I don't I don't have the great appreciation I got all the way I ranked on it yeah but you know what I only ain't got beards when people deserve it no that's true and you're bothering me and when people bother me I yank on [ __ ] okay because I'm the [ __ ] slap King bro and I want everyone to [ __ ] ain't no what [ __ ] appreciation posting I mean on I don't is so short but let me say something right now and you behold all right Who am I but what else am i yeah captain - yeah you can help thank you right yeah what else are my servant job earned body what's that now I got all that [ __ ] inside me bro Emperor Emperor yeah member voice oh wow there's a new [ __ ] emperor voice it's called [ __ ] sketches called improv it's called like adding information is called you know just thinking of [ __ ] and saying it skipjacks gifts yeah all over all right yeah yeah I just did that out of nowhere out of nowhere I write mark that yeah yeah yeah I just why I just did it yeah oh yeah yeah hmm yo what do you guys think about the whole Bill Maher getting called out by Ice Cube oh they I don't I don't you I mean listen he said it in a joking matter who Bill Maher did yeah Bill Maher did I can't in the context in the context of it he's obviously no racist and I feel like I don't think he said the are at the end it okay I'm not you're not even I'm not your house in word you hard are all hard are you and AH you know it's a hard are you can you say hey yeah hey Soph al listen listen listen okay I've been thinking about that I've also been thinking about what's her name the redhead I've been to her house with her name try that with the supper nut oh I'll be false and cut off and agree you know these are comedians okay and they're they push stand alone I think Kathy Griffin went far I don't know but was too far but she's a comedian and you have to take risks and that's my opinion on it president goes too far he's the last one to [ __ ] complain right I think once the president goes I think it's okay that as a celebrity you can grab a woman's [ __ ] yeah oh my god you know that all the things that he said that Kathy Griffin is now allowed yeah take a photo shoot like that and also I feel like Bill Maher if he said it all the time that'd be weird and I think that that would be like whoa you're saying it too much but he said it once in his whole career I think yeah well that's not really the issue like Ice Cube wasn't saying that Bill Maher Cerises that's not what he was implying it more like the the comfortability of saying the word so quickly you know it's a it was more like when you get too familiar he was saying like own you know just because you dated a few black woman now you get the hood pass you don't get the hood pass you know that word has been used against us for all these years it's our word oh so I don't say I thought I was everyone's like all the media outlets are hyping it out to be that Bill Maher just got like you know told but it was a really healthy discussion and Bill Maher just apologized and I I like listening to it my only thing about it is I know that Ice Cube is now a family man he's got a great image now but this is a this is a dude who has like through his entire career use misogynistic lyrics and is also called Koreans in his songs like penny-pinching [ __ ] or like he's always alluded to you know Koreans being a certain way right so my thing is everyone makes mistakes in their career and it's all kind of sort of like a learning experience and as long as there's always an open discussion about it then he also does kids Disney movies I know but app now he did I'm just saying right this dude right here defending the N word that's cool right but you're also a sellout why could be making money no I did find to make money yeah okay but it's like you don't no longer get like you're not a representative of the hood once you do what's up what give me some of his movies like are we there yet are we there yet right along right Omar now that's fine because I wouldn't leave some things that were like really suspect like oh you needed to make money there I can't really knock anyone's like yeah a weirdo NWA right yeah so my point is is that you know if you know who's a guy that's like still really storied and that's a lot no like somebody does slow them has maintained that I maintained to short be 40 °c for DMC maybe um DMX I don't know what you mean by I still Street urban bobbies we try to say it's urban vatos you know I may be relaying what Lil Wayne but little Wayne did in existence in 92 the way saying it song called lollipop so no even dr. Dre nobody you still like snoops not nobody is it's not it's just a [ __ ] word yeah yeah it's like me saying you're not allowed to see [ __ ] my people go ahead you're not good you're not Luke I don't like the way you say no white people are a lot of things alright that was a test good alan right i know why and you know a lot you're right my game is right ice cube is right bill maher should have said it yeah well no one says at the n-word when your wife don't see and let's try it again don't know all right go ahead say it again George okay let's say suppose I am a Korean mafia guy yeah I'm not your house [ __ ] say that right and you and I are into drug business together and you want to be you're trying to be like you trying to get in with me so say like in that so go ahead what's up George yo what's up oh that was not comfortable to and I was young he was doing you didn't even say a lot of cargo yeah do it again hi what file hey hi y'all what's up I think why people just can't talk is when I'm getting tired I just think you're so like the way you talk but you are from this country you say the word go so I'll just what's up George hey Bobby a [ __ ] no just ate in a way like first on no sentence structure with no sentence structure and I mean no cameras well I you are Bobby there's no there's no context I would use it but not that look look if I your last name by your name joke I mean it they give them a line Gilbert be like