Eventing On Your Phone! Equestriad World Tour Play Through AD | This Esme

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[Music] moments like [Music] hello everybody this is me so today's video is a little bit of a different one because we are going to be virtually riding around badminton burley kentucky adelaide which are all five-star events that you can play on this new game which is an app so um before today's video starts i'd like to say a huge thank you to go gallop studios who very kindly sponsored today's video and we're gonna be having a go at their new game called a questride world tour which you can get on ios and android so anyway let's go straight in and download it on the app store okay so if we go to the app store search equestriad world tour it's the little one here if i click download then just log in for my thing and now i'm just just downloading and i'll see you when it's been downloaded okay so i have now downloaded the app which is free to download so that's brilliant however there are in-app purchases so anyway i've been playing this for a little bit and oh my goodness it's so much fun but anyway i've created a new account now so let's dive on in start from the beginning so um yep we can have notifications okay it's just loading okay so it starts off giving you a little bit of a tutorial so you can see what it's like riding with the controls and things so if we start off we're doing some jumping here by the looks of things and then oh there's a button you have to press for when you go over the jump so wow that was perfect clean jump brilliant okay we're on to the next one so i'm using my left thumb for the reins so showing where i want to go so i'm going around to the left and then using my right thumb there's a little button that you can press to go over the jump so okay let's make sure i'm nice and straight boom ah not another perfect jump yes okay and then last fence nice okay so we've gone to the loading screen now so the tutorial is out of the way that was all good and done so i think next i get to choose my avatar and that kind of thing so welcome to equestriad world tour first tell us a little bit about yourself so i need to put in my name i don't actually know what name i'm gonna do i don't know if this says me taken we will see probably yep some of you someone has taken it okay i'll just this is me and two x's nice that can be me now select your avatar i can't remember which one i went for there's lots of different selections that you can go for i think i just went for the bog standard just like you know original one the first one so i'll go for that one and then okay this is the most exciting part because you get to pick your horse and um i thought it took me so long because i was like hmm do i go for one that looks like my horses do i go for one that looks a little bit different so if you press inspect um you can pick your first horse so let's have a little look through there is so much selection oh my goodness i don't know if i'll go for the same one that i had like a little guy with so we have andy who is a swedish warm blood oh he's got such pretty blaze okay next we have dale who's another swedish warm blood he's bae very nice and then we have logan oh this one looks a little bit more like joey does he have a stripe or does he have oh no he has a little snip on his nose that's actually so cute and then we have ash oh he has a really cute markings he has lots little socks we have eddie who is a chestnut do you love a chestnut then we have harper oh he has a little blaze that's so cute and he's a grey so i don't know might go for him oh so these are actually different to the selections i had before okay so i'm gonna go for logan because he looks a little bit like joey he's a he's a dapply gray steely grey kind of horse so we will go for logan then let's go so it looks like you're ready to start our first event oh that's so exciting so go to grand prix qualifier series and let's go for the first one so now it's just loading and then we'll be off so i think we'll start off with dressage then i think it's uh cross-country and then it finishes off with show jumping so something i love about this is that it's the exact same commentators that you hear with eventing so it feels just like you're at the event okay so let's go let's start okay here we are this is me xx with logan the swedish warm blood let's go to the dressage event got a little up and down then the rains the directions it's just going through the tutorial again just so you make sure you know what you're doing so let's go great work let's finish the event nice number two good number three bam good again okay six out of ten we're getting there dressage is always my weakest of all of the different disciplines probably in real life and on the app um anyway let's go we've got a good nice oh we've got a nice collected trot going on here we've got another good okay let's go logan we can do this bam another good and then can we get a perfect can we get a perfect we've got a great that's pretty great okay round the corner okay collector canter so let's go a bit faster my friend let's go we're still trotting come on matey bam too slow oopsies great we've got a great guys and another good to finish it all off oh did better than before 6.5 out of 10. okay there's our little