Tough and Deadly

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign yeah hunts ah Mr Monk please come in drink no thank you Heidi a wolf gun house Mr Monk please sit down I have learned of a matter that you shall find of grave importance and what may that be [Music] made Omega status update entering North Terrace proceed you see how this information could be valuable to your government continue come on Mega on alarm station alarms neutralized [Music] sector three security foreign Roger Alpha Delta verify your target terminate a quicksilvers to be taken alive go on five three two one [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] thank you yeah [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] awesome [Music] good morning La it's 602 Metro glad you're up but I just defended here by Roger's blind date last night huh so how about it oh they found the body but they're still searching for a pulse [Applause] laughs [Music] foreign you just finished that you [ __ ] [Music] I don't oh foreign [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] so let's go oh this is great you get yourself some clothes on and you hold it right there pal What a Night YouTube not anymore you go on now and go home he's a low life private dick you you shut up why are you always [ __ ] with me are you always busting your parole don't you ain't worth a dime to me so I'd rather shoot you tiny let's go okay man let me just finish this line I pay good money for this [ __ ] I said Tiny let's go [Music] all right [Music] laughs honey you don't want to do this [Music] get up buddy [Music] oh give it up [Music] tiny you're gonna have a scope damn it get elbow [Music] would you ever stay down thank you [Music] unit 43 better get an ambulance out here Roger you better get him to detox you're a real humanitarian Elmo we'll take it from here old man hey kid I'm gonna follow this one in like scared we're gonna lose your lunch money here lunch money huh he's a hell of a bounty you know yeah yeah he looks real uh Top Shelf come on pal hey halik should I do something about that diaper rash huh [Music] [Music] what are you giving him now and it's all morphine LSD look I don't want this guy dying on us before we get a chance to make him talk I want him to wake up too early either don't concern yourself he'll be asleep for a long time [Music] laughs [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] yeah this is bus 12 come in is he alive barely we've got to get him to a hospital fast [Applause] get my cuspect to me too diastolic's 50. I can't get an axillary pulse Labs yes one cc of Effie Bo stat let's get these chains off did you find the middle of nowhere found him on the road why who are you protect Bill Jackson bunco any ID on him not a thing his clothes were so torn and ripped he didn't even have pockets figure with those chains you've been a big help if I need you I'll call you buddy reach detective agency you're more it's me Elmo you owe 50 bucks on your Pi renewal your car registration is due and the landlord wants to do me for last month's rent great all I got to worry about is a PI license in the car check pay the rent the registration the PI license and more pay yourself fine well they just wheeled in a guy black 30s you found him on the highway check the wire I don't know jailbreak furlough violation something like that I didn't get too far with that phone might be good about you want it [Music] please break the seals on your files the first photograph is good reichmann an Austrian Intel broker with no patriotic ties he goes where the money is second photograph is a field man designate Quicksilver reichmann specifically requested Quicksilver by his birth name reichmann felt that he had uncovered a rogue faction in the community 53 hours ago reichmann and his family were sanctioned each one double tapped to the back of his head Quicksilver is missing and hasn't surfaced to report to his section chief Robert Franklin do you think he's turned the pretext of this briefing is to liberate the facts and quickly formulate a course of action Clarence is restricted to this room all reports all suggested actions will be communicated directly to deputy director Weldon and Robert trenchler through secured means hey Mom did you hear any more about that guy with the ankle bracelets nada I think I'm going to go down to the hospital and take his plates who's gonna run for you Joey Joey will run him for me won't he good night good night Mom hi hi how can I help you detective Paul Kieran missing persons the uh John Doe you brought in this afternoon the one with the chainsaw how's he doing pretty bad shape he hasn't regained Consciousness you have to talk with Dr Samuelson in the morning okay he's still in room 218. 