Paw Patrol's Skye, Chase, Marshall, and Rubble Best Baby Pup Episode Compilation!

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I can't believe writer finally let us join the paw Patrol yeah we're not just puppies anymore we're paw patrol wakey-wakey hey who said that pops it's time to get up it sounds wake up you two come on pups it's morning it's Genevieve's Playhouse wake up so we can go to the playground today yeah writer you finally let us join the paw Patrol but pups you're still just puppies see you're still in diapers maybe if you started using the potty like big pups you could join the paw patrol what do you say no way maybe when you're ready for now it's time to get out of bed you can go down the bed slide first [Music] it's your turn all right here I come okay pups let's get you out of those diapers okay Ryder your turn first taste oh my goodness let me close it up then I'll get your sky here we go Oh whoa your diaper is full too I really wish you pups would start using the potty like big pups not yet we're not ready don't worry I won't force you here let's put on some clothes this outfit will look good on you chase [Music] look at these cute gray pants on they go there now it's unzipped the hoodie and get the shirt from under it Wow check out this white tank top with blue and grey stripes let's put your arms through the holes and make sure it's on in the back perfect now we can put on this blue hoodie got to make sure to zip it up and raise the hoodie you look adorable now for your outfit sky here's a cute gray skirt put it on like this now for the pink top with straps arms through the holes [Music] oh so cute now for your sleeveless hoodie oh my gosh you look so adorable what do you think pups do you like the outfits no it's too hot oh then we can try this it's got blue jeans and a t-shirt let's take off this hot hoody and your tank top and put on this cute t-shirt with a shark on it there that should be better and for you sky I've got this cute summer dress off goes your skirt your hoodie and your pink top now let's put on this dress put your feet in like this [Music] your arms go like this [Music] and then we could just zip it up now isn't that better we love it great now let's get breakfast good job pups now let's eat right now we can hardly see the table silly me don't worry I have just the thing it's two clip-on puppy chairs we're not puppies I mean pup chairs here let me put them on great job pups except you're sitting in the wrong seats oops oh here we go now let's get your plates [Music] here's one for you Skye and this one's yours chase first up for breakfast is this egg eggs are really good for you now for some toast with some butter for taste here you go sky and now here's chases here's some bacon for you pups I like bacon bacon Bon Appetit [Music] Wow good job cleaning your plates now for your bottles of milk there did you get enough to eat hungry yeah we want gumballs all right coming right up pink blue here they come blue once were you chase and pink ones for you sky now don't eat you mini chase this guy alright well let's go to the playground okay and I get to talk wait what this pups got a drop but first we have to buckle up now let's roll [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] green and yellow basket I wrote a letter to my love [Music] look at us pups get down from there you might fall puffs are you okay I hurt my foot don't worry I'll call an ambulance oh my goodness Scottie your head and chase your foot let me get some band-aids how about this yellow one taste your own a green one new moon how about blue yeah yeah okay here you go how about this orange one sky no uh-uh this red one no thank you how about pink yeah yeah here you go home we feel better already you pups tick great now go home and get some rest come on pops let's get some bed rest here you go pops get some sleep I need a potty me too okay pups let me get you some diapers we want to use the potty oh that's such good news let's go to the bathroom sky you can go potty first oh wow you went titi in the potty great job [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my turn I really have to go good job chase you went poopy yay I did it Wow you guys use the potty just like big pup I'm so proud of you that tomorrow you puffed and joined the paw patrol we can but for now get some rest can you play us some bedtime music sure pups good night reporting for duty Ryder sir paw patrol honor roll Hey who's been driving my car hey pops it's time to wake up just two more hours come on pops it's a nice day out too bright but pops today's Halloween Halloween oh right oops are you okay I'm better than okay silly pups meet me downstairs and we can try on your costumes I wonder what our costumes will be I don't know let's find out all right Robo how about you try on a costume first all right I'll be right back I can't wait to see what Robo is gonna pick out to wear Dada what I can climb up the wall pretty neat huh oh no I am beyond that silly rubble hopefully he picks out something that's not so scary for him hey check me out I'm a scarecrow oh you look so adorable rubble yeah that's perfect okay it's my turn go ahead Skye I read Skye's gonna pick out something really cute tada look guys I'm a witch hmm a witch how about something more friendly okay be right back what do you guys think about a fairy princess that's great now it's my turn excuse me I wonder what Chase is gonna wear look at me I'm a pumpkin ah so cute you but not scary enough try something else ah but nothing too scary I want to eat your candy I'm a vampire right too scary don't worry it's just me vampire chase huh Oh silly me I guess I'm not scared of you yay no it's my turn one special picks out of costume we can go trick-or-treating look everybody I'm a skeleton hmm I think it's a little