salute finishing off let's see where we are on the leaderboard we are 13 out of 25 so we're in the mid we're in the mid for dressage i usually start off not too good with dressage but then cross country i think is my favorite out of all of these so let's have a little loading screen loading screen here we go important events cross country oh my top matches the halls matchy matchy okay welcome to the cross country speed up and okay it's just the tutorial again let's go okay so with the cross country it's a little bit different because you've got the stamina so you have to make sure that your horse doesn't get too tired okay we've got a good jump to start off with let's go i find the cross country easier personally than the show jumping just because it's more of going in a straight line okay oh now i did it too early oopsies i was talking to the camera rather than concentrating oopsies okay let's go okay let's go logan boom perfect jump yes guys so when you get a perfect jump i think you get two two seconds taking off your time because it's like a time limited thing so come on logan let's go so something really cool about this is that if you have a little look there's little um like sponsored signs on the side that are actually real equestrian companies that you would probably see at like a five-star event which is pretty awesome and also the fences look very similar to the ones that you get at for example like badminton and burley kentucky adelaide that kind of thing so eventually if you get good enough you can get up to those levels so we're just obviously starting off nice and slow okay we're going now guys let's finish it off fast boom got that jump let's go we're galloping through the trees logan is on it around the corner okay gotta keep our straighteners gotta keep our straightness coming up quick okay bam let's go so um with the controls you can change in things i've just changed it now to how i prefer so i prefer to use the reins for the speed so if you put the reins forwards you kind of go faster if that makes sense with my left hand you can do the speed controls with your right thumb if you want to so it's just kind of at the beginning getting to know what controls you like and what you prefer so as you can see we used up all of our speed so we've got a little bit of a slower counter at the end because our stamina went down but yeah through we go we finished okay so the trial is complete and then lastly let's go on to show jumping let's get started it's time for the show jumping we welcome welcome combination into the arrangements try and get that perfect land okay i always go too fast with show jumping because when you go around the corners the corners come up quick and if not you do like a massive jumping turn around okay okay okay let's go bam over the jump round corner to the next one okay we are going very fast to it but you know what that's fine we're nice and straight just about anyway okay round we go okay our stamina is down so we've got a little bit of a slower canter okay we're back we're back in business oh my goodness i went way too wide wow don't worry logan's on it he's still going okay we need a slower canter around those corners we need to keep straight bam let's go good jump okay last fence let's canter towards it okay we've lost our standard again stamina okay yes last fence boom slow motion and we finished the show jumping all right so we've got lots of rewards from doing our first event um so we've got some golden horseshoes we've got some um just like normal horseshoes which is sort of the currency in this game oh we've got a lovely bridle saddle we've got a matches set as well and navy oh that looks good okay and our horse's condition has gone up too so this is one of the next bit is actually one of my favorite parts of the game is the care um so we're in our stables now so let's give logan a bit of care shall we so first we're gonna give him a brush so let's have a little brush oh my goodness he's so cute but he is so dirty as well there's something about grey horses they just get dirty even in games okay next we've got a soft body brush which will make him very nice and shiny i wish all of my horses could get this shiny just by grooving them oh my gosh wow he's looking stunning oh he's in a little happy rear okay so now that's all gone what up do next you wash him i think the washing's so much fun okay not in real life though once you've washed your horses in real life so many times just becomes a pain oh okay so if you wash them too hard they get a little bit sassy which not gonna lie my horses do that sometimes so give them a little pat and then their temper goes down so now logan's nice and happy don't worry mate i won't wash your sensitive parts okay so we've got them all bubbled up now it's time to rinse him down oh my goodness he's looking so clean and sparkly there we go done it's a little happy rear and then okay our condition and our stats have gone up which is great then lastly let's give him a banana shall we because they'll deserve a little treat there we go give him a little pat oh my goodness his love our bond is going up wow he's so cute so cute okay let's finish done and then lastly we can pick out his hooves i believe which is very cool let's go on to the [Music] select hooves little hoof pick give them a