BMW GS Safari 2019 l 25th Anniversary

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[Music] everyone welcome moved to Windsor it doesn't get much better than this on the eve of a safari and we're here for a very special event that it's the 25th anniversary of NW Safari so 25 continuous years running this fantastic event and you are the lucky people that entered and our places in this event we're very excited to be sitting here tonight now knowing that we have a we can also run it maybe you'll notice then the Safari like I've Nations since 1994 it's actually exactly the same one guy almost example it's a volumes have good feet as the first event in 1994 week the water-wise celebrated 25 years but a lot of that you mind assignment and the emphasis in the side it's about us sitting out there with you and enjoy welcome to the 25th anniversary thing they'll be Safari I am guys that that don't know garages introduced me but Chris I got a little bit shiny food and and you're arrested on city went pump that have you guys along hey I wanna what a great place to stop at Queens up 91 briefing and then I'm gonna head outside get on the ground serie for a go to the courts out still here and we're gonna still talk and let it run maybe one have a great night so thanks very much everyone [Music] let's look at the smile you can't get it off my face I can see it in our eyes they were expecting a lot of debt I think you really actually but you guys are raring to go we are as their breakfast we're getting just getting good bridge position you don't want to be talking about [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're pretty cool actually a state rights being good nice and nice and easy especially in are overly talents the water salt it's dry yes my expectations [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] the worldwide road and the Great North Road crag North Road was the first convey Grove having a great day really enjoying the food w Safari a lot of stuff C roads and anything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fantastically very nice beginning crawling into the settlers arms is pretty awesome that you know 250 bikes and that beautiful scenery we are at which is renowned for its camping and and yeah that's a great rest stop looking for tonight cold right now heading up some gyros they are to some gnarly tracks looking forward to it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fantastic how would that loss for them all tell us about what's going on with your blue collar in my camouflage camouflage did a war paint we all might know was it come home to 50 I think I've were cabinet I just went over in the muck really yeah well it was one of those mud pits one of them and it was the first pour off of Hudson service repairs to collar bone so it was nice to know I can default to the right and how's it collarbone feel good lotta bones on the left so that's okay oh that's it yeah you got one good one that's how I'm feeling I'm feeling like that's out of the way now yeah get the heebie-jeebies done on day one you know you're right and put a nice day [Music] [Music] where this is a look at that looks out between Newcastle and Central Coast so we're this is the water guns top of the hill peach and look out learn something new every day but yeah beautiful place very popular for trail bike riding all the way down to four drives it's miles [Music] [Music] [Applause] after a really good didn't quite a lot [Music] I had IBS a lot go in it I walk in when I bring back beat there was a couple charger [Applause] all right sir it's nothing like time there's a section that could eat up a lot of time boy it's not technical stuff like the rocky and my whole scalp is riding through state parks it's a bit chilly but it's gravel road but it's ground up it's a bit wobbly so it's gonna take your speed out it's a steady ride there's off camber stuff some of the turns will be on camera the road bears Brown it's a great ride through there but you need to stay sharp - Daisy bikes training world audience pit had a coffee [Music] to [Music] see had a great ride but I think I'm I submitted China I had bought wise off in front of me to come around the corner I guess too much just like the end the sauce scene and you're gonna plies no sir who heat you really and you got a big one you know they said I saw in back there said morning's dangerous [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've dreamed of writing about like at the scene that scene what do you mean we ride this salt on I've only up these three weeks ago really yeah right right let me Tom's down this road bone from a ten times draw like any when it rains and just you can clear to put the gravel on it that's hold for the gravel on but it's really muddy and you come to those corners and the mud like that plays is sleeping this guy but now it's like well there we were yeah it was behind me yeah at Mars and then he overtook me on the inside by the way guy took on the inside here and and I saw I think I ever took sweat man the call the same time and I as I took off I bought just slid out from underneath is that yours across air I did you and over that day ended up here