Martial Law II: Undercover (Free Full Movie) Action

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] que pasa yeah we're looking to get equalized you want to do business I hear you favorite grant it is my favorite president favorite president well then amigo show me your armor check it out stepping in my office alright let's see what you got like tens goosies 45s 9 millimeters made I go on ya bar a bit cold virtually untraceable okay anything goes wrong you move in on my command hey guys hey the hell out of here you got a couple of bucks someone was worth the living fine I'll put some spare change love us to change you got any change huh I got your change right here you understand where everybody hold [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] pretty good disguise you almost fooled me today Thanks it was very impressive all in day's work why do I get the feeling in the leading up to something for starters you may detect and you've been transferred to Northwest division when do we leave Billy's not leaving they want you to start a martial arts program besides I still need her around here good luck kid I miss you around here Thanks [Music] detective Shawn's mom [Applause] thanks guys moonlighting i just filling in for pots congratulations shine thanks hate to break up the team yeah but hey now that you're on your own you got a better chance of making the deck ya know you could do it anybody can [Music] captain Krantz detective Shawn Thompson captain requisition for your martial law I heard a lot about your work good this is Borelli he'll show you around thank you I'm working out stop thank you hey that's good get a couple of karate lessons from you have you kicked some ass Oh take more just a couple yeah go straight to jail and don't pass go how's Nancy doing she's doing great you know Sean she's been asking for you and that girl Pam oh yeah yeah yeah Shawn Thompson I'm sorry hey good to meet you Frank what's new how much Danny Boy how much yeah next meeting you hey seems okay yeah Administration what's wrong yeah so you and Nance you want to go to dinner huh not tonight come on it's my treat yeah I got something to take care of hey did you finish up the tour alone yeah sure all right what nothing Allah but tell you what we'll do it tomorrow night right yeah okay sure that's no problem it's good to have you here Sean yeah it's good to be here all right I speak too soon eh yeah take it easy now Yale at 24 Spencer Hamilton has achieved the kind of success many businessmen work their whole lives to attain and to encourage others is age he's just established the Hamilton scholarship fund for business excellence mr. Hamilton - what do you tribute your success well Christina luck and determination don't hurt us I have an incredible role model my father that was your own hard work sight in a world where so many parents and children find it difficult to communicate the Hamilton family is an inspiration to us all Christine Richards Channel 10 News [Music] we all set the tonight booth [Music] [Music] is everything in order yep everything's in order [Music] [Music] get out let's see your hands come on let's go come on hey scum he had this your real Boy Scout really who else is in on this Frank you'll never know well I can guarantee you're not gonna get away with it I beg to differ looks like you quit you know somewhere where it doesn't belong my friend how unfortunate tanner let's go this set Frank huh you're gonna sell me out there you're gonna sell me out Frank this is the way you treat your brother's baby good move Thanks look at this guy I'm gonna walk out of your house it on you dogs never mind I know it won't happen again three this has to look right Oh what [Music] most powerful aspect of martial arts my concentration against the opponent's movement is how you'll take them down quickly without a gun only your skill now I'll need some volunteers [Music] [Music] as you can see balance is critical in any defense you have a question now it looks like dancing in your pajamas to me this is ridiculous I mean which move stops the 357 this next move is designed to disarm an attacker at close range okay now what bang turning to kids Nancy German laughter I will [Music] so would you say your name was it's Bob I've been working here long enjoy sometimes yes sometimes no but the fringe benefits are great I can only imagine what can you imagine by looking at you I'd say you were I'm quite a healthy plant yeah very healthy [Music] my pleasure consider it a gift oh I can't well there's a way you can work it off if you like I could use another girl in here just to be nice to the customers it's not what you think I don't use my girls oh I only need them to talk to the clients be friendly and then they know any interesting information you might hear along the way that's all consider this just irrelevance I guess I could use it tonight besides I could use a break study how about right now right glad to make please enjoy the champagne with my compliments here's someone who's dying to meet the biggest sports promoter in the business Frank Jones may I present to you Celeste charmed she'll be my private party on Saturday I hope you'd be able to make wouldn't dear miss it excuse me please that's still the hell is this suspect I'm with on my own perhaps you've had too much to drink Bob the bartender Cork a few drinks on the house sir excuse us thank you so who's the new girl Celeste well I guess some guys like that type I don't want you wasting your time with that guy they're more important before you should be working like give me a point look I'm not in the mood for this tonight you're on thin ice Lee skate [Music] rebellious immature [Music] [Music] kaki wrote but has been identified as officer Lily [Music] what are you doing here Thompson I heard on my scanner