Adley has STiCKER POX!! Brave Doctor visit with Nurse Mom and 2 Shots from Dr Dad new play pretend

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- Maybe I should take these off. - He gets a little nervous. - Yeah, How about you do that and um. - Hold the tray. - I'll hold the tray. - Yeah. - Okay. - Okay, This one won't hurt cause he put the numbing stuff on you. (Adley screams) (Mom and dad scream) - Nutritious nibbles, I think these are for monkeys. (Adley making monkey noises) Turkey feet. - Bye, high five, thank you for-- (Adley laughs) - Sometimes a hair will be attached to it. (Dad screams) - Here's one. (Dad screams) (Adley screams) (Adley making horse noises) - Oh, no, I'm gonna loose my license. (Dad screams) (Mom and Dad yelling) - Doctor, cut my hand off! Oh, doctor. (Mom and Dad yelling) (Adley making silly noises) - Oh, no, she's gone crazy. - Giraffe, monkey. (Mom screams) - That's even worse. - Okay, don't you worry. Everything's gonna be okay. - I'll get the surgical stuff. (Adley making silly noises) - I feel like I can see a little turkey dancing in here. (Adley making silly noises) That's weird, what do you see? (Adley making silly noises) - There's a turkey dancing. Look at this. (Adley making silly noises) (buoyant music) (Adley making silly noises) - Weird. (soothing music) - Welcome to A for Adley. I have sticker pox, we need to call the doctor! (buoyant music) (phone dialing) (phone ringing) - We're getting a call, it's a patient. Hello. - Yeah, can I have an appointment please. I have sticker pox. - She has sticker pox. Yeah, come right in, we'll get ready. - Thank you, bye. Okay, let's go to the doctor. - Okay, she's coming. Give me my lab coat. (coat crushing) We just barely opened. I can't believe someone already has sticker pox. - Okay. - Okay, good. - Yep. - Okay, remember, we have to get her information. - Yes. - I need to get the supplies ready. - [Mom] Okay. - Our first day in business. I'm so excited. - Oh, I can't wait! - I'm so excited. (Adley screaming) - Crazy. (Mom yelping) - [Dad] Oh. - Hi, hi, hi. - Oh. - Hi. - Hi. - Are you the patient? - Oh, my gosh, it's true. - [Dad] That's worse than I thought. - I've never seen a sticker pox before. - Just one second. That's a lot of sticker pox. - I know. - Are you sure we can do this? - I think so. - You get the information. I'll get the sticker pox. - See what my manual says about this. - Uh, Are you a real doctor? - Yeah. - Yeah, let me uh, look. Here's our diploma. - Okay. - Ma'am, I just need you to fill out this information here. - Okay. - All right. The wait time is five minutes. - I've got this stuff ready. Are you ready? - Yeah. - Okay, let's do this. Hey, good luck. - Okay. - Howdy patient. - Uh hi. - Howdy. - We've got all our doctor's stuff and are ready to fix your sticker pox. - And here you go. - Oh, we need to take her temperature. - Oh, temperature. Okay, I got that in here. - [Mom] Uh, here. - Oh, yeah. - All of that is not sanitary now. - Okay, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Temperature, temperature. - Are you guys sure you're a real doctor? - Yeah. - That's doesn't go on her foot. - I know, I'm just, okay. - Oh. - Where does this one go? - On her forehead. - Forehead, okay. There's sticker pox on her forehead. - Just don't touch them. - Okay, um. (Adley laughs) - Careful, okay. Titititititi. (bell ding) 98.6, she's looking good. - Okay, yeah. - You're looking good, you don't have a fever. - Okay. - Oh, we gotta measure her and get all her signs. Okay, come over here please. - You guys seem pretty crazy. - We're not crazy. We're just normal doctors. - You're acting pretty crazy. - Let's say how much she weighs, stand. - Okay. - Oh, right here. - Okay, right there. Oh, she's big. Do you eat vegetables? - Yeah. - Ah that's why-- - Nice. - She's growing so big. All right, we gotta check your eyes. - Muscles? Yep, yup, she does. - Okay, let's check your eyes. - Oh eyes. - Whoa, whoa. - Over her on this, careful. - You guys seem, you guys seem pretty crazy. - Ah, don't worry about it. We know exactly what we're doing. It's kind of our first day being open but we're really good at being doctors. Don't worry. Kay look right there. Do you see those symbols? - [Adley] Yeah. - [Dad] Okay, you gotta read them to us. - Okay, cover one eye. - Cover one eye. Okay, what's on the top? - A boat. - Uh huh, and the next line? - An X and a O. - Perfect, next line? - And flag and star and a heart. - Okay, and next line? - Giraffe, zebra, elephant