yeah what's up my good brother yeah there we go oh what's up my good friend oh okay a little better yeah way better like you know what you're right why people bill marginality then word can I know I say the G word and Ice Cube I don't even know what I was talking about you can sell out and your photo streets it's fine also George went to Knightley League school yeah yeah for I like not undergrad though sorry George about that was so uncomfortable so it that's another thing I've been doing guys is I've been I don't know why but I just discovered a new show on YouTube it's called um why you laughing why not like all this show in existence but I just I didn't know what what is it I didn't know what any of it was because I'm old and I don't know what it is okay cuz and I discover things on YouTube and I think it's new it's both these two shows America and British Got Talent get out of here I love it you just learned that ya know yells I know I know why you love you know what he also just learned what he did the other day he he's a babe I found this really like new hot song it's really really good I think you're really gonna like it and it's working Natalie Imbruglia sing it nothing's wrong I'm torn huh I've actually never heard that Network yeah I heard it Oh God see and that's why you were not gonna die together and that's one way that's one way to the oil I also did not a thing is right here that was legit what you just did and I know you've heard it before but you just wanted to lie to defend me like it tell us about America's economic conference rep humongous brother yo man yeah I'm a good brother and you what I would say to you yeah all right all right all right you know my mom says Matthew McConaughey yes listen to her one day just ask her like what I know macho McConaughey is a Native American I mean darling is really good in the Lincoln Lawyer that much' McConaughey yeah wait we didn't talk to you America's whoa you shared a ride with we did no because we talked about it at the restaurant but we had a we never talked to him on the car inside yeah oh so when I was in Cleveland celebrity playing I was sitting there what happened was on the way over to Cleveland I got like coach and I just felt like just listen hear me out I always fly coach I always do but for once I went you know what I got some things going on right remember when I did he remember I did why you laughing George remember I did the arm the oddball comedy tote or Texan and I showed up at the airport and because we were all supposed to buy our own ticket and Dane Cook Tom Segura Sebastian Maniscalco and Ali Wong they all had first-class tickets and I chose coach because my agents my managers can I say it no yes the great they're great but she's Jewish so she's out sweetie you're gonna do fine economically you know you need to save money so I when I did that I was like this is embarrassing because I had to walk past them yeah yeah when they were in first class so on the way back I got you know what I called our bi cook just give me a [ __ ] first-class ticket on the way home so she did it so I'm sitting there and Matthew McConaughey his wife and his two kids came onboard and exact directly at the back of me and I was I trying to Skerritt Matthew to see if he would look at me because maybe he but he didn't look at me it's fine but you know can I say something and I really mean this is not a joke for the first time I knew that this plane was going to make it to LAX why because I believe that when a pilot knows as an a-list superstore on the plane he tries harder Oh hammy for the tongue kiss landing yeah like he literally like landing good amazing like there was no bumps there's no turbulence yeah do the whole flight that was that was a VR simulator yeah he went like a different direction God also was like okay don't give a magic a literally you feel like he's drinking extra coffee yeah he feels dozing no no Matthew you know autopilot you know yeah he just has the whole thing the whole way and it felt like that so um I'm imagine being on a flight with like a president or any other ex-president or you know someone here being so here Barack Obama has never felt turbulence in his life nope you know what someone tweeted at you when you tweeted about McConaughey fitting what he said that if well if the plane crashes you'll only be a footnote in the news reports it's true because everyone could be like Matthew McConaughey and then like down all the way like on the fifth paragraph they're like also this Bobby Lee sweetie I'm just saying I know is it's why I know it's funny you know what they even look at money it's funny but you're probably right you're probably without devastating wouldn't you want to be like in a plane crash where you're like the first line what about the US commander what even be worse what if he is not on the flight and the car plane crashes and I'm not mentioned at all right because let me say something right now let me say something right now and it goes back to my Poway High School Hall of Fame all right okay and next back that they some people don't necessarily think that I deserve anything and if I died some people will be like I'll [ __ ] that guy like POW in high school did my high school they put all these [ __ ] guys on the [ __ ] Hall of Fame a teacher the branded it's a noble job I'm sure she saved a lot of lives but I'm the [ __ ] King you know and it's looking [ __ ] get no love it's all saying what's the nomination process down there I want to like get to get an in at Poway high school and like have them I don't know what a turban Bobby what I want nominate urban Bobby at some formal high school yeah but you know what all the high school and be like hey know if you go to Wikipedia if you go to wake up here and they say how high school alum I'm in the top thing oh yeah that's good enough no I would have been building you really want go to the building and have an hour ceremony for you I wouldn't show up oh I was like oh now someone has to sneak a framed photo of you in