Tales of Escape Funny Moments - The Jumpscare Mines!

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uh he wants to take this off all right oh look who's back hey you weren't expecting that were you he dusted off the robot what a silly question who wants to take this one away all right go ahead mr roboto in 1964 the black rock mine in yukon was closed due to a landslide people and gold were lost forever inside i'm not i'm i'm done okay legend says that the miners trapped inside protect the gold ever since as the living dead whoa who's talking you i hear someone else no hey i'm reading i'm writing this hey many of you tried to retrieve the golden numbers uh you managed to find an old corridor that descends into the depths of mine but a landslide trapped you inside oh no your only hope your only hope is to get the old elevator working find a way to get out quickly because oxygen is running low so naturally the landslide caused a series of mystery clues and stuff to appear because that's how landslides work let's do it brock are you on any prescription drugs well yeah who's talking who's talking all right we couldn't hear the narrator you could narrator wait do i pronounce that funny i hear music narrator the narrator narrator wait why do you say it now rachel narrator narrator narrator the narrator i'm in a hurry i gotta say narrator evan what's your favorite indiana jones movie mine's probably narrators of the lost art all right let's play the stupid game come on i hear music now what the crap are we good all right yeah right we spawned in the basement we just came somebody came in the other room oh no we're locked in what is this not this way is what that's saying yeah i kind of figured that out maybe this red button that says start important right above the flame sign what could go wrong one oh here's a few okay so it's a tnt detonator thing here right we have to get the fuse is connected up to it yeah it says one two three four the two is in red right here i love the colors in this game yeah it's really great yeah oh great that's just great funny oh we have to connect the points i gotta rearrange the pipes there are so many pipes dude look how do you how do you switch these oh okay we're making zero progress look i made homer wait i think i need to get that pipe that's over here let me see yeah where does this lead to where's it supposed to lead to so it goes from this generator to where well i think i think we need like a little crankshaft right here to lower this basket down that you can't see because of the bloom on that light oh there's little posters these are something okay so the pillars these pictures up down up right on this and these uh bags although there's a left there so what up down what see look the arrows on these bags on here it's like up down up right left like it's like mortal kombat cheat codes or maybe that's just the logo of that company and they were just randomly placed there maybe or else you can use your imagination ew it's so dark can i love a torch is there a brightness no it's not a brightness why would there be you need to pay at least four dollars for a game to get brightness settings so are we not supposed to go that way maybe we have to go this way i feel like we need a light it gets it gets super dark down there and i i get scared oh yeah oh oh oh right because there's this yellow flashing thing and that's where you need a light bulb i feel like this thing we for sure have to fix because it's just we just have to arrange it so maybe we can start with this so so where does this connect to though um i think it gives us air pressure because this is a compressor an air compressor so we're we'll be able to like blow something oh wait because there's a basket there's a basket hanging from this yeah do that there you go that's it spot on he got it okay wait where where hold on what the hell oh the pipe goes up there yes yeah okay so here's another little code thing let's try six yeah yeah this is gonna work for sure there it is it has to be we have a crank thingy which goes over here right there put the crank right here where's this box right here bam now we spin it around bring it in daddy got it okay i got the red tool box it says 2785 and a down arrow uh so let's try the input over the code yeah yeah yeah yeah and then maybe there's a down arrow two side there it's important i think you just pull the thing down okay all right wait a second when you rotate it's got different numbers oh so try four nine four five nope try three zero one seven or my debit card pin 69.69 nice banks let you choose the pin i would not be surprised if that's actually legit it is okay the number two on is is red take the second number from all four digit numbers on the toolbox did we do seven nine five zero did we try that one seven nine five zero whoo yeah yeah what do we got light bulbs oh nice we have a lot of lights everyone take a light bulb oh did i just drop my boat yeah i i dropped it too wait there's another one boom bats bruce we can actually see in here look there's a room oh i feel like we need more light bulbs brian still have his light bulb oh my god oh there's a safety light switches oh yeah and the goddamn light bulb dude oh yeah i see yeah you can put it in right here i dropped it oh brian brian where is it where is it the white look it won't go in there's no yellow indicator there's no yellow indicator dad you're worthless whatever you can't put it in huh no no oh my life story there you go look on the ground diamond club spade heart hold on okay oh i get it oh i i wonder what this puzzle is yeah so he's going to go back to the first room he's going to find the cards that were in that bag and he's going to name the numbers that are from this sequence okay i'm going to try to do this okay it didn't work well that makes me sad go back and check them again did you are you sure you got the right maybe you mixed up spades and clubs i think you make where did you get where is he hey hey hi i heard that turn what heard what close it close it close it i can't you can't close it all right wise guys look at this up [Music] okay what if i do this though oh you've done it now oh and then the lights will flicker wait look at this okay can you can you stop look at this picture that's terrifying a boot i got a hard hat and a boot holy oh that picture just changed oh yeah yeah yeah okay okay [Music] all right stop it wait there's a date on the top right we get it all right now it's no longer scary okay you can't scare us anymore how do you look at stuff can i open this we just gotta we just gotta put these we just gotta put this picture together huh that's what i was trying to oh yeah you just did that you opened everything oh i found another piece i think this is is this a piece i found another piece how do you put them in geez stop that i'm putting in the last piece in bam yeah now we can pick this up and then throw it away [Laughter] wait oh there's a combination on it there's a combination on it that's what it is what to say oh my god dude you have to like look so closely jesus is that a one or a four or is that a seven i don't know okay i think it's