BMW Safari QLD 2016

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[Music] this is the BMW GS Safari a five-day dirty Dusty Adventure run over 200 BMW enthusiasts riding Coast to Coast that is Gold Coast Australia their destination Sunshine Coast [Music] but don't be fooled this is no walk in the park they're taking the tough option the long way round rough Dusty roads a landscape full of daily challenges a little bit of wildlife a Guyana a couple left hand corner down into water Culvert and the cow is in the middle of the water Calvin all our Riders were determined to make it to the finish for some it was going to take a bit longer than expected you were looking backwards it up you okay this BMW GS Safari was taking no prisoners yep good yep that's fine can you provide life support for attire the tires weren't the only problem hands up who got lost I follow another bike in the GPS anyway so you got us lost ended up here where there's absolutely nothing so for the guys that are getting lost seriously there's so many arrows out there turn your GPS and follow the bloody Arrow over the next few days Riders will see some beautiful scenery discover quiet little towns earn the odd very cold beer and face some of the hardest conditions they've ever ridden and they're going to love it this is Adventure ride the BMW Safari has been running since 1994 so it's one of BMW's longest running events anywhere in the world started road bikes and gs's and and they basically did a run from darling Harbor to Fraser Island over 20 years ago and it's just grown and grown so yeah it's got a really strong history it's really important to BMW Australia for The credibility and the history of our range of motorcycles well the BMW GS range is of all the different segments and all the different products we've got is probably the most important to us at least at this point of time because over 50 percent of all sales are BMW Motorcycles is in the sector of GS that's not only in Australia that's a worldwide phenomenon so we tend to own the adventure touring segment in most markets and here in Australia there's nothing different it's almost like the GS product was built for Australia the way it performs on Road words on dirt gives you the ability to cover big distances there's many different riding events in other markets but I don't think any other country has got something of the proportional scale that we've got with the BMW Safari and the length of how long we've actually been running this event for decades there's lots of stories about amazing rides around the world things like DACA where people get out on a motorcycle and ride through deserts and people dream about that sort of stuff and I think the gsafari is a conduit for people to get that buzz themselves the BMW parties arrived in the Gold Coast Queensland Australia and Jupiter's casino is the starting point for some very excited participants some catch up with old friends they might not have seen since the last of them on that's all right that's the journey outside a tire changing service lets them take off their Highway Tires and put on the off-road tires they'll need for this trip we really encourage Riders to use an aggressive knobby Tire because that suits the off-road conditions better but because Riders ride from far away to get to the event they might have an old set of tires on or a set of Dual Purpose tires that look more like a Road tire and that's pretty practical to get to the event if they've pre-ordered a set of aggressive knobby tires they can have them fitted the day before the event meanwhile there's a special BMW Rider training session put on for the Safari it's vital that Riders are skilled and confident and this pre-event instruction is invaluable to those who do it just tries to keep that nice consistent throttle control so remember as he as he wants to go left he waits the left foot Peg takes weight off the right and then he's switching back and forth as his arms arms change as well but there are many New Riders here and they'll need all the skill I can Master some of these Riders may have never really ridden much in the dirt only a few and some are really experienced Riders but they like the idea of doing a freshen up and getting their skills sharp before they start a week of off-road riding let it Bend just let this arm straighten out as it leans keep that knee in this event team has a massive job in front of it they have to get 200 bikes and their Riders to the other end hopefully all in one piece but before they set off there's a Gala dinner hands up if you're on your first Safari you're probably wondering what the hell you've gotten into [Music] we've already talked about how much fun this week's going to be but unfortunately someone in this room probably won't ride into Noosa for one reason or another based on stats so have a look around who's thinking it might be them it's an ominous warning let the fun begin [Music] it's early morning of day one a five-day BMW trip of a lifetime we've got about a quarter of the guys down already with their bags all eager to go we're holding them back 7 30 is the start time so 37 30 goes I think this place is going to get really busy this is my third Safari so I've done Fort Macquarie and Alpine High Country looking forward to getting out and seeing my backyard I'm riding with my brother from Canberra I'm from Sydney and we're riding together this year it's his first time and my second time at least the weather's not too hot so far yesterday was a bit of a scorcher all said ready to rock and roll we just need a little bit of breakfast and then we'll head off we've got 350 oddks we'll be in Turner Field tonight for team BMW it's all systems go day one yeah you zero your trip meter at the luggage truck and you can follow your GPS as well or the arrows but it's really helpful if Riders use their trip meter because it's a solid reference for all of the turns throughout the day it's clicked over 7 30 and the early Riders are Keen to beat the Dust first leg is heading out through the beautiful Gold Coast Hinterland it's a nice winding tar Road through closed forests for me being Swedish as you can probably tell by my accent I'm not from around here this area is very exotic but I was personally looking forward to this one because of its very terrain at times we had you know high 30s 39 40 degrees which of course poses its own challenges many riders wear camelbacks for hydration and as they cross into New South Wales in the Tweed Valley temperature and pulses are rising they're about to hit the dirt the adventure really starts it never ceases to amaze me how beautiful it is and how blessed we are with such a variety of terrain Trek and that that is also accessible to us if you compare that with the rest of the world there are many parts of the world where we simply yes do not have access to roads like that so the ability to mix it up and to have some tarmac some dirt and some single track is a blessing that I think a lot of us here in Australia take for granted but it's certainly not something that exists in the rest of the world oh [Music] kyogle was the first stop for coffee and smarts seriously good dirt roads just been graded so they're a bit marbly and difficult and then some Corners coming into kyoga which is magnificent so perfect riding yeah that's a good ride real good and take us to victorium it's a bit cooler um some great uh winding roads through the hills come from wa so we don't get a lot of that stuff over there it's pretty flat we're working 80 rules so four out of five let's get there it's pretty good where are we now I hope that's what the maps is from bitumen to do it and after the break Rocky River Road is about to attack some rubber not the thing just before we've got about four or five plugs in there but it didn't work [Music] we're on the BMW GS Safari and after leaving Jupiter's casino and heading out through the Gold Coast Hinterland benno the mobile mechanic and the Safari crew suddenly realize they've got an unprecedented number of hurdles coming their way on the first day must a couple of bolts vibrated out yeah was everywhere GM Andreas wasn't spared with tire trouble either the flat on the front we're gonna have to plug it it's a tubeless tires what's it supposed to be 32 33 and it's now dropped to 19. so I have to say that this is I think one of the great points to the safari you get into trouble you get a flat tire you know that helps only a little while away Andreas then gave Rob an insight to some of the BMW technology where we have a pressure sensor that communicates with the onboard computer and it tells you how much air pressure you've got to me that before you get to a situation where you become a tricky situation yeah you actually know that you're starting to lose pressure so you don't end up in a situation where you come undone the red triangle here it starts letting you tell you time to do something about it ultimately you don't want the whole adventure to be ruined by the fact that there's you'd run out of tires or that you have some sort of smaller mishap that means that you're off the road and you might only be able to enjoy two days after the whole event that's what we spend so much time on making sure that we have a tire truck and that we have backup so that we can keep people on the move so if I hadn't been able to get a backup set of tires I would have been off the road after the first day and he wouldn't have been on his own pop the thing just before we've got about four or five plugs in there but it didn't work so we had to had to pull the wheel off and throw a tube in those with our tire trouble have made it to the little town of Bon elbow today through some fairly deep gravel that was a little bit challenging and listen to it all it's been a fun challenging at times that's what it's about isn't it it's bloody hot and dusty but I do have a great time so far I think we've got about 150 cows to go this road was certainly living up to its name well this is the Rocky River Road and I seem to have had a rock jammed in the back rack I had no back brake nothing's wrong anyway it's fixed it's the third time I've done this ride in a year I suppose it's a bit like groundhog day but yeah this time was really good a lot of other people same bikes same thing it's really good and a ride in spectacular Countryside gives you time to ponder probably good news and what about your bike yeah the 800 still in the duck it's got the traction control hangs on nice into the corners fantastic [Music] some Riders up front are in a hurry to get to Tender field every shortcut and opportunity While others are coasting enjoying this beautiful scene [Music] with the heat and Dusty roads on day one some Riders have time to stop and freshen up the others have to keep on the gas but if everyone was to make it in before dark miles has a decision to make would he let the whole group through or shut the root down it's going to be two two and a half hours maybe three hours this way either way so long as you're on a BMW GS you don't mind getting lost no motorcycle has gone further and seen more of the planet than the BMW GM has been riding the globe for more than 30 years and been all over Australia from the top end to the Outback from entry-level models to the mighty 1200 Adventure BMW has a GS for every Rider and every Journey we have the equipment you'll use and the training you need to conquer any Expedition visit your local BMW Motorhead dealer and make life a ride foreign GS Safari and the Rocky River Road has caused some problems day one on Safari was a big day distance wise we had to get to tannerfield and the terrain was really mixed it was technical in places we probably didn't expect as much dust we didn't expect as many punctures and being day one I guess some Riders were still finding their feet and I could tell with communication to Grant himself and then dealing with banno on the technical side and looking at the schedule I could see that the day was going to be pushing a bit long so I spoke to them and decided to make a call that the optional section on Rocky River Road we would close at a certain time it's going to be two two and a half hours maybe three hours this way and unfortunately we've missed the cutoff time so 45 minutes that way gonna be drinking cold beer and relaxing and not doing the boot camp run so I recommend everyone go this way now and we'll sweep this and see you back there for a beer how about that you're taking the Footwear home industry crunch time shortcut all the long way s your gun The Rocker in the road yeah there was a little bit of disappointment because I had looked forward to it I didn't make the cutoff time so as a consequence I couldn't peel down that way because I would have been too late to the briefing at the end of the day roads like Rocky River are quite polarizing some Riders will find it challenging and stressful and maybe not enjoy it and the more confident Riders the more experienced Riders they're the jewels in the crown that's sometimes the highlight of the day so it's a little bit more challenging it's a little bit more technical what is a tick for someone isn't necessarily a tick for someone else so that's all part of the event with the route closed to the late Riders The Sweep vehicle was on the Rocky River Road tidying up the day's events there were two incidents on on Rocky River Road on the afternoon of day one one was for a rider who ran straight on a corner gave himself a knock in the head so he was concussed the windscreen came off completely a smattered cracked right along here managed to get some welding powder and um put it all back together and the other Rider had a wrist injury and unfortunately his Safari finished at that point oh we're just out of an elbow and um [Music] he's had a flat he's managed to have two guys at fixing it himself he's just hopped on a spare bike and we put his bike on here and we're away earlier in the day a bunch of riders were having fun at the coffee shop they had their own theory on getting lost Danny is somewhere in the Border range we're not working like the Marines though We're No Man's Left Behind you're not no bug of them we're working 80 rules so four out of five let's get there it's pretty good day one of the GS Safari is coming to a close but will they all make it in we've got everybody in except one Rider so we've got 179 in at the moment plus all the crew we've got one Rider out and guess who that is with the Rocky River Road on day one claiming a bunch of flat tires and some of those irreparable the all-important sweet vehicle was only getting busier just clocked over 18K so should be here somewhere on the side of the road so basically the first day they they start off fresh and everybody sort of is really alert and they ride around and they have a really good good time but after they get a bit deteriorated and sleep catches up and that sort of thing you find that they have more accidents later in the week all right you're gonna have to rug up mate and get onto it last year we took a fair few people to the hospital so this year I'm hoping I don't have to because I've had broken legs in the back of there and it must be fairly uncomfortable and just about to hit the road another call has come through we've got a flat front tire on a bike up the road here it's only 10 K's back on the actual uh bruxner highway so we'll go back and pick him up otherwise we've got to go 50k's that way and then come 50 K's back after we unload but we'll squeeze him in they couldn't fit this many bikes on one trailer his co-driver had to ride one out [Music] meanwhile arriving back in tenderfil day one for most Riders was over and making sure all the Riders are accounted for is a priority awesome thanks no worries and there's plenty of War Stories the rocky Ray it caused a little bit of damage I wrapped the little cosmetic mud yard around the tire I came a Cropper in the park going up going up a rocky path I've been to the front handlebars a little bit some got up close and personal with the wildlife I eat a cow so now my husband has to try and fix my bike I had two kind gentlemen stop and zip tie everything together for me I went round a sharp left hand corner down into water Culvert and the cow was in the middle of the water Culvert just bad luck the terrain on day one was a lot tougher than previous safaris I would put about four or five plugs in uh just to try and seal a whole lot but no luck it was a pretty pretty decent hole so we'll throw a throw a new rear on and uh we're good to go for tomorrow but it wasn't all bad we went for a swim actually we pulled up along the Rocky Creek down the bottom there and when uh foreign ERS began to kick back at the evening briefing for Grant the event manager there was no relaxing yet so we've got everybody in except one Rider so we've got 179 in at the moment I saw the crew we've got one Rider out Bruce has had a flat tire he was off Route a sweet Vehicles missed him and true to form they find their Rider no no when we pumped it you can hear it the air was just here okay and did it go down straight away yeah yeah oh well 15 seconds 20 seconds yeah yeah yeah there's no way we'll have to get it on and for the support crew it was back to juggling bikes later that evening everyone accounted for we were running a bit late so we decided to take the shortcut home just came around the bend and everything went a little soft on the front end uh we had a couple of guys that blowing it up but it turns out it's got a loose valve stem looks like we have our 100 each day has its challenges and day one was had its own the flat tires the dust the changing of the route great day of riding as much as we planned and you know have great continuous plans in place for all sorts of adventurelities there's always things that can go wrong and when at the end of the day it all comes together we're all in one spot all safe and sound having a great time and a beer and a briefing for the next day um you can breathe a sigh of relief we're never relaxed until every ride is accounted for but it was a great day however there's still over a thousand kilometers to go on this Safari day two sees the ride get even tougher and not only test the rider's abilities but their will from some of Australia's most picturesque writing country to roads that take no prisoners and will miles's prediction at the opening dinner come true but unfortunately someone in this room probably won't ride into Noosa for one reason or another tune in next time for day two of the BMW GS Safari Adventure ride tip [Music] last time on Adventure ride the BMW GS Safari had registered 180 riders for the trip of a lifetime starting in the Gold Coast Queensland Australia with everyone in High Spirits the ride made its way through the beautiful Gold Coast Hinterland on course for the first night stay in tenefit but it wasn't without drama we've got everybody in except one Rider so we've got 179 in at the moment I saw the crew we've got one Rider out luckily he was found but it all starts again on day two of the BMW GS Safari Adventure ride [Music] after yesterday turned into the most hectic Safari day the organizers had ever seen they're hoping that today goes as beautifully and as peacefully as it started first ride is out every day the route markers I'll just go out early in the morning before all the Riders head out and put up arrows to Mark out the direction of the course but also we might need to modify the course from time to time if there's any obstacles in the way like falling trees we'll just make sure we mark it out the course of the day and everyone follows the arrows hopefully it's been a few normally get lost another big part of this ride are the tire replacement teeth fix the repairs from to two bikes that came in late last night got a new one at the back the old one that only lasted 175 case before he gave up so you had to get a new one on your day two is always better yeah there's lots of things happening um people are settled in and also rushed so we're gonna be a good day we don't go hard got five days of it just put her along if you get too hard you don't see anything either oh I'm gonna head out with some of these guys and tag on for a while that'll wake me for dead mode out no I'm too old to go fast yeah we're just delivering Miss Daisy beautiful just just right riding with the bunch of great people meeting good people but I'd like to catch up with the um uh Anthea Hugh and Reese today um father daughter son all riding together and that's what Safari is about I'm on my own but I know a lot of people we all becoming friends so it's going to be like 200 friends at the end and the Safari crew on day two have an agenda yeah I think we just stepped it up about 10 today we actually step it up 10 every day so by the end of the week we've got 200 honed Adventure riders that have been stretched 10 each day some leave for the day's ride Others Stop for quick coffee beautiful morning eventually everyone hits the road [Music] and little do these Riders