BO3 Zombies Funny Moments - The TRUE Reason Blockbuster is Gone!

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i'm probably just gonna start the video once we get in the map yeah it's classic moon move right there well welcome to some exclusive footage not on moose channel a lot of awesome uh free game lobby footage classic stuff well you know what people enjoy this interaction people people are enjoying this interaction you're missing out evan you know you know i'm meeting people now these days that watch those when they were like 13 and now they're 20 and serving me food at restaurants yeah yeah that's pretty crazy oh man i'm really missing out on this exclusive footage well well this footage that you're listening to is exclusive to nogla's channel this footage is exclusive to a recycling bin let's go all right we can start it up all right welcome to the start of my video what's up guys oh you missed out you missed out you missed out if you want to see the exclusive footage go to vanossgaming yeah or me or me all right here we go this is a blockbuster map you guys are not old enough to know blockbuster it's uh basically netflix except for instead of going through a menu you actually have to walk interact with people you have to actually have to interact with people you actually have to talk oh wow that was horrible all right what do we got boys okay start of the video look at this clucking bell hey why do i hate why not oh we're in the movies wait everett has a dude evan has a lightsaber that's right dude i'm superman dude you're superman you've gotta go right right terminators terminate what the hell is wrong with your cape it's fantastically bad you have a butt boner ryan hello hello is anyone here i'm stuck in the movie theater stuff oh sunshine dogs dogs holy [ __ ] dirty dog around what the hell well it's round three yeah i'm dead i'm dead that's true this lightsaber has terrible range who would have kept okay well that's the end of my video hey look it's your movie brian oh yeah the bottom left valiant command this is your moment to shine oh yeah that's definitely the end of my video do i look like the door what the hell was that what the hell was that it was a flame guy i blew him up ow dude all right open the door open it over there let's go outside yes dude it's cold out here hey look at this look at this guys evan loves this map now yeah look look guys it's my favorite canadian team oh yeah the canadian new york rangers why are my feet look at this look at my feet what is going on i can come back come back come back guys come back okay quick you're going to miss out on some really good movies mystery brush what the hell is that why was that here oh that's mystery perch does somebody buy a mystery perk that's a mystery what's the crate where's the weird funky music going on bro you definitely did that it didn't what is going on i need three movies to pluto on ash right now [ __ ] three movies to pluto nash what do you mean you just said i need three movies to pluto nash yeah is it no three pluto and ash movies pretty sure there's only one are you serious one can you tell me a studio that would green light two other let alone the first one two other pluto nash movies were massive pluto nash in 3d yeah i think that's i think that's right rhyming nominated grammy nominated yep grammy nominated pluto national grammy [Music] [Laughter] i definitely [ __ ] up there look brian it's you yeah where man of steel man of steel is dude hey where should we go i think we got to go out here evan for sure yeah yeah yeah i got more money so just in case we need something else yo what the hell there's loads of nice cars out here what the hell oh it went dark dude everyone look at this joker's fun house well we're gonna have so much fun look guys hey look guys it's a repeated joke i found evan oh people watch this for eight years it's still what is this oh boy george romero george romero did he kill you george romero look out oh [ __ ] he's coming oh shoot him shoot him i'm shooting he's going to shoot he has so much hp oh my god oh my god you're not even close he's not even close he's like he's not he's not dying at all he's not dying at all he's taking damage we just need better weapons still has 98 of his health oh we need better we need better we need better for sure how did you guys i open up here i open it i don't remember just need to keep running that game that was like black ops 1 wasn't it is there uh wait that's i press f to see a trick i want to see a trick everyone everyone everyone needs to be here quick quick this better be a good trick better players recording i'm gonna try again i'm here it's a trick oh my god oh that's a cool trick that went great what the hell what is that [ __ ] what's happening in here we're stuck in here oh this is dude joker he's just [ __ ] on us right now i don't even know i died protect me protect me protect me i'm gonna revive