BMW Motorrad Australia | 2021 BMW GS Safari

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[Music] [Applause] yeah we're here at the ville in townsville it's a great venue and everyone's arriving they're signing up getting some merch getting their show bags they've got some great great giveaways in there and they're getting a t-shirt a really nice towel um there's some great stuff in there from our supporters it's awesome [Music] cooler stickers yeah getting their labels for the front of their bikes so every rider gets a decal with their name their number i'm looking forward to it it's probably about my 12th 15th safari i'm lucky enough to be involved with staff i get a unique perspective at the back of sweep rider ripping down arrows for people and helping a few people out here and there but it's super satisfying and always exciting love it 180 odd bikes roll out of out of the resort and start heading for mission beach the excitement's building for tomorrow when we leave and dinner tonight for sure i've just jumped off the bike come up from melbourne that was three and a half thousand k's so i'm pretty knackered as you can imagine but really excited because it's my first safari i'm about to kick off tomorrow we're actually in there briefing everyone right now so come in and check it out okay welcome along everyone to the 2021 bmw gs safari townsville cairns we welcome you along on behalf of bmw australia and hope you have a great week here on safari i'm sure you will the 2021 bmw gs safari is well underway the vibes high we got through all the formalities the welcome speeches the rider briefing everyone's here now having dinner cracking some beers having a great time so looking forward to a fantastic week on the bike [Music] yeah a little bit of uh apprehension first day out it's always gonna be a little bit nerves but we'll be over it by the time we get the first 100ks under the belt [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh these portion signs are wonderful because that if we hadn't had that big caution song would have hit that one earlier but it come off pretty good [Music] got better on the dirt than in the car [Music] i'm tim uh one of the one of the doctors i've been uh i did a master class with the guys a few months ago six months ago or something and then got the call said you want to join this doc hell yeah i do so uh yeah first first safari for me super super exciting good i'm john i've been on a couple of safaris and one of the [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's right [Music] [Applause] can't you tell there's this place must be held no more cookies [Music] so oh beautiful ride too it's just taking in the scenery that's all you can do that's what it's about going up slow yeah just cruising having a good time having a little nap yeah yeah hey we've done 200k since day one of five days are you having a nap nothing so not a nap just [Music] it's been really good i i've just enjoyed that run um it would have been interesting come a week ago when it was all muddy it would have been fun but it was uh it's nice riding um so yeah well as i said i couldn't go last year because of what happened so uh it's just nice to get out um it's nice to see you know the safari sold out again and everyone was really keen last night was a great night journey just the emotions and the excitement you know they've always loved the safari that's what makes it so unique you know just people turn up and they're excited from day one and it only gets better through the week [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we're in cardwell cardboard is that right yeah cardboard it's all about the uh the adventure not the destination and they're right this is true you've got to stop journey we're loving it gotta stop where you need to stop and take it all in it's all about look at that everyone's just enjoying life 1980s yeah so that's when they first started making them and this is about three months after they very first started the very first year so this is this is the original as early as again three months before that lady mate this is the great great grandfather of all the gs's here we should be all genuflect interesting thank you for bringing us in it's beautiful that's all i can say so day one in the bag we're at mission beach we're just having the riders briefing uh big day 465 k's and uh for a lot of these guys it's their first safari so a lot of uh built up hype and to get here for to understand what the experience is all about so it's really good to get day one out of the way because now everyone knows what's going on how it works and we're heading to douglas tomorrow and the route looks really really interesting there's some super twisty terrain and some optional stuff so it's going to be a step up but now we're on our way that's what it's all about just having a good time and giving people some some fun some challenge and and a lot of awesome experiences oh here we are it's 6 a.m so day 2 bmw safari 378ks today got a quick of bitumen run up to miller mill and then we go down the old palmerston highway and we hit some dirt just out there and then go through irvine bank around lunchtime have lunch there then head up through afternoon and make our way into port douglas so another good day [Music] what's the story with this place menace i think i think i think there was something to do with these to generate your own energy or something [Music] [Applause] so [Music] look at me [Music] yeah it's sketchy very slippery well i just i just i just had buggered went straight through it wasn't the problem at all but oh mate he was a little bit tender about getting across one way fell over and we found out the cause it was a banana peel a lot of spill the most dangerous thing you could ever have on a boat you can't have them on boats you can't have my bike look at that [Music] it's amazing in there and just the history that that's in that is just [Music] unbelievable [Music] yeah but the clutch worked yeah if you want to put your foot out the door to stop i also picked up a whole lot of military uh history and a whole lot of uh history from about the mining industry up here and the logging industry as well it's a little uh hidden gem i think it's the best fine software for the day after doing that crossing which scared the hell out of me but i got there in the end just all drying stuff it's pretty cool not a museum but just prime stuff [Music] it started off this morning thinking we're gonna see a little bit of sunshine over the coastline but and the rain come in and ten minutes later i had water coming out of my boots so we've had proper rain today it's been coming in from all angles and then suddenly hit that and it's like the sun came out wow i was just like i was about to give up motorbike before