know they're in for something spectacular this morning [Music] all right morning of day two we've just left Tenterfield about 10 K's out we're in a place called Rockvale and you can see why it's probably called Rockvale Picture Perfect scenery maybe a little bit of dust to keep them on their toes but the forecaster here is for some storms this afternoon a bit a bit of moisture on this surface will actually make it riding even better so we're gonna have a ball [Music] [Applause] [Music] the way the scenery looks around you Pace an enormously important role in the overall experience so the second day when the landscape opens up and you have that sort of varied um terrain moving away from the coast and going more Inland um to me it's uh almost a little bit uh it sounds weird but almost a bit of a religious experience it's very spectacular and then to be able to do that in an environment that is as magnificent and huge as what we've got out in the Australian outback is truly amazing it's a little bit different riding here in Australia than in the uh on the canals of Amsterdam but it's good for the majority of the people here who grew up in in areas like this but no great [Applause] [Applause] thank you as we hit the technical terrain through girraween I was having a ball and I know the riders with more experience more trail bike experience for it was just like Giggles it was so much fun but that sort of terrain with challenge Riders because it's not consistent you can't really see the obstacles the ruts appear the the ground's changing it's Sandy there's puddles so I reckon a lot of the Riders would have never ridden terrain like that until that day and it would have pushed them to their limits but for each hurdle that these Riders navigate there's always another one and it even challenges the best of them I'm probably the slowest guy through some of the water Crossings if I can't see how deep it is if I haven't seen a bike go through that's the safest way some Riders just add massive amounts of throttle and acceleration through water that they don't know how deep it is they don't know what's under there I think they think the water is going to stop them and they need to fight them so they add huge throttle it seems like boys get to a puddle and they want to go Full Throttle it's pretty funny but for some doing the right thing helping out a mate not so fun [Music] after the break the GS Safari continues as a playground for some but for others This Magnificent landscape is starting to take some victims the GS Safari lift tender field on Route 2 Toowoomba it made its way through some of Australia's awe-inspiring landscape with some challenges along the way but pulling up in stanthorpe for most Riders Spirits are high I took it very cautiously and I found the track quite challenging but uh still I managed to get through it which is great you just had to take it nice and slow small tracks so take it easy don't overtake uh you know like an admin which some people do but otherwise no it was all good it was all good good ride today I picked all the hard lines not on purpose no no Wildlife for animals today you be riding down the highway or you can be riding where people ride trail bikes and and that section of terrain was probably at that limit where it's more trail bike territory I'm on the new 2017 800 GSA and dealt with it really well I've got the dynamic hack on so that let me work the bike a little bit without the electronics sort of feeling like they're doing everything for me and it and it made it easy it made it a lot of fun it made it easier as Riders are still pulling into stanthorpe others have already begun the next leg as a call comes into the BMW support crew we've got to write it down just before rabbit fence road there in the Sandy section far as I know miles is just about there I don't know how bad it is but he'll definitely need a meeting sometimes these little booby traps out there really cause a lot of problem bringing people down and and sometimes those accidents if you if you're on your way down and you put your foot out you can really injure yourself the Medics leaving Stanford now so he's not far away I've explained where we are and uh we'll get get them looked at as soon as possible what's the scoop I think he's broken his leg where yeah following one of the guys I think as I try to come out of the rut just lost the rent this really is a family ride as Reese's dad you came down in the same rut yeah I didn't see it at all and then I was going sideways so the uh the docks are far away you look pretty stable I think that's all right thank you so I knew the Medics were on the way the support vehicle was advised and basically uh you know there's always going to be a few people falling off their bikes and sometimes there's injuries and we need to manage those situations and it's really nice when we manage it really smoothly and we don't need to make calls to Triple O and and so on we we really look after our group ourselves because the team's so experienced and the process is so good okay the rest of the tumor on their way they just left stay until about 10 minutes ago and the sweet vehicle will come through or pick the bike up and just when miles thinks he has the whole thing under control another Rider goes down [Laughter] you were looking backwards at us paying too much attention to what was happening over the side here and didn't see the bloody bridge in the road it looks like you rolled out of the way nicely unfortunately this guy didn't he's hurt his knee so well nothing but a bit of ego damage a lot of va damage but otherwise okay is he all right [Music] as miles gets one Rider away he gets back to Reese to talk injuries have you been hurt before Ruth any broken bones no broken bones just torn ligaments and pulled tendons yeah and a lion it was bitten by a lion no like a Timberline that's what happened to the doctor that's the stitches looked like they were getting infected so it got to the doctor in joburg and I said can you just take a look at the the stitches in the wound I think it's getting red infected so she said oh what's it from I said a line she says oh fishing line said the line Timberline yeah it was just it was two males that I raised yeah and it was just a got into a bit of a rough and tumble with him and you can see him from here right on cue the ride medic has arrived along with the support crew to handle his bike now just very gently with a bit of medic magic he might be able to continue the ride okay maybe not Reese sent his bikes GS Safari are over for this year but he'll live to ride another day [Music] however after the break there's trouble ahead for some Riders on the BMW GS Safari [Music] the GS Safari Day 2 has had a little bit of everything water Crossings scenery and a rider down continued on through some typically Australian landscape rugged harsh and Dusty and leads the ride to Rabbit fence road where the Wu area starting to film he's not the only one this fence has got the better of foreign but once through the gates for some Riders this section was a punch of fun [Applause] [Music] but of course you can't have a ride with this much fun without a bit of wear and tear we've got the first casualty 2 000 cars and the bolt came off but it may be a bit longer for others luckily for him help is on its way while we're talking bikes miles has caught up with Michael who's riding one of the oldest bikes on Safari this is a classic this is like the uh Gaston Raya Dakar winning bike oh I had his signature on here before I got robbed up when he was in Australia or over there no over there okay yeah it's just got rubbed off over time so Gaston the man actually signed this bike that's right I felt like a giant the history is just getting better and better no it's a great bike it's just I really love it but apparently when Michael arrived at the Safari the bike wasn't running so well that's a beautiful set of wheels be nice be nice it's a family show with some BMW text handy before long she was ready to ride it's great to have obviously the new bikes on Safari but it's great to have these Classics as well because there's a another r100 in the group so that'll be early 90s mid 90s this mid 80s and it just shows the history of the GS brand they're Classics they're Classics I'm very happy it's going to be a good week [Music] it seems everyone's enjoying the ride on day two and as Riders pulled into the lunch stop they reflected on the ride so far fantastic that was an awesome day out there we've enjoyed it dare we say we were busting for a pig I'll tell you you can't stop on the trees there are some troopers on this road and even with a serious knee injury they're taking it in stroke nothing to write over yeah as we sat back and relaxed other Riders were only in to recharge the batteries and then Keen to hit the next stage that may just test them it's incredibly important that we make it a little bit of a challenge because it's no use coming on an adventure ride if it isn't a little bit of an adventure on most safaris end up with a bit of Sandy terrain and sand is one of those surfaces that really messes with people's heads I'm no Legend when it comes to sand either I can make it through but it's not always as pretty as I would like it to be and riding with many others it was certainly not that pretty in many instances when they were going through either foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] decided to sit it out and wait for the Cavalry to arrive well I I guess I wasn't right first time I read it on sad so yeah it's probably a bit ambitious um so I think I'll just take it nice and easy actually oh catches everyone I've been caught in it a lot as well so gotta respect it as Tammy heads off miles comes in to encourage Riders through this harder section so this is the uh sand that we've heard a lot about this is where a lot of people are gonna have to uh battle their demons a bit if you're the first Riders through here it probably wouldn't be too bad at all but Pro 10 20 30 40 100 bikes through a bit of soft sand and as you can see it chops up quite a bit and it makes it more challenging we love sand yeah Awesome's that mote certainly takes the fun out of bike ride 800 meters we can do it might take an hour but we can do it it's not as hard as people think to ride sand but they their brain won't let them do it the Riders standing up and cruising through nice and smooth and looking ahead and avoiding the the churned up bits from Riders falling over even riding over on