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foreign foreign [Music] okay [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign foreign well champ all dressed up no place to go you don't have the Killer Instinct I can show it to you uh is that a fact well maybe sometime we can go around it too no time like the present or you scared what do you have a Death Wish man did you notice there's blood on the moon tonight [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] come on yeah go down the key to winning take advantage of every weakness and that's enough It's never enough oh God [Music] School's Out champ right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign what do we have here ladies somebody talk to me well detective we've got one dead boxer Eddie Cunningham 33 years old light heavy champion of the world found him like this this morning somebody beat him to death well I guess we got a new champ so is this the latest from our boy do we make this number three no Witnesses no fingerprints just plenty of blood and guts yeah well no chance he left a suicide note huh boys and girls it looks like we've got ourselves homicide what the hell is going on the work of the same man do you have any suspects what are you doing to catch it any communication with the kids all the leads and we're getting real close to crack in this game Donna how you doing Council movies this weekend do me a favor tell Emmy I need a report on my desk as soon as she has it I just spent 15 minutes with a dead guy who was smiling at me Chuck Chief online too [Music] Baker what's happening I'm working chief chief chief what's with the language yes sir yes sir [Music] Chuck hey came in last night before the boxer uh put it on the board variations on a thing how come I didn't get this last night it was a taxi email address to the chief s did you see him when he came in did he have the face one you know what I'm talking about big bulging eyes the vein in his forehead the quivering lips the is right behind me we're up to our eyeballs and murder victims and you're screwing me around you have any idea the pressure on me just this morning the press the goddamn press gosify me Chief that's because you are the man well it's great to see you you know you should really come slumbing down here well give me traction I want you to give me results Chuck don't you ever you ever do that again the great shocker he's gonna have to find himself a magic show and Poughkeepsie to do because he ain't gonna be working here got it hell if I could conjure this bastard out then I'd be headlining in Vegas thank you [Music] all right what was that nothing don't break the mood get back here you [ __ ] [ __ ] Roxy your luck is about to change you find anything You Found Me crutch the name's Dutch it won't be after tonight and it's a marvelous night for a moon dance okay let's dance no come on man please come on can we talk this over no way you're mine okay [Music] laughs [Music] wow what's up man you're not tough [Music] [Music] thank you why aren't you better feel bad trauma to the Head his extremities the bones were shattered he died in extreme pain the killer has knowledge of anatomy the destruction is systematic precise every strike is a vital area a nerve center Meridian he definitely has a signature and I recognize it any evidence of a weapon or a post-mortem mutilation it doesn't look like he used a weapon but I've never seen wounds like these as her mutilation it's the fight he's interested in once they're dead he's done thank you what about the witness killer choke Dorado didn't hurt her she said she didn't see anything clearly but I got her looking at some mugshots anyway let's make it number four right Houdini listen I'm going to sign you some help on this I want you to go see this guy oh gee I don't need any help yeah right well let's see we got four dead bodies out there a techno freak running around out there sending computer messages about the emergency's committing right well no potion of solving this than we were at day number one the killings are getting closer and closer together I don't think that's a good sign of me am I forgetting something or what you need to shut up Chuck I'm working myself all right you know they're coming at me all the time I'm just trying to I'm trying to stop myself from bleeding all right that's it tell Ohio that's his name he was the charge of the serial section before you got here huh one of the finest mine hunters in the country I retired a couple of years ago mine what the hell is a minor whatever here's his address remember his last case was a mess he wanted to put him in the hospital almost put him in the cemetery I don't need any help yeah right like I'm not going to need a triple bypass by the time I get through with all this so I gotta have you help me out with this all right I want him on the case it's up to you to convince him wear a suit I'm trying to make a good first impression [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah hey hey I'm really sorry I wasn't looking where I was going sorry you're going to be sorry come on let me pay to clean your clothes uh it's 20 bucks that should do it thanks [Laughter] man just like you pissed yourself show me what you've got Jackie Chan man I'm gonna take this out of your hive look I said I was sorry hitting me is not going to get your shirt clean yeah but it's going to make me feel a hell of a lot better honey stay here this won't take long let's get him [Music] foreign I didn't want to fight them but I didn't have a choice nobody hurts my family always afraid they hurt you hurt me I'm Superman you know that [Music] [Music] foreign I'm looking for Ken O'Hara get in line I take it he's not home