what happened that's like Danny was low didn't miss the curve what I'm driving yeah well Danny said lots of stuff look the evidence is there it's that simple well that doesn't look good hey fell off the wagon a lot of people do accost him why I don't know Danny's been confused I heard he flunked the sergeant exam who knows look there's no reason to believe it's anything else yeah [ __ ] probably right I'll see you back in the station I'm not denying it Morelli was a good cop what he had a problem that problem finally caught up to it told me he was try captain and I believed him now something's not right I understand how you lost a number of good friends and that's the hardest part of the job so I'm telling you this report seems clear we'll wait and we'll see if the coroner's report verifies it but in the meantime you're just gonna have to back off a little bit back off captain I am late for a division meeting that's it detective [Music] [Music] [Music] yes a little late guys and I'm supposed to be on vacation [Applause] we drink a beer first time yeah buddy might come here a lot tell me about it maybe you know anybody's me we have a large clientele here exclusive clientele that values their privacy I'm sure you do and I respect that how do you mind it's about 510 dark hair you don't seem to understand we can't help you here you got a bad habit interrupting I think it's time for you to leave I haven't finish my beer yes you have touch me that's enough get against the wall with your hands behind your head and interlace your fingers I don't know what the cop what are you doing here Dobbs what am i doing I'm supposed to ask you that Thomas me hi beautiful hey stranger you're working late yeah one final report and I'm on vacation no come on get change I'll buy you a beer yeah Danny Borelli can you believe it I heard such a shame I was at the scene and somehow things don't add up what would mean it look like a DUI Danny told me quit drinkin and unbelievable and this said that detective Dobbs keeps popping up and I mean everywhere you're not gonna let this go are you think it deserves that'll use don't you think what do you want me to do come on no there's a little something you found that in Danny's car Club syntax did you check it out I sort of do my cover [ __ ] unbelievable Thompson you know that I'm not finished with you you created a scene in the nightclub no assault charges were filed thank God I was following Alena barelli's Danna Raley was drunk one point six twice the legal limit no case and if you keep this up you're gonna end up I'm parade duty until your goddamn retirement hi hello never thought I regret saying this but we're closed well that's okay I'm looking for a job you need any bartenders well it depends on what oh good try me my time light rum orange juice pineapple juice grenadine float it with dark rum Long Island iced tea five whites vodka rum gin tequila coke sweet and sour topped with triple sec Cookie Monster Cookie Monster got you creme de cocoa creme de menthe vodka woman on fire run like hell I'm certain I was just interviewing for a job by she's pretty good yes we're working you too hard huh what's your name Kathy Swan where have you worked before here they're mostly downtown any place I might know oh no where this nice but look if you want references why don't we try you out tonight see how you do and we'll work from there okay okay George why don't you show her around make sure she knows what she's doing yes [Music] I think it was an accident Nancy was there anything unusual lately was he having any problems at work oh he did seem frustrated lately about two weeks ago he came home very upset I had to pry it out of him but he said someone was trying to meddle with an arrest I tried to get him to talk to me but that's all I would say did he say oh no he refused to talk about it I thought it was over you'll have to find out what happened oh yeah Shawn Thompson tickets what can I do for you I need to pull a file Michaels Tiffany arresting June for nothing in here maybe there's a hard copy no file sure yeah she got an aka or something no that's the name could be somewhere else no this is central it's not in here she hasn't been booked all right thanks well it's about time you got here yeah he picked the sunny side of this three nah I started the club tonight great so Nancy today Oh how's she holding up pretty good that's good it was really some weird going on what don't you told me Danny was really messed up because someone's checking out his cases so I pulled his files he'd arrest this girl at Club syntax forget this there's no record of it in central it's got to be some connection right listen why don't you check it out do you know the name of the girl tiffany tiffany Michaels I'll check it out all right Oh Billy listen Krantz found out I was working on this just make sure you don't get caught or to be both harassed you know you act like a little old lady sometimes sometimes I feel like a little old lady yeah grandma [Music] [Music] join yourself prank great place you got here I like to throw an interesting party by the way I've arranged a little event later that I think you might really enjoy what is it it's a surprise it's for my very special guest yeah guys well I guess champagne the good stuff so you having a good time tonight yeah you're new here right yeah first night Cathy Swan Tiffany Michaels nice to me so are you a dancer no no I'm not a dancer I I'm one of Spencer's collectors collectors people favors things like that I make sure Spencer gets what he wants when he wants it wants it well he seems like a nice guy Spencer yeah he's great as long as you deliver cheese Kathy isn't it no more drinks for the lady tonight I want to talk to you would you let go you're hurting or someone important I need you to talk to I suppose you