the leaf mulch is easier slow and steady let's see how we go here we've got a candidate steady in and smooth out [Music] textbook a little bit of momentum a little bit a little bit come on come on that's it smooth we've had some really good attempts there if they keep at that they will get it and when it becomes second nature it's actually like surfing because you can just make the bike drift and move and and once you know that the bike's not going to just bite the ground and slap you on the ground you have so much fun so much confidence it goes from hell to Good Times no doubt these are the good times that Miles was talking about and this is the hell after the break we're on the home straight heading to the night stop at Toowoomba [Music] it's been a testing day of riding on day two but the run into Toowoomba was a chance for the Riders to unwind [Music] some coasted and wound down while others were having a bit too much fun most Riders have made it to the knights accommodation even the 1985 gs's made the journey with no help from its Rider I lost my concentration went off the road at a right angle on the bitumen went straight off the road flipped it upside down broke my mirrors I bought these to be legal but I can't see and I just got these from Toowoomba motorcycle Wreckers otherwise defect notice and it lives to ride another day and so do some of the passengers try strapping in to see how it feels I think by the morning you'd be quite surprised could have been way way worse so I'm all right however others didn't get off that lightly the last 25 meters of the sand effect and he's gone over the handlebars and gone in head first so it's rinsed his neck he'll live but he'll be a bit sore for Tammy it was just Pride oh well now I know um my limitations so that's a good thing um I wasn't actually going to do that section um you know after everything I had a look at the map and I thought hang on I wasn't going to do that what was I doing on that track now I know I'll stay away from it for the moment it was then on to repairs and preparation for the next day's ride and with the tire changing truck in full swing Riders took the maintenance into their own hands sound figured I'll just get on with it so uh you know DIY in the bush during the day a few Riders had drifted off course and at the rider briefing miles was about to address it so for the guys that are getting lost seriously there's so many arrows out there turn your GPS and follow the bloody arrows and to show he was serious mild brought in the enforcements [Music] is what they do is very dangerous it's like the secret agents or something every single event we do you can feel how the mood changes a little bit throughout the event especially coming into day two you start to feel that people have sorted everything out and they all of a sudden really in the groove of it and people are starting to relax and have a little bit more fun anyone want any topsoil want to help me nose at the end of day two Riders were buzzing it was so varied from the scenery and the the Boulder Valley to the technical terrain through the girraween trails and then finishing with the sand I was in the sand and I had a tank slap going on and stayed up now that's time to celebrate and when when Riders were having a beer at the end of the day they were pretty satisfied they got their money's worth so another great day looking forward to the next one and the fun continues but this Safari isn't getting any easier eyes up for the support crew this is the first for me mate look at this face some legit Heritage right here I can smell fuel leaking out of carbie that's next time on the BMW GS Safari Adventure Run [Music] 180 Riders have battled the heat dust flat tires and deep sand in the first two days on the BMW GS Safari it seems like boys get to a puddle and they want to go Full Throttle it's pretty funny I'm no Legend when it comes to San Diego I can make it through but it's not always as pretty as I would like it to be it was certainly not that pretty in many instances I love seeing how awesome is that mote certainly takes the fun out of Parker there's been a little pain and a lot of fun but now they're halfway through the BMW GS Safari hump day starts quietly in Toowoomba and Safari coordinators Sophia and Grant are already in the thick of it right that's all tough not all tar no just a it's pretty easy going yeah good thanks meanwhile motor redhead honcho Andreas has found himself in the thick of something else it was a fairly tight car park and a spun around the tree parked the bike on the other side of the tree look at the bike look at the sign I have a feeling that if you have a quick look at it I might have copped a little bit of it it now looks a little bit more authentic yes so rookie mistake need to redesign next time Adorn made the same mistake as Andreas still a bit of bird poo is better than being so sore you may not even get onto your bike going home is journalist Amy harburg as new journals are brought in yeah unfortunately I do have to leave I only got to ride the first two days I would have loved to stay to the stage the whole event everybody's here to have fun enjoy the bikes we're all like-minded people and the writing is always fabulous foreign looks like our mate is giving up all hope of getting on his bike this morning so what's coming up they've full days worth of riding I think that should uh definitely have everyone ready for the beer by the time we get there and what's this grant to the rescue our mate is going to be on his way after all and some Riders are heading off already day three [Music] thank you hump day is off to a great start with riders charging North to Toowoomba on the way to kingaroy on a hot Queensland day navigation is the only challenge for the first few caves with some Riders rearranging the route [Music] the arrows is always a contentious issue and and part of the event is navigation and sometimes when you're new on the event you don't see them until day two or three you're not looking but it's just a recalibration Thing Once you know what's going on you can spot an hour mile away and the guys have made it pretty uh foolproof that doesn't mean no one's been lost but they've done a great job and the group obviously really appreciate it but I wouldn't mind if they pulled back a bit from the first two days don't want to make it too easy when they hit the dirt roads it's fast easy going and they're loving [Music] the route was 320 K's really mixed terrain started off pretty easy it was nice and cruisy farmland a little bit of dust for everyone to contend with which is a challenge in the heat we knew it was going to be hot so that was a challenge as well [Music] what they don't know is that the grape times aren't going to last so on this Safari in particular we did have quite a lot of Tire incidents it has got a lot to do with the route selected so if you have various forms of tracks and and Roads that has got a lot of really sharp edges or small stones on it that tends to have a big impact on how many tires you actually blow had a little flat or not so little flat so luckily I was in a kilometer or two kilometers of our tech support group who are absolutely brilliant so I'm getting a tube and we'll be on our way otherwise I would have been sitting here for a very lengthy period of time they know it's amazing males tend to refer to him as a kelpie because there's just this amazing running machine he has runs in between different things make things happen so quickly if you bump into Banner he'll have you back on the road within two seconds meanwhile some of the Riders have reached Crow's Nest Stefano was with his mates who were still ribbing him about his performance in the sand yesterday it's easy I only got to open the throttle up this one on the right he told me as a jog listen you know this morning to go in the Sands yeah tell them I had to go back through that sand again time to get going again and Steve wants to know what's next on the Safari do you know where the river crossing is it that light crisp there's other room across in there unfortunately the water crossing isn't what Steve's hoping for he wants a Watercress the water crossing this is it and we've just had a really steep with no water nasty descent pretty loose lost the front end a couple of times but managed to stay up bro heading down to one of these great Creeks was a pretty loose Steep Hill it was actually smooth but the surface was loose because it was so dry it really challenges some Riders they don't like descending I guess the fact that gravity is pushing it down the hill on a big heavy motorbike it makes people a bit stiff and nervous and and all they do is maybe grab the front brake and they're on the grounds all right cheers thanks for that three dogs is that all yeah down the bottom some disturbing news comes through has miles crashed I've seen them with craps down you missed the corner and he landed in the bush day three wasn't an ideal day for me at an intersection I I had a little mishap and uh another Rider and I probably a misunderstanding of where we were going and ended up that I gave my shoulder a bit of a bash and I thought it was broken actually well it's all part of it isn't it I didn't want you here but the reality is reality I'm not gonna share that it's not a good time for anyone in the team to be out of action because up ahead there's trouble on the BMW of GEOS Safari as the temperature source to around 40 degrees in queensland's banarkan forest [Music] the BMW GS Safari has had a bit of everything but this terrain will really test the riders in their bikes and it keeps the crew on their toes right they wanna he has the full support of the BMW crew [Music] but even that might not be enough the key is once you get going just keep it rolling try and sit back on your seat as far as you can and then try and control it with the clutch to get going and once you've got some momentum try and get off the clutch a little bit just keep it like a big tractor going up the hill just wander up the hill might pop your helmet off because okay I'll roll it up for you if you want you got it yeah can you get off yeah all right man too easy I have a bit of a breather this won't be the last bike the BMW team right up this hill [Music] at breakfast Michael has a party who is riding the oldest bike on Safari wasn't sure if he would take on the hill remember morning bit I think and then the half days and just nothing I'm not I'm not with it this morning but later that day Michael was