and monkey. - Giraffe? - That's not right. - This is worse than I thought. - Yeah, okay, switch that up. - Okay um. - Try this instead. - Yeah. - Giraffe, monkey. - Ah, that's even worse! - Okay, uh, sit right here. Everything's going to be okay. Don't you worry, everything's going to be okay. - I'll get the surgical stuff. - I'm gonna get some cream. (Adley groans) - You're touching my sticker pox. (Dad screams) - [Mom] I got the tweezers. - [Dad] Okay. - We forgot to wash our hands. - I know and I just touched them. - Put lots of soap. - I got an idea. I'm going to, these are disinfectant wipes and they're going to make it, so your sticker pox aren't infected anymore. And then we can take them off, okay? (Adley whines) - Don't worry about it. There we go. Okay. (Dad screams) - Hey, I was washing my hands first. - I wanna wash my hands, she touched it. Where's the disinfectant wipes, okay. - [Mom] Okay. - Hands. - Here. - Not so close. Okay. (Dad screams) (alarm ringing) Doctor, cut my hand off. - Oh, no. (Mom and Dad yelling) Calm down! I got it. - Oh, my. (Adley laughs) (Adley laughs) - He does this all the time. Doctor. (Adley hysterically laughing) - Are you there? (Adley laughs) - I need you to sit on his stomach. Can you do that for me? - (Dad groans) Oh, what happened? - [Mom] There we go. - What happened? - [Mom] You kind of fainted. - We go this. All right. I'll go and throw this away. - All right. Maybe I should take these off. He gets a little nervous. - Yeah, how about you do that and um. - Hold the tray. - I'll hold the tray. - Yeah. - Okay. - Okay, this won't hurt cause he put the numbing stuff on you. (Adley screams) (Mom and Dad scream) - Okay, put it on the tray, okay. (Adley pretend cries) - This is gonna take forever. - Okay, be careful. (Adley screams) (Mom and Dad scream) I didn't even get it. I didn't even touch it. - We need to give her a shot. We need to give her a shot so it's numb. Let me get a shot ready. Shot, shot, shot, shots! - Ha. - Okay. - Okay. - This is just gonna hurt a little bit right on the tip of your nose. (Dad yells) (Adley screams) - Okay. - You're supposed to do it like that? - Yeah, That's how you're supposed to, can you feel your face? Let's see, can you feel that? Can you feel that? Can you feel that. Can you feel that? Can you feel that? - Can you feel this? - Perfect, it worked. Okay, take those sticker pox off. - Hello. - No massaging the patient. Okay, take those sticker pox off. - [Mom] Okay, oh. Ah. - Okay, perfect. - That's a little better. - That shot works miracles. - Shot in the nose. - Aren't you supposed to do it on the nose, not in the nose? - Yeah, I think he did it wrong. - Where did you get sticker pox? - I just woke up in the morning, I guess. - What did you eat last night? - Did you eat stickers? - I just eat one sticker. - Mmmm. That's why you can't eat stickers. Let me read the medical tablet thing. Patients who consume stickers could possibly get sticker pox. So don't eat stickers. That's what doctors have to say about it. - Oh, hey, are you ready for your hands? - Yep. - Oh, no, Doctor. - [Dad] What? - [Mom] Look. - [Dad] It left a mark. Where's the other sticker pox? Wait! (Mom yells) - It could be on the ground, watch out! There it is. (Mom screams) - Okay, put it on here. (Mom and Dad scream) (Dad screams) (Adley laughs) - He's a little crazy. Don't touch them! Oh, let's use tweezers. I wonder if he's going to come back or going to leave me alone. (Adley screams) (Mom screams) (Dad screams) (Mom screams) - [Dad] What's going on? - She fainted. - She fainted, okay. - It's okay. - Um, I'll squeeze her toes. - Don't touch her. - Why? - [Mom] You have sticker pox. - I have sticker pox? - [Mom] Yeah. - [Adley] I got you. (Mom and Dad scream) - [Mom] He fainted. Okay, let's get all of yours off. (Adley laughs) (Mom screams) We need to help him. Can you help me help him? - Yep. - Okay, we're good. - He fainted. - Okay, you're going to need one of these. All right, put this on. All right, what's first? The soothing gel. Okay, put this on his face. You know, this might be easier to take them off when he's unconscious. - Tweezers please. - Tweezers. Tray. (Adley yelling) - Stuck. - Do not get them on you. - Oh, that's a hard one. - Sometimes the hair will be attached to it, oh. (Dad screams) - Ah, like that that. Don't touch it. - I got it. This one's a hard one. His nose is probably gonna hurt. Yeah. - Oh. - That was easy. - He didn't even feel that one. - Oh, this one, he's gonna