want me to sleep with him too right and make him fall in love with me I'm tired of all of this I'm tired of it well you're not tired of all the benefits for you you're gonna do what I want when I wanted in your life what you know yes everything's ready be careful Tiffany party breaking up early they'll be back ready go something's around here they just don't get it I hope Tiffany's ok she's in Braille except fine just long she keeps her mouth shut and so will you [Music] right up my alley Spencer I thought so watch the one in blue excellent style not bad you know I've been thinking of getting in the promotion game myself really it's a tough racket yes I thought you might help me I had a little head start in mind and what's that well a certain someone tells me you're a gambling man so lie I'll put my man against you my man wins I get your business for 10 million it's worth twice that your man wins you get my club which one's your man the one in blue tanner your two men you were on Hamilton you were on I think I'm gonna enjoy the nightclub business [Music] [Music] [Music] ten billion you go one week Spencer have a question where are we gonna get 10 million Bree why don't you take everybody back to the club tanner I don't underestimate you don't you underestimate me Tiffany why don't you tell me more about this young man rank you Rick yeah Tiffany wants to talk to ya and who are you and your ride get it well what's this about [Music] what the hell is going on here I need some information ripping oh yeah what my people tell me you're involved in a certain transactions look no way look Rick I don't want to hurt you after all any friend of Tiffany's is a friend of mine I don't know what the hell you're talking about man don't be stupid Rick what are you kidding tell me what I want I'll let you walk out of here right now [Music] you talk really this is your last chance no now the other big hill feed a three-day it's a 1012 a dollar deal where risk you may let him go and what if he talks you heard him enough killing this is a big deal Spencer you know they're gonna have an army there we'll have our own arm George have you seen Spencer no good great long time no care I gotta tell you [Music] look too good to ignore well it's really nice seeing me too but the old clock on the wall says it's time for you to [ __ ] off let's go someplace private I'm not interested / - hey and I want to drink all ass it's time to leave sure come on let's go let's go with me let's go would you [Laughter] so how long have you been with them Spencer mm-hmm I guess it's been about three years well that's a long time you must really like it the only problem is Spencer wants to make all my choices what kind of choices about the guys I date but I have this plan to remind him how valuable I am to him there's a certain guy that's crazy about me I bet he's not the only guy well I'll tell you this he's very powerful and if Spencer doesn't watch out I'll be controlling him so tell me do you really love this guy do I love him well he loves me I like him a lot you know Tiffani if it gets rough maybe you could go back home do your parents live around here No they died in a car accident when I was a kid sorry nope I'm on my own now but I'll do just fine so how long have you been a bartender well my dad used to own a bar so it was sort of like in the family business I think I was about six years old when I learned how to make my first mine where are you from it's Granton Pennsylvania yeah yeah why don't you think about Spencer's call well uh you back for more mm-hmm [Applause] jeez Louise there's been a cop at the club asking questions Shawn Thompson I've already got Dobbs working on good Tiffany sends her love when do I get to see her again soon I have some information for you a big drug deal times Davidson places why are you telling me all my civic duty captain think of the headlines big dealer bust what is in it for you you get the drugs in the glory and I get the cash you're crazy the answer is no haven't I always treated you right captain you want to go back to that lousy cops salary ugly ex-wife it's too much Spencer I'll be going too far did have to be murder for God's sake I'm out I don't care who you tell about Tiffany and me I won't cross the line I'm out you're out when I say you're out until then you're in you'll do what I want you'll see captain go for the groin or you go for the throat well how's my favorite girl Spence you should have seen Kathy tonight she beat up three guys yes I heard Bri told me very impressive I could use another pair of hands around here how would you like a job I already have one that's right a bartender there must be very very boring for someone with your skills not really why what did you have in mind I have a big night coming up I'm gonna need a few extra people help out Tanner and Bri I like my people capable of handling themselves do you mean a bouncer yeah something like that I just need someone who knows when to jump in and help out it'd mean a nice raise sure sounds interesting okay yeah detective Shawn Thompson I've got some information about growing friend tell me what you got listen if you tell me what you got [Music] [Music] yeah Lenny [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I set it up whoo-hoo man okay okay man some guy came in gave me a grand they told me what to say and here's my favorite section this is beautiful it's great what do you think I love it I'm gonna buy it for you Tiffany it's 300 bucks don't worry I have Spencer's credit card okay look oh look at this Spencer's being generous he hasn't gotten the bill yet it's just my way of making sure he remembers how much I'm with Dan here you go thank you thank you thanks [Music] [Music] [Music] Billy shot I followed a tip today and got jumped yeah I'm fine shy no really I've got a