the building yeah I don't know but it does that let me say something if somebody does that which will be like you can get arrested but yeah you can but that would be me your gift would be this every night for a week we go to the steam room together and we have dinner you keep trying to bait people into the steam room with you and already people on Russell when I'm playing Argo can I be on the list to go to the steam room you will have been emailing us like crazy how do we yeah where everyone wants to go to steam with me [ __ ] no I don't doubt that I just number one if we want to go the steamer with me you can't be sexual about it because I'm we going to see my dick okay you're going to be attracted to it 100 percent 100 percent right yeah and you might say to yourself no I won't I'm not get you haven't seen it you haven't smelled it you haven't been around it and there's some extra zest about it and if you see it you'll see you can't see it right away not because it's small because you have to walk through you have to see to the aura yeah it's like a low it's like when you go to network like when you go to mascara where all the Amazons are like wow this is beautiful yeah the Bobby's bags right there yeah any woman dick right it's in yeah and also arm but so if I go to the steam room with you you can't be sexual about it yeah and you can't be like annoying like just don't annoy me don't have conversation unless you started no that's all right yeah there's a rule there's gotta be a row yeah only speak token - yeah if I ask you a direct question yeah this is it I'm scheming together okay yeah what if you look at my dick one time right you're fine two times you're out grace no three strikes no no I'll even show it to you I'll even go what see you're the guy yeah what's your name your name is Joe Joe and my name's Joe Joe yeah yeah my parents yeah okay yeah so you're George I'm going to the rule cool Hey Joe Joe and what's up Bobby so when we go in there you get one side at the Toki the dumb-dumb and I get to it see yeah you could just go get the dum-dum okay and then if I catch you glancing at it where you're out our - I get out your ledges I'm gonna leave you there okay number two you cannot talk to me unless I give you get a direct question from me okay that's number two number three don't lock eyes with it for too long exactly how many seconds is max you can lock eyes with me for about five seconds and then just will turn away okay and number four when you're speaking to them they cannot look at you right and then afterwards we get donuts because I don't know sharpening on helping on it and you have to buy me the donut milk I got those are the rules this sounds like a great sweepstakes oh yeah you can be you know what Gilbert you can [ __ ] make fun of it all you want the people I'm telling you right now people want to go I'm Jojo all that's sorry I'm sorry you didn't turn to play I apologize and um we also we also didn't talk about this we didn't talk about no whispering Noah spring we didn't talk about Wonder Woman maybe with papaya ah Wonder Woman was clunky ah it was a little clunky movie it didn't make any sense at some parts very good movie other than that also I saw the other night King Kong retweets go on when I go back to Wonder Woman but I have to if I'm gonna forget Oh Kiki so my god soaked Lila and I were no hotel room and look in the hotel King Kong's playing skål I call Island she goes I'm not gonna watch that I okay you said that that was accurate well no I said I know why you want to watch why did I want to watch it the CGI the native CGI's I mean why else do you think what I would want to watch that because that fan is an extra in it not an extranet he's in the movie he is three seconds it doesn't matter he's in the movie I'm not in the movie he goes put on Galactus yeah he does that he gets punched in the face and he's out and then he turns off the movie after that he's like that's not 1999 just to watch that in the hotel I saw that I've watched all his clips everything he's ever been in I have a [ __ ] scorpion you look at my iPad I have only one episode downloaded of scorpion one episode of Bones one episode of bone I have one episode of the Stars the last year oh and yeah so I have i watch all this time and I can tell you what he plays and all these things in bones he plays I rest in a restaurant manager making watch right yeah and he yells at the two guys coming in in scorpion he plays some sort of like construction worker supervisor I love how you know every Riya and I'm not in the last ship he plays some sort of like dignitary translator I think he is he's on the boat with this other Vietnamese girl he doesn't have any he didn't say any English and most of the things he has no English he gets Vietnamese parts and that's a really good talent to have he's got that locked in so yeah so we suck but anyway Wonder Woman arm was clunky because I just say this I'll tell you more problems with that number one you you're gonna have Germans that have them have accents please oh yeah none of them had accents and if they did they were like weird like hybrid English it didn't sound German there was an act I know what it was yeah exactly number two the American Indian doing the American Indian accent please thank you hold it back now you're gonna play an American Indian do the absence please thank you next time okay there was just some clunky story like I'm gonna leave you know why everything looks like kind of shaky in some parts but Wonder Woman is a very difficult person to put in a live action movie because if you've ever seen the TV show it's so like colorful her outfit and glitzy and it just looks very kind of cartoony and difficult to do but they pulled it off he really did they really did and they made her probably one of the most that the strongest superhero I've ever seen in any movie I mean she could probably not beat Superman because I don't know that would be a close fight but she definitely wouldn't be able to be Incredible Hulk but