Blox Fruits but One Piece Admirals Decide my Powers

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today I'm going from a Noob To Pro in Blox fruits as every single Marine Admiral in one piece in a previous challenge we went from Level 1 to 700 as every single Straw Hat member this time on the same account we'll be going from Level 700 to 1,500 where our Admiral changes randomly once every 100 Levels we'll find out who our first Admiral is from this massive wheel and let's serve up some justice I'm so excited let's go give me something good hey hey could not have asked for a stronger star than this come on now here I am the ameral of light Bor Ino aka kizaru the laziest Amro in the entire one piece yet there is no better fruit to start off this grind than the light fruit ASMR our goal is to get to 800 with the Life Fruit and of course we're going to try to do it as fast as humanly possible I was going to say with the on awaken life Fruit is probably going to be pretty tough but then I just realized that I'm not even going to need to use any of the light skills anyway we're just going to M1 the hell out of these fake Walmart photos from wish looking dudes oh yeah give me all that Mastery we already have the ability to fly we're already on 50 Mastery holy come on what's up yo they ain't killing me man who's going to M1 who there we go finally all right we'll divide them up evenly on melee defense and Blox fruits for now but I think very quickly later on we're going to switch to just Blox fruit and melee we're not really going to need any defense when we get that Elemental immunity good think kizaru is also a master of the observation hockey I could use instinct to dodge their attacks oh yeah I just realized I got the third skill here reflection kick oh my God all right boys after they just a little bit more grinding later we have elemental immunity look at him frantically trying to attack me I'm not afraid anymore except Ben Beckman that guyy is scary all right now we could seriously grind this is the fun part they're dying so quick freaking go man new Quest available just like that first of all double check to make sure they can't kill me and now let the games begin how does kizaru laugh actually we never heard him actually laugh have we this guy just has zero emotion man he's never angry but he's also never happy either see how much closer these NPCs are standing that's how it should be I don't have to dash for 30 seconds to go between one NPC to the next there should be three dashes Max and you should be at the next NPC all right here we go level 750 new Quest is indeed available I believe it is the Diamond Quest and normally I would skip this guys but this time I got to do it now I'm not doing this just to gain levels cuz I'm pretty sure grinding NPCs will be a lot faster than this there's a very specific reason why I'm doing this and it is for the purpose of this video guys if you managed to guess correctly in the comments down below I mean I'm not giving you anything but just it would be a smart guess for this epic boss fight one more oh there he goes where is my long sword all I have are a bunch of short swords 25 more levels just let me Farm in peace at my NPCs okay we can't move on to the next Quest Giver yet obviously we don't have elemental immunity so we're just going to stick by here with the mercenaries literally just going to M1 though this is so relaxing this M1 spamming enemies that can't fight fight back this is why I play Blox Ro there we go that's what the Blox Ro grind is all about baby I think at 793 is when we get elemental Immunity on the next quest uh the swamp Pirates what really sucks is we're finally getting to the best place to grind at but we're running out of time guys this was literally the best route to grind with and I wasted so much of it just doing dumb stuff that Raider Quest plus the diamond boss just ruined me man I will do the spawn Pirates honors of hitting them with my skills The Mercenaries didn't really deserve it that much look at this guy's hair by the way yo whoever cut your hair needs to be arrested immediately all right one more Quest and it's over 799 look how close we are to leveling up guys I don't even get to finish my quest that sucks dude all right kizaru goodbyes are never easy that's all I got to say it's been fun all right ameral number two wish me luck smoker oh boy technically he is the weakest and that's because he's just a vice ameral still got the word ameral in it hey look at me smoker yeah I got a Swiss roll in my mouth instead of a cigar cuz this is Roblox and of course first thing on the agenda is we must gain the powers of the smoke yum all right well without further Ado we're going to go ahead and get to grinding so here's the thing guys we're not going to get the Jeep I'm not doing the hybrid stat BS I want all my stats on fruit swamp Pirates we meet again this time as smoker too bad smoke don't have an M1 so we're going to have to hit him with the dark step sunji style boys this is going to be much more difficult than the Life Fruit I can already tell smoke slam yo we just Master the fruit from killing three NPCs all right let's go ahead and use every skill