3 15. thanks I'll check with the doctor in the morning okay foreign foreign [Music] [Music] South Wing security come in go ahead notify LAPD we have a situation here you woke up this morning you remember anything like where'd you get those chains Maybe who are you Malmo freach and the guy who threw your tooth fairy out the window thanks what are you doing in my room feature heard the police talking about you this morning really you want to make me chief no I said you were pain in the ass listen guy that tried to make you eat the bullet last night you remember him I wouldn't know myself in the mirror I ran your prince you read my prince I thought you might be wanted plus I thought there might be a bucket for me what are you I'm a skip Tracer and a pi what did you find you're a ghost so is the guy that tried to kill you officially neither one of you exists that's not good so far you I get the hell out of here now and go where I don't know I'll figure that out while I'm driving come on you fell I ain't going anywhere with you until I find out who I am fine [ __ ] die though foreign [Music] state just tell him what he asks for nothing more got it yes sir foreign [Music] doesn't work like that somebody's always standing watch hey stupid it's a setup excuse me you don't come with me now your next stop is toe tag City you got me [Music] don't you think I kind of stick out great come on couch folds up to a bed you can sleep there sure you know some kind of serial killer that puts up strangers and kills him in their sleep no I'm a multiple contusion groupie what's your name I don't know where do you live I don't know that either why don't you get some sleep and move the clouds apart in the morning huh hey pal make it quick would you quick Mr secretary I'd like to introduce you to deputy director Carl Weldon Mr secretary hello this is Robert trankler section chief of the Ben election Austria I've been briefed as to the incident in France who wants to pick it up from there we've had cleanup teams tracing quicksilver's last moves we believe he's back in the States any proof no sir no one's eyeballed him yet there is Quicksilver sanction reichmann a because reichmann annowingly uncovered an operation involving Quicksilver B Rickman was aware of quicksilver's involvement and was blackmailing him with it or c and a 10 percent in both Quicksilver and reichmann was made by a faction yet uncovered by our investigation in any case what does Quicksilver do once he gets back to the states or wherever he goes anything he wants come again sir Quicksilver has been degaussed man has no identity is it a file no fingerprints on record no family do we do that no Quicksilver is an exceptional case five years ago he was on assignment that completely fell apart an assassination attempt was made which he survived something of a miracle he took a shotgun blasted Point Blank Range for the record we let him die leaving us for all intents and purposes with an operative who doesn't exist this one was mine sir especially well trained suited to do just about anything so after two years of therapy he came back to us totally interchangeable all right what's next he probably feels that he's in danger when he senses that he's safe he'll come back to us of course he's foreign hey thanks for the clothes yeah I remember something what's that coffee not supposed to taste like this it's cute I like that no it bothers me all the drugs they found in your system why the hell didn't they just kill you I was probably next on your list come on in the back it's my right hand Marine Peak Marine this is pleasure call me MO gotta come up with a name for you yo Mo say hello to John Portland another end she would have been Puget Sound John Portland it is so you up for a little healing what do you got in mind [Music] foreign foreign [Music] thank you [Music] so you ready for a little work sure I gotta pay my bill off somehow Sam Trinidad jump fail real nosebleed also cousin of Vinnie Milan who is he low end organized crime bigger drug traffic got all the money and headlines nobody wants to kiss him on both cheeks when I was a cop I busted one of his goons he was out and back home before my shift was finished Emma why'd you leave the cops got another scuff with my LT and the rest of the story way to hear this it was a second grade detective working narcotics we're going in on a big bus lots of bad guys lots of guns lots of guns go on Department issue was a 38 caliber revolver my LT was strict on policy I was strict on coming home alive so I carried a nine millimeter Beretta because it wasn't needed every bit of it shooting came down righteous I got hung out to dry and hung out to dry and and my lieutenant slapped me with 14 days so I slapped him with 15 stitches okay tough break the department figures best I resigned I've been telling the best path what's that MO LLY Trinidad hangs out here don't you think he skipped town by now these are not the sharpest pencils in the Box come on bartender Chevy girl [Music] [Music] real party ball there kid I didn't drink this I'm gonna go talk to the manager orange juice please [Music] Where's the restroom [Music] what the hell maybe spill my beer sorry you made me spill my beer on Renata I'm really sorry it won't happen again come on now let's do the Quick Step quick quick step quick Quick Step foreign cost me 10 bucks now it's gonna