that's pretty much it I think kill Batman I think the shoot of Wolverine would kill that man kill them I think Wolverine would give her a five better than she would still win other than that she's I mean it's it's so wonderful and to have a woman be represented in that way man I really be honest with you I mean if I had a daughter I would watch that movie every [ __ ] day yeah a woman looks at and goes oh I can be strong I can do all that stuff I think that's very important that yeah in that scene where she crosses that line oh no man's land no man's land I was like damn I was pretty [ __ ] amazing and all the guys just following her yeah what are you gonna say I thought it was kind of wait man well I would but I don't want to lose a lot split a lot our sailors you're applying didn't like the movie man at all I like parts of it but it just I just lost it at the beginning I was like this is a not a real world at all come on it's it was a little too fake and like she's a god yeah well she the daughter as we go alert yeah wonder hug yeah she's walking across the no-man's land like she's risking their lives not her own that's just kind of rude of her like all these like great scenes are just like me and everybody following her here we are like their mere mere mortals they have to cross like behind her like follower and like they could actually get gay what do you if you're Wonder Woman you're in that situation what do you do not cross nice honkers not save the [ __ ] village ideologies or anything I go no I'm gonna go around to the note let's go to Poland you have a bigger glow hole here and the Lord not just to save one student really wants to save everyone she's a good person all right good and she fights but you can't do that for love what okay an alien she would have caused it to die because she she committed like she would against like smart protocol she committed the sin that in every alien movie causes everybody an alien to die yes I might what no she didn't look there should have been a protocol of like not saving like the rinky-dink little towns can't yeah but if that is the reason why area and they do their protocols and whatnot because it's usually under a military like regime right like you know in aliens if he's you know it's a corporation so they have all these laws and there's you know why don't know what the corporation was called but there's also a military there right this is one woman who is a [ __ ] god in a situation she's never been on earth before [ __ ] ever do some Amazonia wherever that [ __ ] place is right she's using the [ __ ] rules and she knows that people are dying so she's gonna just do that was it the right choice who [ __ ] knows but my point is is what's she gonna do go to [ __ ] Poland like I said so I go around and then by the time everyone's dead you [ __ ] nuts [ __ ] your nuts luck what else does you have a problem with the scene on the beach the opening the opening big action scene just all the women five you mean the most amazing part yeah basically you know the women can fight huh no it's just so but no I don't think people with bows and arrows could fight like people with guns it's like so they're kicking ass and then finally like one person dies like Joffrey is not dead George okay yeah we'll leave that I they rated the amazons to protect the earth realm yet also these aren't normal women or doesn't they watch dude okay we're Underwood Robin right well if you do people that are like ton of warriors on horses and they they know their [ __ ] and it's the first time they've ever seen a gun so what are they [ __ ] supposed to do dude it's [ __ ] Hippolyta I knew what you were my friend you're a classic sexist hmm laughter your essence classic sexist you are you are a trump supporter oh hell no y'all use libertarian [ __ ] from parenting from support I mean there's no there are gone that's not the dinner foundation you can't build a house on sand all right house of cards house you are not player one all right on a horrid every day I do still appreciate you but not as much okay all right all right all right I've a doubt I can't believe that you said that but show you what did you like about the movie it's okay yeah it's George oh my god if we want to date when you watch the movie now who you're with a friend Bryce no who was a friend you were with Kassem G who the [ __ ] was it my friend John your YouTube star friend now I'm gonna put one of those on me Oh YouTube alright alright baby George which the subject before he just really I'm gonna go crazy on this guy also just the third act though was a bit much I can't handle the CGI sometimes it looks too fake I thought you know it was like two hours and 20 minutes long I think that could have been just a few hours long yeah also you make a movie yeah I do all I can do I get it it's hard especially Wonder Woman it's a hard movie to make and but you know what it did it was very very good at what's making you feel some type of way at least for me as a woman watching it some of the romantic [ __ ] the romance stuff that was a little [ __ ] yeah you didn't care for the ending I'm a reacted to the I mean first of all crisp lines thought the Wonder Woman yeah he did right all right all right yeah and the next day did consider just went about their day yeah not about that but Crusaders I know there's a lot of Chris's you know there's a lot of Chris's little leading man the APRI spine you have Chris Pratt you have Chris Hemsworth Chris Evan Chris Evans a lot of good-looking white dude Chris with a key chris wachowsky right Chris D'Elia Chris D'Elia more here you go honey but I love all of them my new favorite is Chris Pine I'll tell you why because when he first did Star Trek I had no idea what the [ __ ] he was and I when I first saw the original Star Trek I left the theater going probably there's no other young actor that could have pulled it off like he did to play I'm Kirk James Dean he had you know a modern version but he still had that playfulness about him and then in this movie