we possibly can smoke blast all right smoke Liberation yo this is actually kind of sick it only has four skills instead of five cuz the last one is the f move let's see if we could try to complete one Quest while using only the smoke bomber all right we got that dude got this one keep dropping the bombs oh make sure he don't hit me oh actually he can't hit me I'm loia son hey carpet bomb them yo this is not bad at all look at this boys this is kind of sick hey we did a quest we're only using the flight move how sick is that all right I'm going to try to group all six of them together all right how many we got we got six all right here we go time to bomb them yo let's go baby 40K damage I could pretty much one shot combo these guys with just my three moves look at that bro the smoke is op all right we're not doing no Factory staff we're not doing no Jeremy we're staying here until we get to move on to green zone this does not get old I didn't expect grinding the smoke fruit to be so much fun guys we're going to grind here till like $800 50 then guys I hate to say it but I got to go back to the diamond boss after and I have to get that long sword I got to do it for this video you'll see why but we are absolutely killing it boys almost halfway there through the smoke already the smoke one shot combo is undefeated just make sure you don't do that in PvP cuz trust me it's not going to work okay all right new Quest available we're going to skip that let's go ahead and pick up the Diamond Quest again we're getting this long sword no matter what okay all right Diamond I'm on my way it's not very fast but I'll get there he hey we made it but this time I'm smarter I'm buying the two times boss drop chance all right here we go bomb him he can't hit us never seen smoker break dance have you all right what if I do if I'm up here I'm so freaking high up dude oh my smoke bombers don't hit anymore either a crap okay we got to descend give me that long sword I paid for a Game Pass I deserve it how do I still not have it that two times boss drop chance has to work I I want a refund give me my money back this thing is rarer than the God's chalice and the fist of Darkness combined all right guys I'm going to do a quick experiment here let me log onto my main account we're going to test out how many Diamond kills does it take to get the long sword and uh should be pretty easy bro I'm killing this guy in 10 seconds all right no long sword second try still no all right three tries still nothing all right attemp number four what is that four attempts all right let's try it again on this account and guys after days of grinding at the diamond boss a lot of blood sweat tears maybe even some urine has been shed and just when I thought about giving up up it finally happened it's real oh my God I thought I was going to spend 25 years searching for this like the damn one piece bro we got the long sword yo it took like I'm not even joking 25 kills oh my God it's finally over we can finally move on from this nightmare hey look we could just finish it off here but I'mma fly off into the sunset over to the green zone and end off with our homie smoker oh yes we made it it's been quite some time since I grinded here I do think I know the best pattern to do it though but these these guys do be extending pretty far apart at least like 12 dashes all right we'll finish him off with a smoke bomber Just for Old Time sake level 900 two amerals down six more to go oh my God six more to go yeah it's going to take a while all right let's move on to our third ameral of the day oh my God so for those of you who might not know who you is he is an amerald that got introduced in the anime relatively recently when he got absolutely sunned by Shanks so his name means green bow and this man's powers is he's a forest and somehow that's a loia as if trees are an element and can't get hit for some reason but this is the guy that we've spent all that time searching for the long sword for because it is the one thing in the entire game that has the ability to summon plants as far as I know all right here it is I'm in really c yeah I'm not going to lie out of all the amiral so far this dude's coat is definitely the weakest oh there it is the beautiful long sword a straight double-edged sword with a cross-section shaped like a hexagon we're going to have our plant power very soon right now we have no Mastery and of course because my man is technically a loia I'm going to keep my loia effect on hey do you want to see this video end or not because if I don't have loia it's never going to end bro he's an Amal he should not be getting hit by Petty Marines anyway all right my strategy here is to kill three of these and them group together see how the M1 is on this thing oh it's pretty fast oh my god let's go man we're already at 70 we're about to get annihilated real soon yeah get close boys get close come on now this sword is hella strong though I don't mind just M1 spamming this whole time that works for me hey look how angry my man looks he's like yo it's not that deep Bro see me I'm always in tune with my emotions it never shows any signs of weakness to my enemies so uh two levels per Quest I was