no come here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] slippin and slidin matzo kernel scenery they got a very nice scenery was fantastic their label and scrape it on through excellent yes we were on it big sweeping sweeping secrets [Music] hold up bidding Annie's point today there was a Hamilton story camera so that demo hey these guys doesn't see that camera karate it was brilliant that that lasted me we came around and you know we're we're the body you can just say the hills Mary Thompson and then this last section here was just 10 hours him did a Loki the present slides are not good on the thighs is that gonna last for the next four days every five got it nailing the good remember Bob dan yeah that was the photo featuring you in that river cross indicate your he's at the same boy and it's still going strong I forgot about that you want to sleep yeah that's I remember that how to hate the right [Music] and still laughs about that because do you remember when we say water that there over the cylinder and press the start Vince I'll talk to you later yeah let's keep rolling see if I will see you tonight anyway yeah it's great right so far nice to be wet tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] some of the cash research that I was just stunning beautiful triangle setups because she there was an area where we were still on the TARDIS a beautiful beautiful road and in the distance you can see that we were going to go on to the on sigh okay that's very hideous [Music] so I had better pull the car living shot and I'm not sure if it I think it might as well caught up under the gear lever and it tapped it up to RPG so I said it and I can mention the phony and suddenly I decided why just that little bit of rain on the clay hey [Music] I fell over so I'm the only improvements from here [Music] so Nathan just split out on the loose gravel and couldn't touch it gone so get back up that stuff there's a bike and they're not good to go it's just a phenomenal day to the rat was just absolutely perfect the scenery was absolutely magnificent was just an awesome day [Music] yeah like to say how about most of diet aw Safari I think Chris it shine at balls and crew did an awesome job of the rail I thought about the yesterday's and also today yeah it was long it was solid and had a bit of everything and it was bright fun so round of applause for Christian shy [Applause] the loo type of the week 331 kilometers solid day again if there's a really good mixture we get back in some parse tree stops them really sees about down some switchbacks looking out over some valleys be good just go ahead do a couple of loops different areas are in especially some bright tracks it's good not having to pack up the bags just gentle ride and come back in my body that's my time for a great day I think it's housing plenty of dirt on this ride warps twisties lots of vibe good views okay and for a great day hopefully that rain stays away and she'll be sweet [Applause] [Music] I [Music] be wise [Music] [Music] not a bit cool weather lovely relax dude I jump up there now and so every corner [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I'm coming up the hill Bulldogs king in world from some smartass miles types my gram a part that applies [Music] that's every board is gusting our tires to get another set let's do it let's do another few reasons we're probably having well we have too much fun [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that going is it okay maybe we'll be cut dancing I use wizard tape yeah later [Music] [Applause] [Music] away so beating arts we are drowning and dreams ready to suffer [Music] [Music] my hands got a very long time yeah yeah a sorority and I like even less even that fast good good we stopped it made a very preliminary but yeah the pitchman is good fun good writer we always wheel absence ooh sorry [Music] to get our guy inside [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what do you reckon riot [Music] [Applause] Andres is always a fan of doing wheelies on you Andres he's very supportive very supportive yet [Music] [Music] looky what's up what's going on here Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] the conditions was right fix the radiator I am I'm back on the road thanks to thinner [Music] [Music] [Music] this villain Belfort's yeah I don't know whether it's right or not but I used to climb it was his largest single drop Wow into Sunday [Music] about 100 kilometers to go couple of blocks a fool no so good but plenty that off probably including me [Music] that going too fast [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] / Thea [Music] an awesome drought just over 300 k total to get through [Music] it stops any morning we're going to get across with Mary all of it [Applause] I've never written it for the record around Amidala it's awesome we're at the settlement point Barry at fault McCrory we're hitting gamma-delta dice it's to bet across the river over here we got a guy super awesome absolutely cracking tracks yes you're a beautiful fly school George is great I liked that one get the most trusted aide [Music] [Applause] [Music] present a bit of a detour this morning