he's dead he's dead I mean I thought when he gets back with my daughter our daughter he's going to be dead you guys divorced separated it's his afternoon with Lauren and he promised he wouldn't be late damn inconsiderate if you ask me how do you stand it tough we're going through a hard time my name's Megan Chuck oh for you yeah I don't think I want to Where Have You Been we were having fun if that means anything to you right Lauren yeah Mommy you should have seen that now honey we have an appointment yeah I bet you do you promised to have her back on time it's your responsibility right Chuck absolutely stay out of this Chuck you've got a point you should listen to it I thought you were late we are say goodbye to your father love you Superman I love you too sweet lost your way Chucky hit the road huh actually I came to see you Superman well nothing personal but uh [ __ ] off Chief Hudgens sent me to see you Hutchins you mean you're not no look can I come in I don't do this anymore yeah well that's what the chief said but he wants your help on this the answer is no you tell him that for me okay no sweat Chief said uh you quit over case that right I have a safe drive something subtle going on here Ken you know if you want me to leave just ask I don't want your help anyway foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign not again foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] your spirit is unclean foreign [Music] [Music] foreign a kung fu movie on the computer cool I'll be right there hey what's up hey this just started coming in oh not this again no no no this looks like our kind of action movie huh I can't trace the transmission though I'm talking about a Japanese sword moves I love these things who's in it [Music] oh God oh [ __ ] I know him get units over the 562 House of street right away and copy that transmission for me if you can okay I'll try 562 Houston who are you you don't remember me pity [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah yeah [Applause] is the champion now bye [Music] foreign [Music] this is hush listen you're uh you're an instructor Master takaido he's been killed [Music] thank you how's it matter with you you should know better than the going to a situation like that all by yourself you should have had somebody with you no time this guy was getting beat down pretty bad listen I'm sorry about your loss thank you so what do we have here yeah Chuck here will bring you up to speed two of you can be working together as partners on this case good to have you on board Ken yeah I know we can sure use the help I mean you want to come over to my office I'll see you later huh can uh thanks for Covenant now it's the least I could do you read the file carefully and you're not getting anywhere are you that's why you're here to save our poor souls you got any ideas a few we're dealing with a very organized killer he's someone who plans these killings they're not random spur of the moment things he only kills who he wants to kill low risk victims in low risk areas no Witnesses everything very well planned his behavior reflects his personality his behavior is well controlled very well orchestrated his MO is like no other now I was thinking uh let me cut you off right there because uh frankly I don't care what you think see I know who you are Ken O'Hara quit the force because you were scared I can't partner with a guy who's going to piss himself when he comes face to face with the Enemy so you can have all your [ __ ] theories write all your little reports but just make sure you stay the [ __ ] out of my way when stuff gets really dirty you got that yeah I got it good so uh I'm sure they found you your own office so I need to check out a theory I'll call you I want copies of everything you got on this case for my report see a [ __ ] secretary and have a fine day shoots he scores foreign foreign foreign yeah yeah what are you doing here what's going on here police who you miss I live here the victim lived here alone Kelly is that you can Uncle Ken yeah this is Master takeda's daughter what adopted daughter well I feel for your loss Miss but there's some questions I'd like to ask you so if we can go down to the station it's okay don't worry we can do this tomorrow the department will put you up in a hotel let's get new leads we're doing here working on them to me more like you like you look while you're in town why don't you stay at the house I'll drive you [Music] oh it's great to see you see you tomorrow we should have questioned her tonight Uncle Ken look don't go making decisions you don't have the authority to make tomorrow is certain enough when I'm gonna retire chicken [ __ ] and you're running the investigation then you can make that call look [ __ ] I'm gonna call it a night you can skulk around here all you want I'm done sculpting well there was no sign of a forced entry an explosion was pretty primitive just gasoline and a stick of dynamite I found no timer which means he was waiting there for detective Baker and how would you know that because I found it a skulking he was waiting for detective Baker here to come running so maybe he's tied into a GPS system and can track all the police vehicles and then he blew it just before he went in to cover his tracks to send us a message the killings are getting closer together and he's getting better at it it's almost as if he's learning and he's getting more confident that's why sending us the computer notes taunting us this guy is way out there with technology and frankly I'm a little lost but I met this computer hacker on a case a few years ago and I'd really like to go see him just to get some advice on the computer end of things good good we're just gonna hang