hoping for three but actually we might level up three times this time oh what did I tell you how did I know and we got annihilate oh things are looking great right now all right we're about to use our forest Powers annihilate look at all these trees look at all this grass I'm planting the first 100 Mastery obviously is easy to get but the next 100 is going to be tough annihilate we are cruising right now the crappy thing about using green bow now is we don't have the ability to fly which is really going to hurt my finger you mobile users would never understand the pain of Dashing forever annihilate annihilate there we go this one is going to lead us into level 925 new Quest is available so I think that is the fajita boss we got to reset our stats again Boys ryuou versus Fuji to two of the brand new ammo recruits going up against each other who shall emerge Victorious bro let's do summon me meteors all I could do is plant trees oh look at this the meteor shower here it comes this guy was single-handedly responsible for the dinosaurs going extinct meanwhile I'm out here making Mr Beast videos planting trees remember when Ru did this remember we hit a yeah stood no chance there the cool thing about plants is when they die as long as you water them they come back to life just like me here back for more smoke no he went back to full health all right I'm not doing this abandoned Mission see here's the thing about R Ki guys you have to understand he's not a dumb man he's smart enough to know when to quit like when when he went up against Shanks he knew he was about to get bodied so he just ran away you got to pick your battles man and I picked bully noobs tiny little marines that can't fight back we're getting really close to 200 Mastery the Glorious Smash and would you look at that boys we're about to unlock the Glorious smash oh you even aim with it I almost forgot look at the range Mr bees Ain got on me boy I'm just thinking about it now green B's worst enemy must be a k or Ace these guys will just burn down every single plant that this guy makes level 9976 first off we got to test out our immunity are we good oh we are so good let's rock baby let's rock zombies o oh yo I just realized this is literally plants vers zombies boys I'm recreating plants vers zombies about to mob four of them at the same time watch this watch this yall ready for this work 14 more levels yeah you see how much faster I'm leveling up with these zombies all right boys two more levels all right this is it final showdown oh 1,1 okay we did go one level over I thought real kou it was going to be a rough ride but honestly was easy all right we got five amerals left come on I mean there's no wrong choices here especially not that one all right sang Goa Buddha the fleet amerald a level even above a regular ameral I am True Justice with a seagull on my head I am now a massive Buddha the thing with being a big Buddha is we don't have elemental immunity anymore so we could just do whatever Quest we're supposed to do and with that said let's head on over to Snow Mountain I do remember grinding over here at snow with the Buddha fru remember how in the anime s Goku was just punching Blackbeard like straight in the face but this time I'm kicking we don't play none of that punching stuff straight legs out here and you know what I need Mastery on my fighting style for another reason which you will see later on I'm pretty sure if you were smart enough you'll be able to guess already so yeah we'll go ahead and just M1 spam with her bro every single admond fruit is so open this is actually not fair there's only one admin ability I am dreading and that is Fuji toras because yeah that dude got the gravity and it's not going to be fun to grind with but this is though I got to enjoy these precious moments while they last can I just say I like how when I turned into a big Buddha the SEO on my head also got bigger oh by the way guys I have all my stats on melee and defense this time around because obviously I don't need loock rot anymore the grind has never been easier can I break dance on these fools oh I can no way yeah ever seen a fleet hamal break dancing on the enemies look at these stuff on not even going to bother Awakening this dude there's literally no point I'm already playing this on easy mode we don't even need the Awakening o buddy in no time we're already a quarter of the way there this is what they mean by Good Things Never Last hey don't move don't move don't move hey English or Spanish You're my target man d Everybody stand still English or SP oh my gosh they're literally moving inching their way closer to their own Doom my hope is to at least get like two fighting styles to 300 Mastery by the end of this Buddha grind I don't know if that's actually going to be possible though getting 1 to 300 Mastery is already Tough Enough look at that boys almost halfway there I'm just clicking away man I'm not even paying attention we almost made it 1050 okay sick winter Warriors all right here we go I got to kill nine of these things barely gives more exp to justify coming all the way here when the quest givers on the other side of the damn Island yo yo yo yo yo and these things