Wonder Woman he was very funny yep and I have to give him and guys like Ryan Reynolds that are good-looking white kids and Pratt too but who are funny they're genuinely funny and you know I had to give it up they're good-looking funny white dudes and that I mean they're just they're great yeah Chris Pine is great and I'd love to meet him one day come on the podcast yeah um he saw a Wonder Woman for the very first time and the close-up when she looks over at Chris Pines face and you could see like the light behind her and he was like he was mesmerized or she is I'm telling you right now man when it comes to white girls or Jewish Jewish life Israeli really got me teach him Israel this is yours I don't know okay welcome to her world stops oh okay whatever she's white off she is yeah she probably physically attend yeah she Ted she's a badass she served as like a what do you call it like a fight or a weapons coordinator and like the Israeli army or something like that oh yeah and I also didn't move she rides given up with the Joneses it's so funny I didn't move with her no matter and also I will never meet her am i why I wasn't invited to the [ __ ] premiere she's perfection that night I thought when I was doing the movie I'm thinking I did the premiere they never invited me they didn't invite me to the out front for my show I'm just a terrible terrible situations find you know what I got you guys what yeah we have off yeah we have yes and I'm also gonna have a birthday party guys it's a harem but we don't announce it I'm gonna tell people where it is oh but I I kind of want to know I I kind of want to do a contest for they get like ten people to come that would be fun people to come but I'm also going to have all the good people coming to hear your your leverage is the complement oh yeah get myself some men see yeah probably Shore together again we'll do a little contest about five people and by people we're going to do a contest yeah and one of the contests and one today right now is no one sent me dream water pot oh yeah it's been a while it's been a lot wait hold on we got to look up that person who actually sent the initial pack of dream water there been two people the more dream water powder you send me here we go the more chances you have he'll remember your name I'm going to my birthday party yeah and that I'm not trying to like manipulate the system right but I am okay and so that's that what else you're going to say something I know I think I interrupted you no I'm not I was going to switch the topic to something we can all discuss what it was his waddle like dirty dirty anuses why was more out of nowhere what happened here itís not happen mind you're infected no although I did read an article saying that America to no surprise I mean at least not a surprise to me Americans have by far the dirtiest anuses in the world nope yeah nope there's Asian countries no but yeah agen countries will wash okay so America has been the most okay so very squeamish about the idea of poop but we hold on we love toilet paper for some reason this is the only country that's very resistant to actually like mechanically washing with water the day or something yeah because we are I either squeamish about poop and I in other countries like a toilet if something is an object in the house that's upgradable in America we see it as like a distress by something that we don't enjoy buying it just has to be there mmm so yeah we had dirty booties yeah so in Ethiopia they have cleaner buttholes possibly because they probably use water we had to use the arm they don't move the [ __ ] around the toilet paper just movie the infested lake water the probably to clean the butthole pallets malaria probably malaria water you know what I really do believe you when you say that yeah I was going to argue with you but you're right in Europe they use the little squirts wherever they're the guys and um I have used wet net like my brother uses wet naps that's smart yeah but that clogs the toilet so doesn't matter we're not talking about the toilet we're talking about my brother's bug hole very clean problem I Brothers butthole is probably the cleanest in LA maybe because and there's a lot man I know but he uses a lot of wet naps he uses dry and wet Jesus died and he died yet you know he really you see the way I wash this clearly a late at night massacring about the night is dark there's like a [ __ ] bottle of water or not a glass of water like up by the toilet they spill it because up for her above all strictly for my butthole and if I go to a public restroom I'll always have like a cup with me even when I pee though I don't know why it's comforting that's why I go to the steam room but like once a week no I go every day night oh but you know I go everywhere let me know your butt hell right now not right now please camera how about this I smell yours you smell mine I don't want to get naked at you you're not about whether what does you see how that exchange is not all for anybody how about we have them smell our buttholes and I'm good man let's do that let's not do that why not I didn't sign up for the sweep smell kalila and Bobby's bottle you know I could do this yeah if I knew how the contest right I could prepare myself no come on you know you're working on her parent why we get a blanket I love this just even like take like a bacterial cool of my butthole you won't find anything in there was to just it's like a like a random drug test if you can't tell them it's a pop quiz let me smell your butt come on put it let me have a good I'll smell yours first and I you can gladly see my mind let me just know your body oh please please you are the weird one at this that you we have Bobby would say exchage [ __ ] but I did one way [ __ ] Street what is it butthole smell I know I am craving a smell of butt oh that's weird are you let me smell your blood baby I'll do it later what about that what do you do small we'll do it later no I want to smell when it's dirty I need to go to the spa and it's so funny