BLOOD OF ZEUS Season 2 Ending Explained

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blood of Zeus season 2 episode 8 has a number of unexpected events particularly when the Greek goddess Gia chooses to provide the ultimate say in what seems to be a pointless fight between the Greek gods in the epilog it seemed as though the grandmother had come back to ground them all with looming disaster demonstrating that even gods are vulnerable with a masterful surprise the finale sets up season 3 for which fans won't want to wait too long let's start by talking about seraphim's development throughout the trial in the hidden realm which serves as the framework for the last episode in exchange for saving the Priestess gorgo from an indefinite period of suffering in the Underworld seraphim is attempting to obtain the ucini and stone for Hades after entering the hidden realm seraphim must overcome three obstacles under Hades guidance he sees gorgo the person he loves in the first challenge but it's clear that it's not really her then he offers to travel back in time to One Moment In order to relieve Goro's suffering and make her happy in his absence making him the king of Gods is the second offer since seraphim is aware that this is a test he declines both offers then he is attacked by a monster that resembles a dragon which he easily overcomes admittedly during this series of events I developed a tiny affection for sarim despite being portrayed as a villain season 2 has revealed more of his Frailty naturally Heron is also attempting to reach the ucini stone aware that if his brother succeeds in claiming it Heaven and the global order would be at Jeopardy the kurit stand Sentry at the entrance to the hidden realm which Haron Alexia and Kofi arrive at Heron arrives and introduces himself to the guards by displaying his ring he demonstrates that he is the son of Zeus who received his strength Heron believes Sarah is already within the hidden realm despite the Kit's assertion that no one has entered they instruct him to demonstrate that he is Zeus's son in order to get in the Gateway of the Hidden realm opens for Heron when he presents his ring to be honest I thought it was too simple for Heron and seraphim to enter the hidden realm it was prepared to believe that the kites were unbeatable unyielding Sentinels the second task for seraphim is to unlock a box and confront his worst fear in light of all he has lost he says he is fearless at first the fact that the box is empty confirms his belief that he has no anxieties for for him the new chapter of the Hidden realm begins he does however have one fear which is failing those he loves and then he finds himself stuck when Hades detects that Heron has entered the hidden realm he notifies sarim that he will be sending an army to assist the narrative deepens in the interim after pran's daughter promised to be with Hades in the Underworld the gods deduce that demer pran's mother is behind the plots to get the ucini stone for Hades in season 2 there are a lot of emotional entanglements particularly with hades's romantic storyline which helps to justify his intention to topple the global order in the second task of the Hidden realm Heron confronts his fear he is portrayed on the day when sarim assaulted his Hamlet had he not thrown the sword Olympus would not have seen a war and his mother would still be alive having seen a different future Heron asks to continue in battles against similar traps similar to his brother sarim he is demonstrated to be unfazed and deserving of the title of King Aon receives a last trial from Gaia she discusses the notion of forgiveness with Heron she begs him to forgive himself which is the reason he failed in the first place and hopes that forgiveness would bring them all together if he does she thinks he will fulfill the prophecy and save them all sarim then appears as she declares that one of them will be the one seraphim is asked by Heron why he is assisting Hades seraphim informs him of his agreement with Hades saying that his sole concern is gorgo survival and that he has no desire for Authority or law seraphim strikes the bird carrying the ucini stone during their combat causing it to take off the ucini stone has fallen making it available for anybody to seize and strife is building close to the hidden realm as the the bird approaches outside as tensions grow the gods appear prepared to battle Hades and his army but just as they start to feel a glimmer of hope her shows there and informs them that battle is pointless however Hades attacks because he is plainly desperate and thinks that war is the answer sarim reaches for the stone in the confusion but Heron stops him the siden conjures a huge wave to thwart demer just as she is ready to seize the stone then in an odd turn of events sarpam lets Heron have the stone without challenging him for it abruptly displaying immense power Heron ends the conflict with a truce for their mother Heron is instructed by seraphim to assassinate Hera but even though he is itching for Retribution he decides against it Heron makes the decision to forgive and clears the record for everyone who has harmed him Hades grants his request when he begs him to fulfill his pledge to seraphim this on its alone could have made for a fantastic conclusion Heron made the decision to present forgiveness to the gods an idea that they had not previously given much thought to sadly egotism and the desire for dominance destroy this heartwarming moment Heron commands the gods to go back to their own dimensions in order to bring order back to the Planet Hades begs forgiveness realizing that he will be stuck in the excruciating Underworld for all eternity and that he will never be able to spend quiet time with the person he loves then he grabs the ucini stone for himself and viciously stabs Heron in the chest hades's anticipated moment of Victory is swiftly destroy it Gaia steps in and informs the gods that they are all incompetent speaking the name no one speaks she refers to the greatest Titan of them all Typhon they are all set free when the ucnian stone cracks the gods are informed by Gaia that the Titan time has arrived this is doubtedly a time to FK about and find out thanks for watching and if you're new to channel subscribe and click the Bell so you don't miss out latest videos of media breakdown [Music] [Music]
Channel: Media Breakdown
Views: 21,969
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Keywords: blood of zeus season 2, blood of zeus season 2 trailer, blood of zeus season 2 release date, season 2, blood of zeus explained, blood of zeus season 2 cast, blood of zeus season 2 teaser, blood of zeus season 2 explained, mythology explained, blood of zeus season 2 ending explained, blood of zeus season 2 plot, explained, blood of zeus season 2 ending, blood of zeus ending, blood of zeus ending explained, all powers explained, blood of zeus season 2 storyline
Id: xY2Y2RSYtM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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