around here we're gone [Music] what are you doing still here I want to be involved got to stay out of this what are you talking about this is my dad go home Kelly we'll call you when we know something okay please just go home he's got guts wanting to work with us [Music] not again foreign so what's your relationship with Kelly she's like my daughter oh I get it but I don't think you're her type oh really why because I'm black well at least I know you're not a racist Justice is just around the corner so just got dangerous or what only if you're allergic to bad hygiene all right thank you for all of my league no you take the hallway first door on the left I'm going around the bank just in case well I bet you're hot aren't you sure liberated lovers by the way would you like me to liberate myself in this bra you know baby you should definitely take your top off you know all the right things to say don't cool off I'll be right back who is it I need to ask you some questions well what kind of questions open up just a minute be right there going somewhere remember me Justice detective O'Hara come on come on you're looking for him oh you mess with the wrong guy you're coming with me for what I didn't do nothing pack some petroleum jelly computer boy cause you're gonna need it now don't play dumb you did it Oh you mean the bank computer oh I didn't do anything of course you didn't I'm sorry Justice detective Baker and I don't necessarily see eye to eye come on Baker I need his help on my investigation oh I'll help I'll help there's no way to scumbag is getting out of this come on he said he'd help he'll help right yeah yeah whatever you need sit down justice sit down ah cool man what button did you push can you trace email graphic files other messages well sure that's not hard this came into the station later baby wait for me live like a slob how do you stand it there's no return address I can't do it I have nothing to work from what's this for that's for my all-nighter so I don't have to leave the computer what is it coffee urine man you are nasty oh no watch I can trace this message because it's coming in right now foreign what the hell this one's for you how could anyone know you're here all right Beck keep him talking type what you want to say and hit return I can trace him from here [Music] holy [ __ ] it is him do it lose the connection and I lose him who are you the hell was that speech synthesizer I got an idea and you prove you are who you say you are holy [ __ ] keep him going I almost got him why are you killing okay let's see who will win two or meet yes I know Chuck Baker is with you he knows I'm here hell this guy knows everything got you you son of a [ __ ] where Jing no way Tainan Taiwan oh that's just a blind Anchorage Los Angeles oh this guy's good I'm gonna put all this stuff out Moscow Berlin oh man even I couldn't do this you're gonna find this guy a lot to get in there Miami Harrisburg hold on Bingo last location 843 Adams Street number 21. Jesus that's that's right around the corner come on man keep on talking to him [Music] come on man [Music] foreign [Music] yeah well I wasn't done where's your gun what the hell not are you ready man we gotta have a plan I'll kick the door in you go in first and secure the room I'm not copy of playing white Moana without a gun covering my ass no I'm kicking the door in why because it's your idea that's why see you guys are always sending the brothers in first but I don't think that's right right going together one two three [Music] nobody move unless you're growing you better sit your ass down where's the computer where the [ __ ] it go take the back I got these guys who are you talking to shut the hell up take it back you're all alone my friend Ken where's your backup Detective I got your back up right here chicken [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] seems like you pal left you all alone let me go he's not my pal look you guys I got two SWAT teams on their way up here right now I don't think so dip [ __ ] would you believe uh one SWAT team in a canine unit [Music] oh God [Music] what took you so long just waiting for the right moment I could have been killed that long Street Apartment 21. oh okay thanks it's the least I could do yeah well all we got to do now is find the computer it's no computer it's not there you look yeah wait wait wait let me get this straight seven to one and you look for the computer yeah I did now get over it Chuck Baker a struggling magician and even more struggling Detective having just emerged from retirement detective Ken O'Hara knows he's in over his head the fear is too much [Music] [Music] what the hell are you doing man we've got company Kelly I told you to go home come on I have to do something this is police busy oh save it Chuck it's not illegal to follow you guys well stay out of our way serious action [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Go Big Daddy come on get with it come on yeah hey what's your name baby let's come over here sit down with me I got something for you hey where you going where you going man you come here a lot you know I thought you said you guys were going to church I'm getting real tired of the leadership okay don't leave yet these girls gonna have their g-strings on hey here she comes to be how about I get your g-strip [Music] yeah he's shooting weed don't worry Chuck she doesn't need to have help it won't last long she's a former National Champion come on let's go foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] step ahead of us man I would love to catch this bastard so bad he's got to be leaving something behind everybody makes mistakes at this cycle not yet check the computer print out again maybe we