little clean out and then lastly give them a little brush out as well get all of that dust and mud out there we go now we're on 100 so we've there we go and we're done so his agility and his condition again has gone up his condition is excellent so that's great so yeah i think the next thing that we should do is do a little bit of tack shopping i think that would be fun so we can also train our horses so their agility and their stats so their stats go up so that's speed acceleration endurance and agility so we're just gonna skip that now so he's nice and trained up for us nice so there are also other stables that you can go to that can be unlocked so you can get other horses and things so if we go back to the main menu so here we are in our little barn which is so cute so i thought we would go to this store because we all have a good bit of tack shopping so if you go to the daily store you can see different things that you can buy so obviously there are a few things unlocked or i can't get to because they're locked because i need to level up for them but there's some different mains you can pick different matchy sets which you guys know love then there's the supplies as well that you can top up on and then um what else do we have and then they have some other matchy matchy sets as well on offer which oh my goodness looks so gorgeous um so anyway if we go back and go on to style and go on to horse i believe you could this is where you can change your things obviously i need to buy some things for logan at the moment he just has you know his normal tack and things and then there's me where you can change me as well you can change your avatar later as well which is great so yeah i think we should have a go at some bigger events now all right guys i've actually switched onto my different account now which is leveled up so i can do um the five-star events the other account i made so i can show you guys what it's like when you start off with when you pick your hauls that kind of jazz so anyway if we could pick on horses there are quite a few i can choose from but i think i'm gonna go for masterclass which is actually oliver towneen's ride at kentucky 2019 where they won so i think i think this horse will will do for the event so let's select him nice okay so now he is selected let's go on to events should we go grand prix all the way to the championship series let's have a go with this so let's have a go at badminton horse trials let's go okay i'm very excited for this thanks for joining us the most important event i just find it so cool to have the commentators and the exact same people that you hear at places like badminton and burleigh so if we just skip through he's here all of my competitors lining up getting ready okay let's start i'm a little bit nervous not gonna lie a little bit nervous so we've got my little irish sports horse let's go okay i'm just gonna make sure that's steering rains speed rains joyce yeah okay so yeah i'll put it up on the screen but these are the controls that i like to use personally obviously people are different in things so let's go oh my goodness there are so many things i have to click on okay we've got a perfect got a good good perfect nice okay round we go round we go we need an extended canter so let's go into canter okay bam bam oh my gosh you're going way too fast no cool he's sped down that line there in here okay this means the ring as i said before the dressage is definitely my weaker okay boom boom [Music] there we go got a great got another great good and a good okay eight out of ten that's pretty good boom boom oh okay we're going way too fast we be cantering okay okay now we need to counter oh my gosh there is a lot a lot okay you're getting good great great and good like with this one six out of ten okay we're getting there we're getting there around the corner oh my gosh this is a tight corner oh no too fast too fast okay so let's see where we are on the leaderboard just waiting for it to load they'll be delighted with both the score and the test here from our latest combination we hope that you enjoyed the dressage okay i was not expecting that the dressage is usually my worst so anyway okay this is the most exciting part the cross country yes we are doing cross-country at badminton there's all the steps and everything just like in the real course so let's go come on cooley master prepare to start their rounds okay and we're off and it just looks exactly like badminton oh my gosh we went way too early i was getting too excited about stan's okay and we're off round the corner ah a little fun fact about badminton every time i go so each year they swap definitely didn't go quite okay i need to stop talking because i'm going too early okay the gate jump oh my gosh which one do i do nice we've got a good jump okay so at badminton what i was saying is they switched the course each year which way round the course is so i think at the moment we're doing it clockwise oh my goodness we're going down the steps down the steps um so every year i've gone it's been anti-clockwise but we're doing delighted with that let's go boom boom oh my gosh which one are we doing last minute choice okay we're doing i think we're going a long way around but that's mine we've committed now okay oh perfect job but they get away with it as well