are strong what the hell is going on oh my God I'm getting pounded bro I got to maximize my melee make sure I deal the most devastating blows to them as possible major paw how are they this strong oh my God oh my freaking God bro let me go I'm facing against like three overpowered gorilla King they're all just ground pounding oh my God oh my God bro I literally been in the air suspended for like 5 seconds straight pause how many times I got to say that per video man why can't I just like kick them all into the water just like ye them off of the cliff one by one that would be hilarious we've been have to grind a little more and check this out we're actually almost at 300 Mastery with a death step after dark step I'm thinking of switching over to maybe the dragon talent for the rest of these 16 levels let's go baby 300 Mastery we'll be back let's go ahead and head on over to Kingdom of roses as much as I hate seeing uzat oh wait this is not uz it's Sabo that's selling it okay good I was going to say I hate seeing 's face but I guess I won't have to go huh is it cuz I'm a broke boy I'm on zero frags that's kind of rude bro okay you know what show you who the broke boy is how much frags do we need 1,500 pocket chain you want to flex frags now what's up yeah give me that that's what I thought you little punk boy all right we back yo look at s Goku this guyy ready so ready to throw hands I keep thinking the M1 is really slow on this but it's not bad new skill available just like that Dragon Rush Bro Look At Me Go all right where was this energy over at Marine Fort man that war would have ended within minutes oh boy here we go again man just when I start getting attached to these builds I got to change out of them one more level we're done with a Buddha forever he'll be dearly missed the final blow wait let me get out of my Buddha form let me get one kill out of my Buddha form Dragon Rush let's go baby love for 1,11 our journey with the fleet admiral has sadly come to an end but hey with every end there's a brand new beginning and let's find out who that's going to be with once again we're brought back to this beautiful wheel where the number of options are definitely dwindling I mean what can I say like I said there are no wrong choices let's get going the longer I can postpone having to use fujit Tor the better out with the previous Fleet amoral in with the brand new Fleet amoral and let's go ahead and eat this magma man no time to waste y y all right now we've gained the powers of the magma the only move we have is the clap so here's the game plan boys we're back to having to resort to having Elemental immunity before fighting our opponents over here I believe we are at the winter warrior until Level 1,130 something so 30 more levels so we'll start off with a couple Dragon Talon punches we got to gain all our skills back cuz they're all gone but it shouldn't take too long we only need 140 Mastery to get every oh what in the world I thought I had immunity against these guys how about these dudes can these dudes hit me if these dudes can't hit me it's over oh thank God okay I prefer fighting at these snow troopers anyway all right so here's the game plan we're going to hit him with a couple punches and then we're going to clap some winter Trooper cheeks you know what I'm saying there we go all right this is perfect because right now we have the magma floor which is literally all you need to grind with let me show you so you get them huddled up you just use your floor and you just walk around them and melt them with your molten lava look at this they just slowly drown in molten lava how crazy is that oo o ladies and gentlemen it is time we are going to hot and cold can't believe I forgot the name all right so you guys should be giving more XP but I feel like they're going to be harder to grind cuz I don't think I'm going to be able to like group these dudes up oh and they're dashing around oh no I need the mall to be standing perfectly still stay still let me melt you don't move English or Spanish come on don't move I'm not dealing with that bro I got 34 minutes left I'm trying to reach level 1200 wait what what level can I take this smoke Amal on wait should should I do that I've been grinding lab subordinates for way too long flea Amro versus Vice Amro I think we all know how this is about to go down also this dude gives hella Mastery oh he's about to die so fast all right we're going to finish him off with the dragon bre just to get some Mastery on this thing look at that Mastery bro wait did I not pick up the how am I this dumb all right 1168 we got 25 minutes left on the double XP come on smoke this fool smoke this fool no pun intended all right we got two skills on the dragon breath now so it should be pretty easy watch how easily I'm about to kill this dude now ain't going to be no struggle going on here no more hey I don't want to know what this dude's doing when i'm blinded by the smoke man do not let me find out easy 20 more levels with 18 minutes left I think we could pull this off we're just about 10 minutes left on the timer we got 10 levels to go one level per minute sounds pretty doable get off me get off me Bury Me In Smoke