again you're dumb oh yeah you're getting spin on whacked on oh gosh wow let's not do that for a while santa's loaded dude we're gonna have money damn boy oh an actual movie theater oh what's this guy guys we could talk to the manager content content who the [ __ ] is this guy i like it it's clearly a zombie just reskinned as this [ __ ] guy hey whoa whoa do you mind finding my glasses i really can't see where i'm going okay we need to find these glasses and give them to the manager oh we're not looking for his glasses we're looking for his glazes we are looking for his clothes i dropped my glasses hold on is that what it says oh my gosh this guy probably put a crazy amount of time into this custom map though i'm not gonna lie and he [ __ ] it up with one ass man i'm going i'm going please get it please get it my guy and then i can turn on the power got it nice nice right here right here right here right here yes we can get jug now okay where's jug i forget where it is jug is outside towards uh outside in blockbuster no it's outside wait no it's outside for sure wait and it's inside blockbuster press f for membership card oh where that sounds like it'll bring a boss i'm gonna this is members only oh you're now a member i'm oh sweet dude i'm gonna read so many videos make sure you rewind the movie okay oh absolutely oh i'm vhs i forgot do you have to rewind vhs's yeah what you do is you watch the movie and then once you're done you fast forward to the sex scene and you pause it then you return it you've collected this before haven't you you've done that before you could go in the water yeah oh that's where we need to take romero oh i sort of remember but don't remember that's where we need to take him that that calms him down i got his glasses oh nice where the hell you got his glasses laces let's go we're looking for glasses let's get this greasy got the wrong one yeah we're looking for his glazes okay let's just i'll give it to him yo you know what would go great with these glasses a mask you're kidding a hockey rink the hockey rink there's glass there's a mask at the hockey rink i went back to the manager and it says hold f to accept escort i guess we found it oh bring him to the hockey rink are you doing cost money but i'm escorting him i might need some help actually there you go bud there's a one there's ghosts oh yeah holy crap the hell why are there ghosts it's from the the buried map how drunk this guy is all right let's go find him his car so he could drive home like a good friend i don't want to leave him out in the cold you know trying to find his own car right so brian's bag isn't glitching that's messed up oh crap george romero oh lord oh lord oh apparently he likes you brian george romero likes me that's fun oh he's all right he's finally heading out oh he's here he's here he's finally here you can come on over move quack [Music] [Music] what the crap the walls are closing in romero came in oh no he's here oh god i'm gonna have my own grenade for my own and he's sprinting okay do something manager oh no i'm on fire oh my how is moo surviving oh are you kidding me we should have pack and punched our guns oh man i didn't think it would be hard hard i am the law who the [ __ ] why am i santa claus what movie is that uh jingle all the way shut your face i i feel like i'm like the great the uncle from mr deeds who dies on the mountainside no i don't know just me okay jingle all the way no gla i found something just for you what guys guys follow me over here follow me around i can't wait oh i just can't wait oh boy oh yeah i know exactly what you're showing me oh pokemon oh my gosh those are top's 1991 first editions oh my gosh dude that's a hard question i can't wait to open these off stream oh damn dude while we're recording something else psja 10 sales says for 55 000 dollars i knew you're gonna bully me after god damn names got feelings you know i don't care about your new pokemon but if you get original packs then then you're talking my language george is mad merge is mad get him in the water double points give george's juice brock or his movies evil dead was one um get off of me oh that's that sounds like a good movie get off of me yeah it's not bad it sounds like a chick flick i'm gonna kill you you annoying son of a [ __ ] his health is low his health is low gentlemen very good very very good you're gonna kill him what happens when you kill him do we get like i don't know i don't want me to find out don't kill this zombie on me oh he's so low don't kill don't kill a zombie don't kill him sorry i'm sorry about it he's happening oh he gave me a wonder waffle of course nobody was hammering my hole and he gave me the wonder waffle and i've all barks oh [ __ ] that was a great kill guys uh how do we pack punch i think i think we have to beat the jason and now that i have the wonder waff we should have a much better chance wait this area is open why is there another