too bony oh wait for me I'll be right back I can't wait to see what Marshall picks for his costume [Music] irony scurvy scallywags a pirate that's perfect Wow great costumes pups let's load up the wagon and go trick-or-treating safety is important so let me buckle you up first here you go and now Jason skies turn great okay before we start does everybody know how to go trick-or-treating mmm can you tell us yeah how do we trick-or-treat we're gonna go door-to-door visiting different people's houses and when they answer you guys say trick-or-treat and then they'll give you a tree a tree Wow but after you get your treat what should you always say yeah that's right now we're ready to go trick-or-treating yay all right now we got to find a house to visit Hey look at that one let's try it all right our first trick or treat Wow look at that pumpkin pumpkin carving is a Halloween tradition that's really cool all right I'll knock on the door and you guys say trick-or-treat [Music] yay thank you thank you you're welcome thank you yeah welcome bye-bye three jump ups now let's try the next house all right now let me knock on the door thank you you're welcome [Music] when you say thank you welcome wow thanks you're welcome awesome good well thank you happy Halloween all right here we are at another house Turkey thank you you're welcome Thanks you're welcome thank you you're welcome by Halloween all right pups this is our last house to go trick-or-treating trick or treat Wow a pirate like me thank you welcome you're a marshal thank you you're welcome oh my favorite I know that's your favorite that was great guys but now it's time to go home all right guys are you ready to see the treats that you got for Halloween ah bring on the candy treasure I can't wait all right sky here's your's oh wow so many great treats I even got a car huh all right geez now it's your turn well I can't wait to dive in and look I have a neat light cool huh all right rubble here's your treat basket oh wow that's a great step I even got bubbles [Music] yay bubbles um Oh What's Wrong rubble some of my candy has peanuts in it what's so bad about that I'm allergic to peanuts if I eat something I can get really sick let me see that rubble oh you're right they do have peanuts Robo you can't eat these but I have a theory I can use my magic powers to fix rubbles candy hey that's a great idea Skye abracadabra Wow rubble what none of your candy has peanuts anymore hey Skye now I'll be only eat my candy thanks for waiting so patiently Marshall now it's your turn earng get on me treasure I need treats and check it out I even have a cute pumpkin candy wait a minute marshal some of these candies don't have wrapping on up no wrapping what's wrong with that candy like this that doesn't have any wrapping can be dirty even though it might taste good it can make you really sick oh but don't worry you still have lots of great candy you can eat yay all right can we eat all our candy now not quite Skye that's too much candy but you can eat some and save the rest for later hey that's a good idea happy Halloween everybody happy Halloween pups I hope you had a great one bye happy Halloween one last nook and my vending machine will be ready yay no my vending machine is ready for business hi there sky what's this it's my sock machine would you like to try it sure I'd love to let's see I'll have some gummy cheese Wow it's such a great idea to put a vending machine here you're gonna have a lot of customers hmm thanks Eddy I'm so proud of my idea oh what a great place for a vending machine I could really use this nap drinks drinks get your ice cold drinks what huh a dream I'm really quite thirsty that's right you have apple juice orange juice carrot juice and if you like something sour lemon juice all right let's see I think I'll have cherry juice mmm refreshing jeez you're taking my customers don't be silly sky burro can buy from your vending machine - actually I can't buy anything from Sky's vending machine I used my last coin on yours Oh chase why can't you set up somewhere else relax guy what's so wrong with a little friendly competition in fact let's make it a contest let's see you can sell the most all right let's do this come on everyone try the best vending machine in Adventure Bay crong crong [Music] wrong over here over here I have the best drinks in Adventure Bay can you take all my money [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] ha ha I think I'm gonna win well we'll see about that hi sky can I try your vending machine of course Marshall hmm this looks good hmm hey what are you guys doing over here we're having a contest to see who can sell the most snacks and it's time to see who won let's see I have one two three four five six seven eight eight coins how many did you get Skye let me see I have one two three four five six seven eight we have to save amount of coins eight coins each that means you're both winners yay I'm happy with the tie hey Marshall where's rubble I thought he was with you oh we were playing at the ball field last I heard he was really tired I thought he'd be back by now so thirsty I must get something to drink over here rubble get something for me no over here I have drinks too so thirsty yay I won by viddy machines the winner I'm the best at everything Jase it's not nice to gloat nobody likes a sore winner yeah chase you know the best of everything I'm the better cook let's have a cooking contest and when I win I can prove that I'm the best at everything all right you're on hey Skye if you need help in the cooking contest I'll let you borrow my refrigerator [Music] no need I have my own you have a suitcase refrigerator oh go ahead chase you can start the contest show us what you have planned for the first dish alright but I need everyone to clear the kitchen I need plenty of room