cost you 10 but hey my partner has my money I'll be right back okay don't you walk away from me come on 63 [Music] [Music] [Music] and the little original thank God wherever you are you okay yeah I remember something oh yeah what's that I can't fight what do you think any line of Trinidad you got a pool hall I know the place will go there tomorrow any idea where you learn how to fight like that no but I must have trained pretty hard I'm sure I'm not military of course I'm sure unless you're military and civilian records got lost and that's kind of unlikely could have beat if someone saw two or they were lost hey John maybe some of that ancient fighting [ __ ] come on come here show me how to do that you know like the way you kick that guy show me how to do that oh I don't even know what I know get out of here it's like riding a bicycle they say you'll never forget just get up and show me all for heaven's sakes don't be so damn soon man come on get up John show me look at just uh just to kick or just one of them kind of punches thing John come on can't remember huh come on show me that huh well I can't take it oh [ __ ] why don't you do that for man stop it Elmo I'm sorry I wasn't thinking sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry [Music] laughs [Applause] doing [Music] we're just playing around Plus Elmo you're bleeding let me look it's just a scratch oh I'm gonna put some disinfectant you're whining you want to act like a five-year-old and don't complain when I treat you oh yeah I'm not cleaning up this mess hey Moe what foreign I know you see that pig that messed up my parole X Pig actually wait a second I remember you you're that sick [ __ ] hump to beat up the little girl aren't you that [ __ ] was my sister it was none of your [ __ ] business well actually it was my [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] I just want to stick back stick you you've been using my Q hey it's a nice stick thanks yeah I guess never did that for me hey Mr Milani gonna like you busting one of his family like that ain't that a [ __ ] huh you make sure you tell them I'm smiling huh pass around you could have given me just a little bit of help in there you know that didn't help me yesterday skip Tracy by the name of freach and some black guy just busted sand for the bounty that's pretty embarrassing stuff my nephew is a constant source of humiliation the word is they told him who Sam was and he just told him to tell you that he was smiling really yeah and like someone made an example of no no no no nothing too dramatic just his arms and legs his teeth also it seems he has a smiling problem you must be almost reach howdy Vincent Milan is very concerned about your dental hygiene you see teeth can be a terrible source of disease and infection so we asked us to come down here and remove yours my teeth I'm going to take a gun now so I want you to stand nice and still and quiet because if you move my partner here is going to shoot you your Mama must have scream when she had you huh [Laughter] foreign I hate it when people don't make appointments [Music] I got a license for my piece huh so am I finished with you gentlemen thank you very much appreciate it keep your head up out there huh so much for staying at my place so where are we going now outside of town buddy of mine Julian Donovan he owes me first let's go buy my apartment I got to pick up a few things [Music] foreign we have a slight problem your presence here would indicate that one of our men became aware of this operation we were careless in his removal he has resurfaced why wasn't I told we prefer to handle this within the community and I'll tell you why you recently sent a couple of your clowns after a man named Elmo freach your man is fridge no our man is being harbored by freach the black guy that I've heard too much about he has amnesia he's of no immediate threat to us I want you to stand down the attack on freach let us handle this properly okay I'll Stand Down Bob I really love the way you guys talk [Music] hi he goes [Music] wait wait wait this sucks this really sucks can we talk about this John give me the gun then say ah open who are you did Milan send you tell Milano's still smiling you know that guy sure didn't fight like one of Milan's mobs I don't know you think it was one of his at the hospital because one of my lands I would have found out for sure we better start doing a little digging we might as well start with Milan let's go to my friend's house maybe we can sort this thing up [Music] hey thanks for putting this up son of a [ __ ] is always taking advantage of me you hold it here man I'm watching what I eat huh yeah listen give me the keys to the stealth I'll go get us some real groceries I'm out of gas [ __ ] guy never change thanks 355 Camino Drive it's the only house for about a half a mile so how do you know Elmo actually he saved my life nah it didn't happen unless there's something in it for him what's in it for him I don't know ah it doesn't matter peaceful here isn't it Alpha Team in position I have the house