up for the challenge the 30 year old bike makes this hill look easy yeah but the hill pays it back [Music] the old bikes as general rule they make it through we always get a little bit nervous when some of the old bikes get off the track because you never know exactly how well maintained they have been of course they've been around the block more than once but it's amazing to see how these all girls get around a full week's worth of pretty tough riding without most of the time any problems at all this gives Shane a unique opportunity which he grabs with both hands this is a burst for me mate look at this Beast some legit Heritage right here I can smell fuel leaking out of carbies that's all right oh I'm just saying you don't get that too often these days this is good here we go let's see what you've got [Music] [Music] for some Riders sheer determination and encouragement can pay off and after completing a challenge there has to be some Rewards [Music] the town of black Buck was the stop for lunch and for all the Riders including the BMW staff it was a well-earned break that was a Battlefield the um maybe 40 or 50 bikes we probably rode about 20 or 30 of them up it's a good job for everyone that got in everyone lent a hand and it was a it was definitely a team effort that's for sure Riders like Martin thrived on the early morning challenge absolutely great nice climb uh pretty rough a few people went down but otherwise Green Day fun excellent not everyone agreed three drops in about 500 for yards rocks in the sand on the hill too much but I got here yeah that's what we do no and I didn't hit a poke the beer is cold beer is cold and one bloke's feeling bitterly let down by his riding mates my rear hugger and rear mud guard broke off the back of my bike and I left it on the side of the road now and I said now did any of you guys pick up my bud guard and they said no and I said well aren't you a bunch of buggers they might have been another word that I use but they failed the moral tests I could have been lying in the bush yeah so we're having a great time but Dean shouldn't be so quick to judge no you passed here but I think it's broken broken yeah it is because I tore it off um also feeling the mornings ride was Miles I arrived at the lunch stop at black butt in a car and that was the last thing I wanted to do so I sort of snuck in the pub I didn't really want anyone to see what was going on had a steak sandwich had a drink I started to feel better so at that point I was starting to plan my strategy to get back on the bike I'm gonna get back on the route get back on the horse and have a cruisy ride into kingaroy it's the uh see if I can help anyone out along the way for me to roll into kingroy on a bike was just like a win okay guys there's one man who's Keen not to miss out on any part of this adventure [Music] as mile steams towards the hill climb others are already there fighting the demons and after the break the battle of the Hill continues as Queensland dust some bikes [Music] Beyond black butt the BMW GS Safari continues the open cup mine near tarong gives a slightly different kind of view and Jim Andreas is loving it no way that's the way it should look I see this problem well it adds to the character Nick racic is one Rider who's proud to have conquered the hill the Hill from hell got it oh yeah two takes two taste oh hey here to tell about it two of the new journals are getting used to the conditions dust is is very Queensland um it's got that fine Queensland sense of sense of sticking into your nose staying there we don't get much dust like this in Surry Hills [Music] but you won't find one of those out here there's more adventure riding to be done [Music] [Music] Riders still need to deal with the infamous Hill for some it's a matter of paddling and that may get the job done the banarkan forest had some nice little climbs a bit steep bit loose bit Rocky when it gets dry in 10 or 20 bikes we'll spin going up these steep hills it really turns into a mess so the ride is behind again the ones left to deal with it once they tip over it's near impossible to get going so we've uh pushed a heap up we've ridden a heap of bikes up and uh there's not much air flowing here so it's uh it's pretty pretty tough little moment of the day but hey it's Safari right for everyone to get in on time they may have to abandon this part of the ride there's some green arrows I spotted a couple of Kays back so I might go and uh go and see if we can switch this up to a fire Road around this uphill for the rest of the rest of the crew and I think that'll make their day a little nicer for them further on there's some Sensational riding along overgrown forestry tracks to overcome any disappointment about missing hill climbs I had the journalist from Adventure Rider on the back of me on the 800. we're just chasing each other through this particular scratch-off single track and it was probably the Highlight for me of the whole trip because it was just fantastic but just when these awesome Australian tracks are at their best they'll throw their worst at you two Riders have hit a rain rut so hard it has done serious damage to their bikes for some Riders they they saw it and rode around it for other Riders they actually pretty much rode through it the guys have marked the track so no one suffers their faith I thought I blew the rear tire you know understand yeah yeah and all of a sudden just I came around and see this little Gully I eat that too yeah I hit it too yeah I hit it harder than I wanted to by Fair bit yeah I just I saw it right when I was right on top of it and you bought them out on it I know I'm glad I overshot over it backed me out of the that's got rid of him the Riders obviously hit that hole really hard the suspension couldn't soak it all up and unfortunately their bikes were on the trailer for the rest of the day past you guys and thought there they are just sort of taking in the sunshine and whack and I thought ah as I came around the corner I thought I'd blow on the rear tire or something was wrong and just so I got around the corner the whole thing's locked up and there you have it and guess who's to the rescue in a Flash suddenly miles rides in back on a bike after a crash and looking for someone to rescue we're doing what we're told and keeping left unfortunately those bloody holes though and with no other option this means a ride out in the support vehicle but after the break pulling into King aroy it's not all bad for some Riders oh that was the best day today the sand yesterday in the Hills today what else will come next it's all part of The Challenge on Adventure ride no motorcycle has gone further and seen more of the planet than the BMW GS it has been riding the globe for more than 30 years and been all over Australia from the top end to the Outback from entry-level models to the mighty 1200 Adventure BMW has a GS for every Rider and every Journey we have the equipment you'll use and the training you need to conquer any Expedition visit your local BMW Motorhead dealer and make life a ride we're on the BMW GS Safari it's a relief that the final leg into King aroy is pretty easy and weary Riders find their way to pubs and hotels for the night so we rolled into kingaroy there was a real buzzer as usual everyone had a ball unfortunately not everyone rode into town and luckily I rode into town because I didn't think that was going to happen at one point we had so many bikes come off today up the hills absolutely awesome man I tell you all these big GS is going up all these Hills that two Hills we had man that was classic absolutely oh that was the best day today the sand yesterday in the Hills today what else will come next right now you'd hope some relaxation but the work isn't finished yet as Riders lend a hand to unload the truck with military Precision yeah this is a regular thing every night on Safari or something a lot of heavy ones likes must have some beauty beauty products in there got to be a challenge hasn't it it's an adventure ride from there we all hit the writers briefing found out about the plans for tomorrow and uh had a few more beers how was today [Applause] good who thinks it was gnarly if you have especially a pretty tough day you have this uh it's almost like campfire Spirit at the end of the day where everyone's got War Stories to exchange it gets really really exciting okay hands up if you wrote the whole section yourself without any help from anyone that's great hands up if you got your bike ridden up by Shane or Chris or Wayne or Adam something's not right here it's also a bonding exercise you can tell that after two or three days you really get the group humming with excitement and that end of day beer turns into the best social event you ever go to and it's only hotting up in our next episode the GS Safari turns it on for the town of kingaroy but that's not what they're here for day four destination the ride is heading to Rainbow Beach and the roads are fast hot and Dusty which pushes some Riders to their limits I'm lucky that's just part of a BMW GS Safari Adventure ride [Music] [Music] this is the BMW GS Safari a ride that has a bit of everything dust water Crossings sand Hills [Music] and some magnificent riding [Music] it's day four of the BMW GS Safari and the ride continues in the regional town of kingaroy in Queensland Australia this morning the 180 Riders are assembling as a team to ride right through the center of town in formation something rarely seen on a safari the funny thing is when you're out riding through the day sometimes you feel so alone you actually think you're lost but one thing you never see is all the bikes together you never see that not in the mornings not at the beginning not at the end so the idea of doing a group ride at kingaroy a convoy ride sounded really cool and it was a real cool experience we've got all the bikes on the street we did a lap of the main town I think everyone really enjoyed that and yeah it was a great experience but it doesn't take long for the GS Safari to go from the masked order of the parade to the Milling chaos of confused navigation some Riders are charging past a turn arrow they don't see there are riders coming going Crossing and turning in every direction yeah there was a bit of a joke going through the Safari and all the customers that were complaining about getting lost I told them don't don't worry if there's more arrows up this week than I've ever seen before so everyone gradually calibrates they get it sorted and get lost