Trading from Mystery Box to Mythical Blox Fruits

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so you've all seen in a previous video where I unboxed a bunch of Blox throughs figurines that gives you codes to Redeem for physical and permanent fruits in the game and if you haven't seen that video yet well then you're dead to me unless you're new to the channel in which case welcome anyway I got a bunch of those codes left and today we're going to be using them to trade up to three mythical fruits T-Rex dragon and Kitsune here are the rules I'm only allowed to redeem one code at a time and after every three physical codes I'm allowed to redeem a permanent one I got my first code right here oh I hate the scratching sounds all right we got our first fruit box and guys check this out for the purpose of this video for the authenticity of this video I've decided to use an account that has no fruit on it whatsoever starting fresh with our first premium fruit box woo come on baby hey starting with the love that's not bad I could definitely make this work and did I mention I could also use the block throughs gotcha for help and that is that's no help help at all I'm not stupid enough to think we could get anything better than the spider from this love so uh we're going to start off easy and try to go for the spider all right here we go trading love for spider do it if Pro you know we got to massage them a little bit I got to stroke their egos see if uh anybody wants to do this trade all right dvoo you're going to be our first lucky Trader of the day here just just to throw you a bow I give you a I'll give you a rocket too I'm just that kind of a nice guy dude I'm just a nice guy thanks man I'm just a generous guy what can I say people don't call me daddy and you for no reason he said I will get good food for you he's going for a spin of the gacha yo he used the code hostage command to threaten zolas for a good fruit see if it works yo that's pretty good bro you got to got it yeah yeah line it up line it up perfectly drop bro for love fruit we got a ghost magma and Quake man this dude D got scared may I just say everybody we're off to a very strong start let's go ahead and redeem the next code and poetically I actually got a love out of that last package here so it's pretty cool here's our next Mystery Box this better be worth it oh my God bro oh stupid piece of so what do we got working with here Quake magma ghost and Rocket what can we get out of this what can we possibly trade these four so after failing a couple of Trades and having some guys Flex on me with their stacked inventory I was starting to regret Trading My Love fruit away until I found this guy who had some good fruits and was maybe willing to trade me give me that spider oh yeah give it to me I give you a quick a magma that's pretty good right like I'm not even scamming you he actually went for it he's going for it did I get scammed was that a bad trade I don't know man so we pretty much got a spider out of that love I think that's what we we uh we originally set out to do anyway so and with that successful trade we are now ready to redeem our next physical fruit all right we got a cute little spin fruit that is not a good sign at all yo we can't afford to get another rocket bro we just can't do it o that's pretty good yo these figurine boxes don't really scam you eh it's much better than the gotcha I would say guys with this light and spider fruit I think it's time for us to go big let's aim for a portal all right let's go ahead and shoot our shot and so the server hopping continues and to nobody's surprise I was having absolutely no luck whatsoever Gojo the strongest what you trying to get me for this ghost Gojo bro I swear this guy puts down sua's finger man that is not hooking it up bro is that hooking it up and just what I thought things were looking dark and Bleak there it is sent from the heavens above a shiny beam of light descends on me the strongest Gojo or baby Gojo or goggles for some reason this guy uh he's got 9.8 million Bounty and decided to give me a mammoth for my ghost and and spider not going to ask any questions I'm hitting except before he changes his mind and just like that we already have a mythical fruit in our third trade and I'm leaving the server before he ask for it back no taky backies and with that also marks our three physical fruit codes so here it is everybody the moment we've all been waiting for our first permanent fruit oh I'm too scared to look I'm too scared to look I'm too scared oh okay all right permanent ice fruit yeah yeah yeah yeah we can rock with it oh oh there it is looking absolutely gorgeous what can we get with a permanent ice fruit I have no concept of how much this is worth in terms of physical fruit value all right I'm just going to go sit in a chair totally unprovoked and drop a permanent ice see what they'll offer me ain't no way he's about to give me all that I'm just going to let him put more stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah put more stuff and a physical ice yo say less huh Chad is this real I didn't know this was worth all that did I get scammed or why would why was that so easy we got two legendaries and a mythical for for perm ice damn yo maybe I should have shoed around a little more I don't know if I got scammed or something bro so I was server hopping looking for a trade I decided to go on this trade value website and found out that I got scammed out of my ice fruit it's got a value down here of 57 million and I got 12 million back hey man you live and you learn so I want to get like a like a maybe a Venom fruit out of this control uh looks like I can't really go for it maybe if I add a phoenix that's a much better trade and hopefully with this Venom I can then trade for a T-Rex oh yeah probably not so with this new information I decided to hop on the Discord server and try to find somebody who could trade because server hopping is not working no one's trading in the third SE for some reason I'm going to go for something big here I'm going to try to trade my control and a phoenix for a spirit instead of a Venom so after completely spamming the Discord server for a good 5 minutes and getting muted we finally found somebody who was willing to make this trade here it is everybody