missed something this is all the standard stuff you talking to him him baiting you he's got to whip this one don't give him credit don't give this guy a personality serial killers fit a profile white 30s to 40s certain definable experiences child abuse deviant sexuality hey I'm just making conversation man so you can spare me to profiling lecture okay hey I never saw this before why the last line of his message say goodbye to Jim Gene and the heroes there's blood on the moon what the hell does that mean got me maybe there's some kind of connection there Jim Nabors Gene Hackman Hogan's Heroes and now there's nothing man your mind works in weird ways Carrie Jim Carrey Carrie Jean carries Heroes somebody's going after somebody named Carrie [ __ ] this is nuts come on man let's get something to eat all right I'm gonna check on Kelly wait a minute Kelly yeah I'm checking on Kelly Jim Kelly the guy from Enter the Dragon Gene Kelly and Kelly's Heroes he's going out to Kelly while we're chasing his ghost I'm not getting an answer here foreign [Music] foreign you could have just knocked you didn't have to break the door in you can't just barge in here like this we thought you were in danger I'm not in any danger is it from YouTube got a message from the killer he said you're next we've got her as soon as we could man this guy's got us chasing our Towers again we were here to save you you know you were yeah okay do me a favor will you sure knock next time now get the hell out of here we'd like to stick around but we got to be going right Ken foreign I have all your numbers way too mucho [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you damn I left the printout behind killing me we have to knock first remember all right [Music] yeah please [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah yeah [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] hey that's great [Music] yeah oh yes I see you put the naked ladies on this one is trying to keep you happy detective well I gotta go hey who's the babe Kelly what are you doing here where's the uniform assigned to protect you I'm working on this case with you Ken I'm a Target where would I be safer than with you too take me along or I'll just follow you Uncle Ken you know that she's got a point she's a Target now I just promise to stay out of our way you got it Uncle Ken promise you'll never call me Uncle Chuck cool let's run through the victim list again thanks Justice uh I'll catch that later good luck [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this guy must be trained he's too good nobody teaches killing people it's testing different killing methods you and I believe in the art Effectiveness he's actually trying it out and he's got a list of victims and we just made the top 40. yeah but I think he's almost done I just wish we knew the sequence who's next why'd you quit Ken I was working cereals like you I was tracking this bastard I got inside his mind had already killed 10 by then but I took him down I just seen too much done too much I never want to experience that kind of evil again I just don't need it in my life I bet you are pretty bad right almost killed me I killed my marriage too I've been trying to salvage that but you saw how it is yep I was married myself a long time ago back when I was in academy it ended badly I tried to blame it on the job but it wasn't really that I didn't try hard enough it's too bad no Ken I don't know you that well but you don't seem to me to be the kind of guy that would uh give up am I right yeah I guess then you shouldn't give up on your marriage man I mean to this day the only thing I regret is that I didn't save my marriage when I had the chance to and all I had to do was call her oh all you have to do is call it how come this parable about you is suddenly about me well can the moral of the story is you should call it try to fix it you got the chance you should take it yeah maybe I will you've got motive you've got opportunity you're guilty you know nothing about me Chuck yeah I don't want to know anymore believe me look here's a quarter I flip it it comes up heads you call it deal there you go oh looks like you win what it's just a magic all right he's killing me hello Megan it's me listen can we talk yeah all of us look I really want to try and work this out oh shopping there we go toast to what Uncle Kim [Applause] [Music] thank you very much there you go honey [Music] come on [Music] fantastic [Music] Megan look I know it's been tough I know it seems like I haven't been trying but I don't want to change all that no it was never about not loving you I don't know how to explain it it's just like I shut out the whole world you shut me out can't I refuse to live like that yeah it's the biggest mistake I ever made and it won't happen again but I need your support all the time you have it you always have so what do you say we can live together again as a family I want to try to so how about you guys move back in the house this weekend really Daddy yeah I try and free out some time from this case to him sounds like a plan [Music] what about you damn it's okay I'm sorry it comes with the territory okay don't forget huh this weekend this weekend be careful Netherland Baker no weapons no Prince no Witnesses nothing oh there's some letters written on the Run so we're gonna stick around here for a while thanks Bill all right that mean anything to you no you got a C and H a and whatever's under my man's hand there do me a favor uh get some good shots in this and blow them up for me okay make it this uh mystery picture what do you think is in it you did good Kelly hey Wix come here get pictures of this wall as soon as the crime scene has been processed get them