a lot less often but eventually all Riders are back on track heading up into up into the forest east of kingaroy the Safari heads for today's destination way over on the coast at Rainbow Beach this is the kind of riding these motorcyclists live for the roads vary all the time so it's always a challenge always good fun where Safari is a big event there's no doubt about that it takes lots of planning it's really interesting to see people calibrate to what the Safari is we're all there to have a good time all of the staff put in huge effort to make sure everyone has a good time but it doesn't mean it's a like a European bus tour you know it's an adventure ride so people have to be a bit responsible for themselves have to look after themselves a bit and uh yeah it's really good to see the whole group come together and really be part of a team [Music] on a hot and gritty Queensland day like this there's nothing better than plunging into the forest on a big bike foreign but it is a relief that the dust today isn't nearly as bad as it has been earlier in the week [Music] with this spectacular landscape and magnificent riding it's any Wonder Riders keep returning to the BMW Safaris this is my seventh Safari there's actually 20 from down our area even though it's been hot and Dusty I like it because I like the technical writing rather than the big open bath riding yeah you need a little bit of sort of experiences so you do a course because yeah it'll seem like hard work if you come out here and you haven't had any sort of you know training on dirt or any you know because they won't stay upright just because you put a set of knobbies on the mixture of technical riding and stunning country keeps everyone on the move this is why you go on a safari there's no doubt adventure riding is on the up many guys have been doing this for years we we built the first GS in 1980. I'd say it was a little bit of a niche group for a long time but now it's really becoming mainstream and a lot of people are trading in road bikes and touring bikes and getting on an adventure bike and a lot of people that have never ridden before are really getting caught up in the whole idea of getting on the bike in their driveway and ending up in some amazing locations so it's really great to see adventure riding booming it's great for us it's great for GS it's great for Safari and in the LA in recent years safaris have been booked out with big numbers and that we put on more events to cater for that so it's uh it's great not everyone's having a perfect day in paradise Safari coordinator Grant Evans is about to be thrown a curly one I've got a writer for you who's uh his knobs separated from his carcass so he's not going anywhere fast how on Earth is Grant going to deal with this one it is mate yeah well that's a relief that's one of about 170 calls Grant will get today one of the places injured Riders don't normally go is Hospital sometimes the downhills uh give really do people's heads but Andy Parker is down and doesn't look good adventure riding has its moments we're probably going to fight over riding your bike give me the 450 give me the 450. okay let's get you comfy in the car you want to grab under my shoulder you're good you can hobble yeah the boys will look after you and we'll see in gimpy okay pixel art I think that's my leftover green stick down there there might be a bit of goodness left in it see you later okay thanks we've got two Medics on the Safari on the big Safari like this it gives me a lot of confidence when I see how these guys operate it's a tricky little bit wasn't it hard okay so then what we're going to do is we're just going to put some compression on this um it's just a reducer swirling we're going to make it feel a little more comfortable they have a lot of credibility obviously and they manage all of the accidents to such a high standard and the patient the customers well-being is is primary they have fun they have a laugh but they take the Med medical support aspect of the role very seriously happily he's not in shrieking Agony so we're gonna he's probably got a bastard um metacarpal in his hand so we're going to immobilize that so it reduces the swelling and give him a bit more comfort and then we're going to send him into gimpy get him to go to the hospital so he can have a look at his leg Andy is in good hands and it's a comfort for Riders to know that support is there for such emergencies after the break the BMW GS Safari Riders come out of the forest onto a wide open road where the BMWs can open up for a fun ride into gimpy [Music] back on the BMW GS Safari Riders come out of the forest on a wide open road where the BMWs can really open up [Music] you can't blame them for letting go on this great road service their incredible riding attracting a very inquisitive audience the Riders arrive at the town of gimpy a chance to refresh and re-energize Chris seizes the opportunity to top up with some cool water fresh water in the Camelback there's nothing better than a hearty lunch after a tough morning's ride when Riders become comfortable with the GS Safari and more familiar with the landscape navigating their way to the next destination is all part of the adventure [Music] as well you might just pass it to you anyway yeah we'll just do this I think that's the hardest riding session ever ever encountered right now the whole Forest that morning it was the taxi it was related it must have been 40 K's of tracks you know going from wide to narrow and then you know try to pick the blinds I mean staying out of the ruts staying on the middle they got that a couple of times I drifted and yeah you had to fight it back to get it there but um listen the uh in jail was a tough one well I just enjoy first I Was preparing myself for this this is 10 times harder than the injury 80 odd Riders can pass very quickly through a town but the benefits to a community are significant some of these places are in the middle of nowhere some of them do it really tough one minute they're having bushfires the next minute they're having floods and uh you know it's it's pretty tough in some of these smaller communities so when we roll through with a bunch of guys and girls and we we buy lunch we buy fuel we hang out when you do the numbers it all adds up and at the end of the day some of these towns really appreciate the fact that we are visiting them and we're supporting them and it makes a difference in an unintended example of medical tourism Andy Parker has made it to the gimpy hospital for treatment [Music] um got a little bit sideways and in the front lots of front and straight into the ground a slow speed unlucky couldn't change gear couldn't use a clutch and couldn't put the foot down to stop so if you guys stopped and helped and uh waiting for the medics [Music] back on the Safari the Riders come face to face with their biggest nightmare sang a long stretch of ruttered sand confronts them in the hottest part of the day by now many of them have the measure of it but there are still other Riders who haven't built the confidence or skills to nail it properly some just get caught out despite their best efforts take a breather it's actually damage it or not because it's approved I don't think so now I'm now officially a professional officer didn't hurt yourself a lucky escape on a tough track [Music] sand behind them the Riders carry on every corner every Hill offers a new challenge and this is just one short section of an afternoon ride on all kinds of Roads the GS Safari is almost at Rainbow Beach but if these Riders want to think it's all suntan's and surf waiting for them they've got another thing coming after the break miles has planned a beach Excursion for those game enough to take it on [Music] thank you no motorcycle has gone further and seen more of the planet than the BMW GS but has been riding the globe for more than 30 years and been all over Australia from the top end to the Outback from entry-level models to the mighty 1200 Adventure BMW has a GS for every Rider and every Journey we have the equipment you'll use and the training you need to conquer any Expedition visit your local BMW Motorhead dealer and make life a ride we're on the last leg of day four of the BMW GS Safari and we're almost at our destination Rainbow Beach one bloke has almost made it through but he's copped a flat tire s as well as melting the heat we'll hit two on the bitumen one at uh gimpy the buzzword or it's 40 degrees I went off and so on this event obviously we've had a few challenges with tires one thing we do in part of the registration is really encourage customers to pre-order spare tires some of them are pretty handy with the throttle and they they love to wear out a tire so putting on a new tire midweek can be a really good idea and other times you're just getting slash tires and cut tires and if you don't have a tire up your sleeve you're out there for a week of riding and then all of a sudden you're worried about having plug tires and bald tires and if you haven't pre-booked them you can't guarantee we'll have tires for everyone so I think this event will teach quite a few people the benefits of knowing you've got a couple of spare tires up your sleeve in case you need them and if you don't need them we can send them back to your home base really there hope the truck's got some tires it's an easy cruise on tarmac into Rainbow Beach after such a long and hot day this relaxed bit of riding is enough to persuade them it's time for a cold drink and a set of fresh clothes the Highlight for me from a venue point of view from a destination point of view was probably Rainbow Beach I'm from Sweden it's pretty cold and there's certainly no palm trees that sort of Tropical Paradise environment that we got to enjoy is pretty special too much fun yeah all about the GS right you've got a know what it's like to ride one of these things on a 40 degree day through tough terrain up the hills downhills on River beds through creek crossings can't be cured you just got to get out there and do it let's see how that are working I didn't ride the sand I did everything but the sand because I don't like to float I don't like it I know I didn't quite make the sand either the pills just before the sand I had a bit of a fall down and bent my handlebar so my husband he got it back up and got it fixed up as much as he could he's awesome we had a few strugglers and it wasn't the usual strugglers it was choosing Jason and miles going down to the beach to get some shots on the actual