in sight proceed Roger two Targets second level how do you know Elmo when he was on the job I used to help him out with info on the streets I used to run numbers in odd jobs like that you land in a place like this running numbers well no I almost sort of set me up with the policeman's union pension fund guys and uh I'm sort of a big shot accountant over there now so what's the name of Elmo go down repeat Target Quicksilver is down Roger Phil we're moving in we go get the van you two check downstairs [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] nice trick with a phony wound you like it this is going to be better can we deal I mean it's nothing personal it's just a job to me I put out the contract I came from Washington the guy upstairs is running the show we're supposed to bring your body back you know to prove that we got you I know where can we deal we can do foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes sir Strangler I'm afraid that that package was not delivered one of the delivery men said he dropped it off personally but no one has seen it since guys I am really tired one of these gonna have to watch [Music] tada Milan's phone records unbelievable I could live for a year and what this guy spends in a month on his phone bill how'd you get those from the phone company I got a friend that works at the post office jerk shortstopping the mail Lenny at the records didn't I thank you find anything here see if you can figure out who these numbers belong to we'll switch off on who calls him when you start okay Vegas [Music] and I've got 12 so doing 14 calls to Loomis Army ammunition Depot I've got some of those too let me take a look at that I got a bunch of those as well why would he be calling the old army base what number did you call before and after New York Detroit L.A Miami shipping companies New York Detroit Miami L.A and I got a DC number before most of the army base schools 5550 thank you let me see that wasn't on my list what'd you get when you called nothing one ring and a beep like an answer machine I know that number what is it I don't know but I know it let's go by the Milan's Warehouse in the desert then let's go buy that army base and just see what the hell's going on this check bounces I'm coming after your foot it's good how the hell do you think they found us at Julian's house I would have noticed a tail long time maybe I called him from a busted pay phone by my apartment maybe they wired your car when they were watching you they're heading Northeast Idlewild Palm Springs what are you gonna do now watch we got him should be right up here hey CIA where's the guy that's driving this car I dropped him and the other Feller at the bus was he black sure was was they Bandits [Music] CIA [ __ ] egg and he's got a warehouse down in Coachella there's a lot of shipping down there so how you holding up okay any more dreams yeah and I'm remembering things like what the day I was shot wasn't just a dream no [ __ ] no [ __ ] and that telephone number Washington yeah intelligent switchboard what else do you remember quit some of my code name terrific or did I ever [ __ ] up get in the suit with you yeah you probably did I was just kidding you yes I'm not [Music] keep I'll take what it is if I need it you probably will too listen you go around the back I'll sneak around the front catch you back here in a half hour okay John where'd you come from I'm not gonna tell you what to put it away [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] two guys just broke in get him bring him here we're trying [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] [Music] come on the land took off you just missed it let's go yes what can I do for you I blanketed police agencies in hospitals for John does on the off chance I mean I understand what did you find Los Angeles County like John Doe found by the roadside beaten his talk screen showed traces of lysergic acid diethylamide midazolin hydrochloride and sodium penthol and according to the Chart he's got amnesia anything else I spoke to the attending physician he told me there was an attempt on John Doe's life and then he disappeared same thing he told our other agents about 60 hours ago you remember the other agent's name yes sir trancler is this the best you can do that was pretty good foreign [Music] you know mole are you guys out of your [ __ ] minds I think she likes you oh you're nuts so you like her MO you like me dreams look at this I'm listening to a guy doesn't even know his own name my name is Jake Monk what else do you remember I'm starving I'm gonna go get something to you guys hungry yeah how about you John Jake no thanks listen I'm gonna leave the keys here and take my car if you change your mind all right Pizza Chinese I'm playing waiting to take you to La I want silver and make it safe for him to come in Mr Biggers yes you have a priority call thank you I'll have the slightest Clues to what we know yes sir Army Depot CIA this is gonna be the last shipment at least for some time to come what why are you telling me this now