how you guys have never been the smaller thing never are doing you know who won't go Eric Griffin why not every night ask them all right now right now man and I think I don't know why I always asking a very threatening way though like what good the spa would yeah cool go with me and it's like 3 o'clock in the morning that's double I've gone with Ian Edwards I've gone with Rick Glassman went one time Jay Davis a couple of times he burned I've got a lot of times with people have you converted other guys just going all the time now only Paulie only because Paulie it's a part of our culture he's from he's older and he gets what why he's just an old Jew now I'm not saying that in a negative way I'm just like and I'm an old Korean I think we're made up in that way we like diners and we like also old world souls yeah I like cigars I like all that [ __ ] you know I mean but um yeah I wouldn't know what to do without steam rooms I love them so much I think it's healthy I don't know what that what it does but I'm sure it's healthy let me talk about a restaurant in Japan that's hiring old people with dementia you heard of that does the restaurant in Japan another since it is a restaurant in Japan they hire all their waiters have dementia so you never you order food that you don't you don't know what you're actually going to get because they forget what you order so it's called so I swear it's called a restaurant of like wrong orders or something like that and it's a gimmick so it's like a surprise you actually get that's not it's not frustrating it's always that is how do we know they have dementia they could just be actors Japanese like that we're like I'm like okay I'm you know I can't get commercial auditions right and all of a sudden like you know I'm not booking [ __ ] this restaurant opens up looking for people with Diane showing up I'll get to park you know you know I'll do the eye thing you know a walk in circles I'll do whatever it takes but I don't trust gimmicks like that yeah the only reason that I find it to be really weird is that dementia isn't just forgetfulness it's very labile emotions it's very someone with dementia at least the some of the patients that I've seen in the past are you know they're very emotionally they can be very emotionally unstable they can laughs one minute cry another feel lost in the you know the minute after so to be functional in that way it's nice like it's a nice gimmick maybe but maybe they're not like progressed so far in their dementia but a restaurant in an insane asylum GWA and you make them like like in Silence of the Lambs right I can remember that guy that was next to what's-his-name Hannibal Lecter which they got a through the comm oh yeah yeah yeah that's a very odd that serves you that serves me let's keep Sunday yeah yeah he's in your figure and now that there is a gimmick to the gala other than that one we're also where your life could be in danger like real pay for the experience or the experience don't eat anything you know but that's a dumb thing it's like when they bit here in China they have that restaurant where they serve animal penis and that doesn't seem too off-brand my point though is is that all those little things you can have them I'm not going yeah no the purpose of this apparently was to hire you know people who you know were suffering from the disease essentially like look they can still be functional part as a society that was the point of it apparently unhelpful vice with bauru and kalila yum-yum kitties hi tiger belly so I'm about to turn 21 in July I've had a hard time focusing on my own life I work two part-time jobs and I'm going to summer school to get ahead in college but overall I feel a lack of satisfaction or even a little bit of happiness is it hormones or it's what it is what being twenties is like his name is Oh oh my those those were the worst times of my life the early 20s oh so depressed I don't know what I want to do with my life I worked really hard at these day jobs I really did I was slammed at these restaurants running around and like making no money and I just um couldn't get anybody to date me and I just felt futureless I was wondering lot of a meetings but you know and just things just got better as I got older you know so anybody that has a question like that I just wanted to say that regardless how you're feeling now as you get older it gets better because a lot of my depression was based upon basically you turn on the TV even back then we had MTV you know and you know these shows and clubs and people having a good time and fashion and all this stuff and I just felt like it wasn't for me I was just more about you know a kid that liked punk rock and I liked weird movies and I just didn't fit in you know and as I got older I just found more comfort into what I liked and then the world changed and so I wish I wasn't so bummed about you know some of the things that had happened to me at an early age and also that pain and suffering really help me motivate myself to just to do more did to take more risks and stuff but um yeah I I also shouldn't think you you should be comfortable and perfectly content money to to be able to say that at the age of 20 I like where I'm at I'm comfortable I'm ready I'm completely happy is a little bit concerning for me because you need there's so much growth to be had still and there's so much more to attain even just with your own like personal like character like with a lot of things internally so yeah you're supposed to feel a little bit like you're in muddy waters and you're unclear and I think that's totally okay at 20 I'm even in your 30 so get yourselves bill yeah I also feel like things haven't really changed much in terms of how I feel about life as I get older yeah I mean I'm 45 I look in the mirror I go I'm pretty fine like what does that mean am I supposed to be somewhere else am I supposed to own this be doing this because I look at other people my age especially kids from high school that I went to hide their Facebook I obsess I