sand I've been there before this one track called freshwater track I wanted to show the camera crew you know getting bikes on the beach and I thought it was about a 7K run down through this Sandy track turns out it was probably more like 20 K's each way and uh it's a handful this track on a big bike it's a handful on any bike and uh the couple of the camera guys I think wanted to kill me halfway through and that is not just baked pizza it's a Santa it is plenty of sand and mouse described it afterwards has probably been a little bit tricky even for himself this would have to be the most taxing ride of the whole Safari and poor Chris is too exhausted to enjoy the hard packed beach sand when he gets there miles has the whole Beach almost to himself and makes the most of it we got to the beach we had a few runs up and down and had a bit of a play and uh yeah really it doesn't get much better than playing around on an adventure bike on the beach beside the ocean having a ball when you're having this much fun it's easy to forget what time it is I thought it was a 7K track out to the beach but it's actually 20. so uh so that's why you're late yeah I'm a little bit well I'm on time than me the briefing's in six minutes but I think they'll be about an hour and a half because it was pretty Sandy we got on the beach we've got the drones down the beach yeah cool so there's a few boys are going to sleep well tonight because of that it's been a big day of riding and what a way to top it all off after the great miles winds up day four at the Magnificent Rainbow Beach Resort have you had a pleasant day today it was a pretty good day it's the end of day four of the BMW GS Safari and the Riders are winding down at the Rainbow Beach Resort we had to uh delay I'll find a presentation just a little bit because miles was out showing off to all the film crew it does a good job of it too so we just delayed it a bit but as a matter of fact I think that most people just enjoyed getting another beer in before such time got started welcome welcome to Rainbow Beach Resort how was today [Applause] it was a pretty good day eh you remember days like that unless you've got heat stroke you probably don't remember the day who doesn't ride with a Camelback can we talk about meeting Dick Smith in the outback the day and he said to us it's not an adventure if everything's easy and just goes to plan if it's just boring and it all goes to play and you don't remember it you're not telling people about it next week next year in 10 years so today's maybe one of those days you'll be telling stories about for a while that night in particular there was a lot of happy campers I think that the environment itself combined with all the riding during the day has lent itself to what's a really really uh good culmination of it all where ultimately it had a great spirit and great feeling to it tonight there's a bit of a treat for the BMW Riders a low-key introduction to a brand new R 1200 model that could be the perfect one for the GS Safari [Music] so a lot of these Riders are very passionate about bikes they're very interested about the the new bikes and the new features and we actually had a bike on the event the one that I was riding was a pre-production or a prototype version of a new bike and we didn't make much noise about it but as it turned out the new bike was being launched in Italy on the night we were at Rainbow Beach so we knew the Embargo was over so at the end of The Briefing we got the biker side sitting beside a standard bike and just ran people through all the new features and uh yeah it's amazing to see how hungry some of them are for the information some of them aren't interested but for the ones that are it's great to be able to talk about the product and let them know what's new what's coming and what the benefits are and some of these guys really are serious about their riding ability this is my second GS I did the first one last year I've done three of the rider training courses now so trying to string it all together and come up with some skill it gives you a lot of confidence in not only yourself but also how good the motorbike is the motorbike itself far exceeds our skill levels they're amazing amazing motorbikes is what they can do off-road so that's the end of day four uh great day it's a shame there's only one day left a lot of riders got in late and uh we had this great venue great dinner and after such a big day it was so satisfying just to see everyone kick back have a meal have a drink and then look forward to the last day in the next episode thanks to roadworks and a logging operation that no one has anticipated roads are closed and detours are in place throwing everything into cables [Music] yep all right and it's quite clearly marked on our map so that should be okay will they get the Safari back on track in its final day and can the bush mechanics fix a problem [Music] now the Motorcycle Maintenance it's all about high-tech motorcycles on a remote Forest track and some great riding full of ruts rocks washouts and all the other challenges Riders have come to conquer on the BMW GS Safari [Music] thank you Riders on the BMW GS Safari signed up for adventure and they've certainly had their money's worth over the past four days since leaving the Gold Coast they've fought flat tires deep sand horrible hill climbs look up as well as the kind of dust and heat only Queensland can throw at them the Safari has broken a few bikes and bodies but almost all of the 180 Riders are now facing the final day of fun four days of real motorcycle Adventure in some of the toughest conditions these Riders have ever faced [Music] and at breakfast on the last day it all comes down to this proper coffee for the first time I'm from Melbourne right so this is like what I drink every day and for the last of the week I had to drink instant coffee like you name it right so amazing loving it [Music] for other victorians the heaters come as a shock my screen's very hot it was early last week I was riding inside so the civilian change is just wild yeah unbelievably hot we like tequila already on this last morning everyone's well into the Rhythm so departure is a matter of smooth routine tinge with regret over the looming end had a lot of fun a few scares along the way a few names for touchwood we stayed up right so far had one moment where I thought oh that was a bit close but that'll do that's about it really good my 1200 has a phobia of sand I'm not sure the 1200 on me probably more me but I saw day one it's getting worse day two three and four but the excitement is so great you forget about it a lot of Dramas yesterday I was stuck out there for three hours with two flat tires and I'll tell you what the 40 it was 41 degrees on the on the temperature and uh yeah sure every every single one of them creates the hell out of work and so I've got to go back to work on Monday I think I'm hooked on this this is the first time I've done any of this sort of stuff in 40 years so I'll be back the early part of the ride Spears through the spalling pine forests Inland from Rainbow Beach it's a nice warm-up for everyone most Riders take a short detour to Harry's Hut a popular fishing spot so looking forward to the relaxed final ride hopefully today people will be sensible we don't have too much work to do but it's not going to work out that way and her dad is not alone another Rider has also Fallen what are we gonna do I'm going to very gently lift them both up okay that's only one problem as the morning begins to unravel thanks to Road works and a logging operation that no one had anticipated roads are closed and detours in place meaning the Gia Safari team has to adjust the route how many people have come down the highway about 20. okay great I'll just go back and make sure everyone's coming the right way the early starters who were not redirected due to roadblocks have found their way to gimpy for a rest with plenty of stories to tell better roadworks a couple Steamrollers yeah there's some idiots out there mate taking over taking a truck in a corner looking truck in the truck at the brakes I have to be so clean it's honestly open on that friggin track behind them the rest of the Safari has come to a grinding halt as BMW's crew finds a way around the roadblocks yep all right and it's quite clearly marked on our map so that should be okay will they get the Safari back on track and can Bush mechanics fix a modern high-tech motorcycle on a remote Forest track find out after this on the last day the BMW GS Safari heads to its final destination on queensland's Sunshine Coast the carefully planned route from Rainbow Beach must be modified because of Road works and logging operations first few people preferred us not to use them so we bypassed around the three Arrow but they asked us to distance Grant and Miles put new plans into place yeah how many people have come down the highway and now the Safari is on track a new track perhaps but a track all the same [Music] foreign [Music] ERS are on the move again and the Adventure Continues full of ruts rocks washouts and all the other challenges that come to conquer on their BMW GS motorcycles meanwhile a heading Gippy for the early starters that avoided the roadblocks the biggest problem is working out who's morning tea tastes better oh is it worse than this [Music] no one promised it to be a cruise into Noosa and these tracks are taking their toll on some of the bikes Colin chin has dented a rim so badly his tire has gone flat and his only way out is to fix it that's the beauty of the Australian bush it's fully equipped with tire repair gear rocks and sticks catered back up anyway Bush mechanics at their best Sim and they had a Motorcycle Maintenance [Music] here colonies mates won't get far though because there's another roadblock ahead you messed us up we just we had to sort of make a call on that one whether to send everyone through there the lead Riders have been delayed and everyone is caught up with them only option is to wait it out you're riding too fast oh no this time this week it's about over almost five days [Music] some of the boys get a bit restless and start showing off if you want him to do anything silly now all the way he's up for it others take the time to fix some embarrassing problems here we come over a bit of a Christian next on me back so anyway three tires already two years one front just keeps on happening and a blowout that's all good what are we doing just when you think it couldn't get worse [Music] and