which we decided to leave early so we took advantage of the early breakfast the way it and right good night good way to start the day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's one yet some rocks to get a bit of water but injustice [Music] me down with off bit of water [Music] [Music] [Music] stick to retitle plastic cup sorry that's all [Music] nine point that's been employment I'll try trying [Music] well you're only halfway there you know no I have to go back amazing and I was shaking every day amazing and get any better on there and this just topped it again [Music] [Applause] was that speedy chain repair my colleague thanks man for that Dave's and I chief mechanic Wayne Pete said a stick caught between the sprocket and the chine inflicted [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now it's [Music] I'm sure if anyone to go up what did you say an area that was probably [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is hair not to crash if you don't wanna crack Thank You these guys do these fancy things for this will happen [Music] you're guiding me along a university very sharp rocks [Music] oh yes them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how good is this this is pretty impressive but we've been working on this I want to say a huge thank you to beam W all the guys at FEMA to knowledge to Tony and everyone from armidale because it's not very often we come into a town and we're welcomed like this where we can take over so hands together in everyone I think it's it's really cool to see this it's it's impressive we come here at the recce and it was just a park and we tried to picture what we were gonna have and it's it's more more than I could have imagined so it's it's awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you well took big so I've got a bit of layer it layered up a little bit and we're gonna ride down at coffs harbour never done that before from here so it'll be fun you've all stays yeah go so quickly you having fun it'll just be an epic is one of the best Safari so far don't think we're home and home just yet a good combination very similar to what we've had just because it's a little bit shorter doesn't mean it's an easy day all right it's um we're on the road we get off road stop into the forest and into some rainforest you type stuff when we get closer to coffs harbour more than I could have imagined so it's it's awesome it's more beautiful right less dust in each hopefully stop right [Music] what is wrong last I hate sad right to complete it yeah assuming that we will yeah and I say I'm fitted I had a lot of fun we get to the end in one face and we gonna did it looking forward to it [Music] good one what else can a helpful put all everything that I hope already happened in this Safari so I don't know how much better it can get finishing coming [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow there you go in very very very tough cuts there where with ducked out no visibility just slow down slow down here [Music] another saying that you public tend to challenge yourself because surf a bit powder can you normally because you know about the backup and support which is the great thing you know if you drop it or anything like that there's over three guys there right away to help you when you drop it well be positive hope you don't think it run does at some stage run oh yeah [Music] [Music] five days old and nasty but nice yeah I believe it's day five already like it's gone sacred it's been a two-day run two-day ride home tomorrow young young New South Wales it's long it's a fairway central New South Wales yeah any right here as well yeah just like a double safai yeah nobody get away from home for 10 days but oh really yeah lovin it lovin yeah hang again still going strong still going strong I'm gonna start this morning I think it had a bit of a Pollock and okay [Music] hopefully we'll get out of a dust as we get into the forest towards doraga should should be a bit more moisture in the ground and hopefully not too many rocks we're gonna have some fun up there yeah check out some rainforest [Music] to [Music] what that might do now how can we help I'm going to bring him back yeah yes say how would I help you how can I help it's like old then around them yeah loudly yeah it'll be all right I think this Steve he just get everyone to stop here yep and I'll find out and come back down and find help and come back down is that Alright oh yeah okay mate all right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] picking all the people up off the ground there's no good not my still thing good hey I'm in what watch their life that's not a fashion or restock stop yeah we're good in the wrong spot hello the motors going I know the rules rules is you go to down trees let's sniff McMansion firewater [Music] [Music]
Channel: BMW Motorrad Australia
Views: 582,856
Rating: 4.8210659 out of 5
Keywords: BMW Motorrad, BMW, Motorcycles, BMW Safari, GS Safari, Adventure Motorcycles, GS Motorcycling
Id: p2sCGCOH2jY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 1sec (3541 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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