over to the station ASAP okay Chadwick chadwin chaff Chaffin chefkin Shigeru shagus shagnon and shaheli Chase chafe and change I tell you he's trying to kill his name just doesn't feel right not right in champagne that's for sure maybe he's writing something else chamber Chamberlain chamber Maids yeah the chambermaid did it chamber musics chambray chameleon camper shammy chamomile champ champagne Champion wait a minute Champion son of a [ __ ] it's been here all along what the victims were Champions he's killing them all boxing wrestling tough man Kindle karate kickboxing [ __ ] all these guys were champions but they wouldn't have fought each other they have their own competitions they fought each other once huh and the link is her father my instructor wait a minute what are you talking about you ever hear of the Masters challenge damn remember the tagline Tournament of Champions I've got some magazines with those pictures in my office come on oh here it is that's it this is the photo from the Masters challenge you recognize anyone most of these guys are staring at Steel and draws with the morgue I think our boys in this shop Eddie Cunningham boxer victim that's shorts tough man victim Kurt McKinney Point karate Mark Kramer kickboxing victim Master takaido Big Ten Haley Judo victim who are these guys first guys Kung Fu style 's champions for excessive contact seems he broke some poor guy's ribs like him so far don't fall in love it'll be a tough arrest record show he was killed three years ago in a car accident all right give me an update six murder two remaining in the photograph one's dead car crash confirmed which leaves this guy Willie Knight and he fits the profile age weight height you recognize him Kelly no it happened so fast I don't know this name of the guy has a sheet you wouldn't believe he's been picked up a whole bunch of times for assault even did time for assault with intent to kill no mortal citizen it gets worse we had him here last month on something unrelated couldn't hold him oh wonderful and we won't let him get away this time well what do you think is this a guy or what he wants to him cheap well let's grab the bastard I'll set up the Strike Team come on do I get a gun sorry Kelly you can't come along you're gonna have to stay here until we catch this guy best we're walking into the valley the shadow of death here we're not going to be able to protect you you know I can take care of myself discussion's over decisions being made it's for your own good kill let's go right let's be why I feel so good foreign [Music] hey foreign [Music] foreign [Music] Mr guest please sign in it just seemed a little too easy don't you think way too easy the guy barely fought back and he wasn't a great fighter found real killer 132 Lynn Avenue I'm inside Kelly [ __ ] [Applause] foreign [Music] how nice to see you again have we met don't be coy I've done some research on your career you're a national champion right that's right how interesting it's right there hit it [Music] Kelly Kelly what a lovely family what a lovely family someone has to take care of them O'Hara someone has to take care of them [Music] are you okay I'm fine this is so like you letting your friend do the Dirty Work what friend told me you couldn't get away and help me move everything in listen to me Megan where is he now next to Lauren look if you can get away then do it if you can't and don't let on anything's wrong I'll be right there [Music] I love you I know be right there don't hang up let me call Lauren is that my good buddy Ken come for me Ken I'm waiting in the forage by the way it's just us now no one else just you or they're dead that's evidence there ain't gonna be no trial it's just me and him now that's [ __ ] we're Team now I'm going with you no you're not kin We're Cops we don't do this kid this is my family I can't take the chance okay kick his ass thank you for coming O'Hara Welcome to Hell where are they you won't shoot me especially since I'm the only one who knows where your lovely wife and daughter are hahaha [Laughter] the end game has begun [Music] hmm [Music] they're not champions they're innocent they're part of the plan came just like you and me [Applause] very good [Music] [Music] help me [Music] hello baby I'm coming we have 15 minutes for the grand championship match life or death it's in your hands now yeah come on [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow good job wow [Music] [Music] I got you pull yourself up oh God come on kid climb up kid five down [Music] yeah you're not going to save them [Applause] [Music] amazing hey baby he's Gonna Save Us all right kid hurry you couldn't save Kelly your partner your family and you can't save yourself [Music] [Music] oh yeah you can't run away from me okay [Music] you can't win [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] hurry [Music] hurricane [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I'm not a child killer no Slaughter of the innocent foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: CD Zodzilla Media
Views: 401,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloodmoon, 1996, gary Daniels, chuck Jeffreys, darren shahlavi, Martial arts, gary, Daniels, chuck, Jeffreys, darren, shahlavi, 90s, action, movies, karate, kung fu, Action movies, 90s action movies, 90s martial arts movies, keith, strandberg, Keith strandberg, movies made in 1996, Martial arts 1996, Martial arts films 1996, action movies 1996, black martial artist, blood moon, blood moon 1996, bloodmoon movie, bloodmoon 1996
Id: MqZF-lC0mTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 45sec (6165 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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