I'll bury you in magma no mercy let's go all right ladies and gentlemen everything that we've worked for so far has come down to this Moment 4 minutes left to go I mean we're obviously going to finish our challenge by a long shot damn this dragon breath is kind of strong man don't let o hear that though I got him this time let's go man and there go the two Fleet Admirals we got three amerals left to go on the list all right we're in the end games now come on boys I mean it was bound to happen eventually right let's finally get this over with Fuji Tor look we got no skills with it whatsoever here's my plan boys we're going to go ahead and kill fajita and try to unlock the gravity King maybe it could help us stun our enemies or something I don't know we got one skill so far gravity push oh don't forget we also have the dragon Talon fighting style oh my God yeah this thing is going to be hard to grind with I can just tell uh-oh uh-oh how's he so strong bro he has only level 900 boss I was literally murdering smoke amiral earlier I'm about to die run run maybe he's the real fujitora boys cuz I'm out here struggling man I can't compete with this dude yo he better drop it on my first try man cuz I'm not trying to do this all right here we go let's go baby no gravity Kane that sucks round two boys I got him all figured out dude can't keep up look he can't hit me all right forget you saw that now he's dead oh my God bro is it going to be another long sword situation again all right this time we got a new skill though boys check this out Bell down to to the real oh real fujur we got it boys let's go gravity K man I thought it was not going to happen for a sec all right now let's move on to our actual Quest we're supposed to be grinding at hot and cold so guys after careful consideration I decided it is best that I become a sword M to use Fuji Tor just so I have my sword skills so we did use a sword for green which was not bad but the difference is this time around I'm not going to have the loia effect so it's going to be much more difficult to grind got one that's our first all right here we go we got two H them up wooo man I wish it didn't have skills that makes it so much harder woo all right we're 10% of the way there this is what the grind is all about this is the true definition of grind boys I never experienced this so far in this video up until this point check it out boys we got our first ever gravity King skill woo wait what that didn't even that didn't even kill him man see that again dimensional grass oh you pull them closer towards you that's pretty good and look they're flopping on the ground perfect time to slash them kick a man when they're down that's my model yo this is kind of nice who these loia effect actually I I wish I had it I'm not going to lie all right watch this we're going to knock them back then pull them oh now they're on the ground they can't fight back yo this is actually pretty sick oh yeah what's up I was never going to die okay yeah we're heading over to Cur ship now all right about another hour later we finally made it I don't like grinding here just because it's so damn dark look at this boys can't see a damn thing okay Shi deck hands that's what we're going to start with hopefully they're just punchers in which case it should be a little bit easier I think okay all right kind of saucing oh yeah okay they're not going to touch me I'm too sick oh my God bro let's go oh I just realized I got lunar Blitz I didn't even know oh buddy it's over it's about to get a lot easier now I'm hoping this is the final quest we'd have to do oh yo I just noticed they got TP oh sick oh look at that damage chain let's go baby 30k I have mastered the gravity fruit boy yo come on come on come on yes let's go boys that was a long and arduous Journey as you can see but let's move on to our final two Admirals of this challenge all right Al kiji versus GARP we're back on that loia Flex baby let's go I'm not even going to lie I'm excited to jump right back into it because not only does ice have the elemental immunity it also has the ice spear we could just m one with our fruit so Elemental immunity only works on the ship deck hands but if that means we're going to level up faster it don't matter to me come on I'm wasting no time this time that last 100 Levels took way too long oh my God we're almost mastered of the ice fruit bro we're getting these next 100 Levels so fast you have no idea yo we got the last move glacial epic one shot combo to the Dome so I am going to switch over to the dragon breath while I grind with the ice spear for a very specific reason let's go baby my man I keiji's always got these blindfolds on Gojo style but instead of hiding himself from the six eyes ability I keiji's just trying to nap so we just unlocked a new Quest but guys we are stuck here until Level 1342 that's when the elemental immunity activates where am I going man where am I going oh it's getting bright let's go baby sunsel you know what that means gzel yeah I'm not really flexing much to be honest as I was grinding a little bit guys I did receive 300 Mastery on the dragon breath fighting style so I switched on over to the electric and we're going