one what the [ __ ] what romero spawned again yeah i guess he just spawns when you kill him that means people can get another pack-a-punch in all the parks though right oh did that open up so maybe maybe killing it like jason would open up the gate or something since we're killing george dude this was close exactly yeah so you open this up i'm opening it yeah 100 it's gonna be back wait this is yeah yeah yeah i remember the pack punch in the picture is the lava right yeah it was in the lava i have no ammo guys it's okay you should get a galleo what i wasn't even able to just throwing up his ground in front of you i wasn't even aiming at him though i know your electric cherry [ __ ] it's so dark i hate when it's so dark dude hey can we take him to the water just take him to the water right yeah yeah oh he's pretty much oh brian get it get the one to wipe it someone else get it i don't know i've i've got regular somebody get the wonder weapon evan pick it up pick it up heaven come on somebody pick it up pick it up there you can go stop getting hit in the back please you're annoying my editor if you're getting in the back at least make a cool drum beat can we get a bit of phil collins going [Music] [Music] hear it call it sorry for trying i can hear it calling in the air tonight i don't know the [ __ ] words i would love to hear you [ __ ] dinosaurs like that that [ __ ] came out of a [ __ ] kiss and you bought it first ever album you have bought on tape cassette [ __ ] i did it didn't know you and phil were so close you helped them write the lyrics wait wait it is phil collins isn't it what this is i guess yeah yeah we fight we fighting jason get in here brian get in here all right here oh he's there he's there he's already there oh my gosh his pack a punch gun is nuts oh he's just getting [ __ ] on right now he's just getting [ __ ] on oh nice right now he's getting what he wants he doesn't like me yeah he's gonna die he's gonna die he's gonna die he's gonna die he skates like a little [ __ ] can we get some phil collins oh my god he's gonna kill me he's chopping me up so bad please help come right towards me oh my god he's so weak he's so weak so we did it yeah sure oh man he's gonna come back as a coach hold that for jason's mask no this back is a coach you're gonna come back come back as a general manager wait wait wait hold it to give jason's mask did you do that to him no no no don't wait let's get romero calm down get romero get romero come on we are sweating so hard right now this map is tough dude i know it is tough i can't figure it out though like give me a freaking pack of punch yeah we haven't even gotten the pack punch who's got the mask but did he drop it he's he's wearing it there we go i like how he's just trying to show us his [ __ ] mask and there's like a million zombies like trying to kill us right behind him did you escort me back to the checkpoint desk i uh back to work i'm kidding he needs to be escorted again this is the light okay don't hold it don't hold me this is the reason why they closed blockbuster here we go he's going in he's going in oh [ __ ] look at him hey you want to write a dvd i mean we got a wide variety here at blockbuster hold after rent to dvd harry potter harry potter oh no i went to pluto nash we have to warn you movies here at blockbuster tend to uh come oh my god i'm gonna have to murder daniel radcliffe i don't have any ammo like like voldemort's gonna come and friggin respond reminding me please hermione please we have to fight four bosses i just realized we have to fight four bosses in this that that other one's elm street so i'm guessing we have to fight freddy krueger too down where the manager was it says hold f to insert dvd i don't think i should do that right now did someone already take the harry potter i didn't take it i didn't take it i i did should i push it i took it i threw it away do we play the movie here and he like comes out of the screen right right here yeah probably this is okay you ready ready oh no do it do it inserting the dvd oh my gosh is it gonna go three two one oh my god he's almost dead he's dog water dude he's dog water we got all the horses holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy dead is he dead dark lords wand we [ __ ] killed him so we got the dark who got the dark lords want maybe we give it to the manager yeah hold f to give voldemort's wand oh okay there you go the dark lords won oh yeah i'll do great things with this thing yo so there's one more thing i need for me i just can't sleep without it yeah elm street for sure sleep nightmare come on so this button right here all right freddy oh one oh [ __ ] on the music oh oh my god he's gone he's dead why can't i move why can't i move the pitch why can't i move why can't i move he's spawning oh he's trying to get up i'm in the i'm in the lava pit does that mean i'm gonna die oh no oh oh pack punch down here pack punches down