pretty good idea was but no proof Oh Dobbs God get proof Billy be careful [Music] so what do you think it's fantastic I wish I were the one with my nice things [Music] like I mean like this apartment it's nice but that's not what I care about beside it comes with Spencer Spencer only nice thing that he ever did in his whole life introduced do you ever think about just disappearing going someplace else she's starting home I know somewhere we can get it now why don't you go ahead and knock [Music] [Music] he's out whatever you're up to the stinks emotions Tiffani emotions they really do get in the way of business no more I'm sick of your twisted games I've had enough of this Spencer I want out you really think you can just walk away from this I did what you asked me to do now let me go you know something I agree with you I really do what what are you doing you said you weren't gonna hurt him well this isn't for [Applause] I'm afraid you've already run out of bullets this is gonna make an interesting story don't you think police captain murders mistress and love nest the tabloids are gonna love it of course tenon will keep the photos and evidence well-hidden now you are going to do everything I ask you have no choice there's a little matter of a drug bust in ten million dollars I think Friday night will work well oh yes Dobbs tells me that Thompson got away don't worry I'll take care of that myself what a mess clean up a little before you go were you [Music] hot Spencer dumps screwed up I want the cop eliminated it's getting too close now tonight about a workout yeah what the hell [Music] using Tiffany Tanner uh yes I have she left this morning she said something about going to visit her parents I believe you have something you can be doing George unless something in my car I'll be right back okay believe me it's not here I've looked through every file hey hang on a sec detective Dobson I think something's happened to Tiffany I don't have much time so can you check it out sure okay I see you then yes oh look who it is can I help you again officer miss Tiffany Michaels look here no no she doesn't you uh mind if I take a look that depends you got a warrant what's a little piece of paper between friends you find Tiffany no but I ran into an old friend blonde that works at the club said Tiffany wasn't there yeah well Jimmy's arrest files time and now she's gone either connect jobs is Nikki but listen staying close your eyes and ears on Spencer I'll work on dots messenger just dropped off this letter that one Thompson utter flew away once and for all yes captain listen I think our friend Dobbs has become a liability yes immediately yes then we'll take it from there you have work to do good night captain we got two teams dub your people go in the front Johnny your team comes in the back this is a big deal and we expect maximum resistance so everybody take all precautions I want all of you coming back in one piece okay Shawn on you and Frank to be in charge of moving any evidence sure just you and me Thompson let's set up people the club will be closed tonight I've got a very special transaction and everybody there what about me yeah you too we're going to 9 o'clock sharp akiko it's all there all right cause it's a nine million now we caught the last box but the problem okay it's not counting thing I know wrap you everybody poured in the instant that you're in position we're ready [Music] let's do it [Applause] [Music] [Music] what happened out there one of them threw down I popped them take the van and you go straight the headboard yes goodbye so what's the deal just a little trade nothing for you to worry about what kind of truck a van is going to arrive with some boxes you will help with those boxes into a car that is all you need to know okay it's on its way good call Jones tell him one hour hey Dobbs mind if I ask you a question shoot how long you been dirty how long I've been hey that's a good no really I want to know how long ever since I got smart Thompson you think a straight guy gets a hit we're not gonna Borelli it was poking around we didn't belong just like you I'm taking you down Dobbs get a [ __ ] life you know how deep this goes you're gonna take down Krantz to yeah you see you think you know everything don't you wise guy [Applause] put it down think you're gonna pull this off Dobbs sure two cops get ambushed one gets tragically killed suspects get away with the money but I get a medal anyway on do them I got different oars okay tough guy gonna be my guide you can be a part of this spends his real generous with his cops I've seen how he treats his cops looks like we're in business looks that way you must be officer Thompson you're very annoying tell them to drop their guns of this guy's history go ahead I've got an idea you give up and we'll kill you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I suit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's far from over cop we're talking ten million only the winner keeps the cash Billy captain Krantz was in on it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Popcornflix
Views: 676,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Martial Law II full movie, Martial Law II Undercover, martial law ii undercover (1991), martial law 2 undercover 1991, jeff wincott, free movie on youtube full movie action, free movie on youtube, Popcornflix, free full length movies to watch on youtube, popcornflix full movies, free movie on youtube full movie, free movie youtube, full movies to watch on youtube for free, cynthia rothrock, cynthia rothrock fight scenes, full movies english action, popcornflix action movies
Id: EUan56OWArw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 20sec (5420 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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