to mix that along with the ice fruit we're going to finish them off with the electric fighting style just to get some Mastery on that thing okay ship Steward you know what I like farming on these guys more anyway they're much more closer together bro they put these super stoves in the middle of the map it just blocks you from hoarding them I'm going to leave it at zero stars on yel ooh almost at 1350 we're just about at the halfway mark but guys so far the easiest fruits to grind with it's got to be I mean Buddha obviously but after that the ice and the Life Fruit are amazing oh new Quest already ice castle Yeah miss me with that bro I know that's supposed to be my hunting grounds I run that place but I'm not ready yet is this going to take me to 13 94 we finally move on get out of here all right here it is the final nail in the coffin boom boom pal let's go baby let's get out of here woo finally made it to my home turf but yeah let's waste no time here Arctic Warrior we got five levels left to go before we are on to the final chapter of this video watch this boy where y'all going now huh nowhere that's five kills just like that let's end it off with the ice age I think that would be very fitting Ice Age yo that was cold man no pun intended all right we are done with Ki uh it's been fun but also we got Vice amiral Garb the fist Luffy's Grandpa this dude is real old but don't get it twisted he's still the strongest man in one piece so here's my plan for garb everybody of course he only uses his fist to fight and that's why we'll be unlocking the Superhuman fighting style to get ourselves to level 1500 but of course in order to do so we need 300 Mastery on electric dragon breath dark step as well as Fishman karate which is why I've been secretly grinding Mastery on them good thing about going fighting style only is we're able to add all our stats on melee and defense and that should make it pretty easy for us to Pummel our enemies all right which Quest are we supposed to be actually doing oh we're supposed to be killing the ice Amro bro we just switched off of ice Amro now we got to go kill him if you guys didn't know GARP was actually a keiji's teacher so you know should be a pretty easy Clap the teacher never loses to the student but Garb also never used the electric fighting style so I don't know how this is going to go W we're killing this dude boom oh no no no no no yo I hope he's not recovered to full health I'll be so mad hurry yes oh we made it in time oh we're moving on to forgotten Island already my God man this time is going fast before I go to forgotten Island Boys there's one more thing that I want to do I'm going to kill smoker a couple of times number one I don't like him and number two he gives a lot of Mastery for somebody that dies pretty easily honestly bro I was struggling with you before not anymore man I am stronger I am faster I am much much older he got no chance let's go baby 300 Mastery we did it all we need is 300 on the water K Fu now which is currently sitting at 200 shouldn't take too long let's get to grinding all right here we go the last smoke ameral fight before we get to 300 Mastery on the water K Fu should be more excited than I am right now but I'm just trying to get this over with head on over to snow Island martial arts master teach me what I need to know sell it to me bro cut the nonsense after 50 levels as Garb the fist we finally unlocked super hum pretty much going to be easy pickings from now on we're going to get some Mastery on this thing and just go to work man this is what we fight I got no skills I'll still body you look at that Mastery go baby all right first skill unlock be out pounds I'm pretty sure I'm only allowed to do this on one opponent yep only works on one at a time all right we got a second skill unlock the Thunder you already know what it is 1490 10 levels to go we're all almost there boys it's been a long and arduous Journey the Admirals have proven to be pretty weak all right can I hit two levels in the next Quest the answer is a yes because I'm going for the tie keeper I'm going to be fighting him with one fighting style and two skills on it not even maxed out I'm going to do it for y'all yo you think that got me think again boy yo we already took him to half Health don't even let him summon the CBS suffocate him the final boss in the second SE let's go well there you go everybody Mission completed let me know who your favorite amiral is in the comments down below and when you're down there subscribe peace
Channel: MeEnyu
Views: 291,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, blox fruits, pvp, new fruits, blox fruits live, meenyu, robux, noob, pro, blox fruits troll, trolling, blox fruit gift, blox fruits update, indra, bloxfruits, bloxfruit, noob to pro, max level, event, update 20, blox fruit, enyuzee, blox fruits admin, mythical fruit, legendary fruit, kitsune fruit, dream fruit, sword revamp, yoru, tty, admin, anchor, update 22, update 21, winter update, trex, kitsune, t-rex, beast bundle, dragon, dragon rework, awakening, awaken, winter update part 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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