that as i went through like a little pool of water around my junk and then suddenly stand up drain it off sun comes out and they all doubted me but here we are at irvine bank sun's out we're about to head off on some great dirt and uh get back back into port douglas for the evening [Music] [Music] so we've probably still done four or five times all up today used about 20 canisters of co2 and about 15 plugs 20 plugs probably yeah it clicked me very quickly i said you want to stay and help me change the uh change which i put achievement he was like goodbye [Music] do [Music] three flat batteries today one drop pair of sunglasses but it was fantastic and i decided i put my wet weather gear on after i got wet [Music] here we are we made it to port douglas day two of bmw safari what a day the guys had to deal with some rain this morning skip and i left nice and early and and we didn't even get to dodge it we still had to ride through that stuff but we made it through the rain and it the rain gave up and stopped for us right as we hit an awesome dirt section across the irvine bank and what a crazy little town that place was it was awesome to check that that out from there we moved on we ran into a little bit of a drama skip got a flat tire and we chased it we had to throw some plugs in and we tried to milk it for all it's worth but eventually we had to stop and put a tube in that so i sort of left skip behind and kept motoring on and made it through to port douglas to the beautiful sheraton mirage here and ready to do it all again tomorrow morning of day three we're starting set up boys are going to do some maintenance just get the toolbox out get it get the tools and get on the action uh we're changing a strut in this one uh just a bit of an oil leak at the front of it so it's a front off sides off tank off air box off australia [Music] we're going out to lay the arrows today i'm having a change out of sweep duties and leading out with skip and yeah see if we can get everybody where we need them to go this morning i've got a job to do to go and check out a an optional bit that when they did the recce it was underwater and there's a couple of decent creek crossings and a couple of big bog holes so we'll go out first thing check it out if it's passable we'll arrow it in if it's not we'll close it off so yeah a few of the crew are excited to see if we're going to open that but basically really good loop day up in the range back down to fort douglas tonight so no no luggage truck none of that we've got a pretty hooty cruisy day hump day and looking forward to it [Applause] [Music] so [Music] and though it's been so long i remember us like yesterday [Music] [Applause] [Music] doesn't look crazy but if you get on the edge of one of these rats it's like ice it's like vaseline so joe showed us there what happens a little bit sideways and then she's a [Music] pirouette [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] two are looking pretty funny i'm clean because i went for a swim so yeah [Music] i've come and stuck like um i think like four times today like just massive fish tails you're behind me man this is like ah and i've just somehow kept it up man it's like magic feet wonderful day it's the hardest riding i've ever done but it's amazing what if he didn't do this section today i reckon you're gonna kick yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i can't get out [Applause] [Music] terrified that having a ball [Music] [Music] where are we good baron paul aaron falls thank you sir thank you check it out [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] bad line now you pick your line it's going to work or it's not and this time it didn't and i think um my back wheel got stuck in a rut and just went out and then i got pushed over into the um sleepy foliage and then the next thing i know i'm getting thrown off and the bike's upside down above me and the only thing holding it up so what you got thrown into the polish yeah so you had a soft landing yes so i ended up down down over there and the only thing that stopped the bike coming down the top of me was the center stand on the concrete edge of the fridge and the bike's fine oh just cosmetic yeah otherwise the bike's spy it's great people sharing and your jacket that's from something else is it that's the mud slide that was not long after yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] we just wrapped up day three a loop day out of port douglas back to port douglas sheridan mirage unreal everyone's pumped to have two nights there today's ride was epic it was one of the best days i think a lot of these riders would have had on adventure bikes one one of the best days i've had on the venture bikes it was raining this morning so the beach here was pretty wet and then we got into some pretty good trails that were slippery as um very very slippery bikes were spinning around on themselves but no no carnage it was all good and the vibe is super high the next two days are super special as well we head up cape tribulation and then a loop out west we get get sort of way out of the rainforest territory back in the can so looking forward to what the next two days bring and the vibe's gonna be unreal [Music] this is day four i'm one of the doctors it doesn't seem like there's much to do because everyone's behaving themselves at the moment we haven't had too many mishaps and a few a few sore butts but nothing too crazy uh day four's big day we had a a sort of semi-rest day yesterday less case but uh it was pretty full-on and today uh we're heading up through the rainforest little ferry up to through dangery i think it is it's about 420k so oh i've definitely been at the back of the pack yeah yeah yeah no we've been having a fantastic time um trying to ride with different people each day to get a bit more of a different experience and it just always ends up being luke and i so that we can ride at our own pace but you wake up in the mornings and you're just ready to go getting the itchy all over it's been great with words [Applause] if at river crossing big action man it was unbelievable i don't know how many bikes i got through and i probably rode two bikes halfway through um to the other side jumped off and as soon as i jumped off there was already a few boys there and had to sort them out but good action fantastic ride good good memories [Music] i made it across i don't know how i got to the other side just momentum was my friend but how good is it that's some of that's the best river crossing i've done and that's some of the best footage i've ever seen that's some gold there [Music] actually when you're looking for gravel to grab to get some grip that's a fun dough pretty muddy and slippery out there so it was great slipping and sliding everywhere was just really good