a seven five two seven eight it work no no uh what was the other one that it looked like i tried a four five two four eight brian did you try five yeah wait wait i think mine worked i think oh hey screwdriver trying to do that trying to do another prank huh no i was just an idiot what what's this fixing do we see oh oh oh oh oh when you pry this open there's another boot and uh a bar of soap so yeah we got a hard hat we got boo boo soon soon we can play a game of monopoly you hear that when i drop this yeah there's something point inside all right try the combination boot boot penny oh so it's a okay so it's day month year so when i click on him i'm trying to think is it a number visible when he's activated you've tried 1918 and 19 oh [ __ ] you [Laughter] 1918 1920 stop [Laughter] [ __ ] oh yeah there's dynamite over here what ah what happened i fell through the map i keep falling through the map i keep following through okay i'm good i'm good i'm good hey jordan do you want to see do you want to do that i just went like this [Music] yeah falling to the map holy [ __ ] oh man this feels like a call of duty 4 glitch and now what do i do uh i was holding forward to get out of it oh there we go are there are there codes underneath the boot oh my god they have numbers on the bottom the boots have numbers on the bottom one two my one says six zero so try one two six zero size sixty holy [ __ ] or maybe it's a nine maybe it's zero nine zero nine one two yeah natural look we got we got oh a little a lot lighter oh i got the thing for the the tnt we're coming chewie are you guys ready boom there it is what do you do with the lighter oh oh oh did you do that or did it automatically do it oh i did it oh zombies he needs a lighter he needs a cigarette let him come in let him come in shoot him five times and knife him back back yeah yeah yeah hold after rebuild the fence hey look guys it's lyricist editor oh my god oh my god it's delirious previous editor so has he got arms or anything we have to put on to him uh here we go whoa look at this this is def look at all the videos he had to edit god damn okay and look mine oh my mine yeah i killed them all the treasure is probably mine i'm impressed that he was able to die standing up though yeah oh look there's a sledgehammer yeah oh here's the thing right here here yeah we just need something what the hell get the lighter get the lighter burn the rope burn the rope relax nope you weren't even correct is there a combination lock or anything in here yeah where right here if it has anything to do with these i just don't i don't even want to bother oh wait hold on i got it oh my god it's so obvious step back and look oh it's one five one five one one eight one five wait is it eight no is it one six one six one three wait how wait how look look look let him stand let's stand back stand back and look yeah see the ones going sideways they smell like oh yeah and then very good [Music] look at this that was good i was good sometimes in life you just got to step back and get a perspective yeah yeah that's right hey look look i got i got i got a butcher knife let's cut ourselves a steak and then use the lighter to light that rope no i figured it out i figured it out i figured it out we have to go cut this zombie's arms off and put it on the skeleton well first i'm gonna cut this rope look at that did you hear a sire relief from the zombie down the corridor oh god brock comes back with two separate arms there we go what the hell oh my god oh we got the thank you triple h wait he only needs one arm oh there we go ah give me a hug those are giant arms what the hell look at his wings jon jones jesus best hug wait a second is it this box in here there's a bag with an arrow pointing to the wooden box again with your [ __ ] arrow theory someone spills a bag of dirt someone spills a bag of doritos it's just oh they're arrows they mean something it was the triangles last time i read this wooden barrel no never mind no there's one at least it's not the triangle oh it was the barrel it was this you want to say good job brian yeah right more importantly i found where the last light bulb goes it's so elevator we have to bring this to the elevator this is the elevator yes that goes right in the elevator good job guys right side up guys let's get out of here wait where does it oh it goes right here yeah yeah boys hit the button oh we're going we're just in a void now oh wait yeah where the hell are we what's going on we're going off the elevator okay wait wait this is the thing evan evans is not here yet here i'm here i'm here oh [Laughter] okay here's the here's the sentence here don't forget to prime your exposure okay list of prime numbers here i don't want this that's too much responsibility hold on is the term prime like mean something in numbers yeah like they're no in numbers prime numbers are numbers that are not multiple you can't be multiplied by anything to get it only by itself ah okay so you can multiply two numbers to get three you can multiply one and three hey guys look at this wall uh to prove you're not a robot click on the uh the traffic light oh no where is it oh i can't see it i can't see it that's a computer security joke they tricked me damn captcha honestly i think i failed that test like 45 of the time yeah well you know when you because a traffic light just is in the bottom left corner of one of the other squares and you're like does that count click on all the pictures with a bus there's like one picture where there's like a bus like 200 yards you're welcome wait what the hell what do you do there was a pickaxe right here so i just broke the lock on the door with it oh i hear some prime numbers right here yeah okay so maybe it's the numbers that are not featured here well no eight's not a prime number then what's that dude four is not a prime number either oh wait wait wait are there four prime numbers there seven three two two three five seven two three five and seven what are those three dots in the bottom uh it goes up like etc etc got it what the hell was it was a different different order yeah i just tried different orders oh wow this looks like my chest and minecraft okay there we go push the plunger down again ready to go primed and ready to go do you want to push it yes you guys ready yeah fire in the hole [Music] oh the treasure get this the treasure yes mine mine mine mine yeah wait a second i thought we were doing the illusion one and we did the mining one yeah i i realized that we could have done the mine we didn't have to we'll do illusion next time if you guys leave a like on the video and say you want more we never play this game ever again at the comment section no we literally get zero likes starting to hide
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 1,253,601
Rating: 4.9766068 out of 5
Keywords: Vanoss, Vanossgaming, Tales of Escape, escape room, dynamite, tnt, mines, pipes, explosion, jump scare, painting, delirious, editor, skeleton, silly, funny, puzzle box, terroriser, moo snuckel
Id: 88L4awnJ8I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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