feel this one for sure. - [Mom] Oh. (Dad screams) (Mom screams) (Adley laughs) Come on sticker pox. - Oh. - Get that one. - Oh yeah, that was a good one. - Okay. (Dad screams) (Adley screams) - Ew, that was gross. On his cheek. - Oh, there's only one more and it's this one. (Dad yells) (Adley laughs) - No, I think we forgot one. - What? In his mouth. - Kinda slimy. Look at the face on that sticker pox. - Ew. - [Mom] Oh, man. All right, should we wake him up? - Okay, wait, there's only one thing to wake him up. - What, that'll do it. Okay, ready? - And his tongue. - I'll hold him down so he doesn't freak out. Two, three. - What happened? - Doctor, are you okay? - Are we at the hospital? I just wanna ride the unicorn. - Yeah, nothing happened and our patient is fixed. She's alive. - You're fixed? - Yeah. - No more sticker pox! - Yeah, we did it! - Um, pay us, where's our money? - I don't have any. - What? - Um, Ma'am. - Ma'am. - [Mom] Right here. - Ma'am. Ma'am, right here, here's our card reader. - I don't have a card. - Ma'am. - If you can't pay, then you're gonna have to work for us. - Ahh. - Do you want to become a doctor or do you want to pay us? - I'll pay you. But I just don't know where my card is and I don't even have a card. - Well, you have five seconds to figure it out. Five. - But I don't even have a card. - Four, three, two. - Oh, she has one. - [Dad] Okay, that's more like it. - Oh, oh, I will touch the equipment. - Please do not touch the equipment. (Dad imitating buttons) There you go. - Will you take your card out now. - Last thing we just need you to sign this right here. - Signature here. - A little signature. Oh, wow, I love that signature. - Beautiful. - Okay, thanks for coming to our doctor office. - We'll be open all day. - Tell all your friends. We love patients. - Bye. No more eating stickers. - Okay. - [Dad] Don't eat weird things. - It's time for another nap. (soothing music) (cock crowing) Oh, it's morning. Let's go to work. Ah, turkey feet? Okay, I've got to call the doctor. (phone dialing) They're not answering. Let's just go. (Adley humming) It says they're open. I'll knock. Knock, knock, knock. Hello? (Mom screams) (Adley screams) - Oh, no. Oh, we need, I need help. Let me grab my coat. Doctor, we have a patient, come on! (Dad screams) Come inside, she's back. (Dad screams) - [Dad] Turkey feet. (Adley laughs) - Get on your jacket. - How did she get turkey feet? - I don't know. - This is so weird. - I ate a turkey last night. A whole turkey. - [Dad] What? - You ate a turkey. - Oh, okay. - No fainting this time. - We got this, we got this. - We've got it. (Adley laughs) - You did it backwards. - What does she need? - Okay. - Excuse me, doctor. You did it backwards. - Huh. - You did it backwards. - Ah, okay, okay, okay, okay. - All right, we're gonna have to go through this checkup here. Ears, we need the blue thingy mabob. First, we're going to have you sign your name here. - Okay. - Adely, wait, I've heard about you. Do you make videos? - Did you eat a turkey just for a video? - No. - Mmmm, I bet it was a video. No eating turkeys. - Um, and I brought the vlog with me. - What? - What? That video, okay. Don't mess up the video camera's right there. Okay, everything's perfect for sure. - And I brought the camera when I had chicken and pox too. - You filmed chicken pox? (Mom laughing) - Wait, did you film me pass out? Don't post that, don't post that. (Mom and Adley laugh) - No, I passed out, don't post that, okay? - Okay. - Pinky promise? - I post it, I'll post it. - She did it already. (Mom laughs) It's not sterile. - I'll I wash them, okay. - Put it in the sterile. Okay, we're going to be professional now. We need the ears. - Ears. - Okay. - Okay. Look inside. (Adley making silly noises) - I feel like I see a little turkey dancing in here. (Adley making silly noises) - That's weird, what do you see? (Adley making silly noises) - There's a turkey dancing, look at this! (Adley making silly noises) (buoyant music) (Adley making silly noises) - Weird. - Just go ahead and pull the turkey out. - Oh, where did my looker go? - We just pull the turkey out? - Yeah, get the tweezers. (Adley making high pitch noise) - Whoa! - (in high pitched voice) Turkey dance, turkey dance. - Did you hear that? - I thought I heard something, that was weird. - This is a weird doctor's office. - I think that was the turkey. - Eyes, eyes. Let's check her eyes. - Eyes, okay. - Not with a needle. - Oh, do I hit them? - No. - What do I do? - We need the