here punches down here punch oh pack of punches down there i need to pack a punch back are we are we killing the right i'm going to practice by the way is this copyright music is this copyright music yeah probably okay okay well it's so weird how it's so silent yeah it's silent all of a sudden it's weird this guy's a good speed walker look at him go hey if you guys want to see jason walk in normal speed put the video at half speed it's freddy dude whatever same [ __ ] thing jason freddy tomato tomato high five high five anyway high five high five you want to give me a high five high five kill him kill him it's hard and fast man get his car get the club got it okay we can definitely fight the joker but i assume we give the hand to the guy as well right yeah i'm gonna just go ahead and do that to my home in nearby woods i have a surprise for you i don't want oh my god that's kind of oh nearby was i got a surprise for you oh he goes over here clear the debris and then not available we got away from he's gonna show us something he just pulls out his dick honestly at this stage it's the only thing that'll satisfy i don't have a lot of ammo oh i got hurt oh i couldn't have done this without you thank you definitely i feel like he's gonna do something with this guy old after start wave one do not start oh that's all right there's a lot sonic what's he going someone started he's just leaving what the hell he just left he just left he just left us okay there we go hold e for me now feel the wrap of my yeti survive i did not mean to throw that down oh they're yetis oh oh my gosh they're yetis doors in the middle don't get hit by the spikes yeah dude i swear if george comes here oh that almost just killed me there's a gate there's a gate blocking george that didn't really keep him out in the hockey rink oh my god george behind you oh oh oh well well 14 seconds come on boys [ __ ] george you [ __ ] fat conned can't say that no glass you got you have an editor two seconds two seconds one we did it we did it we did it that's wave one of 15. but george is still here we gotta kill him the next wave already started these things are still spotting what the crap what is this guy oh my god it's it's what's his name leather face leather face oh this is [ __ ] this is [ __ ] he seems slow he seems slow-ish oh this is so crazy oh i lost my impact punch weapon that sucks man oh my god there's so many [ __ ] points i'm like i quickly fight my quick revive i lost my gun i lost my [ __ ] back porch in olympia oh no olympia i'm down again no shot dude look at him i'll get him i'll get him who can hurt him i'm working on it i have a [ __ ] pistol dude go away ah he's one shot oh my gosh he's dead get that [ __ ] i need that i need that i need that dad i i have two of them now wait where did my ray gun go i don't know i don't know i lost my ring yeah it's because it's probably because you got that you got the free uh [ __ ] uh mule kick don't start the final round let's get leatherface out of here sick bro i'm almost out of ammo completely literally oh my gosh dude i'm so over this i i'm the only person can take him dude i didn't press it why are you saying you're saying that i pressed it this guy's back jason that the [ __ ] the blockbuster guy is back wait why is the manager running around what exactly he's the final boss he has all the cool things yeah and he's the final boss hey guys you wanna know what the ending is we beat this blue [ __ ] head short wearing [ __ ] i'm gonna do tons of stuff we beat him and it says the end okay yeah what there's not a cutscene oh no working on it there's about 20 different yeah it was definitely yeah don't give up do not give up do not give up come on brock you got it come on buddy there's no there's not just no everyone is watching working on it dude all right who pressed final wave because it wasn't me do we like focus on blue guy am i able to do it laying down i don't think so probably oh no no no no no no no run run run dodge shot i can end game right now if you just want to no misery you're not gonna win i could do it what if we just like you can feel it in the air keep running keep running keep running you're running to the outside keep running don't stop oh this is so bad this is so bad oh all right oh my gosh that was so frustrating okay run it back we gotta finish this just kidding who know anyone just had to kill that one guy oh a mule kick really [ __ ] me over yeah that ladies and gentlemen is why blockbuster does not exist anymore yeah thank goodness starting to hide
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 1,142,496
Rating: 4.9695048 out of 5
Keywords: Funny Moments, Montage video games, gaming, Vanoss, VanossGaming, Gameplay, Secret, Puncake, Parody, Comedy, Remix, Epic, Trolling, Xbox One, MultiplayerPS4, Funtage
Id: U0xNDjs4FhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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