that's not all the injuries Michael Dyer Falls and injures his leg he's all right but needs some team support what happened he The Handlebar his leg was stuck under the bike with the handlebar across his shin the Medics are quickly on the scene means you probably have broken it put the other leg alongside it yeah strap the two together and then that immobilizes everything okay then once it's immobilized you get a lot less pain Mick um stalled his bike on a hill and I think the handlebar or something hit his leg so he actually broke his lower leg which is really a shame because he wasn't doing anything Reckless it was just one of those one of those things the team was on hand we had to figure out a few Logistics and we actually teamed him down off this sort of Rocky Hill into the support vehicle we're gonna all just lift him into the car and um he should be okay to get out in a full drive but that's not the only problem for Dr Simon he almost couldn't make it he's pulled up with a flat tire we're going from Caltech to caltex pumping the tires we'll pull up I pump it up he'd pull up I pump it up and we just barreled out here but I'm glad it wasn't any further because it could have went flat and we could have end up walking or getting stuck yeah but all good luckily help for him is on hand benno has kept dozens of riders on track during the Safari he is BMW's official technician a wizard on a bike [Music] and a wizard on the tools he spends all day every day troubleshooting and fixing Flats the week's been good we've had a few flattens and stuff but all pretty normal things nothing really major apart from some crash damage and stuff but that's pretty standard they know it's amazing males tend to refer to him as a kelpie because there's just this amazing running machine he has runs in between different things make things happen so quickly if you bump into Banner he'll have you back on the road within two up ahead the lead Riders have come out of the forest again thank you guys down at the resort it's all clear for the Safari Riders to climb aboard and ride on coming up there is more fantastic riding Sensational scenery absolutely beautiful and a free run [Music] the BMW GS Safari is running into trouble on the last of five days of adventure riding with closed tracks logging operations damaged bikes and injured legs but the organizers are working overtime to maintain the momentum yes so glad we've got Rider number 65 he's in the area of the um wounded Forest Reserve in Noosa instead of enjoying the cold beer he's craving Grant is busy looking after transport for the injured rider Michael Dyer now we've got a guy who's come down I think on a downhill descent come off broke his leg we're just ready to get him out now see he's all comfortable but we're just looking for a vehicle to um go and get him swoops will initially get him but we just want to bring him straight back in here to Noosa and drop him off at the hospital foreign [Applause] despite the drama most of the 180 Riders forge on through the forests on their way to Noosa it's the shortest riding day of the Safari but it's no less challenging than any of the others which is exactly what the Riders want from the lead Riders are on the last leg [Music] I think [Music] they are getting mad at me first Grant's rescue plans for Michael are falling into place as the BMW Safari support network proves its benefits [Music] um he's in a good experience pretty happy so hopefully we'll see him tonight rescuing injured Riders is just one of the jobs the alien sweep vehicle has been doing throughout the Safari these are the guys whose role is to make sure no bike is Left Behind [Music] as much as we've planned and you know have great continuously plans in place for all sorts of eventualities there's always things that can go wrong and when at the end of the day it all comes together we're all in one spot all safe and sound having a great time and a beer and a briefing for the next day you can read a sigh of relief [Music] as Riders get close to Noosa many stop at the tin MOA Lookout overlooking the end of the ride and they're high on the Thrills of five days of great riding Breeze that clay area up out of Pomona if that would have rained you would have been on skates was a great Safari it was harder than most gsafaris when you combine heat with dust and dry conditions loose Hills but you know that's that's a good thing we don't want it to be too easy it's amazing how many times we've had no incidents at all and then on the last day bam there's a couple of really basic little accidents that have caused an injury you know nothing too serious but and the briefing before the last day we just stress to people it's not the day to break any records you've made it this far you've got to make it to the dinner you want to be there for the party and you know that's the way to finish a great week of riding [Music] but that's not quite it for the BMW GS Safari as Riders arrive in Noosa gravity is still taking its toll I was following too closely and got lost in a bit of dust by the time I go back up the bike was traveling down the road without me the BMW GS Safari has been fantastic and an exciting adventure for the 180 Riders who set out five days ago but now they're into the last few kilometers of the ride the lead Riders are on the last few Corners now their job almost over it is hot today getting on and off the bus so many times I'm about two quarters away from having a beer I think team is amazing I mean every single team member pulled together put in a huge day's work every day it's pretty tough it's pretty hot but they just keep plugging away at it from early in the morning to late at night and I think the outcome was fantastic more Riders are gathering up on timberware Lookout to delay the inevitable and share some stories from the ride what was your favorite part of the day might probably be that bridge section where we're riding along those Sandy tracks and it just look straight into those trees yeah and along a single shark and then back out the other side right see this back stuff what a great experience hey yeah it's the last day but I don't want it to end yeah let's keep going yeah down below after days of riding through the bush civilization hits the dusty gritty Riders like an unwelcome shock the crowded traffic has stolen the freedom they've been savoring all week meanwhile Michael Dyer finally arrives in Noosa although not at Pepper's Resort so I'm hoping it's a clean break and a relatively Quick Fix but you know I've loved the ride so far the other injured rider you've Adorn has avoided Hospital despite breaking ribs this morning and he's now with daughter Anthea in Noosa 25 kilometers in hit the thick sand mustard went down bashed my hand I think the handle box cracked the room earlier in the Safari his son Rhys also had a slight mishap and went home early I'm not going to hear the end of this Pepper's resort resonates to the sound of BMWs as dozens of them roll in this resort was the perfect location to get out of the Heat and to end the ride so that's it five days of pretty epic adventure riding in some pretty awesome conditions a bit trying at times but uh looks like a good time to jump in the pool and grab a beer I reckon done and busted literally no injuries just lunch and dinner I think that's been the diet of the uh the week I've had a blast I'll be back we're in one piece the Box in one piece had a great week awesome fun made it all the way through wonderful thank you BMW they have done well even the vintage gas store rare era bike has made it but Michael wasn't as cheery on day one as he rode into the Gold Coast that's a beautiful set of wheels oh I gotta load of fuel in there that's running like a cow the bike performed well once we got the problem fixed how's the missed a beat so the old fella on the old girl oh God I'm worth the win he's beautiful in one last show of successful organization the BMW crew wrangles everyone for a group photo [Applause] [Music] thank you pitcher snapped that leaves nothing to do but grab a coldy and unwind it's a great journey you know met some great fellas had some good times miles wraps things up at the farewell dinner it's been a great week it's always a lot of fun it's always a little bit stressful [Music] this was a fantastic event the beaches to mountains was perfect setting for a fantastic Safari our team did a great job and our customers did a better job again they pulled together made it through as a team as a group all the way to the end helping each other out at the end of it all I think that it was a fantastic experience and especially for myself [Music] for me seeing the the group leave at the beginning and heading up into the bitumen Hills is is a great way to start I know we had the section of gearween forest which was like a little Enduro playground and even though that challenged some people I reckon it developed them as Riders and that was a lot of fun and of course we had the Rocky Hill Climb that got shut down that was uh that was tough and sand everyone uh you know Dr Tyson sand this week some loved it some hated it but that's that's just how it works so it's one of those things but if there's no challenges you know you don't remember all of the great days sometimes you remember some of the challenges [Music] never ceases to amaze me how capable these motorcycles are we go through so many different types of varied terrain and after a week of riding he has changed the tires over some of them even right back to the other side of the continent back to Western Australia and they're Flawless it's absolutely fantastic so big thank you to our bikes because they're really on the story it's been a hell of a ride the BMW GS Safari has pushed some people to their limits some pass them the deep sand [Music] difficult Hills narrow trails and high temperatures have tested everyone but the rewards in camaraderie have stood out above the hardships for adventure riding enthusiasts there is no better way to leave the stresses of everyday life behind and Escape into ingest Safari Adventure if you want to be part of a GS Safari Adventure or any other BMW event go to [Music]
Channel: FSAU
Views: 1,309,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adventure ride, BMW SAFARI 2016, бмв гусь, мотоциклы, motorcycles offroad, bmw offroad
Id: iLVvBzwpttg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 27sec (6807 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2017
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