just look at the families and they're in their houses and then just you know it and they have like did family dinners I just feel like I couldn't do that that's it's not for me you know but I don't have those things either and I don't know if I made the right choices or not but it just it is what it is and um I feel really still excited about here's the thing is is that when you you know I could get a regular job nine-to-five have kids but what do you get excited about I need that I need that little thing of this could possibly happen what are you still excited about I get excited about like still working I really do I get excited about you know I'm working on a couple of things I get excited about it it's fun I get to meet new people you know and I know it's Hollywood [ __ ] whatever but still I'm being honest that's how I feel I feel excited you know when I I could meet Ellen DeGeneres yeah I know that sounds weird but she's producing my show I haven't met her yet but it that'd be great if I get to meet her be on her show and I wouldn't be on the show but I just I I think she's cool whatever for that it's a big talk show star it's a big star so I mean you get excited like you know when I see I was hanging out with Eric Griffin he's just he is they have a huge you know we talked about last week but we talked about the advertisements of this show in New York installed and I can see him childlike and excited about it and I'm like you deserve it you know I really am very happy for those guys but you can see that their you know their joy is infectious you know and how do you know that a family man who has dinners of the children doesn't experience the same kind of excitement with other things maybe not a billboard in Times Square but you know like other things like watching yeah and I'm sure that I'm sure that that's what they get excited about and then I wish I would like that having a family doesn't take away all your life excitement yeah I mean yeah I mean for me it's like hey Billy just scored a touchdown that's a big thing for people yeah and it will be for you I think by the time you have children and it's not a big thing for you to reevaluate you really want a touchdown and he has downs which is more exciting if you had down there you'd be excited your child was like playing for Chelsea or like not just a bit like Arsenal and he scored a goal you'd be like all that exciting yeah but actually that's how it that it had would have to go to that I'd be excited just my kids yeah if I was my god out of bed if my kid was like a player and here's another here's another thing though if here's another thing it is when I run into like guys XD burn or who was i hanging out with the day oh yeah I was talking to Chris Spencer and Chris Spencer you know he's a producer and he's he's been around for very long time and he him and Jason Glen were talking about how their kids got into the school and Jason Glen went the Chris Spencer and said hey man congratulations that's a hard school to get into and it's a college it was like the element like a middle school private little skin right and Chris but yeah I didn't think was going to happen but we're so happy like the whole family's happy and I was like going holy [ __ ] that would be kind of yeah I guess I guess this is what the joy of having children is I wouldn't know because we kill - are we good babe you still matter especially after that we're definitely good no you have to learn to smell your butthole on camera now forever I love you do you love me let me smell your butt right now I have to have that as a Cyril I wanna smell your but now as no as an apology every button the bleep oh don't say rape goddamn it I was anyway anyway um so my birthday oh yeah five people spa competition game water basically just send dream water will keep a track of people's names who send dream water who you are [ __ ] you have anyone next week on the show we're gonna we're gonna chat after this I want Dillon Francis done only you have his phone number I'm gonna call Dillon Francis I want to advances okay if even ten also I want to do Vanderbeek - he wants to do it oh okay james van der beek but he is a little shy he's a family man okay we can interview family men I think we can handle it out of variety we go highbrow let's go highbrow but they don't bring up dementia yeah didn't I say fine anyway hahaha anyway I won all right all right all right ah quality shows for Bobby Lee Bobby Lee will be in Charlotte North Carolina two weeks from I don't do well in Charlotte also so you guys have to come out for Charlotte because I just don't do well out there it's the south and um okay Charlotte come out yeah we'll announce it again next week to do our work there's gifts out there yeah well they you bring him in here if you're in Charlotte or close by and or within driving distance Guffey Bobby are you gonna open it right now not yet not yet don't open yet Karina dick will just finish it up yeah good we'll finish um four more dates again go to Bobby Lee he has a few in July one of it you can be Ariana you can follow me and all from social media at calamity came and you follow George Q oh my god the early winter how you know get his name all right all right so you know what are you son of a gun tell me I said doing water powder Oklahoma there's no name yeah there isn't it the perfect podcast hang on hang on be on open this package Helen it's honestly no name oh wow don't Stan you it says um yeah it's just from Amazon right yes just from Amazon yeah holy gee didn't put his name we can't put your name so whoever sent me this I'm like I never was going to say they sent you it I know but I received the receipt yeah if you can confirm the number on the package we will is this in here no they're much different anyways anyway no also I wanted to do a quick shout out to all the tiger belly fans that we had oh who came to the show and also the ones we went to dinner with yeah Nicole John Christina yeah this girl drums Olivia and her boyfriend they made like