to work so I can make my world-famous pizza first I start with my hand toss crust now to add some tomato sauce on the crust perfect now we need to add lots and lots of mozzarella cheese and that's how we make cheese pizza but I'm gonna add some toppings to make it taste extra special we'll add some pepperoni some healthy bell pepper a mushroom and finally some black olives and now let's add some Parmesan cheese perfect now it's ready to go in the oven I'll just turn the heat up here and be very careful when I slide it in the oven alright sky that's my first dish what will you make for yours for my first dish I'll be making a vegetable soup let me just get the ingredients I need I'll need one slice of egg cream no no I need two slices tomato perfect we'll need some asparagus one and two into the pot they go and now for a slice of yummy carrot hereit's are so good for you now we need to add one slice of turnip and add it to the soup and now the last vegetable for my soup some bell pepper yummy now to crush one clove of garlic for flavor this will help the soup taste extra tasty let's put the pot on the stove and add one cup of water [Music] and then pour that into the pot let's add some salt and a few shakes of pepper and finally 1 teaspoon of mommy's secret seasoning I need to stir it to make sure it's mix there now we'll just turn the lead mmm smells so good oh don't mind me it's just my pizza don't worry everyone it's just gonna be a little crispy I won't burn my next dish though because it's a fruit salad we'll start with this tasty banana and I'll cut it up into smaller pieces great now for this juicy watermelon we'll need to cut it up [Music] into the bollock go now for some fresh off the vine grapes a [Music] yummy kiwi and you go and all the way from Hawaii a pineapple this will be so good and now one more fruit for my fruit salad this weird-looking apple chase that's not an apple that's a chili pepper it's really spicy no it's not I'll prove it oh yeah spicy oh no chase you drink some milk here you go much better I think my fruit sell is done without the spicy pepper so you could go ahead and get started on your second dish don't mind if I do cuz I'm gonna be making a barbecue for frailing we need to slightly heat early now we can barbecue let's add our hamburger to the grill now for a juicy steak this tasty hot dog and finally a chicken patty when grilling you have to be sure to turn the food over so it cooks on both sides [Music] now for some tangy barbecue sauce for our hamburger and chicken patty we need a hot dog bun for a hot dog I think it's ready [Music] we'll need ketchup and mustard for a hamburger I need a hamburger bun let's add the patty put a slice of cheese a slice of tomato and some lettuce and then we'll top it with a sesame seed bun there everything is ready now that our foods done let's see whose food tastes the best and see who's the winner of our cooking contest our eat tasteless ask our friends whose food they like the best and we'll see who the winner is I'm so hungry what have you guys made for us to eat I cook the yummy pizza and a delicious fruit salad and I made my famous homemade soup a hot dog and hamburger and assorted meats that sounds so delicious I can't wait to try it Eddie here's your's are you Pororo here you go rubble and here is yours Marshall mmm I give it an 8 out of 10 we pretty good but the pizza is a little burnt I give it a 7 out of 10 silver here right I give it an 8 out of 10 this is so well-prepared I give it a 9 out of 10 8 plus 7 plus 8 plus 9 is 32 I got 32 points let's see how many points you get Skye and they will see who's the winner ok time to serve my food and we'll see how our friends like it here you go Eddie for you rubble enjoy Pororo there you are Marshall wow this looks so amazing mmm who knew the soup could taste so good I'd give it a 9 out of 10 this boots fantastic I give it an 8 out of 10 Wow this hot dog is the best I've ever had I give it an 8 out of 10 wow that's so great you guys what do you think about the food Marshall um what food that I ate it already I give it a perfect 10 out of 10 let's see 8 plus 8 plus 9 plus 10 is 35 35 is more than 32 I've got more points I'm the winner I lost chase don't cry huh nobody can win everything and besides you should be happy for your friend Skye yeah and just because you didn't win this does it mean you're not good at a lot of other things you guys are right I'm sorry for whining Skye congratulations on winning you did a good job Thank You chase and besides she's not the only winner here huh what do you mean we're all winners because we have a ton of great leftovers to eat I can't wait to see what we're gonna learn about today yeah me either hi kids welcome back to class I hope everyone had a great weekend oh yeah we had fun Skye and I went camping yeah and me and rebel went swimming at the lake yeah and it was a big splash I'm so glad everyone had a great weekend but does anyone know where Romeo is hmm I don't know where he is mm-hmm I haven't seen him either well I guess we'll have to start class without him again okay so raise your hand if you want to be the first one to present your homework from this weekend are you I do all right Virgil come on up and show the class what you've learned alright love to here I come rubble and I went fishing at the lake I caught you fish trouble caught three fish two plus three equals five together we caught five fish you're right Marshall great job who else wants to present their homework I do I do okay Marshall you can go ahead and sit down I can't wait to see what you show us guy what did you learn about Skye I learned about the interchangeability of mass and energy would let e equal energy m equal mass and C equal speed of light then you get e equals MC squared all right Wow Skye that's wonderful you can