we're wet we fell into the water we've got rocks we've got river crossings we've just got the whole lot today it's uh and it's pretty warm up here pretty warm for winter anyway [Music] when was the last time you were through here the cape york safari 2017 three years ago four years ago yeah we came the other way through so we don't need to go back through because we've already done about what it's okay i'm sure you're gonna have plenty of adventure i want to do that four times today full time how'd you get the crossing crossing was good i stalled it a couple of times but there was no we weren't over revving obvious i was obviously under rubbing but now good traction control off so we can sort of get through it but it's just nice to fill up your beats with your boots with a couple of liters of water like i'm i'm full like it's coming out my nose oh that's how full i am amazing amazing even though you're in the mirror it's so good it's awesome i did it man i did it [Music] a nice pub and then i rode back the same route there was some river crossings uh some slippery uh mud hill um red clay hill and uh yeah so it's pretty challenging [Music] so [Music] on the way over it was like to the right is way better come back over to the left yeah it's all chopped out okay i think i shot the engine before it even hit the water i think they were doing wheel spins in that part yeah yeah on the way over [Music] um all my mates have done several of these and they said come along so i registered got my learners in march which meant i had to get my license uh about a week ago so we've been on a couple rides but uh i've got about five hours before before the safari only rid for about five hours yeah that crossing's not easy i knew that was going to be the big challenge though so not too bad [Music] good old merino wool socks warm wind wet that's just sweat from riding so hard don't think i got wet in that creek [Music] well it wasn't that long to get there three beers at the pub wait for a few people at the creek crossings and yeah it hasn't been too bad a day what time is it four o'clock i guess we left about eight eight hours longer than i thought actually so bmw tech support is a massive part of the safari events when you've got 200 bikes doing thousands of cars there's tires that need to be replaced general maintenance few crash repairs and we've got a team of experts here that put in so much work changing hoops for customers done a big day on the bike straight in still in the gear straight on the time machine part of the team the truck is amazing a big four wall drive truck it brings everything along at every venue every night they set up a little work station and just churn through the work and you know there'll be maybe a dozen tyres maybe 20 tires going on bikes tonight other bits and pieces obviously the odd customer crashes a bike and it needs to be patched up to get through to the finish line well done it this guy would would like a new front tire so we're just trying to get that sorted for him give him a little bit more grip and confidence just try and help the boys as much as we can if we can just pull tyres or wheels in and out for them they can do the rest of the work and it just helps them out it makes their job a bit easier mate so they can still get out to dinner stuff day four arrived at palm cove we had a run up north up towards uh the lions den pretty iconic pub up uh near cooktown to get up there we went across the ferry and up past cape tribulation onto the bloomfield track and uh yeah that track really challenged a few people uh blew blew a few people's minds on an adventure bike it's that right mix of challenge scenery um fun and and we got some more rain so it was greasy there was some orange clay hills that were a handful but not not impossible and um yeah a lot of people have really made some riding breakthroughs and uh feeling good about what they've achieved [Music] we're out here getting day five underway been out nice and early putting all the arrows up marking the route in so the riders know where to go there we go alright so far safari has been an awesome week we've had four great days a mega mix of all different terrains great bitumen great dirt the riders are pumped and j5 is going to bring them in nicely to cairns to finish off [Music] lots of slipping and sliding a bit of fun tell you what what a different day-to-day variety of uh of the terrain we've gone across over the last five days mud water crossings loose loose dusty stuff you know on the last day was a bit unexpected because uh you know from all the rain we've had but it's dry here so very cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] yeah when you see people in front of you doing it you think it must be you must be able to do it yeah especially the slope yeah if i'm on my own i'd say right i'm turning back up yeah follow everyone else love it [Music] that last bit coming over top of that hill and then the road just dropped away i was just hanging on for a ride i was passing flapping down the hill i think i rounded them all up and then i stopped to change the gopro battery so then i ran them up again well what a week it has been the gs safari for 2021 has taken in a little bit of everything from wet tropics to open plains to dusty tight technical trails it's been a magnificent week and the js 1250 hasn't put foot wrong i'll be coming back to do this the first chance i get [Music] looking back to when it all began i was 25 you were 21. oh i should [Music] the city lights oh i couldn't see it coming until it was over [Music] can't we come back oh to the boat [Music] traveled up through the center went out to uluru um the olga's and um king's canyon west mcdonald ranges um did a bit of exploring out there and then up to 10th creek and then east across through the barclay tablelands um found my way through to rockhampton and then up the coast to get to townsville so yeah it's just sort of an extension of that longer trip yeah how far to go uh probably 60 k's yeah all downhill home run sad but it's all over there first of all welcome to cans [Music] congratulations logistics manager for bmw safari and we're here at the end of the 2021 bmw gs safari from townsville to cairns we're wrapping up at the shangri-la cans and as you can see the energy is really hot everyone's had a fantastic week happy healthy and enjoying a couple of beers and wrapping up the week that was we've we've got an awesome team and it's been a fantastic event we look so forward to doing another one and what a way to finish up
Channel: BMW Motorrad Australia
Views: 73,014
Rating: 4.8510637 out of 5
Id: 6HZT0_hYQDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 56sec (2516 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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