big global assoumane Olivia shipped to kalila Gilbert and George oh wow Bobby yeah really hahaha well you equally so you're indefinitely not in the this one's from Edwin Torres Erica and a great thank you from Philadelphia the first ally but what if someone sends you stuff that's there from out of state and they can't come to your birthday party I think on these got to fly out don't fly out for it so guys make sure you follow us on instagram at tiger belly on Twitter all propely Arsenal that's all I got and that's all right we are there opening hole bhai fright now on this guy Edwin Torres send me some Arsenal [ __ ] swag some stickers that's dealt holy [ __ ] dude oh [ __ ] [ __ ] respond invincible look in the back look in the back oh [ __ ] looking at that a invincibles wear it right now Oh guys Tiger belly 100 is coming up around the corner I've got a question on reddit for you guys if you want to ask us any questions or have any ideas on what you think we should do for Tiger belly 100 I want more questions than ideas since I'm not sure I mean we're not going to be able to take every idea there was an idea for a live polygraph test I did like that idea I'm a little I mean not sure we're going to do it but I love that I from mic maybe some stuff first led George announced himself well shut up the Facebook group user net per protocol he found a video of Bobby in the underground comedy movie yeah that's a very thin Bobby in that movie you saw yeah tummy tuck Bobby what you saw it as useful would you do it it's on our Facebook group it is it's hilarious show it after it I wanna see it yeah since um put some stand up from way back in the day oh yeah that's where Ryan oh really oh yeah I do like this I was like really like I don't even know when I did that really it's crazy that long ago we're know yeah joint anything else and then just shout out the iTunes reviewer or Masamichi says was the only podcast you listen to every episode yeah of our iTunes reviewers lately forward this is from Stephen DeLuna noise remark so company George and Olga oh guys making out to Ivan Morgan Edwin brothers who sent Arsenal stuff we don't end so oh my from uh Steven deluna sense so so oh thank you look at this so make sure if you want to send us packages will do something like this again possibly you can send us a packages - whoa whoa whoa it's a Stevie we be facial activated charcoal face bar I think it's for all my god oh my what's the address so Tiger belly address is 1626 North Wilcox number 161 Hollywood California nine zero zero two eight oh [ __ ] check this out well everybody that's up from Greg Anderson from Stratton wrote that was addressed I'll tell her that hey egg Greg Anderson sent me my left foot great [ __ ] movie great move and he did it because of my foot he also said me gets this powder and all right little part in the movie love the pocket thanks Greg thank you Greg great you're in now you're on the list like the thing here we'll keep this on the list you guys know you have to see these soaps one is for the celeb college Greg Anderson look it's tea tree eucalyptus for your foot oh my god hey and this soap is for Queen kalila hmm and we all get a soap each everyone get the soap dude oh what a different name look at you India facial Wow my get lavender for my anxiety that's so smart so smart which was that one Georgia stink big red red wine sangria red watch and for brown skin for skin peppermint mocha thank you sir because you're Gilbert oh okay last one guys last package yes I get Scott from Los Angeles and he lives in Los Feliz Boulevard so hi Scott and Lucia all right this from last week this is great I like it oh yeah no also guys [ __ ] is this while we're doing the autumn what is that it's a dick it's all it looks like truck nuts oh it's pretty good how do you know what this is George's dream though I just revealed myself as being very from a very redneck town yeah those look like truck nuts I put them on the back music you strap it to the back of your truck to make your truck not yeah it's a very if you have a lifted truck and a small penis you do that popular in the South I've seen that on I'm in Georgia yeah no thank you oh by the nuts a drip or nuts I love these so so before we got one more one more time make sure you guys been in a dream water to get your name on the POIs maybe we got too much now Mary live realistic nuts I know those are amazing that's not my not pot of brown thank you for all the dream powder powder I like every Power also before we go shout out really quick mmm a minute with kalila shout out to mark hon oh yeah yeah that was a great fight okay did Derrick Lewis retire that he retired I don't I think Brian Stann watch that interview a little bit but and I don't know if you maybe just said that he just lost yeah that's a great fight card it was great not unlike iam quick finishes a lot of finishes yeah that was a fun one yeah Officer Mark Hunt you still live on I'm cheering for you two battling the UFC and knocking people out I think B you might be like my favorite fighter in all of them of me right now right now because he's one of the guys that's like really from Pride has seen his way all the way through to the day and still so relevant and fun to watch it's not like because back in May my favorite fighter was like Demian Maia no phaidor Oh already hasn't so I had the same like impact as Mark Hunt has had in the ufu but I am alright guys ah that's our show thanks for sending something you guys next week [Music] paka paka [Music]
Channel: TigerBelly
Views: 158,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiger belly, tigerbelly, bobby lee, khalyla, gilbert galon, podcast, khalyla kuhn, tgrbly, beard implants, koreans, bill maher, ice cube, wonder woman review, opening packages, unboxing, fan mail, dreamwater, harry's, harry's razors
Id: 9NNWd1pw_O8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 12sec (4032 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2017
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