Blood of Zeus Ending EXPLAINED!

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blood of zeus dropped on netflix this week a new original anime from the people that brought you the castlevania adaptation it was an amazing story paired with beautiful animation and a more traditional approach to storytelling that we just don't get very much of these days particularly in animation while the ending did give us quite a bit of closure there were some details that you may have found confusing or even plot points leading up to it the show is rooted in greek mythology but like any adaptation it takes what it wants and leaves out what it doesn't as such i will use real life examples of greek mythology to explain the very premise of certain characters or plot lines when i find it necessary but i won't be breaking down what the show does differently or what it might contradict instead i will be explaining the show as its own story the series opens with their version of the battle between the gods and the titans or in this case a singular titan who turns into several giant evil monsters after being defeated they're crazy awesome looking and the gods have a pretty hard time fighting them the gods eventually convince two of the giants to turn against their own kind and together they are able to win the war storing their souls in a magic box and throwing their bodies at the bottom of the ocean in the present day we see the central plot reveal itself as a pretty typical formula for stories from greek mythology zeus caught the tingles for an attractive mortal in this case a queen and disguised himself as her husband in order to lay with her she believes this to be her husband at first but upon repeat visits realizes that it's someone in disguise as her real husband is always abusive and unloving he reveals himself to be zeus and unfortunately for him the queen is now pregnant the king gets word that a child she bears may not be his own so when the queen gives birth he checks the baby's eyes to see if they match his own in this case there are two babies one with brown eyes like himself and one with blue eyes which he tries to have killed zeus comes in and a battle ensues with the king ultimately dying and the mother escaping to a small town with the blue-eyed boy to start a new life zeus is married to hera who is a very angry and jealous goddess and would often find herself conspiring against zeus's lovers and their offspring to protect his son zeus has put a dark stormy cloud over the city so hera cannot see them there and the people of the city see this as a sort of curse that the queen and her boy brought with them the little boy meanwhile has grown into a young man named herod his life in the town is miserable not just because he is without a father to help support the family but because the entire town treats him terribly because of it this makes herron develop anger issues on the surface he is rather stoic but that is just because of the more serious tone and style of the show whenever there is an opportunity for battle that is when we see his anger get let loose his hatred grows even stronger when he learns the truth about his life and that his father zeus has been helping them very little by providing food and other small things they need here and there but only just so much that they can barely get by and heron's mother spends most of her life in misery instead of prosperity then of course there is the other twin heron's brother saratham with the actual king dead his younger brother takes the throne and has sarafa murdered so that his own children will inherit it next saratham is saved by a friend of the queen however and she does her best to raise him saratham has a similarly miserable life to heron with lots of violence against him one day however the carcass of a giant washes up on shore through touching it and eating of its flesh sorathum turns to a demon and gets other men to eat its flesh and become demons as well they begin to wage a war against humans they eventually attack heron's village where the two do battle and suratham kills their mother not knowing that it is her or that heron is his brother at this point zeus clears the cloud over the village so that he may assist his son but it exposes him to hera in the process zeus brings heron to olympus to train with him and the other gods but this only ends up causing more conflict among them with most gods siding with hera zeus keeps disobeying rules about getting involved with the mortals in various ways hera now blames zeus for his mother's demise and his hatred only grows hera meanwhile teaches syrah from the truth of his birth revealing that he has killed his own mother as a result and comes to blame zeus as well for this to get revenge harris sends him to retrieve the box that the spirits of the giants were kept in zeus meanwhile tries to train heron but discovers that he is too angry heron believes his anger gives him power and while it does make him formidable it doesn't maximize his potential but for now heron is unable to let go of his anger despite zeus insisting that he instead turn inward sarapham retrieves the box of giant spirits and harry uses it to revive the giants at first they try to attack her but the box can steal their souls again with just a tap from hera so they find themselves at her mercy though their goals are ultimately the same to destroy zeus and the gods who stand by him in return for this the giants not only get to live but hera will allow them to keep the ocean as their domain zeus and the other gods learn of hera's betrayal and decide to have their last stand against the giant with heron joining for the final battle it is insanely epic and fun to watch and we find two emotional strong points here first hera loses the spirit box and now the giants turn against her despite her betrayals zeus comes in and saves her by sacrificing himself to destroy the giant this conveys the idea to hera that his actions were not out of a lack of love to her but just an unfortunate aspect of who he is a man who is weak willed when it comes to his powerful feelings of love this is not just an act of redemption but also an act of forgiveness showing that he understands how his actions pushed hera to do what she did the second emotional climax comes with heron battling his own brother seraphim heron's anger makes him strong but the demonic power seraphim has seems to give him the advantage and he finds himself with his back pressed against his brother with the magic weapon pushing towards them and heron trying to use his strength to push it away these two boys one demonic and one godly had very similar stories thus far they are twin brothers whose lives were made miserable because of zeus's actions whose mothers met terrible fates because of his interference in their lives and both have an anger inside of them as a result that drives them and gives them strength to do great things seraphim's great things are on the darker side and through him heron is able to see what happens when you only let your anger go outward when your anger is outward all you care about is inflicting pain suffering and vengeance upon those that you believe have wronged you outward anger does not solve your problems that can only be done by turning inward and so in a symbolic act heron doesn't push the blade away from him outward but instead he pulls it towards him or inward this pushes the blade right through him but it also allows him to kill seraphim symbolically killing the side of him that pushes his anger outward this is a very subtle approach to an arc and one that may not be easily noticed the first time you watch it at least not the exact intentions behind it but hopefully this helped a few people who weren't quite sure what to make of it the show was great and with certain plot threads left hanging such as seraphim still being being in the underworld and the two giants who aided the gods not being addressed after their backstory is explained i think there will be a season 2 in our future subscribe to the channel and we'll be sure to update you with any news that comes out about it see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Cartoon Universe
Views: 260,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blood of zeus, blood of zues, blood of zeus explained, blood of zeus ending, blood of zeus heron, seraphim, blood of zeus season 2, blood of zues trailer, blood of zeus spoilers, blood of zeus netflix, blood of zeus hera, blood of zeus greek, blood of zeus anime, seraphim fights heron, blood of zeus gods, blood of zeus demons, blood of zeus battles, blood of zeus fight
Id: PCCt26VUwhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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