boom let's go oh my goodness there's like a tiny little gap we have to go through okay i think that was a ditch there and then we've got a log oh no we've got a refusal well i guess it is badminton it's a tricky course okay around the corner bam over the vicarage fee okay i think no that was not was that bam haven't been for a while okay oh oh we went too early okay down the hill cool blimey this is a tough cause i would not want to do this on a real horse okay up over the trachea round the corner we're off we're off we're off round round bam into the water here we go around the corner oh this i oh okay too early so these are literally the jumps oh no oh no causing plenty of problems and this combination is another to be cool we're going too early too late and then sometimes i do it too late somewhere i'm gonna do it too early oh no too late that is really expensive okay okay this is a proper tough course round we go oh perfect jump yes here we go okay we've got the wagon we've got the wagon disappointed today okay round bam oh my gosh there's so many jumps so many jumps so oh we had a perfect jumper than a refusal there we go around we get we're going in the water oh my goodness i don't wait yep we didn't go through the flag oh my goodness there are so many adjustments okay oh no too late run we go around we go let's go okay our stamina is pretty good at the moment like halfway stamina okay it's going down now just as i say that okay our stamina's down okay it's okay we can get there let's go bam okay perfect jump yes here we go round the corner i don't think we have too much left come on let's gallop boom looking very tight oh my gosh we're going left or we're going right okay let's go right okay round we go okay i'll stamp this down oh and our stamina is back back in business baby yes we've got a good jump okay we're back on track it does get a bit overwhelming there are a lot of jumps oh my gosh would not want to do this on a horse okay let's go good jump okay oh we're we're near the stadium now we're near the stadium now we're almost there okay let's go few more we're getting a bit tired okay let's finishing gallop finishing gallop the last fence with the classic saddles on top let's go let's try and get a perfect jump oh nice and we're done cool blimey that cross country there are a lot of fences and you go pretty fast okay where are we okay 13th not too bad not too bad where are we now oh my gosh we're still in second okay our dressage has picked up our score okay show jumping now i'm gonna go too fast so i need to tell myself to slow down because around them corners oh okay let's go oh my goodness we're in the arena the next combination okay slow around these corners slow up around these corners go up around this corner slow it run these corners oh my goodness this is so tight okay let's go oh my gosh the fence is the exact same ones that they do have at badminton what go round round round oh there's a world horse welfare jump oh yeah that's so cool okay no rails so far let's hope they keep it up actually quite a few we've only just started but we're we're doing well so far we haven't had any poles down so far nice okay round round round round round round round oh no i'm going too fast okay we've got it we've got it back on track the classic butterfly fence oh yes perfect and a second perfect jump we're getting there at the moment bam we're getting them perfect jumps giving the fences plenty of them am i doing better at the show jumping in the cross country what is this okay water water oh no our straighteners okay we've gone over it we need to put that rail down behind them now and concentrate on the rest of the course oh no it's gone through the fence we've had a collateral okay wow okay we're over round okay a little bit more to go not too fast around the corner not too fast around the corner okay music jump perfect fence and we're done we're done okay that wasn't too bad there was one fence that we did just go through but apart from that we finished in first place are you joking that's so good oh so sweet you've enjoyed it as much first place of the show jumping we're actually second but you know what second i'm not gonna complain that was pretty good oh yeah okay we've got lots of rewards nice ones competition here okay our horse's condition is very poor so after this i'm gonna have to do a bit more of treats cleaning that kind of thing cause obviously your horse is going to be pretty tired after it's gone around a five-star event all right guys i really hope you enjoyed watching me virtually ride around a five-star event so anyway before today's video ends i'd like to say a huge thank you again to go gallop studios very kindly sponsoring today's video i'll leave a link in the description below if you'd like to check out the equestriad world tour game um i really hope you guys enjoy it also i'd like to say huge thank you to you guys for watching today's video if you're new or have not done so already please like and subscribe because it really does help me out and i really do appreciate it and i'll see you all next time [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: This Esme
Views: 337,768
Rating: 4.9403253 out of 5
Id: R7kzTrRRwS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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