things are going well we're all making money you think things are going well I'd like to point out your elite team of Specialists has been neither Elite nor special when it comes to solving a little problem my problem s men can't be trusted hey we followed you know hold it we got him face down I said now come from and put him in one of the buildings I should have never let him have my car what do you suppose he went he went to the Army Depot one after lunch hell yes you think I trust him with my car be careful this is getting kind of boring why don't you tell me what's going on shut up I'll plug you right now oh you won't you know you got to keep me alive so the big dog you see me die personally right watch it I'm gonna check the perimeter I traced Quicksilver through a number of police related incidents he's joined with a man named freach I checked his phone records and forwarded all this to weldman it was now Airborne thank you I need a plane waiting to take me to L.A get the Secretary of State on the line you mind if I stand up yeah I do hey [ __ ] for brains what did I say foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hello foreign come on all right go get those trucks loaded and get the down payment the suitcases I'm going to want to speak to your main guy about this we'll be speaking with him tonight okay you're welcome foreign come on ouch look what I found Drug Money come on let's get rid of the cases then what are we gonna do we're gonna cause a little pain we're gonna kick somebody in the ass just into the Cavalry arrives huh I made a call they're gone quick [ __ ] all right fan out okay two man one black one white let's hit and move gunshots shoot another position John Jake whatever it's been nice knowing you great attitude Elmo foreign that money we have a large problem yeah it appears we do most of the perimeters covered to find them maybe we should leave this to my guys shut up foreign I want the perimeter blanketed and I want these [ __ ] found I think it would be wise to move these trucks out of here right now nothing goes out until I get the money the money can wait we gotta move we're gonna have our own men shooting at each other for Christ's sakes nothing I repeat nothing goes out of here until I get my money Dennis [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] laughs [Music] foreign all right who you working with Milan oh bring the drugs in unsecured flights military transports diplomatic pouches you mean you don't remember having your teeth off to their balls in France my team you mean I'm CI oh [ __ ] you mean you don't know [Music] down down I do now [Music] what the [ __ ] is going on I want these guys found I want them found now go ahead go get him foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hold up [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a matter Striker you out of [ __ ] but unless you use a shotgun [Music] I wasn't Bob here that shot you up it's me you're incredibly resilient very very lucky Robert where's our money Milan is having some difficulty finding it imagine it has something to do with Jake's partner can't find free and Milan just took off in one of the Vans does he have the money oh no sir there was 3 500 pounds of cocaine in that van I want to know where your friend and my money is if you're straight with me I promise it'll be quick and painless when I kill you but if you [ __ ] with me look I've seen you work the last time you tried quick and painlessly it took me two years to learn how to stand up [ __ ] that [Music] I think you're [ __ ] here Jake okay some time to think about it we're on your way drop your weapon the compound is around your weapons related to them foreign [Music] it's gonna look lousy on your resume [Music] foreign [Music] you don't mind if we head back relax there foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] okay yeah okay I guess we better chop you to the hospital huh yeah let's do that you okay you gonna make it yeah [Music] whatever oh [ __ ] shot all right come off reach I want you to meet the director of the CIA Winston briggers get the [ __ ] out of here no [ __ ] Dan glad to meet you mister yeah well nice to meet YouTuber don't you think we ought to get him to the hospital before he bleeds to death he almost sort of saw me through it so you think we can compensate him in any way great like what I'm gonna be sizable and tax-free how's that okay good listen why don't you wait over there by the car somebody will come over and debrief you and then Transportation will take you any place you want to go well you don't suppose I could just ride with you guys do you but Jake's shit's at hospitals and uh come on well I could help you out this way guys I know the guys [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: FornicatorX
Views: 8,642,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: frNm0wPjkks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 47sec (5267 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 20 2014
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