our spirit I think this puts us in a much better position to gu something like the T-Rex uh fruit probably not honestly probably still not enough hey we did it finally got rid of that control shout out to Prime Neymar Jr uh for this trade you know I often get people asking who's the goat uh Messi or Ronaldo well guess what now it's Neymar oh bro I'm about to start a whole be in the comment section all right let's go ahead and redeem our next physical fruit oh I'm praying this will just be a Kitsune or [Music] something even though I got these codes for free I still feel like I wasted my money at least we got a cute rubber figurine out of this so after server hopping for an eternity enough time has passed for me to spin for a new fruit no [Music] way oh my God now now we got a much better inventory to try to go for a trade what can we actually get with a control though I have no idea I don't think I'll ever be able to get rid of this pain fruit that was a terrible trade I took I should have got something way better for that permanent ice so I found this dude baller who was willing to trade a pain and control for a spirit I know it kind of sucks on the value side but damn my pain is gone baller should change his name to the doctor cuz this dude got rid of my pain bars now with two spirit fruits let's see if we could complete one of our OB IES getting the dragon but first we got to redeem another code yo give us one of the mythical beasts come on give us one of the three mythical beasts you know you want to do it oh my god dude why do I feel like you could only get physical fruits that are available from the figurines yeah look guys we got a physical rocket Falcon ghost I think we got a I think we got a love too didn't we and we got a permanent ice what the hell bro why can't we get like a like a shadow or something so I found someone who was willing to trade a dragon for my two spirits but said he needed a plus one fruit storage first since he was hooking me up I decided I hook him up too uh-oh the value difference was too high but he added some fruits and the trade finally happened no I'm just kidding he left the game what the he left I just got scammed out of a plus one fruit storage guys but eventually I did manage to track him down and force him to do the trade at gunpoint there we go woo I would have I would have God knows what I would have done if I lost that fruit storage without getting something in return now this guy's asking me for the perm Buddha no just no you know what guys looking at this chart here uh two spirits and a plus one fruit storage for a dragon it's looking pretty even so nobody scammed nobody but that being said we got our first objective completed the physical dragon now all we need is the Kitsune and the T-Rex I don't know why I'm saying all we need because that's it's going to be tough all right let's open this next fruit box here we go last one before we get another perm come on bro what am I supposed to do with all these ghosts scare people away with my trash trades like what boo here's two ghosts what are they going to give me Quake I will give you a ghost and a ice for okay we got rid of one ghost guys I'm not even mad about that trade that that just means I can redeem another code yeah I'm finally able to redeem my second permanent fruit of the challenge hopefully it's going to be something good because if I can get a permanent Shadow then the challenge is over but if I somehow get a permanent rocket well the challenge will be over in a bad way here's the code and and I got a life R out of this dang that's bright o oo all right you love to see the pink boxes everybody pink boxes be looking real fine no bro I swear I'm being haunted right now why do I keep getting ghosts now what the hell do y'all expect me to trade for this all right let's go back on the trade values website here put down a perm go that is worth 30 million and if I wanted to get let's say maybe a physical Kitsune just for the oh my God I understand we just completed one of the three challenges in getting a physical Dragon but it looks like an in order to get a physical Kitsune my best bet is sacrificing my dragon that is an exact match in value and in order to do so I think we got to head on to the third sea I don't think many people in the second SE got Kitsune Foods all right we made it back to the third sea let's see uh oh look we found some people in the Manion trading perm ghost and physical Dragon this is a mouthful for physico kitsun I just want to be as clear as possible so there's no misunderstanding oh he's down down come on come on come on he said I offer bro I literally gave up two Spirits for a dragon what makes you think I will get guys make me sick to my stomach bro you guys make me sick eventually wait hold on let me go back there that guy want just a permanent ghost for all those fruits I think I'm going to take that trade two Spirits a Venom yeah yeah yeah and a mammoth bro okay give me that one that's hey yo I'm folding like a lawn chair I don't care that's good enough for me hey nice doing business with you good luck trading something out of that permanent ghost bro nobody wants it looking at this chart here looks like I did win out of that trade that was a good trade on my end now I got two Spirits Venom and a mammoth that brings us to our next physical fruit code give me the shadow give it to me give it to me oh my God so with only one trade left until we have to wait another 7 hours I decided to knock another one off The Bucket List the T-Rex so I think if I offer up a mammoth and a Venom somebody might be dumb enough to take the bait all right trading Mammoth and Venom for T-Rex anybody [Music] down guys I'm warming up this chair real nice nobody here wants to trade should have expected that you know coming to the third sea but h i don't want have to have go all the way back again all right guys after searching and searching we finally found the trade T-Rex for Mammoth and Venom but the value difference is not going to work I think I think he got to ask something bro I'll take it who cares let's go what a way to end off the day baby that's what I'm talking about what an Epic Journey this has been we obtained the T-Rex and dragon in a five trade spree and guys there's only one mythical fruit left we must