binoculars. - Oh, binoculars, okay. - You look in her eyes. - Open your eyes. Oh, wow, they're beautiful. - Oh, I wanna see. You can see the ocean, yeah. - She's crazy. - She's got good eyes. All right, now we need to check her mouth. - Mouth. - Ah! - No, no, no, no, no, nope, nope, ah! - She has good reflexes. - Okay, open up. - Ah. - Perfect, wow that was really good. - Ah, you don't use that for you're top teeth, you use it when your tongue. - Oh. - Yeah. - I'm gonna do it again. - Ah. - Oh, wow. - Oh, perfect, okay. - Um, her heart. - Heart, heart monitor. - Then we're going to have to check your blood pressure. So go ahead and put that on. - It's really tight. - That's not a heart monitor. That's to check her ears. - No, that's not to check my ears. That's to check my diapers. - You know what? That says to check your ears. - Oh. - Okay. - How can I help? - It's gonna get a little tight here? - Oh, okay. (Adley screams) - Doctor, she's making weird noises. - Her heart's beating really fast. (Mom yells) Did you just lick me? (Adley laughs) - [Dad] No licking doctors. - What the? All right, you better listen. - Let me hear, let me hear, let me hear. Oh. (jazz music) - [Mom] Oh, what? - Yeah, wow listen to this. (jazz music) That's a good song, okay. Wow, I like your heart beat. - And lastly, she need a shot. - I'm good at those. - Hey. - [Dad] Shot, shot, shot, shot. - You're attached, ha ha! - Okay, I won't run away. (Dad manically laughing) - Ah, don't be scary! - I'm not, I'm nice. - You are, you're being scary. - I was smiling, ha, ha, ha, ha. - [Mom] You're being scary. - This won't hurt a bit. - Okay. (Dad manically laughing) - You're being creepy. - Okay, sorry, you won't feel a thing. - Okay. - Ice those turkeys, baby. - Here's one- (Dad screams) (Adley screams) - [Mom] Now pull you're feet up! Pull you're feet up! - Ah, ah, ah. (Adley screams) (Dad manically laughing) - We did it. (Dad cheers) - This is like a real turkey. Ew don't eat it. (Dad growling) - What? How I'm I the only one awake again? I need a stethoscope, go. Okay, Adley, can you hear me? (Adley making silly noises) - Oh, no, she's going crazy. I think I gotta wake up the doctor. (Adley making silly noises) Help! (Adley making silly noises) - Can you jump on his stomach? (Adley making silly noises) - (Dad groans) What's going on? - Everyone's going crazy. - Am I at the doctor's office? - You're the doctor. - [Dad] Who's that? - She went crazy when you took her turkey feet off. (Adley making silly noises) - I want some cereal. - No, come back. Oh, no, okay. (Adley making monkey noises) Nutritious Nibbles, I think these are for monkeys. (Adley making monkey noises) It made her worse! What do I do? (Adley making silly noises) - I got this, I got this. What do I do? Oh no, here we go. (Adley making horse noises) Oh, no, I'm gonna lose my license. She's a horse now. Doctor, oh no. - Yes, do you need help? - [Mom] What? - Why is there a horse in the doctor's office? - She had turkey feet and you took them off and then we gave her shots and then she turned into a monkey and now she turned into a horse. - Well, this is very simple. I shall fix her. Okay. - I got the horse. - Hand me the horse. This is very simple. You put the cream. Perfect. - [Mom] Can we have you pay please? And then sign this and be on your way. - Sure, okay. - [Mom] Thank you. You have your card? - Hm. - You don't have your card again? Adley, get back here you need to pay! - [Dad] Where is she running to? - [Mom] Adley, get back here. - Excuse me, it is very important that you pay. - Oh, she's back. Okay, just slide it in here. There we go. (bell dings) Okay, you can remove it. All right, thanks Adley. I hope I never see you again. - Okay. - Stop eating weird meat. - Oh, goodbye, high five. Thank you for coming. (Adley laughing) Thanks for watching, bye. (Mom laughing) - Dad took off his hair. (Adley laughs) - His hair is off.
Channel: A for Adley - Learning & Fun
Views: 35,700,888
Rating: 3.8999689 out of 5
Keywords: adley, shonduras, best day ever, a for adley, niko bear, drone, dji drone, family fun, pretend play, surprise, gift, present, unboxing, pirate island, park, beach, pirate vs fairy, prison escape, cops vs robbers adley, stitches, doctor visit, doctor adley, hide n seek, doctor, dentist, vampire teeth, brave, daredevil, baby daredevil, shots, remove stitches, sticker pox, turkey feet
Id: QlSIU9x0D-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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