sit down now okay okay guys I'm here did I miss anything um yes you actually missed a lot of important stuff in class take a seat in the back I'm about to take roll Wow that sounds boring good thing I got here late one more tardy Romeo and you'll have to go to the principal's office I don't want to go to the principal's office now how about you come up here and show the rest of the class your homework from you I didn't learn anything this weekend because I already know everything that's why I didn't do my homework Romeo nobody knows everything not even you I do do know everything yeah piece of paper who threw that wasn't me it was to Romeo I saw you do it don't be a tattletale chase come with me Romeo you're going to the principal's office yeah it was so mean of him to call me a tattletale and to hit me with a piece of paper don't worry about Romeo guys I took in to the principal and you won't be back for the rest of the day now let's concentrate on finishing up the rest of the day of school oh the school bell ring it's time for you guys to go home everyone who's got a ride go ahead if someone's going to pick you up you can wait here me and sky will wait here in class because writers gonna pick us up today oh now I'm driving a rebel home we'll see you guys tomorrow see you later hey guys I'm here to pick you up come on and get in the car and tell me what kind of day you have bye miss Wesler we'll see you tomorrow why miss Whistler here you go sky let's make sure to buckle you up so you're nice and safe there nice and snug and now for Chase you need a buckle too they're great so tell me pups how was your day at school and he called me a tattletale hmm I know maybe we can invite Marshall and rubble to come play with us at the playground to take your mind off that bully Romeo hey great idea really yes really I'll let him know that we're on the way and they can meet us there dile Marshall and rubbles hey guys would you like to meet us at the playground oh yeah Ryder that's a great idea we'll meet you there paw patrol pups to the playground alright guys let's go [Music] alright guys we're here and look here comes Marshall and rubble all right let's play yeah let's go fire fire ha ha so fun my turn whee here we go Wow I'm ready for fun fun slide you're okay whee up and down up and down so much fun race you yeah come on up Mar so you can do it alright it's my son's car and I can take it and not even wear my seatbelt now I just start it up and take your hey Marshall your car Oh No here Marshalls car is mine all mine what are we gonna do to stop him [Music] Wow I have no idea I never leave home without my little remote-control firetruck good idea hey are you okay yeah you should have worn a seatbelt I'm okay but why are you guys being so mean to me mean to you but you're the one that's being a bully but sky said I didn't know everything and you told on me chase that's not very nice but you don't know everything but if you had told the teacher the truth I wouldn't have to tell on you that's right Romeo you need to consider other people's feelings as well like skies when you threw the paper at her and Marshall when you stole his car other people's feelings I never really thought of that before I learned something important today Yeah right Romeo come on guys let's go home guys come back hmm we're gonna go later Romeo guys I'm so sorry that Romeo ruined your day today but look I have everyone's favorite foods corn tomato and orange for you chase broccoli watermelon and Apple for you sky banana kiwi and cauliflower for our fire pup and carrot cucumber and lemon for rubble thanks for the food writer but I'm still sad that Romeo is so mean to us today yeah bullies and not cool well you never know if you treat Romeo nicely maybe he'll stop being a bully and will one day be your friend we'll treat him nicely but I doubt he'll ever be nice to us hey who's that at the door just a minute hello oh Romeo what are you doing here I just want to apologize to the plots for being so mean wow what a nice thought Romeo come on up and say it to the pups look pups do you have a visitor hi there everybody hi come on up guys Romeo really wants to apologize yeah I do huh apologize yes I'm really sorry for being a bully today you guys taught me an important lesson is it that great maybe now you guys can play together outside okay now we can be friends I'm fired up let's go outside and play together Romeo all right show me the way over here come on follow us yeah I can't wait [Music] let me go my turn whoa [Music] Chase's on the slide be blue ask you hey where'd everybody go check this out Wow Wow here aren't you oh no too fast I'm okay boy that was fun [Music] I'm ready for a ruff-ruff roller coaster I'm going to try guys look out below [Music] whoa oh no chase are you okay I'm alright let's all go at the same time good idea I'm ready [Music] see guys wasn't played together much more fun yeah because bullying is no fun no fun at all and Romeo is never gonna bully us again yep we're gonna be friends forever I'm so proud of you guys [Music]
Channel: Genevieve's Playhouse - Learning Videos for Kids
Views: 51,278,680
Rating: 3.9452176 out of 5
Keywords: baby chase, baby skye, paw patrol, pups, paw, patrol, skye, chase, best learning videos, learning videos, videos for kids, baby dolls, dress up, potty training, potty, food, pretend play, playground, learning, kids, toys, teach, educational, preschool, baby, training, dress, videos, ball pit, kids videos for kids, snuggle, buddies, potty train, no bullying, baby pups, toddlers, halloween, episode, compilation, long video, toddler video, toy play, genevieve, playhouse
Id: NRLlg6yUqSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 24sec (2484 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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