obtain to complete our challenge the Kitsune but before that we must redeem another physical fruit let's find out what it is all right five trades left let's see if we can finish this off get the Kitsune I'm going to need a shadow from this oh my God bro hell no man bro why does this game want to see me lose so badly all right you know what maybe the gacha will help maybe we'll get some good out of ooh bro the gacha never let me down bro forget the scam fruit gotcha it's the honest fruits gotcha all right we got the rumble that's going to help us with the trade let's see let's let's see what we're working with here we got two quaks one spider one Rumble one Mammoth and two spirits that we're allowed to trade see what Legend got a venom for a mammoth a venom for a mammoth you know what that's not that's not a bad trade guys I think I will take that I feel like a Venom is probably worth more than a mammoth right it has to be worth more than a mammoth all right nope um I got scammed everybody I got totally jipped horrible trade but the good news is I'm now allowed to redeem one more uh phys physical fruit and please for the love of God I just need a shadow and this cold doesn't work all right I'm jumping ahead to the perm can y'all blame me can y'all blame me that code doesn't work what am I supposed to do if I get a permanent Shadow out of this I will forgive you for all your sins Blox roots oh my my disappointment is immeasurable and my day no my life is ruined what the hell can I get from this this is worth absolutely nothing so all I got left working for me is two Spirits one Venom one Rumble and I guess a permanent Falcon that's supposed to help me get to a physical Kitsune I don't know if that's possible guys I think this challenge is over Over My Dead Body we're getting this Kitsune I don't care what it takes I think if we could get a shadow and like another mythical that's that's probably the best offer we'll ever get honestly I don't think we're going to get something better very funny very funny cly you think I want to be trading this permanent Falon bro stop making fun of me oh I think this is it everybody I think this is all we're going to get this is the best we can do I hope for the rest of your Blox Roots career ala you never get another trade ever again get that gravity out of my face oo oh hit accept I'm not hitting accept till someone does first bro I'm not getting my hopes up is he going to keep adding this is why you never hit except first guys cuz people might just not call your bluff and just keep on adding fruits whoever hit except first loses remember this nope damn it Sensei damn it oo that was intense he's back everybody I'm playing the long game I'm being patient yes yes hell yes 6 5 4 [Music] 3 yo get scammed Sensei get scammed we got a shadow blizzard and a phoenix out of that bro all I was expecting was a shadow that was it dude all right well the problem is now everybody I'm out out of coast to redeem so I'm going to have to trade with whatever I have in my inventory all the way up to a kitsun and the fruits that I'm able to use are two Spirits one Venom one Shadow and a bunch of this stuff let's see how far we can get in the next three trades so I somehow managed to scam somebody's Leopard with my spirit and Shadow and I got another Spirit later by trading away a bunch of trash come on come on come on come on come on come on another mythical in the bag and with the help of that spirit I was able to make another trade for the leopard from yes Kanye West himself let's go Kanye this is why Yeezy is the greatest rapper of all time hey Kanye oh what happened Kanye what happened bro when did you become a messy fan we are currently sitting on two physical leopards and somebody was just about to give me a T-Rex for the Venom but I'm out out of Trades five out of five so I'll be adding him on my friends list and I'm going to hit him back in 3 hours to see if we can still make this trade happen so it's been literally 3 hours and we're back on the same server with zyrax this man kept his word and he is actually about to do this trade with me venom for the T-Rex sorry for the wa bro but I'm glad we're eventually able to close the deal this is fantastic news let's go so for this final kitsun trade like many others I got to go to my Discord server in the trading Channel because fighting somebody in a public server who has a Kitsune is just about as rare as getting a Kitsune from the gacha itself oh hey look this guy's offering a Kitsune for leopard and dragon and ads how about I give you two leopard bird and a T-Rex will he accept or will he tell me to go off all right looks like he's going with option three ignore me completely even in my own Discord server after offering that trade for over 30 minutes I finally found somebody who was willing to take me up on the offer his name is Paul and I want you all to remember his name because this guy is the real MVP two leopards and a T-Rex for the kitsun no strengths attached oh I'm praying oh my God he's being serious yo Paul Ain't No Way Ain't No Way ain't no way let's go we finally did it five days of trading I think maybe less actually I I lost track Paul is such a sweetheart bro I'm going to I don't have a lot of Robo but I have enough to give him a permanent portal there you go buddy no way holy smokes hey this goes out to all of you guys who saying I gave a crappy offer on the Discord server people saying oh and you's using YouTuber privilege to scam well guess what no perm portal for you hold this L buddy well there you go guys we started off with a bunch of these and ended up with these
Channel: MeEnyu
Views: 1,152,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, blox fruits, pvp, new fruits, blox fruits live, meenyu, robux, noob, pro, blox fruits troll, trolling, blox fruit gift, blox fruits update, indra, bloxfruits, bloxfruit, noob to pro, max level, event, update 20, blox fruit, enyuzee, blox fruits admin, mythical fruit, legendary fruit, kitsune fruit, dream fruit, yoru, tty, admin, anchor, update 22, update 21, trex, kitsune, t-rex, beast bundle, dragon, awakening, awaken, race v4, race awaken, angel, v4, enyoo, begging, pls fruit
Id: YrH4l-EKxyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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